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C bPeter Maschinist
Country= Netherlands NewMotion there is chargingstationatall ikeasinthe Netherlands
1. CompanyName = The NewMotionLadesaule
Number of Stadions = 31 stationsinthe area
Supliors = is New Motion 0
2. Company Name =Event NL Lade Säule
Number of Station= 139
3. New Motion Den Haag
Station in Area= 141 charging Station
4. The NewMotionLadesäule inNijverdal
1 Chagrinspace
13 Chagrinin the Area
NewMotionisthe supplior
5. The NewMotionLadesäule inVordon
1 Chagrinspace
30 ChagrinStationinthe Area
NewMotionisthe Supplior
2 Chagrinspaces
24 hargingStationinthe Area
7. The NewMotionLadesäule inweert
1 Chagrinspace
10 ChagrinStationinthe Area
8. EvnetNLLadesäuke inAalten
16 ChagrinStationinthe Area
9. NewMotionJmuidion
Supplior=The NewMotion
10. Biltsche HoekinDe Bilt
2 chargingspaces
134 stationsinthe area
11. BP Tankstelle Utrecht
2 chargingspaces
132 chargingstationsinthe area
12. The NewMotionLadesäule in Ölst
52 chargingstationsinthe area
1 chargingspace
13. EssentLadesäule inAmsterdam
305 inthe area
2 chargingspaces
14. FasnedSchnelladesäuleA7inMarum
6 chargingspaces
8 stationsinthe area
Supplioris Fastend
15. The NewMotionLadeäule inBaarle-Nassau
2 Chargingspaces
33 stationsinthe area
SuppliorisThe NewMotion
16. Rasthof BloemheuvelinWoudenberg
6 chargingspaces
87 chargingstationsinthe area
17. The NewMotionLadesäule inBemmel
57 Stationinthe Area
1 Chagrinspace
Suppliorisnew Motion
18. The NewMotionLadesäule inNijkerk
2charging spaces
71 ChagrinStationinthe Area
New Motionisthe supplior
19. FastendRastplatzA2in Ell
6 Chagrinspaces
19 ChagrinStationinthe Area
20. The NewMotionLadesäule inHilversum
1 Chagrinspace
140 ChagrinStationinthe Area
21. Ladesäule inArcen
2 Chagrinspaces
32charging Stationinthe Area
22. P& C Twike Toursin Wellerlooi
3 Chagrinspaces
31 ChagrinStationinthe area
The suppliorisTwinke Tours
23. GezondheidscentrumKloosterveeninAssen
16 ChagrinStationinthe Area
The SupliorisEVnetNL
24. DenHoorn
32 ChagrinStationinthe area
25. P& C AfferdeninAfferden
SuppliorisTwinke Tours
33 Chagrinspacesinthe area
26. New MotionLadesäule inTilburg
1 Chargingspace
No chargingstationsinthe area
The supplierisNewMotion
Danmark- such as Bosch Denmark
1. E on Danmark Ladesäule Dragnor
PaymentMethode =E on DK Card,Cash E on DK Member
212 Stationinthe soroundingarea
Suppliors =BMW,
2. Universityof FreizeitparkinNordborg
10 Stationinthe Area
Opportun byClever
There are 4 charging spaces
Suppliors= elecricCars suchas BMW I8 , FordFocus E Golf
3. Industrive GrillbarinPadberg
13 chargingStationin the Area
3 charging
4. CleverLadesäule inVejen
2 park spaces
At Lidl
5. E on Danmark Ladesäule inSaeby
2 parkingchargingspaces
2 chargingStationinthe near
6. KopenhagenRathausinKopenhagen
6 chargingspaces
205 chargingStationinthe Area
7. E on Danmark Ladesäule inKobenhavn
4 chargingspaces
205 chargingStationinthe Area
Supplior = Clever
8. E. On Danmark Ladesäule inKobenhavn
4 chargingspaces
206 charging stationsinthe area
suppliorisE onDanmark
9. CleverLadesäule inKobenhavn
2 Chargingspaces
205 chargingstationsinthe area
10. EnergiMidtinSilkborg
2 chargingspaces
3 chargingstationsinthe area
11. GolfklubinSilkeborg
1 Chargingspace
2 chargingstationsinthe area
12. E. ON DanmarkLadesäule inSkagen
5 Chargingspaces
0 Stationinthe area
13. E on Danmark Ladesäule inSkagen
6 Chagrinspaces
0 ChagrinStationinthe area
E on Danmark supplior
14. E on Danmark Ladesäule inFredericia
6charging spaces
18 ChagrinStationinthe area
E on Danmark
15. Christiangäbe inArhus
36 ChargingStationinthe area
SuppliorisE onDanmark
16. CleverLadesäüle omSjaellanadsOdde
No chargingstationsinthe area
The suppliorisClever
17. ObelitzAutohausinAarup
2 chrgingspaces
3 Chargingstationsinthe area
18. ElektroWilkensinTinnum
14 chargingstationsinthe area
SuppliorisE onDK
19. BMW AutohausinKastrup
4 Chagrinspaces
198 Chargingstationsinthe area
E On DK ist he supplior
20. E on DK Ladesäuke nKobenhavn
201 chargingstationsinthe area
The suppliorisE on DK
21. TeslaSuuperchargerinKastrup
^ 21. TeslaSuperchargerinKastrup
4charging spaces
198 ChagrinStationinthe area
22. E on Danmark Ladesäule inKobenhavn
5 Chargingspaces
205 Chargingstationsinthe area
23. Hotel Mercur inKobenhavn
6 Chargingspaces
No chargingstationsinthe area
24. Fotex inOdense
1 Chargingstationinthe area
25. KildebjergSydinVissenbjerg
2 Chargingspaces
2charging stationsinarea
The SupplierisE OnDK
26. BilkainOdense
1 Chargingstatininarea
1. Groon KontaktLadesäule inAl
3 Chagrinspaces
0 chargingStationinthe Area
2. Hallingdal TingrettinNesbyen
6 Charging Spaces
4 chargingStationinthe near by Area
3. Kiwi Market
6 chargingspaces
37 chargingStationin the nearArea
4. ForumLadesäule inSki
1 ChagrinSpot
13 chargingStationin the Area
5. StationTankstelle inFornebu
3 Chargingspaces
30 chargingStationin the Area
6. Shell Tankstelle inOslo
8 ChargingSpots
33 Stationinthe Area
7. ParkhausinOslo
8 chargingspaces
33 chargingStationin the Area
8. StationTankstelle inOslo
2 chargingspaces
31 chargingStationin the Area
SuppliorStatoil andCircle one
9. AkerhusParkingOslo
86 Chargingspaces
33 chargingStationin the Area
10. Kongsbegteknoligipark
198 chargingspaces
11. BilkraftLadesäule inBergen
3 Chagrin spaces
11 Chargingstationsinthe area
Bildkraftisthe Supllior
12. BilkraftLadesäule inDalekvam
3chargin stationsinthe area
13. Statoil TankstelleinEvenens
14. Dr. HolmsHotel inGeilo
2Chargingstationsinthe area
15. TeslaSuperchargerinGol
8charging spaces
4 chargingstationsinthe area
16. Gronn KontaktLadesäule inGol
199 chargingspaces
4 chargingstationsinthe area
17. Gronn KontaktLadesäule inNesbyen
4Parking spaces
4charging stationsinthe are
The suppliorisGronn Kontakt
18. Statoil ForusinStavanger
3 chargingspaces
12 chargingstationsinthe area
19. FortumLadesäule inAlgard
2charging spaces
5 chargingstationsinthe area
6 the suppliorisFortum
20. Klekse Hotel inBykle
4 chargingspaces
3 ChargingStationinthe area
Austria– retailorsuchas Vlotte ElectroMobility
1. EnvestaLadesäule inAdmont
7 chargingspaces
14 chargingstationsinthe area
ÖkoStyria istthe supplior
2. LadestationinRottenmann
1 chargingspace
Spar isa supplior
13 chargingin the Area
3. AntonPitscheiderinTreiben
2 parkingspaces
7 chargingStationinthe Area
4. Martin Muigg- Spörr inHaiming
3 chargingspaces
SuppliorisOpel Ampera
5. VAREnergy-VARENABetriebsGesmbH
2 chargingspaces
VAREnergyist he supplior
6. Dr. HolmsHotel inGeilo
2 chargingspaces
2 stationsinthe area
7. Gronn KontaktLadesäule inSkjak
4 Chargingspaces
8. SchnelladerinAlesund
2 Chargingspaces
Gronn Kotakt
9. BuenKulturhusinMandal
10. Kiwi Markt inSandefjord
6 chargingspaces
5Chargingstationsinthe area
11. BildkraftLadesäule inVikanes
4 Chargingspaces
2 chargingstationsinthe area
12. A1 Telefonzelle inSalzburg
1 chargingspace
63 ChagrinStationinthe area
13. EvestaLadesäule inAdmont
14 Chargingstationsinthe area
Envestaisthe supplior
14. WirtschaftsparkinLiezen
1charging space
15 chargingstationsinthe area
15. Spar – Markt in Salzburg
63 chargingstationsinthe area
SuppliorisElektroDrive Salzburg
16. SalzburgAG Zentrale inSalzburg
3 Chargingspaces
63 Chargingstationsinthe area
SuppliorisElektrodrive Salzburg
17. ThinkBlue Elektrintankstelle inSalzburg
2charging spaces
63 chargingstationsinthe area
The suppliorisPorsche Salzburg
18. Kaiserhof inAnif
2Charging spaces
62 chargingspacesin the area
The suppliorisSmatrics
19. ReyerSport&Mode inHallein
4 chargingspaces
56 chargingstationsinthe area
20. NET Neue Energie Technik inSalzburg
64 Chargingstationsinthe area
21. GemeindeamtinKrenglbach
4 Chargingspace
46 Chargingstationsinthe area
The Supplioris Energie AG
22. RaiffeisenbankinPichl
43 Chargingstationsinthe area
SuppliorisEnergie AG
23. RaiffeisenbankinLunzamSee
1charging space
3Charginstationsinthe area
The SupliorisSemantrics
24. Eurotherme AquapulcoinBadSchlallerbach
5 ParkingPalaces
42 ChagrinStationinthe Area
25. AirportSalzburginSalzburg
12 ChagrinSpots
62 Charginingstationsinthe area
26. Bahnhof inWels
51 Chargingstationsinthe Area
27. Marktplatzin Wels
51 chargingstationsinthe area
WelsStormist he Supplior
28. KelagLadesäle inArnoldstein
2 chargingspaces
33 chargingstationsinthe area
1. Ladesäule inBagnoA Ripoli
2 charginngspaces
42 chargiingstationsinthe Area
Supplioris Enel Drive
2. Ladesäule inFirenze
2 Chagrinspaces
43 chargingStations inthe Area
Endel Drive
3. Ladesäule inBagnoA Ripoli
2 chargingspaces
Enel Drive Supplior
43 chargingstationsinthe area
4. AewLadesäule inBolzano
28 ChagrinstationsinArea
2 charging spaces
AziendaEnergeticaReti Suplier
5. Eneldrive inRoma
4 chargingspaces
13 stationsinthe area
Edeldrive supplior
6. Areadi ServizioFrascati OvestinFrascati
5 Chargingspaces
13 Chargingstationsinthe area
Suppliorsare Autotrade per Italia
7. TeslaSuperchargerinCarpiano
6 chargingspaces
61 chargingstationsinthe area
8. E-MovingSäule inMilano
4charging spaces
75 chargingstationsinthe area
9. S. AmbrogioParkinginMilano
74 hargingstationsinthe area
10. NissanGarage in RomaLazio
1. Chargingspace
11Charging stationsinthe area
11. Aldrovandi VillaBorheseinRoma
13 chargingStationinarea
12. NH CollectionTorinoPiazzaCarlinainTorino
8 Chargingspace
9 chargingstationsinthe area
13. ByblosArtHotel VillaAmistainCorrubiodi Negrine
1 Chargingspace
8Chargingstationsinthe area
14. CampingplatzPiani di ClodiainLazise
2 Chargingspaces
9 Chargingstations 0
SuppliorisPiani Di Clodia
15. Enel Drive Säule inBologna
3 chargingspaces
17charging stationsinthe area
SuppliorisEnel Drive
16. IkeainSan GiulanoMilanese
4 Chargingspaces
64 chargingstationsinthe area
SuppliorisEnel Drive
17. Enel Drive Säule inNovegro
62 0charging stationsinthe area
suppliorisEnel Drive
18. Enel Drive Säule inSegrate
4charging spaces
63 Chagrinstationsinthe area
19. Aldrovandi VillaBorhhese inRoma
13 Chargingstationsin the area
20. BestWestern PremierRoyal SantinainRoma
6 chargingspaces
13 chargingStationinthe Area
SuppliorisTeslaDestination Charging
21. Piszzadel RisorgimentoinRom
2charging spaces
10 Chargingstationsinthe area
The suppliorisEnel Drive
22. Enel Drive Säule inRom
3 Chargingspaces
12Charrging stationsinthe area
SuppliorisEnel Drive
23. Enel Drive Säule inBaronissi
SuppliorisEnel Drive
What didI learnfrommy Research onElektromobilitied?
Düringthe time that I was Consultingmy Research onelectronicchargingvechiles Ifoundthis.The
NetherlandsisveryinvolvedwithEmobilitied.Inmyopinionaswell whatIhave learecdfromthis
data analysisthatthe Dutch people are tryingtobecome more dependenton Elektrak vehicles rather
thenthe tradtional gas Car or motorcycle.The Dutchwill evenbe complexly getingridof Carsthat
are usinggasoline bythe yearof 2025. Or the dutch may simplycontinuegetingtodifferent places
usingthe bike asa formof Transportation.Will othercountriesfallow inthe Dutchfootstepsandalso
change to elctricvechiles? The future hasa lotof changesthat will be reallybeneficialand

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Electrik Mobility Reaserch Analysis

  • 1. C bPeter Maschinist TurbinaAG ElektrikMobilityNetworkinEurope Country= Netherlands NewMotion there is chargingstationatall ikeasinthe Netherlands 1. CompanyName = The NewMotionLadesaule Number of Stadions = 31 stationsinthe area Supliors = is New Motion 0 2. Company Name =Event NL Lade Säule Number of Station= 139 3. New Motion Den Haag Station in Area= 141 charging Station Suppliors=Evbox 4. The NewMotionLadesäule inNijverdal 1 Chagrinspace 13 Chagrinin the Area NewMotionisthe supplior 5. The NewMotionLadesäule inVordon 1 Chagrinspace 30 ChagrinStationinthe Area NewMotionisthe Supplior 2 Chagrinspaces 24 hargingStationinthe Area 7. The NewMotionLadesäule inweert 1 Chagrinspace 10 ChagrinStationinthe Area SuppliorisNewMotion 8. EvnetNLLadesäuke inAalten 2Chargingspaces 16 ChagrinStationinthe Area SuppliorisEvnetNL 9. NewMotionJmuidion
  • 2. Station=78 Supplior=The NewMotion 10. Biltsche HoekinDe Bilt 2 chargingspaces 134 stationsinthe area SupppliorisGreenflux 11. BP Tankstelle Utrecht 2 chargingspaces 132 chargingstationsinthe area SuppliorisBPHolland 12. The NewMotionLadesäule in Ölst 52 chargingstationsinthe area 1 chargingspace SuppliorisNewMotion 13. EssentLadesäule inAmsterdam 305 inthe area 2 chargingspaces SuppliorisEssent 14. FasnedSchnelladesäuleA7inMarum 6 chargingspaces 8 stationsinthe area Supplioris Fastend 15. The NewMotionLadeäule inBaarle-Nassau 2 Chargingspaces 33 stationsinthe area SuppliorisThe NewMotion 16. Rasthof BloemheuvelinWoudenberg 6 chargingspaces 87 chargingstationsinthe area SuppliorisFastend 17. The NewMotionLadesäule inBemmel 57 Stationinthe Area 1 Chagrinspace Suppliorisnew Motion 18. The NewMotionLadesäule inNijkerk 2charging spaces
  • 3. 71 ChagrinStationinthe Area New Motionisthe supplior 19. FastendRastplatzA2in Ell 6 Chagrinspaces 19 ChagrinStationinthe Area 20. The NewMotionLadesäule inHilversum 1 Chagrinspace 140 ChagrinStationinthe Area SuppliorisNewMotion 21. Ladesäule inArcen 2 Chagrinspaces 32charging Stationinthe Area SuppliorisEVnetNL 22. P& C Twike Toursin Wellerlooi 3 Chagrinspaces 31 ChagrinStationinthe area The suppliorisTwinke Tours 23. GezondheidscentrumKloosterveeninAssen 16 ChagrinStationinthe Area The SupliorisEVnetNL 24. DenHoorn 2Chargingspaces 32 ChagrinStationinthe area 25. P& C AfferdeninAfferden 3Chagrinspaces SuppliorisTwinke Tours 33 Chagrinspacesinthe area 26. New MotionLadesäule inTilburg 1 Chargingspace No chargingstationsinthe area The supplierisNewMotion Danmark- such as Bosch Denmark
  • 4. 1. E on Danmark Ladesäule Dragnor PaymentMethode =E on DK Card,Cash E on DK Member 212 Stationinthe soroundingarea Suppliors =BMW, 2. Universityof FreizeitparkinNordborg 10 Stationinthe Area Opportun byClever There are 4 charging spaces Suppliors= elecricCars suchas BMW I8 , FordFocus E Golf 3. Industrive GrillbarinPadberg 13 chargingStationin the Area 3 charging 4. CleverLadesäule inVejen 2 park spaces At Lidl Stationopened247 Suppliors=Shell, 5. E on Danmark Ladesäule inSaeby 2 parkingchargingspaces 2 chargingStationinthe near 6. KopenhagenRathausinKopenhagen 6 chargingspaces 205 chargingStationinthe Area 7. E on Danmark Ladesäule inKobenhavn 4 chargingspaces 205 chargingStationinthe Area Supplior = Clever 8. E. On Danmark Ladesäule inKobenhavn 4 chargingspaces 206 charging stationsinthe area suppliorisE onDanmark 9. CleverLadesäule inKobenhavn 2 Chargingspaces 205 chargingstationsinthe area
  • 5. SuppliorisClever 10. EnergiMidtinSilkborg 2 chargingspaces 3 chargingstationsinthe area suppliorisClever 11. GolfklubinSilkeborg 1 Chargingspace 2 chargingstationsinthe area SuppliorisClever 12. E. ON DanmarkLadesäule inSkagen 5 Chargingspaces 0 Stationinthe area 13. E on Danmark Ladesäule inSkagen 6 Chagrinspaces 0 ChagrinStationinthe area E on Danmark supplior 14. E on Danmark Ladesäule inFredericia 6charging spaces 18 ChagrinStationinthe area E on Danmark 15. Christiangäbe inArhus 36 ChargingStationinthe area SuppliorisE onDanmark 16. CleverLadesäüle omSjaellanadsOdde No chargingstationsinthe area The suppliorisClever 17. ObelitzAutohausinAarup 2 chrgingspaces 3 Chargingstationsinthe area 18. ElektroWilkensinTinnum 2Chargingspaces 14 chargingstationsinthe area SuppliorisE onDK
  • 6. 19. BMW AutohausinKastrup 4 Chagrinspaces 198 Chargingstationsinthe area E On DK ist he supplior 20. E on DK Ladesäuke nKobenhavn 2Chagrinspaces 201 chargingstationsinthe area The suppliorisE on DK 21. TeslaSuuperchargerinKastrup 4Charginspaces ^ 21. TeslaSuperchargerinKastrup 4charging spaces 198 ChagrinStationinthe area SuppliorisTeslaSupercharger 22. E on Danmark Ladesäule inKobenhavn 6 5 Chargingspaces 205 Chargingstationsinthe area 23. Hotel Mercur inKobenhavn 6 Chargingspaces No chargingstationsinthe area SuppliorisNomadPower 24. Fotex inOdense 1 Chargingstationinthe area 25. KildebjergSydinVissenbjerg 2 Chargingspaces 2charging stationsinarea The SupplierisE OnDK 26. BilkainOdense 1 Chargingstatininarea
  • 7. SuppliorisClever Norway 1. Groon KontaktLadesäule inAl 3 Chagrinspaces 0 chargingStationinthe Area 2. Hallingdal TingrettinNesbyen 6 Charging Spaces 4 chargingStationinthe near by Area Suppliors=NissanTesla 3. Kiwi Market 6 chargingspaces 37 chargingStationin the nearArea 4. ForumLadesäule inSki 1 ChagrinSpot 13 chargingStationin the Area 5. StationTankstelle inFornebu 3 Chargingspaces 30 chargingStationin the Area Supplior=Circle 6. Shell Tankstelle inOslo 8 ChargingSpots 33 Stationinthe Area SuppliorisFortum 7. ParkhausinOslo 8 chargingspaces 33 chargingStationin the Area SuplliorisOneoark 8. StationTankstelle inOslo 2 chargingspaces 31 chargingStationin the Area SuppliorStatoil andCircle one 9. AkerhusParkingOslo 86 Chargingspaces
  • 8. 33 chargingStationin the Area Supplilor=Norskelbforening 10. Kongsbegteknoligipark 198 chargingspaces 11. BilkraftLadesäule inBergen 3 Chagrin spaces 11 Chargingstationsinthe area Bildkraftisthe Supllior 12. BilkraftLadesäule inDalekvam 3Chargingspaces 3chargin stationsinthe area SuppliorisBKK 13. Statoil TankstelleinEvenens 3Chargingspaces SuppliorisStatoil 14. Dr. HolmsHotel inGeilo 2Chargingstationsinthe area 15. TeslaSuperchargerinGol 8charging spaces 4 chargingstationsinthe area SuppliorisTesla 16. Gronn KontaktLadesäule inGol 199 chargingspaces 4 chargingstationsinthe area suppliorisGronnKontakt 17. Gronn KontaktLadesäule inNesbyen 4Parking spaces 4charging stationsinthe are The suppliorisGronn Kontakt 18. Statoil ForusinStavanger 3 chargingspaces
  • 9. Suppliorisstatoil 12 chargingstationsinthe area 19. FortumLadesäule inAlgard 2charging spaces 5 chargingstationsinthe area 6 the suppliorisFortum 20. Klekse Hotel inBykle 4 chargingspaces 3 ChargingStationinthe area SuppliorisFortum Austria– retailorsuchas Vlotte ElectroMobility 1. EnvestaLadesäule inAdmont 7 chargingspaces 14 chargingstationsinthe area ÖkoStyria istthe supplior 2. LadestationinRottenmann 1 chargingspace Spar isa supplior 13 chargingin the Area 3. AntonPitscheiderinTreiben 2 parkingspaces 7 chargingStationinthe Area SuppliorisAntonPitscheider 4. Martin Muigg- Spörr inHaiming 3 chargingspaces SuppliorisOpel Ampera 5. VAREnergy-VARENABetriebsGesmbH 2 chargingspaces VAREnergyist he supplior 6. Dr. HolmsHotel inGeilo 2 chargingspaces 2 stationsinthe area 7. Gronn KontaktLadesäule inSkjak 4 Chargingspaces
  • 10. 8. SchnelladerinAlesund 2 Chargingspaces Gronn Kotakt 9. BuenKulturhusinMandal 2Chargingspaces SuppliorisGroonKotakt 10. Kiwi Markt inSandefjord 6 chargingspaces 5Chargingstationsinthe area SuppliorisFortum 11. BildkraftLadesäule inVikanes 4 Chargingspaces 2 chargingstationsinthe area SuppliorisBKK 12. A1 Telefonzelle inSalzburg 1 chargingspace 63 ChagrinStationinthe area SuppliorisTelekom 13. EvestaLadesäule inAdmont 14 Chargingstationsinthe area Envestaisthe supplior 14. WirtschaftsparkinLiezen 1charging space 15 chargingstationsinthe area 15. Spar – Markt in Salzburg 4Parkingspaces 63 chargingstationsinthe area SuppliorisElektroDrive Salzburg 16. SalzburgAG Zentrale inSalzburg 3 Chargingspaces 63 Chargingstationsinthe area SuppliorisElektrodrive Salzburg 17. ThinkBlue Elektrintankstelle inSalzburg
  • 11. 2charging spaces 63 chargingstationsinthe area The suppliorisPorsche Salzburg 18. Kaiserhof inAnif 2Charging spaces 62 chargingspacesin the area The suppliorisSmatrics 19. ReyerSport&Mode inHallein 4 chargingspaces 56 chargingstationsinthe area SuppliorisReyer 20. NET Neue Energie Technik inSalzburg 4Charging 64 Chargingstationsinthe area 21. GemeindeamtinKrenglbach 4 Chargingspace 46 Chargingstationsinthe area The Supplioris Energie AG 22. RaiffeisenbankinPichl 1Chargingspace 43 Chargingstationsinthe area SuppliorisEnergie AG 23. RaiffeisenbankinLunzamSee 1charging space 3Charginstationsinthe area The SupliorisSemantrics 24. Eurotherme AquapulcoinBadSchlallerbach 5 ParkingPalaces 42 ChagrinStationinthe Area
  • 12. 25. AirportSalzburginSalzburg 12 ChagrinSpots 62 Charginingstationsinthe area SuppliorisCarportParkmangmentGmbH 26. Bahnhof inWels 51 Chargingstationsinthe Area SuppliorisWelsStormGmbH 27. Marktplatzin Wels 4Chargingspaces 51 chargingstationsinthe area WelsStormist he Supplior 28. KelagLadesäle inArnoldstein 2 chargingspaces 33 chargingstationsinthe area Italy 1. Ladesäule inBagnoA Ripoli 2 charginngspaces 42 chargiingstationsinthe Area Supplioris Enel Drive 2. Ladesäule inFirenze 2 Chagrinspaces 43 chargingStations inthe Area Endel Drive 3. Ladesäule inBagnoA Ripoli 2 chargingspaces Enel Drive Supplior 43 chargingstationsinthe area 4. AewLadesäule inBolzano 28 ChagrinstationsinArea 2 charging spaces AziendaEnergeticaReti Suplier 5. Eneldrive inRoma 4 chargingspaces 13 stationsinthe area Edeldrive supplior 6. Areadi ServizioFrascati OvestinFrascati 5 Chargingspaces 13 Chargingstationsinthe area Suppliorsare Autotrade per Italia
  • 13. 7. TeslaSuperchargerinCarpiano 6 chargingspaces 61 chargingstationsinthe area SuppliorisTeslaMotors 8. E-MovingSäule inMilano 4charging spaces 75 chargingstationsinthe area 9. S. AmbrogioParkinginMilano SupppliorisTesla 74 hargingstationsinthe area 10. NissanGarage in RomaLazio 1. Chargingspace 11Charging stationsinthe area SuppliorisNissan 11. Aldrovandi VillaBorheseinRoma 1Chargingspace 13 chargingStationinarea SuppliorisTeslaDestinationCharging 12. NH CollectionTorinoPiazzaCarlinainTorino 8 Chargingspace 9 chargingstationsinthe area suppliorisTeslaDestinationCharging 13. ByblosArtHotel VillaAmistainCorrubiodi Negrine 1 Chargingspace 8Chargingstationsinthe area SuppliorisTeslaDestinationcharger 14. CampingplatzPiani di ClodiainLazise 2 Chargingspaces 9 Chargingstations 0 SuppliorisPiani Di Clodia 15. Enel Drive Säule inBologna
  • 14. 3 chargingspaces 17charging stationsinthe area SuppliorisEnel Drive 16. IkeainSan GiulanoMilanese 4 Chargingspaces 64 chargingstationsinthe area SuppliorisEnel Drive 17. Enel Drive Säule inNovegro 4Chargingspaces 62 0charging stationsinthe area suppliorisEnel Drive 18. Enel Drive Säule inSegrate 4charging spaces 63 Chagrinstationsinthe area 19. Aldrovandi VillaBorhhese inRoma 13 Chargingstationsin the area SuppliorisTeslaDestinationcharging 20. BestWestern PremierRoyal SantinainRoma 6 chargingspaces 13 chargingStationinthe Area SuppliorisTeslaDestination Charging 21. Piszzadel RisorgimentoinRom 2charging spaces 10 Chargingstationsinthe area The suppliorisEnel Drive 22. Enel Drive Säule inRom 3 Chargingspaces 12Charrging stationsinthe area SuppliorisEnel Drive 23. Enel Drive Säule inBaronissi
  • 15. SuppliorisEnel Drive 24. What didI learnfrommy Research onElektromobilitied? Düringthe time that I was Consultingmy Research onelectronicchargingvechiles Ifoundthis.The NetherlandsisveryinvolvedwithEmobilitied.Inmyopinionaswell whatIhave learecdfromthis data analysisthatthe Dutch people are tryingtobecome more dependenton Elektrak vehicles rather thenthe tradtional gas Car or motorcycle.The Dutchwill evenbe complexly getingridof Carsthat are usinggasoline bythe yearof 2025. Or the dutch may simplycontinuegetingtodifferent places usingthe bike asa formof Transportation.Will othercountriesfallow inthe Dutchfootstepsandalso change to elctricvechiles? The future hasa lotof changesthat will be reallybeneficialand interesting.