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                  BRITISH COLUMBLQ                                                                                               "

     Only twobreccia pipes have so far been recognized in         pearance of a stretched-pebble conglomerate. The    northern
British Columbia north Prince George
                       of                 (Figure 2); the Os-     and central parts of the diatreme havebeen cut by fluorite-
pika pipe near Peace Reach,east of Williston Lake and
               the                                                calcite and fluorite-calcite-pyrite stockwork veins contain-
a small diatremein the Kecbika Riverarea of the Cassiar           ing minor amounts of galena and molybdenite. Similar
Mountains, westof the Rocky Mountain Trench. Both are             breccias (minus thephlogopite) arepresent the E d River
hosted by middle Paleozoic carbonate rocks are associ-
                                             and                  -White River area of the southern Rocky Mountains (Yell,
ated with carbonatite/alkaline rock complexes. The dia-           1987).
treme in the Kechika River area is the only one documented
west of the Rocky Mountain Trench.                                     Associated dikes are quite common periphcal to the
                                                                  main diatreme and on ridges to the north (Figures 21 and
THE KECHIKA RIVER DIATREME AND                                    22). They crosscut both the carbonate hostrock!; and the
                                                                  mottled phyllites. The dikes, in general, are extremely well
                                                                  foliated and average 1 to 2 metres in thickness. They are
     A suite of alkaline igneous r 9 k s in the Kechika Ranges    similar in composition and appearance the matrix of the
of the Cassiar Mountains is intermittently exposed in a           main diatreme, comprised predominantly iron and mag-
northwest-trending zone excess of 20 kilometres long, the
centre of which is approximately latitnde 58"42'north and                               TABLE 13
longitude 127"3O'west.Tracbytes,syenites,malignites,car-                   GEOCHEMISTRY OF SELECTED DIATREME
bonatites and related tuffs and agglomeratesare present in                BRECCIAS AND RELATED DIKESAND T JFFS ,
thissuite(seeChapter2);adiatremebrecciapipeandrelated                                KECHIKA AREA
dikes and tuffs are also exposed in this area. The igneous        -                         ~~~~~~   ~.                      "

rocks are hosted by middle Paleozoic      (Silurian?) carbonate                                      Diatreme breccia
strata and have been deformed and metamorphosed to                          13.34 35.68 36.75 41.46
                                                                                34.35 37.04 19.82
greenschist facies.                                                          0.85
                                                                              1.18                  1.12 0.74
                                                                     A1203   6.07 10.07
                                                                              6.32 5.35
     A complex diatreme containing a numbes of breccia                       9.78 9.48 5.96 7.13 6.92 7.4:                       6.81
phases, related tuffs and breccia dikes crops out near the
                                                                             0.14 0.12 0.38 0.39 0.48 0.41.                      0.26
centre of the belt of alkaline igneous rocks(Figures 21 and                                                                      5.1.1
                                                                              3.65 15.11 8.45 10.68 10.01 9.3;'
22). These rocks weather greenish to rusty orange and
                                     silver                                  9.55 5.44 12.55 9.89 11.27 20.21                    11.7
are weakly to extremely well foliated. The main diatreme is                  0.06 2.13 2.10 2.74 2.96 0.2:;                      0.72
exposed in acreek at approximately 1560 metres elevation;                    4.80 1.71 7.74 6.04 4.20 4.0::                      3.76
dikes and tuffs are present on the slopes and ridges to the                 16.87 14.79 14.2215.88
                                                                                23.31 13.05 28.4:'
north and west of the diatreme, at elevations of up to 2230                11
                                                                           L0.24 0.19 0.26 0.21                 1.3:             218
metres. Exposure in the area is moderate to excellent; buck-                6.68 99.30 98.71 97.51;
                                                                                        99.11 98.04 95.49
brush andscattered trees are present in the valley bottoms,
while the upperslopes are barren. Access to the area is by                    689210600
                                                                               270514                                      71
                                                                                                                            1    1G2
                                                                                   1100    1108 510         720      -    32r1   641
helicopter from Watson Lake, Yukon or Dease Lake, B.C.,                                - 82                    -   269     2 1    56
150 and 160 kilometres distant, respectively.                                       390      95314 230
                                                                                                 320                      105    127
                                                                                    295     212 790         610    708    81
                                                                                                                           92    420
LITHOLOGY                                                            Ba             970     179 500         430    412    41'1   174
                                                                     Zr             105     106 225         440    181     56    175
     The main diatreme (Figure 22) comprisesvery inhomo-             Nb                9     60     20       <5     92    43,3    80
geneous, heterolithic tuffisitic breccias with roundedto an-                          32     23     32       55     50    3885    46
gular xenoliths up to 7 centimetres in diameter. Quartzite                            15
                                                                                 341 199 44026
                                                                                   31'7 360
and carbonate rock fragments dominate xenolith popu-
                                           the                                        33     35270 560
                                                                                             423 440                             510
                                                                                        - 47 204               -
lation; some autoliths, rare syenite fragments and some
black argillite clasts were also noted. Quartz xenocrysts,
rare chrome spinels, juvenile and vesiculated glass lapilli,
and crystal fragments (predominantly potassium feldspar
                                                                  : ;1

                                                                                     < s < 3< 5 < 5
                                                                                                             201    75
                                                                                                                     9,    23       5

and minor phlogopite) also present. The breccia matrix
consists of carbonate minerals, potassium feldspars, minor                                161
contacts, the breccia is intensely deformed andhas the ap-

Bulletin 88                                                                                                                          71
Brifish Columbia

nesium-rich carbonate minerals, feldspars, muscovite and
serpentine. Some quartz and apatite may also be present.
The dikes locally contain chrome spinels, small lithic frag-
ments and fragments of devitrified glass. Some contain
chrome-green (chrome mica) dark green        (chlorite and bi-
otite) elliptical patches which probably represent sheared
and altered fragments or crystals. One dark green weather-
ing dike contains abundant small fragments and         altered
olivine macrocrysts.
     Tuffs outcrop on  ridges near the centre of the property,
immediatelynorth of the main diatreme and the north end
of the property, south of Boreal Lake (Figures 21 and 22).
These pyroclastic rocks are rusty orange to silver-green
weathering with a pale green fresh surfaces, very similar in
appearanceto some of the dikes. They are conformable      with
the host carbonate succession and are interbedded with
brown, blocky weathering agglomerates and aplitic
trachytes. Chrome spinels are present locally. In thin sec-
tion, these rocks are seen to contain plagioclase laths,
siderite spots and altered, six-sided crystals (clinopy-
roxenes) in a fine-grained matrix of carbonate, sericite or
  IC,feldspar and oiaqnes. These rocks be the extrusi!
             ~~~~   ~      ~~   ~~~   ~~may~            ~-
                                                                0 didreme
                                                                + tuff


                                                                                     Figure 58. Major element ternary plots, Kechika diatrelre and
          .0        5.00              15.00
                                      10.00                 20.00       25.00        related rocks.

     0                                                                                                                     0 Kechiko

                                                            0 diatreme
                                                            X dike
                                                            + tuff

                                                                                              4                           *
                                                                                                                               and dikes

 V 15.00


      0.00                                                                  m
         20.00                             40.00    50.00       60.00       70.00
                                                   S I 0L
                                                        7                                                             C r Darn

 gure57.Majorelementdiscriminantplots,Kechikadiafremear                              Figure 59. "Average" compositionsfrom Wederhi.1and
 lated dikes and tuffs.                                                              Maramatsu, 1979.Nivs Crplot, Kechikadiatreme, dikes an(ituffs.

72                                                                                                                         Geological Survey llranch
Minisrry of Energy, Mines and Petmleun: Resources

                                                                       Based on modal mineralogy (olivine, clinopyroxene,
                                                                   plagioclase and/or potassium feldspar and minor phlo-
                                                                   gopite) it is difficult to classify these r o c k they showsome
               CHONDRITE-NORMA1 17Fn REE PLOT
                                                                   similarities to alkaline basalts (basanites).

                                                                       Major element analyses of samples fromth,: Kechika
                                       0 diatreme                 diatreme and   related dikes and tuffs (Table 13)  in(licatethat
                                       X dike                     these rocks are relatively low in silica and aluniinum and
                                       + tuff
                                                                  moderately enriched calcium and
                                                                                         in             magnesium. On a K20-
                                                                  MgO discriminant plot samples from Kechikt pipe and
                                                                  related rocks fall predominantly within or near the leucitite
                                                                  field (Figure 57a), while on an alkali-silica discriminant plot
                                                                  they fall between the alkaline lamprophyre and     alnoite .field
                                                                  (Figure 57b). On the ternary Fe-Al-Mg plot, samples fall
                                                                  within the melilitite (alkaline lamprophyre) field (Figure
                                                                  58a). On an AFM plot,samples plot closer to the: base (the
                                                                  A-M side) than alnoites or typical basalts (Fignrt: 58b); the
                                                                  diatreme samples are similar, in this respect, to samples of
                                                                  other rock types in the Kechika area (see Figure 24b). Based
                                                                  on major elementchemistry, it is difficult to c1ar:sify these
                                                                  rocks although they do show some chemicalaffinity to al-
                                                                  kaline lamprophyres (nephelinites) or leucitites. Alteration
                                                                  may have affected major element chemistry        to pre-
                                                                  clude definitive classification.
                                                                       Diatreme anddike samples show afair rangc: of nickel
                                                                  and chrome   values; some are moderately     enriched, contain-
      1                                                           ing up to 0.11% chrome and 0.07% nickel. Tht:y contain
          Lo Ce Pr   Nd   Srn Eu    Tb Dy Ho      Trn Yb Li       higher concentrations of these two elements     than do there-
                                                                  (Figure 59). Diatreme and dike samples also moderately
Figure 60. Chondrite-normalized REE plot - K e c W diatremes      enriched in fluorine, containing between    0.18 and 1.9% (Ta-
and related dikes and tuffs.                                      ble 13). They contain low to moderate amounts ::areearths


                                    Plate 31. Dolostone clastwith reaction rim, Ospika pipe.

Bulletin 88                                                                                                                   73
(up to 510 ppm La) and, on chondrite-normalizedrare-earth                         OSPIKA PIPE (94B/5)
plots, generally display shallow, negatively sloping curves                            The Ospika pipe is a small diatreme located on
(Figure 60) which are indicative of a low moderate degree
                                         to                                       Cominco's Aley claims (latitude 56"27'N, longitude
of light rare-earth enrichment. The diatreme and related                          123"45W) approximately 140kilometres north-nortttwest
rocks are anomalously enriched rubidium and have
                                  in                   very                       of Mackenzie, on the east side of Williston Lake bemeen
                                                                                  the Peace Reach and Ospika    River. Access to the area is by
low total strontium:rubidium ratios that average around 2: 1
                                                                                  helicopter from Mackenzie.
(Table 13).
                                                                                       The diatreme crops outon forested slopes at approxi-
                                                                                  mately 1550 metres elevation (Figure 3). It is only 2, few
GEOCHRONOLOGY                                                                     hundred metres from the large Aley carbnatite coniplex
                                                                                  (see Chapter 2), butthe relationships between the carlmna-
    No radiometric dating has been done on   alkaline rocks                       tite and the diatreme are unclear.
from the Kechika area. Field relationships suggest that they
are similar in age to the host strata, Silurian or slightly                       LITHOLOGY
younger.                                                                               The Ospika pipeis a composite diatreme(roughly 20
                                                                                  by 50 metres inarea) containing at least five distinct brxcia
                  TABLE 14                                                        and massive phases and  intruding Ordovician carbonms of
        CHEMICAL ANALYSIS - OSPIKAPIPE                                            the Skoki Formation. is massive to foliated and red-brown
                                                          ~    ~   ~   ~~~

                1  2       3         4     75         6
Ti02     2.76 2.15 2.76            1.67    2.25    2.58 0.38
Ai203    5.43 4.77 6.25            5.01    5.19    5.61 0.25
Fe203T 9.47 7.94 9.25              9.56    7.61    8.67 5.21
         0.20 0.19 0.17            0.22    0.16    0.17 0.55
        12.72 10.04 14.65         10.62   12.47   14.07 14.69
        15.63 17.26 13.40         17.20   17.52   14.84 27.53
         0.01 1.23 0.95            2.29    1.55    1.85 0.00
         1.43 4.01 5.55            3.80    4.01    4.02 0.12
        11.51 24.79 10.83         14.32   18.07   17.05
         1.12 0.84 0.09            1.80    0.99
         0.08 0.28 0.12            0.16    0.01    0.80        0.41                  I

        %.25 97.67 96.93          97.25   97.50   99.2691.81
                                                    .                                    5.00-
              230 190 360 220 290             40     330
              455 331 481 185 409            232      387
 co            48   24   46   39   40         10       47
 Rb            48   42  160 115 148           <8      118
 Sr      I    514 1257 1134 1650 1448 837 1601                                            0.00
 Ba           788 1163 1248 1741 1737 1290 20138
 Zr           300   53 263 682 261 303         4
 Nb           241 625 180 245 147 168 226
 Y             36   72   32   51   26   26    34
 La           183 177 124 170      96 199 3858                                           25.00
 Ce           322 332 217 369      85 166 6298
 Nd                                                                          -;
 Yb            <-2    2     <-4     <-7
                                     0    <-1   6                                        20.00
 sc          33.2
                29         32.1 29 32.6 28.8
 Ta            13    15     10  16    6      a 16
 Th     90     36           21  40   16 1731
                                           17                                        '15.00                                           +phonolite
 u             16     13    16  19    5     16  8
 V            317    398   353 261 342 253320                                        4
cu            109     74        73 103 112
                           119 _______         80                                        10.00
                                                                                                  from Alno

                                                                                          5.00                               barall       +andesite
                                                                                                         I'   klrnberlife

                                                                                          0.00                                                        rn

                                                                                     Figure 61. Major element discriminant
                                                                                                                        plots, Ospika pipe.

74                                                                                                                             Geological Survey Branch
Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum llesoumes

on the pipe. The phases are differentiated by size and per-           Phlogopite dominates the macrocryst assemblages,
centage of fragments of sedimentay rock, macrocrysts and        comprising 5 to 20% of the rock, with titaniferous augite,
pelletal lapilli. Contacts between phases may be sharp or       rare altered olivine and bright green diopside also present
gradational. Locally, narrow dolomitic dikes crosscut dia-      locally. Phlogopites range from few millimetres to 3 cen-
                                                                timetres in size, augites from a few millimetres tc. 2 centi-
treme breccias.
                                                                metres. The phlogopites are orange in colour and have
     The breccias contain 2 to 25% subangnlar to snb-           normal pleochroism. In some samples, they have thin,
rounded fragments of sedimentary rock. These range from         bleached rims; in others, the rims are darker than the core
a fewmillimetres to 50 centimetres across, with most in  the    of the grains.
2 to IO-centimetre range. Larger fragments are dolomitic              The matrix to most phases is fine grained and light
with prominent reaction rims (Plate 31). Rare cognate xeno-     green-grey in colour.It is a g o d igneous or magmatic ma-
liths are present, but no exotic xenoliths were found. One      trix, consisting of fine-grained dolomite and felled plrlo-
distinct phase is composed of abundant small pelletal lapilli   gopite, chlorite, amphibole with or without talc. It contains
                                                                abundant fine-grained opaque oxides and, in some places,
(50-60%).macrocryptic phlogopite    (5-10%) and small frag-
ments of sedimentary rock(less than 10%) in a fine to me-
                                                                      Clast andmacrocryst-rich brecciadikes, 50centimetres
dium-grained carbonate matrix.
                                                                wide, crop out onridges 0.5 to 1 kilometre away fromthe
                                                                main breccia pipe. These dikes do not appear be continu-
                                                                ous with the diatreme at surface, but have very  similar clast
                                                                and macrocryst   populations. Locally, the matrix the
                                                                                                                  of    dikes
                                                                is considerably morecalcareous than that of the diatreme.
                                                                Both thedikes and mainpipe havesuffered some (degreeof
                                                                alteration. Bluepleochroic sodium amphiboleis     ukdquitous,
                                                                often rimming other phases.
                                                                     The Ospika pipe and   related dikes may be classified, on
                                                                the basis of petrography, as ultramafic lamprophyresusing
                                                                the criteria given byRock (1986)and, more speci:ically, as
                                                                aillikites. These arerelatively common ultramafic lampro-
                                                                phyres that are often associated with carbonatites. They are
                                                                similar to alnoites, but lack goodevidence of meltlite.

                                                                     Major element analyses of samples from the Ospika
                                                                pipe and relateddike rocks (Table 14) indicate that the pipe
                                                                is low in silica and high in calcium, magnesium andiron.
                                                                On a KzO-MgO discriminant diagram (Figure      61a:r analyses
                                                                group in an area which is overlappedby the leucitii e, olivine
                                                                melilitite and alkaline lamprophyre fields. It should be
                                                                noted, however,that on this diagram, alnoites from Alno fall

                                                                       ~~    ~   ~~~~~~~~                                 ~

                                                                                                                                     __  ~    ~~

                                                                                                                   0 Ospika pipe


                                                                            0.00               1000.00
                                                                                                    500.00                    1500.00
                                                                                                              Cr ppm                _-
     Figure 62. Major element ternary plots, Ospika pipe                                      Figure 63. Ni-Cr plot, Ospika
~   ~   ~~   ~~~~~~

within the alkaline lamprophyre field, which suggests that            The geochemical data do not conflict with thc pet-
the ultramafic lamprophyre field should be extended; this         rographic classification of the pipe as an ailliki:e, or
plot is not strictly adhered to in attempting a chemical  clas-   melilite-free variety of alnoite, which, according to Rock
sification. Analyses from the Ospika pipe plot relatively         (1986) is a member ofthe ultramafic lamprophyre family.
close to the type alnoite. The sameis true on an alkali-silica
plot (Figure 61b). Ternary AFM and MgO-AIz03-Fe~03
plots (Figure 62) show that analyses from the Ospika pipe         GEOCHRONOLOGY
plot in or near the alonite and/or aillikite (a melilite-free         Rubidium-strontium isotopic studies on mica sep,uates
alnoite) fields.
                                                                  from the Ospika pipe give an age   of 334f7 Ma. Potas-’1111-
     The Ospika pipe has a restricted range of nickel and         argon studies on the same sample yielded   323f10 Ma (Ap-
chrome values and     contains relatively low concentrations of
these elements, similar to the ‘average’ nephelinite (Figure      pendix 2). These data suggest that the pipe very similar in
63). It is somewhat enriched titanium, barium,strontium
                                in                                age to the Aley carbonatite complex, which it flanks. The
and niobium, and has fairly restricted range of total stron-
                          a                                       temporal and spatial association between carbonatites and
tiummbidinm ratios, averaging around 13:l (Table 14).             alnoites or aillikites is well documented (Rock,1986:..

76                                                                                                  Geologicul Survey B m c h
Minisiry o Energy, Mines and Peiroleum Resourres
                                                                                       f                                   "

     Numerous diatremes are located along the Alberta -          suggests that these rocks are neither kimberlites nor lam-
British Columbia border @2N, 83C) between 50 and 90              proites, the twolithologies currently known to contain eco-
kilometres north of Golden (Figures 2 and 64).The terrain        nomic concentrations of diamonds.
in the area is rugged and the diatremes outcrop elevations
of 2200 to 3000 metres. In all cases access is by helicopter.    BUSH RIVER AREA (LARRY CLAIMS)
Most of the diatremes are hosted by Upper Cambrian car-          (83CP)
bonate rocksand, in most cases, consanguineousdikes are
                                                                     Near the headwaters of the Bush River :latitude
also present.
                                                                 52"04'20"N, longitude 117'23'50'W Figure 64), I suite of
     Microdiamonds havereportedly been recovered from            dikes and small diatremes   intrudes Upper Cambrianstrata.
heavy mineralseparates taken fromtwo of the pipes inthis         Three diatremes were examinedin this study (Figure 6 3 ,
swarm (Northcote, 1983a. b; Dummett et al., 1985; George         revealing two breccia types. The breccias appear ,quitedif-
CrossNewsLetter,Jan.23,1990).Preliminaryinvestigation            ferent in the field, but the division is somewhat arbitrary.

              A Bush Riverpipes dikes
              B Lens ountain ipe
                   M        p
              C Mons reek rea
                    C   a                                                                   LEGEND
              D V a l e n c i e n n e sR i v e ra r e a                    Foliated
                                                                                            with        pelletal lapilli
              E HP p i p e                                                 Rusty weathering quartz xenocrystic bre:cia
                                                                           Fine grained massive phose
                                                                           Mocrocryrt rich
                                                                                                   pyroxenes,              etc.)
Figure 64.General geology and diatreme locations the Golden
                                                                           Macrocryst rich dikes with
                                                                                                    breccia     core:$
- Columbia Icefields area. indicates diatremes or dike swarms.
GeologymodifiedfromWheeler(1962)andPrice(1967a,1967b).                                                                _-
For legend see Figure 73.                                        Figure 65. Diatreme brecciasand dikes, Bush River m a (83CL3).

Bulletin 88                                                                                                                        77
Plate 32. Rusty weathering, clast-supported megabreccia, Bush River

78                                                                            Geological Survey Branch
                  .~       .       _ r:
                                      : ..... ..
                                       ~.          'l   -. ..   ~   ~   ~
                                                                                           ~   .".   ,

                                                                                        Minisrry o Energy, Mines and Pefmleum Resources

Plate 34. Limestone-cored armoured xenolith in diatreme breccia,
Bush River area.                                                 Plate 36. Boulder from adike, Bush River area. Dike has a brcccia
                                                                 core containing abundant fragments of sedimentary ~.ockand a
                                                                 finer grained, macrocryst rich rim.

Plate 35.Altered micamacrocryst in diabeme breccia, Bush River              Plate 37. Laminated (flow-banded) margin a fine-grained dike,
area.                                                                       Bush River area.

Bulletin 88                                                                                                                           79
The pipes are massive; onlythe southeastern diatreme has
a margin that is foliated, with the foliation subparallel to the
contacts (Pell, 1987; Ijewliw and    Schulze, 1989).
      The northeastern pipe comprises    rusty orange weather-
ing, clast-dominated megabreccia      (Plate 32). The clastma-
trix ratio is approximately 39. Over 99% of the clasts are
subrounded to subangular fragments the hosting carbon-
ate lithologies, ranging in size from 1 to 75 centimetres, with
an average size of 10 to 40 centimetres. Altered granitoids
and, less commonly, gabbroic rocks make the balance of
the xenolith population. The matrix is predominantly car-
bonate and quartz-sand    grains.
     The second type breccia, exhibited by the central and
southern pipes, is also clast dominated andgenerally mas-
sive, but is rusty to dark green weathering  (Plate 33) rather
than orange in colour.The clastmatrixratio is greater than
in the first breccia type and clast population more
                             the                       varied.
Approximately 50% of the clasts are subangular fragments
of sedimentary rock, carbonates, shales and some ortho-
quartzites. Two to five percent of the xenoliths consist of
granitic material; these fragments may be either rounded or
angular and are in the 5 to 15-centimetre size range.
Rounded, 8 to 25-centitnetre fragments of altered igneous-
looking material comprise 10 to 20% of the xenoliths.   These      Plate 39. Fragments of sedimentary rocks in a buff-weathering,
clasts consist of coarse, randomly oriented carbonategrains,       quartz xenocryst-rich breccia, Mons Creek area.

                                                                   Plate 40. Photomicrograph of quartzxenocryst-richbn:ccia,
Plate 38. Photomicrograph of an altered pyroxene crystai in a      similar to that shown in previous photograph.Quartz xenwrysts
matrix containing abundant altered mica; dike, Bush River area.    are enclosed in a matrix of carbonate, chlorite and iron-o:ddes.
Long dimensionof photograph is2.5 mm.                              Long dimension of photograph is2.5 m .m

80                                                                                                      Geological Survey Branch
Ministry o Energs Minesand Petroleum Resources

Figure 66. Sketch showing distribution diatreme related rocks the lack claims Lens Mountain area; sketch drawn from photog,raph
                                       of                   on
taken by C. Fipke. View is of the ridge southeast of Lens Mountain, facing northeast.
chrome mica and opaqueoxides. Spectrographic analyses              surfaces are generally a dull greenish grey colour. They have
indicate high silica content; these clasts are possibly altered    coarse xenolith andlor macrocryst-rich cores and finer
syenites. Many of the rounded xenoliths are armoured, or           grained margins (Plate 36). Contacts withiuthe (dikes may
mantled bya rim fine-grained mica-rich igneous
                   of                                   material   be gradational or distinct and often the margins have a
similar to the breccia matrix. An additional 5 to 10% of the       strongly flow-banded texture (Plate 37). In thin swtion, the
breccia fragments arecognate xenoliths. The remainderof            dikes are porphyrytic with   altered macrocrysts, phenoclysts
the clast population is made upof spherical structure (also        and glomerocrystsof olivine, pyroxene (Plate 33) and bi-
referred to as accretionary lapilli or globular segregations)      otite. The olivine crystals, some of which contain inclusions
ranging from a few    millimetres to 3 centimetres in size and     of red-brown spinel, are altered to calcite, serptmtine and
frequently cored by small fine-grained limestone fragments         talc. The groundmass    consists of a network altered
                                                                                                                of        biotite
(Plate 34). Armoured xenoliths and accretionary lapilli are        with dusty secondaq calcite, minor serpentine, soinels and
features common to pyroclastic rocks (Fisher and                   opaques (Ijewliw and Schulze, 1989).
Schmincke, 1984). Silvery, altered mica macrocrysts, up       to         Based on modal   mineralogy, including the pseudomor-
3 centimetres in diameter, are abundant (Plate 35); they           phed phases (olivine, pyroxene, biotite, plagiodase). the
were, most likely, originally biotites. The matrix the brec-
                                                     of            dikes and diatremes the Bush River can be
                                                                                         in                area        classified
cia consists of chlorite>calcitequartz>trace apatite. In thin      as lamprophyres of either alkaline or calcalka1ir.e affinity.
section, it is seen to comprise 25% euhedral to suhhedral          The best designation appears to be as olivine-kzrsantites,
olivine crystals that have been pseudomorphedbyeither ser-         which are part of the calcalkaline lamprophyre family
pentine, or calcite and quartz with magnetite rims, cloudy,                                        or
                                                                   (Ijewliw and Schulze, 1989) biotite-camptonites, which
brown plagioclase, biotite, euhedral calcite and trace             are alkaline lamprophyres.
amounts of magnetite and apatite phenocrysts in a fine-
grained aggregate of dusty carbonate, quartz, serpentine,          LENS MOUNTAIN AND MONS  CRJ3EK
magnetite, chlorite, felsic microlites and unidentifiable ma-      AREAS (JACK AND MIKE CLAIMS)
terial (Ijewliw and Schulze, 1989).                                (82N/14,15)
     Numerous subparallel dikes are present in the Bush
River area, some of which crosscut the diatreme breccias;               At both Lens Mountain  (latitude 5 l”54’30”N. longitude
they range in length  from 50 to 600 metres and width from
                                                  in               117°07‘30”W) and Mons Creek       (latitude 51”49’:;O”N, lon-
0.5 to 2.5 metres. Bifurcation and remerging occurs along          gitude 117°00’30”W; Figure 64)the dominant intrusive li-
the length of some dikes and narrow,   fine-grained apophyses      thology consists of a buff-weathering, weakly foliated
are common. Both homogeneous and zoned           dikes are seen    breccia with a low clastmatrix ratio (approximalely 1:3 or
(Figure 65). The homogeneous dikes are fine grained and            1:4). The ‘Jackdiamond‘(Northcote,1983b)was recovered
medium to dark green in colour. They may contain up to             from this lithology and two additional microdiamonds have
10% small, silvery, mica phenocrysts and     minor amounts of      recently been recovered from core (George C ross News
spinel or other opaque oxides. A dike with unaltered phlo-         Letter, Jan.23,1990, p. 2).Clasts are small  subaugnlarfi‘ag-
gopite megacrysts was observed one locality.The zoned
                                    in                             ments of sedimentary rock, predominantly carbpnates, in
dikes are rusty to dull green on weathered   surfaces and fresh    the 2-millimetre to 2-centimetre size range (Plate 39). The

Buliefin 88                                                                                                                 81
British Columbia

'matrix' is pale green to buff incolour and  consists ofabun-    dark red and have  dark greyfresh surfaces. They consist of
dant rounded quartz grains (xenocrysts), carbonate, chlorite     subangular clasts of limestone and relict phenocrysts in a
and iron oxides (Plate 40). Relict lapilli, with a preferred     carbonate matrix. The matrix consists of 15%phenocrysts
orientation, have also been observed(Ijewliw and Schulze,        that are entirely pseudomorphed by fine-grained quartz
1989). At Mons Creek,this breccia grades into a clast-poor       andor calcite. Some of the phenocrystsretain traces of sim-
(5 to 10% clasts) green breccia with a foliated matrix con-      ple twinning, with a morphology suggestive of sana4line.
taining carbonate, chlorite and talc(?) or serpentine. In both   Altered crystals of titanamphibole or sphene are also pre-
areas, the enclosing sedimentary   strata are steeply dipping;   sent; they have been replaced calcite but retain a rimof
the breccias, however, display a weakly developed subhori-       inclusions of very fine grained sphene.The groundmrss is
zontal to shallow-dipping planar   fabric. At Lens Mountain,     extremely fined grained and contains calcite patches
a shallow-dipping layer of boulder breccia is enclosed in the    (Ijewliw and Schulze,1989).
sandy breccias.                                                       At Mons Creek, a   small, light green, strongly foliated,
     It has been proposed (C.E. Fipke, personal communi-         tine-grained breccia crops out the north of the main sandy
cation, 1987) that these breccias are crater-infill material.    diatreme. It contains fragments of sedimentary rock less
Alternatively, they may be intrusive, formed through             than 1 centimetre across and opaque oxides a matrix con-
fluidizing of sediments by introdnction of volatiles explo-      sisting of dolomite>quartz2pyrophyllite~inor         chlorite,
sively exsolved fromrising and vesicnlating magmas. The          calcite, muscovite and trace apatite. In thin section, lhese
subhorizontal fabric locally displayed in the breccias would     rocks have a porphyrytic texture, but arehighly altered. Cal-
have originally been steeply dipping (prior to deformation),     cite replaces some phenocrysts, which may have been oli-
which would favour the latter hypothesis.                        vine, manyof which have red-brown      spinel inclusions. The
                                                                 original composition of other psendomorphed phenocrysts
     At Lens Mountain,two additional small breccia pipes
                                                                 is undeterminable (Ijewliw and Schulze, 1989).
or dikes and light green, clast-free aphanitic rock are also
present (Figure 66). The breccias are very coarse, weather            At Mons Creek, one
                                                                                       small, altered dike cutting the main
                                                                 diatreme and a second parallel dike outside the diatreme
     ~~.                                           ~

            @Green        foliated
                                 breccia   phase
            @Quartz       xenocrystic breccia
           a       Massive diatremephase
           a       Fine-graineddikes
                   Dikes with pyroxene
                                     and     olivine
                   Dikes with mica rnocrocrysts
                   pyroxene olivine
           /LI Host     limestone
                                                                 Plate 41. Serpentinizedolivinemacrocrysts in a fine-grained,
 Figure 67. Diatreme breccias and dikes, Valenciennes
                                                   River.        massive diatreme phase, Valenciennes River area.

82                                                                                                  Geological       6'ranch
Ministry o Eneqy, Mines and Perroleunr Resources

were observed. Oneunaltered porphyrytic dike and abun-
dant unaltered float of porphyrytic dike-rock are present
elsewhere onthe property. The altered dikes contain quartz
aggregates replacing a lath-shaped, twinned mineral that
may have been feldspar, some minute plagioclase grains
(An25) that are partly replaced by calcite, and a phyllosili-
cate mineral, partially replaced by calcite, with sphene in-
clusions and rims in a fine-grained groundmass of
carbonate, chlorite and minor quartz and pyrite (Ijewliw and
Schulze, 1989). The unaltered dike material contains 5%
primary phenocrystic clinopyroxene,commonly augite or
diopsidic augite with pinkish brown titaniferrous rims.
Some grains also have titanium-rich cores, and an iuterme-
diate, nonpleochroic zone. Other phenocrysts present in-
clude biotite, some amphiboles and olivine, completely
pseudomorphed by calcite or chlorite, with red-brown
spinel inclusions. The matrixcontains microphenocrystsof
clinopyroxene, biotite, sphene and plagioclase (Anzs) in a
groundmass of carbonate, chlorite, interstitial quartz, fine-
grained serpentine and opaqueoxides.
     The main diatremes in the Lens Mountain and Mons
Creek areas have only minor igneous components dueto
intense sedimentary rock contamination and difficult to
classify. The dikes at Mons Creek, however, have a pre-
served mineralogy (titanaugite, plagioclase, biotite, ampbi-
bole, olivine) which allows classification as alkaline        Plate 42. Fine-grained boudinageddike subparallel to tedding in
lamprophyres, or more specifically, biotite camptonites       buff-coloured carbonates. Diatreme breccia in the right
(Ijewliw and Schulze, 1989).                                  background. Valenciennes River area.

(MARK CLAIMS) (82N/15)
     Four or more diatremes and numerous dikes intrude
Upper Cambrian rocks near headwater of Valenciennes
River (latitude 51"47'0O"N, longitude 116"58'00'W, Fig-
ures 64 and 67). Two distinctly different diatreme types are
present. The first are rusty brown to pale green weathering,
weakly to well-foliated, composite pipes with both massive
and breccia phases. Two such diatremes are exposed at the
southern end of the area examined. Serpentinized olivine
macrucrysts (Plate 41). coarse nonmagnetic oxides(green
spinels) and altered spinel peridotite xenoliths are present
in some phases. Typical breccias contain 30 to 40% clasts,
rare xenoliths up to 15 centimetres across. Limestone,
dolostone, shale and minorquartzite comprise the majority
of the breccia fragments. Rare oxide macrucrysts may be
present. The matrix typically light green to grey in colour
and contains calcite and/or dolomite, quartz, chlorite, mus-
covite, and traces of pyrite, apatite, talc and clay minerals.
Bright green mica is commonly seen in band sample
(chrome-rich muscovite?). Chromite and ilmenite have
been identified in heavy mineral separates and a mi-
crodiamond is reported to have been recovered from the
largest diatreme (Northcote, 1983a).
     Associated dike rocks fine to medium grained, rusty
to dark green weathering, with a light greenish grey tome-
dium greenfresh surfaces. They occurin a number of ori-          Plate 43. Altered phenocrysts (zonedpyroxenesfolivinehica)in
entations, varying from almost concordant discordant to
                                              to                 a dike, Valenciennes River area. "be degree of alteration in this
bedding. Dikes which are nearly parallel to bedding and          sample is typical. Long dimension of photograph is2.5 m .
                                                                                                     the                      m


Bulletin 88                                                                                                                    83
cleavage are strongly baudinaged (Plate 42). Some of the
dikes are porphyritic and all are altered. The phenoclyst    as-
semblage, so far as can be recognized, consists of sieve-tex-
tured olivine pseudomorphs, altered euhedral
clinopyroxene with    relict zoning, mica and rare spinels. Pla-
gioclase phenocrysts have been observed (Ijewliw and
Schulze, 1989). In some phases, olivine appears to he more
abundant than pyroxene (olivine+pyroxenehica) and in
others pyroxene is far more abundant (py-
roxenekolivinehica). Some dikes are predominantly mi-
caceous. It is difficult to accurately estimate proportions of
phenocrystsas they are altered and only      morphology canbe
used plate 43). The groundmass generally consists of very
fine grained carbonate, chlorite, serpentine and altered bi-
otite (Ijewliw and Schulze, 1989). Oxides are also a com-
mon groundmass constituent. The dikes are generally
peripheral to the diatremes, but locally crosscut them.
     The second type breccia is present in the diatremes
in the northern part of the area examined (Figure 67). They
are brown weathering and moderately well       foliated with an-
gular to subangular fragments sedimentary rock set in a
matrix ofquartz grains, chlorite and carbonate. Clasts aver-
age 1 to 5 centimetres across, with some up 20 centime-
tres. The clastmatrix ratio is 2:3. These diatremes are
similar to the orange-weathering pipe the Bush River area
(the first type described).
     Intense alteration makes petrological classification dif-     Figure 68. Geology of the HPpipe, south the Campbell Ice field.
                                                                   Details on breccia and dike phasessupplied in Table 15. See text
ficult. The rocks in the Valenciennes River area, as evi-          for geographic coordinates.
denced by phenocryst assemblages in dikes (olivine,
clinopyroxene,mica, plagioclase) also bear astrong resem-          in the Golden - Columbia Icefields area (Figure 64).It is
blance to those in the Bush Riverarea and probablybelong           located approximately 50 kilometres due north of Golden
to the calcalkaline or alkaline lamprophyre clans. The best        and is exposed at an elevation of 2400 metres, near the toe
designation appears to be as olivine kersantites, which are
part of the calcalkaline lamprophyre family alternatively,
                                                                   of the Campbell Icefield. The pipe small, covering an area
biotite camptonites, which are     alkaline lamprophyres.          of only 40 by 70 metres; however, it is exposed in a flat,
                                                                   recently deglaciated basin which offers nearly 100% expo-
THE HP PIPE (82N/10)                                               sure and is therefore ideal for study.
                                                                        The pipe has sharp, steeply dipping contacts with the
     T h e H P p i p e ( l a t i t u d e 5l04l'3O"N, longitude     horizontal to shallow-dipping grey Cambrian limestone
116"57W) is the most southerly diatreme so farrecognized           beds which it intrudes (Figure 68). It is a composite dia-
                                               TABLE 15
                              FELD CHARACTERISTICSOF HP PIPE BRECCIA

84                                                                                                      Geological Survey Branch
Plate 46. Optically zonedandraditegarnets, HP pipe. Long
                                                                  dimension of thephotomicrographis 2.5 mm. C!arbonate
PIate 44. Sharp contact between breccia phases & 3, HPpipe.
                                           (82 )                  segregation forms matrix.

Plate 45. Large gabbroic xenolith a strongly foliated breccia
                                in                          (BI   Plate 47. Biotite macrocryst coring spherical smclure, HP pipe.
phase), HP pipe.                                                  Long dimensionof the photomicrographis I m .   m

              0.14 0.13   0.18 0.06 0.17 0.12 0.13 0.18 0.18 0.06 0.12 0.12 0.06 0.16
            13.21 11.79    8.67 5.18 9.69 14.67 11.03 12.27 12.79 6.16 6.51 9.48 5.02 7.25
            19.92 20.39  17.41 17.74 16.15 13.28 9.48 16.11 13.36 14.51 11.28 12.36 15.61 12.77
              0.29 0.27    1.65 1.87 0.25 0.06 0.42 1.32 1.60 0.06 2.73 0.29 0.01 0.18
              4.47                               0.01 1.361
                                                         0.53                      0.21 0.70 3.70 0.601
              6.44 10.70  7.27 16.29 19.88 16.02 14.05 7.71 5.84 14.50 11.73 14.08 16.11 13.90
     P205     0.58 0.61           0.95           0.74            0.81        0.77 0.47 0.88 0.65 0.42
              0.11 0.04   0.09 0.07 0.79 0.11 0.16 0.08 0.07 0.08 0.20 0.04 0.31
      Tora, 98.45 97.63
                97.54 98.951,401         98.66 98.89 99.43 98.99
                                                   98.93 99.02                    98.93 98.88 98.21 99.63
                                                         0,581        0.91~
               240 210             140 150 330 200 200 270 230 200 270 230 200
               786 904 313 335 301 805 386 493 527 849 399 589 744 387
     co          40   40     38     30      42     55      43      45  4 j     48    38    36      56   40
               137 121 1301 40 17 8112 3
                              24 39        <                                        <8     12      85    5
     SI        99s lizi lis51 579 881 528        1191                       1410 640 1026 821 781
     Ba       1933
               1868       3131; 390 202 3791     1975            514 2136 360        91 227 322 589
     Y    17
                       34 31
                      78 261
                                   :z      188 361
                                           172 294
                                                   22 22 26 25 29
                                                                         229 265
                                                                         262 200
                                                                                    112 198 312
                                                                                    140 229 338
                                                                                     24    24      26
     La                             92 121         91      78 197 120         119 162 165 145 123
     Ce        181 169             193 208 149171              321
                                                                 206         247 267 29 1 278 220
     Nd                    4491
     Yb                                      1
                                           <-4       3            <-2    1      0     0      0    <-2  c- 1
                                            33 26.1
                                        31.3 34.328.2
                                            35                                       25 28.8 31.1 25.1
                                              17 18                 6   10      9     3    11      11
                         12 14 15 10 21      6
                                                    ..      4      _.
                                                                   17"  7X     _.
                                                                               14     0
                                                                                      7   .^

                         221 322 232 305
                             206 306 339 356                                                   189278
     67 49 11057 80 65 69
                  109                 7     83                                             73 215

86                                                                                       Geoiogicai Survey .Trunci
Minisfry of Energy, Mines and Petmleum Resoumes

treme, comprising five distinctly different breccia phases        garnet. In thin section, all phases contain some, ,:enerally
and numerousdikes. The breccias differ in clast-to-matrix         fine-grained, garnet.
ratios, megacryst ahuudances    @lack salitic pyroxenelgreen           The HP pipeunique, in many respects, from the other
diopside/biotite) and the presence or absence of additional       pipes in the Golden area. Petrography and mineral    chemis-
phases such as oxides and spherical structures (Table 15).        try suggestthat it is ultramafic lamprophyre with
                                                                                       an                             ailliitic
Contacts between breccia phases may he gradational or             affinity. There also appears to be a significant metasomatic
sharp (Plate 44). A well-developed    foliation, at high angles   or metamorphic overprint introducing phases such as
to the pipe's eastern and western margins, is present in          melanite/andradite and clinoamphihole.
phases B1 and B2 (Plate 45). The other phases aremoder-
ately to weakly foliated.                                         GEOCHEMISTRY OF DIATREMES AND
     The matrix of breccia phases B1, B2 and B3 is com-           RELATED DIKES
posed of calcitefbiotitQcolourless clinoamphihole (tre-
molite?)>chlorite. Serpentine, talc and pyrite are also                Diatreme breccias and dikes in the Golden area are nl-
reported to he present (Ijewliw and Schulze, 1989). Fine-                                                               20
                                                                  trahasic; silica values predominantly range from to 40%
grained spinel and garnet are disseminatedthroughout. The         (Table 16)with theexception dikes from theVa1f:nciennes
garnets are suhhedralto euhedral in outline, light green to       River area which contain from to 45% silica. Analyses
golden or brown in colour andoften optically zoned (Plate         are varied with respect to the other major elemenrs (Figure
46). X-ray spectra indicate that the brown garnet is melanite,    69; Table 16) and chemical classification is difficult. Altera-
a titanium-bearing andradite, and the green gamet is tita-        tion is intense, and may have affected some elemmts more
nium-free andradite (Ijewliw, 1986, 1987). In addition to         than others (e& potassium, as is suggested byth~: that  fact
                                                                  most micas havebeen strongly altered and potassium may
small disseminated garnets, larger garnets commonly occur         have been removed). Ingeneral, analyses plot in or near the
in dikes and associated with calcite segregations in clast and
spherical structure-supported breccias, Groundrnass spinels       alkaline to ultramafic lamprophyre fields (Wgurw 69 and
are titanium-bearing magnetites. The groundmass has a             70); the HP pipe borders on alnoitic in composit:on, dikes
magmatic texture, hut apparently has been altered, eitherby       from the Bush River area and from Mons Creek more      fall
metamorphism or metasomatism. The matrix          ofthe spheri-   within the alkaline lamprophyre range anddikes from the
cal structure-rich breccias is predominantly calcite with or      Valenciennes River area (all strongly altered) trend toward
without amphibole (colourless to slightly bluish). Euhedral       a basaltic composition.
garnets commonly form rims on the spheres. The spheres                 As is the case with major element compositims,          trace
are composed of material similar to the matrix of the other       element ahundances diatremes and
                                                                                         in                dikes from the Golden
breccia phases and are commonly cored by pyroxene or              area are quite varied. There is a fairly wide range elements
mica megacrysts(Plate 47).                                        such as chrome (Figure 7 l), strontium, rubidium and     barium
                                                                  (Table 16).The HPpipe, in general, shows more restricted
     Black clinopyroxene    (salite; C.E. Fipke, personal com-    compositionsthan the others, has higher average        rubidium,
munication, 1987)    bright green chrome diopside and   biotite   strontium and barium concentrations and has much more
are the dominant megacrysts. The black clinopyroxenesare          restricted total strontiummhidium ratios (Figure72). Rocks
rich in titanium (up to 2.6%) and aluminum (up 14.5%).
                                                    to            from the Valenciennes River and Bush River generally
The clinopyroxenes are compositionally similar to those           show the most variation and have     large ranges in total stron-
found in the Isle Bizard  alnoite and in South African olivine    tium:ruhidium ratios, which may indicative of higher de-
melilitites. Biotite x-ray spectra show high ironmagnesium        grees of alteration. Rocks collected from BushRiver were
ratios and occasional zoning to iron-rich rims. Red-brown         more enriched titanium than those from elsewhere the
                                                                                   in                                         in
chrome spinels with minor amountsof aluminum, magne-              Golden area (Figure 72).
sium and titanium have also been identified. The spinels
have a very limited compositional range; Fe2+/(Fe2++Mg)                Although chemistry alone is not sufficient grounds to
values of 0.34 to 0.38, Cr/(Cr+Al) values of 0.54 to 0.68 and     classify rocks, especially altered rocks, it does ba2k nppet-
Ti02 of less than 1%. The spinels are also compositionally        rographic observations. The HP pipe appears      to share many
similar to those from Isle Bizard. Euhedral apatite phe-          characteristics with ultramafic lamprophyres; the other
nocrysts are also present (Ijewliw, 1987; 1,jewliw and            pipes and dikes in the Golden area are slightly different, in
Shulze, 1988).                                                    general more similar to alkaline lamprophyres.
      The breccia pipe and surrounding sediments cut by
                                                   are            GEOCHRONOLOGY
numerous dikes (Figure 68). The dikes are generally fine
grained andmassive, but are variable with respect to xeno-             In the Golden area, the HP pipe and some the dikes
lith, macrocryst,spherical structureand obviousgametcon-          in the Bush River area are relatively unaltered and contain
tent. D l dikes are massive and free of inclusions. They          abundant micas. These two locations were sampled, mica
contain biotite and spinel phenocrysts; the biotites are often    separates obtained and potassium-argon and ~uhidinm-
aligned (flow foliation?). D2 dikes have some (less than 5%       strontium analyses performed in order to establish the age
total) small limestone xenoliths and macrocrysts;   they may      of the intrusions. Elsewhere, the rocks are either loo altered
also contain minor amounts of spherical structures. D3a           or too poorin micato attempt to date. Biotites from th~:HP
dikes are megacryst rich (1520%); D3h dikes are also              pipeyieldpotassinm-argondatesof39lf12and396flOMa
megacryst rich and containspherical structnres and visible        (Appendix2). Initial rubidium-strontiumanalyse; yielded a

Bulletin 88                                                                                                                    87
date of 34W7 Ma; these analyses were rerun, using amore
accurate ion-exchange technique and date of approxi-
                                        a new
mately 400 Ma was obtained (Appendix 2). Close agree-
ment of potassium-argon and rubidium-strontium dates
suggests that the HP pipe was emplacedat approximately
400 Ma. Recent paleomagnetic work (Symons and Lew-
chnk, in press) established that samples fromthe HP pipe,
after tilt corrections, give a concordant Mississippian
which is slightly younger than the isotopic age.
     Preliminary results of rubidium-strontium ion ex-
change analyses of micas from alkaline dikes in the Bush
River area suggest an ageof 410 Ma (Appendix 2), which
is in close agreement with   results from the HPpipe.
     Zircon separates were obtained from rocksin the Va-
lenciennes River, Lens Mountain and Mons Creek In   areas.
all cases, the zircon populations are very heterogeneous.
Zircons from the Mons Creek area vary from rounded,
frosted, colourless to pale yellow spheres, to clear, equant
fragments. In the Valenciennes River sampleszircons vary
in shape from round to rounded prisms. Some grains are
rounded andbroken. Colours range clear to colourless,
frosted to pink. In the Lens Mountain sample clear and

                                                                          A (NozO+K20)

                                                                      Figure 70.Major element ternary plots, Golden diatremes.

                                                   A HP

                from Alno

                                                                                1              Averoge

                                                                      1000.00-                 alkali-olivine
 ,v                                                                   E

 ! 10.00                               (alkaline larnprophyre)        a             Average
                                       mei1titite & naphslinito   ._
                                                                      z             bosalt

          2                                                                                                                      m m
                                                                                              500.00       1000.00     1500.00
                                                                  I                                      Cr w m
Figure 69. Major element discriminant diagrams, diatreme
swarm.                                                                          Figure 71. Ni vs Cr plot,Golden diatremes.

88                                                                                                              GeologicalSurvey Branch
Ministry o Energ3 Mines and Petroleum Resources

                                                                    pink roundedzircons are present, as well as clear, frosted to
                                                                    clear, colourless, rounded prisms.
                                                                         Euhedral zircons from Mons Creekyielded .1 concor-
                                                                    dantlead-lead ageof 469iz17 Ma    (Appendix 2), which pos-
                                                                    sibly represents the age of zircon crystallization in the
                                                                    lamprophyricmagma. This may equivalent to, or slightly
                                                                    older than, the actual age of emplacement. This dzte  is con-
                                                                    sistent with the fact that the igneous rocks are hosted by
                                                                    Lower to Middle Cambrian strata. Rounded zircons from
                                                                    the same sample gave    ages of 1917 to 1907 Ma(Appendix
                                                                    2); these zircons are clearly xenocrystic and thedates may
                                                          .         be representative of the age of the basement.
                                                                         Zircons separated from a diatreme in the Va1,:nciennes
                                                                    River area are all xenocrystic in origin and gavelead-lead
-00.0                                                               ages of approximately 1525,1825,2550 and 2565 Ma (Ap-
        0.00   20.00   40.00   60.00   80.00 100.00 120.00 140.00
                                                                    pendix 2). All analyses are discordant. Zircons separated
                                                                    from the Lens Mountain sample werealso all xlnocrysts.
                                                                    Resultant lead-lead ages are approximately 1790,2050 and
Figure 12. SrRb vs Ti&, Golden diatremesand related dikes.          2685 Ma (Appendix     2).

 Bulletin 88                                                                                                               89
British                                                                 Columbia                                                     -


          p'                                                               m H e l i k i a n Purcell
          1'                                                                   and   Hadrynian  Windermere
                                                                            Upper Cambrian/Lower

                                                                                 through Ordovicianand/or
                                                                                 SilurianBeaverfoot   Frn.
                                                                           a     MiddleDevonian:Cedared,
                                                                                 Burnais Harrogate
                                                                                         and        Fm.
                                                                           m P e r r n i a na n d Pennsylvanian,
                                                                                Rocky Mountain    Group
                                                                           m T r i a s s i ca n dJ u r a s s i c        or younger

                                                                           0     Alkalic

                                                                           1 Joff
                                                                           2 Rus Pipe
                                                                           3 Mary
                                                                           4 BlackfootDiatremes
                                                                           6 Swanson Peak volcanics
                                                                              anddiatreme     (Swan Claims)
                                                                           6 QuinnDiatremes
                                                                           7 Summer 1 & 2 Pipes
                                                                           8 CrossingCreek Kimberlite


                                                                                   0                               15

               Figure 73. General geology and diatreme locations Bull River - White River area. Geology modified
                                                              the in
               from Leech(1960, 1979) and Price (1981).

90                                                                                                            Geological
Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources

                 BRITISH COLUMBIA (82Gr, 3)                                                                             "

    Forty or more breccia pipes and related dike-rocks oc-         ing fine-grained altered clinopyroxene and somefeldspar.
cur within the Bull, White and Palliser river drainages (Fig-      Microprobe analyses    indicate that the feldspar is e:;sentially
ures 2 and 73) east of Cranbrook and Invermere (Grieve,            pure albite; the albite, however, may be secondary, having
1981). The majority are hosted the Ordovician-Silurian
Beaverfoot Formation and underlying Mount andlor
                                               Wilson              replaced an earlier, more calcic plagioclase or potassium
Skoki formations and  exhibit similarities in petrography,de-      feldspar. Some feldspar laths have been partially altered to
gree of alteration and morphology.                                 white mica or clay minerals. Some mafic phenocrysts have
                                                                   been pseudomorphed by      quartz and  chlorite. Opaqile oxides
SHATCH MOUNTAIN AREA                                               are abundant.
CLAIMS) (825/11)
     A number of small diatremes and       dikes have been re-
ported (D.L. Pighin, personal communication, 1984) south
of the Palliser River on the ridges around Shatch Mountain,
west of Joffrey Creek (latitude 50"31'07"h', longitude
 115"16'33'W) approximately 55 kilometres east of In-
vermere (Figure 73). Two were examined, both exposed           at
the 2750-metreelevation and accessible by helicopter. Both
are hosted by moderately to steeply east-dipping Ordovi-
cian-Silurian Beaverfoot-Brisco strata which are charac-
teristically massive thick-bedded grey limestones which
contain rugosan corals.
     The main breccia pipe (Figure 74) consists of small (up
to 10-centimetre) subrounded to subangular fragments a      in
strongly foliated light green matrix. Clasts are predomi-
nantly limestone, dolostone andshale; some cognate xeno-
liths and rare pyroxenite nodules present. In thin section,
honey-coloured altered vesicular glass lapilli are the pre-
dominant constituents; locally the glass is completely de-
vitrified. Juvenile lapilli are also present and in some
samples quite abundant. The matrix the breccia consists
of calcite with some quartz and chlorite and minor talc,
anatase and apatite. This is a tuffisitic crater-infill breccia.
     East (stratigraphically up-section) ofthe main breccia,
intensely hematized, discontinuous     layers consisting of ju-
venile lapilli, suhangular lithic fragments, quartz and car-
bonate are apparently interbedded with grey limestone.
These agglomerate    layers locally display moderate to well-       ;DIMENTARY SEQUENCE               INTRUSIVE AND RELATEC
developed graded bedding (Plate 48). Elsewhere, graded                                                SEQUENCE
                                                                     DOLE AND/OR UPPER DEVONIAN
breccia layers are immediately overlain by pink and huff            a 8 A S A L UNITpink and bull
dolostones, sandy crosshedded dolostones and        sandstones,           Eandrlone. dolonfone. mud-
                                                                         stone and 101uIion breccia
well-bedded siltstones and dolomiticsiltstones of the basal         ~OOV~C~AN/SILUR~AN
Devonian unit (Plate 49).                                           a 8 E lhiok Rbedded.FORMATION:
                                                                          AVE FOOT                   -Epicloolic ond/or pyro~laslic
                                                                                          grey         tuff breccia beds
     South of the main tuffkitic breccia, a medium to fine-              forsilifemus limerfane      -Folioled tuf,isilic brecc

grained, massive igneous intrusive crops ont (Figure 74).                                            -Marrive. magmoiis phase
that is medium to dark greenin colour withintensely hrec-
ciated and hematized   margins. It contains 10 to 15%altered      Figure 14. Geology of theJoffpipe,ShatchMountainarea
clinopyroxene and   olivine phenocrysts in a matrix contain-      (modified from Pell, 1986a). See text for geographic coordinates.

Bulletin 88                                                                                                                    91
British Columbia                                                                                                                    -
                                                                          Due to intensity of alteration, classification is d i f f i d t .
                                                                     The presence of glass lapilli and absence of biotitdphlo-
                                                                     gopite exclude these rocks from ultramafic lamprophyre
                                                                     clan. The phenocryst and microphenocryst assemblage of
                                                                     olivine, two generations of clinopyroxene and a m a l l
                                                                     amount of feldspar (albite) in the groundmass of the por-
                                                                     phyrytic dike-rocks suggest that they mayshare some affin-
                                                                     ity to limburgites or alkaline basalts.

                                                                     THE RUSSELL PEAK DIATREMES (825/6)
                                                                          Diatremes in southern British Columbia are    typified by
                                                                     those near Russell Peak (latitude 5Oo25'40"N, longitude
                                                                      115"13'30"W, Figure 73). There are at least three small
                                                                     pipes in the immediate vicinity of Russell Peak, two more
                                                                     small intrusions crop out approximatelykilometres to the
                                                                     north (latitude 5Oo29'15"N, longitude 115°15'40'W). All of
                                                                     these pipes can be reached helicopter from Fairmonr.Hot
                                                                     Springs. One, immediately southRussell Peak, is particu-
                                                                     larly well exposed on a cliff
                                                                                                 face anddisplays many feawes
                                                                     of pipe morphology (Figure 75). The lower poaionof the
                                                                     exposed pipe comprises  well-foliated, tuffisitic breccia con-
                                                                     taining abundant subangular fragmentssedimentaryrock
Plate 48.Graded bedding in extrusive epiclastic layer, pipe.

                                                                                  m C 0 o r z . e contact
                                                                                        Dialreme material/tuffite
                                                                                  a   Epiclarlicand/orpyrocioslic
                                                                                       material mixed    with
                                                                                  =Mafic     volcanic rock
                                                                                        Snow patch
                                                                                  0Limestone rafts

                                                                                   Db   =   Basol Devonian unit
                                                                                   Ob = Ordovician Beaverfoot
                                                                                  Otp   =   Ordovician
Plate 49. Epiclastic crater-infill breccia, Joff pipe, immediately                           Formation                    L - 3
overlain by well-bedded, pink and buff-weathering strata of the
basal DevonianUnit, (colourphoro, page136).                                  Figure 75. Geology of the Russell Peak diatreme.
,    .

92                                                                                                           Geological Survey Branch
BCGS: Carbonatites, Nepheline Syenites & Related Rocks in British Columbia (Chapters 4,5&6) (Pell, 1994)
BCGS: Carbonatites, Nepheline Syenites & Related Rocks in British Columbia (Chapters 4,5&6) (Pell, 1994)
BCGS: Carbonatites, Nepheline Syenites & Related Rocks in British Columbia (Chapters 4,5&6) (Pell, 1994)
BCGS: Carbonatites, Nepheline Syenites & Related Rocks in British Columbia (Chapters 4,5&6) (Pell, 1994)
BCGS: Carbonatites, Nepheline Syenites & Related Rocks in British Columbia (Chapters 4,5&6) (Pell, 1994)
BCGS: Carbonatites, Nepheline Syenites & Related Rocks in British Columbia (Chapters 4,5&6) (Pell, 1994)
BCGS: Carbonatites, Nepheline Syenites & Related Rocks in British Columbia (Chapters 4,5&6) (Pell, 1994)
BCGS: Carbonatites, Nepheline Syenites & Related Rocks in British Columbia (Chapters 4,5&6) (Pell, 1994)
BCGS: Carbonatites, Nepheline Syenites & Related Rocks in British Columbia (Chapters 4,5&6) (Pell, 1994)
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BCGS: Carbonatites, Nepheline Syenites & Related Rocks in British Columbia (Chapters 4,5&6) (Pell, 1994)

  • 1. ULTRABASIC DIATREMES IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBLQ " Only twobreccia pipes have so far been recognized in pearance of a stretched-pebble conglomerate. The northern British Columbia north Prince George of (Figure 2); the Os- and central parts of the diatreme havebeen cut by fluorite- pika pipe near Peace Reach,east of Williston Lake and the calcite and fluorite-calcite-pyrite stockwork veins contain- a small diatremein the Kecbika Riverarea of the Cassiar ing minor amounts of galena and molybdenite. Similar Mountains, westof the Rocky Mountain Trench. Both are breccias (minus thephlogopite) arepresent the E d River in hosted by middle Paleozoic carbonate rocks are associ- and -White River area of the southern Rocky Mountains (Yell, ated with carbonatite/alkaline rock complexes. The dia- 1987). treme in the Kechika River area is the only one documented west of the Rocky Mountain Trench. Associated dikes are quite common periphcal to the main diatreme and on ridges to the north (Figures 21 and the THE KECHIKA RIVER DIATREME AND 22). They crosscut both the carbonate hostrock!; and the mottled phyllites. The dikes, in general, are extremely well RELATED ROCKS (94L/12,13) foliated and average 1 to 2 metres in thickness. They are A suite of alkaline igneous r 9 k s in the Kechika Ranges similar in composition and appearance the matrix of the to of the Cassiar Mountains is intermittently exposed in a main diatreme, comprised predominantly iron and mag- of northwest-trending zone excess of 20 kilometres long, the in centre of which is approximately latitnde 58"42'north and TABLE 13 longitude 127"3O'west.Tracbytes,syenites,malignites,car- GEOCHEMISTRY OF SELECTED DIATREME bonatites and related tuffs and agglomeratesare present in BRECCIAS AND RELATED DIKESAND T JFFS , I thissuite(seeChapter2);adiatremebrecciapipeandrelated KECHIKA AREA dikes and tuffs are also exposed in this area. The igneous - ~~~~~~ ~. " rocks are hosted by middle Paleozoic (Silurian?) carbonate Diatreme breccia strata and have been deformed and metamorphosed to 13.34 35.68 36.75 41.46 34.35 37.04 19.82 greenschist facies. 0.85 1.14 1.18 1.12 0.74 0.81 0.95 A1203 6.07 10.07 6.32 5.35 10.35 10.42 A complex diatreme containing a numbes of breccia 9.78 9.48 5.96 7.13 6.92 7.4: 6.81 phases, related tuffs and breccia dikes crops out near the 0.14 0.12 0.38 0.39 0.48 0.41. 0.26 centre of the belt of alkaline igneous rocks(Figures 21 and 5.1.1 3.65 15.11 8.45 10.68 10.01 9.3;' 22). These rocks weather greenish to rusty orange and silver 9.55 5.44 12.55 9.89 11.27 20.21 11.7 are weakly to extremely well foliated. The main diatreme is 0.06 2.13 2.10 2.74 2.96 0.2:; 0.72 exposed in acreek at approximately 1560 metres elevation; 4.80 1.71 7.74 6.04 4.20 4.0:: 3.76 dikes and tuffs are present on the slopes and ridges to the 16.87 14.79 14.2215.88 23.31 13.05 28.4:' north and west of the diatreme, at elevations of up to 2230 11 L0.24 0.19 0.26 0.21 1.3: 218 metres. Exposure in the area is moderate to excellent; buck- 6.68 99.30 98.71 97.51; 99.11 98.04 95.49 brush andscattered trees are present in the valley bottoms, while the upperslopes are barren. Access to the area is by 689210600 270514 71 1 1G2 1100 1108 510 720 - 32r1 641 helicopter from Watson Lake, Yukon or Dease Lake, B.C., - 82 - 269 2 1 56 150 and 160 kilometres distant, respectively. 390 95314 230 320 105 127 295 212 790 610 708 81 92 420 LITHOLOGY Ba 970 179 500 430 412 41'1 174 Zr 105 106 225 440 181 56 175 The main diatreme (Figure 22) comprisesvery inhomo- Nb 9 60 20 <5 92 43,3 80 geneous, heterolithic tuffisitic breccias with roundedto an- 32 23 32 55 50 3885 46 gular xenoliths up to 7 centimetres in diameter. Quartzite 15 341 199 44026 31'7 360 and carbonate rock fragments dominate xenolith popu- the 33 35270 560 423 440 510 - 47 204 - lation; some autoliths, rare syenite fragments and some black argillite clasts were also noted. Quartz xenocrysts, rare chrome spinels, juvenile and vesiculated glass lapilli, and crystal fragments (predominantly potassium feldspar : ;1 Nd Ta < s < 3< 5 < 5 201 75 9, 23 5 are and minor phlogopite) also present. The breccia matrix consists of carbonate minerals, potassium feldspars, minor 161 muscoviteandlocally.chromemicas.Inp1acesnearitsouter contacts, the breccia is intensely deformed andhas the ap- Bulletin 88 71
  • 2. Brifish Columbia nesium-rich carbonate minerals, feldspars, muscovite and serpentine. Some quartz and apatite may also be present. The dikes locally contain chrome spinels, small lithic frag- ments and fragments of devitrified glass. Some contain or chrome-green (chrome mica) dark green (chlorite and bi- otite) elliptical patches which probably represent sheared and altered fragments or crystals. One dark green weather- rock ing dike contains abundant small fragments and altered olivine macrocrysts. Tuffs outcrop on ridges near the centre of the property, immediatelynorth of the main diatreme and the north end at of the property, south of Boreal Lake (Figures 21 and 22). These pyroclastic rocks are rusty orange to silver-green weathering with a pale green fresh surfaces, very similar in appearanceto some of the dikes. They are conformable with the host carbonate succession and are interbedded with brown, blocky weathering agglomerates and aplitic trachytes. Chrome spinels are present locally. In thin sec- tion, these rocks are seen to contain plagioclase laths, siderite spots and altered, six-sided crystals (clinopy- roxenes) in a fine-grained matrix of carbonate, sericite or IC,feldspar and oiaqnes. These rocks be the extrusi! ~~~~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~~may~ ~- @ 0 didreme dike X + tuff ultramafic Figure 58. Major element ternary plots, Kechika diatrelre and 00 .0 5.00 15.00 10.00 20.00 25.00 related rocks. 0 0 Kechiko dialreme 25.00 20.00 0 diatreme X dike + tuff 1500.00 4 * and dikes Kechika tuffs V 15.00 baranifiie tephriie alkollne larnprophyre 5.00 0.00 m 30.00 20.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 S I 0L 7 C r Darn gure57.Majorelementdiscriminantplots,Kechikadiafremear Figure 59. "Average" compositionsfrom Wederhi.1and lated dikes and tuffs. Maramatsu, 1979.Nivs Crplot, Kechikadiatreme, dikes an(ituffs. 72 Geological Survey llranch
  • 3. Minisrry of Energy, Mines and Petmleun: Resources " Based on modal mineralogy (olivine, clinopyroxene, plagioclase and/or potassium feldspar and minor phlo- gopite) it is difficult to classify these r o c k they showsome CHONDRITE-NORMA1 17Fn REE PLOT similarities to alkaline basalts (basanites). RELATED GEOCHEMISTRY Major element analyses of samples fromth,: Kechika 0 diatreme diatreme and related dikes and tuffs (Table 13) in(licatethat X dike these rocks are relatively low in silica and aluniinum and + tuff moderately enriched calcium and in magnesium. On a K20- MgO discriminant plot samples from Kechikt pipe and the related rocks fall predominantly within or near the leucitite field (Figure 57a), while on an alkali-silica discriminant plot they fall between the alkaline lamprophyre and alnoite .field (Figure 57b). On the ternary Fe-Al-Mg plot, samples fall within the melilitite (alkaline lamprophyre) field (Figure 58a). On an AFM plot,samples plot closer to the: base (the A-M side) than alnoites or typical basalts (Fignrt: 58b); the diatreme samples are similar, in this respect, to samples of other rock types in the Kechika area (see Figure 24b). Based on major elementchemistry, it is difficult to c1ar:sify these rocks although they do show some chemicalaffinity to al- kaline lamprophyres (nephelinites) or leucitites. Alteration may have affected major element chemistry to pre- clude definitive classification. Diatreme anddike samples show afair rangc: of nickel and chrome values; some are moderately enriched, contain- 1 ing up to 0.11% chrome and 0.07% nickel. Tht:y contain Lo Ce Pr Nd Srn Eu Tb Dy Ho Trn Yb Li higher concentrations of these two elements than do there- Rare-earthElements latedtuffs,inwhichtheigneouscomponenthasbeendiluted (Figure 59). Diatreme and dike samples also moderately are Figure 60. Chondrite-normalized REE plot - K e c W diatremes enriched in fluorine, containing between 0.18 and 1.9% (Ta- and related dikes and tuffs. ble 13). They contain low to moderate amounts ::areearths of ~~ Plate 31. Dolostone clastwith reaction rim, Ospika pipe. ~- Bulletin 88 73
  • 4. (up to 510 ppm La) and, on chondrite-normalizedrare-earth OSPIKA PIPE (94B/5) plots, generally display shallow, negatively sloping curves The Ospika pipe is a small diatreme located on (Figure 60) which are indicative of a low moderate degree to Cominco's Aley claims (latitude 56"27'N, longitude of light rare-earth enrichment. The diatreme and related 123"45W) approximately 140kilometres north-nortttwest rocks are anomalously enriched rubidium and have in very of Mackenzie, on the east side of Williston Lake bemeen the Peace Reach and Ospika River. Access to the area is by low total strontium:rubidium ratios that average around 2: 1 helicopter from Mackenzie. (Table 13). The diatreme crops outon forested slopes at approxi- mately 1550 metres elevation (Figure 3). It is only 2, few GEOCHRONOLOGY hundred metres from the large Aley carbnatite coniplex (see Chapter 2), butthe relationships between the carlmna- No radiometric dating has been done on alkaline rocks tite and the diatreme are unclear. from the Kechika area. Field relationships suggest that they are similar in age to the host strata, Silurian or slightly LITHOLOGY younger. The Ospika pipeis a composite diatreme(roughly 20 by 50 metres inarea) containing at least five distinct brxcia TABLE 14 and massive phases and intruding Ordovician carbonms of CHEMICAL ANALYSIS - OSPIKAPIPE the Skoki Formation. is massive to foliated and red-brown It ~ ~ ~ ~~~ weatheringinoutcrop,withfluoritepresentnearthemargins 1 2 3 4 75 6 27.9032.0926.660.99 24.1830.5928.65 Ti02 2.76 2.15 2.76 1.67 2.25 2.58 0.38 Ai203 5.43 4.77 6.25 5.01 5.19 5.61 0.25 Fe203T 9.47 7.94 9.25 9.56 7.61 8.67 5.21 0.20 0.19 0.17 0.22 0.16 0.17 0.55 12.72 10.04 14.65 10.62 12.47 14.07 14.69 15.63 17.26 13.40 17.20 17.52 14.84 27.53 0.01 1.23 0.95 2.29 1.55 1.85 0.00 1.43 4.01 5.55 3.80 4.01 4.02 0.12 10.00- 11.51 24.79 10.83 14.32 18.07 17.05 41.59 1.12 0.84 0.09 1.80 0.99 0.08 0.28 0.12 0.16 0.01 0.80 0.41 I %.25 97.67 96.93 97.25 97.50 99.2691.81 9 5;0 . 5.00- 230 190 360 220 290 40 330 455 331 481 185 409 232 387 co 48 24 46 39 40 10 47 Rb 48 42 160 115 148 <8 118 Sr I 514 1257 1134 1650 1448 837 1601 0.00 Ba 788 1163 1248 1741 1737 1290 20138 Zr 300 53 263 682 261 303 4 Nb 241 625 180 245 147 168 226 Y 36 72 32 51 26 26 34 La 183 177 124 170 96 199 3858 25.00 Ce 322 332 217 369 85 166 6298 Nd -; Yb <-2 2 <-4 <-7 0 <-1 6 20.00 sc 33.2 29 32.1 29 32.6 28.8 31.5 Ta 13 15 10 16 6 a 16 Th 90 36 21 40 16 1731 17 '15.00 +phonolite u 16 13 16 19 5 16 8 V 317 398 353 261 342 253320 4 cu 109 74 73 103 112 119 _______ 80 10.00 from Alno frachybaaalf 5.00 barall +andesite I' klrnberlife 0.00 rn 902 Figure 61. Major element discriminant plots, Ospika pipe. 74 Geological Survey Branch
  • 5. Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum llesoumes on the pipe. The phases are differentiated by size and per- Phlogopite dominates the macrocryst assemblages, centage of fragments of sedimentay rock, macrocrysts and comprising 5 to 20% of the rock, with titaniferous augite, pelletal lapilli. Contacts between phases may be sharp or rare altered olivine and bright green diopside also present gradational. Locally, narrow dolomitic dikes crosscut dia- locally. Phlogopites range from few millimetres to 3 cen- a timetres in size, augites from a few millimetres tc. 2 centi- treme breccias. metres. The phlogopites are orange in colour and have The breccias contain 2 to 25% subangnlar to snb- normal pleochroism. In some samples, they have thin, rounded fragments of sedimentary rock. These range from bleached rims; in others, the rims are darker than the core a fewmillimetres to 50 centimetres across, with most in the of the grains. 2 to IO-centimetre range. Larger fragments are dolomitic The matrix to most phases is fine grained and light with prominent reaction rims (Plate 31). Rare cognate xeno- green-grey in colour.It is a g o d igneous or magmatic ma- liths are present, but no exotic xenoliths were found. One trix, consisting of fine-grained dolomite and felled plrlo- distinct phase is composed of abundant small pelletal lapilli gopite, chlorite, amphibole with or without talc. It contains abundant fine-grained opaque oxides and, in some places, (50-60%).macrocryptic phlogopite (5-10%) and small frag- pyrite. ments of sedimentary rock(less than 10%) in a fine to me- Clast andmacrocryst-rich brecciadikes, 50centimetres dium-grained carbonate matrix. wide, crop out onridges 0.5 to 1 kilometre away fromthe main breccia pipe. These dikes do not appear be continu- to ous with the diatreme at surface, but have very similar clast and macrocryst populations. Locally, the matrix the of dikes is considerably morecalcareous than that of the diatreme. Both thedikes and mainpipe havesuffered some (degreeof alteration. Bluepleochroic sodium amphiboleis ukdquitous, often rimming other phases. The Ospika pipe and related dikes may be classified, on the basis of petrography, as ultramafic lamprophyresusing the criteria given byRock (1986)and, more speci:ically, as aillikites. These arerelatively common ultramafic lampro- phyres that are often associated with carbonatites. They are similar to alnoites, but lack goodevidence of meltlite. GEOCHEMISTRY Major element analyses of samples from the Ospika pipe and relateddike rocks (Table 14) indicate that the pipe is low in silica and high in calcium, magnesium andiron. On a KzO-MgO discriminant diagram (Figure 61a:r analyses group in an area which is overlappedby the leucitii e, olivine melilitite and alkaline lamprophyre fields. It should be noted, however,that on this diagram, alnoites from Alno fall ~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~ ~ __ ~ ~~ 0 Ospika pipe 1500.00 Average basalt Average kirnbtrliles 0.00 1000.00 500.00 1500.00 Cr ppm _- Figure 62. Major element ternary plots, Ospika pipe Figure 63. Ni-Cr plot, Ospika pipe.
  • 6. ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~~ within the alkaline lamprophyre field, which suggests that The geochemical data do not conflict with thc pet- the ultramafic lamprophyre field should be extended; this rographic classification of the pipe as an ailliki:e, or plot is not strictly adhered to in attempting a chemical clas- melilite-free variety of alnoite, which, according to Rock sification. Analyses from the Ospika pipe plot relatively (1986) is a member ofthe ultramafic lamprophyre family. close to the type alnoite. The sameis true on an alkali-silica plot (Figure 61b). Ternary AFM and MgO-AIz03-Fe~03 plots (Figure 62) show that analyses from the Ospika pipe GEOCHRONOLOGY plot in or near the alonite and/or aillikite (a melilite-free Rubidium-strontium isotopic studies on mica sep,uates alnoite) fields. from the Ospika pipe give an age of 334f7 Ma. Potas-’1111- ,1 1 The Ospika pipe has a restricted range of nickel and argon studies on the same sample yielded 323f10 Ma (Ap- chrome values and contains relatively low concentrations of these elements, similar to the ‘average’ nephelinite (Figure pendix 2). These data suggest that the pipe very similar in is 63). It is somewhat enriched titanium, barium,strontium in age to the Aley carbonatite complex, which it flanks. The and niobium, and has fairly restricted range of total stron- a temporal and spatial association between carbonatites and tiummbidinm ratios, averaging around 13:l (Table 14). alnoites or aillikites is well documented (Rock,1986:.. 76 Geologicul Survey B m c h
  • 7. Minisiry o Energy, Mines and Peiroleum Resourres f " ULTRABASIC DIATREMES IN THlE GOLDEN - COLUMBIA ICEFIELDS AR:EA Numerous diatremes are located along the Alberta - suggests that these rocks are neither kimberlites nor lam- British Columbia border @2N, 83C) between 50 and 90 proites, the twolithologies currently known to contain eco- kilometres north of Golden (Figures 2 and 64).The terrain nomic concentrations of diamonds. in the area is rugged and the diatremes outcrop elevations at of 2200 to 3000 metres. In all cases access is by helicopter. BUSH RIVER AREA (LARRY CLAIMS) Most of the diatremes are hosted by Upper Cambrian car- (83CP) bonate rocksand, in most cases, consanguineousdikes are Near the headwaters of the Bush River :latitude also present. 52"04'20"N, longitude 117'23'50'W Figure 64), I suite of Microdiamonds havereportedly been recovered from dikes and small diatremes intrudes Upper Cambrianstrata. heavy mineralseparates taken fromtwo of the pipes inthis Three diatremes were examinedin this study (Figure 6 3 , swarm (Northcote, 1983a. b; Dummett et al., 1985; George revealing two breccia types. The breccias appear ,quitedif- CrossNewsLetter,Jan.23,1990).Preliminaryinvestigation ferent in the field, but the division is somewhat arbitrary. A Bush Riverpipes dikes and B Lens ountain ipe M p C Mons reek rea C a LEGEND D V a l e n c i e n n e sR i v e ra r e a Foliated breccia phose with pelletal lapilli E HP p i p e Rusty weathering quartz xenocrystic bre:cia Fine grained massive phose dike Mocrocryrt rich dikes (micas, pyroxenes, etc.) Figure 64.General geology and diatreme locations the Golden in Macrocryst rich dikes with breccia core:$ - Columbia Icefields area. indicates diatremes or dike swarms. GeologymodifiedfromWheeler(1962)andPrice(1967a,1967b). _- For legend see Figure 73. Figure 65. Diatreme brecciasand dikes, Bush River m a (83CL3). Bulletin 88 77
  • 8. Plate 32. Rusty weathering, clast-supported megabreccia, Bush River aea. 78 Geological Survey Branch
  • 9. ~ .~ . _ r: : ..... .. ~. 'l -. .. ~ ~ ~ ~ .". , Minisrry o Energy, Mines and Pefmleum Resources f Plate 34. Limestone-cored armoured xenolith in diatreme breccia, Bush River area. Plate 36. Boulder from adike, Bush River area. Dike has a brcccia core containing abundant fragments of sedimentary ~.ockand a finer grained, macrocryst rich rim. Plate 35.Altered micamacrocryst in diabeme breccia, Bush River Plate 37. Laminated (flow-banded) margin a fine-grained dike, of area. Bush River area. Bulletin 88 79
  • 10. The pipes are massive; onlythe southeastern diatreme has a margin that is foliated, with the foliation subparallel to the contacts (Pell, 1987; Ijewliw and Schulze, 1989). The northeastern pipe comprises rusty orange weather- ing, clast-dominated megabreccia (Plate 32). The clastma- trix ratio is approximately 39. Over 99% of the clasts are of subrounded to subangular fragments the hosting carbon- ate lithologies, ranging in size from 1 to 75 centimetres, with an average size of 10 to 40 centimetres. Altered granitoids and, less commonly, gabbroic rocks make the balance of up the xenolith population. The matrix is predominantly car- bonate and quartz-sand grains. The second type breccia, exhibited by the central and of southern pipes, is also clast dominated andgenerally mas- sive, but is rusty to dark green weathering (Plate 33) rather than orange in colour.The clastmatrixratio is greater than in the first breccia type and clast population more the varied. Approximately 50% of the clasts are subangular fragments of sedimentary rock, carbonates, shales and some ortho- quartzites. Two to five percent of the xenoliths consist of granitic material; these fragments may be either rounded or angular and are in the 5 to 15-centimetre size range. Rounded, 8 to 25-centitnetre fragments of altered igneous- looking material comprise 10 to 20% of the xenoliths. These Plate 39. Fragments of sedimentary rocks in a buff-weathering, clasts consist of coarse, randomly oriented carbonategrains, quartz xenocryst-rich breccia, Mons Creek area. Plate 40. Photomicrograph of quartzxenocryst-richbn:ccia, Plate 38. Photomicrograph of an altered pyroxene crystai in a similar to that shown in previous photograph.Quartz xenwrysts matrix containing abundant altered mica; dike, Bush River area. are enclosed in a matrix of carbonate, chlorite and iron-o:ddes. Long dimensionof photograph is2.5 mm. Long dimension of photograph is2.5 m .m 80 Geological Survey Branch
  • 11. Ministry o Energs Minesand Petroleum Resources f Figure 66. Sketch showing distribution diatreme related rocks the lack claims Lens Mountain area; sketch drawn from photog,raph of on taken by C. Fipke. View is of the ridge southeast of Lens Mountain, facing northeast. chrome mica and opaqueoxides. Spectrographic analyses surfaces are generally a dull greenish grey colour. They have indicate high silica content; these clasts are possibly altered coarse xenolith andlor macrocryst-rich cores and finer syenites. Many of the rounded xenoliths are armoured, or grained margins (Plate 36). Contacts withiuthe (dikes may mantled bya rim fine-grained mica-rich igneous of material be gradational or distinct and often the margins have a similar to the breccia matrix. An additional 5 to 10% of the strongly flow-banded texture (Plate 37). In thin swtion, the breccia fragments arecognate xenoliths. The remainderof dikes are porphyrytic with altered macrocrysts, phenoclysts the clast population is made upof spherical structure (also and glomerocrystsof olivine, pyroxene (Plate 33) and bi- referred to as accretionary lapilli or globular segregations) otite. The olivine crystals, some of which contain inclusions ranging from a few millimetres to 3 centimetres in size and of red-brown spinel, are altered to calcite, serptmtine and frequently cored by small fine-grained limestone fragments talc. The groundmass consists of a network altered of biotite (Plate 34). Armoured xenoliths and accretionary lapilli are with dusty secondaq calcite, minor serpentine, soinels and features common to pyroclastic rocks (Fisher and opaques (Ijewliw and Schulze, 1989). Schmincke, 1984). Silvery, altered mica macrocrysts, up to Based on modal mineralogy, including the pseudomor- 3 centimetres in diameter, are abundant (Plate 35); they phed phases (olivine, pyroxene, biotite, plagiodase). the were, most likely, originally biotites. The matrix the brec- of dikes and diatremes the Bush River can be in area classified cia consists of chlorite>calcitequartz>trace apatite. In thin as lamprophyres of either alkaline or calcalka1ir.e affinity. section, it is seen to comprise 25% euhedral to suhhedral The best designation appears to be as olivine-kzrsantites, olivine crystals that have been pseudomorphedbyeither ser- which are part of the calcalkaline lamprophyre family pentine, or calcite and quartz with magnetite rims, cloudy, or (Ijewliw and Schulze, 1989) biotite-camptonites, which brown plagioclase, biotite, euhedral calcite and trace are alkaline lamprophyres. amounts of magnetite and apatite phenocrysts in a fine- grained aggregate of dusty carbonate, quartz, serpentine, LENS MOUNTAIN AND MONS CRJ3EK magnetite, chlorite, felsic microlites and unidentifiable ma- AREAS (JACK AND MIKE CLAIMS) terial (Ijewliw and Schulze, 1989). (82N/14,15) Numerous subparallel dikes are present in the Bush River area, some of which crosscut the diatreme breccias; At both Lens Mountain (latitude 5 l”54’30”N. longitude they range in length from 50 to 600 metres and width from in 117°07‘30”W) and Mons Creek (latitude 51”49’:;O”N, lon- 0.5 to 2.5 metres. Bifurcation and remerging occurs along gitude 117°00’30”W; Figure 64)the dominant intrusive li- the length of some dikes and narrow, fine-grained apophyses thology consists of a buff-weathering, weakly foliated are common. Both homogeneous and zoned dikes are seen breccia with a low clastmatrix ratio (approximalely 1:3 or (Figure 65). The homogeneous dikes are fine grained and 1:4). The ‘Jackdiamond‘(Northcote,1983b)was recovered medium to dark green in colour. They may contain up to from this lithology and two additional microdiamonds have 10% small, silvery, mica phenocrysts and minor amounts of recently been recovered from core (George C ross News drill spinel or other opaque oxides. A dike with unaltered phlo- Letter, Jan.23,1990, p. 2).Clasts are small subaugnlarfi‘ag- gopite megacrysts was observed one locality.The zoned in ments of sedimentary rock, predominantly carbpnates, in dikes are rusty to dull green on weathered surfaces and fresh the 2-millimetre to 2-centimetre size range (Plate 39). The __ Buliefin 88 81
  • 12. British Columbia 'matrix' is pale green to buff incolour and consists ofabun- dark red and have dark greyfresh surfaces. They consist of dant rounded quartz grains (xenocrysts), carbonate, chlorite subangular clasts of limestone and relict phenocrysts in a and iron oxides (Plate 40). Relict lapilli, with a preferred carbonate matrix. The matrix consists of 15%phenocrysts orientation, have also been observed(Ijewliw and Schulze, that are entirely pseudomorphed by fine-grained quartz 1989). At Mons Creek,this breccia grades into a clast-poor andor calcite. Some of the phenocrystsretain traces of sim- (5 to 10% clasts) green breccia with a foliated matrix con- ple twinning, with a morphology suggestive of sana4line. taining carbonate, chlorite and talc(?) or serpentine. In both Altered crystals of titanamphibole or sphene are also pre- areas, the enclosing sedimentary strata are steeply dipping; sent; they have been replaced calcite but retain a rimof by the breccias, however, display a weakly developed subhori- inclusions of very fine grained sphene.The groundmrss is zontal to shallow-dipping planar fabric. At Lens Mountain, extremely fined grained and contains calcite patches a shallow-dipping layer of boulder breccia is enclosed in the (Ijewliw and Schulze,1989). sandy breccias. At Mons Creek, a small, light green, strongly foliated, It has been proposed (C.E. Fipke, personal communi- tine-grained breccia crops out the north of the main sandy to cation, 1987) that these breccias are crater-infill material. diatreme. It contains fragments of sedimentary rock less Alternatively, they may be intrusive, formed through than 1 centimetre across and opaque oxides a matrix con- in fluidizing of sediments by introdnction of volatiles explo- sisting of dolomite>quartz2pyrophyllite~inor chlorite, sively exsolved fromrising and vesicnlating magmas. The calcite, muscovite and trace apatite. In thin section, lhese subhorizontal fabric locally displayed in the breccias would rocks have a porphyrytic texture, but arehighly altered. Cal- have originally been steeply dipping (prior to deformation), cite replaces some phenocrysts, which may have been oli- which would favour the latter hypothesis. vine, manyof which have red-brown spinel inclusions. The original composition of other psendomorphed phenocrysts At Lens Mountain,two additional small breccia pipes is undeterminable (Ijewliw and Schulze, 1989). or dikes and light green, clast-free aphanitic rock are also present (Figure 66). The breccias are very coarse, weather At Mons Creek, one small, altered dike cutting the main diatreme and a second parallel dike outside the diatreme ~~. ~ LEGEND @Green foliated breccia phase @Quartz xenocrystic breccia a Massive diatremephase a Fine-graineddikes Dikes with pyroxene and olivine mocrocrvrtr Dikes with mica rnocrocrysts pyroxene olivine and /LI Host limestone Plate 41. Serpentinizedolivinemacrocrysts in a fine-grained, Figure 67. Diatreme breccias and dikes, Valenciennes River. massive diatreme phase, Valenciennes River area. 82 Geological 6'ranch
  • 13. Ministry o Eneqy, Mines and Perroleunr Resources f were observed. Oneunaltered porphyrytic dike and abun- dant unaltered float of porphyrytic dike-rock are present elsewhere onthe property. The altered dikes contain quartz aggregates replacing a lath-shaped, twinned mineral that may have been feldspar, some minute plagioclase grains (An25) that are partly replaced by calcite, and a phyllosili- cate mineral, partially replaced by calcite, with sphene in- clusions and rims in a fine-grained groundmass of carbonate, chlorite and minor quartz and pyrite (Ijewliw and Schulze, 1989). The unaltered dike material contains 5% primary phenocrystic clinopyroxene,commonly augite or diopsidic augite with pinkish brown titaniferrous rims. Some grains also have titanium-rich cores, and an iuterme- diate, nonpleochroic zone. Other phenocrysts present in- clude biotite, some amphiboles and olivine, completely pseudomorphed by calcite or chlorite, with red-brown spinel inclusions. The matrixcontains microphenocrystsof clinopyroxene, biotite, sphene and plagioclase (Anzs) in a groundmass of carbonate, chlorite, interstitial quartz, fine- grained serpentine and opaqueoxides. The main diatremes in the Lens Mountain and Mons Creek areas have only minor igneous components dueto intense sedimentary rock contamination and difficult to are classify. The dikes at Mons Creek, however, have a pre- served mineralogy (titanaugite, plagioclase, biotite, ampbi- bole, olivine) which allows classification as alkaline Plate 42. Fine-grained boudinageddike subparallel to tedding in lamprophyres, or more specifically, biotite camptonites buff-coloured carbonates. Diatreme breccia in the right (Ijewliw and Schulze, 1989). background. Valenciennes River area. VALENCIENNES RIVER PIPES (MARK CLAIMS) (82N/15) Four or more diatremes and numerous dikes intrude Upper Cambrian rocks near headwater of Valenciennes the River (latitude 51"47'0O"N, longitude 116"58'00'W, Fig- ures 64 and 67). Two distinctly different diatreme types are present. The first are rusty brown to pale green weathering, weakly to well-foliated, composite pipes with both massive and breccia phases. Two such diatremes are exposed at the southern end of the area examined. Serpentinized olivine macrucrysts (Plate 41). coarse nonmagnetic oxides(green spinels) and altered spinel peridotite xenoliths are present in some phases. Typical breccias contain 30 to 40% clasts, mostofwhicharesmall(l-5cm,withamodeofZcm),with rare xenoliths up to 15 centimetres across. Limestone, dolostone, shale and minorquartzite comprise the majority of the breccia fragments. Rare oxide macrucrysts may be present. The matrix typically light green to grey in colour is and contains calcite and/or dolomite, quartz, chlorite, mus- covite, and traces of pyrite, apatite, talc and clay minerals. Bright green mica is commonly seen in band sample (chrome-rich muscovite?). Chromite and ilmenite have been identified in heavy mineral separates and a mi- crodiamond is reported to have been recovered from the largest diatreme (Northcote, 1983a). Associated dike rocks fine to medium grained, rusty are to dark green weathering, with a light greenish grey tome- dium greenfresh surfaces. They occurin a number of ori- Plate 43. Altered phenocrysts (zonedpyroxenesfolivinehica)in entations, varying from almost concordant discordant to to a dike, Valenciennes River area. "be degree of alteration in this bedding. Dikes which are nearly parallel to bedding and sample is typical. Long dimension of photograph is2.5 m . the m " Bulletin 88 83
  • 14. cleavage are strongly baudinaged (Plate 42). Some of the dikes are porphyritic and all are altered. The phenoclyst as- semblage, so far as can be recognized, consists of sieve-tex- tured olivine pseudomorphs, altered euhedral clinopyroxene with relict zoning, mica and rare spinels. Pla- gioclase phenocrysts have been observed (Ijewliw and also Schulze, 1989). In some phases, olivine appears to he more abundant than pyroxene (olivine+pyroxenehica) and in others pyroxene is far more abundant (py- roxenekolivinehica). Some dikes are predominantly mi- caceous. It is difficult to accurately estimate proportions of phenocrystsas they are altered and only morphology canbe used plate 43). The groundmass generally consists of very fine grained carbonate, chlorite, serpentine and altered bi- otite (Ijewliw and Schulze, 1989). Oxides are also a com- mon groundmass constituent. The dikes are generally peripheral to the diatremes, but locally crosscut them. The second type breccia is present in the diatremes of in the northern part of the area examined (Figure 67). They are brown weathering and moderately well foliated with an- gular to subangular fragments sedimentary rock set in a of matrix ofquartz grains, chlorite and carbonate. Clasts aver- age 1 to 5 centimetres across, with some up 20 centime- to tres. The clastmatrix ratio is 2:3. These diatremes are similar to the orange-weathering pipe the Bush River area in (the first type described). Intense alteration makes petrological classification dif- Figure 68. Geology of the HPpipe, south the Campbell Ice field. of Details on breccia and dike phasessupplied in Table 15. See text ficult. The rocks in the Valenciennes River area, as evi- for geographic coordinates. denced by phenocryst assemblages in dikes (olivine, clinopyroxene,mica, plagioclase) also bear astrong resem- in the Golden - Columbia Icefields area (Figure 64).It is blance to those in the Bush Riverarea and probablybelong located approximately 50 kilometres due north of Golden to the calcalkaline or alkaline lamprophyre clans. The best and is exposed at an elevation of 2400 metres, near the toe designation appears to be as olivine kersantites, which are part of the calcalkaline lamprophyre family alternatively, or, of the Campbell Icefield. The pipe small, covering an area is biotite camptonites, which are alkaline lamprophyres. of only 40 by 70 metres; however, it is exposed in a flat, recently deglaciated basin which offers nearly 100% expo- THE HP PIPE (82N/10) sure and is therefore ideal for study. The pipe has sharp, steeply dipping contacts with the T h e H P p i p e ( l a t i t u d e 5l04l'3O"N, longitude horizontal to shallow-dipping grey Cambrian limestone 116"57W) is the most southerly diatreme so farrecognized beds which it intrudes (Figure 68). It is a composite dia- TABLE 15 FELD CHARACTERISTICSOF HP PIPE BRECCIA PHASES 84 Geological Survey Branch
  • 15. Plate 46. Optically zonedandraditegarnets, HP pipe. Long dimension of thephotomicrographis 2.5 mm. C!arbonate PIate 44. Sharp contact between breccia phases & 3, HPpipe. (82 ) segregation forms matrix. Plate 45. Large gabbroic xenolith a strongly foliated breccia in (BI Plate 47. Biotite macrocryst coring spherical smclure, HP pipe. phase), HP pipe. Long dimensionof the photomicrographis I m . m
  • 16. TABLE 16 - CHEMICAL ANALYSES GOLDEN AREA DIATREMES - Si02 TI02 A1203 Fe203 0.14 0.13 0.18 0.06 0.17 0.12 0.13 0.18 0.18 0.06 0.12 0.12 0.06 0.16 13.21 11.79 8.67 5.18 9.69 14.67 11.03 12.27 12.79 6.16 6.51 9.48 5.02 7.25 19.92 20.39 17.41 17.74 16.15 13.28 9.48 16.11 13.36 14.51 11.28 12.36 15.61 12.77 0.29 0.27 1.65 1.87 0.25 0.06 0.42 1.32 1.60 0.06 2.73 0.29 0.01 0.18 0.06 4.131 1.01 4.18 4.47 0.01 1.361 0.93 4.031 0.53 0.21 0.70 3.70 0.601 6.44 10.70 7.27 16.29 19.88 16.02 14.05 7.71 5.84 14.50 11.73 14.08 16.11 13.90 P205 0.58 0.61 0.95 0.74 0.81 0.77 0.47 0.88 0.65 0.42 0.11 0.04 0.09 0.07 0.79 0.11 0.16 0.08 0.07 0.08 0.20 0.04 0.31 0.02 Tora, 98.45 97.63 97.54 98.951,401 98.66 98.89 99.43 98.99 98.93 99.02 98.93 98.88 98.21 99.63 0.051 0,581 0.91~ 240 210 140 150 330 200 200 270 230 200 270 230 200 786 904 313 335 301 805 386 493 527 849 399 589 744 387 1101 co 40 40 38 30 42 55 43 45 4 j 48 38 36 56 40 137 121 1301 40 17 8112 3 24 39 < <8 12 85 5 SI 99s lizi lis51 579 881 528 1191 1410 640 1026 821 781 513 595 Ba 1933 1868 3131; 390 202 3791 1975 514 2136 360 91 227 322 589 Zr 156 Nb Y 17 191 244 175 24 90 34 31 78 261 :z 188 361 172 294 20 345 301 22 22 26 25 29 229 265 160 262 200 204 112 198 312 140 229 338 24 24 26 96 111 18 La 92 121 91 78 197 120 119 162 165 145 123 Ce 181 169 193 208 149171 321 206 247 267 29 1 278 220 Nd 4491 Yb 1 <-4 3 <-2 1 0 0 0 <-2 c- 1 33 26.1 31.3 34.328.2 35 25 28.8 31.1 25.1 6 17 18 6 10 9 3 11 11 31 12 14 15 10 21 6 7 . A1 .. 4 _. 17" 7X _. 14 0 7 .^ 23 3L I 33 16 hI 221 322 232 305 206 306 339 356 189278 67 49 11057 80 65 69 109 7 83 73 215 30 _" 86 Geoiogicai Survey .Trunci
  • 17. Minisfry of Energy, Mines and Petmleum Resoumes treme, comprising five distinctly different breccia phases garnet. In thin section, all phases contain some, ,:enerally and numerousdikes. The breccias differ in clast-to-matrix fine-grained, garnet. ratios, megacryst ahuudances @lack salitic pyroxenelgreen The HP pipeunique, in many respects, from the other is diopside/biotite) and the presence or absence of additional pipes in the Golden area. Petrography and mineral chemis- phases such as oxides and spherical structures (Table 15). try suggestthat it is ultramafic lamprophyre with an ailliitic Contacts between breccia phases may he gradational or affinity. There also appears to be a significant metasomatic sharp (Plate 44). A well-developed foliation, at high angles or metamorphic overprint introducing phases such as to the pipe's eastern and western margins, is present in melanite/andradite and clinoamphihole. phases B1 and B2 (Plate 45). The other phases aremoder- ately to weakly foliated. GEOCHEMISTRY OF DIATREMES AND The matrix of breccia phases B1, B2 and B3 is com- RELATED DIKES posed of calcitefbiotitQcolourless clinoamphihole (tre- molite?)>chlorite. Serpentine, talc and pyrite are also Diatreme breccias and dikes in the Golden area are nl- reported to he present (Ijewliw and Schulze, 1989). Fine- 20 trahasic; silica values predominantly range from to 40% grained spinel and garnet are disseminatedthroughout. The (Table 16)with theexception dikes from theVa1f:nciennes of garnets are suhhedralto euhedral in outline, light green to River area which contain from to 45% silica. Analyses 40 golden or brown in colour andoften optically zoned (Plate are varied with respect to the other major elemenrs (Figure 46). X-ray spectra indicate that the brown garnet is melanite, 69; Table 16) and chemical classification is difficult. Altera- a titanium-bearing andradite, and the green gamet is tita- tion is intense, and may have affected some elemmts more nium-free andradite (Ijewliw, 1986, 1987). In addition to than others (e& potassium, as is suggested byth~: that fact most micas havebeen strongly altered and potassium may small disseminated garnets, larger garnets commonly occur have been removed). Ingeneral, analyses plot in or near the in dikes and associated with calcite segregations in clast and spherical structure-supported breccias, Groundrnass spinels alkaline to ultramafic lamprophyre fields (Wgurw 69 and are titanium-bearing magnetites. The groundmass has a 70); the HP pipe borders on alnoitic in composit:on, dikes magmatic texture, hut apparently has been altered, eitherby from the Bush River area and from Mons Creek more fall metamorphism or metasomatism. The matrix ofthe spheri- within the alkaline lamprophyre range anddikes from the cal structure-rich breccias is predominantly calcite with or Valenciennes River area (all strongly altered) trend toward without amphibole (colourless to slightly bluish). Euhedral a basaltic composition. garnets commonly form rims on the spheres. The spheres As is the case with major element compositims, trace are composed of material similar to the matrix of the other element ahundances diatremes and in dikes from the Golden breccia phases and are commonly cored by pyroxene or area are quite varied. There is a fairly wide range elements ic mica megacrysts(Plate 47). such as chrome (Figure 7 l), strontium, rubidium and barium (Table 16).The HPpipe, in general, shows more restricted Black clinopyroxene (salite; C.E. Fipke, personal com- compositionsthan the others, has higher average rubidium, munication, 1987) bright green chrome diopside and biotite strontium and barium concentrations and has much more are the dominant megacrysts. The black clinopyroxenesare restricted total strontiummhidium ratios (Figure72). Rocks rich in titanium (up to 2.6%) and aluminum (up 14.5%). to from the Valenciennes River and Bush River generally areas The clinopyroxenes are compositionally similar to those show the most variation and have large ranges in total stron- found in the Isle Bizard alnoite and in South African olivine tium:ruhidium ratios, which may indicative of higher de- be melilitites. Biotite x-ray spectra show high ironmagnesium grees of alteration. Rocks collected from BushRiver were ratios and occasional zoning to iron-rich rims. Red-brown more enriched titanium than those from elsewhere the in in chrome spinels with minor amountsof aluminum, magne- Golden area (Figure 72). sium and titanium have also been identified. The spinels have a very limited compositional range; Fe2+/(Fe2++Mg) Although chemistry alone is not sufficient grounds to values of 0.34 to 0.38, Cr/(Cr+Al) values of 0.54 to 0.68 and classify rocks, especially altered rocks, it does ba2k nppet- Ti02 of less than 1%. The spinels are also compositionally rographic observations. The HP pipe appears to share many similar to those from Isle Bizard. Euhedral apatite phe- characteristics with ultramafic lamprophyres; the other nocrysts are also present (Ijewliw, 1987; 1,jewliw and pipes and dikes in the Golden area are slightly different, in Shulze, 1988). general more similar to alkaline lamprophyres. The breccia pipe and surrounding sediments cut by are GEOCHRONOLOGY numerous dikes (Figure 68). The dikes are generally fine grained andmassive, but are variable with respect to xeno- In the Golden area, the HP pipe and some the dikes 01' lith, macrocryst,spherical structureand obviousgametcon- in the Bush River area are relatively unaltered and contain tent. D l dikes are massive and free of inclusions. They abundant micas. These two locations were sampled, mica contain biotite and spinel phenocrysts; the biotites are often separates obtained and potassium-argon and ~uhidinm- aligned (flow foliation?). D2 dikes have some (less than 5% strontium analyses performed in order to establish the age total) small limestone xenoliths and macrocrysts; they may of the intrusions. Elsewhere, the rocks are either loo altered also contain minor amounts of spherical structures. D3a or too poorin micato attempt to date. Biotites from th~:HP dikes are megacryst rich (1520%); D3h dikes are also pipeyieldpotassinm-argondatesof39lf12and396flOMa megacryst rich and containspherical structnres and visible (Appendix2). Initial rubidium-strontiumanalyse; yielded a - Bulletin 88 87
  • 18. date of 34W7 Ma; these analyses were rerun, using amore accurate ion-exchange technique and date of approxi- a new mately 400 Ma was obtained (Appendix 2). Close agree- ment of potassium-argon and rubidium-strontium dates suggests that the HP pipe was emplacedat approximately 400 Ma. Recent paleomagnetic work (Symons and Lew- chnk, in press) established that samples fromthe HP pipe, after tilt corrections, give a concordant Mississippian pole, which is slightly younger than the isotopic age. Preliminary results of rubidium-strontium ion ex- change analyses of micas from alkaline dikes in the Bush River area suggest an ageof 410 Ma (Appendix 2), which is in close agreement with results from the HPpipe. Zircon separates were obtained from rocksin the Va- lenciennes River, Lens Mountain and Mons Creek In areas. all cases, the zircon populations are very heterogeneous. Zircons from the Mons Creek area vary from rounded, frosted, colourless to pale yellow spheres, to clear, equant fragments. In the Valenciennes River sampleszircons vary in shape from round to rounded prisms. Some grains are rounded andbroken. Colours range clear to colourless, from frosted to pink. In the Lens Mountain sample clear and both / A (NozO+K20) Figure 70.Major element ternary plots, Golden diatremes. A HP 25.00 * 4 * Mark Lorry Mons 20.00 a1noite from Alno I 1500.00 1 Averoge (Mark) u15.00 1000.00- alkali-olivine ,v E a bpsalt ! 10.00 (alkaline larnprophyre) a Average mei1titite & naphslinito ._ z bosalt 500.00- 5.00 0.00 2 m m 500.00 1000.00 1500.00 I Cr w m Figure 69. Major element discriminant diagrams, diatreme Golden swarm. Figure 71. Ni vs Cr plot,Golden diatremes. 88 GeologicalSurvey Branch
  • 19. Ministry o Energ3 Mines and Petroleum Resources f pink roundedzircons are present, as well as clear, frosted to clear, colourless, rounded prisms. Euhedral zircons from Mons Creekyielded .1 concor- dantlead-lead ageof 469iz17 Ma (Appendix 2), which pos- sibly represents the age of zircon crystallization in the lamprophyricmagma. This may equivalent to, or slightly be older than, the actual age of emplacement. This dzte is con- sistent with the fact that the igneous rocks are hosted by Lower to Middle Cambrian strata. Rounded zircons from the same sample gave ages of 1917 to 1907 Ma(Appendix 2); these zircons are clearly xenocrystic and thedates may . be representative of the age of the basement. Zircons separated from a diatreme in the Va1,:nciennes River area are all xenocrystic in origin and gavelead-lead -00.0 ages of approximately 1525,1825,2550 and 2565 Ma (Ap- 0.00 20.00 40.00 60.00 80.00 100.00 120.00 140.00 pendix 2). All analyses are discordant. Zircons separated Sr/Rb from the Lens Mountain sample werealso all xlnocrysts. Resultant lead-lead ages are approximately 1790,2050 and Figure 12. SrRb vs Ti&, Golden diatremesand related dikes. 2685 Ma (Appendix 2). Bulletin 88 89
  • 20. British Columbia - LEGEND p' m H e l i k i a n Purcell Supergroup, 1' and Hadrynian Windermere Supergroup aCarnbrian aOrdovicianMckayGroup Upper Cambrian/Lower through Ordovicianand/or SilurianBeaverfoot Frn. a MiddleDevonian:Cedared, Burnais Harrogate and Fm. Middleand/orUpper Devonianthrough Mississippian m P e r r n i a na n d Pennsylvanian, Rocky Mountain Group m T r i a s s i ca n dJ u r a s s i c or younger 0 Alkalic ultrabasic diatreme ordikelocation 1 Joff Pipe 2 Rus Pipe 3 Mary Creek-White River brecciadike 4 BlackfootDiatremes 6 Swanson Peak volcanics anddiatreme (Swan Claims) 6 QuinnDiatremes 7 Summer 1 & 2 Pipes 8 CrossingCreek Kimberlite I 0 15 Kilometres Figure 73. General geology and diatreme locations Bull River - White River area. Geology modified the in from Leech(1960, 1979) and Price (1981). ~- 90 Geological
  • 21. Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources ULTRABASIC DIATREMESIN THE BIJLL RIVER - ELK RIVER AREA, SOUTHElRW BRITISH COLUMBIA (82Gr, 3) " Forty or more breccia pipes and related dike-rocks oc- ing fine-grained altered clinopyroxene and somefeldspar. cur within the Bull, White and Palliser river drainages (Fig- Microprobe analyses indicate that the feldspar is e:;sentially ures 2 and 73) east of Cranbrook and Invermere (Grieve, pure albite; the albite, however, may be secondary, having 1981). The majority are hosted the Ordovician-Silurian hy Beaverfoot Formation and underlying Mount andlor Wilson replaced an earlier, more calcic plagioclase or potassium Skoki formations and exhibit similarities in petrography,de- feldspar. Some feldspar laths have been partially altered to gree of alteration and morphology. white mica or clay minerals. Some mafic phenocrysts have been pseudomorphed by quartz and chlorite. Opaqile oxides (JOFF SHATCH MOUNTAIN AREA are abundant. CLAIMS) (825/11) A number of small diatremes and dikes have been re- ported (D.L. Pighin, personal communication, 1984) south of the Palliser River on the ridges around Shatch Mountain, west of Joffrey Creek (latitude 50"31'07"h', longitude 115"16'33'W) approximately 55 kilometres east of In- vermere (Figure 73). Two were examined, both exposed at the 2750-metreelevation and accessible by helicopter. Both are hosted by moderately to steeply east-dipping Ordovi- cian-Silurian Beaverfoot-Brisco strata which are charac- teristically massive thick-bedded grey limestones which contain rugosan corals. The main breccia pipe (Figure 74) consists of small (up to 10-centimetre) subrounded to subangular fragments a in strongly foliated light green matrix. Clasts are predomi- nantly limestone, dolostone andshale; some cognate xeno- liths and rare pyroxenite nodules present. In thin section, are honey-coloured altered vesicular glass lapilli are the pre- dominant constituents; locally the glass is completely de- vitrified. Juvenile lapilli are also present and in some samples quite abundant. The matrix the breccia consists of of calcite with some quartz and chlorite and minor talc, anatase and apatite. This is a tuffisitic crater-infill breccia. East (stratigraphically up-section) ofthe main breccia, intensely hematized, discontinuous layers consisting of ju- venile lapilli, suhangular lithic fragments, quartz and car- bonate are apparently interbedded with grey limestone. These agglomerate layers locally display moderate to well- ;DIMENTARY SEQUENCE INTRUSIVE AND RELATEC developed graded bedding (Plate 48). Elsewhere, graded SEQUENCE DOLE AND/OR UPPER DEVONIAN breccia layers are immediately overlain by pink and huff a 8 A S A L UNITpink and bull dolostones, sandy crosshedded dolostones and sandstones, Eandrlone. dolonfone. mud- stone and 101uIion breccia well-bedded siltstones and dolomiticsiltstones of the basal ~OOV~C~AN/SILUR~AN Devonian unit (Plate 49). a 8 E lhiok Rbedded.FORMATION: AVE FOOT -Epicloolic ond/or pyro~laslic grey tuff breccia beds South of the main tuffkitic breccia, a medium to fine- forsilifemus limerfane -Folioled tuf,isilic brecc ~ grained, massive igneous intrusive crops ont (Figure 74). -Marrive. magmoiis phase that is medium to dark greenin colour withintensely hrec- ciated and hematized margins. It contains 10 to 15%altered Figure 14. Geology of theJoffpipe,ShatchMountainarea clinopyroxene and olivine phenocrysts in a matrix contain- (modified from Pell, 1986a). See text for geographic coordinates. Bulletin 88 91
  • 22. British Columbia - Due to intensity of alteration, classification is d i f f i d t . The presence of glass lapilli and absence of biotitdphlo- gopite exclude these rocks from ultramafic lamprophyre the clan. The phenocryst and microphenocryst assemblage of olivine, two generations of clinopyroxene and a m a l l amount of feldspar (albite) in the groundmass of the por- phyrytic dike-rocks suggest that they mayshare some affin- ity to limburgites or alkaline basalts. THE RUSSELL PEAK DIATREMES (825/6) Diatremes in southern British Columbia are typified by those near Russell Peak (latitude 5Oo25'40"N, longitude 115"13'30"W, Figure 73). There are at least three small pipes in the immediate vicinity of Russell Peak, two more small intrusions crop out approximatelykilometres to the 7 north (latitude 5Oo29'15"N, longitude 115°15'40'W). All of these pipes can be reached helicopter from Fairmonr.Hot by Springs. One, immediately southRussell Peak, is particu- of larly well exposed on a cliff face anddisplays many feawes of pipe morphology (Figure 75). The lower poaionof the exposed pipe comprises well-foliated, tuffisitic breccia con- taining abundant subangular fragmentssedimentaryrock of Plate 48.Graded bedding in extrusive epiclastic layer, pipe. Joff m C 0 o r z . e contact breccia Dialreme material/tuffite a Epiclarlicand/orpyrocioslic material mixed with sediment =Mafic volcanic rock Snow patch 0Limestone rafts Db = Basol Devonian unit Ob = Ordovician Beaverfoot Formation . Otp = Ordovician Tipperary Plate 49. Epiclastic crater-infill breccia, Joff pipe, immediately Formation L - 3 Metres overlain by well-bedded, pink and buff-weathering strata of the basal DevonianUnit, (colourphoro, page136). Figure 75. Geology of the Russell Peak diatreme. , . 92 Geological Survey Branch