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Drought-tolerant, low-maintenance plants
for south ‘Florida Yards’ and ‘Florida Landscapes’
Jody Haynes1, Adrian Hunsberger2, John McLaughlin3, and Laura Vasquez4

                  Introduction                        tolerant plant species suitable—or available—for
                                                      south ‘Florida Yards’ or ‘Florida Landscapes’.
The University of Florida (UF) has developed,         Rather, we began this list with the intention of
and is promoting statewide, an educational            presenting an assortment of options for a variety
outreach program called Florida Yards &               of conditions and a diversity of yard and
Neighborhoods (FYN). This program is                  landscape types. We were surprised to discover
supported by the Florida Department of                just how many plants fit our criteria of being
Environmental       Protection,     the     U.S.      able to tolerant drought conditions and having
Environmental Protection Agency, all five             low maintenance requirements. In the end, we
Florida Water Management Districts, various           compiled an impressive list of over 350 plant
National Estuary Programs, County Extension           species. For each plant listed, we ha ve attempted
offices, and local governments, agencies,             to provide its common name, scientific name,
organizations, and individuals. The primary goal      maximum size, growth rate, light preference, salt
of FYN is to teach various stakeholder groups         tolerance, and any additional informative
how they can reduce non-point source pollution        characteristics.
originating from urban yards and public
landscapes, while also conserving water and           Of course, all of these plants—with the
saving time, energy, and maintenance costs.           exception of some of the succulents—will
                                                      benefit from 3-4” of mulch. In addition, plants
This plant list was developed in response to          grown in shade tend to have a higher tolerance of
repeated requests from two important                  drought.
stakeholder groups in Miami- Dade County—
homeowners and local government personnel.                                   Criteria
Each time an FYN program has been presented,
at least one person in the audience has requested     This section will describe the criteria by which
a list of low- maintenance, drought-tolerant plants   we chose plants for our list. We should first note,
suitable for south Florida.) Although UF has          however, that even the most drought-tolerant
literally hundreds of Extension publications          plants    require    watering      during     their
available on its website—which is located at          establishment period. Although this period varies—a list of recommended,       among species, some general rules for container-
drought-tolerant plants specifically targeting        grown plants are as follows:
south Florida did not exist.
                                                      •   1-gallon: 6 mos       •   Trees: 6-12 months
Our intention was not to create a comprehensive       •   3-gallon: 1 year          per inch of trunk
list of every possible low- maintenance, drought-                                   diameter
Drought-tolerant, low-maintenance plants                                                        2

By ‘drought-tolerant’, we mean that the plant           increased demand will generate increased
will survive extended periods without rain or           supply. Plants commonly available in south
supplemental irrigation, while remaining healthy        Florida are designated with ♦.
and retaining an acceptable appearance.
Although ‘acceptable’ is, of course, a relative                           Categories
term, the FYN program encourages a more
tolerant approach to landscaping.                       Plant were evaluated according to their function
                                                        or role in yards or landscapes, and were then
‘Low-maintenance’, then, refers to a plant that         assigned to the following categories: A.
does not require frequent maintenance—such as           Perennials; B. Annuals & Bedding Plants; C.
pruning or spraying—to look acceptable.                 Shrubs & Hedges; D. Flowering & Shade Trees;
Essentially, a low- maintenance plant has low or        E. Fruit Trees; F. Palms, Cycads & Palm- like
no fertilizer requirements and few pest and             Plants; G. Ornamental Grasses; H. Turfgrasses;
disease problems.                                       I. Groundcovers; J. Vines; K. Epiphytes; L.
                                                        Herbs & Vegetables. Many of the plants have
All plants on this list are either widely adaptable     multiple uses (i.e., they may be used as a shrub
to varying soil types or are compatible with the        or small tree, or as a perennial or groundcover),
poor sandy or limestone-based soils of south            in which case they are listed in multiple
Florida. As such, these plants will usually             categories. A definition and brief discussion of
tolerate relatively high, alkaline pH conditions.       each category follows.
The final criterion for this list was that the plants
are not considered to be invasive by the Florida        A. Perennials. To be considered a perennial, a
Exotic Pest Plant Council (FLEPPC, 2001), or               plant must live for three or more years. The
restricted by federal, state, or local law (Burks,         term as it is used in botany includes shrubs
2000). A few plant species on this list are                and trees, as well as groundcovers, vines, and
restricted by Miami-Dade County from being                 herbaceous flowering plants. However, in
planted within 500 feet of the native habitats that        horticulture, perennials are primarily plants
they are known to invade; a caution statement is           that do not produce permanent woody stems.
provided for these plants (Miami-Dade County,              We have chosen to follow the horticultural
1996).                                                     definition of the term for this list. 38
                                                           perennials are listed.
We felt it necessary to include both native and
non-native species to eliminate bias. We                B. Annuals & Bedding Plants. An annual is a
understand that south Florida natives are highly           plant that lives for fewer than one year up to
adapted for south Florida conditions. However,             two years, or is commonly treated as such in
landscape situations rarely imitate natural                yards or landscapes. Bedding plants are
ecosystems. For example, some native plants                usually low growing and are suitable for
will not tolerate compacted fill. Therefore, only          mass plantings intended to create a dramatic
adaptable native species are included. Native              display of flowers or foliage. Although most
plants are indicated with ♥. Some of the plants            annuals and bedding plants require moist
listed also tolerate wet soil conditions, or even          soil, a few are drought tolerant. In south
short periods of flooding, and yet, still have a           Florida, most annuals are cool-season plants,
high tolerance to drought conditions—these are             and most will not tolerate the heat and/or
indicated with .                                           wet, humid conditions of summer. 23
                                                           annuals/bedding plants are listed.
Finally, we should mention that all species on
this list may not be readily available at garden        C. Shrubs & Hedges. A shrub typically has
centers or nurseries. We have intentionally                several permanent, woody stems that arise
included species that are not common in the                from ground level. A hedge is simply a row
nursery trade in south Florida with the hope that          of closely planted shrubs that form a border
Drought-tolerant, low-maintenance plants                                                         3

   or boundary. Size is also a factor in                manner in which the seeds of these plants are
   determining whether a plant is a shrub or a          borne in cones rather than flowers. Often
   tree. Some species are used equally often as         mistakenly referred to as palms, cycads are
   shrubs or trees, in which case, they are listed      actually more closely related to pine trees
   in both categories. 116 shrubs/hedges are            than they are to palm ‘trees’. In fact, three of
   listed.                                              the four most common cycads in south
                                                        Florida are commonly referred to as palms:
D. Flowering & Shade Trees. A tree is a woody           king sago ‘palm’ (Cycas revoluta), queen
   plant that is usually very large (tall or wide       sago ‘palm’ (Cycas rumphii), and cardboard
   or both). In addition, trees typically have          ‘palm’ (Zamia maritima). Of these, only the
   only one trunk. Flowering trees, then, are           cardboard ‘palm’ is considered a low-
   those that are cultivated primarily for their        maintenance plant. This is because sago
   showy flowers. Conversely, shade trees often         ‘palms’ (and the genus Cycas in general) are
   lack significant flower displays. Most               highly susceptible to the aulacaspis scale
   flowering trees also provide significant             insect (Aulacaspis yasumatsui; also known as
   amounts of shade, and are generally                  the ‘Thai scale’ or ‘snow scale’) and require
   considered a subset of shade trees. 59               a routine spray program to maintain a healthy
   flowering and shade trees are listed.                appearance. The cycads on this list are
                                                        resistant to this serious insect pest. In fact, at
E. Fruit Trees. Fruit trees are—quite simply—           least three species are designated as suitable
   trees grown or cultivated for their fruit. Many      replacements for king and queen sagos. 20
   also produce attractive flowers or significant       cycad species are listed.
   amounts of shade. Even so, fruit trees are
   highly prized in south Florida, and are              Palm- like plants are those that superficially
   conspicuously categorized separately from            resemble palms but belong to unrelated plant
   other trees. 14 fruit trees are listed.              families. In addition to the cycads mentioned
                                                        above, the following plants are incorrectly
F. Palms, Cycads & Palm-like Plants. Palms              referred to as palms: Madagascar ‘palm’
   are predominantly tropical and subtropical,          (Pachypodium lamerei; also resembles a
   evergreen trees, shrubs, or woody vines of           cactus, but is unrelated to both); ponytail
   the Family Palmae (also known as Family              ‘palm’ (Beaucarnea recurvata; an agave
   Arecaceae). Palm stems are generally                 relative); screw ‘palm’ (genus Pandanus;
   unbranched, bear a single growing point, and         also called screw ‘pine’, but related to neither
   are typically topped by a crown of large,            palms nor pines); and traveller’s ‘palm’
   pinnate or palmate leaves bearing                    (Ravenala madagascariensis; a distant
   conspicuous parallel venation. Palms                 relative of banana). 65 total species are listed
   represent an exceptionally diverse group of          in this category.
   plants that grow in equally diverse habitats.
   Of the more than 2500 species of palms            G. Ornamental Grasses. Nearly all ornamental
   worldwide, at least a quarter of them are            grasses grow in tuft- like clumps and bear
   cultivated in south Florida. In a few cases,         numerous tiny, insignificant flowers on tall
   entire palm genera are considered generally          stalks that rise above the blade- like leaves.
   tolerant of drought conditions, including the        Many are quite showy, and all non- invasive
   following: Brahea, Coccothrinax, Coper-              species are welcome additions to non-
   nicia, Livistona, Phoenix, Sabal, Thrinax,           traditional yards or landscapes. 15
   and Washingtonia. 44 palm species are listed.        ornamental grass species are listed.
   Cycads are gymnospermous, cone-bearing,
   evergreen     plants   of     the    Division     H. Turfgrasses. Turfgrasses are simply grasses
   Cycadophyta. ‘Gymnosperm’ is a Latin word            commonly used in lawns or playing fields.
   meaning “naked seed” and refers to the               Only two species are listed here, due
Drought-tolerant, low-maintenance plants                                                        4

   primarily to the high water requirement of         this potential problem, we encourage people to
   most other species and varieties.                  primarily refer to scientific names when
                                                      purchasing plants.
I. Groundcovers. This category includes a
   diverse group of unrelated plants that                               References
   function—quite literally—to cover the
   ground. Generally planted in dense stands,         Austin, D.F. Pine Rockland Plant Guide. Miami-
   groundcovers can be vines, small shrubs                   Dade       County       Department       of
   (subshrubs), annuals, perennials, bedding                 Environmental Resource Management,
   plants, or grasses. 63 groundcovers are listed.           Miami, FL.
                                                      Black, R.J. 1997. Native Florida Plants for
J. Vines. Vines are weak-stemmed plants—both                 Home Landscapes. University of Florida-
   herbaceous and woody—that derive their                    IFAS Publication ENH-25, Gainesville.
   support from climbing, twining, or creeping        Black, R.J., and E.F. Gilman. 1997. Your Florida
   along a surface. Although most people                     Guide to Bedding Plants: Selection,
   typically think of vines as climbing, a few               Establishment        and     Maintenance.
   species also grow along the ground and can                University of Florida Press, Gainesville.
   function as groundcovers. 28 vines are listed.     Broschat, T.K., and A.W. Meerow. 1991.
                                                             Betrock’s Reference Guide to Florida
K. Ephipytes. Epiphytes are plants that grow on              Landscape Plants. Betrock Information
   other plants for support or anchorage, but not            Systems, Inc., Hollywood, FL.
   for water or nutrients. This category includes     Burks, K.C. 2000. Non-native Plant Species
   the most famous of all epiphytes—the                      Restricted by Federal, State, or Local
   orchids—as well as ferns, bromeliads, and                 Law in Florida. Florida Department of
   cacti. 12 epiphytes are listed.                           Environme ntal Protection, Bureau of
                                                             Invasive Plant Management, Tallahassee,
L. Herbs & Vegetables. Herbs are plants whose                FL.
   leaves, stems, or roots are used as flavoring      FLEPPC. 2001. List of Florida’s Invasive
   in food or as non-traditional medicines, while            Species. Florida Exotic Pest Plant
   vegetables refer to plants that produce edible            Council.                          Internet:
   parts (roots, stems, leaves, or fruit) and are  
   grown for food. Although not included as           Florida Water Management Districts. 2001.
   standard components of most yards or                      Water Wise Florida Landscapes:
   landscapes, some herbs and vegetables have                Landscaping       to     Promote     Water
   ornamental value. 7 herbs and vegetables are              Conservation Using the Principles of
   listed.                                                   XeriscapeTM.
                                                      Gilman, E.F., and R.J. Black. 1999. Your Florida
        Choosing & Purchasing Plants                         Guide       to       Shrubs:     Selection,
                                                             Establishment        and     Maintenance.
FYN teaches that the ability to put the right plant          University of Florida Press, Gainesville.
in the right place is of foremost importance in       Haynes, J.L. 2001. Virtual Cycad Encyclopedia.
creating a healthy and successful ‘Florida Yard’             Palm & Cycad Societies of Florida, Inc.
or ‘Florida Landscape’. However, this process is             Internet:
dependent upon each individual’s ability to                  vce/vce_index.htm.
choose and then purchase the ‘right’ plant            Haynes, J.L. 2001. Virtual Palm Encyclopedia.
species for a given location. But be forewarned              Palm & Cycad Societies of Florida, Inc.
that, in your pursuit for the ‘right’ plants, you            Internet:
may encounter common names that are                          vpe/vpe_index.htm.
misleading, or even multiple plant species with
the same or similar common names. To alleviate
Drought-tolerant, low-maintenance plants                                                  5

Hubbuch, C. 2001. Water shortage continues…         Osorio, R. 2001. A Gardener’s Guide to
        and not a drop to irrigate. Garden Views.           Florida’s Native Plants. University of
        Fairchild Tropical Garden, Miami, FL.               Florida Press, Gainesville.
Maidman, K. 1997. Ten great palms. Garden           Riffle, R.L. 1998. The Tropical Look: An
        News. Fairchild Tropical Garden, Miami,             Encyclopedia of Dramatic Landscape
        FL.                                                 Plants. Timber Press, Portland, OR.
Meerow, A.W. 1991. Native Shrubs for South          Scheper. J. 2001. FloridataT M. Internet:
        Florida. University of Florida-IFAS       
        Publication EES-59, Gainesville.            Wilson, J. 1994. Landscaping with Herbs.
Meerow, A.W. 1996. Native Trees for South                   Houghton Mifflin, Boston, MA.
        Florida. University of Florida-IFAS
        Publication EES-57, Gainesville.            1 FYN Program Extension Agent
Meerow, A.W. 1999. Native Ground Covers for         2 Urban Horticulture Agent II
        South Florida. University of Florida-       3 Urban Horticulture Program Assistant
        IFAS Publication EES-60, Gainesville.       4 FYN Program Assistant
Meerow A.W., and R.J. Black. 1993.
        Enviroscaping to Conserve Energy:
        Ground Covers for South Florida.
        University of Florida-IFAS Publication
        EES-39, Gainesville.
Miami- Dade County. 1996. Dade County
        Landscaping      Manual.     Miami- Dade
        County, FL.
Misitis, M. 1997. Salt Tolerant Plants for Dade
        County.      UF/Miami-Dade        County
        Extension publication, Homestead, FL.
Table 1. Drought-tolerant, low- maintenance plants for south ‘Florida Yards’ and ‘Florida Landscapes’, listed by category in alphabetical order by
scientific name. (Note: ♦ indicates plants commonly available in nurseries and/or garden centers in south Florida; ♥ indicates Florida native plants;
  indicates plants that can tolerate wet soils or occasional flooding.)

A. Perennials
Common name                        Size      Light              Salt
Scientific name                   (inch)   preference        tolerance                                          Comments
Aglaonema ♦                                Partial to full
                                                                         Small, herbaceous perennial with fleshy stems, branching from the base, and slender-
Aglaonema commutatum                18
                                                               Low       stalked leaves up to about 12 in long. Flowering stems have narrow, pale green
                                                                         spathe enclosing small white spadix. Other Aglaonema also drought tolerant.
Scarlet milkweed ♦                36-48
                                            Full sun to
                                                                         Erect, evergreen, perennial with narrow, elliptical leaves and terminal clusters of
Asclepias curassavica                      partial shade                 scarlet and orange flowers—spring to fall. Attracts butterflies. Can tolerate wet soil.
Butterfly weed ♦♥                 18-36
                                            Full sun to
                                                                         Native perennial with orange, summertime flowers. Essential component of a
Asclepias tuberosa                         partial shade                 butterfly garden. Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds.
Cast iron plant ♦                   36
                                           Partial to full
                                                                         Grown for its deep green foliage. Named for its ability to tolerate harsh, adverse
Aspidistra elatior                            shade                      conditions. Spreads to form clumps. Excellent for shady areas.
Star begonia, winter begonia ♦             Partial to full
                                                                         Rhizomatous (spreads by rhizomes) begonia with large, hairy, deeply lobed, toothed,
Begonia heracleifolia             24-36
                                                               None      bronzy green leaves and fragrant, white to pink flowers on long, reddish stalks.
                                                                         Caution: Begonia cucullata is FLEPPC Category II invasive.
White begonia ♦                   24-48
                                           Partial to full
                                                                         Rhizomatous begonia with huge, round, dark glossy green leaves to 2’ wide and
Begonia popenoei                              shade                      large white, fragrant flowers held in large panicles well above foliage.
Castor bean begonia ♦             24-36
                                           Partial to full
                                                                         Rhizomatous begonia with apple green leaves shaped like stars and with rings of red
Begonia ricinifolia                           shade                      hairs around leaf petioles. Winter blooms are deep pink.
Strawflower                                                              Annual or short-lived perennial with erect habit. Weak, hollow stems. Thin green
Brachteantha bracteatum             36       Full sun          Low       leaves bear golden yellow blooms up to 2” in diameter at branch tips—summer to
                                                                         early fall. Good groundcover or small shrub.
Spiral ginger                                                            Tall spiral ginger with attractive roundish jade green leaves with fuzzy underside,
Costus scaber                       72     Partial shade       Low       and long, hard, waxy 8" to 12" red bracts with yellow with small, yellow flowers that
                                                                         peek out as bracts open from bottom up. Long lasting flower; excellent cut flower.
Crossandra ♦                      12-36
                                           Partial to full
                                                                         Simple leaves arranged in opposite pairs and bearing erect spikes of showy yellow to
Crossandra infundibuliformis                  shade                      red flowers, with petals opened flat into a hand-like shape.
African iris                                                             Drought tolerant perennial, though extra water needed when in bloom. Easy to grow.
Dietes iridioides                 24-36      Full sun          Low       Attractive white flowers with blue and brown shading appear in spring. Forms
                                                                         spreading clumps. Also available with yellow flowers.
Twinflower ♥                       6-18      Full sun          Low
                                                                         Native perennial. Likes pinelands. Grows best in dry sand. Plant close together for
Dyschoriste oblongifolia                                                 best cover.
Indian blanket ♦♥                                                        Colorful native annual or perennial. As easily grown as it is beautiful. Considerable
Gaillardia pulchella              12-24      Full sun          High      variation in flower color; typical variety bears red flowers with yellow-tipped petals.
                                                                         Plant in open site with good drainage. Good for beach-front plantings.
Whirling butterflies                                                   Herbaceous perennial that grows in loose, bushy clump. Stems slender, wiry, and
Gaura lindheimeri                            Full sun to               covered with tiny hairs. Leaves spoon-shaped with toothed margins. Flowers above
                                    24-48                     Low
                                            partial shade              foliage on long spikes; open white at dawn, fading to rose-pink by day’s end.
                                                                       Requires well-drained soil.
Moss verbena                                                           Freely branching, sprawling perennial with 3-lobed, finely dissected, aromatic leaves
                                             Full sun to
Glandularia puchella                 12                     Unknown    and clusters of pink, lilac, purple or white flowers. Requires well-drained soil.
                                            partial shade
                                                                       Attracts butterflies. Good bedding plant.
Tampa verbena ♦♥                    18-24     Full sun        Low
                                                                       Native, sprawling, short-lived perennial. Sometimes treated as annual. Flowers
Glandularia tampensis                                                  purplish-pink. Also known as Verbena tampensis.
Rain lilies ♥                       24-48     Full sun      Moderate
                                                                       Flowers yellow, pink, red or white—produced spring/summer after rain. Goes
Habranthus spp                                                         dormant in cool season, requiring very little water. Flowers best when crowded.
Beach sunflower ♥                   36-48     Full sun        High
                                                                       Erect or prostrate, spreading plant with sand paper-like leaves and 2.5-3” yellow
Helianthus debilis                                                     “sun” flowers. Suitable for beach-front plantings. Good for attracting butterflies.
Daylily ♦                                    Full sun or
                                                                       Clump-forming perennial with grass-like leaves and lily-like flowers from late spring
Hemerocallis spp.                   12-24
                                            partial shade
                                                            Moderate   to fall, depending on variety. Available in yellow, orange, red, pink, purple, and
                                                                       near-white. Only certain varieties succeed in south Florida (Evergreen, Semis).
Amaryllis ♦                          24
                                             Full sun to
                                                                       Spectacular trumpet-shaped, tropical lilies. Many species and varieties. Moderately
Hippeastrum spp.                            partial shade              drought tolerant.
Beach elder                                                            Scraggly, course, shrubby perennial. Good for beach-front plantings.
                                    24-36     Full sun        High
Iva imbricata
Shrimp plant ♦                               Full sun to
                                                                       Perennial or shrub with stems topped with 6” spikes of red, rusty brown, yellow, or
Justicia brandegeana                 3-5
                                             full shade
                                                             None      green brachts containing small, white, shrimp-like flowers. Unique, adaptable, easily
                                                                       grown plant. Also known as Beloperone guttata.
Kalanchoe ♦                                                            Small, shrubby African species. Multiple, upstretched branches covered with round
Kalanchoe blossfeldiana              12     Partial shade   Moderate
                                                                       to rectangular, deep green leaves with red margins and notched tips. Thick racemes
                                                                       of small, deep red, cylindrical flowers appear from winter to early summer; may also
                                                                       be pink, yellow, or orange. Can be weedy.
Dwarf lantana ♥                     6-12
                                             Full sun to
                                                                       Native low-growing perennial or groundcover, spreading to form a mat. Yellow to
Lantana ovatifolia var. reclinata           partial shade              orange flowers. Caution: L. camara, is a FLEPPC Category I invasive.
Statice                                                                Bushy, upright perennial. Dense rosettes of oblong, deeply waved, dark green leaves
Limonium sinuatum                                                      and masses of tiny, papery flowers on winged stems—summer/early fall. Fairly slow
                                     18       Full sun        Low
                                                                       growing. Available in golden, lemon-yellow, white, cream, salmon-pink, purple or
                                                                       blue spikelets.
Sweet basil ♦                                                          Mounding, perennial herb with densely branching, light green foliage and typical
Ocimum basilicum                     12       Full sun       None      peppery-clove basil scent. Used as border plant. ‘Spicy Globe’ cultivar is best known
                                                                       ornamental basil. Continues to grow in summer if blossoms cut before setting seed.
Pennyroyal ♥                                                           Low-growing perennial. Not picky about soil, but likes it dry. Small, shrimp-like
Piloblephis rigida                  6-24      Full sun        Low      flowers emerge from green, scale -like brachts. Attractive to butterflies. Also known
                                                                       as Pycnothymus rigidus and Satureja rigida.
Plumbago ♦                      3-10’     Full sun        Low
                                                                    Attractive light blue flowers in terminal spikes. Drought tolerant once well
Plumbago auriculata                                                 established. Prone to root and stem rots. Freely draining soil and good air circulation.
Florida mountainmint ♥           48
                                         Full sun to
                                                                    Erect, loosely-branched, shrublike perennial. Leaves smell like spearmint or
Pycnanthemum floridanum                 partial shade               camphor. Tiny, lavender flowers in dense terminal clusters. Attracts butterflies.
Firecracker plant ♦             24-48     Full sun        High
                                                                    Grown for weeping habit, masses of small, red tubular flowers, and scale -like leaves.
Russelia equisetiformis                                             Often used in planters. Requires freely draining soil. Susceptible to nematodes.
Stonecrop                                Full sun to                Hardy plant, well adapted for rockeries, with showy fall flowers. Many cultivars
                                 24                     Moderate
Sedum spectabile                        partial shade               (white, pink or red); at least one with variegated leaves.
Blue porterweed ♦♥                       Full sun to
                                                                    Native, small, shrubby perennial with somewhat weedy habit. Flowers highly
Stachytarpheta jamaicensis      12-36
                                        partial shade
                                                        Moderate    attractive to butterflies—a ‘must’ for any butterfly garden. Name derived from
                                                                    traditional foamy, porter-like beverage brewed from the plant.
Pink porterweed ♦               12-36
                                         Full sun to
                                                                    Small, shrubby perennial with somewhat weedy habit. Flowers highly attractive to
Stachytarpheta speciosa                 partial shade               butterflies.
Mexican sunflower ♦             60-72     Full sun        Low
                                                                    Warm-season annual or perennial. Leaves course, 3-lobed, and covered in soft,
Tithonia rotundifolia                                               downy fuzz. Flowers orange to red-orange.
Society garlic ♦                24-36
                                         Full sun to
                                                                    Clump-forming, herbaceous perennial with narrow, grayish leaves and large clusters
Tulbaghia violacea                      partial shade               of lavender flowers. Related to garlic.
Purpletop verbena ♦                     Full sun to
                                                                    Erect, clump-forming perennial with stiff, widely branched stems. Small, purple
Verbena bonariensis             36-72
                                        light shade
                                                          Low       flowers in clusters held high above foliage. Best when densely planted. Attracts
Verbena ♦                                                           Erect, clump-forming perennial or annual with stiff, widely branching stems.
Verbena x hybrida               36-72     Full sun        Low       Flowers purple and borne in rounded clusters. Treat as annual. Powdery mildew and
                                                                    whiteflies may be occasional problems. Good bedding plant.
Rain lily ♦                              Full sun to
                                                                    Charming, clump-forming, flowering bulbs. Most species have open flowers like
Zephyranthes spp.               6-15
                                        partial shade
                                                        Moderate    small Asiatic lilies and are deciduous. Can be yellow or various shades of warm
                                                                    pink. All bear one flower to a stem, and most close their petals at night.

B. Annuals and Bedding Plants
Common name                                Light           Salt
Scientific name                  Size   preference      tolerance                                       Comments
Scarlet milkweed ♦               3-4’
                                         Full sun to
                                                                    See description in “Perennials” above.
Asclepias curassavica                   partial shade
Orach, French spinach                                               Usually grown for its tender, spinach-like leaves. Leaves can be green, yellowish-
                                 2-6’     Full sun      Unknown
Atriplex hortensis                                                  green, red or purple. Sometimes grown as bedding plant.
Strawflower                                                         See description in “Perennials” above.
                                  3’      Full sun        Low
Brachteantha bracteatum
Calliopsis, tickseed ♦♥          2-3’     Full sun      Moderate
                                                                    Somewhat hairy leaves and stems form a loose mound. Bright, golden-yellow daisy
Coreopsis tinctoria                                                 blooms—June to September. Relative of the sunflower.
Cosmos ♦                                                      Feathery-leafed annual from Mexico and far southern USA. Showy, daisy-like
Cosmos bipinnatus          5-6’      Full sun        Low      flowerheads in summer and fall, in shades of pink, red, purple or white. May require
                                                              staking. May not survive rainy season.
Dwarf crown-of-thorns ♦    1-3       Full sun        High
                                                              Small Thai dwarf varieties used as bedding plants and groundcovers. See full
Euphorbia millii                                              description in “Shrubs & Hedges” below.
Indian blanket ♦♥          1-2’      Full sun        High
                                                              See description in “Perennials” above.
Gaillardia pulchella
Gazania ♦                 6-24”      Full sun      Moderate
                                                              Mat-forming plant with crowded rosettes of mostly unlobed leaves that are green
Gazania rigens                                                above and whitish beneath. Orange flowerheads with a black eye spot at petal bases.
Moss verbena ♦             12”
                                    Full sun to
                                                              See description in “Perennials” above.
Glandularia puchella               partial shade
Tampa verbena ♦♥          18-24”     Full sun        Low
                                                              See description in “Perennials” above.
Glandularia tampensis
Globe amaranth ♦           1-2’      Full sun        Low
                                                              Small, branching annual with hairy leaves and bright purple, pink, or white, clover-
Gomphrena globosa                                             like flowers. Benefits from mulching.
Sunflower ♦               3-10’      Full sun        Low
                                                              Fast-growing, upright annual. Large, daisy-like, 12” wide yellow flowerheads with
Helianthus annuus                                             brown centers borne in summer. Coarse, leggy plants with heavily veined leaves.
Annual lion’s ear                                             Course-textured, rather gangly, erect, loosely branching summer annual. Smooth
                                   Full sun to
Leonotis nepetifolia        8’                       Low      leaves with toothed margins. Bright red, tubular, downward curving flowers encircle
                                   light shade
                                                              stem at intervals. Self-seeds easily, but not considered invasive. Attracts butterflies.
Butter daisy ♦            6-24”      Full sun        Low
                                                              Small, summer annual with small, yellow flowers and bright green foliage. Prolific
Melampodium divaricatum                                       self-seeder. Great bedding and border plant. Also known as M. paludosum.
Moss rose, rose moss ♦                                        Small, annual, low-growing succulent with small, lance-shaped, fleshy, bright green
Portulaca grandiflora      4-8”      Full sun        High     leaves on reddish stems. Yellow, pink, red, or orange flowers in summer; close at
                                                              night and on cloudy days. Suitable as groundcover, in rockery, or as border.
Black-eyed Susan ♦♥                Full sun to
                                                              Typical daisy-like perennial or annual (depending on variety). Large, yellow-orange
Rudbeckia hirta             3’
                                   light shade
                                                     Low      to reddish-orange flowers with darker centers. Attracts butterflies. Does not tolerate
                                                              prolonged, wet, humid weather.
Ornamental sages ♦                                            Semi-woody, mostly herbaceous shrubby annuals with fuzzy leaves and spikes of
Salvia spp.                1-5’      Full sun        Low
                                                              blue, red, pink, or white flowers. Wilt and lose leaves during drought, but recover
                                                              when rain returns. Attract butterflies and hummingbirds. Will not tolerate prolonged
                                                              wet, humid weather.
Dusty miller ♦                      Full sun to
                                                              Mound-forming, evergreen, shrubby. Daisy-like flowers range from pink, red, purple
Senecio cineraria         8-12”
                                   partial shade
                                                     Low      and crimson through to white, as well as traditional blue. Very tolerant of heat, salt
                                                              air and poor soil, but does poorly in high humidity or excessive rain.
Dahlberg daisy                                                Bushy, highly-branched annual with small, yellow, daisy flowers. Foliage has
Thymnophylla tenuiloba                                        lemony scent. Good border plant. Also known as Dyssodia tenuiloba. Does not
                          6-12”      Full sun        Low
                                                              tolerate prolonged, wet, humid weather.
Mexican sunflower ♦        5-6’       Full sun         Low
                                                                 See description in “Perennials” above.
Tithonia rotundifolia
Verbena ♦                  3-6’       Full sun         Low
                                                                 See description in “Perennials” above.
Verbena x hybrida
Zinnia ♦                                                         Course, upright, bushy annual with lance-shaped leaves and daisy-like flowers—
Zinnia elegans             30”        Full sun         Low
                                                                 available in a rainbow of colors. Requires well-drained soil and good air circulation.
                                                                 Powdery mildew occasional problem when humid; newer varieties resistant. Leaf
                                                                 spot during rainy season possible problem. Also known as Zinnia violacea.
Mexican zinnia ♦                                                 Upright, bushy annual. Small, narrow leaves. Daisy-like flowers in white, orange,
Zinnia haageana            1-2’       Full sun         Low       yellow, red, mahogany, or bicolor (gold, maroon, purple, brown, cream, and pink).
                                                                 Good annual groundcover.

C. Shrubs & Hedges
Common name                Size      Light              Salt
Scientific name           (feet)   preference        tolerance                                          Comments
Chenille plant ♦                    Full sun to
                                                                 Medium to large shrub with large, oval, evergreen leaves. Separate male and female
Acalypha hispida          6-15
                                   partial shade
                                                     Moderate    plants. Females have long, velvety clusters of purple, bright red, or crimson flowers
                                                                 resembling fluffy cat’s tail. Can wilt in full sun during drought.
Copperleaf ♦              8-15
                                    Full sun to
                                                                 Purple/red, green and pink foliage. Excellent for hedge or border, but can be over-
Acalypha wilkesiana                partial shade                 powering.
Desert rose ♦                                                    Very showy flowers year-round, particularly during hot, dry weather. Must have
Adenium obesum            3-10       Full sun        Moderate    perfect drainage since this plant is very prone to root and stem rots. Will loose leaves
                                                                 during cool weather. Excellent for rock gardens. Scales occasional pest.
Century plant ♦                                                  Dramatic foliage and form. Evergreen, silver/gray to blue-green foliage. Showy,
Agave americana                                                  green-brown fruit. Armed with spines. Gritty, free-draining soil required. Blooms
                           6-8       Full sun          High      anywhere from 12-20 years of age, then dies. Excellent for rock gardens. Many other
                                                                 agaves available; some are variegated; all are drought tolerant. Caution: Sisal hemp,
                                                                 A. sisalana is a FLEPPC Category II invasive.
Bush allamanda                      Full sun to                  Colorful, bright yellow, trumpet flowers. Glossy leaves in whorls of 3-6 on smooth
                           3-5                       Moderate
Allamanda neriifolia               partial shade                 stems, which bleed milky sap if cut. Attractive to butterflies and hummingbirds.
Purple allamanda ♦         10        Full sun          None
                                                                 Evergreen, vining shrub with purple, tubular flowers. Attractive to butterflies and
Allamanda violacea                                               hummingbirds.
Shell ginger ♦                      Full sun to
                                                                 Tall stems topped with drooping inflorescences bearing white, pink, red, and yellow,
Alpinia zerumbet          6-12
                                   partial shade
                                                     Moderate    shell-shaped flowers. Forms dense clumps. Green and variegated forms. Best growth
                                                                 in moist soil, but can tolerate drought. Benefits from mulch.
Bird’s nest anthurium ♦            Partial to full
                                                                 Large, herbaceous shrub or epiphyte consisting of majestic cluster of long, erect,
Anthurium salviniae        60
                                                       None      tropical-looking leaves with wavy margins. Flowers relatively insignificant. Other
                                                                 bird’s nest anthuriums also drought tolerant.
Marlberry ♥                                                    Native plant with attractive foliage and berries. Can be used as small specimen tree
Ardisia escallonioides       5-20   Partial shade     High
                                                               or barrier shrub. Attracts birds. Does poorly in full sun. Caution: The related
                                                               shoebutton ardisia, A. elliptica, and coral ardisia, A. crenulata , are FLEPPC Category
                                                               I invasive plants.
Silver sea oxeye                                               Yellow, daisy-like flowers. Widely used on banks and slopes. Excellent for beach-
                             2-4      Full sun        High
Borrichia arborescens                                          front plantings in sand. Elsewhere, use freely draining soil to prevent root rot.
Bougainvillea ♦                                                Very showy, thorny vine-like shrub with best bloom during dry season. Numerous
Bougainvillea spp.           5-30     Full sun       None
                                                               cultivars available in a striking array of colors, magenta being the most common.
                                                               Some with variegated foliage. Best effect as a vine but can be trained as a shrub.
                                                               Caterpillars occasional pest. Requires freely draining soil. Do not over-fertilize.
Yesterday-today-tomorrow ♦           Full sun to
                                                               Aptly named shrub with pansy-like flowers that open purple on the first day, then
Brunfelsia grandiflora       3-8
                                    partial shade
                                                    Moderate   turn pale lavender and the second day, and finally white on the third day. Some leaf
                                                               drop may occur during persistent drought.
Butterfly bush ♦                     Full sun to
                                                               Fast-growing shrub with attractive pink, purple, or white flowers and gray-green
Buddleia officinalis         6-12
                                    partial shade
                                                    Moderate   leaves. Highly attractive to butterflies—hence the name. Nematodes occasional
                                                               problem in sandy soils. Other tropical Buddleia also drought tolerant.
Locust-berry ♥               3-30
                                     Full sun to
                                                               Native shrub to small tree with spreading canopy. Attractive flowers are white/pink
Byrsonima lucida                    partial shade              to yellow. Orange to yellow berries attract wildlife. Can be used as a hedge.
Dwarf poinciana ♦            5-20     Full sun      Moderate
                                                               Large shrub to small tree. Showy orange/yellow flowers during warmer months.
Caesalpinia pulcherrima                                        Needs good drainage. Leaves and seeds poisonous.
Beautyberry ♦♥               6-8
                                     Full sun to
                                                               Native shrub. Flowers insignificant, though long-lasting purple berries are quite
Callicarpa americana                partial shade              attractive, and provide a good food source for birds.
Giant milkweed                                                 Large, thick, grayish-green leaves and purple to white, crown-like flowers. Tolerates
                              6       Full sun      Moderate
Calotropis gigantea                                            poor soil, but requires excellent drainage. Host plant for monarch butterfly larvae.
Spicewood ♥                                                    Small, shrubby, native tree with burgundy-tinged new growth and insignificant white
Calyptranthes pallens        5-25   Partial Shade   Moderate   flowers. Can be sheared and grown as a hedge. Good drought tolerance, but prefers
                                                               moist soil.
Jamaica caper ♦♥             18
                                     Full sun to
                                                               Native, slow-growing, undemanding plant with attractive, white, fragrant, spider lily-
Capparis cynophallophora            partial shade              like flowers. With time, can be shaped into attractive hedge.
Caper bush                                                     Elegant shrub often grown for its green capers—which are flower buds, pickled and
Capparis spinosa             2-5      Full sun       None      salted. When allowed to flower, produces large, long-stemmed, pink or white flowers
                                                               with long stamens. Leaves nearly round. Canopy open.
Natal plum ♦♥                        Full sun to
                                                               Native large shrub to small tree with attractive, thick, glossy foliage, fragrant ,
Carissa macrocarpa           3-20
                                     light shade
                                                      High     jasmine-like flowers, and edible fruit. The spiny leaves and stems make this a good
                                                               barrier plant once established. Web blight a problem if excessively wet.
Candle bush                                                    Large, pinnate leaves. Terminal, 6” yellow flower spikes appear in late summer and
                              8       Full sun        Low
Cassia alata                                                   fall.
Cassia ♦                     5-15     Full sun
                                                     Low to    Spectacular flowering shrubs with yellow flowers. Several species available.
Cassia spp.                                         Moderate
Cat palm ♦                         3-8
                                           Full sun to
                                                                       Mounding palm with elegant, dark green, glossy, feathery le aves. Can be used as a
Chamaedorea cataractarum                  partial shade                shrub or a hedge.
Bamboo palm ♦                     6-10
                                          Partial to full
                                                                       Heavily clumping palm with tall, slender stems resembling bamboo canes. Can be
Chamaedorea erumpens                         shade                     used as a shrub or a hedge. Also known as C. seifrizii.
Cocoplum ♦♥                                Full sun to
                                                                       Native shrub with insignificant flowers, but new foliage quite attractive. Often used
Chrysobalanus icaco               3-15
                                          partial shade
                                                              High     as hedge, but will thin if planted in too much shade. Available in spreading and erect
Pineland snowberry ♥               2-3      Full sun          Low
                                                                       Native vining shrub with glossy green, elliptical to lanceolate leaves and tiny white
Chiococca pinetorum                                                    flowers.
Fiddlewood ♥                               Full sun to
                                                                       Native large, densely leafy shrub to small tree with glossy, ellipitical leaves and
Citharexylem fruticosum           12-30
                                          partial shade
                                                              High     small, white, fragrant flowers followed by round, orange-brown berries on female
                                                                       plants. Hard, heavy, strong wood. Attractive to birds and other wildlife.
Pitch apple                                                            Thick, dark green leaves and attractive pink and white flowers make this a good all-
                                   30       Full sun          High
Clusia rosea                                                           around choice for beach-front properties. Vigorous root system.
Pigeon plum ♦♥                    5-30
                                           Full sun to
                                                                       Native evergreen large shrub to small tree with dense, narrowly rounded crown and
Coccoloba diversifolia                    partial shade                attractive, peeling bark. Small, dark purple berries on female trees attractive to birds.
Sea grape ♦♥                                                           Native large shrub to large tree with large, thick, saucer-like leaves bearing attractive
Coccoloba uvifera                 5-50      Full sun          High     venation. Also has edible fruit. On occasion, can be susceptible to a number of pests.
                                                                       Leaves can be messy. Good for beach-front properties.
Croton ♦                          5-10      Full sun        Moderate
                                                                       Grown for the colorful, variegated foliage in greens, yellows, reds and pinks. Scales
Codiaeum variegatum                                                    can be a problem. Can be leggy, especially if grown in shade.
Coffee colubrina ♥                         Full sun to
                                                                       Native, large, course-leaved shrub or small tree with open crown of large, tri-lobed
Colubrina arborescens              20
                                           light shade
                                                              High     leaves with inconspicuous green flowers and 3-seeded capsules. Attractive to
                                                                       butterflies and many other beneficial insects.
Buttonwood ♦♥                                                          Native shrub or tree. Both green and silver leaved forms available; the latter is more
Conocarpus eretus                 5-50
                                           Full sun to
                                                                       attractive. Insignificant flowers followed by small, button-like seed pods. Scales can
                                          partial shade                be a problem and foliage can be attacked by chewing insects. Can be used as a hedge
                                                                       but bottom is prone to thin out.
Ti plant ♦                        3-10      Full sun         None
                                                                       Palm-like, slender plant with unique, long, narrow leaves in red, pink, white, or
Cordyline terminalis                                                   purple. Also known as ‘red sister’.
Spiral ginger                                                          See description in “Perennials” above.
                                   72     Partial shade       Low
Costus scaber
Christmas berry, ground holly ♥    1
                                           Full sun to
                                                                       Native, prostrate, evergreen shrub with small, holly-like, spiny leaves and attractive
Crossopetalum ilicifolium                 partial shade                red berries.
Desert spoon                                                           Linear, grey-green leaves with toothed edges. Spectacular inflorescence bearing
Dasylirion wheeleri               3-30      Full sun          High     many creamy-white flowers may reach 30’, after which the plant dies. Takes extreme
                                                                       drought, but must have excellent drainage and air circulation.
Varnish leaf                                                           Grown for attractive, stiff, shiny green leaves. Showy, yellowish 3-winged capsules
                                           Full sun to
Dodanaea viscosa                   18                         High     produced in terminal clusters; brown, pink or purple at maturity. Dense and fast
                                          partial shade
                                                                       growing. Used as free-standing specimen or hedge. Excellent for beach-front.
Dracaena ♦                       15
                                        Partial to full
                                                                     Narrow, sword-like leaves with red margins. ‘Tricolor’ cultivar has a cream stripe
Dracaena marginata                         shade                     and red edge. Commonly grown as a house plant.
Golden dewdrop ♦                5-18
                                         Full sun to
                                                                     Ssprawling and sometimes vine-like, evergreen shrub or small tree. Beautiful purple
Duranta repens                          partial shade                flowers and yellow, grape-like, poisonous fruit. Can self-seed and become weedy.
Lingaro                                                              Shrubby, evergreen vine with attractive light green foliage, the underside a reddish
Elaeagnus philippensis          3-15      Full sun          High     brown. Small, fragrant, white flowers followed by edible fruit. Grows well on
                                                                     poor/calcareous soils. Caution: E. pungens, is FLEPPC Category II invasive.
Beach creeper, golden creeper                                        Intolerant of over watering, but excellent as ground cover for beach front. Flowers
                                 1-3      Full sun          High
Ernodea littoralis                                                   insignificant.
Coral bean tree ♦♥                                                   Native perennial shrub to small tree. Deciduous, 3-lobed compound leaves. Showy
Erythrina herbacea              3-15      Full sun          Low      scarlet blossoms on tall stalks in spring, followed by large beans that split to reveal
                                                                     bright red seeds. May grow into small tree in south Florida. Extremely poisonous.
White stopper ♦♥                         Full sun to
                                                                     Native large shrub or small tree with pale, whitish bark and aromatic foliage that can
Eugenia axillaries              5-20
                                        dense shade
                                                            High     be overpowering. Small, white flowers in midsummer followed by small, purplish
                                                                     berries. Attractive to birds.
Redberry stopper ♥              6-18
                                         Full sun to
                                                                     Slow-growing native plant with attractive glossy leaves and red berries. Used as
Eugenia confusa                         partial shade                specimen plant or hedge. Upright growth suitable for restricted site.
Spanish stopper ♦♥                       Full sun to
                                                                     Native large shrub or small tree. Densely clothed with small, rounded leaves.
Eugenia foetida                 18-36
                                                            High     Smallest flowers and fruits of all stoppers, but still attractive to wildlife. Excellent
                                                                     foundation or specimen plant.
Red stopper ♥                            Full sun to
                                                                     Native large shrub or small tree with reddish brown bark and elegant growth habit.
Eugenia rhombea                  9
                                                            High     Branches produced in flat sprays perpendicular to main trunk. Slow-growing and
                                                                     does not flower or fruit as a young plant.
Scarlet plume                            Full sun to                 Evergreen, arching shrub. Very showy red flowers all year. Needs excellent
                                 5                          High
Euphorbia fulgens                       partial shade                drainage. Ideal for a rock garden.
Crown-of-thorns ♦                                                    Slow-growing, thorny, semi-succulent shrub with bright green, obovate leaves and
Euphorbia millii                 1-3      Full sun          High
                                                                     small to medium yellow, orange, or red flowers. Excellent in rock gardens. Often
                                                                     used as low hedge in coastal areas. Small Thai dwarf varieties used as bedding plants
                                                                     and groundcovers.
Florida privet ♦♥                10       Full sun          High
                                                                     Native shrub with insignificant flowers. Wildlife attracted to black fruit. Very
Forestiera segregata                                                 tolerant of alkaline soils. Can be used as hedge plant in place of ligustrum.
Green aloe ♦                                                         Large rosette of thin narrow leaves up to 8' long. Requires freely draining soil.
Furcraea foetida                 3-8      Full sun          High     Inflorescence borne on 15-30" stem; flowers pungent. Rosette dies after flowering.
                                                                     New plants arise from bulbils. Variegated form available.
Thryallis ♦                      3-5
                                         Full sun to
                                                                     Versatile, evergreen, tropical shrub. Non-stop yellow flowers bloom year-round.
Galphimia glauca                        partial shade                Excellent for low hedges. Wood brittle. Requires sheltered position.
Star flower                                                          Adaptable evergreen shrub with deep green, oval, toothed, leathery leaves. Bears
Grewia occidentalis                                                  star-shaped, mauve-pink flowers about 1.5” across during spring and summer,
                                 10       Full sun        Moderate
                                                                     followed by brownish, 4-lobed berries. Excellent plant for espaliers. Scale insects
                                                                     sometimes a problem.
Lignum vitae ♦♥                                               Attractive, native, slow-growing large shrub to small tree, with blue flowers year
Guaiacum sanctum            6-25     Full sun        High     round—but best in spring. Flowers followed by yellow seed pods which pop open to
                                                              reveal shiny, bright red seeds. Extremely dense, prized wood.
Firebush ♦♥                         Shady to
                                                              Produces attractive orange/red flowers at any time. Indifferent to soil, providing
Hamelia patens              5-15
                                   dappled sun
                                                     Low      drainage is good. In shade, less shrubby and more tree-like. Can be used as hedge,
                                                              but pruning interferes with flowering. Highly attractive to butterflies.
Heliconia ♦                         Full sun to
                                                              Smaller heliconia with tight, arrowhead-shaped inflorescence bearing dense but
Heliconia episcopalis       3-7
                                   partial shade
                                                   Moderate   colorful bracts which begin red then fade to orange then yellow toward the tips.
                                                              Year-round bloomer.
Heliconia ♦                         Full sun to
                                                              Tall heliconia with long-stalked, yellow-green, banana-like leaves with a red margin
Heliconia latispatha        6-15
                                   partial shade
                                                   Moderate   and erect inflorescence with widely spaced, triangular-shaped bracts that are yellow
                                                              or orange at base, changing to scarlet at tips.
Lobster claw heliconia ♦    3-20
                                    Full sun to
                                                              Tall heliconia with long-stalked, green to bluish-green, 5’-long, banana-like leaves
Heliconia rostrata                 partial shade              and pendant inflorescence with zig-zagging bracts of scarlet and yellow.
Chinese hat plant                                             Unique flowers are main interest of this scrambling shrub/vine: each is a narrow,
Holmskioldia sanguinea                                        orange-scarlet tube backed by a broad, circular calyx, appearing in dense terminal
                                    Full sun to
                            3-6                    Moderate   clusters through summer and fall. Leaves oval and slightly serrated. Rampant growth
                                   partial shade
                                                              can be contained by pruning after flowering. Old canes can be removed. Loses leaves
                                                              during drought.
Beach elder                                                   See description in “Perennials” above.
                            2-3      Full sun        High
Iva imbricata
Joewood ♥                           Full sun to
                                                              Very slow-growing, native shrub with attractive foliage and year-round, showy,
Jacquinia keyensis          10
                                   partial shade
                                                     High     fragrant blooms. Good resistance to wind and salt spray. Some shade from hottest
                                                              sun beneficial.
Primrose jasmine                                              Rambling, open, evergreen, shrub with long, arching stems that will climb if given
                                    Full sun to
Jasmimum mesnyi             5-10                     Low      support. Without support, grows as fountain-like mound. Fragrant, yellow, trumpet-
                                   partial shade
                                                              shaped flowers. Caution: J. dichotomum and J. fluminense are FLEPPC Category I.
Downy jasmine                                                 Evergreen, branching vine that can be trained as a shrub. Stems and leaves covered
                                    Full sun to
Jasmimum multiflorum        5-10                     Low      with downy pubescence—giving plant grayish-green appearance. Small, white, star-
                                   partial shade
                                                              shaped flowers in clusters—year-round. Caution: J. sambac is FLEPPC Category II.
Peregrina                           Full sun to               Deeply-lobed leaves and showy display of small red flowers throughout the year.
                            15                     Moderate
Jatropha integerrima               partial shade              Needs good drainage. Mites and scales can be problems. Poisonous.
Coral plant, physic nut ♦           Full sun to
                                                              Shrub to small tree with loose, spreading crown. Large, distinctive leaves with 7-11
Jatropha multifida          6-20
                                   partial shade
                                                     High     narrow lobes and each lobe divided into narrow, pointed segments. Flowers coral
                                                              red, in flat-topped clusters on long stalks above foliage. All parts are poisonous.
Chinese juniper                                     Low-      Evergreen groundcover, shrub, or tree, depending on variety. Both adult and juvenile
                            2-50     Full sun
Juniperus chinensis                                Moderate   foliage found on adult trees. Berries fleshy and glaucous white.
Shrimp plant ♦              3-5
                                    Full sun to
                                                              See description in “Perennials” above.
Justicia brandegeana                full shade
Crepe myrtle ♦                                                     Grown for peeling bark and outstanding late spring to summer blossom in various
Lagerstroemia indica           8-25       Full sun       None      shades of pink, red purple and white. Miniatures used for edging; standards used as
                                                                   specimen plants. Aphids and powdery mildew can be problems.
West Indian sea lavender                                           Rounded shrub with fine, grayish-green leaves and small white flowers.
                                4-6       Full sun        High
Mallotonia gnaphalodes
Barbados cherry ♦                        Full sun to
                                                                   Attractive shrub. Produces clusters of small, pink flowers, followed by red, cherry-
Malpighia glabra               5-10
                                        partial shade
                                                        Moderate   sized, edible fruit that is tart in flavor and rich in vitamin C. Makes good hedge.
                                                                   Nematodes a problem on sandy soils. Plant bugs spoil fruit. Benefits from mulch.
Monstera ♦                               Full sun to
                                                                   Slow-growing vine or shrub with huge, broad, glossy, perforated and deeply cut
Monstera deliciosa              5-6
                                        partial shade
                                                          Low      leaves and woody stems with aerial roots. Mature plants bear thick, cream spathes
                                                                   followed by sweet-smelling, cone-like, edible fruit.
Simpson’s stopper ♦♥                     Full sun to
                                                                   One of the most beautiful and ornamental native woody plants. Densely branched,
Myrcianthes fragrans           6-20
                                        partial shade
                                                          High     densely leafy large shrub to small tree. Pure white, puffy flowers followed by large,
                                                                   bright orange berries which contrast with dark foliage. Attractive to birds.
Wax myrtle ♦♥                            Full sun to
                                                                   Native, clumping, fast-growing shrub to small tree with small, evergreen leaves,
Myrica cerifera                10-25
                                        partial shade
                                                          Low      inconspicuous flowers, and waxy gray fruit attached to twigs. Leaves and fruit smell
                                                                   like bayberry. Tolerates periodic flooding. Natural insect repellant. Attracts birds.
Mazari palm ♦                                                      Medium-sized, shrubby palm with branching trunks and whitish-blue, fan-shaped
Nannorrhops ritchiana          10-20
                                         Full sun to
                                                                   leaves. Each stem flowers only once and dies back. Exceptionally cold-tolerant.
                                        partial shade              Prefers cool, arid climate but tolerates south Florida quite well. Slightly susceptible
                                                                   to lethal yellowing disease.
Firespike                                                          Small, showy, evergreen shrub with sparse, thick, upright branches, shiny, dark
Odontonema strictum                                                green leaves with wavy margins, and 9-12” upright panicles of brilliant red, tubular
                                         Full sun to
                                 6                        Low      flowers in late summer to early winter. Tolerates all but most severe droughts.
                                        partial shade
                                                                   Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds. Caution: Do not plant within 500’ of native
                                                                   hardwood hammock in Miami-Dade County.
Prickly-pear cactus ♦                                              Many species, from tiny plants with tuberous roots to ‘trees’ over 30’ tall. Branches
Opuntia spp.                                                       constricted, forming broad/flattened or cylindrical ‘joints’. Most have sharp spines
                               6”-30’     Full sun        High     and small bristles. Flowers generally yellow or red, followed by edible fruits (prickly
                                                                   pears). Caution: O. aurantiaca is a federal- and state-listed invasive species (Burks,
Jacob’s ladder                                                     Flowers insignificant; surrounded by showy, slipper-like red bracts. Zig-zag stems,
Pedilanthus tithymaloides        6      Partial shade     High     with prominently keeled leaves. Well adapted to poor dry soil. Variegated cultivars.
                                                                   Poisonous. Prune to avoid leggy appearance.
Selloum, tree philodendron ♦   5-15
                                         Full sun to
                                                                   Prostrate to upright trunks. Huge, deeply divided, dark green leaves. Also known as
Philodendron selloum                    partial shade              tree philodendron because it does not climb. Also known as P. bipinnatifidum.
Pittosporum ♦                            Full sun to
                                                                   Broadleafed, evergreen shrub with bright green, glossy leaves (can be variegated)
Pittosporum tobira             10-15
                                        partial shade
                                                        Moderate   and clusters of small, white flowers that smell like orange blossoms. Moderate to fast
Plumbago ♦                     3-10       Full sun        Low
                                                                   See description in “Perennials” above.
Plumbago auriculata
Podocarpus ♦                5-40
                                      Full sun to
                                                                  Evergreen shrub or tree with needle -like leaves. Makes an excellent hedge. Bears
Podocarpus macrophyllus              partial shade                small, bluish ‘berries’.
Aralias ♦                   2-25
                                      Full sun to
                                                                  Many species and cultivars used as shrubs, hedges and groundcovers. Foliage differs
Polyscias spp                        partial shade                in form (usually compound); leaves often lobed and/or variegated.
Elephant bush                                                     Grown for jade colored leaves and red stems. Rarely flowers in cultivation. Grow in
                                      Full sun to
Portulacaria afra             3                          High     gritty, freely draining soil. Provide good air circulation. Variegated form exists.
                                     partial shade
                                                                  Excellent for rock gardens.
Wild coffee ♦♥                       Partial to full
                                                                  Native small shrub with distinctive, highly glossy, dark green leaves with deeply
Psychotria nervosa           6-9
                                                         Low      impressed side veins. Related to gardenia and similar in overall appearance. Flowers
                                                                  abundant over much of the year, followed by decorative red berries.
Velvetleaf wild coffee ♦♥    6-9
                                     Partial to full
                                                                  Native small shrub similar in all respects to P. nervosa, but with velvety, deep blue-
Psychotria sulzneri                     shade                     green foliage.
White indigoberry ♥         1.5-10
                                      Full sun to
                                                                  Native shrub with no outstanding features. Fragrant flowers and white berries on
Randia aculeata                      partial shade                female plants. Main attribute is ability to grow under adverse conditions.
Buckthorn                                                         Deciduous plant with glossy, dark green, oval leaves up to 3” long. Insignificant
Rhamnus spp.                                                      green flowers followed by small fruit that change from red to black as they ripen. No
                             15        Full sun          High
                                                                  outstanding landscape value, but well adapted to dry, infertile sites. Numerous spines
                                                                  make these plants useful as security screens.
Lady palm ♦                          Partial to full
                                                                  Small, densely clumping fan palm with numerous slender, dark brown trunks bearing
Rhapis excelsa              5-10
                                                        None      distinctive fibers and leaf scar patterns. Small, deeply segmented, glossy dark green
                                                                  leaves on thin, delicate petioles. Often used as shrub or potted plant.
Rosemary ♦                                                        Evergreen, woody shrub with aromatic, needle -like leaves and gray, scaly bark. Easy
Rosemarinus officinalis       3        Full sun          High     to propagate from cuttings. Widely used as herb or nontraditional medicine. Upright
                                                                  forms perform best.
Firecracker plant ♦          2-4       Full sun          High
                                                                  See description in “Perennials” above.
Russelia equisetiformis
Scrub palmetto ♦♥            3-4       Full sun        Moderate
                                                                  Small, native, trunkless, shrub-like palm resembling Serenoa repens but with smooth
Sabal etonia                                                      petioles.
Dwarf blue palmetto ♦♥       3-4     Partial shade     Moderate
                                                                  Small, native, trunkless, shrub-like palm resembling S. etonia , but smaller and with
Sabal minor                                                       bluish-green leaves. Can tolerate wet soils.
American elderberry ♥                                             Native bushy, multi-stemmed, wide-spreading shrub with deciduous, compound
Sambucus canadensis         10-15
                                      Full sun to
                                                                  leaves. Tiny, star-shaped, white flowers followed by shiny, blue-black fruit. Provides
                                     partial shade                colorful autumn display of yellows, oranges, and reds in south Florida. Branches
                                                                  brittle. Forms dense thickets by suckering from roots.
Inkberry ♥                            Full sun to
                                                                  Native plant with succulent leaves. Insignificant, small, pink/white flowers. Spreads
Scaevola plumieri            2-4                         High     by underground stems. Well-suited to sandy soils at beach-front. Caution: Scaevola
                                     partial shade
                                                                  sericea (=S. taccada v. sericea, S. frutescens) is FLEPPC Category I invasive.
Dwarf schefflera ♦                    Full sun to
                                                                  Many cultivars, some with variegated foliage. Used as specimen or informal hedge.
Schefflera arboricola       6-15                       Moderate   Takes pruning well. Mealybugs and scales can be a problem. Caution: Schefflera
                                     partial shade
                                                                  actinophylla is FLEPPC Category I invasive.
Desert senna ♦                                                        Small tree with a beautiful cascading habit. Prefers well-drained soil. Small, yellow
Senna polyphylla                    12       Full sun        Low      flowers mostly in dry season. Caution: Senna pendula is FLEPPC Category I
Saw palmetto ♦♥                             Full sun to
                                                                      Native clumping fan palm with subterranean, prostrate, or upright trunks. One of the
Serenoa repens                      3-8
                                           partial shade
                                                             High     most abundant and widely-planted palms in Florida. Green and silver forms.
                                                                      Spreading tendency can be problem when left uncontrolled.
Necklace-pod ♦♥                     6        Full sun        High
                                                                      Large, densely branched native shrub with natural rounded shape. Bears clusters of
Sophora tomentosa                                                     yellow flowers at tips of branches. Fast-growing and easily cultivated.
Blue porterweed ♦♥                  1-3
                                            Full sun to
                                                                      See description in “Perennials” above.
Stachytarpheta jamaicensis                 partial shade
Pink porterweed ♦                   1-3
                                            Full sun to
                                                                      See description in “Perennials” above.
Stachytarpheta speciosa                    partial shade
White bird-of-paradise ♦           8-20
                                            Full sun to
                                                                      Named for the appearance of the spectacular flowers. Foliage dark green, banana-
Strelitzia nicolae                         partial shade              like. Drought tolerant once established. Relative of banana.
Orange bird-of-paradise ♦           3-5
                                            Full sun to
                                                                      Named for spectacular flowers. Foliage gray-green, fan-like. Drought tolerant once
Strelitzia reginae                         partial shade              established. Scales can be a problem.
Marmalade plant                                                       Fast-growing, evergreen shrub grown for showy yellow to dark orange flowers
Streptosolen jamesonii              6        Full sun        Low      produced winter to spring. Needs open, sunny site with excellent drainage.
                                                                      Sprawling growth benefits from support. Prune hard after flowering is complete.
Bay cedar ♥                                                           Native, small-leaved, evergreen shrub or small tree. Clusters of small, leathery leaves
Suriana maritima                   6-12      Full sun        High     and attractive, peeling bark. Will grow in sand or on bare rock. Good choice for
                                                                      ocean and beach-front sites.
African milkbush                                                      Large shrub to small tree. Fleshy leaves and stems, becoming woody with age.
                                    16       Full sun        High
Synadenium grantii                                                    Showy clusters of red flowers. Milky latex is poisonous.
Cape honeysuckle                                                      Sprawling, rampant, evergreen, sometimes vine-like shrub. Compound leaves with 5-
Tecomaria capensis                         Full sun to                7 toothed, diamond-shaped leaflets. Clusters of brilliant red-orange to scarlet, tubular
                                   2-10                      High
                                           light shade                flowers. Can be pruned to shrub, trained to espalier, or grown as vine or ground-
                                                                      cover. Requires well-drained soil.
Tetrazygia, West Indian lilac ♦♥           Full sun to
                                                                      Extremely ornamental, native, tropical shrub to small tree. Beautiful white and
Tetrazygia bicolor                 6-40
                                           light shade
                                                             Low      yellow flowers followed by purple -black berries, highly attractive to birds. Elegant,
                                                                      glossy, dark green foliage. Cannot be used as hedge, as branches die when pruned.
Limeberry                                                             Small, glossy, trifoliate leaves. Fragrant, diminutive white flowers. Edible red
                                   3-10      Full sun      Moderate
Triphasia trifolia                                                    berries. Well adapted to rocky, calcareous soil.
Walter’s viburnum, black haw ♥              Full sun to
                                                                      Native large shrub to small tree with attractive, pure white blossoms in spring, before
Viburnum obovatum                  12-30
                                           partial shade
                                                             Low      leaves fully developed. Flowers followed by berries that turn from green to pink to
                                                                      red to purplish-black in the fall. Ideal as a hedge.
Spanish bayonet ♦                  5-20
                                            Full sun or
                                                                      Trunk-forming yucca with dangerous sharp, pointed, strap-like leaves. Trunks often
Yucca aloifolia                            partial shade              topped with large, upright clusters of creamy white flowers. Spreads to form thicket.
Bear grass, Adam’s needle ♥         3-6      Full sun        High
                                                                      Leaves, resembling long green spears edged with white threads, form basal rosette.
Yucca filamentosa                                                     White, bell-shaped flowers bloom in terminal spikes from the mid to late summer.
Drought-Tolerant, Low-Maintenance Plants for South Florida Yards and Landscapes - University of Florida
Drought-Tolerant, Low-Maintenance Plants for South Florida Yards and Landscapes - University of Florida
Drought-Tolerant, Low-Maintenance Plants for South Florida Yards and Landscapes - University of Florida
Drought-Tolerant, Low-Maintenance Plants for South Florida Yards and Landscapes - University of Florida
Drought-Tolerant, Low-Maintenance Plants for South Florida Yards and Landscapes - University of Florida
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Drought-Tolerant, Low-Maintenance Plants for South Florida Yards and Landscapes - University of Florida
Drought-Tolerant, Low-Maintenance Plants for South Florida Yards and Landscapes - University of Florida
Drought-Tolerant, Low-Maintenance Plants for South Florida Yards and Landscapes - University of Florida
Drought-Tolerant, Low-Maintenance Plants for South Florida Yards and Landscapes - University of Florida
Drought-Tolerant, Low-Maintenance Plants for South Florida Yards and Landscapes - University of Florida
Drought-Tolerant, Low-Maintenance Plants for South Florida Yards and Landscapes - University of Florida
Drought-Tolerant, Low-Maintenance Plants for South Florida Yards and Landscapes - University of Florida
Drought-Tolerant, Low-Maintenance Plants for South Florida Yards and Landscapes - University of Florida

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Drought-Tolerant, Low-Maintenance Plants for South Florida Yards and Landscapes - University of Florida

  • 1. Drought-tolerant, low-maintenance plants for south ‘Florida Yards’ and ‘Florida Landscapes’ Jody Haynes1, Adrian Hunsberger2, John McLaughlin3, and Laura Vasquez4 Introduction tolerant plant species suitable—or available—for south ‘Florida Yards’ or ‘Florida Landscapes’. The University of Florida (UF) has developed, Rather, we began this list with the intention of and is promoting statewide, an educational presenting an assortment of options for a variety outreach program called Florida Yards & of conditions and a diversity of yard and Neighborhoods (FYN). This program is landscape types. We were surprised to discover supported by the Florida Department of just how many plants fit our criteria of being Environmental Protection, the U.S. able to tolerant drought conditions and having Environmental Protection Agency, all five low maintenance requirements. In the end, we Florida Water Management Districts, various compiled an impressive list of over 350 plant National Estuary Programs, County Extension species. For each plant listed, we ha ve attempted offices, and local governments, agencies, to provide its common name, scientific name, organizations, and individuals. The primary goal maximum size, growth rate, light preference, salt of FYN is to teach various stakeholder groups tolerance, and any additional informative how they can reduce non-point source pollution characteristics. originating from urban yards and public landscapes, while also conserving water and Of course, all of these plants—with the saving time, energy, and maintenance costs. exception of some of the succulents—will benefit from 3-4” of mulch. In addition, plants This plant list was developed in response to grown in shade tend to have a higher tolerance of repeated requests from two important drought. stakeholder groups in Miami- Dade County— homeowners and local government personnel. Criteria Each time an FYN program has been presented, at least one person in the audience has requested This section will describe the criteria by which a list of low- maintenance, drought-tolerant plants we chose plants for our list. We should first note, suitable for south Florida.) Although UF has however, that even the most drought-tolerant literally hundreds of Extension publications plants require watering during their available on its website—which is located at establishment period. Although this period varies—a list of recommended, among species, some general rules for container- drought-tolerant plants specifically targeting grown plants are as follows: south Florida did not exist. • 1-gallon: 6 mos • Trees: 6-12 months Our intention was not to create a comprehensive • 3-gallon: 1 year per inch of trunk list of every possible low- maintenance, drought- diameter
  • 2. Drought-tolerant, low-maintenance plants 2 By ‘drought-tolerant’, we mean that the plant increased demand will generate increased will survive extended periods without rain or supply. Plants commonly available in south supplemental irrigation, while remaining healthy Florida are designated with ♦. and retaining an acceptable appearance. Although ‘acceptable’ is, of course, a relative Categories term, the FYN program encourages a more tolerant approach to landscaping. Plant were evaluated according to their function or role in yards or landscapes, and were then ‘Low-maintenance’, then, refers to a plant that assigned to the following categories: A. does not require frequent maintenance—such as Perennials; B. Annuals & Bedding Plants; C. pruning or spraying—to look acceptable. Shrubs & Hedges; D. Flowering & Shade Trees; Essentially, a low- maintenance plant has low or E. Fruit Trees; F. Palms, Cycads & Palm- like no fertilizer requirements and few pest and Plants; G. Ornamental Grasses; H. Turfgrasses; disease problems. I. Groundcovers; J. Vines; K. Epiphytes; L. Herbs & Vegetables. Many of the plants have All plants on this list are either widely adaptable multiple uses (i.e., they may be used as a shrub to varying soil types or are compatible with the or small tree, or as a perennial or groundcover), poor sandy or limestone-based soils of south in which case they are listed in multiple Florida. As such, these plants will usually categories. A definition and brief discussion of tolerate relatively high, alkaline pH conditions. each category follows. The final criterion for this list was that the plants are not considered to be invasive by the Florida A. Perennials. To be considered a perennial, a Exotic Pest Plant Council (FLEPPC, 2001), or plant must live for three or more years. The restricted by federal, state, or local law (Burks, term as it is used in botany includes shrubs 2000). A few plant species on this list are and trees, as well as groundcovers, vines, and restricted by Miami-Dade County from being herbaceous flowering plants. However, in planted within 500 feet of the native habitats that horticulture, perennials are primarily plants they are known to invade; a caution statement is that do not produce permanent woody stems. provided for these plants (Miami-Dade County, We have chosen to follow the horticultural 1996). definition of the term for this list. 38 perennials are listed. We felt it necessary to include both native and non-native species to eliminate bias. We B. Annuals & Bedding Plants. An annual is a understand that south Florida natives are highly plant that lives for fewer than one year up to adapted for south Florida conditions. However, two years, or is commonly treated as such in landscape situations rarely imitate natural yards or landscapes. Bedding plants are ecosystems. For example, some native plants usually low growing and are suitable for will not tolerate compacted fill. Therefore, only mass plantings intended to create a dramatic adaptable native species are included. Native display of flowers or foliage. Although most plants are indicated with ♥. Some of the plants annuals and bedding plants require moist listed also tolerate wet soil conditions, or even soil, a few are drought tolerant. In south short periods of flooding, and yet, still have a Florida, most annuals are cool-season plants, high tolerance to drought conditions—these are and most will not tolerate the heat and/or indicated with . wet, humid conditions of summer. 23 annuals/bedding plants are listed. Finally, we should mention that all species on this list may not be readily available at garden C. Shrubs & Hedges. A shrub typically has centers or nurseries. We have intentionally several permanent, woody stems that arise included species that are not common in the from ground level. A hedge is simply a row nursery trade in south Florida with the hope that of closely planted shrubs that form a border
  • 3. Drought-tolerant, low-maintenance plants 3 or boundary. Size is also a factor in manner in which the seeds of these plants are determining whether a plant is a shrub or a borne in cones rather than flowers. Often tree. Some species are used equally often as mistakenly referred to as palms, cycads are shrubs or trees, in which case, they are listed actually more closely related to pine trees in both categories. 116 shrubs/hedges are than they are to palm ‘trees’. In fact, three of listed. the four most common cycads in south Florida are commonly referred to as palms: D. Flowering & Shade Trees. A tree is a woody king sago ‘palm’ (Cycas revoluta), queen plant that is usually very large (tall or wide sago ‘palm’ (Cycas rumphii), and cardboard or both). In addition, trees typically have ‘palm’ (Zamia maritima). Of these, only the only one trunk. Flowering trees, then, are cardboard ‘palm’ is considered a low- those that are cultivated primarily for their maintenance plant. This is because sago showy flowers. Conversely, shade trees often ‘palms’ (and the genus Cycas in general) are lack significant flower displays. Most highly susceptible to the aulacaspis scale flowering trees also provide significant insect (Aulacaspis yasumatsui; also known as amounts of shade, and are generally the ‘Thai scale’ or ‘snow scale’) and require considered a subset of shade trees. 59 a routine spray program to maintain a healthy flowering and shade trees are listed. appearance. The cycads on this list are resistant to this serious insect pest. In fact, at E. Fruit Trees. Fruit trees are—quite simply— least three species are designated as suitable trees grown or cultivated for their fruit. Many replacements for king and queen sagos. 20 also produce attractive flowers or significant cycad species are listed. amounts of shade. Even so, fruit trees are highly prized in south Florida, and are Palm- like plants are those that superficially conspicuously categorized separately from resemble palms but belong to unrelated plant other trees. 14 fruit trees are listed. families. In addition to the cycads mentioned above, the following plants are incorrectly F. Palms, Cycads & Palm-like Plants. Palms referred to as palms: Madagascar ‘palm’ are predominantly tropical and subtropical, (Pachypodium lamerei; also resembles a evergreen trees, shrubs, or woody vines of cactus, but is unrelated to both); ponytail the Family Palmae (also known as Family ‘palm’ (Beaucarnea recurvata; an agave Arecaceae). Palm stems are generally relative); screw ‘palm’ (genus Pandanus; unbranched, bear a single growing point, and also called screw ‘pine’, but related to neither are typically topped by a crown of large, palms nor pines); and traveller’s ‘palm’ pinnate or palmate leaves bearing (Ravenala madagascariensis; a distant conspicuous parallel venation. Palms relative of banana). 65 total species are listed represent an exceptionally diverse group of in this category. plants that grow in equally diverse habitats. Of the more than 2500 species of palms G. Ornamental Grasses. Nearly all ornamental worldwide, at least a quarter of them are grasses grow in tuft- like clumps and bear cultivated in south Florida. In a few cases, numerous tiny, insignificant flowers on tall entire palm genera are considered generally stalks that rise above the blade- like leaves. tolerant of drought conditions, including the Many are quite showy, and all non- invasive following: Brahea, Coccothrinax, Coper- species are welcome additions to non- nicia, Livistona, Phoenix, Sabal, Thrinax, traditional yards or landscapes. 15 and Washingtonia. 44 palm species are listed. ornamental grass species are listed. Cycads are gymnospermous, cone-bearing, evergreen plants of the Division H. Turfgrasses. Turfgrasses are simply grasses Cycadophyta. ‘Gymnosperm’ is a Latin word commonly used in lawns or playing fields. meaning “naked seed” and refers to the Only two species are listed here, due
  • 4. Drought-tolerant, low-maintenance plants 4 primarily to the high water requirement of this potential problem, we encourage people to most other species and varieties. primarily refer to scientific names when purchasing plants. I. Groundcovers. This category includes a diverse group of unrelated plants that References function—quite literally—to cover the ground. Generally planted in dense stands, Austin, D.F. Pine Rockland Plant Guide. Miami- groundcovers can be vines, small shrubs Dade County Department of (subshrubs), annuals, perennials, bedding Environmental Resource Management, plants, or grasses. 63 groundcovers are listed. Miami, FL. Black, R.J. 1997. Native Florida Plants for J. Vines. Vines are weak-stemmed plants—both Home Landscapes. University of Florida- herbaceous and woody—that derive their IFAS Publication ENH-25, Gainesville. support from climbing, twining, or creeping Black, R.J., and E.F. Gilman. 1997. Your Florida along a surface. Although most people Guide to Bedding Plants: Selection, typically think of vines as climbing, a few Establishment and Maintenance. species also grow along the ground and can University of Florida Press, Gainesville. function as groundcovers. 28 vines are listed. Broschat, T.K., and A.W. Meerow. 1991. Betrock’s Reference Guide to Florida K. Ephipytes. Epiphytes are plants that grow on Landscape Plants. Betrock Information other plants for support or anchorage, but not Systems, Inc., Hollywood, FL. for water or nutrients. This category includes Burks, K.C. 2000. Non-native Plant Species the most famous of all epiphytes—the Restricted by Federal, State, or Local orchids—as well as ferns, bromeliads, and Law in Florida. Florida Department of cacti. 12 epiphytes are listed. Environme ntal Protection, Bureau of Invasive Plant Management, Tallahassee, L. Herbs & Vegetables. Herbs are plants whose FL. leaves, stems, or roots are used as flavoring FLEPPC. 2001. List of Florida’s Invasive in food or as non-traditional medicines, while Species. Florida Exotic Pest Plant vegetables refer to plants that produce edible Council. Internet: parts (roots, stems, leaves, or fruit) and are grown for food. Although not included as Florida Water Management Districts. 2001. standard components of most yards or Water Wise Florida Landscapes: landscapes, some herbs and vegetables have Landscaping to Promote Water ornamental value. 7 herbs and vegetables are Conservation Using the Principles of listed. XeriscapeTM. Gilman, E.F., and R.J. Black. 1999. Your Florida Choosing & Purchasing Plants Guide to Shrubs: Selection, Establishment and Maintenance. FYN teaches that the ability to put the right plant University of Florida Press, Gainesville. in the right place is of foremost importance in Haynes, J.L. 2001. Virtual Cycad Encyclopedia. creating a healthy and successful ‘Florida Yard’ Palm & Cycad Societies of Florida, Inc. or ‘Florida Landscape’. However, this process is Internet: dependent upon each individual’s ability to vce/vce_index.htm. choose and then purchase the ‘right’ plant Haynes, J.L. 2001. Virtual Palm Encyclopedia. species for a given location. But be forewarned Palm & Cycad Societies of Florida, Inc. that, in your pursuit for the ‘right’ plants, you Internet: may encounter common names that are vpe/vpe_index.htm. misleading, or even multiple plant species with the same or similar common names. To alleviate
  • 5. Drought-tolerant, low-maintenance plants 5 Hubbuch, C. 2001. Water shortage continues… Osorio, R. 2001. A Gardener’s Guide to and not a drop to irrigate. Garden Views. Florida’s Native Plants. University of Fairchild Tropical Garden, Miami, FL. Florida Press, Gainesville. Maidman, K. 1997. Ten great palms. Garden Riffle, R.L. 1998. The Tropical Look: An News. Fairchild Tropical Garden, Miami, Encyclopedia of Dramatic Landscape FL. Plants. Timber Press, Portland, OR. Meerow, A.W. 1991. Native Shrubs for South Scheper. J. 2001. FloridataT M. Internet: Florida. University of Florida-IFAS Publication EES-59, Gainesville. Wilson, J. 1994. Landscaping with Herbs. Meerow, A.W. 1996. Native Trees for South Houghton Mifflin, Boston, MA. Florida. University of Florida-IFAS Publication EES-57, Gainesville. 1 FYN Program Extension Agent Meerow, A.W. 1999. Native Ground Covers for 2 Urban Horticulture Agent II South Florida. University of Florida- 3 Urban Horticulture Program Assistant IFAS Publication EES-60, Gainesville. 4 FYN Program Assistant Meerow A.W., and R.J. Black. 1993. Enviroscaping to Conserve Energy: Ground Covers for South Florida. University of Florida-IFAS Publication EES-39, Gainesville. Miami- Dade County. 1996. Dade County Landscaping Manual. Miami- Dade County, FL. Misitis, M. 1997. Salt Tolerant Plants for Dade County. UF/Miami-Dade County Extension publication, Homestead, FL.
  • 6. Table 1. Drought-tolerant, low- maintenance plants for south ‘Florida Yards’ and ‘Florida Landscapes’, listed by category in alphabetical order by scientific name. (Note: ♦ indicates plants commonly available in nurseries and/or garden centers in south Florida; ♥ indicates Florida native plants; indicates plants that can tolerate wet soils or occasional flooding.) A. Perennials Common name Size Light Salt Scientific name (inch) preference tolerance Comments Aglaonema ♦ Partial to full Small, herbaceous perennial with fleshy stems, branching from the base, and slender- Aglaonema commutatum 18 shade Low stalked leaves up to about 12 in long. Flowering stems have narrow, pale green spathe enclosing small white spadix. Other Aglaonema also drought tolerant. Scarlet milkweed ♦ 36-48 Full sun to Low Erect, evergreen, perennial with narrow, elliptical leaves and terminal clusters of Asclepias curassavica partial shade scarlet and orange flowers—spring to fall. Attracts butterflies. Can tolerate wet soil. Butterfly weed ♦♥ 18-36 Full sun to Low Native perennial with orange, summertime flowers. Essential component of a Asclepias tuberosa partial shade butterfly garden. Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds. Cast iron plant ♦ 36 Partial to full Moderate Grown for its deep green foliage. Named for its ability to tolerate harsh, adverse Aspidistra elatior shade conditions. Spreads to form clumps. Excellent for shady areas. Star begonia, winter begonia ♦ Partial to full Rhizomatous (spreads by rhizomes) begonia with large, hairy, deeply lobed, toothed, Begonia heracleifolia 24-36 shade None bronzy green leaves and fragrant, white to pink flowers on long, reddish stalks. Caution: Begonia cucullata is FLEPPC Category II invasive. White begonia ♦ 24-48 Partial to full None Rhizomatous begonia with huge, round, dark glossy green leaves to 2’ wide and Begonia popenoei shade large white, fragrant flowers held in large panicles well above foliage. Castor bean begonia ♦ 24-36 Partial to full None Rhizomatous begonia with apple green leaves shaped like stars and with rings of red Begonia ricinifolia shade hairs around leaf petioles. Winter blooms are deep pink. Strawflower Annual or short-lived perennial with erect habit. Weak, hollow stems. Thin green Brachteantha bracteatum 36 Full sun Low leaves bear golden yellow blooms up to 2” in diameter at branch tips—summer to early fall. Good groundcover or small shrub. Spiral ginger Tall spiral ginger with attractive roundish jade green leaves with fuzzy underside, Costus scaber 72 Partial shade Low and long, hard, waxy 8" to 12" red bracts with yellow with small, yellow flowers that peek out as bracts open from bottom up. Long lasting flower; excellent cut flower. Crossandra ♦ 12-36 Partial to full Low Simple leaves arranged in opposite pairs and bearing erect spikes of showy yellow to Crossandra infundibuliformis shade red flowers, with petals opened flat into a hand-like shape. African iris Drought tolerant perennial, though extra water needed when in bloom. Easy to grow. Dietes iridioides 24-36 Full sun Low Attractive white flowers with blue and brown shading appear in spring. Forms spreading clumps. Also available with yellow flowers. Twinflower ♥ 6-18 Full sun Low Native perennial. Likes pinelands. Grows best in dry sand. Plant close together for Dyschoriste oblongifolia best cover. Indian blanket ♦♥ Colorful native annual or perennial. As easily grown as it is beautiful. Considerable Gaillardia pulchella 12-24 Full sun High variation in flower color; typical variety bears red flowers with yellow-tipped petals. Plant in open site with good drainage. Good for beach-front plantings.
  • 7. Whirling butterflies Herbaceous perennial that grows in loose, bushy clump. Stems slender, wiry, and Gaura lindheimeri Full sun to covered with tiny hairs. Leaves spoon-shaped with toothed margins. Flowers above 24-48 Low partial shade foliage on long spikes; open white at dawn, fading to rose-pink by day’s end. Requires well-drained soil. Moss verbena Freely branching, sprawling perennial with 3-lobed, finely dissected, aromatic leaves Full sun to Glandularia puchella 12 Unknown and clusters of pink, lilac, purple or white flowers. Requires well-drained soil. partial shade Attracts butterflies. Good bedding plant. Tampa verbena ♦♥ 18-24 Full sun Low Native, sprawling, short-lived perennial. Sometimes treated as annual. Flowers Glandularia tampensis purplish-pink. Also known as Verbena tampensis. Rain lilies ♥ 24-48 Full sun Moderate Flowers yellow, pink, red or white—produced spring/summer after rain. Goes Habranthus spp dormant in cool season, requiring very little water. Flowers best when crowded. Beach sunflower ♥ 36-48 Full sun High Erect or prostrate, spreading plant with sand paper-like leaves and 2.5-3” yellow Helianthus debilis “sun” flowers. Suitable for beach-front plantings. Good for attracting butterflies. Daylily ♦ Full sun or Clump-forming perennial with grass-like leaves and lily-like flowers from late spring Hemerocallis spp. 12-24 partial shade Moderate to fall, depending on variety. Available in yellow, orange, red, pink, purple, and near-white. Only certain varieties succeed in south Florida (Evergreen, Semis). Amaryllis ♦ 24 Full sun to Moderate Spectacular trumpet-shaped, tropical lilies. Many species and varieties. Moderately Hippeastrum spp. partial shade drought tolerant. Beach elder Scraggly, course, shrubby perennial. Good for beach-front plantings. 24-36 Full sun High Iva imbricata Shrimp plant ♦ Full sun to Perennial or shrub with stems topped with 6” spikes of red, rusty brown, yellow, or Justicia brandegeana 3-5 full shade None green brachts containing small, white, shrimp-like flowers. Unique, adaptable, easily grown plant. Also known as Beloperone guttata. Kalanchoe ♦ Small, shrubby African species. Multiple, upstretched branches covered with round Kalanchoe blossfeldiana 12 Partial shade Moderate to rectangular, deep green leaves with red margins and notched tips. Thick racemes of small, deep red, cylindrical flowers appear from winter to early summer; may also be pink, yellow, or orange. Can be weedy. Dwarf lantana ♥ 6-12 Full sun to Moderate Native low-growing perennial or groundcover, spreading to form a mat. Yellow to Lantana ovatifolia var. reclinata partial shade orange flowers. Caution: L. camara, is a FLEPPC Category I invasive. Statice Bushy, upright perennial. Dense rosettes of oblong, deeply waved, dark green leaves Limonium sinuatum and masses of tiny, papery flowers on winged stems—summer/early fall. Fairly slow 18 Full sun Low growing. Available in golden, lemon-yellow, white, cream, salmon-pink, purple or blue spikelets. Sweet basil ♦ Mounding, perennial herb with densely branching, light green foliage and typical Ocimum basilicum 12 Full sun None peppery-clove basil scent. Used as border plant. ‘Spicy Globe’ cultivar is best known ornamental basil. Continues to grow in summer if blossoms cut before setting seed. Pennyroyal ♥ Low-growing perennial. Not picky about soil, but likes it dry. Small, shrimp-like Piloblephis rigida 6-24 Full sun Low flowers emerge from green, scale -like brachts. Attractive to butterflies. Also known as Pycnothymus rigidus and Satureja rigida.
  • 8. Plumbago ♦ 3-10’ Full sun Low Attractive light blue flowers in terminal spikes. Drought tolerant once well Plumbago auriculata established. Prone to root and stem rots. Freely draining soil and good air circulation. Florida mountainmint ♥ 48 Full sun to None Erect, loosely-branched, shrublike perennial. Leaves smell like spearmint or Pycnanthemum floridanum partial shade camphor. Tiny, lavender flowers in dense terminal clusters. Attracts butterflies. Firecracker plant ♦ 24-48 Full sun High Grown for weeping habit, masses of small, red tubular flowers, and scale -like leaves. Russelia equisetiformis Often used in planters. Requires freely draining soil. Susceptible to nematodes. Stonecrop Full sun to Hardy plant, well adapted for rockeries, with showy fall flowers. Many cultivars 24 Moderate Sedum spectabile partial shade (white, pink or red); at least one with variegated leaves. Blue porterweed ♦♥ Full sun to Native, small, shrubby perennial with somewhat weedy habit. Flowers highly Stachytarpheta jamaicensis 12-36 partial shade Moderate attractive to butterflies—a ‘must’ for any butterfly garden. Name derived from traditional foamy, porter-like beverage brewed from the plant. Pink porterweed ♦ 12-36 Full sun to Moderate Small, shrubby perennial with somewhat weedy habit. Flowers highly attractive to Stachytarpheta speciosa partial shade butterflies. Mexican sunflower ♦ 60-72 Full sun Low Warm-season annual or perennial. Leaves course, 3-lobed, and covered in soft, Tithonia rotundifolia downy fuzz. Flowers orange to red-orange. Society garlic ♦ 24-36 Full sun to None Clump-forming, herbaceous perennial with narrow, grayish leaves and large clusters Tulbaghia violacea partial shade of lavender flowers. Related to garlic. Purpletop verbena ♦ Full sun to Erect, clump-forming perennial with stiff, widely branched stems. Small, purple Verbena bonariensis 36-72 light shade Low flowers in clusters held high above foliage. Best when densely planted. Attracts butterflies. Verbena ♦ Erect, clump-forming perennial or annual with stiff, widely branching stems. Verbena x hybrida 36-72 Full sun Low Flowers purple and borne in rounded clusters. Treat as annual. Powdery mildew and whiteflies may be occasional problems. Good bedding plant. Rain lily ♦ Full sun to Charming, clump-forming, flowering bulbs. Most species have open flowers like Zephyranthes spp. 6-15 partial shade Moderate small Asiatic lilies and are deciduous. Can be yellow or various shades of warm pink. All bear one flower to a stem, and most close their petals at night. B. Annuals and Bedding Plants Common name Light Salt Scientific name Size preference tolerance Comments Scarlet milkweed ♦ 3-4’ Full sun to Low See description in “Perennials” above. Asclepias curassavica partial shade Orach, French spinach Usually grown for its tender, spinach-like leaves. Leaves can be green, yellowish- 2-6’ Full sun Unknown Atriplex hortensis green, red or purple. Sometimes grown as bedding plant. Strawflower See description in “Perennials” above. 3’ Full sun Low Brachteantha bracteatum Calliopsis, tickseed ♦♥ 2-3’ Full sun Moderate Somewhat hairy leaves and stems form a loose mound. Bright, golden-yellow daisy Coreopsis tinctoria blooms—June to September. Relative of the sunflower.
  • 9. Cosmos ♦ Feathery-leafed annual from Mexico and far southern USA. Showy, daisy-like Cosmos bipinnatus 5-6’ Full sun Low flowerheads in summer and fall, in shades of pink, red, purple or white. May require staking. May not survive rainy season. Dwarf crown-of-thorns ♦ 1-3 Full sun High Small Thai dwarf varieties used as bedding plants and groundcovers. See full Euphorbia millii description in “Shrubs & Hedges” below. Indian blanket ♦♥ 1-2’ Full sun High See description in “Perennials” above. Gaillardia pulchella Gazania ♦ 6-24” Full sun Moderate Mat-forming plant with crowded rosettes of mostly unlobed leaves that are green Gazania rigens above and whitish beneath. Orange flowerheads with a black eye spot at petal bases. Moss verbena ♦ 12” Full sun to Low See description in “Perennials” above. Glandularia puchella partial shade Tampa verbena ♦♥ 18-24” Full sun Low See description in “Perennials” above. Glandularia tampensis Globe amaranth ♦ 1-2’ Full sun Low Small, branching annual with hairy leaves and bright purple, pink, or white, clover- Gomphrena globosa like flowers. Benefits from mulching. Sunflower ♦ 3-10’ Full sun Low Fast-growing, upright annual. Large, daisy-like, 12” wide yellow flowerheads with Helianthus annuus brown centers borne in summer. Coarse, leggy plants with heavily veined leaves. Annual lion’s ear Course-textured, rather gangly, erect, loosely branching summer annual. Smooth Full sun to Leonotis nepetifolia 8’ Low leaves with toothed margins. Bright red, tubular, downward curving flowers encircle light shade stem at intervals. Self-seeds easily, but not considered invasive. Attracts butterflies. Butter daisy ♦ 6-24” Full sun Low Small, summer annual with small, yellow flowers and bright green foliage. Prolific Melampodium divaricatum self-seeder. Great bedding and border plant. Also known as M. paludosum. Moss rose, rose moss ♦ Small, annual, low-growing succulent with small, lance-shaped, fleshy, bright green Portulaca grandiflora 4-8” Full sun High leaves on reddish stems. Yellow, pink, red, or orange flowers in summer; close at night and on cloudy days. Suitable as groundcover, in rockery, or as border. Black-eyed Susan ♦♥ Full sun to Typical daisy-like perennial or annual (depending on variety). Large, yellow-orange Rudbeckia hirta 3’ light shade Low to reddish-orange flowers with darker centers. Attracts butterflies. Does not tolerate prolonged, wet, humid weather. Ornamental sages ♦ Semi-woody, mostly herbaceous shrubby annuals with fuzzy leaves and spikes of Salvia spp. 1-5’ Full sun Low blue, red, pink, or white flowers. Wilt and lose leaves during drought, but recover when rain returns. Attract butterflies and hummingbirds. Will not tolerate prolonged wet, humid weather. Dusty miller ♦ Full sun to Mound-forming, evergreen, shrubby. Daisy-like flowers range from pink, red, purple Senecio cineraria 8-12” partial shade Low and crimson through to white, as well as traditional blue. Very tolerant of heat, salt air and poor soil, but does poorly in high humidity or excessive rain. Dahlberg daisy Bushy, highly-branched annual with small, yellow, daisy flowers. Foliage has Thymnophylla tenuiloba lemony scent. Good border plant. Also known as Dyssodia tenuiloba. Does not 6-12” Full sun Low tolerate prolonged, wet, humid weather.
  • 10. Mexican sunflower ♦ 5-6’ Full sun Low See description in “Perennials” above. Tithonia rotundifolia Verbena ♦ 3-6’ Full sun Low See description in “Perennials” above. Verbena x hybrida Zinnia ♦ Course, upright, bushy annual with lance-shaped leaves and daisy-like flowers— Zinnia elegans 30” Full sun Low available in a rainbow of colors. Requires well-drained soil and good air circulation. Powdery mildew occasional problem when humid; newer varieties resistant. Leaf spot during rainy season possible problem. Also known as Zinnia violacea. Mexican zinnia ♦ Upright, bushy annual. Small, narrow leaves. Daisy-like flowers in white, orange, Zinnia haageana 1-2’ Full sun Low yellow, red, mahogany, or bicolor (gold, maroon, purple, brown, cream, and pink). Good annual groundcover. C. Shrubs & Hedges Common name Size Light Salt Scientific name (feet) preference tolerance Comments Chenille plant ♦ Full sun to Medium to large shrub with large, oval, evergreen leaves. Separate male and female Acalypha hispida 6-15 partial shade Moderate plants. Females have long, velvety clusters of purple, bright red, or crimson flowers resembling fluffy cat’s tail. Can wilt in full sun during drought. Copperleaf ♦ 8-15 Full sun to Moderate Purple/red, green and pink foliage. Excellent for hedge or border, but can be over- Acalypha wilkesiana partial shade powering. Desert rose ♦ Very showy flowers year-round, particularly during hot, dry weather. Must have Adenium obesum 3-10 Full sun Moderate perfect drainage since this plant is very prone to root and stem rots. Will loose leaves during cool weather. Excellent for rock gardens. Scales occasional pest. Century plant ♦ Dramatic foliage and form. Evergreen, silver/gray to blue-green foliage. Showy, Agave americana green-brown fruit. Armed with spines. Gritty, free-draining soil required. Blooms 6-8 Full sun High anywhere from 12-20 years of age, then dies. Excellent for rock gardens. Many other agaves available; some are variegated; all are drought tolerant. Caution: Sisal hemp, A. sisalana is a FLEPPC Category II invasive. Bush allamanda Full sun to Colorful, bright yellow, trumpet flowers. Glossy leaves in whorls of 3-6 on smooth 3-5 Moderate Allamanda neriifolia partial shade stems, which bleed milky sap if cut. Attractive to butterflies and hummingbirds. Purple allamanda ♦ 10 Full sun None Evergreen, vining shrub with purple, tubular flowers. Attractive to butterflies and Allamanda violacea hummingbirds. Shell ginger ♦ Full sun to Tall stems topped with drooping inflorescences bearing white, pink, red, and yellow, Alpinia zerumbet 6-12 partial shade Moderate shell-shaped flowers. Forms dense clumps. Green and variegated forms. Best growth in moist soil, but can tolerate drought. Benefits from mulch. Bird’s nest anthurium ♦ Partial to full Large, herbaceous shrub or epiphyte consisting of majestic cluster of long, erect, Anthurium salviniae 60 shade None tropical-looking leaves with wavy margins. Flowers relatively insignificant. Other bird’s nest anthuriums also drought tolerant.
  • 11. Marlberry ♥ Native plant with attractive foliage and berries. Can be used as small specimen tree Ardisia escallonioides 5-20 Partial shade High or barrier shrub. Attracts birds. Does poorly in full sun. Caution: The related shoebutton ardisia, A. elliptica, and coral ardisia, A. crenulata , are FLEPPC Category I invasive plants. Silver sea oxeye Yellow, daisy-like flowers. Widely used on banks and slopes. Excellent for beach- 2-4 Full sun High Borrichia arborescens front plantings in sand. Elsewhere, use freely draining soil to prevent root rot. Bougainvillea ♦ Very showy, thorny vine-like shrub with best bloom during dry season. Numerous Bougainvillea spp. 5-30 Full sun None cultivars available in a striking array of colors, magenta being the most common. Some with variegated foliage. Best effect as a vine but can be trained as a shrub. Caterpillars occasional pest. Requires freely draining soil. Do not over-fertilize. Yesterday-today-tomorrow ♦ Full sun to Aptly named shrub with pansy-like flowers that open purple on the first day, then Brunfelsia grandiflora 3-8 partial shade Moderate turn pale lavender and the second day, and finally white on the third day. Some leaf drop may occur during persistent drought. Butterfly bush ♦ Full sun to Fast-growing shrub with attractive pink, purple, or white flowers and gray-green Buddleia officinalis 6-12 partial shade Moderate leaves. Highly attractive to butterflies—hence the name. Nematodes occasional problem in sandy soils. Other tropical Buddleia also drought tolerant. Locust-berry ♥ 3-30 Full sun to Moderate Native shrub to small tree with spreading canopy. Attractive flowers are white/pink Byrsonima lucida partial shade to yellow. Orange to yellow berries attract wildlife. Can be used as a hedge. Dwarf poinciana ♦ 5-20 Full sun Moderate Large shrub to small tree. Showy orange/yellow flowers during warmer months. Caesalpinia pulcherrima Needs good drainage. Leaves and seeds poisonous. Beautyberry ♦♥ 6-8 Full sun to Moderate Native shrub. Flowers insignificant, though long-lasting purple berries are quite Callicarpa americana partial shade attractive, and provide a good food source for birds. Giant milkweed Large, thick, grayish-green leaves and purple to white, crown-like flowers. Tolerates 6 Full sun Moderate Calotropis gigantea poor soil, but requires excellent drainage. Host plant for monarch butterfly larvae. Spicewood ♥ Small, shrubby, native tree with burgundy-tinged new growth and insignificant white Calyptranthes pallens 5-25 Partial Shade Moderate flowers. Can be sheared and grown as a hedge. Good drought tolerance, but prefers moist soil. Jamaica caper ♦♥ 18 Full sun to High Native, slow-growing, undemanding plant with attractive, white, fragrant, spider lily- Capparis cynophallophora partial shade like flowers. With time, can be shaped into attractive hedge. Caper bush Elegant shrub often grown for its green capers—which are flower buds, pickled and Capparis spinosa 2-5 Full sun None salted. When allowed to flower, produces large, long-stemmed, pink or white flowers with long stamens. Leaves nearly round. Canopy open. Natal plum ♦♥ Full sun to Native large shrub to small tree with attractive, thick, glossy foliage, fragrant , Carissa macrocarpa 3-20 light shade High jasmine-like flowers, and edible fruit. The spiny leaves and stems make this a good barrier plant once established. Web blight a problem if excessively wet. Candle bush Large, pinnate leaves. Terminal, 6” yellow flower spikes appear in late summer and 8 Full sun Low Cassia alata fall. Cassia ♦ 5-15 Full sun Low to Spectacular flowering shrubs with yellow flowers. Several species available. Cassia spp. Moderate
  • 12. Cat palm ♦ 3-8 Full sun to Low Mounding palm with elegant, dark green, glossy, feathery le aves. Can be used as a Chamaedorea cataractarum partial shade shrub or a hedge. Bamboo palm ♦ 6-10 Partial to full None Heavily clumping palm with tall, slender stems resembling bamboo canes. Can be Chamaedorea erumpens shade used as a shrub or a hedge. Also known as C. seifrizii. Cocoplum ♦♥ Full sun to Native shrub with insignificant flowers, but new foliage quite attractive. Often used Chrysobalanus icaco 3-15 partial shade High as hedge, but will thin if planted in too much shade. Available in spreading and erect forms. Pineland snowberry ♥ 2-3 Full sun Low Native vining shrub with glossy green, elliptical to lanceolate leaves and tiny white Chiococca pinetorum flowers. Fiddlewood ♥ Full sun to Native large, densely leafy shrub to small tree with glossy, ellipitical leaves and Citharexylem fruticosum 12-30 partial shade High small, white, fragrant flowers followed by round, orange-brown berries on female plants. Hard, heavy, strong wood. Attractive to birds and other wildlife. Pitch apple Thick, dark green leaves and attractive pink and white flowers make this a good all- 30 Full sun High Clusia rosea around choice for beach-front properties. Vigorous root system. Pigeon plum ♦♥ 5-30 Full sun to High Native evergreen large shrub to small tree with dense, narrowly rounded crown and Coccoloba diversifolia partial shade attractive, peeling bark. Small, dark purple berries on female trees attractive to birds. Sea grape ♦♥ Native large shrub to large tree with large, thick, saucer-like leaves bearing attractive Coccoloba uvifera 5-50 Full sun High venation. Also has edible fruit. On occasion, can be susceptible to a number of pests. Leaves can be messy. Good for beach-front properties. Croton ♦ 5-10 Full sun Moderate Grown for the colorful, variegated foliage in greens, yellows, reds and pinks. Scales Codiaeum variegatum can be a problem. Can be leggy, especially if grown in shade. Coffee colubrina ♥ Full sun to Native, large, course-leaved shrub or small tree with open crown of large, tri-lobed Colubrina arborescens 20 light shade High leaves with inconspicuous green flowers and 3-seeded capsules. Attractive to butterflies and many other beneficial insects. Buttonwood ♦♥ Native shrub or tree. Both green and silver leaved forms available; the latter is more Conocarpus eretus 5-50 Full sun to High attractive. Insignificant flowers followed by small, button-like seed pods. Scales can partial shade be a problem and foliage can be attacked by chewing insects. Can be used as a hedge but bottom is prone to thin out. Ti plant ♦ 3-10 Full sun None Palm-like, slender plant with unique, long, narrow leaves in red, pink, white, or Cordyline terminalis purple. Also known as ‘red sister’. Spiral ginger See description in “Perennials” above. 72 Partial shade Low Costus scaber Christmas berry, ground holly ♥ 1 Full sun to Low Native, prostrate, evergreen shrub with small, holly-like, spiny leaves and attractive Crossopetalum ilicifolium partial shade red berries. Desert spoon Linear, grey-green leaves with toothed edges. Spectacular inflorescence bearing Dasylirion wheeleri 3-30 Full sun High many creamy-white flowers may reach 30’, after which the plant dies. Takes extreme drought, but must have excellent drainage and air circulation. Varnish leaf Grown for attractive, stiff, shiny green leaves. Showy, yellowish 3-winged capsules Full sun to Dodanaea viscosa 18 High produced in terminal clusters; brown, pink or purple at maturity. Dense and fast partial shade growing. Used as free-standing specimen or hedge. Excellent for beach-front.
  • 13. Dracaena ♦ 15 Partial to full None Narrow, sword-like leaves with red margins. ‘Tricolor’ cultivar has a cream stripe Dracaena marginata shade and red edge. Commonly grown as a house plant. Golden dewdrop ♦ 5-18 Full sun to Moderate Ssprawling and sometimes vine-like, evergreen shrub or small tree. Beautiful purple Duranta repens partial shade flowers and yellow, grape-like, poisonous fruit. Can self-seed and become weedy. Lingaro Shrubby, evergreen vine with attractive light green foliage, the underside a reddish Elaeagnus philippensis 3-15 Full sun High brown. Small, fragrant, white flowers followed by edible fruit. Grows well on poor/calcareous soils. Caution: E. pungens, is FLEPPC Category II invasive. Beach creeper, golden creeper Intolerant of over watering, but excellent as ground cover for beach front. Flowers 1-3 Full sun High Ernodea littoralis insignificant. Coral bean tree ♦♥ Native perennial shrub to small tree. Deciduous, 3-lobed compound leaves. Showy Erythrina herbacea 3-15 Full sun Low scarlet blossoms on tall stalks in spring, followed by large beans that split to reveal bright red seeds. May grow into small tree in south Florida. Extremely poisonous. White stopper ♦♥ Full sun to Native large shrub or small tree with pale, whitish bark and aromatic foliage that can Eugenia axillaries 5-20 dense shade High be overpowering. Small, white flowers in midsummer followed by small, purplish berries. Attractive to birds. Redberry stopper ♥ 6-18 Full sun to High Slow-growing native plant with attractive glossy leaves and red berries. Used as Eugenia confusa partial shade specimen plant or hedge. Upright growth suitable for restricted site. Spanish stopper ♦♥ Full sun to Native large shrub or small tree. Densely clothed with small, rounded leaves. Eugenia foetida 18-36 shade High Smallest flowers and fruits of all stoppers, but still attractive to wildlife. Excellent foundation or specimen plant. Red stopper ♥ Full sun to Native large shrub or small tree with reddish brown bark and elegant growth habit. Eugenia rhombea 9 shade High Branches produced in flat sprays perpendicular to main trunk. Slow-growing and does not flower or fruit as a young plant. Scarlet plume Full sun to Evergreen, arching shrub. Very showy red flowers all year. Needs excellent 5 High Euphorbia fulgens partial shade drainage. Ideal for a rock garden. Crown-of-thorns ♦ Slow-growing, thorny, semi-succulent shrub with bright green, obovate leaves and Euphorbia millii 1-3 Full sun High small to medium yellow, orange, or red flowers. Excellent in rock gardens. Often used as low hedge in coastal areas. Small Thai dwarf varieties used as bedding plants and groundcovers. Florida privet ♦♥ 10 Full sun High Native shrub with insignificant flowers. Wildlife attracted to black fruit. Very Forestiera segregata tolerant of alkaline soils. Can be used as hedge plant in place of ligustrum. Green aloe ♦ Large rosette of thin narrow leaves up to 8' long. Requires freely draining soil. Furcraea foetida 3-8 Full sun High Inflorescence borne on 15-30" stem; flowers pungent. Rosette dies after flowering. New plants arise from bulbils. Variegated form available. Thryallis ♦ 3-5 Full sun to Low Versatile, evergreen, tropical shrub. Non-stop yellow flowers bloom year-round. Galphimia glauca partial shade Excellent for low hedges. Wood brittle. Requires sheltered position. Star flower Adaptable evergreen shrub with deep green, oval, toothed, leathery leaves. Bears Grewia occidentalis star-shaped, mauve-pink flowers about 1.5” across during spring and summer, 10 Full sun Moderate followed by brownish, 4-lobed berries. Excellent plant for espaliers. Scale insects sometimes a problem.
  • 14. Lignum vitae ♦♥ Attractive, native, slow-growing large shrub to small tree, with blue flowers year Guaiacum sanctum 6-25 Full sun High round—but best in spring. Flowers followed by yellow seed pods which pop open to reveal shiny, bright red seeds. Extremely dense, prized wood. Firebush ♦♥ Shady to Produces attractive orange/red flowers at any time. Indifferent to soil, providing Hamelia patens 5-15 dappled sun Low drainage is good. In shade, less shrubby and more tree-like. Can be used as hedge, but pruning interferes with flowering. Highly attractive to butterflies. Heliconia ♦ Full sun to Smaller heliconia with tight, arrowhead-shaped inflorescence bearing dense but Heliconia episcopalis 3-7 partial shade Moderate colorful bracts which begin red then fade to orange then yellow toward the tips. Year-round bloomer. Heliconia ♦ Full sun to Tall heliconia with long-stalked, yellow-green, banana-like leaves with a red margin Heliconia latispatha 6-15 partial shade Moderate and erect inflorescence with widely spaced, triangular-shaped bracts that are yellow or orange at base, changing to scarlet at tips. Lobster claw heliconia ♦ 3-20 Full sun to Moderate Tall heliconia with long-stalked, green to bluish-green, 5’-long, banana-like leaves Heliconia rostrata partial shade and pendant inflorescence with zig-zagging bracts of scarlet and yellow. Chinese hat plant Unique flowers are main interest of this scrambling shrub/vine: each is a narrow, Holmskioldia sanguinea orange-scarlet tube backed by a broad, circular calyx, appearing in dense terminal Full sun to 3-6 Moderate clusters through summer and fall. Leaves oval and slightly serrated. Rampant growth partial shade can be contained by pruning after flowering. Old canes can be removed. Loses leaves during drought. Beach elder See description in “Perennials” above. 2-3 Full sun High Iva imbricata Joewood ♥ Full sun to Very slow-growing, native shrub with attractive foliage and year-round, showy, Jacquinia keyensis 10 partial shade High fragrant blooms. Good resistance to wind and salt spray. Some shade from hottest sun beneficial. Primrose jasmine Rambling, open, evergreen, shrub with long, arching stems that will climb if given Full sun to Jasmimum mesnyi 5-10 Low support. Without support, grows as fountain-like mound. Fragrant, yellow, trumpet- partial shade shaped flowers. Caution: J. dichotomum and J. fluminense are FLEPPC Category I. Downy jasmine Evergreen, branching vine that can be trained as a shrub. Stems and leaves covered Full sun to Jasmimum multiflorum 5-10 Low with downy pubescence—giving plant grayish-green appearance. Small, white, star- partial shade shaped flowers in clusters—year-round. Caution: J. sambac is FLEPPC Category II. Peregrina Full sun to Deeply-lobed leaves and showy display of small red flowers throughout the year. 15 Moderate Jatropha integerrima partial shade Needs good drainage. Mites and scales can be problems. Poisonous. Coral plant, physic nut ♦ Full sun to Shrub to small tree with loose, spreading crown. Large, distinctive leaves with 7-11 Jatropha multifida 6-20 partial shade High narrow lobes and each lobe divided into narrow, pointed segments. Flowers coral red, in flat-topped clusters on long stalks above foliage. All parts are poisonous. Chinese juniper Low- Evergreen groundcover, shrub, or tree, depending on variety. Both adult and juvenile 2-50 Full sun Juniperus chinensis Moderate foliage found on adult trees. Berries fleshy and glaucous white. Shrimp plant ♦ 3-5 Full sun to None See description in “Perennials” above. Justicia brandegeana full shade
  • 15. Crepe myrtle ♦ Grown for peeling bark and outstanding late spring to summer blossom in various Lagerstroemia indica 8-25 Full sun None shades of pink, red purple and white. Miniatures used for edging; standards used as specimen plants. Aphids and powdery mildew can be problems. West Indian sea lavender Rounded shrub with fine, grayish-green leaves and small white flowers. 4-6 Full sun High Mallotonia gnaphalodes Barbados cherry ♦ Full sun to Attractive shrub. Produces clusters of small, pink flowers, followed by red, cherry- Malpighia glabra 5-10 partial shade Moderate sized, edible fruit that is tart in flavor and rich in vitamin C. Makes good hedge. Nematodes a problem on sandy soils. Plant bugs spoil fruit. Benefits from mulch. Monstera ♦ Full sun to Slow-growing vine or shrub with huge, broad, glossy, perforated and deeply cut Monstera deliciosa 5-6 partial shade Low leaves and woody stems with aerial roots. Mature plants bear thick, cream spathes followed by sweet-smelling, cone-like, edible fruit. Simpson’s stopper ♦♥ Full sun to One of the most beautiful and ornamental native woody plants. Densely branched, Myrcianthes fragrans 6-20 partial shade High densely leafy large shrub to small tree. Pure white, puffy flowers followed by large, bright orange berries which contrast with dark foliage. Attractive to birds. Wax myrtle ♦♥ Full sun to Native, clumping, fast-growing shrub to small tree with small, evergreen leaves, Myrica cerifera 10-25 partial shade Low inconspicuous flowers, and waxy gray fruit attached to twigs. Leaves and fruit smell like bayberry. Tolerates periodic flooding. Natural insect repellant. Attracts birds. Mazari palm ♦ Medium-sized, shrubby palm with branching trunks and whitish-blue, fan-shaped Nannorrhops ritchiana 10-20 Full sun to None leaves. Each stem flowers only once and dies back. Exceptionally cold-tolerant. partial shade Prefers cool, arid climate but tolerates south Florida quite well. Slightly susceptible to lethal yellowing disease. Firespike Small, showy, evergreen shrub with sparse, thick, upright branches, shiny, dark Odontonema strictum green leaves with wavy margins, and 9-12” upright panicles of brilliant red, tubular Full sun to 6 Low flowers in late summer to early winter. Tolerates all but most severe droughts. partial shade Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds. Caution: Do not plant within 500’ of native hardwood hammock in Miami-Dade County. Prickly-pear cactus ♦ Many species, from tiny plants with tuberous roots to ‘trees’ over 30’ tall. Branches Opuntia spp. constricted, forming broad/flattened or cylindrical ‘joints’. Most have sharp spines 6”-30’ Full sun High and small bristles. Flowers generally yellow or red, followed by edible fruits (prickly pears). Caution: O. aurantiaca is a federal- and state-listed invasive species (Burks, 2000). Jacob’s ladder Flowers insignificant; surrounded by showy, slipper-like red bracts. Zig-zag stems, Pedilanthus tithymaloides 6 Partial shade High with prominently keeled leaves. Well adapted to poor dry soil. Variegated cultivars. Poisonous. Prune to avoid leggy appearance. Selloum, tree philodendron ♦ 5-15 Full sun to Low Prostrate to upright trunks. Huge, deeply divided, dark green leaves. Also known as Philodendron selloum partial shade tree philodendron because it does not climb. Also known as P. bipinnatifidum. Pittosporum ♦ Full sun to Broadleafed, evergreen shrub with bright green, glossy leaves (can be variegated) Pittosporum tobira 10-15 partial shade Moderate and clusters of small, white flowers that smell like orange blossoms. Moderate to fast grower. Plumbago ♦ 3-10 Full sun Low See description in “Perennials” above. Plumbago auriculata
  • 16. Podocarpus ♦ 5-40 Full sun to None Evergreen shrub or tree with needle -like leaves. Makes an excellent hedge. Bears Podocarpus macrophyllus partial shade small, bluish ‘berries’. Aralias ♦ 2-25 Full sun to Moderate Many species and cultivars used as shrubs, hedges and groundcovers. Foliage differs Polyscias spp partial shade in form (usually compound); leaves often lobed and/or variegated. Elephant bush Grown for jade colored leaves and red stems. Rarely flowers in cultivation. Grow in Full sun to Portulacaria afra 3 High gritty, freely draining soil. Provide good air circulation. Variegated form exists. partial shade Excellent for rock gardens. Wild coffee ♦♥ Partial to full Native small shrub with distinctive, highly glossy, dark green leaves with deeply Psychotria nervosa 6-9 shade Low impressed side veins. Related to gardenia and similar in overall appearance. Flowers abundant over much of the year, followed by decorative red berries. Velvetleaf wild coffee ♦♥ 6-9 Partial to full Low Native small shrub similar in all respects to P. nervosa, but with velvety, deep blue- Psychotria sulzneri shade green foliage. White indigoberry ♥ 1.5-10 Full sun to High Native shrub with no outstanding features. Fragrant flowers and white berries on Randia aculeata partial shade female plants. Main attribute is ability to grow under adverse conditions. Buckthorn Deciduous plant with glossy, dark green, oval leaves up to 3” long. Insignificant Rhamnus spp. green flowers followed by small fruit that change from red to black as they ripen. No 15 Full sun High outstanding landscape value, but well adapted to dry, infertile sites. Numerous spines make these plants useful as security screens. Lady palm ♦ Partial to full Small, densely clumping fan palm with numerous slender, dark brown trunks bearing Rhapis excelsa 5-10 shade None distinctive fibers and leaf scar patterns. Small, deeply segmented, glossy dark green leaves on thin, delicate petioles. Often used as shrub or potted plant. Rosemary ♦ Evergreen, woody shrub with aromatic, needle -like leaves and gray, scaly bark. Easy Rosemarinus officinalis 3 Full sun High to propagate from cuttings. Widely used as herb or nontraditional medicine. Upright forms perform best. Firecracker plant ♦ 2-4 Full sun High See description in “Perennials” above. Russelia equisetiformis Scrub palmetto ♦♥ 3-4 Full sun Moderate Small, native, trunkless, shrub-like palm resembling Serenoa repens but with smooth Sabal etonia petioles. Dwarf blue palmetto ♦♥ 3-4 Partial shade Moderate Small, native, trunkless, shrub-like palm resembling S. etonia , but smaller and with Sabal minor bluish-green leaves. Can tolerate wet soils. American elderberry ♥ Native bushy, multi-stemmed, wide-spreading shrub with deciduous, compound Sambucus canadensis 10-15 Full sun to Low leaves. Tiny, star-shaped, white flowers followed by shiny, blue-black fruit. Provides partial shade colorful autumn display of yellows, oranges, and reds in south Florida. Branches brittle. Forms dense thickets by suckering from roots. Inkberry ♥ Full sun to Native plant with succulent leaves. Insignificant, small, pink/white flowers. Spreads Scaevola plumieri 2-4 High by underground stems. Well-suited to sandy soils at beach-front. Caution: Scaevola partial shade sericea (=S. taccada v. sericea, S. frutescens) is FLEPPC Category I invasive. Dwarf schefflera ♦ Full sun to Many cultivars, some with variegated foliage. Used as specimen or informal hedge. Schefflera arboricola 6-15 Moderate Takes pruning well. Mealybugs and scales can be a problem. Caution: Schefflera partial shade actinophylla is FLEPPC Category I invasive.
  • 17. Desert senna ♦ Small tree with a beautiful cascading habit. Prefers well-drained soil. Small, yellow Senna polyphylla 12 Full sun Low flowers mostly in dry season. Caution: Senna pendula is FLEPPC Category I invasive. Saw palmetto ♦♥ Full sun to Native clumping fan palm with subterranean, prostrate, or upright trunks. One of the Serenoa repens 3-8 partial shade High most abundant and widely-planted palms in Florida. Green and silver forms. Spreading tendency can be problem when left uncontrolled. Necklace-pod ♦♥ 6 Full sun High Large, densely branched native shrub with natural rounded shape. Bears clusters of Sophora tomentosa yellow flowers at tips of branches. Fast-growing and easily cultivated. Blue porterweed ♦♥ 1-3 Full sun to Moderate See description in “Perennials” above. Stachytarpheta jamaicensis partial shade Pink porterweed ♦ 1-3 Full sun to Moderate See description in “Perennials” above. Stachytarpheta speciosa partial shade White bird-of-paradise ♦ 8-20 Full sun to Low Named for the appearance of the spectacular flowers. Foliage dark green, banana- Strelitzia nicolae partial shade like. Drought tolerant once established. Relative of banana. Orange bird-of-paradise ♦ 3-5 Full sun to Low Named for spectacular flowers. Foliage gray-green, fan-like. Drought tolerant once Strelitzia reginae partial shade established. Scales can be a problem. Marmalade plant Fast-growing, evergreen shrub grown for showy yellow to dark orange flowers Streptosolen jamesonii 6 Full sun Low produced winter to spring. Needs open, sunny site with excellent drainage. Sprawling growth benefits from support. Prune hard after flowering is complete. Bay cedar ♥ Native, small-leaved, evergreen shrub or small tree. Clusters of small, leathery leaves Suriana maritima 6-12 Full sun High and attractive, peeling bark. Will grow in sand or on bare rock. Good choice for ocean and beach-front sites. African milkbush Large shrub to small tree. Fleshy leaves and stems, becoming woody with age. 16 Full sun High Synadenium grantii Showy clusters of red flowers. Milky latex is poisonous. Cape honeysuckle Sprawling, rampant, evergreen, sometimes vine-like shrub. Compound leaves with 5- Tecomaria capensis Full sun to 7 toothed, diamond-shaped leaflets. Clusters of brilliant red-orange to scarlet, tubular 2-10 High light shade flowers. Can be pruned to shrub, trained to espalier, or grown as vine or ground- cover. Requires well-drained soil. Tetrazygia, West Indian lilac ♦♥ Full sun to Extremely ornamental, native, tropical shrub to small tree. Beautiful white and Tetrazygia bicolor 6-40 light shade Low yellow flowers followed by purple -black berries, highly attractive to birds. Elegant, glossy, dark green foliage. Cannot be used as hedge, as branches die when pruned. Limeberry Small, glossy, trifoliate leaves. Fragrant, diminutive white flowers. Edible red 3-10 Full sun Moderate Triphasia trifolia berries. Well adapted to rocky, calcareous soil. Walter’s viburnum, black haw ♥ Full sun to Native large shrub to small tree with attractive, pure white blossoms in spring, before Viburnum obovatum 12-30 partial shade Low leaves fully developed. Flowers followed by berries that turn from green to pink to red to purplish-black in the fall. Ideal as a hedge. Spanish bayonet ♦ 5-20 Full sun or High Trunk-forming yucca with dangerous sharp, pointed, strap-like leaves. Trunks often Yucca aloifolia partial shade topped with large, upright clusters of creamy white flowers. Spreads to form thicket. Bear grass, Adam’s needle ♥ 3-6 Full sun High Leaves, resembling long green spears edged with white threads, form basal rosette. Yucca filamentosa White, bell-shaped flowers bloom in terminal spikes from the mid to late summer.