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To:             Annabelle Fournier              Date: February 25, 2013
From:           Tarek Saleh, Michael Kelly, and Patrick Howey, COMS 363
Subject:        Proposal for a usability study of the Oracle Peoplesoft Student

Introduction and Background
The purpose of this research project is to provide an analysis of the Oracle
PeopleSoft Enterprise. Oracle is a program used at the University of Calgary for
various student and faculty functions. In order to access this program, a user must
be registered with the University of Calgary, and must log on with their eID at Students can use this program to perform activities like
enrolling in classes, paying fees, and locating information regarding grades and
student transcripts. Since Oracle was introduced to the University of Calgary in
2007, there has been a high volume of staff and students that use this program to
gather information through the various functions. There are many current users of
the program, including students and faculty members, which is why a usability
study is crucial.

The student centre is a highly used website so it is important to find any problems
with that arise or make desired improvements. Potential problems need to be
recognized and fixed so that users can be satisfied with the system. If users are
confused by the website, they will become frustrated and establish a negative view
towards the system. If the university wants to keep its students content, then it
needs to be aware of any faults of the system. Students complained about the
system when it was first implemented because numerous problems arose. This
caused stress on the students as well as the support staff. This website was created
to lower the need for assistance and increase the efficiency of information transfer.
If problems arise the student centre can become a website that both students and
faculty avoid. The student centre was originally created to save the university
money, but if problems persist, the website can end up being costly.

The information gathered from the usability study will be used to create a final
report. This report will include and explain all of the findings of the research. To
create a visual demonstration of some of the aspects found, a PowerPoint
presentation will be created.

Usability Criteria:
Usability tests of documents are designed to answer questions such as these: How
easily could users retrieve the relevant information? Have all the essential steps
been included? Does every step that needs a visual have a visual? (Graves & Graves
2012). Usability tests are used to determine the functionality of a document or
webpage. Asking potential users to perform the activities on the webpage will
provide researchers with an idea of what functions on the webpage can be
improved. The following usability test will explore three elements of the student
center website. These elements include: the navigational tools, the visual design,
and the use of multimedia and graphics on the webpage.

Navigational Tools
Navigational tools are key elements on a webpage, such as the student center, that
has little content to it. These tools need to be evaluated in the usability test because
they allow students to efficiently move throughout the webpage in order to obtain
their desired information. If the navigational tools are ineffective users may become
easily frustrated and pursue other options to retrieve information. Effective
websites should follow the “Three-Click Rule” which states that users should ideally
be able to reach their intended destination within three mouse clicks (Zeldman,
2001). A good search engine ensures that potential users who visit the student
center will easily be able to obtain the information they require.

Visual Design
Graves & Graves (2012) outline the following five strategies that webpage designers
can use to create an effective webpage; divide the screen into functional areas,
group related items, guide users’ eye movements, put action areas near where users
will look for them, and use consistent design throughout the site. For a webpage
that requires a navigational tool such as the student center the navigational button
that takes users to the next step should appear right after the last step in the process
(Graves & Graves 2012). This design will allow students to naturally move
throughout the webpage in an efficient manner. Establishing an effective web design
is crucial for the efficiency of a website and can eliminate the frustration users feel
when they visit an unorganized webpage. Appropriate design elements will increase
the usability of virtually all sites (Nielsen, 1999).

Multimedia and Graphics
Online reading is unpleasant because of the eyestrain produced from the relatively
poor resolution of the screen (Graves & Graves, 2012). Reducing the amount of text
and replacing it with appropriate graphics will decrease the reading load for users.
In order to decrease the text on a site, visuals must be attractive and provide concise
information. For the website being evaluated, users will see a decrease in their
reading through the use of graphics, images, and other multimedia types. When
used effectively, multimedia and graphics can contribute to the user friendliness and
overall success of the webpage.

Proposed Research Methods:
For the analysis of PeopleSoft Student Center, the primary source of research will
come from two usability tests, including a web-based usability survey and an in-
person usability test. Using primary research the researchers will analyze the
University of Calgary PeopleSoft Program based upon the evaluation criteria
established. For secondary research the researchers will not only use the course
textbook, (Graves, H. & Graves, R., A Strategic Guide to Technical Communication) but
the team will also utilize published research relevant to the analysis of PeopleSoft’s
web design. The researchers will examine PeopleSoft to determine if it employs the
best methods of presenting information, while considering their primary audience
of students.

Usability Survey
To evaluate the usability of the University of Calgary program, the researchers will
administer a survey. Coms 363 students will be used for research purposes, because
they have experience using PeopleSoft Student Center. If the respondents have had
any problems with PeopleSoft or they would like to give some feedback, they can do
so through the survey. A feedback section will be useful to include, so that the
participants can leave additional information about problems they have noticed. By
creating this survey we will be able to answer our predetermined questions,
regarding the usability of PeopleSoft by using its primary audience as respondents.
By testing this group of students accurate results will be achieved as to how useful
the website is. For better data analysis a large participant group is necessary,
therefore the entire Coms 363 class will be emailed. Testing a large group of
respondents will allow for more precise results. In the mass email it is crucial that
the researchers adhere to ethical guidelines.

Researchers will use SurveyMonkey, an online survey tool website where a survey
will be created and administrated regarding PeopleSoft. The survey will focus on the
participants’ attitudes regarding the textual components of the website. Using the
Coms 363 student e-mail list provided on Blackboard, the questionnaire will be sent,
via a link to SurveyMonkey, and the student’s will be asked to participate in the
survey. By using SurveyMonkey, we will be able to administer a survey of 10
questions that provide instant and anonymous results. Refer to Appendix A for a
draft survey.

Usability Test
The second usability study will be completed by an in-person usability test. We will
recruit 5 volunteer testers through a mass e-mail to all Coms 363 student users. We
will be conducting our test in the Scurfield Hall Computer Lab 105. We will have our
testers complete a number of assigned tasks that will provide us with accurate
research results on the usability of the University of Calgary PeopleSoft Student
Center website. During the test, our group will be observing the testers complete
each task. These volunteers will then complete a post-test questionnaire. Refer to
Appendix B for a draft set of usability test instructions

Ethical considerations
Every email we send to the respondents will include a link to our survey, as well as a
statement of our research ethics obligations asserting that all completed surveys
will remain anonymous. No names will be connected to any of the responses that
result from participation in the survey. Survey Monkey is a safe and secure website
that is password protected. All of the information gathered will be stored for six
months and then properly discarded. To comply with the University of Calgary
research ethics guidelines, a consent letter will be provided to all participants before
completing the in-person usability study (refer to Appendix C).

Task Timeline:
            Task                      Start Date                Completion Date
Finalize, Review, and Post
                                   February 25th                    March 1st
Begin, and Create
PowerPoint Presentation               March 1st                     March 8th
Create Final Report Outline           March 7th                    March 12th
Close Survey, Complete In-
Person Usability Test
                                     March 12th                    March 15th
Analyze Survey and In-
Person Results
                                     March 15th                    March 19th
Revise, Finalize, and Submit
PowerPoint Presentation
                                     March 19th                    March 25th
Create First Draft of Final
                                     March 22nd                    March 28th
Edit First Draft of Final
                                     March 28th                    March 31st
Create Second Draft of Final
                                     March 31st                      April 5th
Revise, Finalize, Submit Final
                                       April 9th                    April 16th

  Our report will benefit many users of the website. A lot of users of PeopleSoft
  Student Center find it very difficult and at times frustrating to use. This
  frustration causes users to avoid the web site, finding different methods of
  information gathering. The whole purpose of the site is to make users’ student
  lives a lot easier, registering for classes, checking grades, and paying tuition for
  example. Unfortunately many problems have been documented, for example
  students unable to register for classes. The University of Calgary needs to be
  educated of any problems users are having so they can fix these problems and
  run an efficient program. It is because of these frustrations that it is a good idea
  to see what other parts of the website has problems. This research project will
  benefit the University of Calgary by them receiving valuable feedback as to how
  well their website is functioning.
Reference List

Graves, H., & Graves, R. (2012). Chapter 12. A strategic guide to technical
      communication (pp.279-300). Peterborough, ON: Broadview Press.

Zeldman, J. (2001). Taking your talent to the web: a guide for the transitioning
      designer. Retrieved February 22, 2013 from:

Nielson, J. (1999). 10 good deeds in web design. Retrieved February 22, 2013 from:

University of Calgary, (n.d.) PeopleSoft Student Center. Retrieved February 15, 2013,
Appendix A

Draft of Online Usability Survey

The following is a draft survey and will appear with different formatting once
uploaded to

   1. Please login to your and proceed to the student centre. Once
      you have reached the student centre page comment on your initial reaction
      to the visual design of the page.

   2. Were you able to locate the navigational feature?
        a. Yes
        b. No

   3. Please select the navigational drop down menu and select the ‘Enrollment:
      Add’ option. Once you have reached this section search for Coms363 class.
      Comment on the process that you took to find the correct class.

   4. Approximately how many clicks did it take you to reach the Coms363 class?
         a. 2 or less
         b. 3-4
         c. 5 or more

   5. Please return to the student centre homepage, how did you complete this

   6. The level of images and graphics presented on the student centre website is:
         a. Appropriate
         b. Lacking
         c. Too much
         d. Non-Existent

   7. Does the font size on the website contribute to the user friendliness of the
         a. Yes
         b. No

   8. Scroll down the homepage to the personal information section. Which of the
      following is not an option given to users?
          a. Addresses
b.   Email addresses
       c.   Account Inquiry
       d.   Honors and Awards
       e.   Phone Numbers

9. Comment on your overall impression of the available navigational tools.

10. If a student encounters a problem with the student centre is the help link
   easily noticed?
        a. Yes
        b. No
Appendix B

Draft of In-Person Usability Test


Visits to the student centre
website per week (approx):

Part 1: Please login to your and proceed to the student centre. Use your
opinions on the student centre website to answer the following questions with an (X).
                               Strongly                                              Strongly
                                        Disagree          Neutral        Agree
                               Disagree                                               Agree
The color scheme and
design is effective
The navigational tools are
easy to find and use
The student centre uses an
appropriate amount of
graphics and multimedia
The font size and style is
easy to read
Part 2: Please rate the following functions on the student centre website from easiest to most
difficult (1-easiest, 5-most difficult)

                                    1            2            3             4             5
Searching for a class

Editing personal
Make a payment

Obtain personal grades

View your current class
Part 3: Please answer the following question with a few comments

What can the student centre website do to improve the functionality of the site?
Appendix C

February 22,2013

Usability Study of the Oracle Peoplesoft Student Centre
Tarek Saleh, Michael Kelly, and Patrick Howey

Dear Participant:

Thank you for agreeing to participate in my research project Usability Study of
the Oracle Peoplesoft Student Centre, which I am completing as part of my
course in Professional and Technical Communication (COMS 363) at the
University of Calgary. This consent form, a copy of which has been given to you,
is only part of the process of informed consent. It should give you an idea of
what the project is about and what your participation will involve. If you would
like more detail about something mentioned here, or information not included
here, you should feel free to ask. Please take the time to read this carefully and
to understand any accompanying information.

Purpose of study: The goal of the project is to assess the usability of the website
PeopleSoft Student Center

Your participation in the study: Your participation will involve participating in a
usability test.

Publication of results: Your interview, and any other material I collect, will be
used as the basis for a PowerPoint presentation and a final report. Normally only
my instructor and teaching assistant will see the final products. However, some
reports may be posted on Blackboard for as examples for next year’s students. It
may also be shared with the organization responsible for the website being studied.

Risk to you: Since your personal information will be anonymous and confidential,
there are no risks to you beyond those normally encountered in everyday life.

Informed consent: Before we can begin the usability study I need your informed
consent. You can provide this by reading and signing this form. Your participation is
entirely voluntary and you can withdraw at any time during the usability study. If
you withdraw, any material collected during my contact with you will destroyed
and will not be used in any way in the analysis and writing of the research results.
You are free to request more information about the study and you are also free to
refuse to answer any specific questions during the interview.

Confidentiality and anonymity: Any information collected will remain anonymous
and confidential. Names, identities will be disguised in my submitted assignment,
and care will be taken to ensure that any descriptions of situations or direct
quotations cannot be connected to you. If you wish, you may choose your own
pseudonym; if not, one will be assigned or you will be referred to simply as “a
respondent,” as appropriate.

Storage of materials: All materials, including recordings, transcripts of
recordings, and any notes I (or my group) might make, will remain
confidential. Only I (or my group) plus the course instructor will be able to
access that information. Any research notes and consent forms will be stored
for two years under lock and key, including during the data collection phase.

Your signature on this form indicates that you have understood to your
satisfaction the information regarding participation in the research project
and agree to participate as a subject. In no way does this waive your legal
rights nor release the investigator or the university from their legal and
professional responsibilities. You are free to request more information about
the study or to withdraw from it at any time, and you are also free to refuse
to answer any specific questions during the interview. Your continued
participation should be as informed as your initial consent, so you should feel
free to ask for clarification or new information throughout your
participation. If you have further questions concerning matters related to
this research, please contact me at,, or or the instructor
of COMS 363, Dr. Doug Brent, or by phone at 403-220-
5458. If you have any issues or concerns about this project that are not
related to the specifics of the research, you may also contact the Senior Ethics
Resource Officer, Research Services Office, University of Calgary, at (403)

1. Do you agree to participate in the study
according to the conditions outlined above?                  YES          NO

2. Do you want to choose your own pseudonym?                 YES          NO

If yes, please enter it here: _______________________

3. May I record our interview?                               YES          NO

Participant’s Signature__________________________ Date_________________

Investigator’s Signature_________________________ Date_________________

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Kelly saleh howey_proposal

  • 1. MEMO To: Annabelle Fournier Date: February 25, 2013 From: Tarek Saleh, Michael Kelly, and Patrick Howey, COMS 363 Subject: Proposal for a usability study of the Oracle Peoplesoft Student Centre Introduction and Background The purpose of this research project is to provide an analysis of the Oracle PeopleSoft Enterprise. Oracle is a program used at the University of Calgary for various student and faculty functions. In order to access this program, a user must be registered with the University of Calgary, and must log on with their eID at Students can use this program to perform activities like enrolling in classes, paying fees, and locating information regarding grades and student transcripts. Since Oracle was introduced to the University of Calgary in 2007, there has been a high volume of staff and students that use this program to gather information through the various functions. There are many current users of the program, including students and faculty members, which is why a usability study is crucial. The student centre is a highly used website so it is important to find any problems with that arise or make desired improvements. Potential problems need to be recognized and fixed so that users can be satisfied with the system. If users are confused by the website, they will become frustrated and establish a negative view towards the system. If the university wants to keep its students content, then it needs to be aware of any faults of the system. Students complained about the system when it was first implemented because numerous problems arose. This caused stress on the students as well as the support staff. This website was created to lower the need for assistance and increase the efficiency of information transfer. If problems arise the student centre can become a website that both students and faculty avoid. The student centre was originally created to save the university money, but if problems persist, the website can end up being costly. The information gathered from the usability study will be used to create a final report. This report will include and explain all of the findings of the research. To create a visual demonstration of some of the aspects found, a PowerPoint presentation will be created. Usability Criteria: Usability tests of documents are designed to answer questions such as these: How easily could users retrieve the relevant information? Have all the essential steps been included? Does every step that needs a visual have a visual? (Graves & Graves 2012). Usability tests are used to determine the functionality of a document or
  • 2. webpage. Asking potential users to perform the activities on the webpage will provide researchers with an idea of what functions on the webpage can be improved. The following usability test will explore three elements of the student center website. These elements include: the navigational tools, the visual design, and the use of multimedia and graphics on the webpage. Navigational Tools Navigational tools are key elements on a webpage, such as the student center, that has little content to it. These tools need to be evaluated in the usability test because they allow students to efficiently move throughout the webpage in order to obtain their desired information. If the navigational tools are ineffective users may become easily frustrated and pursue other options to retrieve information. Effective websites should follow the “Three-Click Rule” which states that users should ideally be able to reach their intended destination within three mouse clicks (Zeldman, 2001). A good search engine ensures that potential users who visit the student center will easily be able to obtain the information they require. Visual Design Graves & Graves (2012) outline the following five strategies that webpage designers can use to create an effective webpage; divide the screen into functional areas, group related items, guide users’ eye movements, put action areas near where users will look for them, and use consistent design throughout the site. For a webpage that requires a navigational tool such as the student center the navigational button that takes users to the next step should appear right after the last step in the process (Graves & Graves 2012). This design will allow students to naturally move throughout the webpage in an efficient manner. Establishing an effective web design is crucial for the efficiency of a website and can eliminate the frustration users feel when they visit an unorganized webpage. Appropriate design elements will increase the usability of virtually all sites (Nielsen, 1999). Multimedia and Graphics Online reading is unpleasant because of the eyestrain produced from the relatively poor resolution of the screen (Graves & Graves, 2012). Reducing the amount of text and replacing it with appropriate graphics will decrease the reading load for users. In order to decrease the text on a site, visuals must be attractive and provide concise information. For the website being evaluated, users will see a decrease in their reading through the use of graphics, images, and other multimedia types. When used effectively, multimedia and graphics can contribute to the user friendliness and overall success of the webpage. Proposed Research Methods: For the analysis of PeopleSoft Student Center, the primary source of research will come from two usability tests, including a web-based usability survey and an in- person usability test. Using primary research the researchers will analyze the University of Calgary PeopleSoft Program based upon the evaluation criteria established. For secondary research the researchers will not only use the course
  • 3. textbook, (Graves, H. & Graves, R., A Strategic Guide to Technical Communication) but the team will also utilize published research relevant to the analysis of PeopleSoft’s web design. The researchers will examine PeopleSoft to determine if it employs the best methods of presenting information, while considering their primary audience of students. Usability Survey To evaluate the usability of the University of Calgary program, the researchers will administer a survey. Coms 363 students will be used for research purposes, because they have experience using PeopleSoft Student Center. If the respondents have had any problems with PeopleSoft or they would like to give some feedback, they can do so through the survey. A feedback section will be useful to include, so that the participants can leave additional information about problems they have noticed. By creating this survey we will be able to answer our predetermined questions, regarding the usability of PeopleSoft by using its primary audience as respondents. By testing this group of students accurate results will be achieved as to how useful the website is. For better data analysis a large participant group is necessary, therefore the entire Coms 363 class will be emailed. Testing a large group of respondents will allow for more precise results. In the mass email it is crucial that the researchers adhere to ethical guidelines. Researchers will use SurveyMonkey, an online survey tool website where a survey will be created and administrated regarding PeopleSoft. The survey will focus on the participants’ attitudes regarding the textual components of the website. Using the Coms 363 student e-mail list provided on Blackboard, the questionnaire will be sent, via a link to SurveyMonkey, and the student’s will be asked to participate in the survey. By using SurveyMonkey, we will be able to administer a survey of 10 questions that provide instant and anonymous results. Refer to Appendix A for a draft survey. Usability Test The second usability study will be completed by an in-person usability test. We will recruit 5 volunteer testers through a mass e-mail to all Coms 363 student users. We will be conducting our test in the Scurfield Hall Computer Lab 105. We will have our testers complete a number of assigned tasks that will provide us with accurate research results on the usability of the University of Calgary PeopleSoft Student Center website. During the test, our group will be observing the testers complete each task. These volunteers will then complete a post-test questionnaire. Refer to Appendix B for a draft set of usability test instructions Ethical considerations Every email we send to the respondents will include a link to our survey, as well as a statement of our research ethics obligations asserting that all completed surveys will remain anonymous. No names will be connected to any of the responses that result from participation in the survey. Survey Monkey is a safe and secure website that is password protected. All of the information gathered will be stored for six
  • 4. months and then properly discarded. To comply with the University of Calgary research ethics guidelines, a consent letter will be provided to all participants before completing the in-person usability study (refer to Appendix C). Task Timeline: Task Start Date Completion Date Finalize, Review, and Post Survey February 25th March 1st Begin, and Create PowerPoint Presentation March 1st March 8th draft Create Final Report Outline March 7th March 12th Close Survey, Complete In- Person Usability Test March 12th March 15th Analyze Survey and In- Person Results March 15th March 19th Revise, Finalize, and Submit PowerPoint Presentation March 19th March 25th Create First Draft of Final Report March 22nd March 28th Edit First Draft of Final Report March 28th March 31st Create Second Draft of Final Report March 31st April 5th Revise, Finalize, Submit Final Report April 9th April 16th Conclusion Our report will benefit many users of the website. A lot of users of PeopleSoft Student Center find it very difficult and at times frustrating to use. This frustration causes users to avoid the web site, finding different methods of information gathering. The whole purpose of the site is to make users’ student lives a lot easier, registering for classes, checking grades, and paying tuition for example. Unfortunately many problems have been documented, for example students unable to register for classes. The University of Calgary needs to be educated of any problems users are having so they can fix these problems and run an efficient program. It is because of these frustrations that it is a good idea to see what other parts of the website has problems. This research project will benefit the University of Calgary by them receiving valuable feedback as to how well their website is functioning.
  • 5. Reference List Graves, H., & Graves, R. (2012). Chapter 12. A strategic guide to technical communication (pp.279-300). Peterborough, ON: Broadview Press. Zeldman, J. (2001). Taking your talent to the web: a guide for the transitioning designer. Retrieved February 22, 2013 from: now-a-free-downloadable-book-from-zeldmancom/. Nielson, J. (1999). 10 good deeds in web design. Retrieved February 22, 2013 from: University of Calgary, (n.d.) PeopleSoft Student Center. Retrieved February 15, 2013, from
  • 6. Appendix A Draft of Online Usability Survey The following is a draft survey and will appear with different formatting once uploaded to 1. Please login to your and proceed to the student centre. Once you have reached the student centre page comment on your initial reaction to the visual design of the page. 2. Were you able to locate the navigational feature? a. Yes b. No 3. Please select the navigational drop down menu and select the ‘Enrollment: Add’ option. Once you have reached this section search for Coms363 class. Comment on the process that you took to find the correct class. 4. Approximately how many clicks did it take you to reach the Coms363 class? a. 2 or less b. 3-4 c. 5 or more 5. Please return to the student centre homepage, how did you complete this task? 6. The level of images and graphics presented on the student centre website is: a. Appropriate b. Lacking c. Too much d. Non-Existent 7. Does the font size on the website contribute to the user friendliness of the website? a. Yes b. No 8. Scroll down the homepage to the personal information section. Which of the following is not an option given to users? a. Addresses
  • 7. b. Email addresses c. Account Inquiry d. Honors and Awards e. Phone Numbers 9. Comment on your overall impression of the available navigational tools. 10. If a student encounters a problem with the student centre is the help link easily noticed? a. Yes b. No
  • 8. Appendix B Draft of In-Person Usability Test Age: Concentration: Visits to the student centre website per week (approx): Part 1: Please login to your and proceed to the student centre. Use your opinions on the student centre website to answer the following questions with an (X). Strongly Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Disagree Agree The color scheme and design is effective The navigational tools are easy to find and use The student centre uses an appropriate amount of graphics and multimedia The font size and style is easy to read Part 2: Please rate the following functions on the student centre website from easiest to most difficult (1-easiest, 5-most difficult) 1 2 3 4 5 Searching for a class Editing personal information Make a payment Obtain personal grades View your current class schedule Part 3: Please answer the following question with a few comments What can the student centre website do to improve the functionality of the site?
  • 9. Appendix C February 22,2013 Usability Study of the Oracle Peoplesoft Student Centre Tarek Saleh, Michael Kelly, and Patrick Howey Dear Participant: Thank you for agreeing to participate in my research project Usability Study of the Oracle Peoplesoft Student Centre, which I am completing as part of my course in Professional and Technical Communication (COMS 363) at the University of Calgary. This consent form, a copy of which has been given to you, is only part of the process of informed consent. It should give you an idea of what the project is about and what your participation will involve. If you would like more detail about something mentioned here, or information not included here, you should feel free to ask. Please take the time to read this carefully and to understand any accompanying information. Purpose of study: The goal of the project is to assess the usability of the website PeopleSoft Student Center Your participation in the study: Your participation will involve participating in a usability test. Publication of results: Your interview, and any other material I collect, will be used as the basis for a PowerPoint presentation and a final report. Normally only my instructor and teaching assistant will see the final products. However, some reports may be posted on Blackboard for as examples for next year’s students. It may also be shared with the organization responsible for the website being studied. Risk to you: Since your personal information will be anonymous and confidential, there are no risks to you beyond those normally encountered in everyday life. Informed consent: Before we can begin the usability study I need your informed consent. You can provide this by reading and signing this form. Your participation is entirely voluntary and you can withdraw at any time during the usability study. If you withdraw, any material collected during my contact with you will destroyed and will not be used in any way in the analysis and writing of the research results. You are free to request more information about the study and you are also free to refuse to answer any specific questions during the interview. Confidentiality and anonymity: Any information collected will remain anonymous and confidential. Names, identities will be disguised in my submitted assignment, and care will be taken to ensure that any descriptions of situations or direct
  • 10. quotations cannot be connected to you. If you wish, you may choose your own pseudonym; if not, one will be assigned or you will be referred to simply as “a respondent,” as appropriate. Storage of materials: All materials, including recordings, transcripts of recordings, and any notes I (or my group) might make, will remain confidential. Only I (or my group) plus the course instructor will be able to access that information. Any research notes and consent forms will be stored for two years under lock and key, including during the data collection phase. Your signature on this form indicates that you have understood to your satisfaction the information regarding participation in the research project and agree to participate as a subject. In no way does this waive your legal rights nor release the investigator or the university from their legal and professional responsibilities. You are free to request more information about the study or to withdraw from it at any time, and you are also free to refuse to answer any specific questions during the interview. Your continued participation should be as informed as your initial consent, so you should feel free to ask for clarification or new information throughout your participation. If you have further questions concerning matters related to this research, please contact me at,, or or the instructor of COMS 363, Dr. Doug Brent, or by phone at 403-220- 5458. If you have any issues or concerns about this project that are not related to the specifics of the research, you may also contact the Senior Ethics Resource Officer, Research Services Office, University of Calgary, at (403) 220-3782, 1. Do you agree to participate in the study according to the conditions outlined above? YES NO 2. Do you want to choose your own pseudonym? YES NO If yes, please enter it here: _______________________ 3. May I record our interview? YES NO Participant’s Signature__________________________ Date_________________ Investigator’s Signature_________________________ Date_________________