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Bill Cates’
Objections Clinic

                   The Most Powerful
                   Way to Attract
                   High-Quality Clients

                   Bill Cates, CSP
                   Referral Coach International
                   7901 Sandy Spring Road, Suite 102
                   Lauren, MD 20707
                   Phone 301/497-2200 Fax 301/497-2228
                   Web Site
Bill Cates   America’s Referrals Coach                                                                    NOTES:

Ask at the Right Time

Ask at the right time – value delivered and value recognized.

Ask value seeking questions.

Use the VIPS Method™ for Asking

V. Discuss the value that has been recognized.
     Capture value-recognizing statements.
     Ask value-seeking questions.

I.   Treat the request with _________________.
     a.      Create enough time & don’t forget.
             1. Use an ____________ for every meeting.
                The last item is “value discussion.”
             2. Make sure meeting times meet expectations.
     b.      Remind them you met through a referral (if you did).
     c.      Transition from the value discussion with,
             "I have an important question to ask you."

P.    Get permission to _____________________.
     Gain their help in helping others.
     “I was hoping we could brainstorm for a few minutes to
     see if we can identify people you care about who should
     know about this important work. Can we do that?”

S. Suggest Names and Categories.
     Areas to explore with them:
     1.      Specific people you know about.
     2.      Categories of people.
     3.      Trigger & Money in Motion questions.
     4.      Share your Target List.
     5.      Create opportunities for in-house seminars.
     6.      Get referrals to potential Centers of Influence.

  Copyright MMVII by Bill Cates   Reproduction is Prohibited without Permission   (800-488-5464)   Page 2
Bill Cates   America’s Referrals Coach

Explore Resistance or Concerns

Typical Statements:
1.   “I don’t give referrals.”
2.   “I don’t know anyone.”
3.   “I’ll think about it and get back to you.”
4.   “Give me a few cards.”
5.   “I want to talk to a few people first.”
6.   “All my friends have advisors.”
7.   “I’ve been giving your name out to my friends and people at work.”

Main Client “Objections”:
1.   They are concerned about how others will
     ______________________ to the referral.

2.   They are concerned about how you will handle the referrals.

2.   They are concerned about _________________.

3.   They had a bad ____________________ in the
     past that they don’t want to repeat.
Clients want to protect their relationships.

Objections Strategy:
1.   ____________________ and validate (empathy).

2.   ________________ the resistance – carefully.

3.   Re-frame their thinking – softly.

4.   Ask for agreement and proceed with suggesting
     names and categories.

5.   If client is still uncomfortable: ______________
     ___ __________________ and back off.

Backing Off with Confidence:

1. “I just wanted you to know that I’m never too busy to see if I can
help those you care about through the work I do. Fair enough?”

2. “If you’re even in a conversation with someone and you think they
should know about the important work I do, all I ask is that you don’t keep
me a secret. Make sense?”

  Copyright MMVII by Bill Cates   Reproduction is Prohibited without Permission   (800-488-5464)   Page 3
Bill Cates   America’s Referrals Coach

Appendix – Referral Scripts
Many more scripts are available in The Unlimited Referrals Scripts Book that is
available through our website or office: go to and click on “The
Referral Store” or call 800-488-5464.

Objection #1: “I Don’t Give Referrals”
     Here’s a possible conversation you can have with this objection:

YOU:         “I was hoping we could brainstorm for a couple of minutes about whom you care about
and whom could find value in the work I do. Could we do that for a minute?”

CLIENT:           “I don’t give referrals.”

YOU:         “Oh, that’s fine. Many folks don’t like to give referrals. Can I ask you a quick question
about that?”

CLIENT:           “Sure.”

YOU:         “A few clients have told me they don’t like to give referrals. It seems there are usually
two main reasons. Either they’ve had a bad experience and they don’t want anything like that to
ever happen again, or they’re not sure how their friends or colleagues might react to their name
being given out. I’m curious, what’s true for you?”

CLIENT:           “Well, actually, I’ve had a couple of bad experiences with referrals.”

YOU:         “Sorry to hear that. What happened?”

CLIENT:           “I gave my best friend’s name out to a car salesman. This guy bugged my friend
for two months. My buddy, to this day, won’t let me forget it. I’ve sworn to not give out
another referral again.”

YOU:         “I can appreciate your reluctance. I’m wondering if you might indulge me for a second.
I’d like to explain how I make contact with the referrals I receive. If you feel comfortable with
that, we can go on. If not, it’s no big deal. Okay?”

CLIENT: “I guess so.”

  Copyright MMVII by Bill Cates   Reproduction is Prohibited without Permission   (800-488-5464)   Page 4
Bill Cates   America’s Referrals Coach

YOU: “Thank you. I’d probably contact them much the same way I contacted you. I’d call
them to let them know their name came up in conversation. If you feel better calling them first,
that’s fine with me. In the first conversation I’d see if I could set up a quick meeting. Then we
take it from there. You may recall we started with a cup of coffee on your way to work one
morning. I promise, I would do nothing to jeopardize my relationship with you, or your
relationships with anyone you know. What do you think?”

CLIENT:           “Sounds okay I guess. Let’s try one, and see how it goes. I do trust you to not
embarrass me. If it works, I may have a few others for you.”

     Read this again, with an eye for how I employed the formula. You’ll see that I really
validated the client’s position. I even gave them a multiple choice of how others feel. In this
case I got a referral. If the client didn’t want to go there, I would have backed off and planted a
seed. Let’s take another common objection.

Objection #4: “Let Me Contact Them First”

CLIENT:           “I have a few people in mind, but I’d like to contact them first.”

YOU:         “Wonderful. I always appreciate a personal introduction. Can I ask you a quick

CLIENT:           “Of course.”

YOU: “The last thing I want to do is pursue something that might make you feel uncomfortable.
Sometimes when clients tell me they want to contact some people first, it’s because they really
have some people in mind whom they know will benefit from this work, and they’re just not sure
how their friends or colleagues might react to a call from me – so they want to make sure it’s
okay. On the other hand, sometimes, I’ve discovered, when some clients say they want to
contact a few people first, it’s really their polite way of saying “I’m uncomfortable with
referrals” and they’re letting me down easy. Either is fine, I’m just curious what’s true for you?”

CLIENT:           “Well, actually, I do have two people in mind. And you’re right, I’m concerned
about their reaction and want to make sure it’s okay to have you call them.”

  Copyright MMVII by Bill Cates   Reproduction is Prohibited without Permission   (800-488-5464)   Page 5
Bill Cates   America’s Referrals Coach

[NOTE: If the client had said, “I really am uncomfortable” you revert to the formula in Objection #1
and keep going.]

YOU:         “I appreciate that. I’m curious, what are you likely to say to them?”

CLIENT: “Why? Is there a good way and a bad way to talk about your work?”
YOU:         “Well, maybe not so much “good” or “bad,” maybe “more effective” and “less
effective.” Here’s what I’ve seen work the best. It’s not usually a good idea to discuss the
specifics of the work we did together. In most cases, the work I do for someone else may not be
the same thing I did for you.
     Here’s what I think you should say – something like, ‘Brenda, I’ve been working with this
great Financial Advisor, his name is Bill. He’s very sharp, very creative, and really got me
thinking in new ways. I’m the most clear and confident about my financial future I’ve ever been.
I really think you should take his call. He won’t bug you or try to sell you anything. He’ll just
ask you a few questions, and in a few minutes you can decide if it’s worth any more of your
time. I think we got started with a cup of coffee after his initial phone call.’
     How does that sound? Could you say something like that?”

CLIENT:           “Absolutely. It is the truth.”

YOU:         “Glad you feel that way. Now let’s talk about whom you’ll be calling, when you’re
likely to call them, and I’ll be ready to take over from there.”

CLIENT: “Okay.”

Objection #5: “Let Me Think About It”

CLIENT:           “You know, I think I’d like to think about that and get back to you.”

YOU:         “I understand. Can I ask you a quick question?”

CLIENT:           “Of course.”

YOU: “The last thing I want to do is pursue something that might make you feel uncomfortable.
Sometimes when clients tell me they want to think about it, it’s because the really have some
people in mind who should benefit from this work, and they’re just not sure how their friends or

  Copyright MMVII by Bill Cates   Reproduction is Prohibited without Permission   (800-488-5464)   Page 6
Bill Cates   America’s Referrals Coach

colleagues might react to a call from me, so they want to think about the best way to introduce
me to them. On the other hand, sometimes, I’ve discovered, when some clients say they want to
think about it, it’s really their polite way of saying “I’m uncomfortable with referrals” and
they’re letting me down easy. Either is fine, I’m just curious what’s true for you?”

CLIENT:           “Well, I guess I am a bit uncomfortable about referrals. Not that I don’t trust you.
I do. And I like what you did for me. I’m just not sure about giving referrals.”

YOU:         “I understand completely. Some people are uncomfortable giving referrals. Some tell
me that they’ve had a bad experience in the past. Others tell me they’re not sure how their
friends or colleagues might react. I’m curious, which might be true for you in this case?

[NOTE: Now you continue on with the formula from Objection #1]

Backing Off from Your Referral Request – Plant a Seed

Back Off #1: “50% of the people I’m referred to want to meet with me.”
     Knowing how to back off from your request for referrals is as important as knowing how to
ask. Have you ever been on an appointment with a client – you asked for referrals – they didn’t
want to go there – you felt awkward – and the meeting ended with a slightly negative feeling?
Knowing how to back off from your request will help you alleviate this problem.
     We’ll pick up our script at Step #3 of the 4-Step Process for Asking – Permission to
Brainstorm. We’ll explore the objection. Once we realize our client just doesn’t want to
participate in the referral conversation, we’ll back off.

YOU: “I was hoping we could brainstorm for a couple of minutes to see if we can identify
some people who should know about my process. Could we try that for a minute?”

CLIENT:           “I don’t give referrals.”

YOU: “I understand. Many folks don’t like to give referrals. Can I ask you a quick question
about that?”

CLIENT:           “Well, I guess so.”

YOU: “A few clients have told me they don’t like to give referrals. It seems there are usually
two main reasons. Either they’ve had a bad experience and they don’t want anything like that to
ever happen again, or they’re not sure how their friends or colleagues might react to their name
being given out. I’m curious, what’s true for you?”

CLIENT:           “Well, actually, I’ve had a couple of bad experiences with referrals.”

YOU:         “Sorry to hear that. What happened?”
  Copyright MMVII by Bill Cates   Reproduction is Prohibited without Permission   (800-488-5464)   Page 7
Bill Cates   America’s Referrals Coach

CLIENT: “I gave my best friend’s name out to a car salesman. This guy bugged my friend
for two months. My buddy, to this day, won’t let me forget it. I’ve sworn to not give out
another referral again.”

YOU: “I can appreciate your reluctance. I’m wondering if you might indulge me for a second.
I’d like to explain how I make contact with the referrals I receive. If you feel comfortable with
that, we can go on. If not, no big deal. Okay?”

CLIENT: “I appreciate your efforts here, but I’m just not comfortable with this.”

YOU: “I understand. We don’t have to do this. Let me just tell you where I’m coming from.
About 50% of the people to whom clients introduce me actually want to sit down and meet with
me. Either they’re not happy with their current advisor, or their situation has changed enough
that they want a second opinion. All I ask if that you run into someone – friend, family member,
or colleague – who you think should know about the work I do, that you don’t keep me a secret
and find a way to introduce me to them. Fair enough?”

CLIENT: “That sounds fine.”

Back Off #2: “Most people never take the time to do this important work.”

    When do you back off? My rule of thumb is “2 and out.” When, after you’ve begun to
explore the objection, the client repeats the same objection, gives you another objection, or in
some way lets you know he doesn’t want to play, it’s time to back off.
    In this script, we’ll take it from the second objection, and get out quickly, while planting a

CLIENT: “I’m just not comfortable with this.”

YOU: “I understand. Let me just tell you where I’m coming from and we’ll leave it at that.
Most people never take the time to do the important work that we’ve done together. They avoid
serious planning with regard to retirement, their children’s education, as well as considering the
important issues of proper life insurance and disability insurance. So, when in conversation with
a friend, family member, or colleague, you determine they should probably know about the work
I do, I trust you won’t keep me a secret. Make sense?”

CLIENT: “That’s fine. In fact, my son really should be talking to you. He makes a great
income and I suspect he’s putting things off. It may take some time, but I’ll probably get him to
give you a call.”

YOU: “Sounds great. I’ll look forward to it.”

  Copyright MMVII by Bill Cates   Reproduction is Prohibited without Permission   (800-488-5464)   Page 8
Bill Cates   America’s Referrals Coach

Referral Boot Camp
in a Box
Without a doubt, this is our most
popular success kit.
Why? Because it’s the next best thing to being at one of
our live Referral Boot Camps for Financial Professionals.
You get 8 Video DVDs of Bill Cates delivering his powerful
referral program. You get 3 telephone coaching calls with
Bill Cates. You get the Scripts Book, the CPA Alliance Kit, Do-Not-Opportunity Report and so much
more. With this kit, you’ll master referral in no time. You’ll turn referrals into an abundant resource for
yourself for years to come.

1. 8 DVD Video Training (8 Videos)
Learn our proven system… at your desk…at your convenience. Watch and learn they system as taught
by Bill Cates. Then, watch as financial professionals role play the various techniques and get coaching
from Bill Cates. It is the next best thing to being at our live Referral Boot Camp! $995 value

2. 3 Private Telephone Coaching Sessions with Bill Cates (30 minutes each)
You don't need to go it alone. Bill Cates, founder of Referral Coach International, will help you fine
tune your referral process for maximum results. Bring Bill your challenges and toughest questions.
He’ll help you tailor his proven techniques for your personality and your clients. You'll find these
sessions to be invaluable. Bill charges his private clients $950 per hour. But you get all three
sessions included with this boxed set. $1,425 value

3. Referral Fundamentals (Multi-Media Self-Study Program)
This powerful tool is a combination of audio, video, and Power Point. It’s the perfect first step into
learning our referral system, and a great refresher for the seasoned referral student. This CD-Rom will
walk you through the 6 critical strategies to building a referral-based business, including taping into
your natural market and meeting strong Centers of Influence. It also comes with 2 audio CDs so you
can listen to the program on the go. $195 value

4. Prospecting for Introductions (Audio Album)
Stop waiting to be referred! This is the cornerstone of The Unlimited Referrals® Marketing System.
You will get 3 hours of audio training and a substantial success guide. It's almost like being at our
renowned Referral Boot Camp for Financial Professionals. Listen to the CDs to and from the office or
appointments. This is the perfect self-study program for one or more people (even a small team).
$295 value

5. Diffusing Referral Objections (CD-Rom)
This video program shows you the secrets of dealing with objections in ways that actually strengthen
client relationships. Not knowing how to handle “I don’t give referrals” and related rejections may be
the biggest reason financial professionals don’t ask for more referrals. This program shows you: 6
steps to diffusing objections; how to back off gracefully when you get a firm “no;” how to use
rejections to pave the way for future referrals. $39.95 value

6. CPA Alliance Kit (Audio CD and Success Guide)
If you’re looking for affluent clients, then relationships with CPAs and other professional alliances must
be a part of your client acquisition plan. This popular kit consists of the CPA Alliance Report and the
audio CD CPA's: A Referral Goldmine. These tools show you how to meet and grow relationships with
CPAs and other advocates who can feed you a steady supply of high-quality clients. $59.95 value

7. The Do-Not-Call Opportunity Report
The Do-Not-Call Registry has actually been a boon to the referral process. One of our clients
  Copyright MMVII by Bill Cates   Reproduction is Prohibited without Permission   (800-488-5464)   Page 9
Bill Cates   America’s Referrals Coach

demonstrated that the closing ratio to people on the DNC Registry is 2 times that of people
not on the registry. This report gives you an overview of the national Do-Not-Call Regulations and
how they affect your business. More importantly, you'll get effective solutions to these regulations that
generate a steady flow of high-quality clients. $24.95 value

8. The Referral Scripts Book for Financial Professionals
You’ll never be at a loss for words again! This guide book will teach you how to ask for referrals in a
way that’s not pushy and not tacky; how to plant referral seeds; how to back off professionally; how
to get introduced; what to say to new prospects; and so much more! $49.95 value

9. Referral Action Guide
Knowledge is important, but pretty useless until you put it to action. The Referral Action Guide walks
you through our complete Unlimited Referrals® Marketing System in a way that ensures you
begin to put the concepts and tactics into use. This guide is your bridge being, knowing, and doing.
$49.95 value

10. The Introductions Journal
This handsome book serves three functions: 1) as a prop that will remind you to bring up referrals; 2)
a special place to record your referrals, which treats the process with importance; and 3) it gives you
trigger questions to make sure you learn the right things about your new prospect. You’ll never forget
to ask for referrals again! $19.95 value

11. Get More Referrals Now! (Soft cover book from McGraw-Hill)
Here’s the book that revolutionized how financial professionals approach referrals. Bill Cates gives you
the 4 Cornerstones to building a complete referral-based business: Become More Referable; Prospect
for Introductions; Network Strategically; Target Niche Markets. This book also includes his popular
VIPS™ Method™ for asking for referrals. $16.95 value

If you were to purchase all of these items in this program separately, your investment would be
$3,171.65. When you purchase the Referral Boot Camp in a Box™, your investment is only $997.
YOU SAVE $2,174.65!

PLUS – 2 Limited-Time Bonuses

1. Bill’s new book from McGraw-Hill Don’t Keep Me a Secret: Proven Tactics to Get More
Referrals and Introductions. Sells for $16.95 – Now Yours Free

2. Secrets to Creating Unlimited Referrals™ (Audio Album)
Bill Cates’ best selling audio CDs in one album. Turn your car or office into your own personal referral
university. The 4 powerful audio CDs are: Your Blueprint for Referral Success; Asking for Referrals
with Confidence; The Real Reasons You Don’t Get Enough Referrals; and Referral Secrets of Top
Producers. Sells for $89.95 – Now Yours Free

                                              Total Savings=$2,281.55

             To order, call Jennifer or Sharon at 800-488-5464
                               or buy online:

                                 Check out ALL our Referral Tools at:

 Copyright MMVII by Bill Cates    Reproduction is Prohibited without Permission   (800-488-5464)   Page 10

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C:\Data\Pdf Converter\Referral Handout

  • 1. Bill Cates’ Referral Objections Clinic Referrals The Most Powerful Way to Attract High-Quality Clients Bill Cates, CSP Referral Coach International 7901 Sandy Spring Road, Suite 102 Lauren, MD 20707 Phone 301/497-2200 Fax 301/497-2228 Email Web Site
  • 2. Bill Cates America’s Referrals Coach NOTES: Ask at the Right Time Ask at the right time – value delivered and value recognized. Ask value seeking questions. Use the VIPS Method™ for Asking V. Discuss the value that has been recognized. Capture value-recognizing statements. Ask value-seeking questions. I. Treat the request with _________________. a. Create enough time & don’t forget. 1. Use an ____________ for every meeting. The last item is “value discussion.” 2. Make sure meeting times meet expectations. b. Remind them you met through a referral (if you did). c. Transition from the value discussion with, "I have an important question to ask you." P. Get permission to _____________________. Gain their help in helping others. “I was hoping we could brainstorm for a few minutes to see if we can identify people you care about who should know about this important work. Can we do that?” S. Suggest Names and Categories. Areas to explore with them: 1. Specific people you know about. 2. Categories of people. 3. Trigger & Money in Motion questions. 4. Share your Target List. 5. Create opportunities for in-house seminars. 6. Get referrals to potential Centers of Influence. Copyright MMVII by Bill Cates Reproduction is Prohibited without Permission (800-488-5464) Page 2
  • 3. Bill Cates America’s Referrals Coach Explore Resistance or Concerns Typical Statements: 1. “I don’t give referrals.” 2. “I don’t know anyone.” 3. “I’ll think about it and get back to you.” 4. “Give me a few cards.” 5. “I want to talk to a few people first.” 6. “All my friends have advisors.” 7. “I’ve been giving your name out to my friends and people at work.” Main Client “Objections”: 1. They are concerned about how others will ______________________ to the referral. 2. They are concerned about how you will handle the referrals. 2. They are concerned about _________________. 3. They had a bad ____________________ in the past that they don’t want to repeat. Clients want to protect their relationships. Objections Strategy: 1. ____________________ and validate (empathy). 2. ________________ the resistance – carefully. 3. Re-frame their thinking – softly. 4. Ask for agreement and proceed with suggesting names and categories. 5. If client is still uncomfortable: ______________ ___ __________________ and back off. Backing Off with Confidence: 1. “I just wanted you to know that I’m never too busy to see if I can help those you care about through the work I do. Fair enough?” 2. “If you’re even in a conversation with someone and you think they should know about the important work I do, all I ask is that you don’t keep me a secret. Make sense?” Copyright MMVII by Bill Cates Reproduction is Prohibited without Permission (800-488-5464) Page 3
  • 4. Bill Cates America’s Referrals Coach Appendix – Referral Scripts Many more scripts are available in The Unlimited Referrals Scripts Book that is available through our website or office: go to and click on “The Referral Store” or call 800-488-5464. Objection #1: “I Don’t Give Referrals” Here’s a possible conversation you can have with this objection: YOU: “I was hoping we could brainstorm for a couple of minutes about whom you care about and whom could find value in the work I do. Could we do that for a minute?” CLIENT: “I don’t give referrals.” YOU: “Oh, that’s fine. Many folks don’t like to give referrals. Can I ask you a quick question about that?” CLIENT: “Sure.” YOU: “A few clients have told me they don’t like to give referrals. It seems there are usually two main reasons. Either they’ve had a bad experience and they don’t want anything like that to ever happen again, or they’re not sure how their friends or colleagues might react to their name being given out. I’m curious, what’s true for you?” CLIENT: “Well, actually, I’ve had a couple of bad experiences with referrals.” YOU: “Sorry to hear that. What happened?” CLIENT: “I gave my best friend’s name out to a car salesman. This guy bugged my friend for two months. My buddy, to this day, won’t let me forget it. I’ve sworn to not give out another referral again.” YOU: “I can appreciate your reluctance. I’m wondering if you might indulge me for a second. I’d like to explain how I make contact with the referrals I receive. If you feel comfortable with that, we can go on. If not, it’s no big deal. Okay?” CLIENT: “I guess so.” Copyright MMVII by Bill Cates Reproduction is Prohibited without Permission (800-488-5464) Page 4
  • 5. Bill Cates America’s Referrals Coach YOU: “Thank you. I’d probably contact them much the same way I contacted you. I’d call them to let them know their name came up in conversation. If you feel better calling them first, that’s fine with me. In the first conversation I’d see if I could set up a quick meeting. Then we take it from there. You may recall we started with a cup of coffee on your way to work one morning. I promise, I would do nothing to jeopardize my relationship with you, or your relationships with anyone you know. What do you think?” CLIENT: “Sounds okay I guess. Let’s try one, and see how it goes. I do trust you to not embarrass me. If it works, I may have a few others for you.” Read this again, with an eye for how I employed the formula. You’ll see that I really validated the client’s position. I even gave them a multiple choice of how others feel. In this case I got a referral. If the client didn’t want to go there, I would have backed off and planted a seed. Let’s take another common objection. Objection #4: “Let Me Contact Them First” CLIENT: “I have a few people in mind, but I’d like to contact them first.” YOU: “Wonderful. I always appreciate a personal introduction. Can I ask you a quick question?” CLIENT: “Of course.” YOU: “The last thing I want to do is pursue something that might make you feel uncomfortable. Sometimes when clients tell me they want to contact some people first, it’s because they really have some people in mind whom they know will benefit from this work, and they’re just not sure how their friends or colleagues might react to a call from me – so they want to make sure it’s okay. On the other hand, sometimes, I’ve discovered, when some clients say they want to contact a few people first, it’s really their polite way of saying “I’m uncomfortable with referrals” and they’re letting me down easy. Either is fine, I’m just curious what’s true for you?” CLIENT: “Well, actually, I do have two people in mind. And you’re right, I’m concerned about their reaction and want to make sure it’s okay to have you call them.” Copyright MMVII by Bill Cates Reproduction is Prohibited without Permission (800-488-5464) Page 5
  • 6. Bill Cates America’s Referrals Coach [NOTE: If the client had said, “I really am uncomfortable” you revert to the formula in Objection #1 and keep going.] YOU: “I appreciate that. I’m curious, what are you likely to say to them?” CLIENT: “Why? Is there a good way and a bad way to talk about your work?” YOU: “Well, maybe not so much “good” or “bad,” maybe “more effective” and “less effective.” Here’s what I’ve seen work the best. It’s not usually a good idea to discuss the specifics of the work we did together. In most cases, the work I do for someone else may not be the same thing I did for you. Here’s what I think you should say – something like, ‘Brenda, I’ve been working with this great Financial Advisor, his name is Bill. He’s very sharp, very creative, and really got me thinking in new ways. I’m the most clear and confident about my financial future I’ve ever been. I really think you should take his call. He won’t bug you or try to sell you anything. He’ll just ask you a few questions, and in a few minutes you can decide if it’s worth any more of your time. I think we got started with a cup of coffee after his initial phone call.’ How does that sound? Could you say something like that?” CLIENT: “Absolutely. It is the truth.” YOU: “Glad you feel that way. Now let’s talk about whom you’ll be calling, when you’re likely to call them, and I’ll be ready to take over from there.” CLIENT: “Okay.” Objection #5: “Let Me Think About It” CLIENT: “You know, I think I’d like to think about that and get back to you.” YOU: “I understand. Can I ask you a quick question?” CLIENT: “Of course.” YOU: “The last thing I want to do is pursue something that might make you feel uncomfortable. Sometimes when clients tell me they want to think about it, it’s because the really have some people in mind who should benefit from this work, and they’re just not sure how their friends or Copyright MMVII by Bill Cates Reproduction is Prohibited without Permission (800-488-5464) Page 6
  • 7. Bill Cates America’s Referrals Coach colleagues might react to a call from me, so they want to think about the best way to introduce me to them. On the other hand, sometimes, I’ve discovered, when some clients say they want to think about it, it’s really their polite way of saying “I’m uncomfortable with referrals” and they’re letting me down easy. Either is fine, I’m just curious what’s true for you?” CLIENT: “Well, I guess I am a bit uncomfortable about referrals. Not that I don’t trust you. I do. And I like what you did for me. I’m just not sure about giving referrals.” YOU: “I understand completely. Some people are uncomfortable giving referrals. Some tell me that they’ve had a bad experience in the past. Others tell me they’re not sure how their friends or colleagues might react. I’m curious, which might be true for you in this case? [NOTE: Now you continue on with the formula from Objection #1] Backing Off from Your Referral Request – Plant a Seed Back Off #1: “50% of the people I’m referred to want to meet with me.” Knowing how to back off from your request for referrals is as important as knowing how to ask. Have you ever been on an appointment with a client – you asked for referrals – they didn’t want to go there – you felt awkward – and the meeting ended with a slightly negative feeling? Knowing how to back off from your request will help you alleviate this problem. We’ll pick up our script at Step #3 of the 4-Step Process for Asking – Permission to Brainstorm. We’ll explore the objection. Once we realize our client just doesn’t want to participate in the referral conversation, we’ll back off. YOU: “I was hoping we could brainstorm for a couple of minutes to see if we can identify some people who should know about my process. Could we try that for a minute?” CLIENT: “I don’t give referrals.” YOU: “I understand. Many folks don’t like to give referrals. Can I ask you a quick question about that?” CLIENT: “Well, I guess so.” YOU: “A few clients have told me they don’t like to give referrals. It seems there are usually two main reasons. Either they’ve had a bad experience and they don’t want anything like that to ever happen again, or they’re not sure how their friends or colleagues might react to their name being given out. I’m curious, what’s true for you?” CLIENT: “Well, actually, I’ve had a couple of bad experiences with referrals.” YOU: “Sorry to hear that. What happened?” Copyright MMVII by Bill Cates Reproduction is Prohibited without Permission (800-488-5464) Page 7
  • 8. Bill Cates America’s Referrals Coach CLIENT: “I gave my best friend’s name out to a car salesman. This guy bugged my friend for two months. My buddy, to this day, won’t let me forget it. I’ve sworn to not give out another referral again.” YOU: “I can appreciate your reluctance. I’m wondering if you might indulge me for a second. I’d like to explain how I make contact with the referrals I receive. If you feel comfortable with that, we can go on. If not, no big deal. Okay?” CLIENT: “I appreciate your efforts here, but I’m just not comfortable with this.” YOU: “I understand. We don’t have to do this. Let me just tell you where I’m coming from. About 50% of the people to whom clients introduce me actually want to sit down and meet with me. Either they’re not happy with their current advisor, or their situation has changed enough that they want a second opinion. All I ask if that you run into someone – friend, family member, or colleague – who you think should know about the work I do, that you don’t keep me a secret and find a way to introduce me to them. Fair enough?” CLIENT: “That sounds fine.” Back Off #2: “Most people never take the time to do this important work.” When do you back off? My rule of thumb is “2 and out.” When, after you’ve begun to explore the objection, the client repeats the same objection, gives you another objection, or in some way lets you know he doesn’t want to play, it’s time to back off. In this script, we’ll take it from the second objection, and get out quickly, while planting a seed. CLIENT: “I’m just not comfortable with this.” YOU: “I understand. Let me just tell you where I’m coming from and we’ll leave it at that. Most people never take the time to do the important work that we’ve done together. They avoid serious planning with regard to retirement, their children’s education, as well as considering the important issues of proper life insurance and disability insurance. So, when in conversation with a friend, family member, or colleague, you determine they should probably know about the work I do, I trust you won’t keep me a secret. Make sense?” CLIENT: “That’s fine. In fact, my son really should be talking to you. He makes a great income and I suspect he’s putting things off. It may take some time, but I’ll probably get him to give you a call.” YOU: “Sounds great. I’ll look forward to it.” Copyright MMVII by Bill Cates Reproduction is Prohibited without Permission (800-488-5464) Page 8
  • 9. Bill Cates America’s Referrals Coach Referral Boot Camp in a Box Without a doubt, this is our most popular success kit. Why? Because it’s the next best thing to being at one of our live Referral Boot Camps for Financial Professionals. You get 8 Video DVDs of Bill Cates delivering his powerful referral program. You get 3 telephone coaching calls with Bill Cates. You get the Scripts Book, the CPA Alliance Kit, Do-Not-Opportunity Report and so much more. With this kit, you’ll master referral in no time. You’ll turn referrals into an abundant resource for yourself for years to come. 1. 8 DVD Video Training (8 Videos) Learn our proven system… at your desk…at your convenience. Watch and learn they system as taught by Bill Cates. Then, watch as financial professionals role play the various techniques and get coaching from Bill Cates. It is the next best thing to being at our live Referral Boot Camp! $995 value 2. 3 Private Telephone Coaching Sessions with Bill Cates (30 minutes each) You don't need to go it alone. Bill Cates, founder of Referral Coach International, will help you fine tune your referral process for maximum results. Bring Bill your challenges and toughest questions. He’ll help you tailor his proven techniques for your personality and your clients. You'll find these sessions to be invaluable. Bill charges his private clients $950 per hour. But you get all three sessions included with this boxed set. $1,425 value 3. Referral Fundamentals (Multi-Media Self-Study Program) This powerful tool is a combination of audio, video, and Power Point. It’s the perfect first step into learning our referral system, and a great refresher for the seasoned referral student. This CD-Rom will walk you through the 6 critical strategies to building a referral-based business, including taping into your natural market and meeting strong Centers of Influence. It also comes with 2 audio CDs so you can listen to the program on the go. $195 value 4. Prospecting for Introductions (Audio Album) Stop waiting to be referred! This is the cornerstone of The Unlimited Referrals® Marketing System. You will get 3 hours of audio training and a substantial success guide. It's almost like being at our renowned Referral Boot Camp for Financial Professionals. Listen to the CDs to and from the office or appointments. This is the perfect self-study program for one or more people (even a small team). $295 value 5. Diffusing Referral Objections (CD-Rom) This video program shows you the secrets of dealing with objections in ways that actually strengthen client relationships. Not knowing how to handle “I don’t give referrals” and related rejections may be the biggest reason financial professionals don’t ask for more referrals. This program shows you: 6 steps to diffusing objections; how to back off gracefully when you get a firm “no;” how to use rejections to pave the way for future referrals. $39.95 value 6. CPA Alliance Kit (Audio CD and Success Guide) If you’re looking for affluent clients, then relationships with CPAs and other professional alliances must be a part of your client acquisition plan. This popular kit consists of the CPA Alliance Report and the audio CD CPA's: A Referral Goldmine. These tools show you how to meet and grow relationships with CPAs and other advocates who can feed you a steady supply of high-quality clients. $59.95 value 7. The Do-Not-Call Opportunity Report The Do-Not-Call Registry has actually been a boon to the referral process. One of our clients Copyright MMVII by Bill Cates Reproduction is Prohibited without Permission (800-488-5464) Page 9
  • 10. Bill Cates America’s Referrals Coach demonstrated that the closing ratio to people on the DNC Registry is 2 times that of people not on the registry. This report gives you an overview of the national Do-Not-Call Regulations and how they affect your business. More importantly, you'll get effective solutions to these regulations that generate a steady flow of high-quality clients. $24.95 value 8. The Referral Scripts Book for Financial Professionals You’ll never be at a loss for words again! This guide book will teach you how to ask for referrals in a way that’s not pushy and not tacky; how to plant referral seeds; how to back off professionally; how to get introduced; what to say to new prospects; and so much more! $49.95 value 9. Referral Action Guide Knowledge is important, but pretty useless until you put it to action. The Referral Action Guide walks you through our complete Unlimited Referrals® Marketing System in a way that ensures you begin to put the concepts and tactics into use. This guide is your bridge being, knowing, and doing. $49.95 value 10. The Introductions Journal This handsome book serves three functions: 1) as a prop that will remind you to bring up referrals; 2) a special place to record your referrals, which treats the process with importance; and 3) it gives you trigger questions to make sure you learn the right things about your new prospect. You’ll never forget to ask for referrals again! $19.95 value 11. Get More Referrals Now! (Soft cover book from McGraw-Hill) Here’s the book that revolutionized how financial professionals approach referrals. Bill Cates gives you the 4 Cornerstones to building a complete referral-based business: Become More Referable; Prospect for Introductions; Network Strategically; Target Niche Markets. This book also includes his popular VIPS™ Method™ for asking for referrals. $16.95 value If you were to purchase all of these items in this program separately, your investment would be $3,171.65. When you purchase the Referral Boot Camp in a Box™, your investment is only $997. YOU SAVE $2,174.65! PLUS – 2 Limited-Time Bonuses 1. Bill’s new book from McGraw-Hill Don’t Keep Me a Secret: Proven Tactics to Get More Referrals and Introductions. Sells for $16.95 – Now Yours Free 2. Secrets to Creating Unlimited Referrals™ (Audio Album) Bill Cates’ best selling audio CDs in one album. Turn your car or office into your own personal referral university. The 4 powerful audio CDs are: Your Blueprint for Referral Success; Asking for Referrals with Confidence; The Real Reasons You Don’t Get Enough Referrals; and Referral Secrets of Top Producers. Sells for $89.95 – Now Yours Free Total Savings=$2,281.55 To order, call Jennifer or Sharon at 800-488-5464 or buy online: Check out ALL our Referral Tools at: Copyright MMVII by Bill Cates Reproduction is Prohibited without Permission (800-488-5464) Page 10