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What is a project?

         “A project is a series of activities or
      tasks or operations directed to
      accomplishment of a desired objective.”

         “A project is a temporary endeavour
      undertaken to create a "unique" product or

HRM In A Dynamic Environment
earLY techNiQUes oF project

  1.    Gantt’s Bar Chart
  2.    Milestone Chart

HRM In A Dynamic Environment
NetWorK aNaLYsis

      Network Analysis refers to a number of techniques
  for the planning and control of complex projects.

The two most frequently used forms of network planning
1. Programme Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT)
2. Critical Path Method (CPM)

HRM In A Dynamic Environment
What is a NetWorK?

         A network is a graphical diagram
      consisting of certain configuration of
      “Arrows” (²) and “Nodes” (( ) for showing
      the logical sequence of various tasks to be
      performed to achieve the project

HRM In A Dynamic Environment
pert / cpM
          The initial step in PERT/CPM project
      scheduling process is the determination of
      all specific activities that comprise the
      project and their relationships.

HRM In A Dynamic Environment

 Activity            Description        Duration (in    Immediate
                                          weeks)       predecessor
      A           Obtain the budget         2               -
      B          Obtain the machine          5             A
       C          Hire the operator          1             A
      D           Install the machine        1             B
       E          Train the operator         6             C
       F          Produce the goods          1            D,E

HRM In A Dynamic Environment
terMs UseD iN a NetWorK

   n     Activity: An effort that is required to complete a
         part of the project. It is represented by “²”.

   2. Node: It represents the beginning or completion of
       an activity. It is represented by “a”

HRM In A Dynamic Environment
rULes oF NetWorK coNstrUctioN

1.   Each defined activity is represented by one and only one arrow
     in the network.

2.   Before an activity can be undertaken, all activities preceding it
     must be completed.

3.   The arrows depicting various activities are indicative of logical
     procedure only. The length and bearing of the arrows are of no

 HRM In A Dynamic Environment
rULes oF NetWorK
1.       The arrow direction indicates the general progression in time.
         Head events and Tail events.

3.       When a number of activities terminate at one event, it
         indicates that no activity emanating from that event may start
         unless all activities terminating there have been completed.

5.       Events are identified by numbers.

7.       The activities are identified by the numbers of their starting
         and ending events or by alphabets.

     HRM In A Dynamic Environment
rULes oF NetWorK coNstrUctioN

1.       A network should have only one initial and terminal

                                    C       Merge Event


            A                               Burst Event


     HRM In A Dynamic Environment
rULes oF NetWorK
10. Parallel activities between two events, without intervening
    events, are prohibited. When two or more parallel
    activities in a project have the same head and tail events,
    dummy activities are needed in constructing the network.

             Dummy activities do not consume time or
     resources. An efficient network contains a minimum
     number of dummy activities required to portray the
     correct precedence relationships.

11. Looping is not permitted in a network.

 HRM In A Dynamic Environment

      Network analysis

       It is a Planning project Management
       It means construction of Variances
       It is process Technique
       It is outsourcing analysis

 HRM In A Dynamic Environment

        What is Network

       Network analysis is a system which plans projects both large
        and small by analyzing the project activities
       Projects are broken down to individual tasks or activities,
        which are arranged in logical sequential order
       A network diagram is constructed which presents the

        Relationship b/w all the activities are involved

 HRM In A Dynamic Environment

        Meaning and Definition

              According to author – “Network analysis helps to designing,
      Planning, Coordinating and decision making in order to accomplish
      the project economically in the minimum available time with the
      limited available resources.”

 HRM In A Dynamic Environment
      Techniques of Network

       PERT
      MAP                      Project analysis

 HRM In A Dynamic Environment
      Key concepts of Network

         Activity
         Event
         Predecessor Event
         Successor Event
         Net work
         Dummy activity
         Construction of Project

 HRM In A Dynamic Environment
      Key concepts of Network


                Activity means a work. A project consists of several
       activities. An activity takes time. It is represented by an
       arrow in a diagram of the network. Eg. An activity in house
       construction can be flooring.


 HRM In A Dynamic Environment
      Key concepts of Network


              It is the beginning or the End of an activity. Events
       are represented by circles in a project network diagram.
       The events in a network are called the nodes.

                         Start                      Stop


 HRM In A Dynamic Environment
      Key concepts of Network

       Predecessor Event

              The event just before another event is called the
       predecessor event

 HRM In A Dynamic Environment
      Key concepts of Network

       Successor Event

              The event just following another event is called the
       successor event


           1           2          4                  6


 HRM In A Dynamic Environment
      Key concepts of Network

       Successor Event

                In this diagrams
       Event 1 is predecessor for the event 2
       Event 2 is successor to event 1
       Event 2 is predecessor for the events 3,4 and 5
       Event 4 is predecessor for the event 6
       Event 6 is successor to events 3, 4 and 5

 HRM In A Dynamic Environment
      Key concepts of Network


        A network is series of related activities and events which
          result in an end product or service.
        The activities shall follow a prescribed sequence.
        It is construction area of network path

 HRM In A Dynamic Environment
      Key concepts of Network

       Dummy activity

          A dummy activity is an activity which does not consume any
          sometimes it may be necessary to introduce a dummy
             activity in order to provide connectivity to a network only.

 HRM In A Dynamic Environment
      Key concepts of Network

       Construction of a project network

       A project network consists of a finite number of events and
         activity by adhering to a certain sequential order.
       It is a path way of network

 HRM In A Dynamic Environment
      Problem 1

      Construct the network diagram for a project with the following activities

                  Activity          Number of         Predecessor
                Event-Event          Activity           Activity
                    1-2                A                    -
                    1-3                B                    -
                    1-4                C                    -
                    2-5                D                    A
                    3-6                 E                   B
                    4-6                 F                   C
                    5-6                G                    D

 HRM In A Dynamic Environment

                           1            3

                                C       4

 HRM In A Dynamic Environment

                                A       D
                          1         2       5

 HRM In A Dynamic Environment

                                B       E
                          1         3       6

 HRM In A Dynamic Environment

                                G       G
                          2         5       6

 HRM In A Dynamic Environment



                                4   F

 HRM In A Dynamic Environment

                  A                                 G
                        B               E
           1                    3                       6

                    C           4           F

 HRM In A Dynamic Environment

                The critical path method (CPM) aims at the
      determination of the time to complete a project and the
      important activities on which a manager shall focus attention.

 HRM In A Dynamic Environment
       Problem 1
      The following details are available reading a project
                  Activity      Predecessor    Duration
                Event-Event       Activity     (Weeks)
                     A               -            3
                     B               A            5
                     C               A            7
                     D               B           10
                     E               C            5
                     F              D,E           4

      First let us construct the network diagram for the given
      project. We mark the time estimates along the arrows
      representing the activities

 HRM In A Dynamic Environment

      Start Event                           3        D       End Event
               A                        5       10
      1                2                                        F
                                                         5               6
              3                     C                E          4

                                7           4

 HRM In A Dynamic Environment

      Path I

               A                B          D           F
      1                 2            3             5       6
           3                    5         10           4

                   with a time of 3+5+10+4 =22 weeks

 HRM In A Dynamic Environment

      Path II

            A                   C       E              F
      1                2            4              5       6
           3                    7       5              4

                with a time of 3+7+5+4 =19 weeks

 HRM In A Dynamic Environment

      Compare the times for the two paths. Maximum of {22,19} =
      22. we see that path I has maximum time of 22 weeks. The
      critical activities are A,B,C,D and F, finally the project
      completion time is 22 weeks.

 HRM In A Dynamic Environment
      Problem 2

      Find out the completion time and the critical activities for the following
                                    D                   5
                                   20                            G 8
                                                                         K 6
      1             B        3       E            6    H 11        8               10
                    10               16
                                                             I          L
                         C                                                   5
                                          F              J         9
                7            4                     7
                                        25               10

 HRM In A Dynamic Environment
       Problem 3
      Draw a network diagram and determine the critical path for the
      following project.
                                  Activity    Duration
                                Event-Event   (Weeks)
                                    1-2         5
                                    1-3         6
                                    1-4         3
                                    2-5         5
                                    3-6         7
                                    3-7        10
                                    4-7         4
                                    5-8         2
                                    6-8         5
                                    7-9         6
                                    8-9         4

 HRM In A Dynamic Environment

       We have the following network diagram for the project.

                   2                                                  H
               A                5                         2
               5                                          I
       1               B             3       E        6               8       K
                       6                     7            5                       9
           3                             F       10               J
                       4        G
                                                      7           6

 HRM In A Dynamic Environment
      Problem 4
      The following details are available reading a project

                  Activity      Predecessor   Time estimates
                                  Activity       (Weeks)
                     A               -              4
                     B               -              7
                     C               -              3
                     D               A              6
                     E               B              4
                     F               B              7
                     G               C              6
                     H               E             10
                     I               D              3
                     J              F,G             4
                     K              H,I             2

      Draw a project network diagram

 HRM In A Dynamic Environment
      PERT analysis


               Programme Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) is a tool
      that would help a project manager in project planning and control. It
      would enable him in continuously monitoring a project and taking
      corrective measures wherever necessary. This technique involves
      statistical methods.

 HRM In A Dynamic Environment
      PERT analysis

      The PERT analysis includes 3 Aspects
      3. Pessimistic time estimate (tp)
      4. Optimistic time estimate (to)
      5. Most likely time estimate (tm)

       Formulae te = to + 4tm + tp

 HRM In A Dynamic Environment
      Problem 1

                        Predecessor    Optimistic Time      Most likely time     Pessimistic time
                          Activity    estimate (to days)   estimate (tm days)   estimate (tp days)

                A            -                2                    4                    6

                B            A                3                    6                    9

                C            A                8                   10                   12

                D            B                9                   12                   15

                E            C                8                    9                   10

                F           D,E              16                   21                   26

                G           D,E              19                   22                   25

                H            F                2                    5                    8

                I            G                1                    3                    5

 HRM In A Dynamic Environment

      From the three time estimates tp, tm, to calculate te for each activity.

                                        4 *Most likely time   Pessimistic time                   Time estimate
                    Optimistic Time
        Activity                         estimate (tm days)     estimate (tp     to + 4tm +tp   Te = to+4tm+tp
                   estimate (to days)
                                                                    days)                                6

           A               2                    16                   6               24               4
           B               3                    24                   9               36               6

           C               8                    40                  12               60              10

           D               9                    48                  15               72              12
           E               8                    36                  10               54               9
           F              16                    84                  26               126             21
           G              19                    88                  25               132             22
           H               2                    20                   8               30               5
           I               1                    12                   5               18               3

 HRM In A Dynamic Environment
      Solution (contd..)

                                 3   D                     6       H
           A                         12               21       5
      1           2         6                 5                        8
            4                                         22       3
                            10       9
                                          E       G        7
                        C        4                                 I

 HRM In A Dynamic Environment
      Path I

               A                B       D        F        H
        1              2            3        5        6       8
               4                6       12       21       5

      Time for the path : 4+6+12+21+5=48 days

 HRM In A Dynamic Environment
      Path II

               A                B       D        G       I
        1              2            3        5       7       8
              4                 6       12       6       3

      Time for the path : 4+6+12+6+3=31 days

 HRM In A Dynamic Environment
      Path III

               A                C        E       F        H
        1              2             4       5        6       8
              4                 10       9       21       5

      Time for the path : 4+10+9+21+5=49 days

 HRM In A Dynamic Environment
      Path IV

               A                C        E       G       I
        1              2             4       5       7       8
              4                 10       9       6       3

      Time for the path : 4+10+9+6+3=32 days

 HRM In A Dynamic Environment

      Compare the times for the four paths.
      Maximum of { 48,31,49,32} = 49

 HRM In A Dynamic Environment
      Problem 2

                                 Optimistic Time      Most likely time     Pessimistic time
                   Activity     estimate (to days)   estimate (tm days)   estimate (tp days)

                     1-2               3                    6                     9
                     1-6               2                    5                     8
                     2-3               6                   12                    18
                     2-4               4                    5                     6
                     3-5               8                   11                    14
                     4-5               3                    7                    11
                     6-7               3                    9                    15
                     5-8               2                    4                     6
                     7-8               8                   16                    18

 HRM In A Dynamic Environment

      From the three time estimates tp, tm, to calculate te for each activity.

                                        4 *Most likely time   Pessimistic time                   Time estimate
                    Optimistic Time
                                         estimate (tm days)     estimate (tp     to + 4tm +tp   Te = to+4tm+tp
                   estimate (to days)
                                                                    days)                                6

         1-2              3                    24                    9               36               6
         1-6              2                    20                    8               30               5
         2-3              6                    48                   18               72              12
         2-4              4                    20                    6               30               5
         3-5              8                    44                   14               66              11
         4-5              3                    28                   11               42               7
         6-7              3                    36                   15               54               9
         5-8              2                    16                    6               24               4
         7-8              8                    64                   18               90              15

 HRM In A Dynamic Environment
      Solution (contd..)

                                3        F

                       12               11
               2                                         5   I
           A                5                7
               6       D                                     4
                                    4            G
       1                                                          8
                                    E                        H
                       6                             7

 HRM In A Dynamic Environment
      Problem 3

                                   Optimistic Time   Most likely time   Pessimistic time
          Activity                  estimate (to      estimate (tm        estimate (tp
                                        days)            days)               days)

            A             -              2                  5                  8
            B             A              2                  3                  4
            C             A              6                  8                 10
            D             A              2                  4                  6
             E            B              2                  6                 10
             F            C              6                  7                  8
            G           D,E,F            6                  8                 10

 HRM In A Dynamic Environment

      From the three time estimates tp, tm, to calculate te for each activity.

                                        4 *Most likely time   Pessimistic time                   Time estimate
                    Optimistic Time
                                         estimate (tm days)     estimate (tp     to + 4tm +tp   Te = to+4tm+tp
                   estimate (to days)
                                                                    days)                                6

          A               2                    20                    8               30               5
          B               2                    12                    4               18               3
          C               6                    32                   10               48               8
          D               2                    16                    6               24               4
          E               2                    24                   10               36               6
          F               6                    28                    8               42               7
          G               6                    32                   10               48               8

 HRM In A Dynamic Environment
      Solution (Network)


                                    B                           E
                                            3       4
                                    C                   7

                      A                         D                       G
               1                2                                   5       6
                      5                         4                       8

 HRM In A Dynamic Environment
      Problem 4

                                   Optimistic Time   Most likely time   Pessimistic time
          Activity                  estimate (to      estimate (tm        estimate (tp
                                        days)            days)               days)

            A             -              12                14                 22
            B             -              16                17                 24
            C             A              14                15                 16
            D             A              13                18                 23
             E            B              16                18                 20
             F           D,E             13                14                 21
            G            C,F             6                  8                 10

 HRM In A Dynamic Environment
      Problem 5

                                   Optimistic Time   Most likely time   Pessimistic time
          Activity                  estimate (to      estimate (tm        estimate (tp
                                        days)            days)               days)

            A             -              2                  4                  6
            B             -              3                  5                  7
            C             A              5                  6                 13
            D             A              4                  8                 12
             E           B,C             5                  6                 13
             F           D,E             6                  8                 14

 HRM In A Dynamic Environment

      1.The process of shortening the time to complete a project is called crashing
       and is usually achieved by putting into service additional labor or machines
       to one activity or more activities.

      2. Crashing involves more costs. A project manager would like to speed up a
        project by spending as minimum extra cost as possible.

 HRM In A Dynamic Environment

      Find the critical path with the normal times and normal costs for the activities and
      identify the critical activities.
      Find out the crash cost per unit time for each activity in the network. This is calculated
      by means of the following formulae

       Activity Cost

                               Crash Time & Cost
       Crash Time

       Normal Time                                   Normal Time & Cost

                                                             Activity Time
                       Crash Time      Normal Time

 HRM In A Dynamic Environment

      Crash cost/Time period = Crash cost-Normal cost/Normal time-Crash time
      Select an activity for crashing

 HRM In A Dynamic Environment

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Unit vi

  • 2. What is a project? “A project is a series of activities or tasks or operations directed to accomplishment of a desired objective.” “A project is a temporary endeavour undertaken to create a "unique" product or service.” HRM In A Dynamic Environment
  • 3. earLY techNiQUes oF project MaNaGeMeNt 1. Gantt’s Bar Chart 2. Milestone Chart HRM In A Dynamic Environment
  • 4. NetWorK aNaLYsis Network Analysis refers to a number of techniques for the planning and control of complex projects. The two most frequently used forms of network planning are: 1. Programme Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) 2. Critical Path Method (CPM) HRM In A Dynamic Environment
  • 5. What is a NetWorK? A network is a graphical diagram consisting of certain configuration of “Arrows” (²) and “Nodes” (( ) for showing the logical sequence of various tasks to be performed to achieve the project objective. HRM In A Dynamic Environment
  • 6. pert / cpM techNiQUes The initial step in PERT/CPM project scheduling process is the determination of all specific activities that comprise the project and their relationships. HRM In A Dynamic Environment
  • 7. eXaMpLe Activity Description Duration (in Immediate weeks) predecessor A Obtain the budget 2 - approval B Obtain the machine 5 A C Hire the operator 1 A D Install the machine 1 B E Train the operator 6 C F Produce the goods 1 D,E HRM In A Dynamic Environment
  • 8. terMs UseD iN a NetWorK n Activity: An effort that is required to complete a part of the project. It is represented by “²”. 2. Node: It represents the beginning or completion of an activity. It is represented by “a” HRM In A Dynamic Environment
  • 9. rULes oF NetWorK coNstrUctioN 1. Each defined activity is represented by one and only one arrow in the network. 2. Before an activity can be undertaken, all activities preceding it must be completed. 3. The arrows depicting various activities are indicative of logical procedure only. The length and bearing of the arrows are of no significance. HRM In A Dynamic Environment
  • 10. rULes oF NetWorK coNstrUctioN 1. The arrow direction indicates the general progression in time. Head events and Tail events. 3. When a number of activities terminate at one event, it indicates that no activity emanating from that event may start unless all activities terminating there have been completed. 5. Events are identified by numbers. 7. The activities are identified by the numbers of their starting and ending events or by alphabets. HRM In A Dynamic Environment
  • 11. rULes oF NetWorK coNstrUctioN 1. A network should have only one initial and terminal node. A 3. C Merge Event B B A Burst Event C HRM In A Dynamic Environment
  • 12. rULes oF NetWorK coNstrUctioN 10. Parallel activities between two events, without intervening events, are prohibited. When two or more parallel activities in a project have the same head and tail events, dummy activities are needed in constructing the network. Dummy activities do not consume time or resources. An efficient network contains a minimum number of dummy activities required to portray the correct precedence relationships. 11. Looping is not permitted in a network. HRM In A Dynamic Environment
  • 13. 3-2 Network analysis  It is a Planning project Management  It means construction of Variances  It is process Technique  It is outsourcing analysis HRM In A Dynamic Environment
  • 14. 3-2 What is Network  Network analysis is a system which plans projects both large and small by analyzing the project activities  Projects are broken down to individual tasks or activities, which are arranged in logical sequential order  A network diagram is constructed which presents the Relationship b/w all the activities are involved HRM In A Dynamic Environment
  • 15. 3-2 Meaning and Definition According to author – “Network analysis helps to designing, Planning, Coordinating and decision making in order to accomplish the project economically in the minimum available time with the limited available resources.” HRM In A Dynamic Environment
  • 16. 3-2 Techniques of Network  PERT CPM RAMS DEP COPAC MAP Project analysis RPSM LCS MOSS PCS GERT HRM In A Dynamic Environment
  • 17. 3-2 Key concepts of Network  Activity  Event  Predecessor Event  Successor Event  Net work  Dummy activity  Construction of Project network HRM In A Dynamic Environment
  • 18. 3-2 Key concepts of Network ACTIVITY Activity means a work. A project consists of several activities. An activity takes time. It is represented by an arrow in a diagram of the network. Eg. An activity in house construction can be flooring. Flooring HRM In A Dynamic Environment
  • 19. 3-2 Key concepts of Network Event It is the beginning or the End of an activity. Events are represented by circles in a project network diagram. The events in a network are called the nodes. Start Stop Punching HRM In A Dynamic Environment
  • 20. 3-2 Key concepts of Network Predecessor Event The event just before another event is called the predecessor event HRM In A Dynamic Environment
  • 21. 3-2 Key concepts of Network Successor Event The event just following another event is called the successor event 3 1 2 4 6 5 HRM In A Dynamic Environment
  • 22. 3-2 Key concepts of Network Successor Event In this diagrams Event 1 is predecessor for the event 2 Event 2 is successor to event 1 Event 2 is predecessor for the events 3,4 and 5 Event 4 is predecessor for the event 6 Event 6 is successor to events 3, 4 and 5 HRM In A Dynamic Environment
  • 23. 3-2 Key concepts of Network Network  A network is series of related activities and events which result in an end product or service.  The activities shall follow a prescribed sequence.  It is construction area of network path HRM In A Dynamic Environment
  • 24. 3-2 Key concepts of Network Dummy activity  A dummy activity is an activity which does not consume any time.  sometimes it may be necessary to introduce a dummy activity in order to provide connectivity to a network only. HRM In A Dynamic Environment
  • 25. 3-2 Key concepts of Network Construction of a project network  A project network consists of a finite number of events and activity by adhering to a certain sequential order.  It is a path way of network HRM In A Dynamic Environment
  • 26. 3-2 Problem 1 Construct the network diagram for a project with the following activities Activity Number of Predecessor Event-Event Activity Activity 1-2 A - 1-3 B - 1-4 C - 2-5 D A 3-6 E B 4-6 F C 5-6 G D HRM In A Dynamic Environment
  • 27. 3-2 Solution 2 A B 1 3 C 4 HRM In A Dynamic Environment
  • 28. 3-2 Solution A D 1 2 5 HRM In A Dynamic Environment
  • 29. 3-2 Solution B E 1 3 6 HRM In A Dynamic Environment
  • 30. 3-2 Solution G G 2 5 6 HRM In A Dynamic Environment
  • 31. 3-2 Solution 5 G E 3 6 4 F HRM In A Dynamic Environment
  • 32. 3-2 Solution 2 D 5 A G B E 1 3 6 C 4 F HRM In A Dynamic Environment
  • 33. 3-2 CRITICAL PATH METHOD (CPM) The critical path method (CPM) aims at the determination of the time to complete a project and the important activities on which a manager shall focus attention. HRM In A Dynamic Environment
  • 34. 3-2 Problem 1 The following details are available reading a project Activity Predecessor Duration Event-Event Activity (Weeks) A - 3 B A 5 C A 7 D B 10 E C 5 F D,E 4 First let us construct the network diagram for the given project. We mark the time estimates along the arrows representing the activities HRM In A Dynamic Environment
  • 35. 3-2 Solution Start Event 3 D End Event B A 5 10 1 2 F 5 6 3 C E 4 7 4 5 HRM In A Dynamic Environment
  • 36. 3-2 Solution Path I A B D F 1 2 3 5 6 3 5 10 4 with a time of 3+5+10+4 =22 weeks HRM In A Dynamic Environment
  • 37. 3-2 Solution Path II A C E F 1 2 4 5 6 3 7 5 4 with a time of 3+7+5+4 =19 weeks HRM In A Dynamic Environment
  • 38. 3-2 Solution Compare the times for the two paths. Maximum of {22,19} = 22. we see that path I has maximum time of 22 weeks. The critical activities are A,B,C,D and F, finally the project completion time is 22 weeks. HRM In A Dynamic Environment
  • 39. 3-2 Problem 2 Find out the completion time and the critical activities for the following project. D 5 2 20 G 8 A 8 K 6 1 B 3 E 6 H 11 8 10 10 16 I L C 5 F J 9 7 4 7 25 10 HRM In A Dynamic Environment
  • 40. 3-2 Problem 3 Draw a network diagram and determine the critical path for the following project. Activity Duration Event-Event (Weeks) 1-2 5 1-3 6 1-4 3 2-5 5 3-6 7 3-7 10 4-7 4 5-8 2 6-8 5 7-9 6 8-9 4 HRM In A Dynamic Environment
  • 41. 3-2 Solution We have the following network diagram for the project. 5 D 2 H A 5 2 5 I 1 B 3 E 6 8 K 6 7 5 9 4 C 3 F 10 J 4 G 7 6 4 HRM In A Dynamic Environment
  • 42. 3-2 Problem 4 The following details are available reading a project Activity Predecessor Time estimates Activity (Weeks) A - 4 B - 7 C - 3 D A 6 E B 4 F B 7 G C 6 H E 10 I D 3 J F,G 4 K H,I 2 Draw a project network diagram HRM In A Dynamic Environment
  • 43. 3-2 PERT analysis INTRODUCTION Programme Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) is a tool that would help a project manager in project planning and control. It would enable him in continuously monitoring a project and taking corrective measures wherever necessary. This technique involves statistical methods. HRM In A Dynamic Environment
  • 44. 3-2 PERT analysis The PERT analysis includes 3 Aspects 3. Pessimistic time estimate (tp) 4. Optimistic time estimate (to) 5. Most likely time estimate (tm) Formulae te = to + 4tm + tp 6 HRM In A Dynamic Environment
  • 45. 3-2 Problem 1 Predecessor Optimistic Time Most likely time Pessimistic time Activity Activity estimate (to days) estimate (tm days) estimate (tp days) A - 2 4 6 B A 3 6 9 C A 8 10 12 D B 9 12 15 E C 8 9 10 F D,E 16 21 26 G D,E 19 22 25 H F 2 5 8 I G 1 3 5 HRM In A Dynamic Environment
  • 46. 3-2 Solution From the three time estimates tp, tm, to calculate te for each activity. 4 *Most likely time Pessimistic time Time estimate Optimistic Time Activity estimate (tm days) estimate (tp to + 4tm +tp Te = to+4tm+tp estimate (to days) days) 6 A 2 16 6 24 4 B 3 24 9 36 6 C 8 40 12 60 10 D 9 48 15 72 12 E 8 36 10 54 9 F 16 84 26 126 21 G 19 88 25 132 22 H 2 20 8 30 5 I 1 12 5 18 3 HRM In A Dynamic Environment
  • 47. 3-2 Solution (contd..) 3 D 6 H F B A 12 21 5 1 2 6 5 8 4 22 3 10 9 E G 7 C 4 I HRM In A Dynamic Environment
  • 48. 3-2 Path I A B D F H 1 2 3 5 6 8 4 6 12 21 5 Time for the path : 4+6+12+21+5=48 days HRM In A Dynamic Environment
  • 49. 3-2 Path II A B D G I 1 2 3 5 7 8 4 6 12 6 3 Time for the path : 4+6+12+6+3=31 days HRM In A Dynamic Environment
  • 50. 3-2 Path III A C E F H 1 2 4 5 6 8 4 10 9 21 5 Time for the path : 4+10+9+21+5=49 days HRM In A Dynamic Environment
  • 51. 3-2 Path IV A C E G I 1 2 4 5 7 8 4 10 9 6 3 Time for the path : 4+10+9+6+3=32 days HRM In A Dynamic Environment
  • 52. 3-2 Final Compare the times for the four paths. Maximum of { 48,31,49,32} = 49 HRM In A Dynamic Environment
  • 53. 3-2 Problem 2 Optimistic Time Most likely time Pessimistic time Activity estimate (to days) estimate (tm days) estimate (tp days) 1-2 3 6 9 1-6 2 5 8 2-3 6 12 18 2-4 4 5 6 3-5 8 11 14 4-5 3 7 11 6-7 3 9 15 5-8 2 4 6 7-8 8 16 18 HRM In A Dynamic Environment
  • 54. 3-2 Solution From the three time estimates tp, tm, to calculate te for each activity. 4 *Most likely time Pessimistic time Time estimate Optimistic Time estimate (tm days) estimate (tp to + 4tm +tp Te = to+4tm+tp estimate (to days) days) 6 Activity 1-2 3 24 9 36 6 1-6 2 20 8 30 5 2-3 6 48 18 72 12 2-4 4 20 6 30 5 3-5 8 44 14 66 11 4-5 3 28 11 42 7 6-7 3 36 15 54 9 5-8 2 16 6 24 4 7-8 8 64 18 90 15 HRM In A Dynamic Environment
  • 55. 3-2 Solution (contd..) 3 F C 12 11 2 5 I A 5 7 6 D 4 4 G 1 8 5 15 B E H 6 7 9 HRM In A Dynamic Environment
  • 56. 3-2 Problem 3 Optimistic Time Most likely time Pessimistic time Predecessor Activity estimate (to estimate (tm estimate (tp Activity days) days) days) A - 2 5 8 B A 2 3 4 C A 6 8 10 D A 2 4 6 E B 2 6 10 F C 6 7 8 G D,E,F 6 8 10 HRM In A Dynamic Environment
  • 57. 3-2 Solution From the three time estimates tp, tm, to calculate te for each activity. 4 *Most likely time Pessimistic time Time estimate Optimistic Time estimate (tm days) estimate (tp to + 4tm +tp Te = to+4tm+tp estimate (to days) days) 6 Activity A 2 20 8 30 5 B 2 12 4 18 3 C 6 32 10 48 8 D 2 16 6 24 4 E 2 24 10 36 6 F 6 28 8 42 7 G 6 32 10 48 8 HRM In A Dynamic Environment
  • 58. 3-2 Solution (Network) 3 B E 6 3 4 F C 7 8 A D G 1 2 5 6 5 4 8 HRM In A Dynamic Environment
  • 59. 3-2 Problem 4 Optimistic Time Most likely time Pessimistic time Predecessor Activity estimate (to estimate (tm estimate (tp Activity days) days) days) A - 12 14 22 B - 16 17 24 C A 14 15 16 D A 13 18 23 E B 16 18 20 F D,E 13 14 21 G C,F 6 8 10 HRM In A Dynamic Environment
  • 60. 3-2 Problem 5 Optimistic Time Most likely time Pessimistic time Predecessor Activity estimate (to estimate (tm estimate (tp Activity days) days) days) A - 2 4 6 B - 3 5 7 C A 5 6 13 D A 4 8 12 E B,C 5 6 13 F D,E 6 8 14 HRM In A Dynamic Environment
  • 61. 3-2 INTRODUCTION TO PROJECT CRASHING 1.The process of shortening the time to complete a project is called crashing and is usually achieved by putting into service additional labor or machines to one activity or more activities. 2. Crashing involves more costs. A project manager would like to speed up a project by spending as minimum extra cost as possible. HRM In A Dynamic Environment
  • 62. 3-2 STEPS IN PROJECT CRASHING Step:1 Find the critical path with the normal times and normal costs for the activities and identify the critical activities. Step:2 Find out the crash cost per unit time for each activity in the network. This is calculated by means of the following formulae Activity Cost Crash Time & Cost Crash Time Normal Time Normal Time & Cost Activity Time Crash Time Normal Time HRM In A Dynamic Environment
  • 63. 3-2 STEPS IN PROJECT CRASHING Crash cost/Time period = Crash cost-Normal cost/Normal time-Crash time Step:3 Select an activity for crashing HRM In A Dynamic Environment