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Anatomy of the prostate
Prostate is a fibro-muscular gland. It lie between the base
 of Bladder and deep transverse perineal muscles.behind
The pubic symphysis and front of the rectum .prostate is
Perforated by the prostatic part of the urethra and by the
Two ejaculatory ducts.the prostate is divide into five
Lobes .anterior lobe in front of the urethra. middle lobe
Is situated between the urethra and ejaculatory ducts. the
Upper surface is related to the trigone.the posterior lobe
Is situated behind the urethra and below the ejaculatory
Ducts .the right and lift lateral lobe lie on either side of
Urethra .
The 1ry lymphatic derange of the prostate is to the regional
LN s the distant LNs .75% of the cancer is or
Regional LN s:-
Internal iliac (hypo-gastric) .
External iliac.
Distant LNs:-
Deep and superficial inguinal .
Common iliac

Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer .
New case in the 2010 an estimated 217,730 .these is wide
Geographical variation .
Risk factors for ca prostate ;-
a) ↑ life expectancy .
b) Routine adoption of PSA .
c) Ethnicity .
d) Family history .
Less common risk factors ;- genetic /hormonal /obesity
   /dietary habits /prostate inflammation/infection
Screening for prostate cancer ;-
PSA screening is impact in the incidence and mortality
  of ca prostate .
In USA as example ;-
The percentage of low risk disease is ↑ and the
Age-adjusted death rate is↓ .
* ERSPC trial is demonstrated that PSA screening in
  the general population show 20% ↓in the prostate
  cancer with the screening .
Pathology of ca cancer

 the most common histological type of the cancer is
   adenocarcinoma .the International Society of Urological
Pathology Consensus Statement divide the histological
 type into Gleason scoring system that show 5 basic
Tissue pattern referred as tumor grade. The classification
Is depend on the loss of normal glandular structure
most of the ca prostate is diagnosis due to the screening
Of the PSA with out symptoms .but advanced tumors
May invade the adjacent structure or regional lymph nodes
Such case may presented by bladder out let obstruction
Symptoms which include (heamaturia, hematospermia,
Erectile dysfunction, change in bowel function or bone pain
Examination :- be side BR examination include LNs,
Examination of the skeleton . and neurological examination
For sign of metastasis.
Deferential diagnosis for enlarged prostate:-
Acute prostatitia .
Chronic granulomatous prostate.
Nodular hyperplasia
Physical      1) Digital rectal examination noting rectal tone /presence of
examination   Hemorrhiod or anorectal mass ,prostate size presence of nodules
              Involvement of lateral sulci and seminal vesicles.
              DRE is cornestone for staging although unsensitive for extracapsular
              Extension .

TRUS-         the procedure can miss
Serum   1) PSA screening is leading the majority of prostate cancer diagnosis
PSA     2) PSA is sensitive but not specific these false +ve .
        3) PSA is↑ with age .
        4) PSA of ≥ 4 ng/ml(atypical clinical threshold ) range 31—54%
        Specificity ↑ with age and DRE is considered .
        5)Another laboratory value include (free PSA/PSA density/PSAvel-
        Ocity) .
        6) Persistent ↑PSA and presence of palpable prostate indication
        To transrectal U/S guide needle biopsy (TRUS)
Prostate cancer suspected (↑pSA) .
Algorithm for
Diagnosis and stag-          Complete history &exam (DRE) .
Ing of prostate
cancer                   Trans-rectal U/S guided prostate biopsy .
                          If life expectancy >5yrs or symptomatic
                         treatment is recommend . If life expect-
                         Ancy <5yrs and asymptomatic no further
                                         treatment .
                      Risk classification based on PSA,DRE&Gleason .

                           Work up depend on risk classification .
                      Bone scan;-1)T1,T2 and PSA >20ng/ml 2)Gleason
                              score≥8 3)T3/T4 4)sypmtomic..
                        Abdominal pelvic CT/MRI ;- 1)T3/T4 . 2)T1-T2
                        &nomogram probability of Lns involvement
                         Multidisciplinary treatment based on risk
Tumor node .and metastasis (TNM) staging system of Amer-
Ican Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) is presented in the
Table blew ;-
                  Primary tumor;-
Stage                         Description
 TX          Primary tumor can not assessed
 T0         No evidence of primary tumor .
 T1a        tumor finding in 5% or less of tissue resected
 T1b        Tumor finding in more than 5% of tissue resected
 T1c        tumor is find by needle biopsy because of elevated PSA .
 T2a/pT2a   Unilateral ,one half of one side or less
 T2b/pT2b   Unilateral involving more than one half of side but not both sides .
 T2c/pT2c   tumor involve both side
T3a/pT3a    Extra prostatic extension or microscopic invasion /microscopic bladder
            neck invasion
T3b/pT3b    Tumor invade the seminal vesicle
T4/pT4      Tumor invade structure other than seminal vesicle (rectum /external
-Regional lymph nodes ;-
   NX            Regional lymph nodes cannot be assessed

   N0            No regional lymph nodes metastasis

   N1            Regional lymph nodes metastasis

Distant metastasis ;-

MX            Distant metastasis can not be assessed .

M0            No distant metastasis

M1a            distant metastasis to non regional L Ns

M1b           Distant metastasis to the skeletal system

M1c           Distant metastasis to the additional sites with or without skeletal
T      N    M    PSA      Gleason
       T1a-c    0    0    < 10       ≤6
 1     T2a      0    0    <10        ≤6
       T1-2a    0    0      --        --
        T1a-c   0    0      <20       7
       T1a-c    0    0    10--20     ≤6
11A     T2a     0    0      <20      <7
        T2b     0    0      --        --
        T2c     0    0      any       any
        T1-2    0    0     ≥20         any
        T1-2    0    0     any        ≥8
111    T3a-b    0    0     any        any
          T4    N1   M1    any        any

Factors affecting the prognosis of ca prostate ;-
A. Gleason score .
B. Pretreatment serum PSA .
C. Stage at diagnosis
D. Additional pathological factors include percent
   +ve biopsy cores,PSA density,and
Velocity length of core involvement and present
Of per neural invasion / age
Treatment of localized prostate cancer ;-
The treatment option for localized disease include
Surveillance versus active treatment with radiotherapy,
Surgical, and systemic modalities of treatment .
A) Active surveillance ;- indicated in patients with very low
Disease if life expectancy <20 yrs or low risk disease
(if life expectancy <10yrs) .
Active surveillance include PSA, DRE,and repeat
Needle biopsy .
Definitive treatment recommended if clinical PSA↑,
Or pathological (higher Gleason score,↑number of
Advantage of active surveillance include avoidance
Of unnecessary treatment and potential side effects .
Disadvantages of surveillance include tumor prog-
Gression and need for more aggressive treatment .
Radical prostatectomy ;- indicated for patients with
Clinically localized prostate cancer with life expectancy
   exceeds 10 yrs . PR is considered as the standard
 surgical treatment .
The only local treatment that reduce mortality (RR=0.56)
Local progression (RR=0.33),metastasis (RR=0.6) over
The procedure is done by perineal to retro pubic,
Retroubic nerve sparing, laparoscopic, and robot
Assisted approaches .
Side effects include ;- intra-operative bleeding,urinary
Incontinence and erectile dysfunction .
Overall prostate-cancer-specific mortality of 12%(range
5—38) at 15 yrs after surgery
External beam radiation therapy (EBRT) ;-
As monotherapy for low-risk and selected intermediate
Risk patients
In concurrent for low-risk and selected intermediate
Risk patients .
Adjuvant post prostatectomy treatment for high-risk
Patients .
Palliative treatment to primary or metastatic foci .
Intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) .
Represents the current standard of care of EBRT .
If the dose>72 GY IMRT is similar in disease control
To prostatectomy and seed implant .
 Interstitial brachytherapy ;-
 Is used to curative treatment of localized prostate
 Cancer .
 Advantage ;-
Highly conformal dosimetry
Moderate invasiveness ,out patient nature .
Minimal number of treatment visits
 Androgen ablation ;-
 Short term ADT in intermediate-risk prostate cancer .
 Long term and adjuvant ADT in high to very high-risk
Prostate cancer .
Mainstary treatment for palliative therapy in metastatic
Disease .
Unproven role as a component of salvage therapy
Although it is utilized empirically in selected high risk-
Patients .
Orchiectomy or LHRH agonists (90-95% of testosterone)
TAB utilized orchiectomy or LHRH agonist +anti-andro-
Gen for complete testosterone blockade .
Estrogen as a second-line hormonal therapy
Diagnosis of prostate cancer

                                 Risk classification

   Low risk/t1-2a                                High risk/Tt3a.G=        Very high risk
                            G=7, or PSA
    Or PSA<10                                     8-10 or PSA>20          T3b-t4n0 m0

      Active             IG-IMRT±BT              IG-IMRT±BT              treatment as
   surveillance/I        Boost/±short            Boost/±long              high risk or
   G-IMRTor BT            Term ADT                Term ADT                 palliative
                          4-6months                2—3YRS                    ADT
   Radical                                 Radical
prostatectomy                           prostatectomy
                                        +PLND±adjRT                  Active follow upc
   escalation&treatment outcome
EBRT IS one of the most important definitive treat-
Ment modality for localized prostate cancer of all
Stages .IMRT is represent the current standard of care
For prostate EBRT .
The study show that 3D and IMRT improve the
  biochemical control and reduce toxicity rate as
Compared to the 2D .
studies                  description
hanks      number of patients 232. with prostate cancer treated using 3D-CRT
          For out come of radiation dose escalation.
          The dose response was observed for patients with pretreatment
          PSA = >10 ng/ml based on 5yrs BNED results .
          5 yrs bbNED rate of 35% at 70 GY and 75% at 76 GY (p=0.0049) .
          No response was observed for patients with pretreatment PSA<10
          ng/ml .
           dose response was observed for FL-LENT grade 2 and grade
          3,4 GI sequelae and LENT grade 2GU sequelae .
          The improvement in 5 yrs bNED for patients with PSA =>10 ng/ml
          suggested benefit of radiation dose escalation
studies                       description

RTOG 9406     phase 1/11 study for radiation dose escalation in treatment of stage
            T1 and T2 prostate adenocarcinoma .
            Patients number=225 . Treated to 78 GY to prostate alone if
            probability of seminal vesicles involvement < 15% or 78 GY to
            Prostate and 54GY to seminal vesicle lf the involvement of
            SV probability more than 15%
            Acute toxicity at dose of 78GY was low grade3 acute effects
            In 4% of patients to prostate alone and 2% of patients treated
            To both prostate and SV .NO grade 4 or 5 acute toxicity
Randomize                                       description
Dearnaley     Pts number =225 . Clinical trial compared 3D-CRT versus conventional
Et al         RT to 64GY . The primary end point was the development of late radiation
              Complication (>3 months after treatment) .
              Reduced grade 1-2 late radiation proctitis in patients received 3D-CRT comp-
              Ared with conventional treatment

Koper al     randomized clinical trial reported anorectal morbidity with the use of 3D-
(dutch rand- CRT versus conventional RT to 66GY . Number of patients 266 withT1—4
Omized       N0M0 prostate cancer .
trial)       Reduction in the GIT toxicity was observed in the arm of 3D-CRT(32and
             19% p=0.02) mostly due to the reduced grade 2 rectum,sigmoid and anal
             Toxicity .
             No difference in urological toxicity was observed
Randomized                            description

MD Anderson         Comparing clinical trial 78GY versus 70 GY of the EBRT using
                    3D-CRT .number of patient s=301 stage T1b to T3 ca prostate .
                    Significant 8 yrs biochemical DFS improvement in patients
                    Received 78GY (78 versus 59% p=0.004) .
                    The largest benefit amonge patients with pretreatment
                    PSA>10ng/ml .
                    No different in GIT or GU toxicity was observed

Dutch mutlicenter    Randomized trial compared 78GY versus 68GY using 3D-CRT
Randomizes trial    For prostate cancer . Pts number =669 with T1B—T4 .
                    The primary end point freedom from failure (FFF) .other end
                    Point were freedom from clinical failure (FFCF) ,overall survival
                    (OS), and toxicity .with follow up of 51 months ,5 yrs FFF was
                    Significantly better after 78 GY3D-CRT (64 versus 54%) .
                    No significant difference in FFCF or OS .
                    No difference in late GU or GI toxicity .
PROG/ACR   Randomized trial compared 70.2 GY conventional or 70.2 GY proton
  95--09   In the early stage prostate cancer .
           Number of patients =393 with T1b—T2b and PSA <5 with out
           Androgen suppression .
           End point include local failure (LF) biochemical failure .
           Proton beam therapy reduced LF with HR of 0.57 .
           The 10 yrs ASTRO BF rate were 32.4 versus 16.7% favored
            high dose (p=0.0001) .
           The difference was due to largely to difference in the low
           And probably intermediate- risk disease .
           There was strong trend in the same direction for inter-
           Mediate –risk disease (n=144,37% of total 42 versus30.4%
           P=0.06) .
           11 versus 6% of patients required ADT for recurrence
           After conventional –versus high dose RT ( p=0.047) .
           No difference in OS (78.4 versus 83.4% . P=0.41)
           Toxicity rate (1—3% of grade 3—4) between tow arm .

Hormonal therapy for local advanced ca prostate ;-
Androgen deprivation therapy ;-
Consisting of a combination of luteinizing-hormone
-releasing hormone (LHRH) suppression and anti-
Androgen . Used as adjuvant therapy to EBRT to
Improve outcome in intermediate and high risk
Patients .the supportive trial show significant
Improvement in local control and disease free
Survival with inconsistent improvement in overall survival
Adjuvant radiation therapy ;- prostatectomy provide
Good control when the cancer is confined to the
Prostate while failure rate is high when cancer exten-
Sion beyond the capsule specially in patients with
High Gleason grade and +ve margin.
Study show that strong benefit of EBRT of patients
With pathological high-risk disease (T3N0 and /or+ve
Metastatic prostate cancer ;-
Advanced prostate cancer include those of distant
Metastasis or non regional LNs metastasis(1vb-1vc )
Pts usually required ADT and palliative radiation
Therapy for symptomatic foci
Radiation therapy techniques
IMRT ;-represent the current standard of care for
Prostatic EBRT .
PTs set up and planning for prostate cancer IMRT ;-
1) PTs preparation ;-
Pts should instructed to present with empty rectum
And full bladder .
Cl inical evidance on combined EBRT with hormonal therapy for intermediate
   Risk ca prostate .

Randomized trial               description

D’Amino et al      Phase 111 clinical trial to compare RT with or with out 6months of
Intermediate       ADT . 80% of randomized patients had intermediate –risk ca
risk               Prostate .
                   Conformal dose 79.35 in 36 fr to prostate and seminal vesicles with
                   Acone –down boost to the prostate .
                   Median follow upof 4.5 yrs revealed statistical improvement in
                   Prostate cancer –specific survival,survival free salvage androgen
                   Deprivation and OS rate .
                   Up dated results after a median follow up of 7.6 yrs all cause
                   Mortality was significant greater in the RT alone arm (HR 1.8
                   P=0.01) .
                   Sub group analysis show the significant different in pts with no or
                   Minimal comorbid
Randomized                      description
 RTOG         Randomized trial of 977 patients to adjuvant goserelin versus
 85--31      observation .
             Eligible patients had advanced tumor characteristics (Ct3,N+ or pathol
             Ogical penetration through the capsules to the resection margin
              or SV involvement .
             RT→regional lymphatic to an initial 44—46 GY in node +ve patients
             followed by a prostate boost to 65—70 GY.
             10 yrs up dated results demonstrated significant improvement
             In local failure(23 versus 38%), disease specific mortality(16
             Versus 22%) DM ( 24 versus 39%) . NED survival (37 versus
             23%) and OS (49 versus29%)
Clinical evidence on combined EBRT with hormonal therapy for high-risk
Prostate cancer ;-
RTOG             Randomized clinical trial to the effect of the androgen
86—10b          Suppression .
                1st arm → to neoadjuvant and concurrent goserelin
                And flutamide for 2 months prior and 2 months
                During RT treatment versus observation .
                Selected pts have bulky 1ry tumor (≥5x5 cm) with or
                Without LNs involvement .
                Dose include treatment of the regional lymph nodes
                (Except in LN-ve) .followed by broatatic boost to
                65—70 GY .
                Up date result at 10 yrs demonstrated significant
                Improvement distant metastasis (35 versus 47%)
                Disease-specific mortality (23 versus 36%) DFS (11
                Versus 3%) and biochemical failure .non significant
                Trend toward improved OS with also observed .
                Non significant impact on the risk of fatal
                Cardiac events was seen .
Clinical evidence on combined EBRTNwith hormonal therapy for high-risk ca prostate

 EORTC       Phase 111 study (103) compare EBRT with long term (concurrent
             And adjuvant ) androgen suppression.
             EBRT targeting initially the prostate and pelvic nodes to 50GY
             Then boost prostate only to anadditonal 20 GY.
             Hormonal therapy consisted of monthly goeserelin for 3 yrs from
             The first day of the EBRT and 1month of cyproterone .
             With median follow up of 66 months→ this result improvement
             inDFS (40 versus 74%), DSS (79 versus 94%) and OS (62
             versus 78%)
Study examined long-term toxicities of androgen suppression
   Treatment used with EBRT .

  RTOG          Long-term pelvic toxicity does not appreciably worsen with
dataset         Addition of androgen suppression .
analysis        Pts treated with EBRT +short term hormonal therapy have > grade
                3 GI ,GU and other toxicity as compared to RT .
                Pts treated with long term hormonal therapy + EBRT had
                Significant lower probability>grade 3 GU toxicity as compared to
                RT alone .
                Demonstrated no ↑ cardiovascular toxicity after hormonal
RTOG     Analysis for the cardiovascular toxicity after hormonal
92—02b   Therapy for prostate cancer .
         Demonstrated no↑cardiovascular mortality after
         Hormonal treatment from 24 versus 4 months
TROG       Randomized clinical trial studies the optimal duration of short
96.01 of      Course hormonal therapy .
(Australia)   3arm study compared prostate –only radiation to 66 GY versus
              3 or 6 months of androgen deprivation before and during radiation
              For intermediate –risk patients .
              Result revealed a significant improvement in prostate cancer
              Specific mortality with 6(HR=0.56) but not 3 (HR;0.95) months

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  • 2. Anatomy of the prostate Prostate is a fibro-muscular gland. It lie between the base of Bladder and deep transverse perineal muscles.behind The pubic symphysis and front of the rectum .prostate is Perforated by the prostatic part of the urethra and by the Two ejaculatory ducts.the prostate is divide into five Lobes .anterior lobe in front of the urethra. middle lobe Is situated between the urethra and ejaculatory ducts. the Upper surface is related to the trigone.the posterior lobe Is situated behind the urethra and below the ejaculatory Ducts .the right and lift lateral lobe lie on either side of Urethra .
  • 3.
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  • 5.
  • 6. The 1ry lymphatic derange of the prostate is to the regional LN s the distant LNs .75% of the cancer is or Regional LN s:- Internal iliac (hypo-gastric) . Obturator Persacral Perivesical External iliac. Distant LNs:- Deep and superficial inguinal . Common iliac Retroperitoneal Supraclavicular Cervical scalene
  • 7. EPIDEMIOLOGY & ETIOLOGY Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer . New case in the 2010 an estimated 217,730 .these is wide Geographical variation . Risk factors for ca prostate ;- a) ↑ life expectancy . b) Routine adoption of PSA . c) Ethnicity . d) Family history . Less common risk factors ;- genetic /hormonal /obesity /dietary habits /prostate inflammation/infection
  • 8. Screening for prostate cancer ;- PSA screening is impact in the incidence and mortality of ca prostate . In USA as example ;- The percentage of low risk disease is ↑ and the Age-adjusted death rate is↓ . * ERSPC trial is demonstrated that PSA screening in the general population show 20% ↓in the prostate cancer with the screening .
  • 9. Pathology of ca cancer the most common histological type of the cancer is adenocarcinoma .the International Society of Urological Pathology Consensus Statement divide the histological type into Gleason scoring system that show 5 basic Tissue pattern referred as tumor grade. The classification Is depend on the loss of normal glandular structure
  • 10. DIAGNOSIS OF CA PROSTATE most of the ca prostate is diagnosis due to the screening Of the PSA with out symptoms .but advanced tumors May invade the adjacent structure or regional lymph nodes Such case may presented by bladder out let obstruction Symptoms which include (heamaturia, hematospermia, Erectile dysfunction, change in bowel function or bone pain Examination :- be side BR examination include LNs, Examination of the skeleton . and neurological examination For sign of metastasis.
  • 11. Deferential diagnosis for enlarged prostate:- Acute prostatitia . Chronic granulomatous prostate. Nodular hyperplasia
  • 12. Physical 1) Digital rectal examination noting rectal tone /presence of examination Hemorrhiod or anorectal mass ,prostate size presence of nodules Involvement of lateral sulci and seminal vesicles. DRE is cornestone for staging although unsensitive for extracapsular Extension . TRUS- the procedure can miss guaded biopsy
  • 13. Serum 1) PSA screening is leading the majority of prostate cancer diagnosis PSA 2) PSA is sensitive but not specific these false +ve . 3) PSA is↑ with age . 4) PSA of ≥ 4 ng/ml(atypical clinical threshold ) range 31—54% Specificity ↑ with age and DRE is considered . 5)Another laboratory value include (free PSA/PSA density/PSAvel- Ocity) . 6) Persistent ↑PSA and presence of palpable prostate indication To transrectal U/S guide needle biopsy (TRUS)
  • 14. Prostate cancer suspected (↑pSA) . Algorithm for Diagnosis and stag- Complete history &exam (DRE) . Ing of prostate cancer Trans-rectal U/S guided prostate biopsy . If life expectancy >5yrs or symptomatic treatment is recommend . If life expect- Ancy <5yrs and asymptomatic no further treatment . Risk classification based on PSA,DRE&Gleason . Work up depend on risk classification . Bone scan;-1)T1,T2 and PSA >20ng/ml 2)Gleason score≥8 3)T3/T4 4)sypmtomic.. Abdominal pelvic CT/MRI ;- 1)T3/T4 . 2)T1-T2 &nomogram probability of Lns involvement Multidisciplinary treatment based on risk classification
  • 15. Tumor node .and metastasis (TNM) staging system of Amer- Ican Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) is presented in the Table blew ;- Primary tumor;- Stage Description TX Primary tumor can not assessed T0 No evidence of primary tumor . T1a tumor finding in 5% or less of tissue resected T1b Tumor finding in more than 5% of tissue resected T1c tumor is find by needle biopsy because of elevated PSA . T2a/pT2a Unilateral ,one half of one side or less T2b/pT2b Unilateral involving more than one half of side but not both sides . T2c/pT2c tumor involve both side T3a/pT3a Extra prostatic extension or microscopic invasion /microscopic bladder neck invasion T3b/pT3b Tumor invade the seminal vesicle T4/pT4 Tumor invade structure other than seminal vesicle (rectum /external
  • 16. -Regional lymph nodes ;- NX Regional lymph nodes cannot be assessed N0 No regional lymph nodes metastasis N1 Regional lymph nodes metastasis Distant metastasis ;- MX Distant metastasis can not be assessed . M0 No distant metastasis M1a distant metastasis to non regional L Ns M1b Distant metastasis to the skeletal system M1c Distant metastasis to the additional sites with or without skeletal metastasis
  • 17. T N M PSA Gleason score T1a-c 0 0 < 10 ≤6 1 T2a 0 0 <10 ≤6 T1-2a 0 0 -- -- T1a-c 0 0 <20 7 T1a-c 0 0 10--20 ≤6 11A T2a 0 0 <20 <7 T2b 0 0 -- -- T2c 0 0 any any T1-2 0 0 ≥20 any 11B T1-2 0 0 any ≥8 111 T3a-b 0 0 any any T4 N1 M1 any any 1V
  • 18. prognosis Factors affecting the prognosis of ca prostate ;- A. Gleason score . B. Pretreatment serum PSA . C. Stage at diagnosis D. Additional pathological factors include percent +ve biopsy cores,PSA density,and Velocity length of core involvement and present Of per neural invasion / age
  • 19. TREATMENT Treatment of localized prostate cancer ;- The treatment option for localized disease include Surveillance versus active treatment with radiotherapy, Surgical, and systemic modalities of treatment . A) Active surveillance ;- indicated in patients with very low Disease if life expectancy <20 yrs or low risk disease (if life expectancy <10yrs) . Active surveillance include PSA, DRE,and repeat Needle biopsy . Definitive treatment recommended if clinical PSA↑, Or pathological (higher Gleason score,↑number of
  • 20. Advantage of active surveillance include avoidance Of unnecessary treatment and potential side effects . Disadvantages of surveillance include tumor prog- Gression and need for more aggressive treatment . Radical prostatectomy ;- indicated for patients with Clinically localized prostate cancer with life expectancy exceeds 10 yrs . PR is considered as the standard surgical treatment . The only local treatment that reduce mortality (RR=0.56) Local progression (RR=0.33),metastasis (RR=0.6) over
  • 21. The procedure is done by perineal to retro pubic, Retroubic nerve sparing, laparoscopic, and robot Assisted approaches . Side effects include ;- intra-operative bleeding,urinary Incontinence and erectile dysfunction . Overall prostate-cancer-specific mortality of 12%(range 5—38) at 15 yrs after surgery External beam radiation therapy (EBRT) ;- As monotherapy for low-risk and selected intermediate Risk patients
  • 22. In concurrent for low-risk and selected intermediate Risk patients . Adjuvant post prostatectomy treatment for high-risk Patients . Palliative treatment to primary or metastatic foci . Intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) . Represents the current standard of care of EBRT . If the dose>72 GY IMRT is similar in disease control To prostatectomy and seed implant .
  • 23.  Interstitial brachytherapy ;-  Is used to curative treatment of localized prostate  Cancer .  Advantage ;- Highly conformal dosimetry Moderate invasiveness ,out patient nature . Minimal number of treatment visits
  • 24.  Androgen ablation ;-  Short term ADT in intermediate-risk prostate cancer .  Long term and adjuvant ADT in high to very high-risk Prostate cancer . Mainstary treatment for palliative therapy in metastatic Disease . Unproven role as a component of salvage therapy Although it is utilized empirically in selected high risk- Patients . Orchiectomy or LHRH agonists (90-95% of testosterone)
  • 25. TAB utilized orchiectomy or LHRH agonist +anti-andro- Gen for complete testosterone blockade . Estrogen as a second-line hormonal therapy
  • 26. Diagnosis of prostate cancer Risk classification Interm.risk/T2d-c Low risk/t1-2a High risk/Tt3a.G= Very high risk G=7, or PSA Or PSA<10 8-10 or PSA>20 T3b-t4n0 m0 10-20 Definitive Active IG-IMRT±BT IG-IMRT±BT treatment as surveillance/I Boost/±short Boost/±long high risk or G-IMRTor BT Term ADT Term ADT palliative 4-6months 2—3YRS ADT or or or Radical Radical prostatectomy prostatectomy +PLND±adjRT Active follow upc
  • 27. EBRT(dose escalation&treatment outcome EBRT IS one of the most important definitive treat- Ment modality for localized prostate cancer of all Stages .IMRT is represent the current standard of care For prostate EBRT . The study show that 3D and IMRT improve the biochemical control and reduce toxicity rate as Compared to the 2D .
  • 28. studies description hanks number of patients 232. with prostate cancer treated using 3D-CRT For out come of radiation dose escalation. The dose response was observed for patients with pretreatment PSA = >10 ng/ml based on 5yrs BNED results . 5 yrs bbNED rate of 35% at 70 GY and 75% at 76 GY (p=0.0049) . No response was observed for patients with pretreatment PSA<10 ng/ml . dose response was observed for FL-LENT grade 2 and grade 3,4 GI sequelae and LENT grade 2GU sequelae . The improvement in 5 yrs bNED for patients with PSA =>10 ng/ml suggested benefit of radiation dose escalation
  • 29. studies description RTOG 9406 phase 1/11 study for radiation dose escalation in treatment of stage T1 and T2 prostate adenocarcinoma . Patients number=225 . Treated to 78 GY to prostate alone if probability of seminal vesicles involvement < 15% or 78 GY to Prostate and 54GY to seminal vesicle lf the involvement of SV probability more than 15% Acute toxicity at dose of 78GY was low grade3 acute effects In 4% of patients to prostate alone and 2% of patients treated To both prostate and SV .NO grade 4 or 5 acute toxicity reported
  • 30. Randomize description d trial Dearnaley Pts number =225 . Clinical trial compared 3D-CRT versus conventional Et al RT to 64GY . The primary end point was the development of late radiation Complication (>3 months after treatment) . Reduced grade 1-2 late radiation proctitis in patients received 3D-CRT comp- Ared with conventional treatment Koper al randomized clinical trial reported anorectal morbidity with the use of 3D- (dutch rand- CRT versus conventional RT to 66GY . Number of patients 266 withT1—4 Omized N0M0 prostate cancer . trial) Reduction in the GIT toxicity was observed in the arm of 3D-CRT(32and 19% p=0.02) mostly due to the reduced grade 2 rectum,sigmoid and anal Toxicity . No difference in urological toxicity was observed
  • 31. Randomized description trial MD Anderson Comparing clinical trial 78GY versus 70 GY of the EBRT using 3D-CRT .number of patient s=301 stage T1b to T3 ca prostate . Significant 8 yrs biochemical DFS improvement in patients Received 78GY (78 versus 59% p=0.004) . The largest benefit amonge patients with pretreatment PSA>10ng/ml . No different in GIT or GU toxicity was observed Dutch mutlicenter Randomized trial compared 78GY versus 68GY using 3D-CRT Randomizes trial For prostate cancer . Pts number =669 with T1B—T4 . The primary end point freedom from failure (FFF) .other end Point were freedom from clinical failure (FFCF) ,overall survival (OS), and toxicity .with follow up of 51 months ,5 yrs FFF was Significantly better after 78 GY3D-CRT (64 versus 54%) . No significant difference in FFCF or OS . No difference in late GU or GI toxicity .
  • 32. PROG/ACR Randomized trial compared 70.2 GY conventional or 70.2 GY proton 95--09 In the early stage prostate cancer . Number of patients =393 with T1b—T2b and PSA <5 with out Androgen suppression . End point include local failure (LF) biochemical failure . Proton beam therapy reduced LF with HR of 0.57 . The 10 yrs ASTRO BF rate were 32.4 versus 16.7% favored high dose (p=0.0001) . The difference was due to largely to difference in the low And probably intermediate- risk disease . There was strong trend in the same direction for inter- Mediate –risk disease (n=144,37% of total 42 versus30.4% P=0.06) . 11 versus 6% of patients required ADT for recurrence After conventional –versus high dose RT ( p=0.047) . No difference in OS (78.4 versus 83.4% . P=0.41) Toxicity rate (1—3% of grade 3—4) between tow arm .
  • 33. mo Hormonal therapy for local advanced ca prostate ;- Androgen deprivation therapy ;- Consisting of a combination of luteinizing-hormone -releasing hormone (LHRH) suppression and anti- Androgen . Used as adjuvant therapy to EBRT to Improve outcome in intermediate and high risk Patients .the supportive trial show significant Improvement in local control and disease free Survival with inconsistent improvement in overall survival
  • 34. Adjuvant radiation therapy ;- prostatectomy provide Good control when the cancer is confined to the Prostate while failure rate is high when cancer exten- Sion beyond the capsule specially in patients with High Gleason grade and +ve margin. Study show that strong benefit of EBRT of patients With pathological high-risk disease (T3N0 and /or+ve Margin)
  • 35. Metastatic prostate cancer ;- Advanced prostate cancer include those of distant Metastasis or non regional LNs metastasis(1vb-1vc ) Pts usually required ADT and palliative radiation Therapy for symptomatic foci
  • 36. Radiation therapy techniques ;- IMRT ;-represent the current standard of care for Prostatic EBRT . PTs set up and planning for prostate cancer IMRT ;- 1) PTs preparation ;- Pts should instructed to present with empty rectum And full bladder .
  • 37. Cl inical evidance on combined EBRT with hormonal therapy for intermediate Risk ca prostate . Randomized trial description D’Amino et al Phase 111 clinical trial to compare RT with or with out 6months of Intermediate ADT . 80% of randomized patients had intermediate –risk ca risk Prostate . Conformal dose 79.35 in 36 fr to prostate and seminal vesicles with Acone –down boost to the prostate . Median follow upof 4.5 yrs revealed statistical improvement in Prostate cancer –specific survival,survival free salvage androgen Deprivation and OS rate . Up dated results after a median follow up of 7.6 yrs all cause Mortality was significant greater in the RT alone arm (HR 1.8 P=0.01) . Sub group analysis show the significant different in pts with no or Minimal comorbid
  • 38. Randomized description trial RTOG Randomized trial of 977 patients to adjuvant goserelin versus 85--31 observation . Eligible patients had advanced tumor characteristics (Ct3,N+ or pathol Ogical penetration through the capsules to the resection margin or SV involvement . RT→regional lymphatic to an initial 44—46 GY in node +ve patients followed by a prostate boost to 65—70 GY. 10 yrs up dated results demonstrated significant improvement In local failure(23 versus 38%), disease specific mortality(16 Versus 22%) DM ( 24 versus 39%) . NED survival (37 versus 23%) and OS (49 versus29%)
  • 39. Clinical evidence on combined EBRT with hormonal therapy for high-risk Prostate cancer ;- RTOG Randomized clinical trial to the effect of the androgen 86—10b Suppression . 1st arm → to neoadjuvant and concurrent goserelin And flutamide for 2 months prior and 2 months During RT treatment versus observation . Selected pts have bulky 1ry tumor (≥5x5 cm) with or Without LNs involvement . Dose include treatment of the regional lymph nodes (Except in LN-ve) .followed by broatatic boost to 65—70 GY . Up date result at 10 yrs demonstrated significant Improvement distant metastasis (35 versus 47%) Disease-specific mortality (23 versus 36%) DFS (11 Versus 3%) and biochemical failure .non significant Trend toward improved OS with also observed . Non significant impact on the risk of fatal Cardiac events was seen .
  • 40. Clinical evidence on combined EBRTNwith hormonal therapy for high-risk ca prostate EORTC Phase 111 study (103) compare EBRT with long term (concurrent And adjuvant ) androgen suppression. EBRT targeting initially the prostate and pelvic nodes to 50GY Then boost prostate only to anadditonal 20 GY. Hormonal therapy consisted of monthly goeserelin for 3 yrs from The first day of the EBRT and 1month of cyproterone . With median follow up of 66 months→ this result improvement inDFS (40 versus 74%), DSS (79 versus 94%) and OS (62 versus 78%)
  • 41. Study examined long-term toxicities of androgen suppression Treatment used with EBRT . RTOG Long-term pelvic toxicity does not appreciably worsen with dataset Addition of androgen suppression . analysis Pts treated with EBRT +short term hormonal therapy have > grade 3 GI ,GU and other toxicity as compared to RT . Pts treated with long term hormonal therapy + EBRT had Significant lower probability>grade 3 GU toxicity as compared to RT alone . Demonstrated no ↑ cardiovascular toxicity after hormonal treatment
  • 42. RTOG Analysis for the cardiovascular toxicity after hormonal 92—02b Therapy for prostate cancer . Demonstrated no↑cardiovascular mortality after Hormonal treatment from 24 versus 4 months
  • 43. TROG Randomized clinical trial studies the optimal duration of short 96.01 of Course hormonal therapy . (Australia) 3arm study compared prostate –only radiation to 66 GY versus 3 or 6 months of androgen deprivation before and during radiation For intermediate –risk patients . Result revealed a significant improvement in prostate cancer Specific mortality with 6(HR=0.56) but not 3 (HR;0.95) months

Editor's Notes

  1. FRSPC ;-European Randomized Study of Screening