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       Spring Data MongoDB


           November 17, 2012
. Profile

            現任 ㈾訊工業策進會 數位教育研究所
            ㈾訊技術訓練㆗心 教㈻組長
            在 Java 領域㈲㈩多年的講師教㈻經驗

            熟悉 XML/Web Services、Design
            Patterns、EJB/JPA 等 Java EE 規格,
            Struts/Spring/Hibernate 等 Open Source
            Framework,與 JBoss AS、GlassFish 等
            Application Server

            括 Apache Hadoop、Google App Engine、
            Microsoft Azure 等 Cloud Platform,與
            iOS、Android、Windows Phone 等 Smart
            Handheld Device 端的整合運用
. Outline

   1   MongoDB

   2   MongoDB Java Driver

   3   Spring Data MongoDB
1   MongoDB

2   MongoDB Java Driver

3   Spring Data MongoDB

            2007 年 10gen 公司以 C/C++ 開發
            GNU-AGPL 授權,也可以談其他授權方式
            2009 年 11 ㈪推出 1.0 版
            是 Document-Oriented Database
            每個 Database 都是以檔案的型式存在
            是㆒個比較㆒般化的 NoSQL 解決方案
            希望結合 RDBMS 與 Key/Value Store ㊝點
            盡量提供像 RDBMS 那麼強大的查詢功能
            ㊜合用在 Web App、Internet 架構的環境
            目前最新是 2012 年 10 ㈪ 的 2.2.1 版
. RDBMS vs. MongoDB
   RDBMS         MongoDB
   Database      Database
   Table         Collection
   Record/Row    Document
   Column        Field
   Primary Key   _id
. Document
 1   {
 2       _id: ObjectId('4bd9e8e17cefd644108961bb'),
 3       title: 'Adventures in Databases',
 4       url: '',
 5       author: 'msmith',
 6       vote_count: 20,
 7       created: 'Sat Oct 6 2012 14:36:58 GMT+0800 (PST)'
 9       tags: ['databases', 'mongodb', 'indexing'],
11       image:
12       {
13           url: '',
14           caption: '',
15           type: 'jpg',
16           size: 75381,
17           data: "Binary"
18       }
19   }
. JavaScript Shell
        MongoDB 的 Client 端
        互動方式不是透過熟悉的 SQL
        而是 JavaScript 與㆒組簡單的 API
   Shell Command:
        help 與 exit

        show dbs 與 show collections

      use databaseName

. JavaScript Shell Command
 1   var   obj = db.runCommand({geoNear: "zips", near: [-118.406477, 34.090107]});
 2   var   results = obj.results;
 3   var   city = {};
 4   var   dis = 0;
 5   for   (var i = 0 ; i < results.length ; i++) {
 6         city = results[i].obj;
 7         dis = results[i].dis;
 8         print("City = " + + " Distance = " + dis);
 9   }
. JavaScript Shell Output
1   MongoDB

2   MongoDB Java Driver

3   Spring Data MongoDB
Java Driver

      MongoDB 的 Language Support,稱為 Driver:
            主要的 Language 都㈲支援
            ㈲㆒些 Language 則是由 Community 支援
            Interface 盡量㈲相同的 Method
            Data Structure 盡量結合 Language ㈵性
      Java Driver:
            目前最新是 2012 年 10 ㈪出的 2.9.3 版
            Wrapper:Morphia for Java
Object/Document Mapping 方式

    1   {
    2       "city" : "BEVERLY HILLS",
    3       "loc" : [ -118.406477, 34.090107 ],
    4       "pop" : 20700,
    5       "state" : "CA",
    6       "_id" : "90210"
    7   }

    1   public class City implements Serializable {
    2       private String city;
    3       private double[] loc;
    4       private int pop;
    5       private String state;
    6       private String id;
    7   }

    1   public class Location implements Serializable {
    2       private double longitude;
    3       private double latitude;
    4   }
. MongoDB Java Driver 連線建立方式
 1   public class MongoDBUtils {
 2       private static Mongo mongo = null;
 4       static {
 5           try {
 6                mongo = new Mongo("localhost", 27017);
 7           }
 8           catch (UnknownHostException ex) {
 9                System.out.println(ex.getMessage());
10           }
11       }
13       public static DB getDB(String dbName) {
14           return mongo.getDB(dbName);
15       }
17       public static DBCollection getCollection(String dbName, String colName) {
18           return mongo.getDB(dbName).getCollection(colName);
19       }
20   }
. MongoDB Java Driver ㈾料存取方式
 1   public class CityFinder {
 2       public static void main(String[] args) {
 3           DBCollection collection =
 4               MongoDBUtils.getCollection("cities", "zips");
 6           BasicDBObject doc = new BasicDBObject();
 7           doc.put("_id", "90210");
 8           doc = (BasicDBObject) collection.findOne(doc);
10           System.out.println(doc);
12           Gson gson = new Gson();
13           City city = gson.fromJson(doc.toString(), City.class);
15           System.out.println("City = " + city.getCity());
16           System.out.println("Longitude = " + city.getLoc()[0]);
17           System.out.println("Latitude = " + city.getLoc()[1]);
18       }
19   }
1   MongoDB

2   MongoDB Java Driver

3   Spring Data MongoDB
Spring Data
. Spring Data
  希望能夠透過 Spring 整合重要的㈾料存取技術:
     透過 Spring 存取 RDBMS、NoSQL、與
     MapReduce Framework
     基本㆖只是個技術統稱,每個 RDBMS/
     NoSQL 的存取方式都不盡相同
  目前 Spring Data 家族包括:
     Spring   Data   Hadoop
     Spring   Data   JPA
     Spring   Data   MongoDB
     Spring   Data   Neo4j
Spring Data MongoDB
. Spring Data MongoDB
     希望能夠透過 Spring 整合 MongoDB 這種
     Document 型態的㈾料存取技術
     提供高階的 Template 封裝對 Document 的
     相關操作,跟 Spring 整合 JDBC 與
     Hibernate 的方式很類似
     可以整合 Spring 的 IoC 與 Data Access
     Exception Hierarchy 等功能,也可以直接使
     用高階的 Template 支援
     官方文件裡面也稱為 Spring Data Document
     或 DATADOC
. Spring Data MongoDB 系統需求
    Java SE 6
    MongoDB 1.6.5
    2.2 版開始不支援 XP
    MongoDB Java Driver
    Spring Framework 3.0.x
    JCL (Apache/Jakarta Commons Logging)
    Spring Data Commons
    Spring Data MongoDB
    (Optional) Google GSON 或 Jackson 之類
    的 JSON Processor
. Spring Data MongoDB 主要功能
    High-Level Template-Style Support
    MongoTemplate 與 MongoOperations 等相關類別與介面

    Java-Based Query Interface
    Query 與 Criteria 等相關類別

    Repository Programming Approach
    Repository 等相關介面
Spring Data MongoDB 切入點
.   reference/html/#mongo.mongo-java-config

      MongoDB Java Driver:
            Mongo   類別
      Spring Data MongoDB:
            MongoDbFactory   介面與 SimpleMongoDbFactory 類別
            <mongo:mongo>    或 <mongo:db-factory>
            MongoTemplate    類別
. MongoTemplate
     Spring Data MongoDB 的核心
     實作 MongoOperations 介面,模擬 Collection 相關功能
     預設透過 MongoMappingConverter 類別提供
     Object-Document Mapping 功能
     提供方便的 CRUD 相關操作
     所㈲的 Exception 都轉換為 Spring 的

     提供 Callback 機制㈺叫 Java Driver 的 API
SpringSource Tool Suite 組態設定
. MongoTemplate 宣告方式
 1   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 2   <beans
 3       xmlns=""
 4       xmlns:xsi=""
 5       xmlns:context=""
 6       xmlns:mongo=""
 7       xsi:schemaLocation=
 8          "
13 >
15       <mongo:db-factory id="mongoDbFactory"
16           host="localhost" port="27017" dbname="cities" />
18       <bean id="mongoTemplate"
19            class="">
20            <constructor-arg name="mongoDbFactory" ref="mongoDbFactory" />
21       </bean>
22   </beans>
. MongoTemplate 取得方式
 1   public class MongoDBUtils {
 2       private static ApplicationContext factory = null;
 3       private static MongoTemplate mongoTemplate = null;
 5       static {
 6           factory =
 7                new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("applicationContext.xml");
 8           mongoTemplate = (MongoTemplate) factory.getBean("mongoTemplate");
 9       }
11       public static MongoTemplate getMongoTemplate() {
12           return mongoTemplate;
13       }
14   }
. Spring Data MongoDB ㈾料存取方式
 1   public class CityFinder {
 2       public static void main(String[] args) {
 3           MongoOperations mongoOps = MongoDBUtils.getMongoTemplate();
 5           Query query = new Query(Criteria.where("_id").is("90210"));
 6           System.out.println("Found = " + mongoOps.count(query, "zips"));
 8           City city = mongoOps.findOne(query, City.class, "zips");
 9           double[] loc = city.getLoc();
10           System.out.println("City = " + city.getCity());
11           System.out.println("Location = [" + loc[0] + ", " + loc[1] + "]");
12       }
13   }
.   reference/html/#mapping-chapter

            負責 Object-Document Mapping 功能
            提供 SimpleMappingConverter 與 MongoMappingConverter 等實作
            類別,預設使用 MongoMappingConverter 類別
            可以直接對 Domain Object 進行轉換,也可
            以提供 Metadata 輔助轉換
            _id 預設會對應到 id 或㈲ @Id 註記的欄位,型

            別支援 String、ObjectId 與 BigInteger
            各種型別的對應會透過 MongoTypeMapper 介面的實
            作類別來進行,預設是 DefaultMongoTypeMapper 類別
Metadata Mapping
.   reference/html/#mapping-chapter








. Embedding Document 表示方式
 1   @Document(collection="publishers")
 2   public class Publisher implements Serializable {
 3       @Id
 4       private String publisherId;
 5       private String publisherName;
 6   }

 1   @Document(collection="books")
 2   public class Book implements Serializable {
 3       @Id
 4       private BigInteger bookId;
 5       @Field(value="title")
 6       private String title;
 7       private Publisher publisher;
 8   }
. Embedding Document Client 端
 1   public class BookManager {
 2       public static void main(String[] args) {
 3           MongoOperations mongoOps = MongoDBUtils.getMongoTemplate();
 4           mongoOps.dropCollection("booklistings");
 6           Publisher publisher = new Publisher("OA", "O'Reilly & Associates");
 7           Book book1 = new Book("MongoDB: The Definitive Guide", publisher);
 8           Book book2 = new Book("MongoDB技術手冊", publisher);
 9           mongoOps.insert(book1);
10           mongoOps.insert(book2);
12           Query query = new Query(Criteria.where("title").regex(".*Mongo.*"));
13           Book book = mongoOps.findOne(query, Book.class, "booklistings");
14           System.out.print("Publisher = ");
15           System.out.println(book.getPublisher().getPublisherName());
16       }
17   }
. Embedding Document 輸出結果
. DBRef Document 表示方式(雙向)
 1   @Document(collection="books")
 2   public class Book implements Serializable {
 3       @Id
 4       private BigInteger bookId;
 5       private String title;
 6       @DBRef
 7       private Publisher publisher;
 8   }

 1   @Document(collection="publishers")
 2   public class Publisher implements Serializable {
 3       @Id
 4       private String publisherId;
 5       private String publisherName;
 6       @DBRef
 7       private List<Book> books = new ArrayList<Book>(0);
 8   }
. DBRef Document Client 端(雙向)
 1   public class TwoWayBookManager {
 2       public static void main(String[] args) {
 3           MongoOperations mongoOps = MongoDBUtils.getMongoTemplate();
 4           mongoOps.dropCollection("publishers");
 5           mongoOps.dropCollection("books");
 7           Publisher publisher = new Publisher("OA", "O'Reilly & Associates");
 8           mongoOps.insert(publisher);
10           Book book1 = new Book("MongoDB: The Definitive Guide", publisher);
11           Book book2 = new Book("MongoDB技術手冊", publisher);
12           mongoOps.insert(book1);    mongoOps.insert(book2);
14           List<Book> bookList = mongoOps.find(new Query(), Book.class);
15           publisher.setBooks(bookList);
16 ;
18           // 以㆖為止OK,底㆘會產生例外
19           Query query = new Query(Criteria.where("title").regex(".*Mongo.*"));
20           Book book = mongoOps.findOne(query, Book.class);
21       }
22   }
. DBRef Document 輸出結果(雙向)
. DBRef Document 表示方式(單向)
 1   @Document(collection="books")
 2   public class Book implements Serializable {
 3       @Id
 4       private BigInteger bookId;
 5       private String title;
 6       @DBRef
 7       private Publisher publisher;
 8   }

 1   @Document(collection="publishers")
 2   public class Publisher implements Serializable {
 3       @Id
 4       private String publisherId;
 5       private String publisherName;
 6   }
. DBRef Document Client 端(單向)
 1   public class OneWayBookManager {
 2       public static void main(String[] args) {
 3           MongoOperations mongoOps = MongoDBUtils.getMongoTemplate();
 4           mongoOps.dropCollection("publishers");
 5           mongoOps.dropCollection("books");
 7           Publisher publisher = new Publisher("OA", "O'Reilly & Associates");
 8           mongoOps.insert(publisher);
10           Book book1 = new Book("MongoDB: The Definitive Guide", publisher);
11           Book book2 = new Book("MongoDB技術手冊", publisher);
12           mongoOps.insert(book1);
13           mongoOps.insert(book2);
15           Query query = new Query(Criteria.where("title").regex(".*Mongo.*"));
16           Book book = mongoOps.findOne(query, Book.class);
17           System.out.print("Publisher = ");
18           System.out.println(book.getPublisher().getPublisherName());
19       }
20   }
. DBRef Document 輸出結果(單向)
㈾策會教研所 ㈾訊技術訓練㆗心

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Ähnlich wie Spring Data MongoDB 介紹

Webinar: Building Your First App with MongoDB and Java
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Ähnlich wie Spring Data MongoDB 介紹 (20)

Webinar: Building Your First App with MongoDB and Java
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Spring Data, Jongo & Co.
A Brief MongoDB Intro
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Morphia, Spring Data & Co.
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Morphia, Spring Data & Co.
Scripting GeoServer
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Scripting GeoServer
This upload requires better support for ODP format
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This upload requires better support for ODP format
Back to Basics Webinar 2 - Your First MongoDB Application
Back to  Basics Webinar 2 - Your First MongoDB ApplicationBack to  Basics Webinar 2 - Your First MongoDB Application
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Meetup#1: 10 reasons to fall in love with MongoDB
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Introduction to MongoDB
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Introduction to MongoDB
Smoothing Your Java with DSLs
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Spring Data MongoDB 介紹

  • 1. . . Spring Data MongoDB 蘇國鈞 November 17, 2012
  • 2. . Profile 國立台灣大㈻電機工程㈻研究所畢業 現任 ㈾訊工業策進會 數位教育研究所 ㈾訊技術訓練㆗心 教㈻組長 在 Java 領域㈲㈩多年的講師教㈻經驗 熟悉 XML/Web Services、Design Patterns、EJB/JPA 等 Java EE 規格, Struts/Spring/Hibernate 等 Open Source Framework,與 JBoss AS、GlassFish 等 Application Server 目前負責雲端運算相關技術的推廣,主要包 括 Apache Hadoop、Google App Engine、 Microsoft Azure 等 Cloud Platform,與 iOS、Android、Windows Phone 等 Smart Handheld Device 端的整合運用
  • 3. . Outline . 1 MongoDB . 2 MongoDB Java Driver . 3 Spring Data MongoDB
  • 4. . 1 MongoDB . 2 MongoDB Java Driver . 3 Spring Data MongoDB
  • 5. MongoDB . MongoDB: 2007 年 10gen 公司以 C/C++ 開發 GNU-AGPL 授權,也可以談其他授權方式 2009 年 11 ㈪推出 1.0 版 是 Document-Oriented Database 每個 Database 都是以檔案的型式存在 是㆒個比較㆒般化的 NoSQL 解決方案 希望結合 RDBMS 與 Key/Value Store ㊝點 盡量提供像 RDBMS 那麼強大的查詢功能 ㊜合用在 Web App、Internet 架構的環境 目前最新是 2012 年 10 ㈪ 的 2.2.1 版
  • 6. . RDBMS vs. MongoDB RDBMS MongoDB Database Database Table Collection Record/Row Document Column Field Primary Key _id
  • 7. . Document 1 { 2 _id: ObjectId('4bd9e8e17cefd644108961bb'), 3 title: 'Adventures in Databases', 4 url: '', 5 author: 'msmith', 6 vote_count: 20, 7 created: 'Sat Oct 6 2012 14:36:58 GMT+0800 (PST)' 8 9 tags: ['databases', 'mongodb', 'indexing'], 10 11 image: 12 { 13 url: '', 14 caption: '', 15 type: 'jpg', 16 size: 75381, 17 data: "Binary" 18 } 19 }
  • 8. . JavaScript Shell Shell: MongoDB 的 Client 端 互動方式不是透過熟悉的 SQL 而是 JavaScript 與㆒組簡單的 API Shell Command: help 與 exit show dbs 與 show collections use databaseName 新增:db.collectionName.insert(...) 刪除:db.collectionName.remove(...) 查詢:db.collectionName.find(...) 修改:db.collectionName.update(...)
  • 9. . JavaScript Shell Command 1 var obj = db.runCommand({geoNear: "zips", near: [-118.406477, 34.090107]}); 2 var results = obj.results; 3 var city = {}; 4 var dis = 0; 5 for (var i = 0 ; i < results.length ; i++) { 6 city = results[i].obj; 7 dis = results[i].dis; 8 print("City = " + + " Distance = " + dis); 9 }
  • 11. . 1 MongoDB . 2 MongoDB Java Driver . 3 Spring Data MongoDB
  • 12. Java Driver . MongoDB 的 Language Support,稱為 Driver: 主要的 Language 都㈲支援 ㈲㆒些 Language 則是由 Community 支援 Interface 盡量㈲相同的 Method Data Structure 盡量結合 Language ㈵性 Java Driver: 目前最新是 2012 年 10 ㈪出的 2.9.3 版 Wrapper:Morphia for Java
  • 13. Object/Document Mapping 方式 . 1 { 2 "city" : "BEVERLY HILLS", 3 "loc" : [ -118.406477, 34.090107 ], 4 "pop" : 20700, 5 "state" : "CA", 6 "_id" : "90210" 7 } 1 public class City implements Serializable { 2 private String city; 3 private double[] loc; 4 private int pop; 5 private String state; 6 private String id; 7 } 1 public class Location implements Serializable { 2 private double longitude; 3 private double latitude; 4 }
  • 14. . MongoDB Java Driver 連線建立方式 1 public class MongoDBUtils { 2 private static Mongo mongo = null; 3 4 static { 5 try { 6 mongo = new Mongo("localhost", 27017); 7 } 8 catch (UnknownHostException ex) { 9 System.out.println(ex.getMessage()); 10 } 11 } 12 13 public static DB getDB(String dbName) { 14 return mongo.getDB(dbName); 15 } 16 17 public static DBCollection getCollection(String dbName, String colName) { 18 return mongo.getDB(dbName).getCollection(colName); 19 } 20 }
  • 15. . MongoDB Java Driver ㈾料存取方式 1 public class CityFinder { 2 public static void main(String[] args) { 3 DBCollection collection = 4 MongoDBUtils.getCollection("cities", "zips"); 5 6 BasicDBObject doc = new BasicDBObject(); 7 doc.put("_id", "90210"); 8 doc = (BasicDBObject) collection.findOne(doc); 9 10 System.out.println(doc); 11 12 Gson gson = new Gson(); 13 City city = gson.fromJson(doc.toString(), City.class); 14 15 System.out.println("City = " + city.getCity()); 16 System.out.println("Longitude = " + city.getLoc()[0]); 17 System.out.println("Latitude = " + city.getLoc()[1]); 18 } 19 }
  • 16. . 1 MongoDB . 2 MongoDB Java Driver . 3 Spring Data MongoDB
  • 17. Spring Data .
  • 18. . Spring Data 希望能夠透過 Spring 整合重要的㈾料存取技術: 透過 Spring 存取 RDBMS、NoSQL、與 MapReduce Framework 基本㆖只是個技術統稱,每個 RDBMS/ NoSQL 的存取方式都不盡相同 目前 Spring Data 家族包括: Spring Data Hadoop Spring Data JPA Spring Data MongoDB Spring Data Neo4j …
  • 19. Spring Data MongoDB .
  • 20. . Spring Data MongoDB 希望能夠透過 Spring 整合 MongoDB 這種 Document 型態的㈾料存取技術 提供高階的 Template 封裝對 Document 的 相關操作,跟 Spring 整合 JDBC 與 Hibernate 的方式很類似 可以整合 Spring 的 IoC 與 Data Access Exception Hierarchy 等功能,也可以直接使 用高階的 Template 支援 官方文件裡面也稱為 Spring Data Document 或 DATADOC
  • 21. . Spring Data MongoDB 系統需求 Java SE 6 MongoDB 1.6.5 2.2 版開始不支援 XP MongoDB Java Driver Spring Framework 3.0.x JCL (Apache/Jakarta Commons Logging) Spring Data Commons SLF4J SLF4J-JCL + JCL Spring Data MongoDB (Optional) Google GSON 或 Jackson 之類 的 JSON Processor
  • 22. . Spring Data MongoDB 主要功能 High-Level Template-Style Support MongoTemplate 與 MongoOperations 等相關類別與介面 Java-Based Query Interface Query 與 Criteria 等相關類別 Repository Programming Approach Repository 等相關介面
  • 23. Spring Data MongoDB 切入點 . reference/html/#mongo.mongo-java-config MongoDB Java Driver: Mongo 類別 Spring Data MongoDB: MongoDbFactory 介面與 SimpleMongoDbFactory 類別 <mongo:mongo> 或 <mongo:db-factory> MongoTemplate 類別
  • 24. . MongoTemplate Spring Data MongoDB 的核心 實作 MongoOperations 介面,模擬 Collection 相關功能 預設透過 MongoMappingConverter 類別提供 Object-Document Mapping 功能 提供方便的 CRUD 相關操作 所㈲的 Exception 都轉換為 Spring 的 DataAccessException 提供 Callback 機制㈺叫 Java Driver 的 API Thread-Safe
  • 25. SpringSource Tool Suite 組態設定 .
  • 26. . MongoTemplate 宣告方式 1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 2 <beans 3 xmlns="" 4 xmlns:xsi="" 5 xmlns:context="" 6 xmlns:mongo="" 7 xsi:schemaLocation= 8 " 9 10 11 12 13> 14 15 <mongo:db-factory id="mongoDbFactory" 16 host="localhost" port="27017" dbname="cities" /> 17 18 <bean id="mongoTemplate" 19 class=""> 20 <constructor-arg name="mongoDbFactory" ref="mongoDbFactory" /> 21 </bean> 22 </beans>
  • 27. . MongoTemplate 取得方式 1 public class MongoDBUtils { 2 private static ApplicationContext factory = null; 3 private static MongoTemplate mongoTemplate = null; 4 5 static { 6 factory = 7 new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("applicationContext.xml"); 8 mongoTemplate = (MongoTemplate) factory.getBean("mongoTemplate"); 9 } 10 11 public static MongoTemplate getMongoTemplate() { 12 return mongoTemplate; 13 } 14 }
  • 28. . Spring Data MongoDB ㈾料存取方式 1 public class CityFinder { 2 public static void main(String[] args) { 3 MongoOperations mongoOps = MongoDBUtils.getMongoTemplate(); 4 5 Query query = new Query(Criteria.where("_id").is("90210")); 6 System.out.println("Found = " + mongoOps.count(query, "zips")); 7 8 City city = mongoOps.findOne(query, City.class, "zips"); 9 double[] loc = city.getLoc(); 10 System.out.println("City = " + city.getCity()); 11 System.out.println("Location = [" + loc[0] + ", " + loc[1] + "]"); 12 } 13 }
  • 29. MongoConverter . reference/html/#mapping-chapter 負責 Object-Document Mapping 功能 提供 SimpleMappingConverter 與 MongoMappingConverter 等實作 類別,預設使用 MongoMappingConverter 類別 可以直接對 Domain Object 進行轉換,也可 以提供 Metadata 輔助轉換 _id 預設會對應到 id 或㈲ @Id 註記的欄位,型 別支援 String、ObjectId 與 BigInteger 各種型別的對應會透過 MongoTypeMapper 介面的實 作類別來進行,預設是 DefaultMongoTypeMapper 類別
  • 30. Metadata Mapping . reference/html/#mapping-chapter @Document(collection="collectionName") @Field(value="fieldName") @Id @Indexed @CompoundIndex @GeoSpatialIndexed @DBRef …
  • 31. . Embedding Document 表示方式 1 @Document(collection="publishers") 2 public class Publisher implements Serializable { 3 @Id 4 private String publisherId; 5 private String publisherName; 6 } 1 @Document(collection="books") 2 public class Book implements Serializable { 3 @Id 4 private BigInteger bookId; 5 @Field(value="title") 6 private String title; 7 private Publisher publisher; 8 }
  • 32. . Embedding Document Client 端 1 public class BookManager { 2 public static void main(String[] args) { 3 MongoOperations mongoOps = MongoDBUtils.getMongoTemplate(); 4 mongoOps.dropCollection("booklistings"); 5 6 Publisher publisher = new Publisher("OA", "O'Reilly & Associates"); 7 Book book1 = new Book("MongoDB: The Definitive Guide", publisher); 8 Book book2 = new Book("MongoDB技術手冊", publisher); 9 mongoOps.insert(book1); 10 mongoOps.insert(book2); 11 12 Query query = new Query(Criteria.where("title").regex(".*Mongo.*")); 13 Book book = mongoOps.findOne(query, Book.class, "booklistings"); 14 System.out.print("Publisher = "); 15 System.out.println(book.getPublisher().getPublisherName()); 16 } 17 }
  • 33. . Embedding Document 輸出結果
  • 34. . DBRef Document 表示方式(雙向) 1 @Document(collection="books") 2 public class Book implements Serializable { 3 @Id 4 private BigInteger bookId; 5 private String title; 6 @DBRef 7 private Publisher publisher; 8 } 1 @Document(collection="publishers") 2 public class Publisher implements Serializable { 3 @Id 4 private String publisherId; 5 private String publisherName; 6 @DBRef 7 private List<Book> books = new ArrayList<Book>(0); 8 }
  • 35. . DBRef Document Client 端(雙向) 1 public class TwoWayBookManager { 2 public static void main(String[] args) { 3 MongoOperations mongoOps = MongoDBUtils.getMongoTemplate(); 4 mongoOps.dropCollection("publishers"); 5 mongoOps.dropCollection("books"); 6 7 Publisher publisher = new Publisher("OA", "O'Reilly & Associates"); 8 mongoOps.insert(publisher); 9 10 Book book1 = new Book("MongoDB: The Definitive Guide", publisher); 11 Book book2 = new Book("MongoDB技術手冊", publisher); 12 mongoOps.insert(book1); mongoOps.insert(book2); 13 14 List<Book> bookList = mongoOps.find(new Query(), Book.class); 15 publisher.setBooks(bookList); 16; 17 18 // 以㆖為止OK,底㆘會產生例外 19 Query query = new Query(Criteria.where("title").regex(".*Mongo.*")); 20 Book book = mongoOps.findOne(query, Book.class); 21 } 22 }
  • 36. . DBRef Document 輸出結果(雙向)
  • 37. . DBRef Document 表示方式(單向) 1 @Document(collection="books") 2 public class Book implements Serializable { 3 @Id 4 private BigInteger bookId; 5 private String title; 6 @DBRef 7 private Publisher publisher; 8 } 1 @Document(collection="publishers") 2 public class Publisher implements Serializable { 3 @Id 4 private String publisherId; 5 private String publisherName; 6 }
  • 38. . DBRef Document Client 端(單向) 1 public class OneWayBookManager { 2 public static void main(String[] args) { 3 MongoOperations mongoOps = MongoDBUtils.getMongoTemplate(); 4 mongoOps.dropCollection("publishers"); 5 mongoOps.dropCollection("books"); 6 7 Publisher publisher = new Publisher("OA", "O'Reilly & Associates"); 8 mongoOps.insert(publisher); 9 10 Book book1 = new Book("MongoDB: The Definitive Guide", publisher); 11 Book book2 = new Book("MongoDB技術手冊", publisher); 12 mongoOps.insert(book1); 13 mongoOps.insert(book2); 14 15 Query query = new Query(Criteria.where("title").regex(".*Mongo.*")); 16 Book book = mongoOps.findOne(query, Book.class); 17 System.out.print("Publisher = "); 18 System.out.println(book.getPublisher().getPublisherName()); 19 } 20 }
  • 39. . DBRef Document 輸出結果(單向)
  • 40. ㈾策會教研所 ㈾訊技術訓練㆗心 .