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Stavros Vassos, University of Athens, Greece   May 2012

.. and Applications to Video-games!
Course overview

       Lecture 1: Game-inspired competitions for AI research,
        AI decision making for non-player characters in games
       Lecture 2: STRIPS planning, state-space search
       Lecture 3: Planning Domain Definition Language (PDDL),
        using an award winning planner to solve Sokoban
       Lecture 4: Planning graphs, domain independent
        heuristics for STRIPS planning
       Lecture 5: Employing STRIPS planning in games:
        SimpleFPS, iThinkUnity3D, SmartWorkersRTS
       Lecture 6: Planning beyond STRIPS
STRIPS planning

       What we have seen so far
         The STRIPS formalism for specifying planning problems
         Solving planning problems using state-based search

         Progression planning

         Simple heuristics for progression planning

       Can we take advantage of the information that
        action schemas hold to do better?
Planning graphs

       Action schemas provide useful information about the
        interaction between actions

       E.g., action A cannot take place right after B
        because A cancels a precondition of B

       There are many more (and more complex)
        conditions that would be valuable to identify!
Course overview

       Lecture 1: Game-inspired competitions for AI research,
        AI decision making for non-player characters in games
       Lecture 2: STRIPS planning, state-space search
       Lecture 3: Planning Domain Definition Language (PDDL),
        using an award winning planner to solve Sokoban
       Lecture 4: Planning graphs, domain independent
        heuristics for STRIPS planning
       Lecture 5: Employing STRIPS planning in games:
        SimpleFPS, iThinkUnity3D, SmartWorkersRTS
       Lecture 6: Planning beyond STRIPS
Planning graphs

       Planning graph
         Special  data structure
         Consists of a sequence of levels

         Stores the effects of all applicable actions at every
          level as if they were all happening concurrently
         Stores some basic mutual exclusion constraints
          between actions and literals
Planning graphs

                                        Β             Β
    Α    Β     C               Α        C             C

     On(Α,Table)          On(Α,Table)              On(Α,Β)
     On(Β,Table)            On(Β,C)                On(Β,C)
     On(C,Table)          On(C,Table)            On(C,Table)
      Clear(Α)              Clear(Α)               Clear(Α)
      Clear(Β)              Clear(Β)             Clear(Table)
      Clear(C)            Clear(Table)

             Move(Β,Table,C)        Move(Α,Table,Β)
         s0                        s1                 s2
Planning graphs

                          ???        ???
    Α    Β    C

     Clear(Α)             ???        ???

                  Α0            Α1
         s0               s1         s2
Planning graphs

    Α    Β    C                       Α        C

    On(Α,Table)                     On(Β,Table)
    On(Β,Table)                     On(C,Table)
    On(C,Table)                       Clear(Α)
     Clear(Α)                         Clear(Β)          ???
     Clear(Β)                         Clear(C)
     Clear(C)                         On(Β,C)
                     Α0                            Α1
         s0                               s1            s2
Planning graphs

     Α    Β    C                       Β        C

     On(Α,Table)                      On(Β,Table)
     On(Β,Table)                     On(C,Table)
     On(C,Table)                       Clear(Α)
      Clear(Α)     Move(Α,Table,C)     Clear(Β)          ???
      Clear(Β)                         Clear(C)
      Clear(C)                         On(Α,C)
                      Α0                            Α1
          s0                               s1            s2
Planning graphs

     Α    Β    C                       Β ΑC C

     On(Α,Table)                      On(Β,Table)
     On(Β,Table)                     On(C,Table)
     On(C,Table)                       Clear(Α)
      Clear(Α)     Move(Α,Table,C)     Clear(Β)            ???
      Clear(Β)                         Clear(C)
      Clear(C)                         On(Α,C)
                      Α0                              Α1
          s0                             s1                s2
Planning graphs

                                     On(C,Table)         ???
     Α    Β    C                       Clear(Α)
     On(Α,Table)                       On(Β,C)
     On(Β,Table)                     On(Β,Table)
     On(C,Table)                       On(Α,C)
      Clear(Α)     Move(Α,Table,C)   On(Α,Table)        ???
      Clear(Β)                        Clear(C)

                      Α0                            Α1
          s0                             s1              s2
Planning graphs

                                             ΒΒ           ???
     Α    Β    C   Move(Α,Table,Β)     Β Α C CΒΒ
                                         Α C
                                          Α C
                                           Α C
                                           Α C
     On(Α,Table)                      On(Β,Table)
     On(Β,Table)                     On(C,Table)
     On(C,Table)                       Clear(Α)
      Clear(Α)     Move(Α,Table,C)     Clear(Β)           ???
      Clear(Β)                         Clear(C)
      Clear(C)     Move(Β,Table,Α)     On(Α,C)
                   Move(C,Table,Α)     On(Β,Table)
                      Α0                 Clear(C)
          s0                             s1               s2
Planning graphs

        Planning graph
          Special  data structure
          Consists of a sequence of levels

          Stores the effects of all applicable actions at every
           level as if they were all happening concurrently
          Stores some basic mutual exclusion constraints
           between actions and literals

          ..   Let’s see an (even) simpler example!
Planning graphs

      Init( Have(Cake) )
      Goal( Have(Cake)  Eaten(Cake) )

      Action( Eat(Cake)
            PRECONDITIONS: Have(Cake)
            EFFECTS: Have(Cake)  Eaten(Cake) )
        Action( Bake(Cake),
            PRECONDITIONS: Have(Cake)
            EFFECTS: Have(Cake) )
Planning graphs

        Planning graph
          Consists  of a sequence of levels that specify how the initial
           state is transformed under the effects of actions

          At   each level i we specify
           A   list of literals Si
            A list of actions Ai
            4 kinds of constraints or mutual exclusion links between literals
             in Si and actions in Ai
Planning graphs

          Level 0
              S0: the positive literals of the initial state as well as the
               negative literals implied by the closed world assumption


  Eaten(C)

                         Α0                            Α1
      s0                               s1                             s2
Planning graphs

          Level 0
            We   will see now how to specify Α0 and S1


  Eaten(C)

                       Α0                         Α1
      s0                           s1                     s2
Planning graphs

          Level 0
              Α0: the applicable actions in the initial state



  Eaten(C)

                         Α0                            Α1
      s0                               s1                        s2
Planning graphs

          Level 0
              S1: the effects of actions that appear in Α0


                                    Have(C)


  Eaten(C)

                        Α0                           Α1
      s0                              s1                      s2
Planning graphs

          Level 0
            We’re   not done yet!


                                  Have(C)


  Eaten(C)

                       Α0                       Α1
      s0                               s1            s2
Planning graphs

          Level 0
            We’re not done yet!
            Also add persistence actions that denote “inaction”

     Have(C)                      Have(C)

                                 Have(C)


  Eaten(C)                      Eaten(C)

                      Α0                          Α1
      s0                            s1                         s2
Planning graphs

          Level 0
           A    persistent action specifies that a literal does not
               change truth value between levels, e.g., here  Eaten(C)

     Have(C)                        Have(C)

                                   Have(C)


  Eaten(C)                        Eaten(C)

                        Α0                          Α1
      s0                              s1                          s2
Planning graphs

          Level 0
            We’renot done yet!
            Mutual exclusion links

     Have(C)                     Have(C)

                                Have(C)


  Eaten(C)                     Eaten(C)

                      Α0                    Α1
      s0                           s1            s2
Planning graphs

        Mutual exclusion links (mutex)

          Inconsistent   effects

          Interference

          Inconsistent   support

          Competing      needs
Planning graphs

          Two actions have inconsistent effects when:
            One     action cancels the effect of the other action
                E.g.,action E(C) and the persistent action for Have(Cake) have
                 inconsistent effects

     Have(C)                          Have(C)

                                     Have(C)


  Eaten(C)                          Eaten(C)

                         Α0                              Α1
      s0                                s1                              s2
Planning graphs

          Two actions have inconsistent effects when:
            One   action cancels the effect of the other action
                Same   for action E(C) and the persistent action for Eaten(C)

     Have(C)                           Have(C)

                                      Have(C)


  Eaten(C)                           Eaten(C)

                          Α0                              Α1
      s0                                 s1                               s2
Planning graphs

          Two actions have an interference when:
            One     effect of one action is the negation of a precondition
               for the other action
                E.g.,   action E(C) and the persistent action for Have(C)

     Have(C)                              Have(C)

                                         Have(C)


  Eaten(C)                              Eaten(C)

                            Α0                               Α1
      s0                                    s1                               s2
Planning graphs

          Two literals have inconsistent support when:
            One     literal is the negation of the other literal
                E.g.,   Have(C) and Have(C)

     Have(C)                           Have(C)

                                      Have(C)


  Eaten(C)                           Eaten(C)

                            Α0                          Α1
      s0                                 s1                         s2
Planning graphs

          Two literals have inconsistent support when:
            Every   possible pair of action that have these literals as
               effects are marked as mutually exclusive

     Have(C)                         Have(C)

                                    Have(C)


  Eaten(C)                         Eaten(C)

                         Α0                           Α1
      s0                               s1                           s2
Planning graphs

          Two actions have competing needs when:
           A    precondition of one action is mutually exclusive with a
               precondition of the other action
                Does   not arise in this domain
     Have(C)                            Have(C)

                                       Have(C)


  Eaten(C)                            Eaten(C)

                           Α0                        Α1
      s0                                  s1                       s2
Planning graphs

          Level 0
            We   are (finally) done!

     Have(C)                        Have(C)

                                   Have(C)


  Eaten(C)                        Eaten(C)

                       Α0                      Α1
      s0                                s1          s2
Planning graphs

          What kind of information does the graph provide so

     Have(C)                   Have(C)

                              Have(C)


  Eaten(C)                   Eaten(C)

                     Α0                      Α1
      s0                         s1                     s2
Planning graphs

          A pair of mutually exclusive literals cannot be realized
           from the actions of Level 0!
            E.g.,   the goal cannot be achieved with these actions

     Have(C)                         Have(C)

                                    Have(C)


  Eaten(C)                         Eaten(C)

                         Α0                          Α1
      s0                               s1                             s2
Planning graphs

          Level 1
            We   will specify A1 and S2

     Have(C)                       Have(C)

                                  Have(C)


  Eaten(C)                       Eaten(C)

                       Α0                     Α1
      s0                             s1            s2
Planning graphs

          Level 1
              Α1: the applicable actions in S1 (at least those in Α0)
              S2: the effects of actions in Α1 (at least those in S1)

     Have(C)                          Have(C)                            Have(C)

                                     Have(C)                        Have(C)
                                      Eaten(C)                           Eaten(C)

  Eaten(C)                          Eaten(C)                       Eaten(C)

                         Α0                              Α1
      s0                                s1                                 s2
Planning graphs

          Level 1
              Α1: the applicable actions in S1 (and more!)
              S2: the effects of actions in Α1

     Have(C)                         Have(C)                    Have(C)

                                    Have(C)                   Have(C)
                                     Eaten(C)                   Eaten(C)

  Eaten(C)                         Eaten(C)                  Eaten(C)

                         Α0                          Α1
      s0                               s1                         s2
Planning graphs

          Level 1
              Α1: the applicable actions in S1 (and more!)
              S2: the effects of actions in Α1

     Have(C)                         Have(C)                    Have(C)

                                    Have(C)                   Have(C)
                                     Eaten(C)                   Eaten(C)

  Eaten(C)                         Eaten(C)                  Eaten(C)

                         Α0                          Α1
      s0                               s1                         s2
Planning graphs

          Level 1
              Mutual exclusive links


     Have(C)                              Have(C)             Have(C)

                                         Have(C)            Have(C)
                                          Eaten(C)            Eaten(C)

  Eaten(C)                              Eaten(C)           Eaten(C)

                         Α0                          Α1
      s0                                    s1                  s2
Planning graphs

          Level 1
            Mutual exclusive links
            Inconsistent effects between persistence actions

     Have(C)                        Have(C)                       Have(C)

                                   Have(C)                      Have(C)
                                    Eaten(C)                      Eaten(C)

  Eaten(C)                        Eaten(C)                     Eaten(C)

                       Α0                             Α1
      s0                              s1                            s2
Planning graphs

          Level 1
            Mutual exclusive links
            Inconsistent effects between B(C), E(C) and persistence actions

     Have(C)                        Have(C)                         Have(C)

                                   Have(C)                        Have(C)
                                    Eaten(C)                        Eaten(C)

  Eaten(C)                        Eaten(C)                       Eaten(C)

                       Α0                              Α1
      s0                              s1                              s2
Planning graphs

          Level 1
            Mutual exclusive links
            Inconsistent effects between B(C), E(C) and persistence actions

     Have(C)                        Have(C)                         Have(C)

                                   Have(C)                        Have(C)
                                    Eaten(C)                        Eaten(C)

  Eaten(C)                        Eaten(C)                       Eaten(C)

                       Α0                              Α1
      s0                              s1                              s2
Planning graphs

          Level 1
            Mutual exclusive links
            Competing needs between persistence actions!

     Have(C)                       Have(C)                    Have(C)

                                  Have(C)                   Have(C)

                                   Eaten(C)                   Eaten(C)

  Eaten(C)                       Eaten(C)                  Eaten(C)

                       Α0                          Α1
      s0                             s1                         s2
Planning graphs

          Level 1
            Mutual exclusive links
            No more mutexes between actions

     Have(C)                      Have(C)               Have(C)

                                 Have(C)              Have(C)
                                  Eaten(C)              Eaten(C)

  Eaten(C)                      Eaten(C)             Eaten(C)

                      Α0                       Α1
      s0                            s1                    s2
Planning graphs

          Level 1
            Mutual exclusive links
            There are mutexes between literals in S2 though

     Have(C)                       Have(C)                       Have(C)

                                  Have(C)                      Have(C)
                                   Eaten(C)                      Eaten(C)

  Eaten(C)                       Eaten(C)                     Eaten(C)

                       Α0                           Α1
      s0                             s1                            s2
Planning graphs

          Level 1
            Mutual exclusive links
            Between literals Have(C) and Eaten(C) in S2

     Have(C)                       Have(C)                     Have(C)

                                  Have(C)                    Have(C)
                                   Eaten(C)                    Eaten(C)

  Eaten(C)                       Eaten(C)                   Eaten(C)

                       Α0                          Α1
      s0                             s1                          s2
Planning graphs

          Level 1
            Mutual exclusive links
            Between literals Have(C) and Eaten(C) in S2

     Have(C)                       Have(C)                     Have(C)

                                  Have(C)                    Have(C)
                                   Eaten(C)                    Eaten(C)

  Eaten(C)                       Eaten(C)                   Eaten(C)

                       Α0                          Α1
      s0                             s1                          s2
Planning graphs

          Level 1
            Mutual exclusive links
            Between literals Have(C) and Eaten(C) in S2

     Have(C)                       Have(C)                     Have(C)

                                  Have(C)                    Have(C)
                                   Eaten(C)                    Eaten(C)

  Eaten(C)                       Eaten(C)                   Eaten(C)

                       Α0                          Α1
      s0                             s1                          s2
Planning graphs

          Level 1
              We are (finally) done!


     Have(C)                            Have(C)             Have(C)

                                    Have(C)               Have(C)
                                        Eaten(C)            Eaten(C)

  Eaten(C)                         Eaten(C)              Eaten(C)

                         Α0                        Α1
      s0                                  s1                  s2
Planning graphs

          What information can we get from the graph now?


     Have(C)                   Have(C)                Have(C)

                              Have(C)               Have(C)
                               Eaten(C)               Eaten(C)

  Eaten(C)                   Eaten(C)              Eaten(C)

                     Α0                     Α1
      s0                         s1                     s2
Planning graphs

          What information can we get from the graph now?
              Note that literals Have(C) and Eaten(C) are not mutually
               exclusive in S2 !!!

     Have(C)                         Have(C)                       Have(C)

                                    Have(C)                      Have(C)
                                     Eaten(C)                      Eaten(C)

  Eaten(C)                         Eaten(C)                     Eaten(C)

                         Α0                           Α1
      s0                               s1                            s2
Planning graphs

          What information can we get from the graph now?
              Note that literals Have(C) and Eaten(C) can be realized in A1
               by the actions {B(C), persistence of Eaten(C)}

     Have(C)                         Have(C)                        Have(C)

                                    Have(C)                       Have(C)
                                     Eaten(C)                       Eaten(C)

  Eaten(C)                         Eaten(C)                      Eaten(C)

                         Α0                            Α1
      s0                               s1                             s2
Planning graphs

          What information can we get from the graph now?
              In turn actions {B(C), persistence of Eaten(C)} require that
                Have(C) and Eaten(C) hold in S1

     Have(C)                           Have(C)                         Have(C)

                                      Have(C)                        Have(C)
                                       Eaten(C)                        Eaten(C)

  Eaten(C)                           Eaten(C)                       Eaten(C)

                         Α0                              Α1
      s0                                 s1                              s2
Planning graphs

          What information can we get from the graph now?
              Note that literals Have(C) and Eaten(C) can be realized in A0
               by the action E(C)

     Have(C)                         Have(C)                        Have(C)

                                    Have(C)                       Have(C)
                                     Eaten(C)                       Eaten(C)

  Eaten(C)                         Eaten(C)                      Eaten(C)

                         Α0                            Α1
      s0                               s1                             s2
Planning graphs

          What information can we get from the graph now?
              In turn E(C) requires that Have(C) holds in S0 which is true!


     Have(C)                           Have(C)                         Have(C)

                                      Have(C)                        Have(C)
                                       Eaten(C)                        Eaten(C)

  Eaten(C)                           Eaten(C)                       Eaten(C)

                          Α0                              Α1
      s0                                 s1                              s2
Planning graphs

          What information can we get from the graph now?
              So, actions {E(C)} and {B(C), persistence of Eaten(C)}
               can actually achieve the goal!

     Have(C)                         Have(C)                        Have(C)

                                    Have(C)                       Have(C)
                                     Eaten(C)                       Eaten(C)

  Eaten(C)                         Eaten(C)                      Eaten(C)

                         Α0                            Α1
      s0                               s1                               s2
Planning graphs

        Planning graph
Planning graphs

        Planning graph

          When do we stop calculating levels?
          When two consecutive levels are identical *

          How   do we know this will happen at some point?
          Literals and actions increase monotonically, while
           mutexes decrease monotonically (why is this so?)
Planning graphs

        Planning graph
          Special   data structure

          Easy   to compute: polynomial complexity!

          Can  be used by the GRAPHPLAN algorithm to search
           for a solution (following similar reasoning as in the

          Can be used as a guideline for heuristic functions for
           progressive planning that are more accurate than the
           ones we sketched in Lecture 2

      Material
        Artificial
                 Intelligence: A Modern Approach 2nd Ed. Stuart Russell,
         Peter Norvig. Prentice Hall, 2003 Section 11.4

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Intro to AI STRIPS Planning & Applications in Video-games Lecture6-Part2
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Intro to AI STRIPS Planning & Applications in Video-games Lecture6-Part2

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Intro to AI STRIPS Planning & Applications in Video-games Lecture4-Part1

  • 1. Stavros Vassos, University of Athens, Greece May 2012 INTRODUCTION TO AI STRIPS PLANNING .. and Applications to Video-games!
  • 2. Course overview 2  Lecture 1: Game-inspired competitions for AI research, AI decision making for non-player characters in games  Lecture 2: STRIPS planning, state-space search  Lecture 3: Planning Domain Definition Language (PDDL), using an award winning planner to solve Sokoban  Lecture 4: Planning graphs, domain independent heuristics for STRIPS planning  Lecture 5: Employing STRIPS planning in games: SimpleFPS, iThinkUnity3D, SmartWorkersRTS  Lecture 6: Planning beyond STRIPS
  • 3. STRIPS planning 3  What we have seen so far  The STRIPS formalism for specifying planning problems  Solving planning problems using state-based search  Progression planning  Simple heuristics for progression planning  Can we take advantage of the information that action schemas hold to do better?
  • 4. Planning graphs 4  Action schemas provide useful information about the interaction between actions  E.g., action A cannot take place right after B because A cancels a precondition of B  There are many more (and more complex) conditions that would be valuable to identify!
  • 5. Course overview 5  Lecture 1: Game-inspired competitions for AI research, AI decision making for non-player characters in games  Lecture 2: STRIPS planning, state-space search  Lecture 3: Planning Domain Definition Language (PDDL), using an award winning planner to solve Sokoban  Lecture 4: Planning graphs, domain independent heuristics for STRIPS planning  Lecture 5: Employing STRIPS planning in games: SimpleFPS, iThinkUnity3D, SmartWorkersRTS  Lecture 6: Planning beyond STRIPS
  • 6. Planning graphs 6  Planning graph  Special data structure  Consists of a sequence of levels  Stores the effects of all applicable actions at every level as if they were all happening concurrently  Stores some basic mutual exclusion constraints between actions and literals
  • 7. Planning graphs 7 Α Β Β Α Β C Α C C On(Α,Table) On(Α,Table) On(Α,Β) On(Β,Table) On(Β,C) On(Β,C) On(C,Table) On(C,Table) On(C,Table) Clear(Α) Clear(Α) Clear(Α) Clear(Β) Clear(Β) Clear(Table) Clear(C) Clear(Table) Move(Β,Table,C) Move(Α,Table,Β) s0 s1 s2
  • 8. Planning graphs 8 ??? ??? Α Β C On(Α,Table) On(Β,Table) On(C,Table) Clear(Α) ??? ??? Clear(Β) Clear(C) Α0 Α1 s0 s1 s2
  • 9. Planning graphs 9 Β ??? Α Β C Α C On(Α,Table) On(Α,Table) On(Β,Table) Move(Β,Table,C) On(Β,Table) On(C,Table) On(C,Table) Clear(Α) Clear(Α) Clear(Β) ??? Clear(Β) Clear(C) Clear(C) On(Β,C) On(Β,Table) Clear(C) Α0 Α1 s0 s1 s2
  • 10. Planning graphs 10 Α ??? Α Β C Β C On(Α,Table) On(Α,Table) On(Β,Table) On(Β,Table) On(C,Table) On(C,Table) Clear(Α) Clear(Α) Move(Α,Table,C) Clear(Β) ??? Clear(Β) Clear(C) Clear(C) On(Α,C) On(Α,Table) Clear(C) Α0 Α1 s0 s1 s2
  • 11. Planning graphs 11 ΑΒ ??? Α Β C Β ΑC C On(Α,Table) On(Α,Table) On(Β,Table) Move(Β,Table,C) On(Β,Table) On(C,Table) On(C,Table) Clear(Α) Clear(Α) Move(Α,Table,C) Clear(Β) ??? Clear(Β) Clear(C) Clear(C) On(Α,C) On(Β,C) On(Α,Table) On(Β,Table) Clear(C) Clear(C) Α0 Α1 s0 s1 s2
  • 12. Planning graphs 12 On(Α,Table) On(Β,Table) On(C,Table) ??? Α Β C Clear(Α) Clear(Β) Clear(C) On(Α,Table) On(Β,C) Move(Β,Table,C) On(Β,Table) On(Β,Table) On(C,Table) On(Α,C) Clear(Α) Move(Α,Table,C) On(Α,Table) ??? Clear(Β) Clear(C) Clear(C) Α0 Α1 s0 s1 s2
  • 13. Planning graphs 13 ΑΒ ΒΒ ??? Α Β C Move(Α,Table,Β) Β Α C CΒΒ Α C Α C Α C Α C Move(C,Table,Β) On(Α,Table) On(Α,Table) On(Β,Table) Move(Β,Table,C) On(Β,Table) On(C,Table) On(C,Table) Clear(Α) Clear(Α) Move(Α,Table,C) Clear(Β) ??? Clear(Β) Clear(C) Clear(C) Move(Β,Table,Α) On(Α,C) On(Β,C) On(Β,C) On(Β,C) On(Α,Table) On(Β,C) On(Β,Table) On(Β,C) Move(C,Table,Α) On(Β,Table) On(Β,Table) Clear(C) On(Β,Table) On(Β,Table)Α Clear(C) Α0 Clear(C) Clear(C) Clear(C) Clear(C) 1 s0 s1 s2
  • 14. Planning graphs 14  Planning graph  Special data structure  Consists of a sequence of levels  Stores the effects of all applicable actions at every level as if they were all happening concurrently  Stores some basic mutual exclusion constraints between actions and literals  .. Let’s see an (even) simpler example!
  • 15. Planning graphs 15  Init( Have(Cake) )  Goal( Have(Cake)  Eaten(Cake) )  Action( Eat(Cake) PRECONDITIONS: Have(Cake) EFFECTS: Have(Cake)  Eaten(Cake) )  Action( Bake(Cake), PRECONDITIONS: Have(Cake) EFFECTS: Have(Cake) )
  • 16. Planning graphs 16  Planning graph  Consists of a sequence of levels that specify how the initial state is transformed under the effects of actions  At each level i we specify A list of literals Si  A list of actions Ai  4 kinds of constraints or mutual exclusion links between literals in Si and actions in Ai
  • 17. Planning graphs 17  Level 0  S0: the positive literals of the initial state as well as the negative literals implied by the closed world assumption Have(C)  Eaten(C) Α0 Α1 s0 s1 s2
  • 18. Planning graphs 18  Level 0  We will see now how to specify Α0 and S1 Have(C)  Eaten(C) Α0 Α1 s0 s1 s2
  • 19. Planning graphs 19  Level 0  Α0: the applicable actions in the initial state Have(C) E(C)  Eaten(C) Α0 Α1 s0 s1 s2
  • 20. Planning graphs 20  Level 0  S1: the effects of actions that appear in Α0 Have(C)  Have(C) E(C) Eaten(C)  Eaten(C) Α0 Α1 s0 s1 s2
  • 21. Planning graphs 21  Level 0  We’re not done yet! Have(C)  Have(C) E(C) Eaten(C)  Eaten(C) Α0 Α1 s0 s1 s2
  • 22. Planning graphs 22  Level 0  We’re not done yet!  Also add persistence actions that denote “inaction” Have(C) Have(C)  Have(C) E(C) Eaten(C)  Eaten(C)  Eaten(C) Α0 Α1 s0 s1 s2
  • 23. Planning graphs 23  Level 0 A persistent action specifies that a literal does not change truth value between levels, e.g., here  Eaten(C) Have(C) Have(C)  Have(C) E(C) Eaten(C)  Eaten(C)  Eaten(C) Α0 Α1 s0 s1 s2
  • 24. Planning graphs 24  Level 0  We’renot done yet!  Mutual exclusion links Have(C) Have(C)  Have(C) E(C) Eaten(C)  Eaten(C)  Eaten(C) Α0 Α1 s0 s1 s2
  • 25. Planning graphs 25  Mutual exclusion links (mutex)  Inconsistent effects  Interference  Inconsistent support  Competing needs
  • 26. Planning graphs 26  Two actions have inconsistent effects when:  One action cancels the effect of the other action  E.g.,action E(C) and the persistent action for Have(Cake) have inconsistent effects Have(C) Have(C)  Have(C) E(C) Eaten(C)  Eaten(C)  Eaten(C) Α0 Α1 s0 s1 s2
  • 27. Planning graphs 27  Two actions have inconsistent effects when:  One action cancels the effect of the other action  Same for action E(C) and the persistent action for Eaten(C) Have(C) Have(C)  Have(C) E(C) Eaten(C)  Eaten(C)  Eaten(C) Α0 Α1 s0 s1 s2
  • 28. Planning graphs 28  Two actions have an interference when:  One effect of one action is the negation of a precondition for the other action  E.g., action E(C) and the persistent action for Have(C) Have(C) Have(C)  Have(C) E(C) Eaten(C)  Eaten(C)  Eaten(C) Α0 Α1 s0 s1 s2
  • 29. Planning graphs 29  Two literals have inconsistent support when:  One literal is the negation of the other literal  E.g., Have(C) and Have(C) Have(C) Have(C)  Have(C) E(C) Eaten(C)  Eaten(C)  Eaten(C) Α0 Α1 s0 s1 s2
  • 30. Planning graphs 30  Two literals have inconsistent support when:  Every possible pair of action that have these literals as effects are marked as mutually exclusive Have(C) Have(C)  Have(C) E(C) Eaten(C)  Eaten(C)  Eaten(C) Α0 Α1 s0 s1 s2
  • 31. Planning graphs 31  Two actions have competing needs when: A precondition of one action is mutually exclusive with a precondition of the other action  Does not arise in this domain Have(C) Have(C)  Have(C) E(C) Eaten(C)  Eaten(C)  Eaten(C) Α0 Α1 s0 s1 s2
  • 32. Planning graphs 32  Level 0  We are (finally) done! Have(C) Have(C)  Have(C) E(C) Eaten(C)  Eaten(C)  Eaten(C) Α0 Α1 s0 s1 s2
  • 33. Planning graphs 33  What kind of information does the graph provide so far? Have(C) Have(C)  Have(C) E(C) Eaten(C)  Eaten(C)  Eaten(C) Α0 Α1 s0 s1 s2
  • 34. Planning graphs 34  A pair of mutually exclusive literals cannot be realized from the actions of Level 0!  E.g., the goal cannot be achieved with these actions Have(C) Have(C)  Have(C) E(C) Eaten(C)  Eaten(C)  Eaten(C) Α0 Α1 s0 s1 s2
  • 35. Planning graphs 35  Level 1  We will specify A1 and S2 Have(C) Have(C)  Have(C) E(C) Eaten(C)  Eaten(C)  Eaten(C) Α0 Α1 s0 s1 s2
  • 36. Planning graphs 36  Level 1  Α1: the applicable actions in S1 (at least those in Α0)  S2: the effects of actions in Α1 (at least those in S1) Have(C) Have(C) Have(C)  Have(C)  Have(C) E(C) E(C) Eaten(C) Eaten(C)  Eaten(C)  Eaten(C)  Eaten(C) Α0 Α1 s0 s1 s2
  • 37. Planning graphs 37  Level 1  Α1: the applicable actions in S1 (and more!)  S2: the effects of actions in Α1 Β(C) Have(C) Have(C) Have(C)  Have(C)  Have(C) E(C) E(C) Eaten(C) Eaten(C)  Eaten(C)  Eaten(C)  Eaten(C) Α0 Α1 s0 s1 s2
  • 38. Planning graphs 38  Level 1  Α1: the applicable actions in S1 (and more!)  S2: the effects of actions in Α1 Β(C) Have(C) Have(C) Have(C)  Have(C)  Have(C) E(C) E(C) Eaten(C) Eaten(C)  Eaten(C)  Eaten(C)  Eaten(C) Α0 Α1 s0 s1 s2
  • 39. Planning graphs 39  Level 1  Mutual exclusive links Β(C) Have(C) Have(C) Have(C)  Have(C)  Have(C) E(C) E(C) Eaten(C) Eaten(C)  Eaten(C)  Eaten(C)  Eaten(C) Α0 Α1 s0 s1 s2
  • 40. Planning graphs 40  Level 1  Mutual exclusive links  Inconsistent effects between persistence actions Β(C) Have(C) Have(C) Have(C)  Have(C)  Have(C) E(C) E(C) Eaten(C) Eaten(C)  Eaten(C)  Eaten(C)  Eaten(C) Α0 Α1 s0 s1 s2
  • 41. Planning graphs 41  Level 1  Mutual exclusive links  Inconsistent effects between B(C), E(C) and persistence actions Β(C) Have(C) Have(C) Have(C)  Have(C)  Have(C) E(C) E(C) Eaten(C) Eaten(C)  Eaten(C)  Eaten(C)  Eaten(C) Α0 Α1 s0 s1 s2
  • 42. Planning graphs 42  Level 1  Mutual exclusive links  Inconsistent effects between B(C), E(C) and persistence actions Β(C) Have(C) Have(C) Have(C)  Have(C)  Have(C) E(C) E(C) Eaten(C) Eaten(C)  Eaten(C)  Eaten(C)  Eaten(C) Α0 Α1 s0 s1 s2
  • 43. Planning graphs 43  Level 1  Mutual exclusive links  Competing needs between persistence actions! Have(C) Have(C) Have(C)  Have(C)  Have(C) E(C) Eaten(C) Eaten(C)  Eaten(C)  Eaten(C)  Eaten(C) Α0 Α1 s0 s1 s2
  • 44. Planning graphs 44  Level 1  Mutual exclusive links  No more mutexes between actions Β(C) Have(C) Have(C) Have(C)  Have(C)  Have(C) E(C) E(C) Eaten(C) Eaten(C)  Eaten(C)  Eaten(C)  Eaten(C) Α0 Α1 s0 s1 s2
  • 45. Planning graphs 45  Level 1  Mutual exclusive links  There are mutexes between literals in S2 though Β(C) Have(C) Have(C) Have(C)  Have(C)  Have(C) E(C) E(C) Eaten(C) Eaten(C)  Eaten(C)  Eaten(C)  Eaten(C) Α0 Α1 s0 s1 s2
  • 46. Planning graphs 46  Level 1  Mutual exclusive links  Between literals Have(C) and Eaten(C) in S2 Have(C) Have(C) Have(C)  Have(C)  Have(C) E(C) E(C) Eaten(C) Eaten(C)  Eaten(C)  Eaten(C)  Eaten(C) Α0 Α1 s0 s1 s2
  • 47. Planning graphs 47  Level 1  Mutual exclusive links  Between literals Have(C) and Eaten(C) in S2 Have(C) Have(C) Have(C)  Have(C)  Have(C) E(C) E(C) Eaten(C) Eaten(C)  Eaten(C)  Eaten(C)  Eaten(C) Α0 Α1 s0 s1 s2
  • 48. Planning graphs 48  Level 1  Mutual exclusive links  Between literals Have(C) and Eaten(C) in S2 Have(C) Have(C) Have(C)  Have(C)  Have(C) E(C) E(C) Eaten(C) Eaten(C)  Eaten(C)  Eaten(C)  Eaten(C) Α0 Α1 s0 s1 s2
  • 49. Planning graphs 49  Level 1  We are (finally) done! Β(C) Have(C) Have(C) Have(C)  Have(C)  Have(C) E(C) E(C) Eaten(C) Eaten(C)  Eaten(C)  Eaten(C)  Eaten(C) Α0 Α1 s0 s1 s2
  • 50. Planning graphs 50  What information can we get from the graph now? Β(C) Have(C) Have(C) Have(C)  Have(C)  Have(C) E(C) E(C) Eaten(C) Eaten(C)  Eaten(C)  Eaten(C)  Eaten(C) Α0 Α1 s0 s1 s2
  • 51. Planning graphs 51  What information can we get from the graph now?  Note that literals Have(C) and Eaten(C) are not mutually exclusive in S2 !!! Β(C) Have(C) Have(C) Have(C)  Have(C)  Have(C) E(C) E(C) Eaten(C) Eaten(C)  Eaten(C)  Eaten(C)  Eaten(C) Α0 Α1 s0 s1 s2
  • 52. Planning graphs 52  What information can we get from the graph now?  Note that literals Have(C) and Eaten(C) can be realized in A1 by the actions {B(C), persistence of Eaten(C)} Β(C) Have(C) Have(C) Have(C)  Have(C)  Have(C) E(C) E(C) Eaten(C) Eaten(C)  Eaten(C)  Eaten(C)  Eaten(C) Α0 Α1 s0 s1 s2
  • 53. Planning graphs 53  What information can we get from the graph now?  In turn actions {B(C), persistence of Eaten(C)} require that  Have(C) and Eaten(C) hold in S1 Β(C) Have(C) Have(C) Have(C)  Have(C)  Have(C) E(C) E(C) Eaten(C) Eaten(C)  Eaten(C)  Eaten(C)  Eaten(C) Α0 Α1 s0 s1 s2
  • 54. Planning graphs 54  What information can we get from the graph now?  Note that literals Have(C) and Eaten(C) can be realized in A0 by the action E(C) Β(C) Have(C) Have(C) Have(C)  Have(C)  Have(C) E(C) E(C) Eaten(C) Eaten(C)  Eaten(C)  Eaten(C)  Eaten(C) Α0 Α1 s0 s1 s2
  • 55. Planning graphs 55  What information can we get from the graph now?  In turn E(C) requires that Have(C) holds in S0 which is true! Β(C) Have(C) Have(C) Have(C)  Have(C)  Have(C) E(C) E(C) Eaten(C) Eaten(C)  Eaten(C)  Eaten(C)  Eaten(C) Α0 Α1 s0 s1 s2
  • 56. Planning graphs 56  What information can we get from the graph now?  So, actions {E(C)} and {B(C), persistence of Eaten(C)} can actually achieve the goal! Β(C) Have(C) Have(C) Have(C)  Have(C)  Have(C) E(C) E(C) Eaten(C) Eaten(C)  Eaten(C)  Eaten(C)  Eaten(C) Α0 Α1 s0 s1 s2
  • 57. Planning graphs 57  Planning graph
  • 58. Planning graphs 58  Planning graph  When do we stop calculating levels?  When two consecutive levels are identical *  How do we know this will happen at some point?  Literals and actions increase monotonically, while mutexes decrease monotonically (why is this so?)
  • 59. Planning graphs 59  Planning graph  Special data structure  Easy to compute: polynomial complexity!  Can be used by the GRAPHPLAN algorithm to search for a solution (following similar reasoning as in the example)  Can be used as a guideline for heuristic functions for progressive planning that are more accurate than the ones we sketched in Lecture 2
  • 60. Bibliography 60  Material  Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach 2nd Ed. Stuart Russell, Peter Norvig. Prentice Hall, 2003 Section 11.4