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Ext JS

Πως να μετατρέψετε τις σελίδες σας σε
       interactive applications

      Σουργκούνης Θεοδόσης
Τι είναι το Ext JS;
Το Ext JS είναι ένα framework που βοηθάει στην
ανάπτυξη διαδραστικών σελίδων

   Γιατί το χρειαζόμαστε;
Επιταχύνει τη διαδικασία της ανάπτυξης, διευκολύνει την
ομοιομορφία και βοηθάει στη σωστή δομή του κώδικα

   Είναι συμβατό;
Το Ext JS είναι συμβατό με όλους τους μεγάλους
browsers που χρησιμοποιούνται σήμερα


Ext.MessageBox.alert( 'Title here', 'Hello world!' );

Ext.MessageBox.prompt( 'Title here', 'Insert value' );

Ext.MessageBox.wait( 'Please wait...' );

Ext.MessageBox.progress( 'title', 'almost ready', '2%' );
Selectors ( Ext.DomQuery )

Επιλογή με ID:
var el = Ext.get( 'my-div' );
Επιλογή με αναφορά:
var el = Ext.get( myDivElement );
Επιλογή με CSS selector:
var el = selector );
     Element: 'div > span'
     Class or id: '#my-div .class'
     Attribute: 'form[method=post]'
     Pseudo Classes: 'div:first-child'
     CSS Value: 'div{background*=no-repeat}'

el.setSize( 100, 200, {
   duration: 1,
   easing: 'backBoth'

   html:'Header 1'

   Φυσικά events (click, mouseover, keypress ... )

   Software driven events ( datachanged, beforedestroy ... )

el.on( 'click', doSomething );

Ορίσματα στην συνάρτηση doSomething
1. eventObject
2. DOM element
The Component Model
The Component Model

var panel1 = new Ext.Panel({            new Ext.Window({
    height: 200,                            id: 'myWin',
    width: 300,                             height: 200,
    title: "I am a happy panel!!",          width: 300,
    html: "Hello there!"                    title: "A window",
});                                         items: [
var panel2 = {                                  panel2
   xtype: 'panel',                          ]
   width: 300,                          });
   height: 200,
   title: "Plain Panel",
   html: 'Panel with xtype specified'
   listeners: {
       click: fn
The Component Life Cycle
var myWin = new Ext.Window({
    height: 400,
    width: 400,
    items: [{
        xtype: 'panel',
        html: 'I am a panel',
        frame: true,
        height: 100
        html: '<b> I am a bold panel</b>',
        frame: true

Ext.getCmp( 'myWin' ).add({
    title: 'Appended Panel',
    id: 'addedPanel',
    html: "hello there!"
Ext.getCmp( 'myWin' ).doLayout();

var panel = Ext.getCmp( 'addedPanel' );
Ext.getCmp( 'myWin' ).remove( panel );

Ext.getCmp( 'myWin' ).findByType( 'panel' );
var myPanel = new Ext.Panel({
    width: 200,
    height: 150,
    collapsible: true,
    renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
    tbar: TopToolbar,
    bbar: BottomToolbar,
    html: 'My first Toolbar Panel!'
    tools: [
          id: 'gear'
          id: 'help'
Buttons and Menus

new Ext.Button({
    text: 'Plain Button',
    handler: handler
    menu: {
       defaults: {
          checked: false,
       items: [
          { text: 'Red' },
          { text: 'Green' },
          { text: 'Blue' }
var toolbar = {
  items: [
        text: 'Add',
     'Select one of theese: ',
        xtype: 'combo',
        store: [ 'Toolbars', 'Are', 'Awesome' ]

var win = new Ext.Window({
    html : 'My first Window',
    id : 'myWin',
    height : 200,
    width : 300,
    constrain : true
var win = new Ext.Window({
    height: 75,
    width: 200,
    modal: true,
    title: 'This is a window',
    html: 'Try to move or resize me. I dare you.',
    plain: true,
    border: false,
    resizable: false,
    draggable: false,
    closable: false,
    buttonAlign: 'center',
    buttons: [ ... ]
Laying it all out
Container Layout
var myWin = new Ext.Window({
  height : 300,
  width : 300,
  title : 'A window with a container layout',
  autoScroll : true,
  items : [ panel1, panel2 ]
Anchor Layout
var myWin = new Ext.Window({
    height: 300,
    width: 300,
    layout: 'anchor',
    anchorSize: '400',
    items: [{
        title: 'Panel1',
        anchor: '100%, 25%',
        frame: true
        title: 'Panel2',
        anchor: '0, 50%',
        frame: true
Form Layout
var myWin = new Ext.Window({
  height: 240,                      {
  width: 200,                            xtype: 'panel',
  bodyStyle: 'padding: 5px',             fieldLabel: ' ',
  layout: 'form',                        labelSeparator: ' ',
  labelWidth: 50,                        frame: true,
  defaultType: 'field',                  title: 'Instructions',
  items: [{                              html: 'Please fill in the form',
      fieldLabel: 'Name',                height: 55
      width: 110                    }]
  },{                             });
      xtype: 'combo',   ;
      fieldLabel: 'Location',
      width: 120,
      store: storeObject
Absolute Layout

var myWin = new Ext.Window({     {
  height: 300,                       title: 'Panel2',
  width: 300,                        x: 90,
  layout: 'absolute',                y: 120,
  autoScroll: true,                  height: 75,
  border: false,                     width: 77,
  items: [{                          html: 'x: 90, y: 120',
     title: 'Panel1',                frame: true
     x: 50,                       }]
     y: 50,                    }).show();
     height: 100,
     width: 100,
     html: 'x: 50, y:50',
     frame: true
Fit Layout
var myWin = new Ext.Window({
    height : 200,
    width : 200,
    layout : 'fit',
    border : false,
    items : [
         title : 'Panel1',
         html : 'I fit in my parent!',
         frame : true
Accordion Layout
var myWin = new Ext.Window({
    layout: 'accordion',
    layoutConfig: {
        animate: true
    items: [{
        xtype: 'form',
        title: 'General info',
        items: {
            fieldLabel: 'Name',
            anchor: '-10',
        title: 'Instructions',
        html: 'Please enter information.',
Card Layout
var myWin = new Ext.Window({
    title: 'A Window with a Card layout',
    layout: 'card',
    items: [{
        title: 'Bio',
        value: 'Tell us about yourself'
        title: 'Congratulations',
        html: 'Thank you for filling out our form!'
    bbar: bottomToolbar
Column Layout
var myWin = new Ext.Window({
    id: 'myWin',
    title: 'A Window with a Card layout',
    layout: 'column',
    defaults: {
        frame: true
    items: [{
        title: 'Col 1',
        columnWidth: .3
        title: 'Col 3',
        html: "100px fixed width",
        width: 100
Table Layout
var myWin = new Ext.Window({
  title: 'A Window with a Table layout',     {
  layout: 'table',                                html: '3'
  layoutConfig: {                            },
      columns: 3                             {
  },                                              html: '4',
  defaults: {                                     rowspan: 2,
      height: 50,                                 height: 100
      width: 50                              },
  },                                         {
  items: [{                                       html: '5'
      html: '1',                             },
      colspan: 3,                            {
      width: 150                                  html: '6',
  },                                              colspan: 3,
  {                                               width: 150
      html: '2',                             }]
      rowspan: 2,                          });
      height: 100                ;
Border Layout
Border Layout
new Ext.Viewport({                         {
  layout: 'border',                              title: 'East Panel',
  defaults: {                                    region: 'east',
      frame: true,                               width: 100,
      split: true                                minWidth: 75,
  },                                             maxWidth: 150,
  items: [{                                      collapsible: true
      title: 'North Panel',                },{
      region: 'north',                           title: 'West Panel',
      height: 100,                               region: 'west',
      collapsible: true                          collapsible: true,
  },{                                            collapseMode: 'mini'
      title: 'South Panel',                },{
      region: 'south',                           title: 'Center Panel',
      height: 75,                                region: 'center'
      split: false,                        }]
      margins: {                     });
          top: 5
Form panels

var form = new Ext.Form.FormPanel({
    initialConfig: {
        method: 'GET',
        fileUpload: true,
        standardSubmit: false,
        url: 'http://...'
        baseParams: {
            foo: 'bar'
Form Fields
var textfield = {
  xtype: 'textfield',
  fieldLabel: 'Full Name',
  emptyText: 'Enter your full name here!',
  maskRe: /[a-z]/i,
  msgTarget: 'side'
var browsefile = {
  xtype: 'textfield',
  fieldLabel: 'Browse for a file',
  inputType: 'file'
var textarea = {
  xtype: 'textarea',
Combo box

var combo = {                           Ειδική περίπτωση: timefield
  xtype: 'combo',
  fieldLabel: 'Select a name',
  store: new{
      data: [ ['Jack Slocum'], ... ],
      fields: ['name']
  displayField: 'name',
  mode: 'local'
More form fields

var htmleditor = {
  xtype: 'htmleditor',
  fieldLabel: 'Enter any text'

var datefield = {
  xtype: 'datefield',
  fieldLabel: 'Select date'

var checkbox = {
  xtype: 'checkbox',
  fieldLabel: 'Click me'
Load and Submit
Μπορούμε να υποβάλουμε τη φόρμα μας σύγχρονα ή
ασύγχρονα, μέσω του ορίσματος standardSubmit. Για να
υποβάλουμε τη φόρμα, εκτελούμε


Το config στην περίπτωση της ασύγχρονης υποβολής μπορεί
να περιέχει handlers, όπως onSuccess ή onFailure, ή
οτιδήποτε άλλο από το initialConfig.

   url: 'data.php',

var rootNode = {                var tree = {
  text: 'Root Node',              xtype: 'treepanel',
  expanded: true,                 root: rootNode
  children: [                   }
         text: 'Child 1',       new Ext.Window({
         leaf: true                layout: 'fit',
     },{                           items: tree
         text: 'Child 2',       }).show();
         children: [ ... ]
Data Store
How Stores work

Proxy             Reader
 HttpProxy          Array Reader
 ScriptTagProxy     XML Reader
 MemoryProxy        JSON Reader
Grid Panel
Building a simple Grid Panel
var arrayData = [
    ['Jay Gracia', 'MD' ],
    ['Aaron Baker', 'VA' ],
var nameRecord =[
    'name', 'state'
var arrayReader = new{}, nameRecord );

var memoryProxy = new arrayData );

var store = new{
   reader: arrayReader,
   proxy: memoryProxy

var store = new{
   data: arrayData,
   fields: [ 'name', 'state' ]
Building a simple Grid Panel
var gridView = new Ext.grid.GridView();
var colModel = new Ext.grid.ColumnModel([
        header: 'Full Name',
        sortable: true,
        dataIndex: 'name'
        header: 'State',
        dataIndex: 'state'
var selModel = new Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel({
    singleSelect: true
Building a simple Grid Panel

var grid = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({
    title: 'Our first grid',
    store: store,
    view: gridView,
    colModel: colModel,
    selModel: selModel


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Ext JS (Greek)

  • 1. Ext JS Πως να μετατρέψετε τις σελίδες σας σε interactive applications Σουργκούνης Θεοδόσης
  • 2. Τι είναι το Ext JS; Το Ext JS είναι ένα framework που βοηθάει στην ανάπτυξη διαδραστικών σελίδων Γιατί το χρειαζόμαστε; Επιταχύνει τη διαδικασία της ανάπτυξης, διευκολύνει την ομοιομορφία και βοηθάει στη σωστή δομή του κώδικα Είναι συμβατό; Το Ext JS είναι συμβατό με όλους τους μεγάλους browsers που χρησιμοποιούνται σήμερα Παραδείγματα:
  • 3. Ext.MessageBox Ext.MessageBox.alert( 'Title here', 'Hello world!' ); Ext.MessageBox.prompt( 'Title here', 'Insert value' ); Ext.MessageBox.wait( 'Please wait...' ); Ext.MessageBox.progress( 'title', 'almost ready', '2%' );
  • 4. Selectors ( Ext.DomQuery ) Επιλογή με ID: var el = Ext.get( 'my-div' ); Επιλογή με αναφορά: var el = Ext.get( myDivElement ); Επιλογή με CSS selector: var el = selector ); Element: 'div > span' Class or id: '#my-div .class' Attribute: 'form[method=post]' Pseudo Classes: 'div:first-child' CSS Value: 'div{background*=no-repeat}'
  • 5. Ext.Element el.setSize( 100, 200, { duration: 1, easing: 'backBoth' }); el.createChild({ tag:'h1', id:'header', html:'Header 1' });
  • 6. Events Φυσικά events (click, mouseover, keypress ... ) Software driven events ( datachanged, beforedestroy ... ) el.on( 'click', doSomething ); Ορίσματα στην συνάρτηση doSomething 1. eventObject 2. DOM element
  • 8. The Component Model var panel1 = new Ext.Panel({ new Ext.Window({ height: 200, id: 'myWin', width: 300, height: 200, title: "I am a happy panel!!", width: 300, html: "Hello there!" title: "A window", }); items: [ panel1, var panel2 = { panel2 xtype: 'panel', ] width: 300, }); height: 200, title: "Plain Panel", html: 'Panel with xtype specified' listeners: { click: fn } };
  • 10. Containers var myWin = new Ext.Window({ height: 400, width: 400, items: [{ xtype: 'panel', html: 'I am a panel', frame: true, height: 100 },{ html: '<b> I am a bold panel</b>', frame: true }] });;
  • 11. Containers Ext.getCmp( 'myWin' ).add({ title: 'Appended Panel', id: 'addedPanel', html: "hello there!" }); Ext.getCmp( 'myWin' ).doLayout(); var panel = Ext.getCmp( 'addedPanel' ); Ext.getCmp( 'myWin' ).remove( panel ); Ext.getCmp( 'myWin' ).findByType( 'panel' );
  • 12. Panel
  • 13. Panel var myPanel = new Ext.Panel({ width: 200, height: 150, collapsible: true, renderTo: Ext.getBody(), tbar: TopToolbar, bbar: BottomToolbar, html: 'My first Toolbar Panel!' tools: [ { id: 'gear' },{ id: 'help' }] });
  • 14. Buttons and Menus new Ext.Button({ text: 'Plain Button', handler: handler menu: { defaults: { checked: false, }, items: [ { text: 'Red' }, { text: 'Green' }, { text: 'Blue' } ] } });
  • 15. Toolbars var toolbar = { items: [ { text: 'Add', }, '->', 'Select one of theese: ', { xtype: 'combo', store: [ 'Toolbars', 'Are', 'Awesome' ] } ] }
  • 16. Window var win = new Ext.Window({ html : 'My first Window', id : 'myWin', height : 200, width : 300, constrain : true });;
  • 17. Window var win = new Ext.Window({ height: 75, width: 200, modal: true, title: 'This is a window', html: 'Try to move or resize me. I dare you.', plain: true, border: false, resizable: false, draggable: false, closable: false, buttonAlign: 'center', buttons: [ ... ] });;
  • 19. Container Layout var myWin = new Ext.Window({ height : 300, width : 300, title : 'A window with a container layout', autoScroll : true, items : [ panel1, panel2 ] }
  • 20. Anchor Layout var myWin = new Ext.Window({ height: 300, width: 300, layout: 'anchor', anchorSize: '400', items: [{ title: 'Panel1', anchor: '100%, 25%', frame: true },{ title: 'Panel2', anchor: '0, 50%', frame: true } });;
  • 21. Form Layout var myWin = new Ext.Window({ height: 240, { width: 200, xtype: 'panel', bodyStyle: 'padding: 5px', fieldLabel: ' ', layout: 'form', labelSeparator: ' ', labelWidth: 50, frame: true, defaultType: 'field', title: 'Instructions', items: [{ html: 'Please fill in the form', fieldLabel: 'Name', height: 55 width: 110 }] },{ }); xtype: 'combo',; fieldLabel: 'Location', width: 120, store: storeObject },
  • 22. Absolute Layout var myWin = new Ext.Window({ { height: 300, title: 'Panel2', width: 300, x: 90, layout: 'absolute', y: 120, autoScroll: true, height: 75, border: false, width: 77, items: [{ html: 'x: 90, y: 120', title: 'Panel1', frame: true x: 50, }] y: 50, }).show(); height: 100, width: 100, html: 'x: 50, y:50', frame: true },
  • 23. Fit Layout var myWin = new Ext.Window({ height : 200, width : 200, layout : 'fit', border : false, items : [ { title : 'Panel1', html : 'I fit in my parent!', frame : true } ] });;
  • 24. Accordion Layout var myWin = new Ext.Window({ layout: 'accordion', layoutConfig: { animate: true }, items: [{ xtype: 'form', title: 'General info', items: { fieldLabel: 'Name', anchor: '-10', } },{ title: 'Instructions', html: 'Please enter information.', }] });;
  • 25. Card Layout var myWin = new Ext.Window({ title: 'A Window with a Card layout', layout: 'card', items: [{ title: 'Bio', value: 'Tell us about yourself' },{ title: 'Congratulations', html: 'Thank you for filling out our form!' }], bbar: bottomToolbar });;
  • 26. Column Layout var myWin = new Ext.Window({ id: 'myWin', title: 'A Window with a Card layout', layout: 'column', defaults: { frame: true }, items: [{ title: 'Col 1', columnWidth: .3 },{ title: 'Col 3', html: "100px fixed width", width: 100 }] });;
  • 27. Table Layout var myWin = new Ext.Window({ title: 'A Window with a Table layout', { layout: 'table', html: '3' layoutConfig: { }, columns: 3 { }, html: '4', defaults: { rowspan: 2, height: 50, height: 100 width: 50 }, }, { items: [{ html: '5' html: '1', }, colspan: 3, { width: 150 html: '6', }, colspan: 3, { width: 150 html: '2', }] rowspan: 2, }); height: 100; },
  • 29. Border Layout new Ext.Viewport({ { layout: 'border', title: 'East Panel', defaults: { region: 'east', frame: true, width: 100, split: true minWidth: 75, }, maxWidth: 150, items: [{ collapsible: true title: 'North Panel', },{ region: 'north', title: 'West Panel', height: 100, region: 'west', collapsible: true collapsible: true, },{ collapseMode: 'mini' title: 'South Panel', },{ region: 'south', title: 'Center Panel', height: 75, region: 'center' split: false, }] margins: { }); top: 5 } },
  • 30. Form panels var form = new Ext.Form.FormPanel({ ... initialConfig: { method: 'GET', fileUpload: true, standardSubmit: false, url: 'http://...' baseParams: { foo: 'bar' } } });
  • 31. Form Fields var textfield = { xtype: 'textfield', fieldLabel: 'Full Name', emptyText: 'Enter your full name here!', maskRe: /[a-z]/i, msgTarget: 'side' } var browsefile = { xtype: 'textfield', fieldLabel: 'Browse for a file', inputType: 'file' } var textarea = { xtype: 'textarea', }
  • 32. Combo box var combo = { Ειδική περίπτωση: timefield xtype: 'combo', fieldLabel: 'Select a name', store: new{ data: [ ['Jack Slocum'], ... ], fields: ['name'] }), displayField: 'name', mode: 'local' }
  • 33. More form fields var htmleditor = { xtype: 'htmleditor', fieldLabel: 'Enter any text' } var datefield = { xtype: 'datefield', fieldLabel: 'Select date' } var checkbox = { xtype: 'checkbox', fieldLabel: 'Click me' }
  • 34. Load and Submit Μπορούμε να υποβάλουμε τη φόρμα μας σύγχρονα ή ασύγχρονα, μέσω του ορίσματος standardSubmit. Για να υποβάλουμε τη φόρμα, εκτελούμε myFormPanel.getForm().submit(config) Το config στην περίπτωση της ασύγχρονης υποβολής μπορεί να περιέχει handlers, όπως onSuccess ή onFailure, ή οτιδήποτε άλλο από το initialConfig. myFormPanel.getForm().load({ url: 'data.php', });
  • 35. Trees
  • 36. Trees var rootNode = { var tree = { text: 'Root Node', xtype: 'treepanel', expanded: true, root: rootNode children: [ } { text: 'Child 1', new Ext.Window({ leaf: true layout: 'fit', },{ items: tree text: 'Child 2', }).show(); children: [ ... ] } ] }
  • 38. How Stores work Proxy Reader HttpProxy Array Reader ScriptTagProxy XML Reader MemoryProxy JSON Reader
  • 40. Building a simple Grid Panel var arrayData = [ ['Jay Gracia', 'MD' ], ['Aaron Baker', 'VA' ], ]; var nameRecord =[ 'name', 'state' ]); var arrayReader = new{}, nameRecord ); var memoryProxy = new arrayData ); var store = new{ reader: arrayReader, proxy: memoryProxy }); var store = new{ data: arrayData, fields: [ 'name', 'state' ] });
  • 41. Building a simple Grid Panel var gridView = new Ext.grid.GridView(); var colModel = new Ext.grid.ColumnModel([ { header: 'Full Name', sortable: true, dataIndex: 'name' },{ header: 'State', dataIndex: 'state' } ]); var selModel = new Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel({ singleSelect: true });
  • 42. Building a simple Grid Panel var grid = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({ title: 'Our first grid', store: store, view: gridView, colModel: colModel, selModel: selModel });