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The resources which support the DPET Guide are available on the NSW IMET website.
A login is required to access the Extranet which is a secure area of the website.
If you have not received your login and password please contact NSW IMET at or 02 9844 6551

How yo u a r e s u p p o r t e d

NSW IMET Standards of Education, Training and Supervision for Prevocational Trainees and
Post AMC Supervised Training (Version 4.3)

Appendices : Standards of Education, Training and Supervision

NSW IMET Guidelines : The Accreditation Survey for the Facility

educat i o n pr o g r a m

UWA Education Centre : Teaching on the Run (Adult Learning)

Australian Curriculum Framework for Junior Doctors

workin g w i tH pr e v o c at i o n a l t r a i n e e s

NSW Prevocational Trainee Directory 2008

NSW Progress Review Form – Formative (Mid Term) Appraisal

NSW Progress Review Form – Summative (End of Term) Assessment

Completing the NSW Progress Review Form – Guidelines for Term Supervisors

NSW IMET Generic Trainee Term Evaluation Template

NSW Health Policy Directive Grievance Resolution (Workplace) PD2005_584

workin g r e l at i o n sH i p s

Term Supervisor, Position Description

Network Committee for Prevocational Training: Terms of Reference

General Clinical Training Committee (GCTC) : Terms of Reference

term d e s c r i p t i o n s

Term Description Template

succes s i o n p l a n n i n g

Position Description, Director of Prevocational Education and Training

report i n g a n d f i n a n c i a l m a n a g e m e n t

Six monthly Performance Report

© NSW Institute of Medical Education and Training 2006
This work is copyright. Apart from any use permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be
reproduced by any process without prior written permission from the NSW Institute of Medical Education and
Requests and inquiries concerning reproduction and rights should be addressed to NSW IMET.
Ph: 02 9844 6551. Facsimile 02 9844 6544.
Email: info@NSW

First Published 1994
Revised Edition 1996
Revised Edition 1999
Revised Edition 2003
Revised Edition 2006
Revised Edition 2007
Revised Edition 2008, corrected April 2009

The NSW Institute of Medical Education and Training kindly acknowledges the prior work of the
Education & Resource Development Committee:
Dr Marie Louise Stokes, Dr Stephen Myers, Dr John Chang, A/Prof Peter Reed, Dr Leanne Cheung,
Dr John Roberts, Dr Matthew Chu, Dr Robert Russo, Dr John Fardy, A/Prof Merrilyn Walton, Dr Scott Fortey,
Dr Ashley Watson, Dr Marisa Magiros, Ms Tayia Yeates as well as the more recent work of the Prevocational
Training Council members.

Produced by the NSW Institute of Medical Education and Training.

 to new directors of prevocational education and training

 I know from several past years as a DPET that this is simultaneously a
 really gratifying job mixed with a dose or two of stress and uncertainty.
 I believe that those of you undertaking this role are truly at the forefront
 of shaping the next generation of doctors and your work is paramount
 to establishing the education and training base for our Prevocational

 This Guide has been written by your co-DPETs, in conjunction with the
 NSW Institute of Medical Education and Training (NSW IMET), with just
 these thoughts in mind.

 It is designed to give you a feel for the job along with practical information
 to support you through the time you are in the role. You’ll be helping to
 create a great teaching environment in your facility as you work with
 junior doctors, their Attending Medical Officers, administration staff and

 As their advocate, you’ll be helping prevocational trainees through their
 sometimes difficult early postgraduate years and you’ll find this a very
 satisfying part of the job as you get to know them and help them.

 Fortunately you won’t be doing it alone. NSW IMET, other DPETs in your
 network, and perhaps ex-DPETs at your facility, can all offer you support
 and advice. Other VMOs, especially Term Supervisors in your facility
 are also part of your committed network.

 Thank you for taking on this important role. I hope you find
 it both rewarding and enjoyable.


 Professor Mark Brown
 Director, NSW IMET
How much you will need to refer to the Guide and its relevance to your specific situation
will vary enormously because of the nature of medical education and training, the
operation of facilities and regional particularities. It will also depend on the number of
prevocational doctors under your care, your connection to the facility, and the level of
infrastructure and support available to you.

This guide works in conjunction with an induction session which is held for new
DPETs before each DPET forum. We urge you to attend this informal information brief
and NSW IMET will arrange travel and accommodation to assist you.
For further information please contact the NSW IMET Program Coordinator for
Prevocational Training -;
or 02 9844 6511.

NSW IMET recognises that newly appointed DPETs need assistance to take on the
role. The role involves undertaking tasks with which you may have had no previous
experience and it requires a considerable commitment of time.

The development of this Guide has been a collaborative effort by the NSW IMET
Prevocational Training Council (PVTC) and the previous PMC Education and Resource
Development Committee including DPETs, Prevocational Trainees, JMO Managers,
Directors of Workforce Development and academics.

The compilation of information from DPETs currently working in facilities throughout
NSW guarantees it is a relevant, practical resource. By necessity, the Guide presents
the ideal. But we acknowledge that there are ambiguities and complexities in the role
and that, while the Guide presents the role in isolation, you may be wearing more than
one hat within the facility’s training structure.

To ensure information is easy to find and use, all material pertaining to each section is
placed together in the following order:
 	 Overview of the section
 	 Frequently asked questions

The strength of this guide will lie in its continuing usefulness and currency. We would
welcome your suggestions for how we can improvement this resource. Please
forward your feedback to the NSW IMET Program Coordinator for Prevocational
Training - or call (02) 9844 6551 or fax (02) 9844 6544.

 1    HISTORY OF THE ROLE OF THE DPET                    1

 2    THE ROLE OF THE DPET                               2

 3    HOW YOU ARE SUPPORTED                              4

 4    EDUCATION PROGRAM                                  8


 6    WORKING RELATIONSHIPS                             15

 7    TERM DESCRIPTIONS                                 19

 8    SUCCESSION PLANNING                               20


The Postgraduate Medical Council of NSW (PMC) was formed in 1988 following the
Reid Harris report and the Doherty Committee of Inquiry into Medical Education and
Medical Workforce issues. These reports highlighted the need to provide guaranteed and
standardised experiences for prevocational trainees during the first two postgraduate

The NSW Institute of Medical Education and Training (NSW IMET) is the result of a
convergence between PMC and the Medical Training and Education Council (MTEC)
in 2005. NSW IMET works closely with doctors-in-training, clinician teachers, health
services and those that manage them and Colleges and Universities in the pursuit
of excellent patient care through the delivery of high quality medical education and
training in NSW.

Explicit in the NSW IMET strategic plan is the need to maintain adequate levels of
supervision and education for prevocational trainees in NSW and the ACT.

During the formation of the PMC and its subsidiary structures, and subsequently with
NSW IMET, it was recognised that each facility employing prevocational trainees needed
to have someone appointed whose specific role was to supervise the implementation
of NSW IMETs guidelines. This person had to be free to act independently from other
administrative structures within each facility and mandated to act as an advocate for
the professional development of prevocational trainees.

The title ‘Director of Clinical Training’ (DCT) was originally adopted for the person
appointed to this position. Following the recent review of Prevocational Training in
NSW, the title was change to “Director of Prevocational Education and Training (DPET),
to provide better definition to the position. The role of the DPET has now been defined
and the infrastructure required to allow this person to fulfil their designated role has
been specified.

During the past fourteen years, the experience of being a prevocational trainee within
NSW and ACT facility’s has improved appreciably and, in some cases, dramatically.
The PMC and subsequently NSW IMET has been responsible for the relatively smooth
implementation of significant changes in education, supervision, workforce allocation
and facility accreditation during this time. Much of the credit for these significant changes
is due to the work of individual DPETs. The position of DPET has come to be regarded
as one of importance by clinicians, administrators and prevocational trainees. NSW
IMET have carried on PMC’s ideology on this issue and continue to progress issues
that will assist DPETs to advocate on behalf of prevocational trainees.
        WHAT IS YOUR jOB?
                                                      dr greg davis (DPET St George Facility)

        for those of you who are new to the job this may be a bewildering time.
        Most of us in facility medicine are used to having very clear roles as clinicians, having
        worked through the system as medical students, RMOs, registrars and, ultimately,
        consultants in our chosen specialty. In contrast, most of us are talked into doing the
        DPET job (in my case by Professor Brown, the inaugural chair of NSW IMET) and
        have little experience in medical administration or education, other than direct clinical
        teaching. Despite these drawbacks, I believe strongly that having active clinicians as
        DPETs adds to credibility and the respect from the other clinicians in the facility.
        The simple fact is that your role as DPET is what you choose to make of it and there
        are many different approaches. It is critical to remember that your responsibilities are to
        the patients, your prevocational trainees, NSW IMET and the facility, and in that order.
        My style has been to forge a strong bond with my JMO Manager and then behave like
        firm but fair parents, always supporting our trainees but expecting them to behave
        responsibly and work hard. They need immediate feedback if they step out of line but
        unconditional support. It is important to remember that for many of them this is their
        first full time job and they learn at different speeds. It is also important to embrace the
        diversity of your flock as many of the doctors trained overseas will have worked for
        years, and often in jobs other than medicine, while they try to get into the Australian
        medical system.
        You are also responsible with your JMO Manager for ensuring that your trainees are
        receiving (and attending) appropriate teaching and this is covered in Section 4. You
        need to meet with them all each term to talk about careers and any issues. How you do
        this is up to you and will depend on your time available. You are expected to see them
        individually (see section 5) but in a big facility this may not always be possible so small
        groups works well, reserving individual interviews for those who are having problems
        or those who request one.
        One of your more delicate jobs is to ensure your Term Supervisors (TS) are doing their
        jobs properly (see resource 12 Position Description for TS). This means that each TS
        is providing an accurate Term Description, giving an appropriate orientation to the term
        and meeting the trainees for mid term and end of term assessments. Most do a great
        job most of the time. However if they don’t, this can be very difficult. Your ultimate
        weapon is the power to remove junior staff (after consultation with NSW IMET) upon
        whom all facility specialists are dependent. Less drastic strategies which can be used
        are providing feedback from trainees on the term, a phone call or a letter if you want to
        be more formal and/or to document it. We routinely get feedback from our trainees on
        all aspects of the term and present them in a collated form to our first meeting with TS
        each year. That way, trainees can’t be identified and it plays to the competitive nature
        of most clinicians. It is good to meet with all your TS two to three times a year - early
        to give them this feedback and let them know how you expect the year to go, mid year
        and then late in the year after recruitment.
What you will find is that the bulk of your trainees will take very little of your time but
that there will be a few who will take inordinate amounts of time. The latter are usually
those “in difficulty” and there is a separate resource “Managing a trainee in difficulty
– A Handbook for DPETs” to refer to for more help. There are many ways of dealing
with this issue but I think the underlying principles are that your first priority is to the
patients, and secondly the trainee and that flexibility lateral thinking and innovative
solutions are often necessary.
There will always be lots of meetings. I’ve mentioned those with TS and trainees but
you answer to the General Clinical Training Committee (GCTC) which is responsible
for reviewing your performance each year. How this is done will depend on your GCTC
but the more active your GCTC is, the more help they will be in planning educational
activities and passing on information to the rest of the facility. With this in mind, it is often
helpful to have people on the GCTC who have had experience in medical education
e.g. clinical academics, who may have access to other educational resources. You
will also need to keep in contact with the facility management to maintain the profile of
trainees’ issues. How you do this will depend on your facility organisation but is usually
through the Director of Medical Services or their equivalent.
The other great resource which we often overlook is other, more experienced DPETs.
This is definitely a job where you learn from experience so make use of it. You need to
maintain contact with other DPETs and find one or two who you relate well to and ask
them for guidance or ideas. There are also two DPET forums each year where you can
attend an induction session and meet other DPETs.
You also may be aware that along with the recent reorganisation of training networks
there have been Network Committees for Prevocational Training established. The chair
of each of these committees is usually an experienced DPET, most often from one of
the 5 Term Home Hospital. The role of the Network Committee is to coordinate the
allocation, training and education of junior medical officers across the Network. Most
meet four to five times per year to discuss these, and any other, issues related to that
particular network. They are also an easy means of access to other DPETs who are,
at least, somewhat familiar with your facility and its particular requirements and usually
happy to offer advice and assist where they can.
The remainder of the guide goes through your role in more detail. Hope that it helps
but remember there will always be issues not covered and you will have to respond as
you see fit.
Good luck

dr greg davis
Director of Obstetrics, Director of Prevocational Education  Training
St George Facility
Network Committee for Prevocational Training Chair, Network 8
Founding member, NSW Prevocational Training Council (PvTC) (March 05 - July 08)
        The role of DPET is an important one and is essential for the well-being of prevocational
        trainees. DPETs will be required to accept certain responsibility which involves additional
        time commitment. This will depend on a range of factors in your local environment
        including the number of prevocational trainees; the skill set available in your team; and
        the extent of administrative and educational support that the facility contributes to you
        and trainees.

        The effective teaching of trainees is a task which requires input from many sources.
        It is not and cannot be the responsibility of one person. NSW IMET, through its staff,
        publications, website and meetings, is a source of support, ideas and information. Staff
        within the facility provides one of the greatest resources. Teaching at the bedside,
        in clinics and during operations and procedures is renowned for its effectiveness. To
        this end, it is vital you involve AMOs, registrars and other staff in the General Clinical
        Training Committee (GCTC).

        NSW IMET will provide DPETs with regular forums to discuss relevant issues about
        training and education. The aim is to allow DPETs to gain from the experience of
        others, exchange information on effective strategies and promote learning.

        DPETs are urged to attend Teaching on the Run workshops which are being held
        throughout NSW presently.

        The Teaching on the Run training modules were developed by the Education Centre
        at the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry at the University of Western Australia with
        funding from the Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing.
Dr Fiona Lake and her team at the Education Centre, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry,
University of Western Australia have produced this amazing program to help you become a
better educator and clinical supervisor. The success of this program comes from its ability
to be run in small groups in your own setting with the help of an experienced facilitator.
Participate, facilitate and become a champion of this program in your local setting and see the
improvement in how your junior doctors are supported during their training.

Teacher training sessions are important in raising clinical teachers’ awareness of their
responsibilities in teaching and supervising junior medical staff, and to increase their skills and
confidence in this area. As clinical teachers are usually stretched with many commitments,
staff development sessions like Teaching on the Run, which are short, highly relevant and
accrue CME points, have been developed to increase the likelihood of involvement.

the purpose of the teaching on the run course is to:
 	 Help clinical teachers recognise opportunities for teaching in various clinical settings
 	 Encourage   clinical teachers to do more incidental teaching as they work with junior staff
 	 Build confidence so that senior doctors feel confident in sharing what they know and teach
   more effectively.
 	 Encourage quality appraisal and assessment in the clinical setting.

The Teaching on the Run package contains all the resources necessary to run these staff
development programmes in your setting.
what does a teaching on the run workshop look like?
    Six modules have been developed for the programme:

    1.   Clinical (Bedside) Teaching
    2.   Skills
    3.   Assessment  Appraisal
    4.   Junior Doctor in Difficulty
    5.   Planning Term Learning
    6.   Effective Group Teaching
    Each module runs for 2-3 hours and can be run alone, or together as part of a
    weekend package. Modules 4-6 build on the core modules 1-3. Where possible,
    participants should complete modules 1-3 before attending modules 4-6. The
    target audience is clinicians who have experience teaching undergraduate and
    postgraduate doctors, but who have had little or no formal teaching instruction.

    Each half-day programme contributes to CME points from various colleges (RACP,
    facilitators receive a greater number of CME points.

    Make Teaching on the Run an essential component of your training program.
    Encourage all your supervisors to participate and then facilitate sessions. Become
    a champion for this important program.

                  For information on how to establish Teaching On The Run
                  courses in NSW, please visit:
the standards
          NSW IMET accredits all facilities employing prevocational trainees. Accreditation is
          conducted using the Standards for prevocational trainee Education  Supervision
          (the Standards). The Standards are designed to encourage and support facilities in
          continually improving the supervision, education and welfare of prevocational trainees.
          This is also a useful instrument for you to use in defining relationships within the facility
          and advocating the interests of your trainees. See resources for a summary of the
          NSW IMET Standards for Prevocational Trainee Education and Supervision.

          The Standards for Prevocational Trainee Education  Supervision and guidelines
          on NSW IMET accreditation have been included within the resources section this
          NSW IMET undertakes a number of reviews and projects and all final documents can
          be found on the NSW IMET website: Additional resources
          or links to educational resources will be found also on the website.

          If you encounter a problem that you cannot solve locally, feel free to contact the NSW
          IMET Program Coordinator for Prevocational Training on: 02 9844 6511: fax 02 9844
          6544; email

     For information on
      how to establish
   Teaching On The Run
courses in NSW, please visit:
    your facility can offer their support to you by:
     	 Contributing financially towards the education of prevocational trainees - this
       support is entirely independent of the DPET funding from the NSW Department
       of Health.
     	 Contributing financially towards supporting the DPET, either through salary or
     	 Ensuring you have an effective voice in matters relating to prevocational training
       - you should be an active participant in the Network Committee for Prevocational
       Training (NCPT) and General Clinical Training Council (GCTC), or its equivalent.
       NSW IMET recommends that a DPET should be the Chair of the NCPT. However
       DPETs should not be the chair of the GCTC as there are conflicts of interest.
     	 Providing adequate office accommodation, clerical assistance and supplies.
     	 Providing appropriate accommodation for educational activities, library facilities
       and educational aids.
     	 Reviewing the position of DPET at regular intervals to ensure that the most
       appropriate appointment is maintained and that adequate institutional support is
       being provided.

    Some facility’s may employ additional management/administrative support to take
    on some of the responsibilities of establishing an effective education program for
    prevocational trainees.

    NSW IMET Standards of Education, Training and Supervision for Prevocational Trainees and Post AMC
    Supervised Training (Version 4.3)
    Appendices: Standards of Education, Training and Supervision
    NSW IMET Guidelines: The Accreditation Survey for the Facility
A dynamic culture of learning needs to be part of every facility. The GCTC and Network
Committee for Prevocational Training (see the Resources section of this document)
and DPET may share the role of undergraduate teaching as well as of advanced
trainees within specialities. Prevocational training in this context is an important part of
the training continuum.

australian curriculum framework for Junior doctors (acf)
The ACF outlines the knowledge; skills and behaviours required of prevocational
trainees in order to work safely in NSW facilities and other healthcare settings (see
resources section). As such it provides a bridge between undergraduate curricula and
the curricula that underpin college training programs. The ACF provides prevocational
trainees with an education template that clearly identifies the core competencies
and capabilities that are required to provide quality health care.The ACF will
continue to develop over the next few years and for more information please visit:

your role as a dpet
Encourage the attitude that ongoing education is integral to the work of a trainee. It
is important that all trainees are exposed to and maximise appropriate educational
experiences. As a DPET you will be involved in education programs at the design,
implementation and evaluation stages.

your principle responsibilities are to:
 	 Develop,  coordinate and promote the clinical training of prevocational trainees,
   in association with prevocational trainee staff management, the General Clinical
   Training Committee (GCTC) and the Network Committee for Prevocational
   Training (NCPT)
 	 Participate in the education of prevocational trainees
 	 Assist the GCTC to evaluate training programs, clinical educators and educational
 	 Promote professional responsibility and ethics among prevocational trainees
 	 Play a major role in the planning, delivery and evaluation of prevocational
   orientation programs including acting as a resource for clinical teachers
     the goals to which all education development should lead include:
      	 Training   to become safe and competent doctors
      	 Improving interpersonal skills with peers, teaching and medical staff, patients and
        administration staff
      	 The ability to empathise and understand from another’s perspective
      	 Understanding issues surrounding doctors’ well being such as work attitudes, the
        ability to work with others, stress and time management
      	 Improving attitudes to ongoing learning
      	 Understanding and performing research


     effective education sessions are:
      	 Case   based
     Content should be relevant to the experience of prevocational trainees and to their work
     at the facility. Education sessions should target issues which are of greatest concern
     to trainees such as the care of critically ill patients. The Standards for Prevocational
     Trainee Education  Supervision require that education be coordinated across the
     Network, through the Network Committee. The value of the education sessions will
     be enhanced by changing the perspective and involving a range of presenters such
     as registrars, consultants, academics with clinical appointments, and other health
     professionals, as well as having trainee led sessions.

     We recognise that DPETs have an inherent interest in adult education but that you are
     unlikely to have formal teacher training. The University of Western Australia Education
     Centre has developed a series of approaches to adult learning and teaching skills that
     can guide you on the development of effective education sessions (see the Resources
     section of this document). We strongly encourage you to read this Resource. They
     have also developed the Teaching on the Run teaching modules which are excellent in
     providing help to improve the quality of teaching and supervision by clinicians.

create incentives for prevocational trainees to attend education sessions:
 	 Keep  an attendance list
 	 Establish a points system for attendance, participation and presentations
 	 Run lunchtime sessions and provide refreshments
 	 Ensure education sessions are protected time: nursing staff should be instructed
   not to page trainees during sessions and Term Supervisors should be made aware
   of the facility’s education program
 	 Send reminders by group email or phone text messages

The Standards require that facilities evaluate the education program.

the key points to remember are:

 	 The  feedback you receive through the evaluation process should be used to
   improve the quality of the education sessions
 	 Implement changes in a timely manner: it is important that prevocational trainees
   are aware that you are acting on their comments
 	 Discuss the changes with the trainees to ensure that the changes are meeting the
   trainee’s needs.

UWA Education Centre: Teaching on the Run (Adult Learning)

Australian Curriculum Framework for Junior Doctors
         Prevocational trainees are in their first two years of clinical practice. Trainees in their
         first postgraduate year, interns, are now referred to as Post Graduate Year 1s (PGY1s).
         Residents, in their second postgraduate year, are now referred to as Post Graduate
         Year 2 (PGY2s) / RMO1s.

         Australian Medical Council (AMC) Graduates, undertaking their year of supervised
         training, also fall into your area of responsibility as a DPET.

         australian medical council (amc) graduates
         Most Australian Medical Graduates (AMCs) will undertake a year of supervised training
         in parallel with the internship period of local graduates and therefore the DPETs

         at times amc doctors may require additional support including:
          	 Increased supervision as they become adapt to the new system
          	 Need for extra support and resources
          	 Cross cultural issues
          	 Communication issues
          	 Developing English language skills
          	 Supervising AMC Pre-Employment program – clinical attachment

         contact with prevocational trainees
         You will need to meet with the trainees at the start of the year and keep in contact by
         attending educational and social activities in the facility and by formally interviewing
         each trainee at intervals.

         In smaller facilities you may be able to meet each trainee at least at the start and end
         of each term. In large home hospitals, you may only be able to formally interview each
         trainee two or three times annually. The assessment forms from Term Supervisors
         should be reviewed and discussed at these meetings.

         initial interview
         Your initial interview with a prevocational trainee will provide you with useful information
         and also gives the trainee an opportunity to get to know you and to understand your role
         as educator, advocate and mentor. A frank and confidential discussion is to take place
         it is important that you emphasise your independence from facility administration.

         Discussion topics could include information about clinical exposure, ability to carry
         out procedures, anxieties and current career plans. You will also need to give the
         trainee referrals to other people who can help them. Discuss the trainee’s goals and,
         in particular, their procedural skills. Encourage them to use the medical literature and
         library facilities and possibly to plan and implement simple research projects.
you could open discussion with topics such as:
 	 Satisfactionwith teaching at both registrar and consultant level
 	 Whether the trainee has undertaken any self education activities
 	 Has there been any feedback from registrars and consultants and, if so, was it fair
   and constructive
 	 Have there been any problems with peer groups, nursing or other health
 	 Does the trainee have any suggestions which would improve the quality of the
   term which the DPET could discuss with administration on their behalf

the second interview
Prior to conducting the second interview it is helpful to have feedback from Registrars
and the Term Supervisors. The interview is to assess the trainee’s progress and enquire
as to workload, case mix, procedural activities and development of career plans. It is
also an opportunity to help the trainee overcome, where possible, any difficulties they
may be having. You may need to provide referral to appropriate professionals.

subsequent interviews
Subsequent interviews are an ongoing review process with growing emphasis on
career plans and re-appointment applications.

You are responsible for providing information to your prevocational trainees on the
assessment and appraisal systems, and feedback on the results of their performance.
NSW IMET has developed an assessment tool called the NSW Progress Review Form
(see E) to appraise and assess prevocational trainee performance. Term Supervisors
perform the assessments.

The NSW Medical Board requires prevocational trainees to undergo term assessment
for the purposes of general registration (that is, without conditions imposed) and has
delegated responsibility for the management of this process to NSW IMET. Facilities
will need to nominate a Term Supervisor who is able to look after the interests of the
trainee and make judgements about their performance. While the Term Supervisor is
the person responsible for the appraisal and assessment of trainees, it is expected
that they will consult with other medical, nursing, and allied health professionals in
completing this assessment.
the progress review form is designed to:
      	 Provide prevocational trainees with useful feedback on their performance during
        both the Formative (Mid Term) Appraisal and the Summative (End of Term)
      	 Provide an instrument to assess prevocational trainees (PGY1) for the purposes
        of general registration
      	 Encourage improved contact between Term Supervisors and their trainees

     The form is compulsory for PGY1. 100% compliance with the form is expected, including
     nights and relief terms.

     the form involves three steps:
      	 At the beginning of term, Term Supervisors are to discuss objectives and training
        goals with their prevocational trainees
      	 Formative (Mid-Term) Appraisal, Term Supervisors are to review progress at the
        mid term stage and provide feedback to assist and accelerate learning.
      	 Summative (End of Term) Assessment, Term Supervisors must assess each
        trainees’ performance and assign a grade which contributes to decisions on
        registration with the NSW Medical Board.

     There have been ongoing discussions regarding the best way of obtaining feedback
     regarding prevocational education and training and specifically the use of the Feedback
     and Appraisal Form (JAFA). NSW IMET recognises that feedback is essential for
     continuous quality improvement for a range of people involved in training, including
     those at facility, network and state oversight level (NSW IMET) and it forms part of the
     Standards for Prevocational Trainee Education and Supervision – 2002. The JAFA form
     provided one way of accessing information on prevocational training experiences.

     After some discussion regarding the use of the JAFA form, NSW Prevocational Training
     Council (PVTC) agreed that feedback and appraisal is best developed, analysed and
     utilised at facility and network level. Therefore, NSW IMET is encouraging facilities to
     review their methods for obtaining feedback on prevocational education and training.

     The options are:
     (i) developing their own tailored form; or
     (ii) customising the previous JAFA form for use locally
     (iii) NSW IMET Generic Term Evaluation Template
     These options support facility’s fulfilling their responsibilities under the current Standards
     for Prevocational Trainee Education and Supervision (2002) for obtaining feedback
     and utilising the information obtained. In light of this decision, from September 2006
     NSW IMET will no longer circulate or collate the JAFA forms.
As a DPET you need to be accessible to the prevocational trainees in your care and
able to promptly assist any with problems.

Personal contact is also essential for trainees with special needs, such as those doctors
identified by the Medical Board, those with communication difficulties, and doctors with
known problems such as past drug abuse, physical and psychological disabilities.

During any term, there will be situations and encounters that will leave trainees feeling
upset and unhappy. Prevocational trainees often feel they are not in a position to raise
issues within the medical hierarchy.

It is essential that trainees know there is a resolution process in place and a formal
grievance mechanism is part of local grievance policy. Trainees must be made aware
they have been empowered to deal with issues of concern.

In the first instance, issues should be discussed with the Term Supervisor. Then, any
problems with nursing, or facility staff in general, should be taken up with the person
concerned or, if that is difficult, with their Supervisor (eg the Nursing Unit Manager). If it
is not resolved at this point, the issue should then be escalated to you.

If further action is required which you cannot undertake, the problem should be passed
to the Director of Medical Services and the GCTC.

Problems identified by you, or Term Supervisors, should prompt additional interviews
to initiate remedial action.

You should keep the trainee informed of all action taken. And, you will need to maintain
adequate confidential records, including detailed notes, of each case and its resolution

Where there is an inquiry or disciplinary meeting, you will need to refer to the NSW
Health Policy Directive PD2005_584 on the process to follow.

NSW Prevocational Trainee Directory 2008

NSW Progress Review Form – Formative (Mid Term) Appraisal
NSW Progress Review Form – Summative (End of Term) Assessment
NSW IMET Generic Term Evaluation Template
NSW Health Policy Directive PD2005_584
         as director of prevocational education and training you will:
          	 Liaise with Term Supervisors, NSW IMET, Facility Administration and other DPETs
            in the network
          	 Actively participate in the Network Committee for Prevocational Training (NCPT)
          	 Participate in the GCTC
          	 Attend the annual DPET Forum and NSW IMET Symposium, and report to the
            GCTC and NCPT on these meetings
          	 Assist the facility to maintain its accreditation status with NSW IMET
          	 Implement a DPET succession plan

         you are part of a team and four key areas of support and liaison for the dpet
         role include:
          	 Term   Supervisors
          	 Facility Administration
          	 The   Network Committee for Prevocational Training (NCPT)
          	 General  Clinical Training Committee (GCTC)

         Term Supervisors are responsible for prevocational trainees allocated to their team or
         unit and report to the General Clinical Training Committee (GCTC), or equivalent, and
         the DPET. There is a close relationship between the Term Supervisor and each trainee
         as they provide orientation, assessment, feedback and teaching throughout the term.
         One of your responsibilities as a DPET is to work with Term Supervisors to support
         them in their supervisory role and as clinical teachers.

         this may involve but will not be limited to:
          	 Reviewing  data as a mechanism for assessing trainee perceptions of clinical
            teaching in individual terms
          	 Recognising Term Supervisors for effective teaching through assessment reports,
            a personal ‘thank you’ call or visit, or a formal certificate
          	 Discussing problems regarding clinical teaching with the GCTC
          	 Meeting with Term Supervisors, either individually and informally, or as a group
            at a Term Supervisor breakfast, to discuss issues related to clinical teaching
            and supervision – you may decide to use a portion of your DPET Grant for this
         The position description for the Term Supervisor can be found in the resources section
         of this document.
in summary
The key responsibilities for Term Supervisors according to the Standards for
Prevocational Trainee Education and Supervision 2002 include:
 	 Ensuring the adequacy and effectiveness of education within normal term
 	 Monitoring the performance of prevocational trainees in their term and advise the
   DPET or JMO Manager in a timely manner where a prevocational trainee has
   performance issues
 	 Ensuring the currency of term descriptions which are to be reviewed at least
   annually in consultation with other Attending Medical Officers
 	 Encouraging and monitor handovers
 	 Providing orientation to all prevocational trainees at the commencement of each
   term. This will include:
     	 Outlining the roles, responsibilities and expectations of the prevocational
     	 Providing the prevocational trainee with a job description
     	 Explaining the term specific knowledge and skills required for safe practice
     	 Explaining the assessment and feedback process
     	 Describing the term structure and activities
     	 Encouraging the evaluation of the term by the prevocational trainee

role in the management of prevocational trainees
According to NSW IMETs standards and accreditation guidelines, the facility is to
provide the DPET with adequate secretarial and administrative support.

the facility is responsible for:
 	 Preparing  rosters, allocations, employment details, time sheets, rotations,
   industrial matters, staffing levels and the relationship between the prevocational
   trainees and the senior management of the health service
 	 Undertaking administrative duties referred by the DPET
 	 Conducting disciplinary and medical staff administration matters

Within the home facility, the person with the main responsibility for management of
prevocational trainees is the JMO Manager. The JMO Manager should ensure there
is effective communication with the equivalent person in each rotation facility about all
relevant rotation arrangements. This includes adequate notice of rotations and their
maintaining standards
     Between surveys, facility management must ensure that prevocational trainees are
     only allocated to accredited terms. Similarly, educational activities must continue to
     meet the necessary standards. Should any substantial change occur, it is the facility
     management’s responsibility to notify NSW IMET and advise how such changes would
     affect the standards of prevocational training, supervision and workload.

     recruiting prevocational trainees
     NSW IMET currently allocates prevocational trainees to Networks and the Network
     Committee for Prevocational Training determines the distribution across the accredited
     sites within the Network. Only home facilities are permitted to employ PGY2s. At a
     local level the JMO Manager/medical administration department coordinates their

     Facilities receiving prevocational trainees are part of a network which comprises of a
     home facility and its rotation facilities.

     The Standards for Prevocational Trainee Education  Supervision (the Standards)
     requires that each network has a Network Committee and that membership of the
     Network Committee must include the Directors of Prevocational Education and

     The facility is responsible for actively participating in the management of the network.
     The facility participates in the Network Committee.

     A formal education program is planned, promoted and monitored by the Network

     the network committee coordinates the education program across the home
     facility and rotation facilities through:
      	 Promoting   optimal and equitable staffing and allocation of prevocational trainees
        across the network
      	 Monitoring and evaluating the progress of all trainees within the network,
        particularly those experiencing difficulties or with special needs
      	 Reviewing the needs of impaired registrants
      	 Liaising with NSW IMET about issues of concern
The GCTC is established and appropriately constituted with delegated authority. The
effectiveness of the DPET is routinely evaluated by the GCTC.

the gctc also supports the dpet through:
 	 Determining  the specific training and education needs of prevocational trainees
 	 Supporting clinicians in providing education and training to prevocational trainees
 	 Planning, promoting and monitoring the education program for effectiveness
 	 Developing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating all aspects of the clinical
   training programs for prevocational trainees
 	 Advising on educational resources needed to support the education programs
 	 Monitoring the progress of the prevocational trainees
 	 Reviewing and evaluating the role and function of the Director of Prevocational
   Education and Training

Term Supervisor, Position Description

Network Committee for Prevocational Training: Terms of Reference
NSW Progress Review Form – Summative (End of Term) Assessment
         The facility provides the prevocational trainee with a written term description which
         should reflect the Australian Curriculum Framework for Junior Doctors and be made
         available to the prevocational trainees some weeks in advance of the commencement
         of the term.

         The Term Supervisor ensures clinical content and workload are equitably distributed,
         with opportunities for optimal teaching and supervision, by defining the term description.
         The term supervisor has clear responsibility for the currency of the term description
         which is reviewed at least annually.

         There is a term description for every term including nights and relief. The facility term
         description includes all the elements of NSW IMETs term description template.

         the term description should contain at a minimum:
          	 The  name of the Term Supervisor, the name of the term and the term duration
          	 An overview of the team or unit structure and its particular work
          	 The term objectives (knowledge and competencies to be acquired during the
          	 Any knowledge or skills required before undertaking the term
          	 How assessment and feedback will occur
          	 Unit or team activities, including clinics, meetings and theatre sessions
          	 Prevocational trainee responsibilities and daily tasks
          	 The educational resources available to trainees
          	 Specific learning/educational goals for the term (knowledge and skills)
          	 Staff members responsible for supervision and how to contact them
          	 The trainees’ need for attendance at each session should be made clear
          	 Any features of the term that warrant further detail

         If there are any protocols, peer articles and special features associated with the term,
         the Term Supervisor should create a specific reference folder.

         Term Description Template

As an outgoing DPET it is likely you will have at least some input to the appointment of
your replacement and ongoing contact with the new DPET. This section gives you an
overview of all aspects of the process of appointment, whether or not you are required
to be involved.

You must notify the NSW IMET of your resignation or impending resignation. Although
you may participate in the selection process, the executive of the facility will nominate
a new DPET with specific input from the outgoing DPET and General Clinical Training
Committee (GCTC) (See the Resources section of this document for the GCTC Terms
of Reference).

You may be required to work with a deputy DPET in the period prior to your resignation
who will be appointed as DPET when you leave or who can act in the DPET role in
your absence.

Where a number of candidates are identified, facilities may need to seek applications
and interview prospective candidates.

A formal letter is to be sent to NSW IMET from the Executive of the facility with specific
input from the General Clinical Training Committee (GCTC) with a recommendation for
a new DPET (including their curriculum vitae).

The NSW IMET Prevocational Training Council (PVTC) reviews the facility’s
recommendation and advises of their consideration and sends a letter of welcome to
the new DPET.

the selection criteria for dpets include:
 	 Medical  graduate with clinical postgraduate qualifications
 	 A clinicalappointment to practice at the facility (exceptions will be considered in
   individual circumstances)
 	 A commitment to and confidence in improving the quality of education and training
   offered by the facility
 	 An understanding of the principles of adult education and professional
 	 A genuine interest in postgraduate medical education, a willingness to develop
   expertise in this area, and a demonstrated understanding of the importance of the
   continuum of medical education as a lifelong professional commitment
 	 A commitment to the mission of NSW IMET and the ability to represent and
   explain NSW IMETs goals
     DPETs have commented that it can sometimes take years to completely comprehend
     the nuances of the role.

     With this in mind, to facilitate an efficient handover to a new DPET, it is
     recommended that the outgoing dpet:
      	 Starts   planning for handover 12 months before resigning from the role
      	 Acts    as deputy for at least 12 months following the new DPETs appointment

     And, the incoming DPET should attend the induction meeting (held bi-annually) as
     soon as possible following their appointment to the role.

     W E B RE S O U R C E S
     Position Description, Director of Prevocational Education and Training
As at May 2006, a new reporting tool for Directors of Prevocational Education and
Training has been implemented – the Biannual Performance Report.
what am i reporting on?
The Six Monthly Annual Performance Report replaces the annual report on expenditure
of funding.
you are required to report on the following sections:
 	 Data collection
 	 Financial summary
 	 Summary of achievement
 	 Sign off

The reports require you to provide a cumulative summary of expenditure for the year.
As such, the final report will provide an annual financial summary for the year.

Biannual Performance Reports are due around the second week in January and July. A
reminder will be emailed to you a few weeks prior to the reporting date.

Information from the report is collated and analysed by NSW IMET to review the support
provided by facilities and DPETs at sites for the education and training of prevocational
trainees. NSW IMET also has reporting obligations to the NSW Department of Health
and the information provided will influence future funding policy decisions.

There are a number of people who can help you. For most DPETs the JMO Manager
or Medical Administration Department should be able to offer assistance in completing
the report. Your Finance Department should also be able to help with the financial
summary section of the report. NSW IMET staff members are also able to help you and
you should contact us if you are experiencing difficulties.

Where satisfactory reports are not provided by the due date, or where outcomes are not
achieved, NSW Department of Health Finance can withhold funding until satisfactory
progress is demonstrated. Where targets are not being achieved, explanations are
     The process for completing these reports is illustrated below.


                                                     NSW ImET

                     Emails reports to Director of Workforce one month prior to due date.
                     Emails DPETs to inform them reports have been forwarded to Directors of
                     Workforce Development.

                                  AhS Directors of Workforce Development (DWD)

                                     Receives email with reports from NSW IMET
                                     Cascade reports to DPETs within AHS


                     Receives email from NSW IMET informing that reports have been sent to
                     Directors of Workforce Development
                     Receives reports from Director of Workforce Development
                     Completes report
                     Forwards completed report to Director of Workforce Development for
                     signature and copy NSW IMET

                                  AhS Directors of Workforce Development (DWD)

                    Collate all DPET reports for their AHS
                    Sign individual reports and cover sheets
                    Forward all documents to NSW IMET at one time

                       Report          Acknowledgement             Report         Infringement
                      (on time)             Letter                  (late)            Letter

                                                     NSW ImET

                    Collates reports as they are returned
                    Undertakes Wash Up Meeting 
                    Issues acknowledgement letter to Directors Workforce Development,
                    identifying received reports  missing reports
                    Undertakes Wash Up Meeting 
                    Issues infringement letters to Directors of Workforce Development, where
                    reports are not received
The financial aspect of the DPET role is often the one which causes the most anxiety
because of the complex nature of financial statements and reporting.

Most facilities accredited by NSW IMET receive annual funding to promote education
and supervision of prevocational trainees within the facility.

This section explains the processes involved in receiving and managing the funding. It
also provides advice about local management issues.

The NSW Department of Health provides identified funding for the education and
training and supervision of prevocational trainees in NSW.

Funding is currently based on a formula that involves a base amount, a loading for
home hospitals and a variable component determined by trainee numbers.

the distribution of dpet funding is based on the following principles:
 	 The   funding formula will fit the budget
 	 Each    eligible facility will receive a minimum amount for fixed costs
 	 There will be no differentiation between rural and metropolitan facilities for the
   purposes of funding
 	 Home hospitals will receive a minimum loading
 	 A weighted formula will be based on the number of prevocational trainees per

In addition to the DPET funding, NSW IMET funds all travel, accommodation and
conference costs for the annual DPET Forum.

the forum’s purpose is to:
 	 inform   DPETs on the progress of important projects and their implementation
 	 provide   an opportunity for external organisations to provide relevant information to
 	 provide  an opportunity for DPETs to discuss issues relevant to their work including
   financial issues and the new DPET Manual
 	 orientate incoming DPETs and provide opportunities for networking
 	 consult with attendees regarding emerging issues and provide a peer discussion
 	 provide information to DPETs on the broader work of NSW IMET

Facilities and Area Health Services are expected to contribute financially to supporting
both the DPET and the education of prevocational trainees.
     DPET funding will be cash-flowed directly to Area Health Services from the NSW
     Department of Health. Area finance should then send the funds to the facility to be held
     in a specific Director of Prevocational Education and Training cost centre.

     funds may be used for the purpose of promoting prevocational education and
     training including:
      	 Conducting  or supporting educational activities
      	 Establishing or improving educational resources and activities
      	 Collaborating with Term Supervisors, GCTC, JMO Managers, prevocational
        trainees, home hospital / rotation facilities
      	 Undertaking research

     funding should not be used for:
      	 Salary   backfilling
      	 Secretarial  support for the DPET
     innovative examples of what the funds have been used for in the past include:
      	 Funding  of a research project on prevocational training
      	 Purchase of equipment, such as digital camera, data projector, educational
      	 Funding prevocational trainee attendance at courses such as emergency life
        support, or national prevocational conferences
      	 Catering for functions such as education sessions, end of term debriefing, Term
        Supervisor breakfasts or a welcome meeting for prevocational trainees at the
        beginning of the year

      	 Cash  will be provided up to the approved levels where the Health Service
        provides necessary reports and demonstrates achievement of outcomes (see
        Section A: Reporting)
      	 Where satisfactory reports are not provided by the due date or outcomes
        are not achieved, Finance will withhold cash at a value agreed with the
        Director, Workforce Development and Leadership until satisfactory progress is
        demonstrated by the Health Service.
when you take over as dpet you will need to meet with finance to:
          your local cost centre
 	 Review cost centre and budget reports to date

Ensure your systems include being sent monthly cost centre reports and learn how to
interpret them: this is where your contact in Finance can help you.

Keep your own record of expenditure so that you can check it against the cost centre
reports. Given that nothing should come out of the cost centre without your signature
these two documents should tally.

Where the account needs to be countersigned, ensure the designated person is
someone who you have regular access to. NSW IMET would recommend someone
from medical administration such as the Director of Medical Services or the JMO

The DPET is the Cost Centre Manager. Approval and payment of expenditure is to be
consistent with the Area / facility’s finance department policy and procedure. AHS and
facilities ensure delegations include the provision for DPETs to expend their funding.

Area Health Services and facilities must carry forward unexpended funds from year to
year. Any rollover of unexpended funds must be noted on the six-monthly Performance
Report along with the plan for expending the funds.

It is imperative that you notify Finance by mid-April if you expect to rollover unused
funds at the end of the financial year. This must be done in writing. Check on 1 July that
the unused funds have been rolled over.

If funds are to be rolled over for more than one financial year DPETs are to provide
expenditure proposals to the AHS, facility and NSW IMET. Failure to provide this
proposal may result in suspension of funding.

Discuss the issue with you Finance Department. If they are unable to resolve the issue
they should take the issue up with the AHS on your behalf.

If you are still unable to find the answers after these initial enquiries contact NSW IMET
for support.
     Unfortunately, you will need to wait until the next financial year. By creating an
     expenditure budget for the year and keeping track of actual expenditure on a monthly
     basis, you will be better equipped to use the DPET funding across the year.

     The outgoing DPET and other people who manage cost centres, such as Nursing
     Unit Managers and JMO Managers, will be able to guide you to the most helpful
     administrative and management staff within Finance.
     You need to identify a person in Finance who has experience working with DPETs and
     with whom you can deal with when you have problems or need information.
     Establishing a good working relationship with your facility’s Finance Department will
     create an essential support mechanism for your term as DPET.

     an experienced dpet or your contact person in finance
     will be able to help you:
                the facility’s budget and other regular reports
      	 Understand the systems
      	 Manage your cost centre

     If your Finance Department requires any further information or is not providing you with
     the assistance you need, NSW IMET will contact Finance or take the issue up on your
     behalf. NSW IMET is responsible for overseeing the allocation of funding to the DPET
     in all eligible facilities.

     Where there is a dispute between the DPET and facility administration in relation to the
     expenditure of the grant, the matter should be referred to the AHS and to the Executive
     of NSW IMET.
     Please be advised that some of the information quoted here is from the DOH
     Policy Directive 2005_259 which has since been superseded by DOH initiatives.
     Those sections still applicable have been included.

     For details on DPET funding allocations and reporting, contact NSW IMET:
     the nsw institute of medical education and training
     Ph: 02 9844 6551 Fax: 02 9844 6544

     W E B RE S O U R C E S
     DPET Six Monthly Performance Report
       NSW IMET works with the health system, facilities, colleges and doctors to make
       sure on the job medical training is the best in Australia. NSW IMET was formed in
       September 2005 following the merger of the Postgraduate Medical Council (PMC) of
       NSW and the Medical Training and Education Council (MTEC) of NSW. NSW IMET
       is an independent entity within the NSW Health system and reports to the Director
       General of NSW Health and provides advice to the Minister for Health.

       1. Advocate for safe patient care through high quality postgraduate medical training
          in NSW
       2. Work with individuals, groups and organisations to develop and deliver strategies
          and programs that support and coordinate the delivery of postgraduate medical
          training in the NSW Health system. This includes oversight of systems that
          implement standards, distribute workforce and deliver education
       3. Lead and support changes in the delivery of medical training through innovation
          and engagement with trainees, clinicians, training organisations and health
       4. Recognise and support the valuable roles of clinicians as trainers and trainees in
          the NSW Health system
       5. Provide advice on medical training issues including the distribution of medical
          training positions within NSW Health services
       6. Set standards and accredit institutions for prevocational medical training
       7. Undertake research into and evaluation of medical training systems to improve
          the delivery of training
       8. NSW IMET is governed by a Management Committee and has a number of
          specialised committees (relevant committees outlined below) to advise and
          undertake policy and strategic development.

       The purpose of the PvTC is to promote high quality Prevocational Training in NSW by
       ensuring the effective functioning of the Network Committees for Prevocational Training
       and to support the delivery of Prevocational Training as required. As a result of the
       review of Prevocational Training in NSW and the implementation of the new network
       and governance structures the NSW Prevocational Training Council refined the Terms
       of Reference in 2007 to include additional advisory and operational functions.

       The additional functions for the Council included the requirement :- to monitor and
       support the prevocational training networks: to develop and review policies and the
       guidelines to promote the effective delivery of prevocational training; to liaise with the
       networks; to gain oversight of network operations; to respond to matters referred by
       the networks and trainees.
     the purpose of the prevocational accreditation committee is to:
      	 manage and advise NSW IMET on the accreditation of all NSW and ACT
        prevocational trainee terms and the facilities that provide them;
      	 manage, oversee, evaluate and improve an on-site surveying system to accredit
        facilities and training terms according to the Standards for Prevocational Training;
      	 manage, oversee, evaluate and improve the recruitment and training of surveyors
        and team leaders and to facilitate their continuing education;
      	 review facility accreditation survey reports and make decisions regarding the
        accreditation status of facilities and terms for prevocational training.

     goal 1: The facility ensures Prevocational Trainees have the appropriate knowledge,
             skills and supervision to provide quality patient care.
     goal 2: The facility provides a wide range of educational and training opportunities
             for Prevocational Trainees to ensure that they are competent and safe.
     goal 3: The facility promotes the welfare and interests of Prevocational Trainees.

     jMO FORUM
     The JMO Forum has been established to provide a forum for NSW
     and ACT prevocational trainees to meet with their peers and discuss
     issues relevant to prevocational supervision and training, recruitment,
     accreditation of position and workforce allocation. Eight members are
     appointed to the Prevocational Trainees Committee (PREVOC) who
     is responsible for leading and directing the work of the JMO Forum.
     It ensures effect prevocational trainee representation within NSW
     IMET and to provide advice on these issues to the Prevocational
     Training Council (PvTC).

     the Jmo forum is responsible for:
     1. Promoting awareness of JMO Forum issues by providing information arising from
        the JMO Forum, to prevocational trainees and external organisations.
     2. Focus on participation and involvement of prevocational trainees in the decision
        making and planning functions of NSW IMET.
     3. Report to NSW IMET on relevant issues and where appropriate forward issues to
        the Prevocational Training Council.
     4. Support members of NSW IMET Executive and Secretariat attending the JMO
        Forum as a resource on specific issues, when appropriate.

There are a number of opportunities to
participate in NSW IMET activities beyond
your work as a DPET:
   Become a member of one of the NSW
   IMET committees
   Become an accreditation surveyor
   Assist in the development of educational

Contact NSW IMET on 02 9844 6551
or by email,
A Handbook for Directors of Prevocational Education and Training

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A Handbook for Directors of Prevocational Education and Training

  • 2. ONLINE RESOURCES The resources which support the DPET Guide are available on the NSW IMET website. A login is required to access the Extranet which is a secure area of the website. If you have not received your login and password please contact NSW IMET at or 02 9844 6551 How yo u a r e s u p p o r t e d NSW IMET Standards of Education, Training and Supervision for Prevocational Trainees and Post AMC Supervised Training (Version 4.3) Appendices : Standards of Education, Training and Supervision NSW IMET Guidelines : The Accreditation Survey for the Facility educat i o n pr o g r a m UWA Education Centre : Teaching on the Run (Adult Learning) Australian Curriculum Framework for Junior Doctors workin g w i tH pr e v o c at i o n a l t r a i n e e s NSW Prevocational Trainee Directory 2008 NSW Progress Review Form – Formative (Mid Term) Appraisal NSW Progress Review Form – Summative (End of Term) Assessment Completing the NSW Progress Review Form – Guidelines for Term Supervisors NSW IMET Generic Trainee Term Evaluation Template NSW Health Policy Directive Grievance Resolution (Workplace) PD2005_584 workin g r e l at i o n sH i p s Term Supervisor, Position Description Network Committee for Prevocational Training: Terms of Reference General Clinical Training Committee (GCTC) : Terms of Reference term d e s c r i p t i o n s Term Description Template succes s i o n p l a n n i n g Position Description, Director of Prevocational Education and Training report i n g a n d f i n a n c i a l m a n a g e m e n t Six monthly Performance Report
  • 3. A HANDBOOK FOR DIRECTORS OF PREVOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING © NSW Institute of Medical Education and Training 2006 This work is copyright. Apart from any use permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any process without prior written permission from the NSW Institute of Medical Education and Training. Requests and inquiries concerning reproduction and rights should be addressed to NSW IMET. Ph: 02 9844 6551. Facsimile 02 9844 6544. Email: info@NSW First Published 1994 Revised Edition 1996 Revised Edition 1999 Revised Edition 2003 Revised Edition 2006 Revised Edition 2007 Revised Edition 2008, corrected April 2009 The NSW Institute of Medical Education and Training kindly acknowledges the prior work of the Education & Resource Development Committee: Dr Marie Louise Stokes, Dr Stephen Myers, Dr John Chang, A/Prof Peter Reed, Dr Leanne Cheung, Dr John Roberts, Dr Matthew Chu, Dr Robert Russo, Dr John Fardy, A/Prof Merrilyn Walton, Dr Scott Fortey, Dr Ashley Watson, Dr Marisa Magiros, Ms Tayia Yeates as well as the more recent work of the Prevocational Training Council members. Produced by the NSW Institute of Medical Education and Training.
  • 4. WELCOME to new directors of prevocational education and training I know from several past years as a DPET that this is simultaneously a really gratifying job mixed with a dose or two of stress and uncertainty. I believe that those of you undertaking this role are truly at the forefront of shaping the next generation of doctors and your work is paramount to establishing the education and training base for our Prevocational trainees. This Guide has been written by your co-DPETs, in conjunction with the NSW Institute of Medical Education and Training (NSW IMET), with just these thoughts in mind. It is designed to give you a feel for the job along with practical information to support you through the time you are in the role. You’ll be helping to create a great teaching environment in your facility as you work with junior doctors, their Attending Medical Officers, administration staff and registrars. As their advocate, you’ll be helping prevocational trainees through their sometimes difficult early postgraduate years and you’ll find this a very satisfying part of the job as you get to know them and help them. Fortunately you won’t be doing it alone. NSW IMET, other DPETs in your network, and perhaps ex-DPETs at your facility, can all offer you support and advice. Other VMOs, especially Term Supervisors in your facility are also part of your committed network. Thank you for taking on this important role. I hope you find it both rewarding and enjoyable. Regards Professor Mark Brown Director, NSW IMET
  • 5. INTRODUCTION How much you will need to refer to the Guide and its relevance to your specific situation will vary enormously because of the nature of medical education and training, the operation of facilities and regional particularities. It will also depend on the number of prevocational doctors under your care, your connection to the facility, and the level of infrastructure and support available to you. This guide works in conjunction with an induction session which is held for new DPETs before each DPET forum. We urge you to attend this informal information brief and NSW IMET will arrange travel and accommodation to assist you. For further information please contact the NSW IMET Program Coordinator for Prevocational Training -; or 02 9844 6511. HOW TO USE THE GUIDE NSW IMET recognises that newly appointed DPETs need assistance to take on the role. The role involves undertaking tasks with which you may have had no previous experience and it requires a considerable commitment of time. The development of this Guide has been a collaborative effort by the NSW IMET Prevocational Training Council (PVTC) and the previous PMC Education and Resource Development Committee including DPETs, Prevocational Trainees, JMO Managers, Directors of Workforce Development and academics. The compilation of information from DPETs currently working in facilities throughout NSW guarantees it is a relevant, practical resource. By necessity, the Guide presents the ideal. But we acknowledge that there are ambiguities and complexities in the role and that, while the Guide presents the role in isolation, you may be wearing more than one hat within the facility’s training structure. FINDING INFORMATION To ensure information is easy to find and use, all material pertaining to each section is placed together in the following order: Overview of the section Detailedinformation Frequently asked questions Resources WE NEED YOUR FEEDBACK The strength of this guide will lie in its continuing usefulness and currency. We would welcome your suggestions for how we can improvement this resource. Please forward your feedback to the NSW IMET Program Coordinator for Prevocational Training - or call (02) 9844 6551 or fax (02) 9844 6544.
  • 7. HISTORY OF THE ROLE OF THE DPET The Postgraduate Medical Council of NSW (PMC) was formed in 1988 following the Reid Harris report and the Doherty Committee of Inquiry into Medical Education and Medical Workforce issues. These reports highlighted the need to provide guaranteed and standardised experiences for prevocational trainees during the first two postgraduate years. The NSW Institute of Medical Education and Training (NSW IMET) is the result of a convergence between PMC and the Medical Training and Education Council (MTEC) in 2005. NSW IMET works closely with doctors-in-training, clinician teachers, health services and those that manage them and Colleges and Universities in the pursuit of excellent patient care through the delivery of high quality medical education and training in NSW. Explicit in the NSW IMET strategic plan is the need to maintain adequate levels of supervision and education for prevocational trainees in NSW and the ACT. During the formation of the PMC and its subsidiary structures, and subsequently with NSW IMET, it was recognised that each facility employing prevocational trainees needed to have someone appointed whose specific role was to supervise the implementation of NSW IMETs guidelines. This person had to be free to act independently from other administrative structures within each facility and mandated to act as an advocate for the professional development of prevocational trainees. The title ‘Director of Clinical Training’ (DCT) was originally adopted for the person appointed to this position. Following the recent review of Prevocational Training in NSW, the title was change to “Director of Prevocational Education and Training (DPET), to provide better definition to the position. The role of the DPET has now been defined and the infrastructure required to allow this person to fulfil their designated role has been specified. During the past fourteen years, the experience of being a prevocational trainee within NSW and ACT facility’s has improved appreciably and, in some cases, dramatically. The PMC and subsequently NSW IMET has been responsible for the relatively smooth implementation of significant changes in education, supervision, workforce allocation and facility accreditation during this time. Much of the credit for these significant changes is due to the work of individual DPETs. The position of DPET has come to be regarded as one of importance by clinicians, administrators and prevocational trainees. NSW IMET have carried on PMC’s ideology on this issue and continue to progress issues that will assist DPETs to advocate on behalf of prevocational trainees.
  • 8. THE ROLE OF THE DPET WHAT IS YOUR jOB? dr greg davis (DPET St George Facility) for those of you who are new to the job this may be a bewildering time. Most of us in facility medicine are used to having very clear roles as clinicians, having worked through the system as medical students, RMOs, registrars and, ultimately, consultants in our chosen specialty. In contrast, most of us are talked into doing the DPET job (in my case by Professor Brown, the inaugural chair of NSW IMET) and have little experience in medical administration or education, other than direct clinical teaching. Despite these drawbacks, I believe strongly that having active clinicians as DPETs adds to credibility and the respect from the other clinicians in the facility. The simple fact is that your role as DPET is what you choose to make of it and there are many different approaches. It is critical to remember that your responsibilities are to the patients, your prevocational trainees, NSW IMET and the facility, and in that order. My style has been to forge a strong bond with my JMO Manager and then behave like firm but fair parents, always supporting our trainees but expecting them to behave responsibly and work hard. They need immediate feedback if they step out of line but unconditional support. It is important to remember that for many of them this is their first full time job and they learn at different speeds. It is also important to embrace the diversity of your flock as many of the doctors trained overseas will have worked for years, and often in jobs other than medicine, while they try to get into the Australian medical system. You are also responsible with your JMO Manager for ensuring that your trainees are receiving (and attending) appropriate teaching and this is covered in Section 4. You need to meet with them all each term to talk about careers and any issues. How you do this is up to you and will depend on your time available. You are expected to see them individually (see section 5) but in a big facility this may not always be possible so small groups works well, reserving individual interviews for those who are having problems or those who request one. One of your more delicate jobs is to ensure your Term Supervisors (TS) are doing their jobs properly (see resource 12 Position Description for TS). This means that each TS is providing an accurate Term Description, giving an appropriate orientation to the term and meeting the trainees for mid term and end of term assessments. Most do a great job most of the time. However if they don’t, this can be very difficult. Your ultimate weapon is the power to remove junior staff (after consultation with NSW IMET) upon whom all facility specialists are dependent. Less drastic strategies which can be used are providing feedback from trainees on the term, a phone call or a letter if you want to be more formal and/or to document it. We routinely get feedback from our trainees on all aspects of the term and present them in a collated form to our first meeting with TS each year. That way, trainees can’t be identified and it plays to the competitive nature of most clinicians. It is good to meet with all your TS two to three times a year - early to give them this feedback and let them know how you expect the year to go, mid year and then late in the year after recruitment.
  • 9. What you will find is that the bulk of your trainees will take very little of your time but that there will be a few who will take inordinate amounts of time. The latter are usually those “in difficulty” and there is a separate resource “Managing a trainee in difficulty – A Handbook for DPETs” to refer to for more help. There are many ways of dealing with this issue but I think the underlying principles are that your first priority is to the patients, and secondly the trainee and that flexibility lateral thinking and innovative solutions are often necessary. There will always be lots of meetings. I’ve mentioned those with TS and trainees but you answer to the General Clinical Training Committee (GCTC) which is responsible for reviewing your performance each year. How this is done will depend on your GCTC but the more active your GCTC is, the more help they will be in planning educational activities and passing on information to the rest of the facility. With this in mind, it is often helpful to have people on the GCTC who have had experience in medical education e.g. clinical academics, who may have access to other educational resources. You will also need to keep in contact with the facility management to maintain the profile of trainees’ issues. How you do this will depend on your facility organisation but is usually through the Director of Medical Services or their equivalent. The other great resource which we often overlook is other, more experienced DPETs. This is definitely a job where you learn from experience so make use of it. You need to maintain contact with other DPETs and find one or two who you relate well to and ask them for guidance or ideas. There are also two DPET forums each year where you can attend an induction session and meet other DPETs. You also may be aware that along with the recent reorganisation of training networks there have been Network Committees for Prevocational Training established. The chair of each of these committees is usually an experienced DPET, most often from one of the 5 Term Home Hospital. The role of the Network Committee is to coordinate the allocation, training and education of junior medical officers across the Network. Most meet four to five times per year to discuss these, and any other, issues related to that particular network. They are also an easy means of access to other DPETs who are, at least, somewhat familiar with your facility and its particular requirements and usually happy to offer advice and assist where they can. The remainder of the guide goes through your role in more detail. Hope that it helps but remember there will always be issues not covered and you will have to respond as you see fit. Good luck dr greg davis Director of Obstetrics, Director of Prevocational Education Training St George Facility Network Committee for Prevocational Training Chair, Network 8 Founding member, NSW Prevocational Training Council (PvTC) (March 05 - July 08)
  • 10. HOW ARE YOU SUPPORTED The role of DPET is an important one and is essential for the well-being of prevocational trainees. DPETs will be required to accept certain responsibility which involves additional time commitment. This will depend on a range of factors in your local environment including the number of prevocational trainees; the skill set available in your team; and the extent of administrative and educational support that the facility contributes to you and trainees. The effective teaching of trainees is a task which requires input from many sources. It is not and cannot be the responsibility of one person. NSW IMET, through its staff, publications, website and meetings, is a source of support, ideas and information. Staff within the facility provides one of the greatest resources. Teaching at the bedside, in clinics and during operations and procedures is renowned for its effectiveness. To this end, it is vital you involve AMOs, registrars and other staff in the General Clinical Training Committee (GCTC). PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT NSW IMET will provide DPETs with regular forums to discuss relevant issues about training and education. The aim is to allow DPETs to gain from the experience of others, exchange information on effective strategies and promote learning. DPETs are urged to attend Teaching on the Run workshops which are being held throughout NSW presently. The Teaching on the Run training modules were developed by the Education Centre at the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry at the University of Western Australia with funding from the Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing.
  • 11. TEACHING ON THE RUN Dr Fiona Lake and her team at the Education Centre, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Western Australia have produced this amazing program to help you become a better educator and clinical supervisor. The success of this program comes from its ability to be run in small groups in your own setting with the help of an experienced facilitator. Participate, facilitate and become a champion of this program in your local setting and see the improvement in how your junior doctors are supported during their training. Teacher training sessions are important in raising clinical teachers’ awareness of their responsibilities in teaching and supervising junior medical staff, and to increase their skills and confidence in this area. As clinical teachers are usually stretched with many commitments, staff development sessions like Teaching on the Run, which are short, highly relevant and accrue CME points, have been developed to increase the likelihood of involvement. the purpose of the teaching on the run course is to: Help clinical teachers recognise opportunities for teaching in various clinical settings Encourage clinical teachers to do more incidental teaching as they work with junior staff Build confidence so that senior doctors feel confident in sharing what they know and teach more effectively. Encourage quality appraisal and assessment in the clinical setting. The Teaching on the Run package contains all the resources necessary to run these staff development programmes in your setting.
  • 12. what does a teaching on the run workshop look like? Six modules have been developed for the programme: 1. Clinical (Bedside) Teaching 2. Skills 3. Assessment Appraisal 4. Junior Doctor in Difficulty 5. Planning Term Learning 6. Effective Group Teaching Each module runs for 2-3 hours and can be run alone, or together as part of a weekend package. Modules 4-6 build on the core modules 1-3. Where possible, participants should complete modules 1-3 before attending modules 4-6. The target audience is clinicians who have experience teaching undergraduate and postgraduate doctors, but who have had little or no formal teaching instruction. Each half-day programme contributes to CME points from various colleges (RACP, RACS, RANZCR, ANZCA, RACGP, ACEM, RANZCP, RANZCO). In general, facilitators receive a greater number of CME points. Make Teaching on the Run an essential component of your training program. Encourage all your supervisors to participate and then facilitate sessions. Become a champion for this important program. STAff DEVELOPmENT PACkAGE fOR CLINICIANS For information on how to establish Teaching On The Run courses in NSW, please visit:
  • 13. the standards NSW IMET accredits all facilities employing prevocational trainees. Accreditation is conducted using the Standards for prevocational trainee Education Supervision (the Standards). The Standards are designed to encourage and support facilities in continually improving the supervision, education and welfare of prevocational trainees. This is also a useful instrument for you to use in defining relationships within the facility and advocating the interests of your trainees. See resources for a summary of the NSW IMET Standards for Prevocational Trainee Education and Supervision. resources The Standards for Prevocational Trainee Education Supervision and guidelines on NSW IMET accreditation have been included within the resources section this document. NSW IMET undertakes a number of reviews and projects and all final documents can be found on the NSW IMET website: Additional resources or links to educational resources will be found also on the website. contacts If you encounter a problem that you cannot solve locally, feel free to contact the NSW IMET Program Coordinator for Prevocational Training on: 02 9844 6511: fax 02 9844 6544; email For information on how to establish Teaching On The Run courses in NSW, please visit:
  • 14. FACILITY LEVEL your facility can offer their support to you by: Contributing financially towards the education of prevocational trainees - this support is entirely independent of the DPET funding from the NSW Department of Health. Contributing financially towards supporting the DPET, either through salary or backfilling. Ensuring you have an effective voice in matters relating to prevocational training - you should be an active participant in the Network Committee for Prevocational Training (NCPT) and General Clinical Training Council (GCTC), or its equivalent. NSW IMET recommends that a DPET should be the Chair of the NCPT. However DPETs should not be the chair of the GCTC as there are conflicts of interest. Providing adequate office accommodation, clerical assistance and supplies. Providing appropriate accommodation for educational activities, library facilities and educational aids. Reviewing the position of DPET at regular intervals to ensure that the most appropriate appointment is maintained and that adequate institutional support is being provided. Some facility’s may employ additional management/administrative support to take on some of the responsibilities of establishing an effective education program for prevocational trainees. WEB RESOURCES NSW IMET Standards of Education, Training and Supervision for Prevocational Trainees and Post AMC Supervised Training (Version 4.3) Appendices: Standards of Education, Training and Supervision NSW IMET Guidelines: The Accreditation Survey for the Facility
  • 15. EDUCATION PROGRAMS CREATING A LEARNING ENVIRONMENT A dynamic culture of learning needs to be part of every facility. The GCTC and Network Committee for Prevocational Training (see the Resources section of this document) and DPET may share the role of undergraduate teaching as well as of advanced trainees within specialities. Prevocational training in this context is an important part of the training continuum. australian curriculum framework for Junior doctors (acf) The ACF outlines the knowledge; skills and behaviours required of prevocational trainees in order to work safely in NSW facilities and other healthcare settings (see resources section). As such it provides a bridge between undergraduate curricula and the curricula that underpin college training programs. The ACF provides prevocational trainees with an education template that clearly identifies the core competencies and capabilities that are required to provide quality health care.The ACF will continue to develop over the next few years and for more information please visit: your role as a dpet Encourage the attitude that ongoing education is integral to the work of a trainee. It is important that all trainees are exposed to and maximise appropriate educational experiences. As a DPET you will be involved in education programs at the design, implementation and evaluation stages. your principle responsibilities are to: Develop, coordinate and promote the clinical training of prevocational trainees, in association with prevocational trainee staff management, the General Clinical Training Committee (GCTC) and the Network Committee for Prevocational Training (NCPT) Participate in the education of prevocational trainees Assist the GCTC to evaluate training programs, clinical educators and educational resources Promote professional responsibility and ethics among prevocational trainees Play a major role in the planning, delivery and evaluation of prevocational orientation programs including acting as a resource for clinical teachers
  • 16. EDUCATION GOALS the goals to which all education development should lead include: Training to become safe and competent doctors Improving interpersonal skills with peers, teaching and medical staff, patients and administration staff The ability to empathise and understand from another’s perspective Understanding issues surrounding doctors’ well being such as work attitudes, the ability to work with others, stress and time management Improving attitudes to ongoing learning Understanding and performing research Ethics RUNNING EFFECTIVE EDUCATION SESSIONS content effective education sessions are: Simple Interactive Practical Case based Content should be relevant to the experience of prevocational trainees and to their work at the facility. Education sessions should target issues which are of greatest concern to trainees such as the care of critically ill patients. The Standards for Prevocational Trainee Education Supervision require that education be coordinated across the Network, through the Network Committee. The value of the education sessions will be enhanced by changing the perspective and involving a range of presenters such as registrars, consultants, academics with clinical appointments, and other health professionals, as well as having trainee led sessions. We recognise that DPETs have an inherent interest in adult education but that you are unlikely to have formal teacher training. The University of Western Australia Education Centre has developed a series of approaches to adult learning and teaching skills that can guide you on the development of effective education sessions (see the Resources section of this document). We strongly encourage you to read this Resource. They have also developed the Teaching on the Run teaching modules which are excellent in providing help to improve the quality of teaching and supervision by clinicians. 0
  • 17. IMPROVING ATTENDANCE create incentives for prevocational trainees to attend education sessions: Keep an attendance list Establish a points system for attendance, participation and presentations Run lunchtime sessions and provide refreshments Ensure education sessions are protected time: nursing staff should be instructed not to page trainees during sessions and Term Supervisors should be made aware of the facility’s education program Send reminders by group email or phone text messages EVALUATION The Standards require that facilities evaluate the education program. the key points to remember are: The feedback you receive through the evaluation process should be used to improve the quality of the education sessions Implement changes in a timely manner: it is important that prevocational trainees are aware that you are acting on their comments Discuss the changes with the trainees to ensure that the changes are meeting the trainee’s needs. WEB RESOURCES UWA Education Centre: Teaching on the Run (Adult Learning) Australian Curriculum Framework for Junior Doctors
  • 18. WORKING WITH PREVOCATIONAL TRAINEES . DEFINING A PREVOCATIONAL TRAINEE Prevocational trainees are in their first two years of clinical practice. Trainees in their first postgraduate year, interns, are now referred to as Post Graduate Year 1s (PGY1s). Residents, in their second postgraduate year, are now referred to as Post Graduate Year 2 (PGY2s) / RMO1s. Australian Medical Council (AMC) Graduates, undertaking their year of supervised training, also fall into your area of responsibility as a DPET. australian medical council (amc) graduates Most Australian Medical Graduates (AMCs) will undertake a year of supervised training in parallel with the internship period of local graduates and therefore the DPETs responsibility. at times amc doctors may require additional support including: Increased supervision as they become adapt to the new system Need for extra support and resources Cross cultural issues Communication issues Developing English language skills Supervising AMC Pre-Employment program – clinical attachment contact with prevocational trainees You will need to meet with the trainees at the start of the year and keep in contact by attending educational and social activities in the facility and by formally interviewing each trainee at intervals. In smaller facilities you may be able to meet each trainee at least at the start and end of each term. In large home hospitals, you may only be able to formally interview each trainee two or three times annually. The assessment forms from Term Supervisors should be reviewed and discussed at these meetings. initial interview Your initial interview with a prevocational trainee will provide you with useful information and also gives the trainee an opportunity to get to know you and to understand your role as educator, advocate and mentor. A frank and confidential discussion is to take place it is important that you emphasise your independence from facility administration. Discussion topics could include information about clinical exposure, ability to carry out procedures, anxieties and current career plans. You will also need to give the trainee referrals to other people who can help them. Discuss the trainee’s goals and, in particular, their procedural skills. Encourage them to use the medical literature and library facilities and possibly to plan and implement simple research projects.
  • 19. you could open discussion with topics such as: Satisfactionwith teaching at both registrar and consultant level Whether the trainee has undertaken any self education activities Has there been any feedback from registrars and consultants and, if so, was it fair and constructive Have there been any problems with peer groups, nursing or other health professionals Does the trainee have any suggestions which would improve the quality of the term which the DPET could discuss with administration on their behalf the second interview Prior to conducting the second interview it is helpful to have feedback from Registrars and the Term Supervisors. The interview is to assess the trainee’s progress and enquire as to workload, case mix, procedural activities and development of career plans. It is also an opportunity to help the trainee overcome, where possible, any difficulties they may be having. You may need to provide referral to appropriate professionals. subsequent interviews Subsequent interviews are an ongoing review process with growing emphasis on career plans and re-appointment applications. feedback You are responsible for providing information to your prevocational trainees on the assessment and appraisal systems, and feedback on the results of their performance. NSW IMET has developed an assessment tool called the NSW Progress Review Form (see E) to appraise and assess prevocational trainee performance. Term Supervisors perform the assessments. . PREVOCATIONAL TRAINEE PROGRESS REVIEW FORM The NSW Medical Board requires prevocational trainees to undergo term assessment for the purposes of general registration (that is, without conditions imposed) and has delegated responsibility for the management of this process to NSW IMET. Facilities will need to nominate a Term Supervisor who is able to look after the interests of the trainee and make judgements about their performance. While the Term Supervisor is the person responsible for the appraisal and assessment of trainees, it is expected that they will consult with other medical, nursing, and allied health professionals in completing this assessment.
  • 20. the progress review form is designed to: Provide prevocational trainees with useful feedback on their performance during both the Formative (Mid Term) Appraisal and the Summative (End of Term) Assessment Provide an instrument to assess prevocational trainees (PGY1) for the purposes of general registration Encourage improved contact between Term Supervisors and their trainees The form is compulsory for PGY1. 100% compliance with the form is expected, including nights and relief terms. the form involves three steps: At the beginning of term, Term Supervisors are to discuss objectives and training goals with their prevocational trainees Formative (Mid-Term) Appraisal, Term Supervisors are to review progress at the mid term stage and provide feedback to assist and accelerate learning. Summative (End of Term) Assessment, Term Supervisors must assess each trainees’ performance and assign a grade which contributes to decisions on registration with the NSW Medical Board. . PREVOCATIONAL TRAINEE ATTACHMENT: FEEDBACK AND APPRAISAL FORM There have been ongoing discussions regarding the best way of obtaining feedback regarding prevocational education and training and specifically the use of the Feedback and Appraisal Form (JAFA). NSW IMET recognises that feedback is essential for continuous quality improvement for a range of people involved in training, including those at facility, network and state oversight level (NSW IMET) and it forms part of the Standards for Prevocational Trainee Education and Supervision – 2002. The JAFA form provided one way of accessing information on prevocational training experiences. After some discussion regarding the use of the JAFA form, NSW Prevocational Training Council (PVTC) agreed that feedback and appraisal is best developed, analysed and utilised at facility and network level. Therefore, NSW IMET is encouraging facilities to review their methods for obtaining feedback on prevocational education and training. The options are: (i) developing their own tailored form; or (ii) customising the previous JAFA form for use locally (iii) NSW IMET Generic Term Evaluation Template These options support facility’s fulfilling their responsibilities under the current Standards for Prevocational Trainee Education and Supervision (2002) for obtaining feedback and utilising the information obtained. In light of this decision, from September 2006 NSW IMET will no longer circulate or collate the JAFA forms.
  • 21. . RESOLVING PROBLEMS AND GRIEVANCES As a DPET you need to be accessible to the prevocational trainees in your care and able to promptly assist any with problems. Personal contact is also essential for trainees with special needs, such as those doctors identified by the Medical Board, those with communication difficulties, and doctors with known problems such as past drug abuse, physical and psychological disabilities. During any term, there will be situations and encounters that will leave trainees feeling upset and unhappy. Prevocational trainees often feel they are not in a position to raise issues within the medical hierarchy. It is essential that trainees know there is a resolution process in place and a formal grievance mechanism is part of local grievance policy. Trainees must be made aware they have been empowered to deal with issues of concern. In the first instance, issues should be discussed with the Term Supervisor. Then, any problems with nursing, or facility staff in general, should be taken up with the person concerned or, if that is difficult, with their Supervisor (eg the Nursing Unit Manager). If it is not resolved at this point, the issue should then be escalated to you. If further action is required which you cannot undertake, the problem should be passed to the Director of Medical Services and the GCTC. Problems identified by you, or Term Supervisors, should prompt additional interviews to initiate remedial action. You should keep the trainee informed of all action taken. And, you will need to maintain adequate confidential records, including detailed notes, of each case and its resolution process. . DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS Where there is an inquiry or disciplinary meeting, you will need to refer to the NSW Health Policy Directive PD2005_584 on the process to follow. W E B RE S O U R C E S NSW Prevocational Trainee Directory 2008 NSW Progress Review Form – Formative (Mid Term) Appraisal NSW Progress Review Form – Summative (End of Term) Assessment NSW IMET Generic Term Evaluation Template NSW Health Policy Directive PD2005_584
  • 22. WORKING RELATIONSHIPS as director of prevocational education and training you will: Liaise with Term Supervisors, NSW IMET, Facility Administration and other DPETs in the network Actively participate in the Network Committee for Prevocational Training (NCPT) Participate in the GCTC Attend the annual DPET Forum and NSW IMET Symposium, and report to the GCTC and NCPT on these meetings Assist the facility to maintain its accreditation status with NSW IMET Implement a DPET succession plan you are part of a team and four key areas of support and liaison for the dpet role include: Term Supervisors Facility Administration The Network Committee for Prevocational Training (NCPT) General Clinical Training Committee (GCTC) TERM SUPERVISORS Term Supervisors are responsible for prevocational trainees allocated to their team or unit and report to the General Clinical Training Committee (GCTC), or equivalent, and the DPET. There is a close relationship between the Term Supervisor and each trainee as they provide orientation, assessment, feedback and teaching throughout the term. One of your responsibilities as a DPET is to work with Term Supervisors to support them in their supervisory role and as clinical teachers. this may involve but will not be limited to: Reviewing data as a mechanism for assessing trainee perceptions of clinical teaching in individual terms Recognising Term Supervisors for effective teaching through assessment reports, a personal ‘thank you’ call or visit, or a formal certificate Discussing problems regarding clinical teaching with the GCTC Meeting with Term Supervisors, either individually and informally, or as a group at a Term Supervisor breakfast, to discuss issues related to clinical teaching and supervision – you may decide to use a portion of your DPET Grant for this purpose. The position description for the Term Supervisor can be found in the resources section of this document.
  • 23. in summary The key responsibilities for Term Supervisors according to the Standards for Prevocational Trainee Education and Supervision 2002 include: Ensuring the adequacy and effectiveness of education within normal term operation Monitoring the performance of prevocational trainees in their term and advise the DPET or JMO Manager in a timely manner where a prevocational trainee has performance issues Ensuring the currency of term descriptions which are to be reviewed at least annually in consultation with other Attending Medical Officers Encouraging and monitor handovers Providing orientation to all prevocational trainees at the commencement of each term. This will include: Outlining the roles, responsibilities and expectations of the prevocational trainee Providing the prevocational trainee with a job description Explaining the term specific knowledge and skills required for safe practice Explaining the assessment and feedback process Describing the term structure and activities Encouraging the evaluation of the term by the prevocational trainee FACILITY ADMINISTRATION role in the management of prevocational trainees According to NSW IMETs standards and accreditation guidelines, the facility is to provide the DPET with adequate secretarial and administrative support. the facility is responsible for: Preparing rosters, allocations, employment details, time sheets, rotations, industrial matters, staffing levels and the relationship between the prevocational trainees and the senior management of the health service Undertaking administrative duties referred by the DPET Conducting disciplinary and medical staff administration matters Within the home facility, the person with the main responsibility for management of prevocational trainees is the JMO Manager. The JMO Manager should ensure there is effective communication with the equivalent person in each rotation facility about all relevant rotation arrangements. This includes adequate notice of rotations and their relief.
  • 24. maintaining standards Between surveys, facility management must ensure that prevocational trainees are only allocated to accredited terms. Similarly, educational activities must continue to meet the necessary standards. Should any substantial change occur, it is the facility management’s responsibility to notify NSW IMET and advise how such changes would affect the standards of prevocational training, supervision and workload. recruiting prevocational trainees NSW IMET currently allocates prevocational trainees to Networks and the Network Committee for Prevocational Training determines the distribution across the accredited sites within the Network. Only home facilities are permitted to employ PGY2s. At a local level the JMO Manager/medical administration department coordinates their appointment. THE NETWORK COMMITTEE FOR PREVOCATIONAL TRAINING Facilities receiving prevocational trainees are part of a network which comprises of a home facility and its rotation facilities. The Standards for Prevocational Trainee Education Supervision (the Standards) requires that each network has a Network Committee and that membership of the Network Committee must include the Directors of Prevocational Education and Training. The facility is responsible for actively participating in the management of the network. The facility participates in the Network Committee. A formal education program is planned, promoted and monitored by the Network Committee. the network committee coordinates the education program across the home facility and rotation facilities through: Promoting optimal and equitable staffing and allocation of prevocational trainees across the network Monitoring and evaluating the progress of all trainees within the network, particularly those experiencing difficulties or with special needs Reviewing the needs of impaired registrants Liaising with NSW IMET about issues of concern
  • 25. GENERAL CLINICAL TRAINING COMMITTEE (GCTC) The GCTC is established and appropriately constituted with delegated authority. The effectiveness of the DPET is routinely evaluated by the GCTC. the gctc also supports the dpet through: Determining the specific training and education needs of prevocational trainees Supporting clinicians in providing education and training to prevocational trainees Planning, promoting and monitoring the education program for effectiveness Developing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating all aspects of the clinical training programs for prevocational trainees Advising on educational resources needed to support the education programs Monitoring the progress of the prevocational trainees Reviewing and evaluating the role and function of the Director of Prevocational Education and Training WEB RESOURCES Term Supervisor, Position Description Network Committee for Prevocational Training: Terms of Reference NSW Progress Review Form – Summative (End of Term) Assessment
  • 26. TERM DESCRIPTION The facility provides the prevocational trainee with a written term description which should reflect the Australian Curriculum Framework for Junior Doctors and be made available to the prevocational trainees some weeks in advance of the commencement of the term. The Term Supervisor ensures clinical content and workload are equitably distributed, with opportunities for optimal teaching and supervision, by defining the term description. The term supervisor has clear responsibility for the currency of the term description which is reviewed at least annually. There is a term description for every term including nights and relief. The facility term description includes all the elements of NSW IMETs term description template. the term description should contain at a minimum: The name of the Term Supervisor, the name of the term and the term duration An overview of the team or unit structure and its particular work The term objectives (knowledge and competencies to be acquired during the term) Any knowledge or skills required before undertaking the term How assessment and feedback will occur Unit or team activities, including clinics, meetings and theatre sessions Prevocational trainee responsibilities and daily tasks The educational resources available to trainees Specific learning/educational goals for the term (knowledge and skills) Staff members responsible for supervision and how to contact them The trainees’ need for attendance at each session should be made clear Any features of the term that warrant further detail If there are any protocols, peer articles and special features associated with the term, the Term Supervisor should create a specific reference folder. RESOURCES Term Description Template 0
  • 27. SUCCESSION PLANNING As an outgoing DPET it is likely you will have at least some input to the appointment of your replacement and ongoing contact with the new DPET. This section gives you an overview of all aspects of the process of appointment, whether or not you are required to be involved. . SELECTION PROCESS You must notify the NSW IMET of your resignation or impending resignation. Although you may participate in the selection process, the executive of the facility will nominate a new DPET with specific input from the outgoing DPET and General Clinical Training Committee (GCTC) (See the Resources section of this document for the GCTC Terms of Reference). You may be required to work with a deputy DPET in the period prior to your resignation who will be appointed as DPET when you leave or who can act in the DPET role in your absence. Where a number of candidates are identified, facilities may need to seek applications and interview prospective candidates. A formal letter is to be sent to NSW IMET from the Executive of the facility with specific input from the General Clinical Training Committee (GCTC) with a recommendation for a new DPET (including their curriculum vitae). The NSW IMET Prevocational Training Council (PVTC) reviews the facility’s recommendation and advises of their consideration and sends a letter of welcome to the new DPET. . DPET SELECTION CRITERIA the selection criteria for dpets include: Medical graduate with clinical postgraduate qualifications A clinicalappointment to practice at the facility (exceptions will be considered in individual circumstances) A commitment to and confidence in improving the quality of education and training offered by the facility An understanding of the principles of adult education and professional development A genuine interest in postgraduate medical education, a willingness to develop expertise in this area, and a demonstrated understanding of the importance of the continuum of medical education as a lifelong professional commitment A commitment to the mission of NSW IMET and the ability to represent and explain NSW IMETs goals
  • 28. . FACILITATING THE HANDOVER TO A NEW DPET DPETs have commented that it can sometimes take years to completely comprehend the nuances of the role. With this in mind, to facilitate an efficient handover to a new DPET, it is recommended that the outgoing dpet: Starts planning for handover 12 months before resigning from the role Acts as deputy for at least 12 months following the new DPETs appointment And, the incoming DPET should attend the induction meeting (held bi-annually) as soon as possible following their appointment to the role. W E B RE S O U R C E S Position Description, Director of Prevocational Education and Training
  • 29. REPORTING FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT REPORTING As at May 2006, a new reporting tool for Directors of Prevocational Education and Training has been implemented – the Biannual Performance Report. what am i reporting on? The Six Monthly Annual Performance Report replaces the annual report on expenditure of funding. you are required to report on the following sections: Data collection Financial summary Summary of achievement Sign off The reports require you to provide a cumulative summary of expenditure for the year. As such, the final report will provide an annual financial summary for the year. WHEN ARE MY DPET PERFORMANCE REPORTS DUE? Biannual Performance Reports are due around the second week in January and July. A reminder will be emailed to you a few weeks prior to the reporting date. WHY ARE WE REPORTING? Information from the report is collated and analysed by NSW IMET to review the support provided by facilities and DPETs at sites for the education and training of prevocational trainees. NSW IMET also has reporting obligations to the NSW Department of Health and the information provided will influence future funding policy decisions. WHO CAN HELP ME? There are a number of people who can help you. For most DPETs the JMO Manager or Medical Administration Department should be able to offer assistance in completing the report. Your Finance Department should also be able to help with the financial summary section of the report. NSW IMET staff members are also able to help you and you should contact us if you are experiencing difficulties. WHAT HAPPENS IF I DON’T COMPLETE THE REPORT BY THE DUE DATE? Where satisfactory reports are not provided by the due date, or where outcomes are not achieved, NSW Department of Health Finance can withhold funding until satisfactory progress is demonstrated. Where targets are not being achieved, explanations are required.
  • 30. WHAT IS THE REPORTING PROCESS? The process for completing these reports is illustrated below. SIx mONThLy PERfORmANCE REPORTING PROCESS NSW ImET Emails reports to Director of Workforce one month prior to due date. Emails DPETs to inform them reports have been forwarded to Directors of Workforce Development. AhS Directors of Workforce Development (DWD) Receives email with reports from NSW IMET Cascade reports to DPETs within AHS DPETs Receives email from NSW IMET informing that reports have been sent to Directors of Workforce Development Receives reports from Director of Workforce Development Completes report Forwards completed report to Director of Workforce Development for signature and copy NSW IMET AhS Directors of Workforce Development (DWD) Collate all DPET reports for their AHS Sign individual reports and cover sheets Forward all documents to NSW IMET at one time Report Acknowledgement Report Infringement (on time) Letter (late) Letter NSW ImET Collates reports as they are returned Undertakes Wash Up Meeting Issues acknowledgement letter to Directors Workforce Development, identifying received reports missing reports Undertakes Wash Up Meeting Issues infringement letters to Directors of Workforce Development, where reports are not received
  • 31. FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT The financial aspect of the DPET role is often the one which causes the most anxiety because of the complex nature of financial statements and reporting. Most facilities accredited by NSW IMET receive annual funding to promote education and supervision of prevocational trainees within the facility. This section explains the processes involved in receiving and managing the funding. It also provides advice about local management issues. WHO ALLOCATES MY DPET FUNDING AND HOW IS THIS DETERMINED? The NSW Department of Health provides identified funding for the education and training and supervision of prevocational trainees in NSW. Funding is currently based on a formula that involves a base amount, a loading for home hospitals and a variable component determined by trainee numbers. the distribution of dpet funding is based on the following principles: The funding formula will fit the budget Each eligible facility will receive a minimum amount for fixed costs There will be no differentiation between rural and metropolitan facilities for the purposes of funding Home hospitals will receive a minimum loading A weighted formula will be based on the number of prevocational trainees per facility IS THERE ANY OTHER FUNDING PROVIDED? In addition to the DPET funding, NSW IMET funds all travel, accommodation and conference costs for the annual DPET Forum. the forum’s purpose is to: inform DPETs on the progress of important projects and their implementation provide an opportunity for external organisations to provide relevant information to DPETs provide an opportunity for DPETs to discuss issues relevant to their work including financial issues and the new DPET Manual orientate incoming DPETs and provide opportunities for networking consult with attendees regarding emerging issues and provide a peer discussion forum provide information to DPETs on the broader work of NSW IMET Facilities and Area Health Services are expected to contribute financially to supporting both the DPET and the education of prevocational trainees.
  • 32. WHEN IS THE MONEY ALLOCATED AND WHERE IS IT HELD? DPET funding will be cash-flowed directly to Area Health Services from the NSW Department of Health. Area finance should then send the funds to the facility to be held in a specific Director of Prevocational Education and Training cost centre. WHAT CAN I SPEND THE MONEY ON? funds may be used for the purpose of promoting prevocational education and training including: Conducting or supporting educational activities Establishing or improving educational resources and activities Collaborating with Term Supervisors, GCTC, JMO Managers, prevocational trainees, home hospital / rotation facilities Undertaking research funding should not be used for: Salary backfilling Secretarial support for the DPET innovative examples of what the funds have been used for in the past include: Funding of a research project on prevocational training Purchase of equipment, such as digital camera, data projector, educational software Funding prevocational trainee attendance at courses such as emergency life support, or national prevocational conferences Catering for functions such as education sessions, end of term debriefing, Term Supervisor breakfasts or a welcome meeting for prevocational trainees at the beginning of the year WHAT ARE THE FUNDING CONDITIONS? Cash will be provided up to the approved levels where the Health Service provides necessary reports and demonstrates achievement of outcomes (see Section A: Reporting) Where satisfactory reports are not provided by the due date or outcomes are not achieved, Finance will withhold cash at a value agreed with the Director, Workforce Development and Leadership until satisfactory progress is demonstrated by the Health Service.
  • 33. HOW DO I MANAGE THE FUNDING? when you take over as dpet you will need to meet with finance to: Identify your local cost centre Review cost centre and budget reports to date Ensure your systems include being sent monthly cost centre reports and learn how to interpret them: this is where your contact in Finance can help you. Keep your own record of expenditure so that you can check it against the cost centre reports. Given that nothing should come out of the cost centre without your signature these two documents should tally. Where the account needs to be countersigned, ensure the designated person is someone who you have regular access to. NSW IMET would recommend someone from medical administration such as the Director of Medical Services or the JMO Manager. WHO HAS APPROVAL TO ExPEND THE DPET FUNDING? The DPET is the Cost Centre Manager. Approval and payment of expenditure is to be consistent with the Area / facility’s finance department policy and procedure. AHS and facilities ensure delegations include the provision for DPETs to expend their funding. WHAT IF THE FUNDING ALLOCATION HAS NOT BEEN SPENT WITHIN THE FINANCIAL YEAR? Area Health Services and facilities must carry forward unexpended funds from year to year. Any rollover of unexpended funds must be noted on the six-monthly Performance Report along with the plan for expending the funds. It is imperative that you notify Finance by mid-April if you expect to rollover unused funds at the end of the financial year. This must be done in writing. Check on 1 July that the unused funds have been rolled over. If funds are to be rolled over for more than one financial year DPETs are to provide expenditure proposals to the AHS, facility and NSW IMET. Failure to provide this proposal may result in suspension of funding. WHAT DO I DO IF I CAN’T FIND OR ACCESS DPET FUNDING? Discuss the issue with you Finance Department. If they are unable to resolve the issue they should take the issue up with the AHS on your behalf. If you are still unable to find the answers after these initial enquiries contact NSW IMET for support.
  • 34. WHAT DO I DO IF THE DPET FUNDING HAS BEEN SPENT? Unfortunately, you will need to wait until the next financial year. By creating an expenditure budget for the year and keeping track of actual expenditure on a monthly basis, you will be better equipped to use the DPET funding across the year. WHO CAN HELP ME? The outgoing DPET and other people who manage cost centres, such as Nursing Unit Managers and JMO Managers, will be able to guide you to the most helpful administrative and management staff within Finance. You need to identify a person in Finance who has experience working with DPETs and with whom you can deal with when you have problems or need information. Establishing a good working relationship with your facility’s Finance Department will create an essential support mechanism for your term as DPET. an experienced dpet or your contact person in finance will be able to help you: Interpret the facility’s budget and other regular reports Understand the systems Manage your cost centre If your Finance Department requires any further information or is not providing you with the assistance you need, NSW IMET will contact Finance or take the issue up on your behalf. NSW IMET is responsible for overseeing the allocation of funding to the DPET in all eligible facilities. WHAT IF THERE IS A DISPUTE OVER FUNDING? Where there is a dispute between the DPET and facility administration in relation to the expenditure of the grant, the matter should be referred to the AHS and to the Executive of NSW IMET. Please be advised that some of the information quoted here is from the DOH Policy Directive 2005_259 which has since been superseded by DOH initiatives. Those sections still applicable have been included. CONTACTS For details on DPET funding allocations and reporting, contact NSW IMET: the nsw institute of medical education and training Email: Ph: 02 9844 6551 Fax: 02 9844 6544 W E B RE S O U R C E S DPET Six Monthly Performance Report
  • 35. 0 NSW INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING NSW IMET works with the health system, facilities, colleges and doctors to make sure on the job medical training is the best in Australia. NSW IMET was formed in September 2005 following the merger of the Postgraduate Medical Council (PMC) of NSW and the Medical Training and Education Council (MTEC) of NSW. NSW IMET is an independent entity within the NSW Health system and reports to the Director General of NSW Health and provides advice to the Minister for Health. NSW IMET’S ROLE IS TO 1. Advocate for safe patient care through high quality postgraduate medical training in NSW 2. Work with individuals, groups and organisations to develop and deliver strategies and programs that support and coordinate the delivery of postgraduate medical training in the NSW Health system. This includes oversight of systems that implement standards, distribute workforce and deliver education 3. Lead and support changes in the delivery of medical training through innovation and engagement with trainees, clinicians, training organisations and health services 4. Recognise and support the valuable roles of clinicians as trainers and trainees in the NSW Health system 5. Provide advice on medical training issues including the distribution of medical training positions within NSW Health services 6. Set standards and accredit institutions for prevocational medical training 7. Undertake research into and evaluation of medical training systems to improve the delivery of training 8. NSW IMET is governed by a Management Committee and has a number of specialised committees (relevant committees outlined below) to advise and undertake policy and strategic development. PREVOCATIONAL TRAINING COUNCIL (PVTC) The purpose of the PvTC is to promote high quality Prevocational Training in NSW by ensuring the effective functioning of the Network Committees for Prevocational Training and to support the delivery of Prevocational Training as required. As a result of the review of Prevocational Training in NSW and the implementation of the new network and governance structures the NSW Prevocational Training Council refined the Terms of Reference in 2007 to include additional advisory and operational functions. The additional functions for the Council included the requirement :- to monitor and support the prevocational training networks: to develop and review policies and the guidelines to promote the effective delivery of prevocational training; to liaise with the networks; to gain oversight of network operations; to respond to matters referred by the networks and trainees.
  • 36. THE PREVOCATIONAL ACCREDITATION COMMITTEE the purpose of the prevocational accreditation committee is to: manage and advise NSW IMET on the accreditation of all NSW and ACT prevocational trainee terms and the facilities that provide them; manage, oversee, evaluate and improve an on-site surveying system to accredit facilities and training terms according to the Standards for Prevocational Training; manage, oversee, evaluate and improve the recruitment and training of surveyors and team leaders and to facilitate their continuing education; review facility accreditation survey reports and make decisions regarding the accreditation status of facilities and terms for prevocational training. GOALS OF THE ACCREDITATION STANDARDS goal 1: The facility ensures Prevocational Trainees have the appropriate knowledge, skills and supervision to provide quality patient care. goal 2: The facility provides a wide range of educational and training opportunities for Prevocational Trainees to ensure that they are competent and safe. goal 3: The facility promotes the welfare and interests of Prevocational Trainees. jMO FORUM The JMO Forum has been established to provide a forum for NSW and ACT prevocational trainees to meet with their peers and discuss issues relevant to prevocational supervision and training, recruitment, accreditation of position and workforce allocation. Eight members are appointed to the Prevocational Trainees Committee (PREVOC) who is responsible for leading and directing the work of the JMO Forum. It ensures effect prevocational trainee representation within NSW IMET and to provide advice on these issues to the Prevocational Training Council (PvTC). the Jmo forum is responsible for: 1. Promoting awareness of JMO Forum issues by providing information arising from the JMO Forum, to prevocational trainees and external organisations. 2. Focus on participation and involvement of prevocational trainees in the decision making and planning functions of NSW IMET. 3. Report to NSW IMET on relevant issues and where appropriate forward issues to the Prevocational Training Council. 4. Support members of NSW IMET Executive and Secretariat attending the JMO Forum as a resource on specific issues, when appropriate. 0
  • 37. There are a number of opportunities to participate in NSW IMET activities beyond your work as a DPET: Become a member of one of the NSW IMET committees Become an accreditation surveyor Assist in the development of educational resources FOR FURTHER INFORMATION Contact NSW IMET on 02 9844 6551 or by email,