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February, 2013            Exalt   Educate   Equip   Evangelize   Extend             Issue #232

Ash Wednesday
February 13
Holy Communion & Imposition of Ashes
6:30 am 12 noon   7:00 pm

Wednesday in Lent
Lunch with Teaching Series 12 noon
Holy Communion with Teaching Series 6 pm

February 20
“I Am the Bread of Life” – John 6:35-40
Bishop Felix Orji

February 27
“I Am the Light of the World” – John 9:1-41
Rev. Cindy Anderson

March 6
“I Am the Good Shepherd” – John 10:1-21
Deacon Mike Pomeroy

March 13
“I Am the Way, Truth, and Life” – John 13:36-14:7
Deacon Daphne Orgeron

March 20
“I Am the Resurrection” – John 11:25-26; John 12:9-26 Dr. Bob Tipton

Holy Week
Palm Sunday - March 24
Holy Communion at 8 & 10 am

Maundy Thursday - March 28
Holy Communion & Stripping of the Altar 7:00 pm

Good Friday - March 29
Stations of the Cross
6:30 am and 5:45 pm
Good Friday Liturgy 5:00 pm

Holy Saturday
Easter Vigil & Baptism 7:00 pm

Easter Sunday
One Service at 10:00 am only
PAGE    3

Deacon Daphne: Daphne Orgeron

  For several weeks now, we’ve been hearing sermons based on 1st Corinthians, telling us about the power of
the Holy Spirit. We’ve been cautioned several times that we must stay in touch with the Holy Spirit; in other
words, always be open to His message and/or intervention. Do you know anyone who doesn’t believe that
miracles still happen? Or perhaps you yourself believe they only happened in ‘Bible times’. Maybe some of
the things we term ‘coincidences’ are not coincidences at all, but rather are evidence of God continuing to do
His work here on earth. Let me give you an example which I learned of very recently.

  Nicholas Malkani is the son in law of Mary Francis and Kim Keisling. He and his wife, Lucy, attend church
with Kim quite often. Sometime last year, Nicholas was in the hospital, and the doctors were trying to find out
what was causing him pain. It was a long trying time for the family, and during the stay, I took Nicholas a
prayer shawl. At that time, Nicholas has since told me, he was not a real believer. He didn’t attend church, and
had not been baptized. He said he had been very worried and scared in the hospital, and he found that the
prayer shawl seemed to bring him relief from his fears. He also told me that he had found it impossible to get
warm while he was in the hospital. At some point, he decided to spread the prayer shawl on his legs, and he felt
instant warmth. A nurse came in sometime after that, and when she put her hand on the shawl, she said it felt
like it emanated warmth.

   To make a long story short, Nicholas is now well, and all better. A few weeks after he got out of the hospital,
he was baptized. He is now a strong Christian, and his prayer shawl stays on the back of his chair in his office.
I thank Nicholas for sharing his story with me. We can all use a word of encouragement from time to time, and
Nicholas’s story certainly encouraged me. I hope it encourages you… to take a closer look at the coincidences
that happen in your life. God is doing his work here on earth, through the power of His Holy Spirit. Prayer
shawls aren’t magic. But they are prayed into as they’re being made, and when the priest blesses them, he/she
is actually asking God to put His hand on them, and cause them to be a blessing to someone in need. And God
will do this if we will let Him. We must keep our ‘antenna’ out so we can notice His Holy Spirit making a dif-
ference in someone’s life, as well as our own. And this happens by our reading our Bible and praying daily. By
keeping God in our life daily, the Spirit will keep our minds open to recognize His work in our lives.
   Please make it a point to seek out Nicholas and Lucy at church. Shake their hand, welcome them to St. Fran-
cis, and thank Nicholas for his testimony.
                                        Deacon Daphne+

Bob Tipton: Resident Scholar
                                                              Bob Tipton

    “Worship: n—(1a) reverence or devotion for a deity; religious homage or veneration; (1b) a church service or other rite
showing this; (2) extreme devotion or intense love or admiration of any kind.” [Webster’s New World College Dictionary]

    Worshipping God is something we must learn.

     As a child, I thought that worship was limited to (1b) a church service or other rite showing reverence or devotion. I had
been taught there were five acts of worship: the communion, the prayers, the songs, the Bible study (preaching), and the offer-
ing. Acceptable worship included these five acts. In Sunday school, I could put my nickel in the little bank for Jesus, learn a
Bible verse, and recite the prayer. When we went into “big church,” I could sin lustily (and perhaps off key), daydream through
the sermon (it was for the big people), and watch the communion. That was what I knew about worship. This served me well
until I was about nine.

    Then my dad got sick, and he and my sister had to go down from the mountains while mother and I remained—mother was
teaching school. Life began to be serious. Making sure the animals that were cared for, that there was water (we got it from the
creek) and wood (we cooked and heated on a wood stove), and that all the other “men” things were taken care of were my re-
sponsibilities. And the place of God in my life suddenly became greater. I listened to the sermons—and discussed them on the
way home with Mom. I really studied the Bible, prayed and sang to God, and gave from my own allowance. This was all for
God. The morning of my tenth birthday, I announced my commitment to God—and you have never been as thoroughly cate-
chized as I was by my mother over the breakfast table. That afternoon I was baptized—born into God’s family, resurrected from
my miry grave in sin—and took my place in the family of God.

    At some point the conversation of Jesus with the Samaritan woman (John 4.8-30) began to bother me. She had asked a very
simple question: which was the proper place for worship—the Jew’s temple or the Samaritan temple? But Jesus didn’t even
answer that question!

     Instead He said that the place was not important; instead true worship was “in spirit and in truth.” I was told that “in spirit”
meant that whatever we did in worship had to be directed to and connected with God in heaven. In addition, we were to honor
God meaningfully—not just go through the motions. What we sang, for example, had to be what we really believed and felt; we
must know the words and what they mean, but more important is our meaning what we sing! Our singing should be lusty, en-
thusiastic, and express what we wanted to express to God. (As one lady said, “No matter how bad the music sounds to us, if we
are worshipping, it sounds beautiful to God.”) The same had to be true of all our worship. The emphasis must always be on our
sincerely meaning what we are saying and doing. We were literally gathered together before the throne of God in heaven.

       Then worship moved out of the building and into life itself. Paul said, Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; in everything
giving thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus (1st Thessalonians 5.17). It is good to have regular times for prayer.
It is also good to pray whenever it is convenient. One writer suggested that his prayers after his morning Bible study were the
best time of his day. Some Christians maintain a conversation with God most of the time: one noted that he was always mis-
placing things and then saying, “Now God where did I put my glasses?” Upon finding them, he adds, “Thank you, God.” An-
other, a truck driver, believed that praying as he drove through the night was when he was closest to God. Prayers do not have
to be formal; they are just our side of our conversation with God.
      In the context of our daily imitating God, the apostle insisted: Do not get drunk with wine, for that is dissipation, but be
filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with your
heart to the Lord (Ephesians 5.19). Singing is a “whenever” thing. A song that expresses our thought and feeling should burst
forth at any time. Some songs are prayers, some are praise; some are stories and some are requests; some are psalms or hymns
from past years; some are the song written yesterday to express a thought, emotion, or prayer of the composer. And God is not
concerned about the quality of the physical voice; the songs in our heart and head are as beautiful as those of the choirs of

     Giving ourselves and our possessions is part of worship when done in the name of the Lord. Jesus praised the Samaritan in
His parable for attending the wounded man and taking him to the inn where he would be cared for—paying the bill himself
(Luke 10.30-37). All our giving does not have to be put in the collection plate. Feeding the hungry, clothing the needy, tending
the sick, and lifting the spirits of those about us by giving of ourselves and our possessions is worship (James 1.27).

PAGE     5

      My impoverished view of worship took a tremendous blow from my reading Brother Lawrence’s Practice of the Presence
of God. Brother Lawrence devoted his life to living in God’s presence. His devotion and reverence for God were demonstrated
in all that he did in serving others: gathering, cooking and serving food were dedicated by Brother Lawrence to God as worship.
When he swept the kitchen, he devoted that to God as worship. In every act of every day, he was serving his Father. This does
not mean that he slighted the traditional acts of worship in any way—but rather that he demonstrated his reverence, devotion,
and love to God by serving others. In this way, his life WAS worship. We should dedicate all our actions to God. Thus when
we are studying or teaching God’s word, or singing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs in His presence, or praying for all those
who need prayers (which includes every person in the world, so praying should be never ending), or observing the Holy Eucha-
rist, or giving of our wealth, all these things must be dedicated as worship to God. From our rising up to our lying down—
everything—we live in the presence of God. Every thought, word, and action is to be offered to Him as worship.

     In Our Lady’s Juggler, Anatole France tells the story of Barnaby, whose greatest desire was to worship Mary. After meet-
ing a prior and learning about the life of worship in the monastery, he became one of the brothers. There he saw everyone doing
something special as an act of worship—painting, writing, singing, gardening, cooking, or serving in some special way. But he
could do none of these things—he could only juggle. After some time, the prior noted that Barnaby would disappear into the
chapel at intervals, so he and two old monks investigated. The story ends with these words:
          They saw Barnaby before the altar of the Blessed Virgin, head downwards, with his feet in the air, and he was jug-
     gling six balls of copper and a dozen knives. In honor of the Holy Mother of God he was performing those feats, which
     aforetime had won him most renown. Not recognizing that the simple fellow was there placing at the service of the
     Blessed Virgin his knowledge and skill, the two old monks exclaimed against the sacrilege.
          The prior was aware how stainless was Barnaby’s soul, but he concluded that he had been seized with madness.
     They were all three preparing to lead him swiftly from the chapel, when they saw the Blessed Virgin descend the steps of
     the altar and advance to wipe with a fold of her azure robe the sweat that was dropping from her juggler’s forehead.
          Then the prior, falling down upon his face upon the pavement, uttered these words, “Blessed are the simple-minded,
     for they shall see God.”
          “Amen!” responded the old brethren and kissed the ground.


Saint Valentine's Day, commonly known as Valentine's Day, or the Feast of Saint Valentine, is observed
on February 14 each year. It is celebrated in many countries around the world, although it remains a working
day in most of them. After New Year's Day, it is the most celebrated holiday around the world. St. Valentine's
Day began as a liturgical celebration of one or more early Christian saints named Valentinus. The most popu-
lar martyrology associated with Saint Valentine was that he was imprisoned for performing weddings for sol-
diers who were forbidden to marry and for ministering to Christians, who were persecuted under the Roman
Empire; during his imprisonment, he is said to have healed the daughter of his jailer Asterius. Legend states
that before his execution he wrote "from your Valentine" as a farewell to her. Today, Saint Valentine's Day is
an official feast day in the Anglican Communion, as well as in the Lutheran Church. The Eastern Orthodox
Church also celebrates Saint Valentine's Day, albeit on July 6th and July 30th, the former date in honor of the
Roman presbyter Saint Valentine, and the latter date in honor of Hieromartyr Valentine, the Bishop of In-
teramna (modern Terni).

The day was first associated with romantic love in the circle of Geoffrey Chaucer in the High Middle Ages,
when the tradition of courtly love flourished. By the 15th century, it had evolved into an occasion in which
lovers expressed their love for each other by presenting flowers, offering confectionery, and sending greeting
cards (known as "valentines"). Valentine's Day symbols that are used today include the heart-shaped outline,
doves, and the figure of the winged Cupid. Since the 19th century, handwritten valentines have given way to
mass-produced greeting cards.
PAGE    7

                    Annual Church Meeting Sunday, Feb. 17th.
Please plan to attend this most important meeting. New Vestry members will also be
elected at this time.

YOUNG ADULTS FELLOWSHIP: The Bishop has asked Jason and Stephanie Chapman to lead
our Young Adults Fellowship. It will meet once a month. More information to follow.

SUNDAY LUNCHES: Cookies and drinks will be available after both services on every Sunday Ex-
cept The First Sunday, which will now be the pot-luck lunch. If you can help, call Linda Gunter at 203-4275.

ADULT CHRISTIAN EUCATION: Meets downstairs in the conference room every Sun-
day between 9:15 and 9:45 am.

YOUTH BIBLE STUDY AND FELLOWSHIP: All junior and senior high youth are invited to
participate. Sunday’s at 6:30 for dinner at the Church.

FIRST WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH: Parish Prayer Meeting at 6:30 pm. All other
Wednesdays: Evening prayer with homily at 6:00 pm.

LAVERDE CASA GROUP: Meets on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month at 6:00pm Pot
luck supper and bible study. We will be studying the book of James. Call Mike for more in-
formation: 490-5402.

FLOWER CHART - A new flower chart sign up is posted on the bulletin board across from the gift
shop. Sign up for flowers on the altar in memory of, in thanksgiving for, in celebration of, etc. The cost of a
flower arrangement is $30 each. Call Sheila Huchton at 833-2382 for more information.

INTERCESSORY PRAYER: Jim and Martha Williams will be leading the Intercessory Prayer minis-
try at St. Francis. Intercessory prayer will be offered in the library at 9:30am every Sunday morning. You are
welcome to join. It’s a time to pray for God’s power and blessing on our Sunday service. I asked them to
lead this ministry and highly recommend it to you. -Canon Felix

MEN’S BIBLE STUDY: Now Studying Exodus. Meets Wed. at 7:00 am (after 6:30 wor-
ship). Breakfast included! All men are invited.

PRAY ACROSS THE MILES: If your children are away at school or getting into the work-
force, they need prayer support. Join us to hold our children and each other before the Lord in
an informal prayer group which meets every other Tuesdy (please note day change) from 6:00
to 6:30 pm at Mark and Martha Heath’s home: 5709 Bonneville. Anyone is welcome. For
more information, call Nancy Hill, 479-5513.

PASTORAL CARE - Please pray for Ed Azar, Ann May, Kay Lassiter, Susan Smith, Heather Stevens,
Ainsley Hines, Bill Bihn, Mary Lou Nelson, Karli Baldwin, Jenny, Sharon Carr Leamon, Sharma Brown,
Mary Jane Brown, Clif Stevens, Midge McReynolds, Ed Moore, Pat Tipton, Loretta Ackley, and Gete and
Barney Garbow.

TRANSPORTATION MINISTRY: If you are unable to drive due to illness, recent surgery etc.,
please call the church office and speak with either JoAnn or Lea . We will try and find you a ride to church,
doctor appt. etc.

CHURCH FAMILY CHRISTMAS TREE: An exciting idea for decorating next year’s parish hall
Christmas tree has been suggested. Yes, we know that is almost a year away, but as you are packing up your
Christmas decorations, save a special ornament. Bring it to church in a sandwich bag (protected if fragile)
and labeled as to how you would like your family identified-ie-Uphoff Family or all the family's names etc..
A red plastic box will be in Fries Hall; just place your ornament in it. For and questions, call Lynn Payne
(584-2740) or Jim or Neva Uphoff. (581-1292).

WOMEN’S RETREAT: Due to unforeseen circumstances, the Women’s Retreat scheduled for Febru-
ary has been cancelled. We will instead have a Parish Retreat in the fall with Bishop Terence and Hazel Kel-
shaw here in El Paso.

Angela Guevara Child Development Center –
Rock babies and/or read to preschoolers
Kelly Memorial Food Bank –
Donate staples for the hungry- beans, rice, cereal, etc.
L B Johnson Elementary School –
Volunteer to mentor children once a month for 45 minutes beginning in the fall
Rescue Mission –
Provide bake goods the first Sunday of the month
Contact Sudy Todd for more information or to volunteer 490-5349 or
PAGE   9


                          Kids On Love and Marriage
                          HOW DO YOU DECIDE WHO TO MARRY?
"You got to find somebody who likes the same stuff. Like if you like sports, she should like it
     that you like sports, and she should keep the chips and dip coming." Alan, age 10
"No person really decides before they grow up who they're going to marry. God decides it all
      way before, and you get to find out later who you're stuck with." Kirsten, age 10

                       WHAT IS THE RIGHT AGE TO GET MARRIED?
"Twenty-three is the best age because you know the person FOREVER by then." Camille, age
   "No age is good to get married at. You got to be a fool to get married." Freddie, age 6

        "Married people usually look happy to talk to other people." Eddie, age 6
"You might have to guess, based on whether they seem to be yelling at the same kids." Der-
                                      rick, age 8

                     "Both don't want no more kids." Lori, age 8

                           WHAT DO MOST PEOPLE DO ON A DATE?
"Dates are for having fun, and people should use them to get to know each other. Even boys
              have something to say if you listen long enough." Lynnette, age 8
"On the first date, they just tell each other lies, and that usually gets them interested enough
                            to go for a second date." Martin, age 10

  "I'd run home and play dead. The next day I would call all the newspapers and make sure
                 they wrote about me in all the dead columns." Craig, age 9

                               WHEN IS IT OK TO KISS SOMEONE?
                                 "When they're rich." Pam, age 7
  "The law says you have to be eighteen, so I wouldn't want to mess with that." Curt, age 7
"The rule goes like this: If you kiss someone, then you should marry them and have kids with
                         them. It's the right thing to do." Howard, age 8
                                diaper-changing." Kirsten, age 10

       "There sure would be a lot of kids to explain, wouldn't there?" Kelvin, age 8
"You can be sure of one thing - the boys would come chasing after us just the same as they
                                  do now." Roberta, age 7

EVERY WEEK AT ST. FRANCIS…                                                 CLERGY AND STAFF
                                                                        BISHOP FELIX C. ORJI, Rector
                                                                   THE REV. DAPHNE ORGERON, Deacon
Sunday                                                            THE REV. Dr. MYLES CALVIN, Asst. Priest
8:00 am     Worship Service                                       THE REV. CINDY ANDERSON, Asst. Priest
10:00 am Worship Service                                                 DAVID BASCH, Lay Pastor
10:00 am Children’s Sunday School                               THE REV. H. EUGENE MYRICK, Rector Emeritus
                                                                  MIKE LAVERDE, Lay Pastor (Pastoral Care)
4:00-6:00 pm Youth Bible Study                                   PAUL COLEMAN, Lay Pastor (Bible Study and
                                                                STEVE ANDERSON, Lay Pastor (Evangelism and
                             Child care is provided             RANDALL CROSSLAND, Chair of Buildings and
                                                                    Dr. BOB TIPTON, Scholar in Residence
                                                                 LEA MAGRUDER, Director of Music, Church
                                                                    JOANN CASPER, Parish Administrator
                                                                    SONIA LOPEZ, Sunday School Director
                  Wednesday                                              LEA MAGRUDER, Secretary
6:30 am Morning Prayer & Bible Study
weekly at the church.                                                      Bill Burton, Sr. Warden
7:00 pm Bible Study; Parish Prayer Meeting—                                Bill Stevens, Jr. Warden
1st Wed. of the month                                                    Mark Musgrave, Treasurer
                                                            Justin Benedict, Sonny Brown, Bill Burton, Jason
                                                            Chapman, Elvia Crossland, Sonia Lopez, David
                  Thursday                                  Moody, Bernard Moye, Ron Munden, Kirk
7:00 pm Choir Practice                                      Rosenlund, Pam Slusher, Melinda Skillern, Bill
                                                            Stevens, Kevin Coleman (Youth rep.)

                                                            FRANCISCAN : Editor; Jim Uphoff Staff; Neva
                                                            Uphoff, Loy Doty

        Inside this issue:
     From The Bishop              Page 1

     Deacon Daphne                 Page 3

     Bob Tipton                    Page 4

     From the Editor               Page 6

     St Francis Happenings         Page 7

     Just For Fun                  Page 9

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The Franciscan - February 2013

  • 1. February, 2013 Exalt Educate Equip Evangelize Extend Issue #232 FROM THE DESK OF BISHOP FELIX ORJI: Ash Wednesday February 13 Holy Communion & Imposition of Ashes 6:30 am 12 noon 7:00 pm Wednesday in Lent Lunch with Teaching Series 12 noon Holy Communion with Teaching Series 6 pm February 20 “I Am the Bread of Life” – John 6:35-40 Bishop Felix Orji February 27 “I Am the Light of the World” – John 9:1-41 Rev. Cindy Anderson March 6 “I Am the Good Shepherd” – John 10:1-21 Deacon Mike Pomeroy March 13 “I Am the Way, Truth, and Life” – John 13:36-14:7 Deacon Daphne Orgeron (Continued)
  • 2. PAGE 2 March 20 “I Am the Resurrection” – John 11:25-26; John 12:9-26 Dr. Bob Tipton Holy Week Palm Sunday - March 24 Holy Communion at 8 & 10 am Maundy Thursday - March 28 Holy Communion & Stripping of the Altar 7:00 pm Good Friday - March 29 Stations of the Cross 6:30 am and 5:45 pm Good Friday Liturgy 5:00 pm Holy Saturday Easter Vigil & Baptism 7:00 pm Easter Sunday One Service at 10:00 am only
  • 3. PAGE 3 Deacon Daphne: Daphne Orgeron COINCIDENCES? For several weeks now, we’ve been hearing sermons based on 1st Corinthians, telling us about the power of the Holy Spirit. We’ve been cautioned several times that we must stay in touch with the Holy Spirit; in other words, always be open to His message and/or intervention. Do you know anyone who doesn’t believe that miracles still happen? Or perhaps you yourself believe they only happened in ‘Bible times’. Maybe some of the things we term ‘coincidences’ are not coincidences at all, but rather are evidence of God continuing to do His work here on earth. Let me give you an example which I learned of very recently. Nicholas Malkani is the son in law of Mary Francis and Kim Keisling. He and his wife, Lucy, attend church with Kim quite often. Sometime last year, Nicholas was in the hospital, and the doctors were trying to find out what was causing him pain. It was a long trying time for the family, and during the stay, I took Nicholas a prayer shawl. At that time, Nicholas has since told me, he was not a real believer. He didn’t attend church, and had not been baptized. He said he had been very worried and scared in the hospital, and he found that the prayer shawl seemed to bring him relief from his fears. He also told me that he had found it impossible to get warm while he was in the hospital. At some point, he decided to spread the prayer shawl on his legs, and he felt instant warmth. A nurse came in sometime after that, and when she put her hand on the shawl, she said it felt like it emanated warmth. To make a long story short, Nicholas is now well, and all better. A few weeks after he got out of the hospital, he was baptized. He is now a strong Christian, and his prayer shawl stays on the back of his chair in his office. I thank Nicholas for sharing his story with me. We can all use a word of encouragement from time to time, and Nicholas’s story certainly encouraged me. I hope it encourages you… to take a closer look at the coincidences that happen in your life. God is doing his work here on earth, through the power of His Holy Spirit. Prayer shawls aren’t magic. But they are prayed into as they’re being made, and when the priest blesses them, he/she is actually asking God to put His hand on them, and cause them to be a blessing to someone in need. And God will do this if we will let Him. We must keep our ‘antenna’ out so we can notice His Holy Spirit making a dif- ference in someone’s life, as well as our own. And this happens by our reading our Bible and praying daily. By keeping God in our life daily, the Spirit will keep our minds open to recognize His work in our lives. Please make it a point to seek out Nicholas and Lucy at church. Shake their hand, welcome them to St. Fran- cis, and thank Nicholas for his testimony. Deacon Daphne+
  • 4. PAGE 4 Bob Tipton: Resident Scholar Worship Bob Tipton “Worship: n—(1a) reverence or devotion for a deity; religious homage or veneration; (1b) a church service or other rite showing this; (2) extreme devotion or intense love or admiration of any kind.” [Webster’s New World College Dictionary] Worshipping God is something we must learn. As a child, I thought that worship was limited to (1b) a church service or other rite showing reverence or devotion. I had been taught there were five acts of worship: the communion, the prayers, the songs, the Bible study (preaching), and the offer- ing. Acceptable worship included these five acts. In Sunday school, I could put my nickel in the little bank for Jesus, learn a Bible verse, and recite the prayer. When we went into “big church,” I could sin lustily (and perhaps off key), daydream through the sermon (it was for the big people), and watch the communion. That was what I knew about worship. This served me well until I was about nine. Then my dad got sick, and he and my sister had to go down from the mountains while mother and I remained—mother was teaching school. Life began to be serious. Making sure the animals that were cared for, that there was water (we got it from the creek) and wood (we cooked and heated on a wood stove), and that all the other “men” things were taken care of were my re- sponsibilities. And the place of God in my life suddenly became greater. I listened to the sermons—and discussed them on the way home with Mom. I really studied the Bible, prayed and sang to God, and gave from my own allowance. This was all for God. The morning of my tenth birthday, I announced my commitment to God—and you have never been as thoroughly cate- chized as I was by my mother over the breakfast table. That afternoon I was baptized—born into God’s family, resurrected from my miry grave in sin—and took my place in the family of God. At some point the conversation of Jesus with the Samaritan woman (John 4.8-30) began to bother me. She had asked a very simple question: which was the proper place for worship—the Jew’s temple or the Samaritan temple? But Jesus didn’t even answer that question! Instead He said that the place was not important; instead true worship was “in spirit and in truth.” I was told that “in spirit” meant that whatever we did in worship had to be directed to and connected with God in heaven. In addition, we were to honor God meaningfully—not just go through the motions. What we sang, for example, had to be what we really believed and felt; we must know the words and what they mean, but more important is our meaning what we sing! Our singing should be lusty, en- thusiastic, and express what we wanted to express to God. (As one lady said, “No matter how bad the music sounds to us, if we are worshipping, it sounds beautiful to God.”) The same had to be true of all our worship. The emphasis must always be on our sincerely meaning what we are saying and doing. We were literally gathered together before the throne of God in heaven. Then worship moved out of the building and into life itself. Paul said, Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; in everything giving thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus (1st Thessalonians 5.17). It is good to have regular times for prayer. It is also good to pray whenever it is convenient. One writer suggested that his prayers after his morning Bible study were the best time of his day. Some Christians maintain a conversation with God most of the time: one noted that he was always mis- placing things and then saying, “Now God where did I put my glasses?” Upon finding them, he adds, “Thank you, God.” An- other, a truck driver, believed that praying as he drove through the night was when he was closest to God. Prayers do not have to be formal; they are just our side of our conversation with God. In the context of our daily imitating God, the apostle insisted: Do not get drunk with wine, for that is dissipation, but be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with your heart to the Lord (Ephesians 5.19). Singing is a “whenever” thing. A song that expresses our thought and feeling should burst forth at any time. Some songs are prayers, some are praise; some are stories and some are requests; some are psalms or hymns from past years; some are the song written yesterday to express a thought, emotion, or prayer of the composer. And God is not concerned about the quality of the physical voice; the songs in our heart and head are as beautiful as those of the choirs of heaven. Giving ourselves and our possessions is part of worship when done in the name of the Lord. Jesus praised the Samaritan in His parable for attending the wounded man and taking him to the inn where he would be cared for—paying the bill himself (Luke 10.30-37). All our giving does not have to be put in the collection plate. Feeding the hungry, clothing the needy, tending the sick, and lifting the spirits of those about us by giving of ourselves and our possessions is worship (James 1.27). (Continued)
  • 5. PAGE 5 My impoverished view of worship took a tremendous blow from my reading Brother Lawrence’s Practice of the Presence of God. Brother Lawrence devoted his life to living in God’s presence. His devotion and reverence for God were demonstrated in all that he did in serving others: gathering, cooking and serving food were dedicated by Brother Lawrence to God as worship. When he swept the kitchen, he devoted that to God as worship. In every act of every day, he was serving his Father. This does not mean that he slighted the traditional acts of worship in any way—but rather that he demonstrated his reverence, devotion, and love to God by serving others. In this way, his life WAS worship. We should dedicate all our actions to God. Thus when we are studying or teaching God’s word, or singing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs in His presence, or praying for all those who need prayers (which includes every person in the world, so praying should be never ending), or observing the Holy Eucha- rist, or giving of our wealth, all these things must be dedicated as worship to God. From our rising up to our lying down— everything—we live in the presence of God. Every thought, word, and action is to be offered to Him as worship. In Our Lady’s Juggler, Anatole France tells the story of Barnaby, whose greatest desire was to worship Mary. After meet- ing a prior and learning about the life of worship in the monastery, he became one of the brothers. There he saw everyone doing something special as an act of worship—painting, writing, singing, gardening, cooking, or serving in some special way. But he could do none of these things—he could only juggle. After some time, the prior noted that Barnaby would disappear into the chapel at intervals, so he and two old monks investigated. The story ends with these words: They saw Barnaby before the altar of the Blessed Virgin, head downwards, with his feet in the air, and he was jug- gling six balls of copper and a dozen knives. In honor of the Holy Mother of God he was performing those feats, which aforetime had won him most renown. Not recognizing that the simple fellow was there placing at the service of the Blessed Virgin his knowledge and skill, the two old monks exclaimed against the sacrilege. The prior was aware how stainless was Barnaby’s soul, but he concluded that he had been seized with madness. They were all three preparing to lead him swiftly from the chapel, when they saw the Blessed Virgin descend the steps of the altar and advance to wipe with a fold of her azure robe the sweat that was dropping from her juggler’s forehead. Then the prior, falling down upon his face upon the pavement, uttered these words, “Blessed are the simple-minded, for they shall see God.” “Amen!” responded the old brethren and kissed the ground. AMEN.
  • 6. PAGE 6 FROM THE EDITOR: Saint Valentine's Day, commonly known as Valentine's Day, or the Feast of Saint Valentine, is observed on February 14 each year. It is celebrated in many countries around the world, although it remains a working day in most of them. After New Year's Day, it is the most celebrated holiday around the world. St. Valentine's Day began as a liturgical celebration of one or more early Christian saints named Valentinus. The most popu- lar martyrology associated with Saint Valentine was that he was imprisoned for performing weddings for sol- diers who were forbidden to marry and for ministering to Christians, who were persecuted under the Roman Empire; during his imprisonment, he is said to have healed the daughter of his jailer Asterius. Legend states that before his execution he wrote "from your Valentine" as a farewell to her. Today, Saint Valentine's Day is an official feast day in the Anglican Communion, as well as in the Lutheran Church. The Eastern Orthodox Church also celebrates Saint Valentine's Day, albeit on July 6th and July 30th, the former date in honor of the Roman presbyter Saint Valentine, and the latter date in honor of Hieromartyr Valentine, the Bishop of In- teramna (modern Terni). The day was first associated with romantic love in the circle of Geoffrey Chaucer in the High Middle Ages, when the tradition of courtly love flourished. By the 15th century, it had evolved into an occasion in which lovers expressed their love for each other by presenting flowers, offering confectionery, and sending greeting cards (known as "valentines"). Valentine's Day symbols that are used today include the heart-shaped outline, doves, and the figure of the winged Cupid. Since the 19th century, handwritten valentines have given way to mass-produced greeting cards.
  • 7. PAGE 7 Annual Church Meeting Sunday, Feb. 17th. Please plan to attend this most important meeting. New Vestry members will also be elected at this time. YOUNG ADULTS FELLOWSHIP: The Bishop has asked Jason and Stephanie Chapman to lead our Young Adults Fellowship. It will meet once a month. More information to follow. SUNDAY LUNCHES: Cookies and drinks will be available after both services on every Sunday Ex- cept The First Sunday, which will now be the pot-luck lunch. If you can help, call Linda Gunter at 203-4275. ADULT CHRISTIAN EUCATION: Meets downstairs in the conference room every Sun- day between 9:15 and 9:45 am. YOUTH BIBLE STUDY AND FELLOWSHIP: All junior and senior high youth are invited to participate. Sunday’s at 6:30 for dinner at the Church. FIRST WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH: Parish Prayer Meeting at 6:30 pm. All other Wednesdays: Evening prayer with homily at 6:00 pm. LAVERDE CASA GROUP: Meets on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month at 6:00pm Pot luck supper and bible study. We will be studying the book of James. Call Mike for more in- formation: 490-5402. FLOWER CHART - A new flower chart sign up is posted on the bulletin board across from the gift shop. Sign up for flowers on the altar in memory of, in thanksgiving for, in celebration of, etc. The cost of a flower arrangement is $30 each. Call Sheila Huchton at 833-2382 for more information. INTERCESSORY PRAYER: Jim and Martha Williams will be leading the Intercessory Prayer minis- try at St. Francis. Intercessory prayer will be offered in the library at 9:30am every Sunday morning. You are welcome to join. It’s a time to pray for God’s power and blessing on our Sunday service. I asked them to lead this ministry and highly recommend it to you. -Canon Felix
  • 8. PAGE 8 MEN’S BIBLE STUDY: Now Studying Exodus. Meets Wed. at 7:00 am (after 6:30 wor- ship). Breakfast included! All men are invited. PRAY ACROSS THE MILES: If your children are away at school or getting into the work- force, they need prayer support. Join us to hold our children and each other before the Lord in an informal prayer group which meets every other Tuesdy (please note day change) from 6:00 to 6:30 pm at Mark and Martha Heath’s home: 5709 Bonneville. Anyone is welcome. For more information, call Nancy Hill, 479-5513. PASTORAL CARE - Please pray for Ed Azar, Ann May, Kay Lassiter, Susan Smith, Heather Stevens, Ainsley Hines, Bill Bihn, Mary Lou Nelson, Karli Baldwin, Jenny, Sharon Carr Leamon, Sharma Brown, Mary Jane Brown, Clif Stevens, Midge McReynolds, Ed Moore, Pat Tipton, Loretta Ackley, and Gete and Barney Garbow. TRANSPORTATION MINISTRY: If you are unable to drive due to illness, recent surgery etc., please call the church office and speak with either JoAnn or Lea . We will try and find you a ride to church, doctor appt. etc. CHURCH FAMILY CHRISTMAS TREE: An exciting idea for decorating next year’s parish hall Christmas tree has been suggested. Yes, we know that is almost a year away, but as you are packing up your Christmas decorations, save a special ornament. Bring it to church in a sandwich bag (protected if fragile) and labeled as to how you would like your family identified-ie-Uphoff Family or all the family's names etc.. A red plastic box will be in Fries Hall; just place your ornament in it. For and questions, call Lynn Payne (584-2740) or Jim or Neva Uphoff. (581-1292). WOMEN’S RETREAT: Due to unforeseen circumstances, the Women’s Retreat scheduled for Febru- ary has been cancelled. We will instead have a Parish Retreat in the fall with Bishop Terence and Hazel Kel- shaw here in El Paso. COMMUNITY CORNER - Ways to Help Angela Guevara Child Development Center – Rock babies and/or read to preschoolers Kelly Memorial Food Bank – Donate staples for the hungry- beans, rice, cereal, etc. L B Johnson Elementary School – Volunteer to mentor children once a month for 45 minutes beginning in the fall Rescue Mission – Provide bake goods the first Sunday of the month Contact Sudy Todd for more information or to volunteer 490-5349 or
  • 9. PAGE 9 JUST FOR FUN ETC…. Kids On Love and Marriage HOW DO YOU DECIDE WHO TO MARRY? "You got to find somebody who likes the same stuff. Like if you like sports, she should like it that you like sports, and she should keep the chips and dip coming." Alan, age 10 "No person really decides before they grow up who they're going to marry. God decides it all way before, and you get to find out later who you're stuck with." Kirsten, age 10 WHAT IS THE RIGHT AGE TO GET MARRIED? "Twenty-three is the best age because you know the person FOREVER by then." Camille, age 10 "No age is good to get married at. You got to be a fool to get married." Freddie, age 6 HOW CAN A STRANGER TELL IF TWO PEOPLE ARE MARRIED? "Married people usually look happy to talk to other people." Eddie, age 6 "You might have to guess, based on whether they seem to be yelling at the same kids." Der- rick, age 8 WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR MOM AND DAD HAVE IN COMMON? "Both don't want no more kids." Lori, age 8 WHAT DO MOST PEOPLE DO ON A DATE? "Dates are for having fun, and people should use them to get to know each other. Even boys have something to say if you listen long enough." Lynnette, age 8 "On the first date, they just tell each other lies, and that usually gets them interested enough to go for a second date." Martin, age 10 WHAT WOULD YOU DO ON A FIRST DATE THAT WAS TURNING SOUR? "I'd run home and play dead. The next day I would call all the newspapers and make sure they wrote about me in all the dead columns." Craig, age 9 WHEN IS IT OK TO KISS SOMEONE? "When they're rich." Pam, age 7 "The law says you have to be eighteen, so I wouldn't want to mess with that." Curt, age 7 "The rule goes like this: If you kiss someone, then you should marry them and have kids with them. It's the right thing to do." Howard, age 8 diaper-changing." Kirsten, age 10 HOW WOULD THE WORLD BE DIFFERENT IF PEOPLE DIDN'T GET MARRIED? "There sure would be a lot of kids to explain, wouldn't there?" Kelvin, age 8 "You can be sure of one thing - the boys would come chasing after us just the same as they do now." Roberta, age 7
  • 10. PAGE 10 EVERY WEEK AT ST. FRANCIS… CLERGY AND STAFF BISHOP FELIX C. ORJI, Rector THE REV. DAPHNE ORGERON, Deacon Sunday THE REV. Dr. MYLES CALVIN, Asst. Priest 8:00 am Worship Service THE REV. CINDY ANDERSON, Asst. Priest 10:00 am Worship Service DAVID BASCH, Lay Pastor 10:00 am Children’s Sunday School THE REV. H. EUGENE MYRICK, Rector Emeritus MIKE LAVERDE, Lay Pastor (Pastoral Care) 4:00-6:00 pm Youth Bible Study PAUL COLEMAN, Lay Pastor (Bible Study and Discipleship) STEVE ANDERSON, Lay Pastor (Evangelism and Missions) Child care is provided RANDALL CROSSLAND, Chair of Buildings and Grounds Dr. BOB TIPTON, Scholar in Residence LEA MAGRUDER, Director of Music, Church Secretary JOANN CASPER, Parish Administrator SONIA LOPEZ, Sunday School Director Wednesday LEA MAGRUDER, Secretary 6:30 am Morning Prayer & Bible Study VESTRY weekly at the church. Bill Burton, Sr. Warden 7:00 pm Bible Study; Parish Prayer Meeting— Bill Stevens, Jr. Warden 1st Wed. of the month Mark Musgrave, Treasurer Justin Benedict, Sonny Brown, Bill Burton, Jason Chapman, Elvia Crossland, Sonia Lopez, David Thursday Moody, Bernard Moye, Ron Munden, Kirk 7:00 pm Choir Practice Rosenlund, Pam Slusher, Melinda Skillern, Bill Stevens, Kevin Coleman (Youth rep.) **** FRANCISCAN : Editor; Jim Uphoff Staff; Neva Uphoff, Loy Doty Inside this issue: From The Bishop Page 1 Deacon Daphne Page 3 Bob Tipton Page 4 From the Editor Page 6 St Francis Happenings Page 7 Just For Fun Page 9