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10:30 ~ 11:20
09:15 ~ 10:00
Interactive Textbooks for the PC and the Mobile Device: Where
we are now and where we can be
Transforming teaching and learning to drive student achievement
Pg. 01
Pg. 01
Pg. 04
Pg. 04
Pg. 05
Pg. 05
Pg. 05
Pg. 06
Pg. 06
Pg. 06
Pg. 07
Pg. 07
Pg. 08
Pg. 08
Pg. 08
Pg. 22
Pg. 11
Pg. 15
Pg. 22
Pg. 12
Pg. 14
Pg. 14
Pg. 23
Pg. 22
Pg. 20
Pg. 23
平板電腦教學全攻略:eClass PowerLesson及電子教案庫
Cloud and Managed Service for Hong Kong K12 School
Clicker 6 +Apps, Writeronline
Learning and Teaching with Motion Sensing Technology
- Tung Chung Catholic School(東涌天主教小學)
Fuji Xerox (Hong Kong) Ltd.
Hewlett-Packard HKSAR Limited
Application of Cloud-based Learning Platform and Classroom
Learning System
Windows in the Classroom
Ruijie 3-in-1 E-learning Networking Solution
Designing Student-centric Activities to Enhance Learning Skills
Using iPads
Writing to explore, Imagine and Entertain
Structures and Properties of Substances
Autograph in Transformational Geometry
Enhancing Students’Interaction through E-learning
Scaling High Quality Education: the Digital Revolution
English Alive – Poetry Appreciation
The Science Module in Writing 2.0
Learning sequence using iPads
Animation Production
HK Edcity
11:30 ~ 12:20
Pg. 02
Pg. 04
Pg. 04
An open textbook system for Hong Kong
The school wireless impact - Giga WiFi (802.11ac) and
eLearning under proven school wireless
Pg. 05
Pg. 05
Pg. 05
Pg. 06
Pg. 06
Pg. 07
Pg. 09
Pg. 09
Pg. 09
Pg. 10
Pg. 10
Pg. 10
Pg. 13
Pg. 16
Pg. 19
Pg. 17
Pg. 13
Pg. 11
Pg. 21
Pg. 22
Pg. 23
Pg. 20
Pg. 22
Pg. 23
Pg. 06
How to take advantage of cloud computing technology for
elearning? - Case sharing
Fuji Xerox (Hong Kong) Ltd.
Clicker 6+Apps, Writeronline
Information Technology landscape at school -
“Cloud-based Learning” 學校資訊科技實況 - 「雲式學習」
Anytime Anywhere Collaborative Learning through the Cloud
Ruijie 3-in-1 E-learning Networking Solution
Respiratory System
Farming in Southern California
Investigation on Irregular Polygons (Pick s theorem) with
mobile technology
An introduction to Shakespearean tragedies and Macbeth
Speaking - Group discussion skills
Wonders of technology in learning Humanities
Perspective drawing with iPad
Observing living things and Classification of living things
e-Writing project 2.0
應用Ipad 於幾何學習
Learning sequence using iPads
Comparing Famine (S 5)
Angles in a semi-circle = 90
Hewlett-Packard HKSAR Limited
14:00 ~ 14:50
Pg. 02
Pg. 04
Pg. 04
Pg. 05
Pg. 06
Pg. 05
Pg. 05
Cloud and Managed Service for Hong Kong K12 School
Clicker 6+Apps, Writeronline
Hewlett-Packard HKSAR Limited
How to take advantage of cloud computing technology for
Fuji Xerox (Hong Kong) Ltd.
Pg. 10
Pg. 10
Pg. 08
Pg. 21
Pg. 16
Pg. 19
Pg. 17
Pg. 23
Pg. 18
Pg. 23
漢語作為第二語言 (Chinese as a Second Language)
Autography in Geometry
Using iMovie and iPad to enhance learning in Science
Teaching Social Issues through Socrative
15:00 ~ 15:50
Pg. 03
Pg. 04
Pg. 04
Pg. 05
Pg. 05
Pg. 05
Pg. 06
Pg. 06
Pg. 06
Pg. 07
Saint Paul School Macau s implementation of 1:1 project experience‘
新一代eCampus數碼校園: 文件及校產管理
The school wireless impact - Giga WiFi (802.11ac) and eLearning
under proven school wireless
A further step to Engage Students Learning- both in classroom
and students at home self practicing, by latest Educational IT
教育局創意資訊科技教育計劃「移動學習平台iclass 」負責機構及學
Fuji Xerox (Hong Kong) Ltd.
HKT Education Limited
Application of Cloud-based Learning Platform and Classroom
Learning System 雲端學習平台及教室學習系統的應用-Hong Kong
Applied Science and Technology Research Institute
Microsoft software school site licensing
Ruijie 3-in-1 E-learning Networking Solution
Pg. 08
Pg. 09
Structures and Properties of Substances
Farming in Southern California
Pg. 06
Pg. 07
Pg. 07
Pg. 08
Pg. 06
Windows in the Classroom
Ruijie 3-in-1 E-learning Networking Solution
A quick look on iBooks creation with different Apps and iBook
Author for different age groups
Writing to explore, Imagine and Entertain
Information Technology landscape at school - “Cloud-based
Learning” 學校資訊科技實況 - 「雲式學習」 Po Leung Kuk
Chee Jing Yin Primary School
Pg. 22
Pg. 20
Pg. 23
Use of 3D animation across language subjects
Users of the tropical rainforest - a gobal perspective
Pg. 07
Pg. 09
Pg. 09
Pg. 10
Pg. 13
Pg. 11
Pg. 12
Pg. 21
Pg. 15
Pg. 19
Pg. 17
Pg. 12
Pg. 23
Pg. 22
Pg. 22
Pg. 23
Pg. 20
Pg. 22
Pg. 23
Using iPads in the English language classroom
Respiratory System
Investigation on Irregular Polygons (Pick s theorem) with mobile
An introduction to Shakespearean tragedies and Macbeth
Analyzing Cold War Propaganda
It is my product
Take a virtual reality tour to communication in a computer
Movie excerpt of “Kung-fu” ---a new way of learning music
and performing arts education
Teaching Social Issues through Socrative
e – 寫作計劃 2.0
應用Ipad 於幾何學習
Use of 3D animation across language subjects
Comparing Famine (S 5)
Animation Production
16:30 ~ 17:20
Pg. 03
Pg. 13
Pg. 12
Pg. 14
Pg. 21
Pg. 16
Pg. 12
Pg. 23
Pg. 23
Pg. 20
Analyzing Cold War Propaganda
Fun with Japanese via iPad
English Grammar – Right or Wrong?
Using iMovie and iPad to enhance learning in Science
e – 寫作計劃 2.0
Uses of mobile devices & learning response system in Literature
in English
Keynote Speech
KN 01
Medium of Instruction
Title of the speech
Medium of Instruction
Title of the speech
Introduction :
About the Speaker :
: English
: Mr. Eric Lam , CEO, Amdon, Consulting Group
: Interactive Textbooks for the PC and the Mobile Device:
Where we are now and where we can be
: English
: Stephanie Hamilton, Sr. Manager, World Wide
Education Strategic Initiatives group, Apple Education
: Transforming teaching and learning to drive student achievement
Can a textbook finally be a publication that a student would want to read? Can the use of the latest technology elements such
as the mobile device really transform the way the student learn in the modern day classroom? What should a textbook on the
computer or the mobile device look like in order to maximize the potential of these technologies in learning? And how does a
‘next generation’ textbook look like in the foreseeable future?
The speaker aims to address these questions by discussing the extent to which inquiry-based pedagogies could be deployed in
interactive textbooks today to get students to want to read their textbooks on their own accord, and how, with an adequate
management system, supports the teacher’s need for formative assessments.
He will demonstrate with examples how interactive textbooks for Science, when designed with pedagogy and the student in
mind, can transform the teaching and learning experience in and outside of the classroom, and how tablet devices such as the
iPad can accelerate this progression to self-directed learning.
Before joining Apple in 2000, Stephanie was the CIO of the Austin Independent School District in
of the district’s teaching and learning for 110 schools and over 78,000 students. After joining Apple,
Stephanie continues to be instrumental in many 1 to 1 implementations globally. She has brought
this experience to help define a blueprint for building a Digital Learning Environment, helping school
leaders identify the critical factors for successful implementation of technology. In this capacity, she
has been instrumental in many 1 to 1 implementations, including the State of Maine (see
maine/) as well as helping to introduce the 1 to 1 program in Sweden in 2006, where now more than 80 primary and secondary
schools have implemented a 1 to 1 program.
Before joining Apple in 2000, Stephanie was the CIO of the Austin Independent School District
in Texas, U.S.A. She oversaw the first 1 to 1 program for teachers in 1996. The result was a
transformation of the district’s teaching and learning for 110 schools and over 78,000 students.
After joining Apple, Stephanie continues to be instrumental in many 1 to 1 implementations
globally. She has brought this experience to help define a blueprint for building a Digital Learning
Environment, helping school leaders identify the critical factors for successful implementation of
technology. In this capacity, she has been instrumental in many 1 to 1 implementations, including
the State of Maine (see as well as helping to introduce
the 1 to 1 program in Sweden in 2006, where now more than 80 primary and secondary schools
have implemented a 1 to 1 program.
The rapid change of technology do impact teaching and learning in the classroom. Schools are
searching for successful, replicable instances of technology implementation used to drive student
achievement and prepare students with 21st-century skills. Stephanie will share her experience on
the critical factors for successful implementation of technology and focus on the transformation in
the classroom.
About the Speaker :
Introduction :
- 01 -
KN 02
KN 03
Medium of Instruction
Title of the speech
: English
: Dr K S Yuen, Head of Educational Technology
and Publishing
: An open textbook system for Hong Kong
Dr Kin Sun Yuen obtained his BSc, MEd and PhD at the University of Hong Kong. He had been a secondary school
teacher and an instructional designer for 11 years before he joined the Open Learning Institute in 1989 (now renamed
as Open University of Hong Kong) to head the Educational Technology and Publishing Unit.
Dr Yuen’s expertise lies in the design, development and delivery of distance and open learning courses, and in the
establishment of a quality assurance system to produce distance learning materials. Under his leadership, the OUHK
has developed a total online learning environment for its learners since 2002.
In the last two decades, Dr Yuen has mounted workshops and given talks on topics such as the operation of distance
education systems, course and programme development, online learning environment, the philosophy in the use of
online learning systems, and so on for distance education planners and practitioners locally and around the world. Dr Yuen has written a number
of book chapters and journal articles on course development and related topics in open and distance learning.
Dr Yuen, in conjunction with others, has just completed a research project on the state of play in the use of OER (open educational resources)
in teaching and learning in Asian countries. He is at present working on an Open Textbook project with a group of OUHK colleagues, which aims
to establish a sustainable system providing quality open textbooks for adoption and adaptation by students and teachers at primary, secondary
and tertiary levels at minimal or no cost.
One of the many problems of school textbooks is their high prices. The Hong Kong government has been promoting the use of e-books and
e-resources, and believes that e-textbooks can tackle the high price problem. Some education organizations offer plenty of free e-resources;
however they are not widely used, and surely are not replacing of the printed texts.
A group of colleagues at the OUHK believe that making use of new developments in information and communication technologies and proper
copyright licensing, open education resources or free learning resources can be an alternate solution to solve Hong Kong’s textbook problems.
They have proposed an Open Textbook project, which is expected to contribute significantly to the paradigm shift in Hong Kong’s education
culture by pioneering user-led, collaborative production of open educational resources attuned to various learning needs and contexts.
The talk will start with a brief introduction of open educational resources, particularly open textbooks, and how different countries around the
world are making use of them in teaching and learning at a reduced cost. It then describes the progress of the proposed Open Textbook system
for Hong Kong, which is an online collaborative environment containing open source textbooks which are free, flexible, current and directly
available for use and adaptation by schools and universities. There will be a demonstration of open textbook systems and how they are used by
teachers, students and the general public. The plan for the establishment of a consortium of open textbooks, made up of potential contributors
and beneficiary educational institutions, will be revealed and the ways how the system will be sustained in future will also be discussed.
About the Speaker :
Introduction :
強調師生互動的課堂,以致最終成為互動電子教室的理念 。
: 中文
: 劉振華老師,匯基書院(東九龍)助理校長、
: 電子互動教室的理念與實踐
- 02 -
KN 05
KN 04
Medium of Instruction
Title of the speech
: English
: Mr. Manel Machado, Director of Academic
Technology, Escola Sao Paulo, Macau
: Saint Paul School Macau’s implementation of 1:1
project experience
: 中文
: 黃寶財教授
: E-世代的家庭教育
黃教授以家長的身份,與你分享 e-世代家庭教育的挑戰,如何培育負責、自信、自強的孩子。
- 03 -
Today’s technology offers new avenues to improve teaching and learning. However, with any
big change, challenges arise. Saint Paul School-Macau initiated a 1:1 computing program
called ‘”Classroom 2012 Project“ that was designed to solve some of these challenges.
Join us to learn how St. Paul School Macau approached the issues and their experience in
selecting the software tools their teachers and students use on a daily basis in a paperless
Introduction :
平板電腦教學全攻略:eClass PowerLesson及電子教案庫
Cloud and Managed Service for Hong Kong K12 School
The school wireless impact - Giga WiFi (802.11ac) and
eLearning under proven school wireless
Cloud and Managed Service for Hong Kong K12 School
新一代eCampus數碼校園: 文件及校產管理
The school wireless impact - Giga WiFi (802.11ac) and
eLearning under proven school wireless
實體書與越趨普及的電子書集中管理?eClass 嶄新的電子閱
展。此講座將會介紹eClass「eLibrary plus綜合圖書館」、
「Reading Scheme網上閱讀計劃」及電子書。
- 04 - - 05 -
Clicker 6 +Apps
Learning and Teaching with Motion Sensing Technology
- Tung Chung Catholic School(東涌天主教小學)
Fuji Xerox
How to take advantage of cloud computing
technology for elearning? - Case sharing
A further step to Engage Students Learning- both in
classroom and students at home self practicing, by
latest Educational IT
Clicker is the award-winning literacy tool that enables
pupils of all abilities to significantly develop their reading
and writing skills. Clicker is used on over half a million
school computers and in over 90% of UK primary schools.
This workshop aims to introduce the Kinect Learning
System for a new mode of learning and teaching. Instead
of mouse and keyboard, teachers and students have to
move their body to learn, which makes the lessons more
This seminar aims to introduce the key cloud computing
applications for elearning, ranging from IT infrastructure,
application level, elearning platform and contents, with
case sharing by schools.
Writeronline is the innovative writing tool for upper
primary, secondary schools and colleges. Word
prediction, great quality speech and the unique Wordbar
help students of all abilities to achieve their full potential.
Content are Machines and Robotics, Algodoo, Yenka,
Sunflower, Webcam Laboratory.
DW4 教育局創意資訊科技教育計劃「移動學習平台iclass」負責
由iClass研發機構「香港大學」介紹iClass 學習平台的功能及
- 06 -
Application of Cloud-based Learning Platform and
Classroom Learning System
Windows in the Classroom
Information Technology landscape at school - “Cloud-
based Learning”
學校資訊科技實況 - 「雲式學習」
Anytime Anywhere Collaborative Learning through the
Microsoft software school site licensing
Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research
This session will provide examples of Mobile Learning with
Windows 8 devices which are available in various form
factors and brands to suit your school needs. Devices
management and applications deployment will also be
Po Leung Kuk Chee Jing Yin Primary School
Microsoft Office 365 for Education supports students
and teachers to work in real time on assignments and
group projects. This free solution allows them to easily
communicate, collaborate, share information, view or edit
documents, and have online meetings or conferences.
Microsoft Enrolment for Education Solutions offers a
simple, cost effective, and easy to manage method for
schools to acquire Microsoft software licenses. Staff and
teachers will have license rights to work at home, and the
program is extensible to students as well.
- 07 -
Designing Student-centric Activities to Enhance
Learning Skills Using iPads
A quick look on iBooks creation with different Apps and
iBook Author for different age groups
Using iPads in the English language classroom
This workshop is for teachers who have basic understand-
ing of iPad for learning. It is an activity based workshop
focusing on designing student-centric activities related
to 21C learning skills training such as critical thinking,
creativity and innovative by using various apps on iPads.
In the workshop, teachers will be divided into language
and non-launguage teaching groups. Participants will
experience a full lesson using iPad in the classroom with
hands-on practice.
This workshop will serve as an orientation to different
books creation Apps and iBooks Author for creating
interactive books in teaching and learning. It will provide
comparison of different Apps for different age groups.
Participants will be guided to practice making their own
iBooks through the process of creation, curation and
In this practical, hands-on workshop, we will look at how
iPads can be integrated into the curriculum to support
English language learning at all proficiency levels with
Upper Primary or Junior Secondary students. Aimed at
teachers who are interested in or have recently started
using iPads in their lessons, this session will focus on how
iPads can provide a rich learning experience in the English
language classroom.
Education Team
- 08 -
St. Paul’s Convent School
School Name
School Name
School Name
St. Paul’s Convent School
Mr. Neil Maxwell
English (S.3)
Writing to explore, Imagine and Entertain
In the lesson students will be led through 4 activities including
brainstorming, online learning, group discussion/writing and
presentation using iPads.
Students will acquire new vocabulary and learn how to enrich
their descriptive writing skills through appearing to the five
senses. Students will use iPads both independently and
collaboratively to engage in the process of creative writing to
produce a short description.
St. Paul’s Convent School
Miss Sarah Chan
Chemistry (S.3)
Structures and Properties of Substances
drawing a three-dimensional model of the assigned substance
using UPAD Lite (on iPad) and explaining the properties of the
substance to the class based on the model drawn.
Group 1: Sodium chloride
Group 2: Diamond
Group 3: Graphite
St. Paul’s Convent School
Mrs. A Fong (Yung Wing-yee Angela)
Mathematics (S.3)
Autograph in Transformational Geometry
This classroom presentation demonstrates how the
“Autograph” software could empower student learning in
transformationial geometry (translation, reflection, rotation
and enlargement). S.3 students will be guided to investigate
the effect of these transformations via the software. Students
will create simple shapes. They will then reflect, slide, rotate,
and magnify their creations. Next, they will explore the
relationship between the original shapes and their respective images.
- 09 -
School Name
School Name
School Name
St. Paul’s Convent School
Mr. Law Siu Wing
Biology (S.3)
Respiratory System
Students make use of the self-made ebook for self-paced
learning with the guidance from their teacher facilitator. The
ebook is enriched with multi-media resources to encourage
students’ engagement. They will be divided into groups to
work on the structure and function of the human respiratory
system and his/her breathing movement. Through group
interaction and presentation, students learn by playing an
active role in concept building and teaching their classmates.
St. Paul’s Convent School
Mrs. K Tsang
Geography (S.5)
Farming in Southern California
- Students will work in groups are iPad and provided
- Students will study the physical environment in California
that will affect the farming activity in the region, using
Google Earth
- Identify and show the area farmable for farming, using the
- Students will state and explain, with evidence, the farming
constraints in the regions
- Suggest solution to the problems faced by the farmers in California
(presentations with iPad/ IWB
St. Paul’s Convent School
Magdalena Wong
Mathematics (S.2)
Investigation on Irregular Polygons (Pick’s theorem) with
mobile technology
This session helps students to find the area of irregular
polygons in a square grid leading to the Pick’s theorem.
Additionally it requires students to draw connections between
three variables: the number of dots on the perimeter (p), the
number of sots inside the shape (i), and the area (A). Mobile
technology will be integrated in this investigation using the
iPad App “Geoboard” to explore the relationship between p, i and A. Students
will engaged in the discovery process of the theorem with the help of iPads.
- 10 -
School Name
St. Paul’s Convent School
Ms. Gloria Leung
English Literature (S.2)
An introduction to Shakespearean tragedies and Macbeth
Through the use of i-Book, students will be introduced to the
conventions of Shakespearean tragedy as well as 1-2 scenes
from the first act of Macbeth. This iBook has been designed
by six F.2 students under teacher supervision, and includes
videos, an interactive task and a close analysis of important
quotes which will allow students to engage in the play using
various media.
(1)	 認識兵車行詩中反映的唐朝統治者連年用兵給人
(2)	 了解作者的反戰思想
(3)	 學習寓情於事的叙事方法
(1)	 杜詩的沉鬱風格
(2)	 本詩的怨憤基調
漢語作為第二語言 (Chinese as a Second Language)
- 11 -
通識科 (中五)
透過eClass PowerLesson app在 iPad 的運用,學生認識
United Christian College
(Kowloon East)
School Name
United Christian College (Kowloon East)
Mr. Choy Tsz Hung Joe, Mr. Shek Kim Fung Kelvin
Biology (S.1)
Observing living things and Classification of living things
1. Learning the drawing of observable features of living things
- by using iPad, students will try learning the drawing skills and
being given the reminders
2. Constructing a dichotomous key of living things
task in different levels and asked to construct a dichotomous
key (dividing things into 2 groups by features each time)
Mr. Choy Tsz Hung Joe
Mr. Shek Kim Fung Kelvin
- 12 -
School Name
United Christian College (Kowloon East)
Miss Ho Sau Ling, Dawn
Japanese (S.1)
Fun with Japanese via iPad
Since speaking is a very important aspect in learning a
language, standard pronunciation is emphasized in this
session. Students will learn to pronounce the basic vowels
thus some simple and useful Japanese words or phrases
by following its phonetic symbols. iPad is used as a tool to
facilitate in learning standard pronunciation in the way that
when you are speaking via iPad app (DICTATION), the sound
will be detected and then transformed into text on the screen, so you will know
immediately whether your pronunciation is correct. It is interesting that if you
do not pronounce rightly, English, Chinese or some other unknown languages
will be detected.
School Name
United Christian College (Kowloon East)
Mr. Ng Ho Yin Kenneth, Mr. Wan Chi Ho Ricky, Mr. Lui Chi On Ivan,
& Mr. Cheng Hiu Sing Daniel
Math (S.1)
A mathematics lesson that emphasizes collaborative construction of knowledge
should besupportedbyeffectivegrouping strategyand formativeassessmentmethod.
Students should be invited to contribute their ideas through successive inquiries,
comparisons and reflections. Meanwhile, teacher should be able to create a learning
ambiance that can encourage students to pursuit the following objectives proactively:
•	 understand the rationale behind the “Standard” methods / solutions;
•	 think about the possibility of “Alternative” methods / solutions;
•	 reflect on their “Wrong” methods / solutions to know “Why” it’s wrong.
We stress the importance of “We” since we believe that students and teachers should
work out their finding all together. (eClass PowerLesson app with iPad)
Mr. Ng Ho Yin Kenneth Mr. Cheng Hiu Sing DanielMr. Lui Chi On IvanMr. Wan Chi Ho Ricky
- 13 -
School Name
School Name
School Name
United Christian College (Kowloon East)
Mr. Richard Nyhoff & Mrs. Fung Kwong Yee Sze, Elsie
History (S.3)
Analyzing Cold War Propaganda
‘Analyzing Cold War Propaganda’ is a lesson designed to train students’ skills to
distinguish views and perspectives of historical sources through the use of Cold
War Propaganda posters, commercials and films. In modern History courses,
students often find it difficult to interpret historical sources and put their ideas in
appropriate historical backgrounds and contexts. As professional history teachers,
we decide that students need more intensive training on observing clues, making
judgments, finding the right language to articulate their interpretations and
eventually making logical arguments supported by appropriate evidences.
In order to communicate the subtle and intelligent skills required in distinguishing
and analyzing propaganda perspectives and messages, a full-length Powerpoint
showing numerous posters, commercials and film-clip is prepared. Intelligent
questions guiding students to subtle interpretations and key
points are also provided. On top of an effective use of ‘Question
and Answer’ activity leading to extensive class discussion, we
make good use of the eClass PowerLesson app in iPad to ensure
participation in the thinking process of each and every one of
the students. With the response system, learning becomes
uncompromisingly invitational for their involvements. It thus
reduces individual differences in terms of motivation and
responsiveness to the minimum throughout the lesson.
United Christian College (Kowloon East)
Mrs. Kwok Lee Hoi Yan, Irene
English (S.5)
Speaking - Group discussion skills
This lesson aims to help some S.5 students improve one of the
discussion skills, that is, responding to others’ ideas, with the
use of iPad. Students record and view their own discussion,
evaluate their performance and devise strategies to improve
the way they interact with others in the group.
United Christian College (Kowloon East)
Mr. Loo Wing Hong Ivan
Visual Arts (S.1)
Perspective drawing with iPad
At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to
1. Know how to draw a perspective drawing
2. Understand 3 types of perspective drawing
3. Find out the vanishing point from a one point perspective
Mr. Richard Nyhoff
Mrs. Fung Kwong Yee Sze, Elsie
- 14 -
School Name
School Name
United Christian College (Kowloon East)
Mrs. Helen Cheung
English (S.1)
English Alive – Poetry Appreciation
Students will engage in creating their own shape, acrostic
and biopoems via iPad with the interactive eTextbook.
Students appreciate the different literary devices used for
creating poems, e.g. adjectives, alliteration, onomatopoeia,
assonance, rhyme scheme, etc… Students share final product
with classmates.
United Christian College (Kowloon East)
Mr. Leung Tsan Chiu, Michael
English (S.1)
English Grammar – Right or Wrong?
Students are asked to make a judgment over the grammar
accuracy of English sentences using eClass PowerLesson
app. With the function of response system, the students’
responses towards each sentence can be indicated on the
screen for peer to peer sharing, which would help facilitate
the class discussion on the grammar items.
Po Leung Kuk Laws
Foundations College
School Name
Po Leung Kuk Laws Foundations College
Ms. Yeung Mui Chun and Ms. Ng Suet Yi
Science (S.1)
The Science Module in Writing 2.0
To engage (S.1*) students in learning science through writing, five science-related
topics have been developed in the Science Module in Writing 2.0: (i) renewable energy,
(ii) water pollution, (iii) animal species, (iv) use of solar energy and (v) biotechnology.
As the core concept of Writing 2.0 is to help students learn to be an independent
learner to produce writing as an output of learning, students are encouraged to learn
science by reading and writing in which peer’s review and comment play an important
role in every writing task. Writing 2.0 is designed to provide a platform for students to
share, to comment and to review writing, with the support of sample articles which
are selected for particular levels of students. As a result, writing becomes a tool to
mobilize learning and assess learning. In the Science Module, we believe that students
are able to produce writing characterized with scientific concepts, phenomena, data
analysis, reflection on scientific issues as well as creative thoughts about the world.
* S.1 was the focus of the development in Writing 2.0 at stage 1.
- 15 -
School Name
HKUGA Primary School
Miss Fiona YUNG, Miss Janice TAM
and Ms Christina SUEN
Enhancing Students’ Interaction through E-learning
E-learning can be an effective pedagogical approach if successfully integrated into
one’s school-based curriculum. The facilitators of this session will share the trial,
tribulation and successes they have had with incorporating e-learning strategies into
their daily learning and teaching. Participants will be introduced to the use of Google
Platform and how it supports and reinforces student-student and student-teacher
interaction in a group writing project. Participants will also be encouraged to be a part
of the learning process through interacting with the students and listening to their
reflections on using Google Platform!
HKUGA Primary School
Miss Fiona YUNG, Miss Janice TAM and Ms Christina SUEN
利用i-pad的應用軟件及Google doc. ,讓學生探究角柱
Sam Chung 鍾劍峯老師
Leo Sung 宋寶華老師
- 16 -
據,會利用雲端技術(Cloud Technology),即時傳送到網
上協作平台(Google Site)進行整理、運算及分析。 調查
- 17 -
Secondary School
Law Ting Pong
School Name
Law Ting Pong Secondary School
Mr. Dereck Wong and Mr. Parul Marriott
Wonders of technology in learning Humanities
The workshop will focus on the myriad of ways employed by the Humanities
department at LTPSS to provide variety, depth as well as breadth of student
centred learning for students using ICT. iBook author and various collaborative
apps would be the highlight of the day.
The workshop will also discuss how ICT and Humanities curriculum could be
used in teacher development as a platform for developing new teaching ideas
and for collaborative teaching.
Mr. Dereck Wong Mr. Parul Marriott
(keynote)或短片(explain everything/imovie),向
- 18 -
School Name
Law Ting Pong Secondary School
Ms. Yu Ying Wan, Karen and Mrs. Vian Tong
Movie excerpt of “Kung-fu” ---a new way of learning music and performing arts
The music education at LTPSS is in fact a performing arts education, which aims
at providing students with comprehensive music learning experiences through
integrated activities of Creating, Performing and Listening.
In music lessons, students will have the opportunities to experience different art
forms, such as singing, dancing and acting. Besides, the use of music learning software
is one of the key emphasis of the music curriculum at LTPSS, of which students are
encouraged to explore, experience, compose and perform with the use of music
software, regardless of their music backgrounds and talents.
In this session, the orchestra will accompany the movie excerpt of “Kung-fu”.
With the famous Chinese orchestral music excerpts and special sound effects,
the orchestra will bring you a 2013 version of this famous movie and show
you how students use technology in learning music.
Ms. Yu Ying Wan, Karen
Ms. Wong Chit , 張沛諾先生
本計劃屬電子學習計劃 e 寫作計劃2.0 其中一部份。主要利用網上平台促
Lam Tai Fai College
School Name
Lam Tai Fai College
Mr. Tong Kwong Chiu
Information Technology	
Take a virtual reality tour to communication in a computer system
It is always a challenge for IT teachers to teach abstract concepts such as data flow
in a computer system. Students, on the other hand, have difficulty in understanding
such concepts and are sometimes bored by them. By using a virtual reality micro-
tour, we aim to enhance the interest of students in learning the flow of data in
communication between computer components with classmates.
自2002 年實施單元教學,香港的中學中國語文便再無
指定教學篇章,而相應於由2007 起,中學會考亦無確
- 19 -
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St Margaret’s Co-edu English
Secondary and Primary School
School Name
School Name
School Name
St Margaret’s Co-edu English Secondary and Primary School
Mr. Leung Chung Yu & Mr. Lau Hing Yip
S.2 Information & Communication Technology (ICT)
Use of 3D animation across language subjects
Students can plan their stories through the use of Muvizu, a 3D
animation program. They can use the built-in scenarios, characters,
objects and others to create their 3D stories collaboratively.
Students can produce their animation quickly because the program
is easy to use and accessible. In addition, students can apply
what they have learnt in language subjects like script writing and
dramatical skills during the process of production.
St Margaret’s Co-edu English Secondary and Primary School
Mr. Lui Po Ting
S.1 Mathematics
Learning sequence using iPads
Students will use iPads as the learning tools to learn the
meaning of different sequences in an inquiry approach. Firstly,
the students will be asked to categorize the sequences given
to them. Through the process, they will identify the role of
the sequences by themselves and get more information from
the QR code given by the teacher. After consolidation, teacher
will use an online questionnaire platform to do a quiz with
the students and give timely feedback based on the real time statistics of the
students’ performance.
St Margaret’s Co-edu English Secondary and Primary School
Mr. Anthony Adames
S.4 Literature in English
Uses of mobile devices & learning response system in
Literature in English
Apart from reading text only, students can learn English
literature in a more interactive way. Students can understand
the contexts through different media in the e-book. Certain
functions such as “DEFINE” can allow student to better access
the text. They can also take an active role in learning through
the learning response system.
Mr. Lau Hing Yip
Mr. Leung Chung Yu
- 21 -
Tsung Tsin Christian Academy
School Name
Tsung Tsin Christian Academy
Mr. Tse Kwong Shing and Mr. Au Yat Yin
Integrated Sciences ( Physics)
Using iMovie and iPad to enhance learning in Science
Using iMovie is a powerful and highly engaging tool for students
to share their knowledge and express themselves in
the form of digital movies. Students can create high-
quality video reports to demonstrate science concepts or
documentaries to increase the relevance of social issues.
Mr. Tse Kwong Shing
Mr. Au Yat Yin
School Name
Tsung Tsin Chrsitian Academy
Mr. Leung Yiu Tun
Computer Literacy
It is my product
Students will use their imagination and make use of tablet
devices to compose a short advertisement. Movie capturing
and editing skills are expected to be attained by students
during the lesson activities. With the help of innovative
information technology and instant feedbacks, peer sharing
among students is no longer a dream.
School Name
St Margaret’s Co-edu English Secondary and Primary School
Ms. YY Chan, Mr. Lau Hing Yip
e-Writing project 2.0
It is part of the e-Writing 2.0 project. The project aims to use
web - platform to enhance students’ writing.
Mr. Lau Hing Yip
- 22 -
HK Edcity
Organization Name
Hong Kong Education City
Assessment for Learning: Online Question Bank
HKEDCity launched “Online Question Bank” for improving achievement via
assessments and instant feedback.Collected over thousands of questions of
previous public examination including HKCEE and the first HKDSE on 9 subjects,
and free Maths questions from two publishers, the OQB clearly categorizes
them by topics, levels of difficulty & examination years to lessen teachers’ time
and efforts on preparing and marking exercises, quizzes or tests. Also, the OQB
equips with a wide range of school-base and individual reports which provide
detailed statistics on students’ performance on each topic for users to adjust
and formulate the effective teaching strategies and develop individual study
plan to cater for learning diversity and well prepare for the public examination.
YMCA of Hong Kong Christian College
School Name
YMCA of Hong Kong Christian College
Mr Ian Mckirody, Mr Kent Lo
Comparing Famine (S 5)
The 2 teachers will demonstrate the use of a smartboard in interactive teaching
with students of Geography studying for NSS. This topic is normally taught in
form 5. Students also make use of the Geography Department website which
has PDF files of each lesson taught. Each lesson also has a podcast so that
students are able to review their lessons for revision purposes.
Mr. Wong Siu Kwan, Mr. Jason Chan
e-寫作計劃 2.0
本計劃屬電子學習計劃 e 寫作計劃2.0 其中一部份。主要利用網上平台促
- 23 -
南嘉彥( Ms. Jessica Nan)
(ii) 減碳排與碳審計
(i i i)綠色科技
(iv) 納米技術
(v) 企業社會責任
「以實際企業的經驗為基礎的可持續未來發展新高中教育資源庫l 項目計
動、題庫以及參考資料(網頁/書本) ,而課題涵蓋以下五大範疇: Ci)再生能
減碳排與碳審計(i i i)綠色科技( iv) 納米技術;和(v) 企業社會責任。除了資
Hong Kong Baptist University Affiliated School Wong
Kam Fai Secondary & Primary School
School Name
Hong Kong Baptist University Affiliated School Wong Kam Fai Secondary &
Primary School
Ms. Jacqui Koo, Ms. Sarah Li
Teaching Social Issues through Socrative
Socrative is an app that allows teachers to engage the entire classroom with
educational games on iphone/Android phones and tablets. It can also help
teachers get real-time feedback from students on various topics. In this
presentation, teachers will demonstrate how to use this app to teach topics
related to social issues.
e-寫作計劃 2.0
本計劃屬電子學習計劃 e 寫作計劃2.0 其中一部份。主要利用網上平台促
- 22 -
應用Ipad 於幾何學習
透過TABLET PC 學習重量與重力
本課節透過使用TABLET PC製作簡單遊戲,理解抽象
Organization Name
Mr. Erwin Huang
Scaling High Quality Education: the Digital Revolution
Education is key to fostering innovation and economic
growth. Embracing the power of the internet can help
scale the impact of our educational institutions. Hong
Kong, as one of the best connected cities in the world, is
well placed to be a leader in education in the digital age. Not only will students
have more choice and flexibility, teachers also have more power to customize
their instruction with technology of their choosing.
- 23 -
HKUGA College
Organization Name
Organization Name
Organization Name
HKUGA College
Edward Gabelli
Civilization and Geography
Users of the tropical rainforest - a gobal perspective
Students are starting to become familiar with key terms such as deforestation,
urbanization and accumulation as part of their module on the rise and fall
of early and/or ancient civilizations. The students will watch a series of short
videos on selected different users of the Rainforest and examine the reasons
behind and the effects of, these users, the lesson will use technology, including
basic GIS, to increase students’ knowledge and appreciation of the world as well
as reinforce a message of global awareness and responsibility.
HKUGA College
Mr. Lee Yuen Tat
Animation Production
This would be an elemantary course for Adobe Flash. I am going to demonstrate
the use of program to create animation. They will learn to manipulate the stage,
layers, timeline and animation paths. At the ends, students would be able to
produce Flash SWF files. They will learn the differences between file formats
and their properties.
HKUGA College
Raymond Lee
Angles in a semi-circle = 90
1. Use geometry software and let students explore
2. Video clip on home to prove
3. Tiered exercise
4. Short quiz with immedicate feedback
DSS eCurriculum Tour 2013 - Booklet

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  • 1.
  • 2. 10:30 ~ 11:20 09:15 ~ 10:00 Contents Interactive Textbooks for the PC and the Mobile Device: Where we are now and where we can be Transforming teaching and learning to drive student achievement Pg. 01 Pg. 01 Pg. 04 Pg. 04 Pg. 05 Pg. 05 Pg. 05 Pg. 06 Pg. 06 Pg. 06 Pg. 07 Pg. 07 Pg. 08 Pg. 08 Pg. 08 Pg. 22 Pg. 11 Pg. 15 Pg. 22 Pg. 12 Pg. 14 Pg. 14 Pg. 23 Pg. 22 Pg. 20 Pg. 23 KN01 AW1 AW2 AW3 AW4 AW5 AW6 AW7 AW8 AW9 AW10 A1 A2 A3 A7 A8 A9 A11 A12 A13 A14 A16 A17 A18 A4 平板電腦教學全攻略:eClass PowerLesson及電子教案庫 Cloud and Managed Service for Hong Kong K12 School Clicker 6 +Apps, Writeronline Learning and Teaching with Motion Sensing Technology - Tung Chung Catholic School(東涌天主教小學) Fuji Xerox (Hong Kong) Ltd. Hewlett-Packard HKSAR Limited Application of Cloud-based Learning Platform and Classroom Learning System Windows in the Classroom Ruijie 3-in-1 E-learning Networking Solution Designing Student-centric Activities to Enhance Learning Skills Using iPads Writing to explore, Imagine and Entertain Structures and Properties of Substances Autograph in Transformational Geometry 運用不同文章對議題作觀點建構 Enhancing Students’Interaction through E-learning Scaling High Quality Education: the Digital Revolution WE S.A.W. WHY! English Alive – Poetry Appreciation The Science Module in Writing 2.0 以實際企業的經驗為基礎的可持續未來發展新高中教育資源庫 透過ipad學習六何法 Learning sequence using iPads Animation Production HK Edcity 11:30 ~ 12:20 Pg. 02 Pg. 04 Pg. 04 KN02 BW1 BW2 An open textbook system for Hong Kong 直資學校系列:收生管理‧特殊教育管理‧成績表管理 The school wireless impact - Giga WiFi (802.11ac) and eLearning under proven school wireless
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  • 4. Pg. 07 Pg. 09 Pg. 09 Pg. 10 Pg. 13 Pg. 11 Pg. 12 Pg. 21 Pg. 15 Pg. 19 Pg. 17 Pg. 12 Pg. 23 Pg. 22 Pg. 22 Pg. 23 Pg. 20 Pg. 22 Pg. 23 DW10 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13 D16 D14 D17 D15 D18 Using iPads in the English language classroom Respiratory System Investigation on Irregular Polygons (Pick s theorem) with mobile technology ‘ An introduction to Shakespearean tragedies and Macbeth Analyzing Cold War Propaganda 中國詩歌中的描寫技巧 WE S.A.W. WHY! It is my product 立體圖形 Take a virtual reality tour to communication in a computer system Movie excerpt of “Kung-fu” ---a new way of learning music and performing arts education WE S.A.W. WHY! Teaching Social Issues through Socrative e – 寫作計劃 2.0 應用Ipad 於幾何學習 以實際企業的經驗為基礎的可持續未來發展新高中教育資源庫 Use of 3D animation across language subjects Comparing Famine (S 5) Animation Production 16:30 ~ 17:20 Pg. 03 Pg. 13 Pg. 12 Pg. 14 Pg. 21 Pg. 16 Pg. 12 Pg. 23 Pg. 23 Pg. 20 KN05 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P11 P13 P14 P17 E-世代的家庭教育 Analyzing Cold War Propaganda Fun with Japanese via iPad English Grammar – Right or Wrong? Using iMovie and iPad to enhance learning in Science 兒童文學課 WE S.A.W. WHY! e – 寫作計劃 2.0 以實際企業的經驗為基礎的可持續未來發展新高中教育資源庫 Uses of mobile devices & learning response system in Literature in English Keynote Speech KN 01 Medium of Instruction Speaker Title of the speech Medium of Instruction Speaker Title of the speech Introduction : About the Speaker : : English : Mr. Eric Lam , CEO, Amdon, Consulting Group : Interactive Textbooks for the PC and the Mobile Device: Where we are now and where we can be : English : Stephanie Hamilton, Sr. Manager, World Wide Education Strategic Initiatives group, Apple Education : Transforming teaching and learning to drive student achievement Can a textbook finally be a publication that a student would want to read? Can the use of the latest technology elements such as the mobile device really transform the way the student learn in the modern day classroom? What should a textbook on the computer or the mobile device look like in order to maximize the potential of these technologies in learning? And how does a ‘next generation’ textbook look like in the foreseeable future? The speaker aims to address these questions by discussing the extent to which inquiry-based pedagogies could be deployed in interactive textbooks today to get students to want to read their textbooks on their own accord, and how, with an adequate management system, supports the teacher’s need for formative assessments. He will demonstrate with examples how interactive textbooks for Science, when designed with pedagogy and the student in mind, can transform the teaching and learning experience in and outside of the classroom, and how tablet devices such as the iPad can accelerate this progression to self-directed learning. Before joining Apple in 2000, Stephanie was the CIO of the Austin Independent School District in Texas,U.S.A.Sheoversawthefirst1to1programforteachersin1996.Theresultwasatransformation of the district’s teaching and learning for 110 schools and over 78,000 students. After joining Apple, Stephanie continues to be instrumental in many 1 to 1 implementations globally. She has brought this experience to help define a blueprint for building a Digital Learning Environment, helping school leaders identify the critical factors for successful implementation of technology. In this capacity, she has been instrumental in many 1 to 1 implementations, including the State of Maine (see maine/) as well as helping to introduce the 1 to 1 program in Sweden in 2006, where now more than 80 primary and secondary schools have implemented a 1 to 1 program. Before joining Apple in 2000, Stephanie was the CIO of the Austin Independent School District in Texas, U.S.A. She oversaw the first 1 to 1 program for teachers in 1996. The result was a transformation of the district’s teaching and learning for 110 schools and over 78,000 students. After joining Apple, Stephanie continues to be instrumental in many 1 to 1 implementations globally. She has brought this experience to help define a blueprint for building a Digital Learning Environment, helping school leaders identify the critical factors for successful implementation of technology. In this capacity, she has been instrumental in many 1 to 1 implementations, including the State of Maine (see as well as helping to introduce the 1 to 1 program in Sweden in 2006, where now more than 80 primary and secondary schools have implemented a 1 to 1 program. The rapid change of technology do impact teaching and learning in the classroom. Schools are searching for successful, replicable instances of technology implementation used to drive student achievement and prepare students with 21st-century skills. Stephanie will share her experience on the critical factors for successful implementation of technology and focus on the transformation in the classroom. About the Speaker : Introduction : - 01 -
  • 5. KN 02 KN 03 Medium of Instruction Speaker Title of the speech : English : Dr K S Yuen, Head of Educational Technology and Publishing : An open textbook system for Hong Kong Dr Kin Sun Yuen obtained his BSc, MEd and PhD at the University of Hong Kong. He had been a secondary school teacher and an instructional designer for 11 years before he joined the Open Learning Institute in 1989 (now renamed as Open University of Hong Kong) to head the Educational Technology and Publishing Unit. Dr Yuen’s expertise lies in the design, development and delivery of distance and open learning courses, and in the establishment of a quality assurance system to produce distance learning materials. Under his leadership, the OUHK has developed a total online learning environment for its learners since 2002. In the last two decades, Dr Yuen has mounted workshops and given talks on topics such as the operation of distance education systems, course and programme development, online learning environment, the philosophy in the use of online learning systems, and so on for distance education planners and practitioners locally and around the world. Dr Yuen has written a number of book chapters and journal articles on course development and related topics in open and distance learning. Dr Yuen, in conjunction with others, has just completed a research project on the state of play in the use of OER (open educational resources) in teaching and learning in Asian countries. He is at present working on an Open Textbook project with a group of OUHK colleagues, which aims to establish a sustainable system providing quality open textbooks for adoption and adaptation by students and teachers at primary, secondary and tertiary levels at minimal or no cost. One of the many problems of school textbooks is their high prices. The Hong Kong government has been promoting the use of e-books and e-resources, and believes that e-textbooks can tackle the high price problem. Some education organizations offer plenty of free e-resources; however they are not widely used, and surely are not replacing of the printed texts. A group of colleagues at the OUHK believe that making use of new developments in information and communication technologies and proper copyright licensing, open education resources or free learning resources can be an alternate solution to solve Hong Kong’s textbook problems. They have proposed an Open Textbook project, which is expected to contribute significantly to the paradigm shift in Hong Kong’s education culture by pioneering user-led, collaborative production of open educational resources attuned to various learning needs and contexts. The talk will start with a brief introduction of open educational resources, particularly open textbooks, and how different countries around the world are making use of them in teaching and learning at a reduced cost. It then describes the progress of the proposed Open Textbook system for Hong Kong, which is an online collaborative environment containing open source textbooks which are free, flexible, current and directly available for use and adaptation by schools and universities. There will be a demonstration of open textbook systems and how they are used by teachers, students and the general public. The plan for the establishment of a consortium of open textbooks, made up of potential contributors and beneficiary educational institutions, will be revealed and the ways how the system will be sustained in future will also be discussed. About the Speaker : Introduction : 劉振華老師任職於匯基書院(東九龍),任教 中國歷史,一向致力推動電子學習,去年與數 學科老師成功申請教育局電子學習試驗計劃的 撥款,實行一人一機的互動電子教室計劃,成 效顯著。劉老師同時亦透過網上教學協會,連 結熱心推動電子學習的教育同工,並經常跟本 地教師,以至國內、澳門、馬來西亞、台灣等 地分享推行電子學習的經驗。 講者介紹 講題簡介 現時,本港不少中、小學開始實行一人一機的 上課模式,教師期望透過科技轉化傳統的學與教,讓學生變得自主學習。面對這個 世界性教育改革的挑戰,作為前線的學科老師,了解科技的最新發展固然重要,但 更重要是由課程設計和教學法入手,從新構思以學生為中心的課堂,並以適當的科 技工具配合和輔助,否則結果只會是舊酒新瓶,對學與教並沒有帶來真正的改變。 經過一年的試驗,並走訪本地以至不同地區的學校,講者嘗試從自己課堂的實踐經 驗,分享如何透過合適的科技,將傳統多由老師講授知識,轉化為以學生為中心、 強調師生互動的課堂,以致最終成為互動電子教室的理念 。 語言 講者 講題 : 中文 : 劉振華老師,匯基書院(東九龍)助理校長、 網上教學協會會長 : 電子互動教室的理念與實踐 - 02 - KN 05 KN 04 Medium of Instruction Speaker Title of the speech : English : Mr. Manel Machado, Director of Academic Technology, Escola Sao Paulo, Macau : Saint Paul School Macau’s implementation of 1:1 project experience 語言 講者 講題 : 中文 : 黃寶財教授 恒生管理學院資訊科技總監、香港中文大學客席 教授、家庭議會家庭教育小組召集人、香港教育 城創立計劃總監 : E-世代的家庭教育 黃寶財教授是資訊科技教育專家,曾任香港中文大學教授二十年,現為恒生管理學院資訊科技總 監。黃教授致力推動資訊教育,於九八年創辦「香港資訊校園」,以互聯網連接大中小學,領導學 校進入互聯網的年代。二千年創立「教育城」、「小校園」等大型教育網站,提供豐富教育資訊及 教學資源。零四年創立「視像中國」視像教學網絡,連繫香港、北京、上海、重慶、拉薩等廿多個省市。黃教授於零一年獲 香港政府頒授榮譽勳章,表揚其對資訊科技教育的貢獻。 黃教授曾任家庭與學校合作事宜委員會主席多年,領導全港十八區家長教師聯會,推動家校合作,促進家長教育。黃教授現 為家庭議會家庭教育小組召集人,製作「親子十八式」系列短片,指導家長如何在互聯網的年代,培育孩子及建立良好的親 子關係。黃教授亦為貿易發展局諮詢委員會委員,食物及環境衛生諮詢委員會委員,曾主持數百次的講座,分享家校合作、 家長教育及終身學習的新文化。 講者介紹 講題簡介 E-世代瞬息萬變、資訊爆炸,家長及孩子均面對許多壓力。傳統的中國價值,如孝敬父母、兄友弟恭,受到西方平 等自由思想衝擊,卻到了另一極端:孩子成了主子,父母成了三陪:陪學,陪玩,陪笑。眼見許多孩子沈迷上網、 無心向學,父母卻不知如何是好。 研究證明,家庭教育對孩子的學習、個人品格、人際關係有莫大影響。然而,在互聯網的年代,父母如何進行家庭 教育?如何讓孩子明白科技是工具,不是玩具?能夠善用互聯網學習,建立個人價值觀,與家庭建立和諧關係,將 來貢獻社會? 黃教授以家長的身份,與你分享 e-世代家庭教育的挑戰,如何培育負責、自信、自強的孩子。 - 03 - Today’s technology offers new avenues to improve teaching and learning. However, with any big change, challenges arise. Saint Paul School-Macau initiated a 1:1 computing program called ‘”Classroom 2012 Project“ that was designed to solve some of these challenges. Join us to learn how St. Paul School Macau approached the issues and their experience in selecting the software tools their teachers and students use on a daily basis in a paperless classroom. Introduction :
  • 6. Workshop AW1 AW2 BW1 BW2 CW1 CW2 DW1 DW2 平板電腦教學全攻略:eClass PowerLesson及電子教案庫 Cloud and Managed Service for Hong Kong K12 School 直資學校系列:收生管理‧特殊教育管理‧成績表管理 The school wireless impact - Giga WiFi (802.11ac) and eLearning under proven school wireless 由實體書至電子書:探討藏書管理及廣泛閱讀 Cloud and Managed Service for Hong Kong K12 School 新一代eCampus數碼校園: 文件及校產管理 The school wireless impact - Giga WiFi (802.11ac) and eLearning under proven school wireless 全港50間中小學使用的eClass「PowerLesson互動課堂」 ,可配合Windows電腦、iPad及Android平板電腦,運用多 媒體方式將師生帶入互動的學習環境,同步投射內容給學生 電腦螢幕外,老師亦可從即時的統計,掌握學生學習進度, 即時處理學習差異及提供回饋。此外,同場將展示最新的 PowerLesson電子教案庫。 每年,學校需處理收生的大量行政工作,eClass可一站式管 理網上收生、收取報名費、面試安排及計分等繁瑣工作; 特殊教育的行政工作由系統統整管理,以統一的流程紀錄 每位學生的學習需要及進度;無論主流學校或IB制度的學 校,eClass都能針對校本需要計算及整理學生於各科的成 績,並製作為成績表。 踏入數碼時代,學校圖書館要如何善用科技,將現有館藏的 實體書與越趨普及的電子書集中管理?eClass 嶄新的電子閱 讀模式可供多人同閱,可協助廣泛閱讀、閱讀報告計劃的推 展。此講座將會介紹eClass「eLibrary plus綜合圖書館」、 「Reading Scheme網上閱讀計劃」及電子書。 為協助學校運作順暢,eClass研發了數碼校園方案。由部門 間的文件傳閱至儲存,可由系統記錄整段審批及修改過程, 讓管理層簡易了解行政運作。而文件亦設有儲存權限,中央 儲存實現匣子存取概念。而校產可運用eClass「eInventory 資產管理系統」統整管理、進行盤點及製作報告,處理法團 校董會/校董會的工作。 - 04 - - 05 - AW3 BW3 & & AW4 AW5 BW5 CW3 CW5 DW3 DW5 Clicker 6 +Apps Learning and Teaching with Motion Sensing Technology - Tung Chung Catholic School(東涌天主教小學) Fuji Xerox How to take advantage of cloud computing technology for elearning? - Case sharing Writeronline A further step to Engage Students Learning- both in classroom and students at home self practicing, by latest Educational IT Clicker is the award-winning literacy tool that enables pupils of all abilities to significantly develop their reading and writing skills. Clicker is used on over half a million school computers and in over 90% of UK primary schools. This workshop aims to introduce the Kinect Learning System for a new mode of learning and teaching. Instead of mouse and keyboard, teachers and students have to move their body to learn, which makes the lessons more interesting. This seminar aims to introduce the key cloud computing applications for elearning, ranging from IT infrastructure, application level, elearning platform and contents, with case sharing by schools. Writeronline is the innovative writing tool for upper primary, secondary schools and colleges. Word prediction, great quality speech and the unique Wordbar help students of all abilities to achieve their full potential. Content are Machines and Robotics, Algodoo, Yenka, Sunflower, Webcam Laboratory. DW4 教育局創意資訊科技教育計劃「移動學習平台iclass」負責 機構及學校分享 由iClass研發機構「香港大學」介紹iClass 學習平台的功能及 教學應用,並有老師分享應用經驗。 BW4 CW4 &
  • 7. - 06 - AW6 BW6 CW6 DW6 HP AW7 DW7 AW8 CW8 BW7 CW7 BW8 DW8 & & & Application of Cloud-based Learning Platform and Classroom Learning System 雲端學習平台及教室學習系統的應用 Windows in the Classroom Information Technology landscape at school - “Cloud- based Learning” 學校資訊科技實況 - 「雲式學習」 Anytime Anywhere Collaborative Learning through the Cloud Microsoft software school site licensing Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute This session will provide examples of Mobile Learning with Windows 8 devices which are available in various form factors and brands to suit your school needs. Devices management and applications deployment will also be discussed. Po Leung Kuk Chee Jing Yin Primary School Microsoft Office 365 for Education supports students and teachers to work in real time on assignments and group projects. This free solution allows them to easily communicate, collaborate, share information, view or edit documents, and have online meetings or conferences. Microsoft Enrolment for Education Solutions offers a simple, cost effective, and easy to manage method for schools to acquire Microsoft software licenses. Staff and teachers will have license rights to work at home, and the program is extensible to students as well. - 07 - AW9 BW9 CW9 DW9 銳捷3位1體電子教學網絡方案 CW10 DW10 & Designing Student-centric Activities to Enhance Learning Skills Using iPads A quick look on iBooks creation with different Apps and iBook Author for different age groups Using iPads in the English language classroom 內容(第一部分): 互聯網帶寬管理與流量控制 雲端教學應用保證平台 互動演示(模擬無線教學環境與教學應用帶寬保證方案) 內容(第二部分): 全方位無線+有線的統一網絡管理 主動SMS告警特性有效減輕網絡工作量 直觀互動介面的網絡管理平台 互動演示(模擬無線教學環境與有線無線網絡管理方案) This workshop is for teachers who have basic understand- ing of iPad for learning. It is an activity based workshop focusing on designing student-centric activities related to 21C learning skills training such as critical thinking, creativity and innovative by using various apps on iPads. In the workshop, teachers will be divided into language and non-launguage teaching groups. Participants will experience a full lesson using iPad in the classroom with hands-on practice. This workshop will serve as an orientation to different books creation Apps and iBooks Author for creating interactive books in teaching and learning. It will provide comparison of different Apps for different age groups. SomenewupdatesoniBooksAuthorwillalsobereviewed. Participants will be guided to practice making their own iBooks through the process of creation, curation and deployment. In this practical, hands-on workshop, we will look at how iPads can be integrated into the curriculum to support English language learning at all proficiency levels with Upper Primary or Junior Secondary students. Aimed at teachers who are interested in or have recently started using iPads in their lessons, this session will focus on how iPads can provide a rich learning experience in the English language classroom. Apple Education Team AW10 BW10
  • 8. - 08 - St. Paul’s Convent School School Name Presenter Subject Topic Description School Name Presenter Subject Topic Description School Name Presenter Subject Topic Description St. Paul’s Convent School Mr. Neil Maxwell English (S.3) Writing to explore, Imagine and Entertain In the lesson students will be led through 4 activities including brainstorming, online learning, group discussion/writing and presentation using iPads. Students will acquire new vocabulary and learn how to enrich their descriptive writing skills through appearing to the five senses. Students will use iPads both independently and collaboratively to engage in the process of creative writing to produce a short description. St. Paul’s Convent School Miss Sarah Chan Chemistry (S.3) Structures and Properties of Substances Studentswillworkingroupoffive.Eachgroupisresponsiblefor drawing a three-dimensional model of the assigned substance using UPAD Lite (on iPad) and explaining the properties of the substance to the class based on the model drawn. Group 1: Sodium chloride Group 2: Diamond Group 3: Graphite St. Paul’s Convent School Mrs. A Fong (Yung Wing-yee Angela) Mathematics (S.3) Autograph in Transformational Geometry This classroom presentation demonstrates how the “Autograph” software could empower student learning in transformationial geometry (translation, reflection, rotation and enlargement). S.3 students will be guided to investigate the effect of these transformations via the software. Students will create simple shapes. They will then reflect, slide, rotate, and magnify their creations. Next, they will explore the relationship between the original shapes and their respective images. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : - 09 - School Name Presenter Subject Topic Description School Name Presenter Subject Topic Description School Name Presenter Subject Topic Description St. Paul’s Convent School Mr. Law Siu Wing Biology (S.3) Respiratory System Students make use of the self-made ebook for self-paced learning with the guidance from their teacher facilitator. The ebook is enriched with multi-media resources to encourage students’ engagement. They will be divided into groups to work on the structure and function of the human respiratory system and his/her breathing movement. Through group interaction and presentation, students learn by playing an active role in concept building and teaching their classmates. St. Paul’s Convent School Mrs. K Tsang Geography (S.5) Farming in Southern California - Students will work in groups are iPad and provided - Students will study the physical environment in California that will affect the farming activity in the region, using Google Earth - Identify and show the area farmable for farming, using the IWB - Students will state and explain, with evidence, the farming constraints in the regions - Suggest solution to the problems faced by the farmers in California (presentations with iPad/ IWB St. Paul’s Convent School Magdalena Wong Mathematics (S.2) Investigation on Irregular Polygons (Pick’s theorem) with mobile technology This session helps students to find the area of irregular polygons in a square grid leading to the Pick’s theorem. Additionally it requires students to draw connections between three variables: the number of dots on the perimeter (p), the number of sots inside the shape (i), and the area (A). Mobile technology will be integrated in this investigation using the iPad App “Geoboard” to explore the relationship between p, i and A. Students will engaged in the discovery process of the theorem with the help of iPads. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
  • 9. - 10 - School Name Presenter Subject Topic Description 學校名稱 授課老師 科目 題目 簡介 學校名稱 授課老師 科目 題目 簡介 St. Paul’s Convent School Ms. Gloria Leung English Literature (S.2) An introduction to Shakespearean tragedies and Macbeth Through the use of i-Book, students will be introduced to the conventions of Shakespearean tragedy as well as 1-2 scenes from the first act of Macbeth. This iBook has been designed by six F.2 students under teacher supervision, and includes videos, an interactive task and a close analysis of important quotes which will allow students to engage in the play using various media. 聖保祿學校(中學部) 鄒駿老師 中國文學(中四) 唐詩兵車行 教學目的: (1) 認識兵車行詩中反映的唐朝統治者連年用兵給人 民帶來的深重共難。 (2) 了解作者的反戰思想 (3) 學習寓情於事的叙事方法 教學重點: (1) 杜詩的沉鬱風格 (2) 本詩的怨憤基調 教學方法:利用電子書教學、誦讀法、鍳賞法 聖保祿學校(中學部) 黎蔡澤華老師 漢語作為第二語言 (Chinese as a Second Language) 使用應用程式(Apps)進行中文閱讀課 善用應用程式(Apps)進行中文閱讀課,可使教與學更 為方便。聲畫俱備的電子故事書可提升非華語學生們的 閱讀興趣,並有助解決學習差異的問題;而各種輔助學 習的應用程式更可即時提升學生掌握生字的形音義及閱 讀的能力。 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : - 11 - 學校名稱 授課老師 科目 題目 簡介 學校名稱 授課老師 科目 題目 簡介 匯基書院(東九龍) 余黃美蓉老師 通識科 (中五) 運用不同文章對議題作觀點建構 透過eClass PowerLesson app在 iPad 的運用,學生認識 相關議題的基本概念,閱讀不同的文章,表述對文章的 理解和分析,並作同儕即時相互評論、補充,以達致具 說服力的結論,建構論述的觀點和立場。 匯基書院(東九龍) 黃美寶老師 中國詩歌中的描寫技巧 運用不同文章對議題作觀點建構 課堂透過一人一iPad以及課堂互動工具(PowerLesson App),輔助老師將要處理的篇章展示及進行互動,以讓 學生理解所選詩歌的內容及主旨,並體會作者在詩歌中 所表達的情懷。從中學習中國詩歌的描寫技巧,例如描 寫順序、多感觀描寫;並學習觸景生情這種抒情手法。 : : : : : : : : : : United Christian College (Kowloon East) School Name Presenter Subject Topic Description United Christian College (Kowloon East) Mr. Choy Tsz Hung Joe, Mr. Shek Kim Fung Kelvin Biology (S.1) Observing living things and Classification of living things 1. Learning the drawing of observable features of living things - by using iPad, students will try learning the drawing skills and being given the reminders 2. Constructing a dichotomous key of living things -studentswithdifferentlearningabilitywillbegiventhesimilar task in different levels and asked to construct a dichotomous key (dividing things into 2 groups by features each time) : : : : : Mr. Choy Tsz Hung Joe Mr. Shek Kim Fung Kelvin
  • 10. - 12 - School Name Presenter Subject Topic Description United Christian College (Kowloon East) Miss Ho Sau Ling, Dawn Japanese (S.1) Fun with Japanese via iPad Since speaking is a very important aspect in learning a language, standard pronunciation is emphasized in this session. Students will learn to pronounce the basic vowels thus some simple and useful Japanese words or phrases by following its phonetic symbols. iPad is used as a tool to facilitate in learning standard pronunciation in the way that when you are speaking via iPad app (DICTATION), the sound will be detected and then transformed into text on the screen, so you will know immediately whether your pronunciation is correct. It is interesting that if you do not pronounce rightly, English, Chinese or some other unknown languages will be detected. : : : : : School Name Presenter Subject Topic Description United Christian College (Kowloon East) Mr. Ng Ho Yin Kenneth, Mr. Wan Chi Ho Ricky, Mr. Lui Chi On Ivan, & Mr. Cheng Hiu Sing Daniel Math (S.1) WE S.A.W. WHY! A mathematics lesson that emphasizes collaborative construction of knowledge should besupportedbyeffectivegrouping strategyand formativeassessmentmethod. Students should be invited to contribute their ideas through successive inquiries, comparisons and reflections. Meanwhile, teacher should be able to create a learning ambiance that can encourage students to pursuit the following objectives proactively: • understand the rationale behind the “Standard” methods / solutions; • think about the possibility of “Alternative” methods / solutions; • reflect on their “Wrong” methods / solutions to know “Why” it’s wrong. We stress the importance of “We” since we believe that students and teachers should work out their finding all together. (eClass PowerLesson app with iPad) : : : : : Mr. Ng Ho Yin Kenneth Mr. Cheng Hiu Sing DanielMr. Lui Chi On IvanMr. Wan Chi Ho Ricky - 13 - School Name Presenter Subject Topic Description School Name Presenter Subject Topic Description School Name Presenter Subject Topic Description United Christian College (Kowloon East) Mr. Richard Nyhoff & Mrs. Fung Kwong Yee Sze, Elsie History (S.3) Analyzing Cold War Propaganda ‘Analyzing Cold War Propaganda’ is a lesson designed to train students’ skills to distinguish views and perspectives of historical sources through the use of Cold War Propaganda posters, commercials and films. In modern History courses, students often find it difficult to interpret historical sources and put their ideas in appropriate historical backgrounds and contexts. As professional history teachers, we decide that students need more intensive training on observing clues, making judgments, finding the right language to articulate their interpretations and eventually making logical arguments supported by appropriate evidences. In order to communicate the subtle and intelligent skills required in distinguishing and analyzing propaganda perspectives and messages, a full-length Powerpoint showing numerous posters, commercials and film-clip is prepared. Intelligent questions guiding students to subtle interpretations and key points are also provided. On top of an effective use of ‘Question and Answer’ activity leading to extensive class discussion, we make good use of the eClass PowerLesson app in iPad to ensure participation in the thinking process of each and every one of the students. With the response system, learning becomes uncompromisingly invitational for their involvements. It thus reduces individual differences in terms of motivation and responsiveness to the minimum throughout the lesson. United Christian College (Kowloon East) Mrs. Kwok Lee Hoi Yan, Irene English (S.5) Speaking - Group discussion skills This lesson aims to help some S.5 students improve one of the discussion skills, that is, responding to others’ ideas, with the use of iPad. Students record and view their own discussion, evaluate their performance and devise strategies to improve the way they interact with others in the group. United Christian College (Kowloon East) Mr. Loo Wing Hong Ivan Visual Arts (S.1) Perspective drawing with iPad At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to 1. Know how to draw a perspective drawing 2. Understand 3 types of perspective drawing 3. Find out the vanishing point from a one point perspective drawing : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Mr. Richard Nyhoff Mrs. Fung Kwong Yee Sze, Elsie
  • 11. - 14 - School Name Presenter Subject Topic Description School Name Presenter Subject Topic Description United Christian College (Kowloon East) Mrs. Helen Cheung English (S.1) English Alive – Poetry Appreciation Students will engage in creating their own shape, acrostic and biopoems via iPad with the interactive eTextbook. Students appreciate the different literary devices used for creating poems, e.g. adjectives, alliteration, onomatopoeia, assonance, rhyme scheme, etc… Students share final product with classmates. United Christian College (Kowloon East) Mr. Leung Tsan Chiu, Michael English (S.1) English Grammar – Right or Wrong? Students are asked to make a judgment over the grammar accuracy of English sentences using eClass PowerLesson app. With the function of response system, the students’ responses towards each sentence can be indicated on the screen for peer to peer sharing, which would help facilitate the class discussion on the grammar items. : : : : : : : : : : Po Leung Kuk Laws Foundations College School Name Presenter Subject Topic Description Po Leung Kuk Laws Foundations College Ms. Yeung Mui Chun and Ms. Ng Suet Yi Science (S.1) The Science Module in Writing 2.0 To engage (S.1*) students in learning science through writing, five science-related topics have been developed in the Science Module in Writing 2.0: (i) renewable energy, (ii) water pollution, (iii) animal species, (iv) use of solar energy and (v) biotechnology. As the core concept of Writing 2.0 is to help students learn to be an independent learner to produce writing as an output of learning, students are encouraged to learn science by reading and writing in which peer’s review and comment play an important role in every writing task. Writing 2.0 is designed to provide a platform for students to share, to comment and to review writing, with the support of sample articles which are selected for particular levels of students. As a result, writing becomes a tool to mobilize learning and assess learning. In the Science Module, we believe that students are able to produce writing characterized with scientific concepts, phenomena, data analysis, reflection on scientific issues as well as creative thoughts about the world. * S.1 was the focus of the development in Writing 2.0 at stage 1. : : : : : - 15 - School Name Presenter Subject Topic Description HKUGA Primary School Miss Fiona YUNG, Miss Janice TAM and Ms Christina SUEN English Enhancing Students’ Interaction through E-learning E-learning can be an effective pedagogical approach if successfully integrated into one’s school-based curriculum. The facilitators of this session will share the trial, tribulation and successes they have had with incorporating e-learning strategies into their daily learning and teaching. Participants will be introduced to the use of Google Platform and how it supports and reinforces student-student and student-teacher interaction in a group writing project. Participants will also be encouraged to be a part of the learning process through interacting with the students and listening to their reflections on using Google Platform! : : : : : HKUGA Primary School Miss Fiona YUNG, Miss Janice TAM and Ms Christina SUEN 學校名稱 授課老師 科目 題目 簡介 港大同學會小學 鍾劍峯老師、宋寶華老師 數學科 立體圖形 利用i-pad的應用軟件及Google doc. ,讓學生探究角柱 體切角後頂、棱、面的變化,並利用互動電子白板即時 展示各組的發現,促進課堂互動及即時回饋,最後還利 用內聯網完成課業及遞交功課。 : : : : : Sam Chung 鍾劍峯老師 Leo Sung 宋寶華老師
  • 12. - 16 - 學校名稱 授課老師 科目 題目 簡介 港大同學會小學 賴英倫老師、何境老師、吳偉文老師 中國語文科 兒童文學課 兒童文學課以提高學生閱讀理解的能力和文學素養為目標, 重實踐、重積累、重運用。學生在課堂上透過不同的途徑, 如平面電腦等,接觸優秀的兒童文學作品;課間透過電子網 絡搜集資料,作基本的資料整理工作;繼而在課堂上進行小 組合作學習,使用電子媒體等工具完成指定任務;最後選擇 適當的工具及方法進行分享,以遷移所學語文能力,並感受 閱讀的趣味和作品的思想、情意,欣賞文學之美。 : : : : : 賴英倫老師、何境老師、吳偉文老師 學校名稱 授課老師 科目 題目 簡介 港大同學會小學 黃衛宗老師、梁肇華老師 常識 了解社區現況及居民的需要 「運用雲端技術及網上協作平台,提升學生的探究學習 效能」 三年級社區服務單元課程的主題為「關愛社區」。在單 元課程的學習過程中,同學會參與不同的學習活動,例 如:社區考察、問卷調查、社區教育等,深入認識社區 的現況和了解居民的需要,從而提升同學對參與社區事 務的意識。為了協助學生有效地認識社區的現況和需 要,在老師的帶領下,同學分組在社區進行觀察及探 索,並運用平板電腦記錄觀察所得。運用互動應用程 式,同學會在小組中分享他們的發現,討論鄰居社區的 現況和需要,並以概念圖組織觀察及討論成果。為了進 一步提升學與教的效能,本校常識科老師應用了資訊科 技的優勢,把同學在上一課節設計的問卷內容製作成一 份電子問卷。同學會運用平板電腦,進行實地的問卷調 查,以驗證自己的觀察及討論成果。同學搜集得來的數 據,會利用雲端技術(Cloud Technology),即時傳送到網 上協作平台(Google Site)進行整理、運算及分析。 調查 完結後,同學返回教室,老師可以即時向同學展示有關 的調查數據,有效地帶領學生進行討論和分析,總結調 查成果,並為下一階段的社區服務作準備。 : : : : : 黃衛宗老師、梁肇華老師 - 17 - Secondary School Law Ting Pong School Name Presenter Subject Topic Description Law Ting Pong Secondary School Mr. Dereck Wong and Mr. Parul Marriott Humanities Wonders of technology in learning Humanities The workshop will focus on the myriad of ways employed by the Humanities department at LTPSS to provide variety, depth as well as breadth of student centred learning for students using ICT. iBook author and various collaborative apps would be the highlight of the day. The workshop will also discuss how ICT and Humanities curriculum could be used in teacher development as a platform for developing new teaching ideas and for collaborative teaching. : : : : : Mr. Dereck Wong Mr. Parul Marriott 學校名稱 授課老師 科目 題目 簡介 羅定邦中學 黃敬斌老師、黃子峰老師 中文科 以平板電腦促進綜合語文教學 中文科本年度於中一級全面推行校本課程。由於 校本課程比傳統課程更多元化,故科任老師亦刻 意把平板電腦融入日常教學,建立學生為本的學 習歷程。學生須於家中進行預習,搜集資料。 上課時,同學間通過雲端存取(dropbox),共享 成果,並加以結合及補遺,於iPad上建立簡報 (keynote)或短片(explain everything/imovie),向 同學匯報。學生能藉著靈活運用平板電腦,與同 學共享學習成果,加強同儕協作,並把學習延伸 至家中。 : : : : : 黃敬斌老師 黃子峰老師
  • 13. - 18 - 香港聖瑪加利女書院 School Name Presenter Subject Topic Description Law Ting Pong Secondary School Ms. Yu Ying Wan, Karen and Mrs. Vian Tong Music Movie excerpt of “Kung-fu” ---a new way of learning music and performing arts education The music education at LTPSS is in fact a performing arts education, which aims at providing students with comprehensive music learning experiences through integrated activities of Creating, Performing and Listening. In music lessons, students will have the opportunities to experience different art forms, such as singing, dancing and acting. Besides, the use of music learning software is one of the key emphasis of the music curriculum at LTPSS, of which students are encouraged to explore, experience, compose and perform with the use of music software, regardless of their music backgrounds and talents. In this session, the orchestra will accompany the movie excerpt of “Kung-fu”. With the famous Chinese orchestral music excerpts and special sound effects, the orchestra will bring you a 2013 version of this famous movie and show you how students use technology in learning music. : : : : : Ms. Yu Ying Wan, Karen 學校名稱 授課老師 科目 題目 簡介 香港聖瑪加利女書院 Ms. Wong Chit , 張沛諾先生 通識 e-寫作計劃 本計劃屬電子學習計劃 e 寫作計劃2.0 其中一部份。主要利用網上平台促 進學生有效進行中文寫作、英文寫作、科學報告及通識的論說文。 : : : : : Lam Tai Fai College 林大輝中學 School Name Presenter Subject Topic Description Lam Tai Fai College Mr. Tong Kwong Chiu Information Technology Take a virtual reality tour to communication in a computer system It is always a challenge for IT teachers to teach abstract concepts such as data flow in a computer system. Students, on the other hand, have difficulty in understanding such concepts and are sometimes bored by them. By using a virtual reality micro- tour, we aim to enhance the interest of students in learning the flow of data in communication between computer components with classmates. : : : : : 學校名稱 授課老師 科目 題目 簡介 林大輝中學 彭耀權老師、林盛老師、湛婉媚老師 中國語文科 在教學後透過電子學習遊戲幫助學生鞏固語文基本知識 及累積文學素養 自2002 年實施單元教學,香港的中學中國語文便再無 指定教學篇章,而相應於由2007 起,中學會考亦無確 實可循的考試範圍,對此,有謂之鬆綁而喜,有謂之浩 瀚而憂。惟教者責無旁貸,本校除嚴選課本外,亦按校 本需要自行開發初中課程,實之以人文性及工具性,務 求涵蓋各種基本語文知識及文學文化素養以享學子。方 今之時,以電子工具瀏覽、發放資訊已成社會現象,故 此化文本教材為電子教材,增加其趣味性及挑戰性,以 搶佔學生餘暇及刺激其學習動機,實為教育界不可忽視 之發展需要。本校已製作完成的電子教材包括有橫跨初 中三年的語文基本知識,以及適用於中學六年的唐詩、 宋詞、元曲、論語、世說新語共六種,是次課堂示範將 會介紹如何在語文基本知識、唐詩、世說新語的教學 後,透過電子學習遊戲幫助學生鞏固及累積所學。 : : : : : 彭耀權老師 湛婉媚老師 林盛老師 - 19 -
  • 14. - 20 - St Margaret’s Co-edu English Secondary and Primary School School Name Presenter Subject Topic Description School Name Presenter Subject Topic Description School Name Presenter Subject Topic Description St Margaret’s Co-edu English Secondary and Primary School Mr. Leung Chung Yu & Mr. Lau Hing Yip S.2 Information & Communication Technology (ICT) Use of 3D animation across language subjects Students can plan their stories through the use of Muvizu, a 3D animation program. They can use the built-in scenarios, characters, objects and others to create their 3D stories collaboratively. Students can produce their animation quickly because the program is easy to use and accessible. In addition, students can apply what they have learnt in language subjects like script writing and dramatical skills during the process of production. St Margaret’s Co-edu English Secondary and Primary School Mr. Lui Po Ting S.1 Mathematics Learning sequence using iPads Students will use iPads as the learning tools to learn the meaning of different sequences in an inquiry approach. Firstly, the students will be asked to categorize the sequences given to them. Through the process, they will identify the role of the sequences by themselves and get more information from the QR code given by the teacher. After consolidation, teacher will use an online questionnaire platform to do a quiz with the students and give timely feedback based on the real time statistics of the students’ performance. St Margaret’s Co-edu English Secondary and Primary School Mr. Anthony Adames S.4 Literature in English Uses of mobile devices & learning response system in Literature in English Apart from reading text only, students can learn English literature in a more interactive way. Students can understand the contexts through different media in the e-book. Certain functions such as “DEFINE” can allow student to better access the text. They can also take an active role in learning through the learning response system. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Mr. Lau Hing Yip Mr. Leung Chung Yu - 21 - Tsung Tsin Christian Academy School Name Presenter Subject Topic Description Tsung Tsin Christian Academy Mr. Tse Kwong Shing and Mr. Au Yat Yin Integrated Sciences ( Physics) Using iMovie and iPad to enhance learning in Science Using iMovie is a powerful and highly engaging tool for students to share their knowledge and express themselves in the form of digital movies. Students can create high- quality video reports to demonstrate science concepts or documentaries to increase the relevance of social issues. : : : : : Mr. Tse Kwong Shing Mr. Au Yat Yin School Name Presenter Subject Topic Description Tsung Tsin Chrsitian Academy Mr. Leung Yiu Tun Computer Literacy It is my product Students will use their imagination and make use of tablet devices to compose a short advertisement. Movie capturing and editing skills are expected to be attained by students during the lesson activities. With the help of innovative information technology and instant feedbacks, peer sharing among students is no longer a dream. : : : : : School Name Presenter Subject Topic Description St Margaret’s Co-edu English Secondary and Primary School Ms. YY Chan, Mr. Lau Hing Yip English e-Writing project 2.0 It is part of the e-Writing 2.0 project. The project aims to use web - platform to enhance students’ writing. : : : : : Mr. Lau Hing Yip
  • 15. - 22 - HK Edcity Organization Name Topic Description Hong Kong Education City Assessment for Learning: Online Question Bank LedbytheEducationBureau’srecommendationofthe“AssessmentforLearning”, HKEDCity launched “Online Question Bank” for improving achievement via assessments and instant feedback.Collected over thousands of questions of previous public examination including HKCEE and the first HKDSE on 9 subjects, and free Maths questions from two publishers, the OQB clearly categorizes them by topics, levels of difficulty & examination years to lessen teachers’ time and efforts on preparing and marking exercises, quizzes or tests. Also, the OQB equips with a wide range of school-base and individual reports which provide detailed statistics on students’ performance on each topic for users to adjust and formulate the effective teaching strategies and develop individual study plan to cater for learning diversity and well prepare for the public examination. : : : YMCA of Hong Kong Christian College School Name Presenter Subject Topic Description YMCA of Hong Kong Christian College Mr Ian Mckirody, Mr Kent Lo Geography Comparing Famine (S 5) The 2 teachers will demonstrate the use of a smartboard in interactive teaching with students of Geography studying for NSS. This topic is normally taught in form 5. Students also make use of the Geography Department website which has PDF files of each lesson taught. Each lesson also has a podcast so that students are able to review their lessons for revision purposes. : : : : : 福建中學 學校名稱 授課老師 科目 題目 簡介 福建中學 Mr. Wong Siu Kwan, Mr. Jason Chan 中文 e-寫作計劃 2.0 本計劃屬電子學習計劃 e 寫作計劃2.0 其中一部份。主要利用網上平台促 進學生有效進行中文寫作、英文寫作、科學報告及通識的論說文。 : : : : : - 23 - 學校名稱 授課老師 科目 題目 簡介 香港生產力促進局 南嘉彥( Ms. Jessica Nan) (i)再生能源 (ii) 減碳排與碳審計 (i i i)綠色科技 (iv) 納米技術 (v) 企業社會責任 以實際企業的經驗為基礎的可持續未來發展新高中教育資源庫 「以實際企業的經驗為基礎的可持續未來發展新高中教育資源庫l 項目計 劃是設計和 開發一個以實際企業的經驗為基礎的通識資源庫,讓高中教師在資源庫內 提取所需的 各斜目教材,教材類型包括教學簡報、有趣例子/個案、影片視頻教材、 建議教學活 動、題庫以及參考資料(網頁/書本) ,而課題涵蓋以下五大範疇: Ci)再生能 源(ii) 減碳排與碳審計(i i i)綠色科技( iv) 納米技術;和(v) 企業社會責任。除了資 源庫外,此言十劃史包括參觀企業活動,帶領高中學生參觀各大機構,讓 學生把所學之 理論應用到實際生活之土及未來選擇職業時,能作出更明智的決定。 : : : : : 香港生產力促進局 Hong Kong Baptist University Affiliated School Wong Kam Fai Secondary & Primary School School Name Presenter Subject Topic Description Hong Kong Baptist University Affiliated School Wong Kam Fai Secondary & Primary School Ms. Jacqui Koo, Ms. Sarah Li Englsih Teaching Social Issues through Socrative Socrative is an app that allows teachers to engage the entire classroom with educational games on iphone/Android phones and tablets. It can also help teachers get real-time feedback from students on various topics. In this presentation, teachers will demonstrate how to use this app to teach topics related to social issues. : : : : : 培僑中學 學校名稱 科目 題目 簡介 培僑中學 中文 e-寫作計劃 2.0 本計劃屬電子學習計劃 e 寫作計劃2.0 其中一部份。主要利用網上平台促 進學生有效進行中文寫作、英文寫作、科學報告及通識的論說文。 : : : :
  • 16. - 22 - 伯裘書院 學校名稱 授課老師 科目 題目 簡介 學校名稱 授課老師 科目 題目 簡介 學校名稱 授課老師 科目 題目 簡介 伯裘書院 歐海健老師 通識 透過ipad學習六何法 本課節透過使用ipad及apps學習六何法, 以及讓學生將所學呈現出來,並與同學分 享。 伯裘書院 張永泰老師 數學 應用Ipad 於幾何學習 本課節透過使用ipad,運用應用程式及網上資源,學習 初中數學幾何知識。 伯裘書院 伍卓鍵老師 科學 透過TABLET PC 學習重量與重力 本課節透過使用TABLET PC製作簡單遊戲,理解抽象 的重力觀念。 :: : : : : :: : : : : :: : : : : WebOrganic Organization Name Presenter Topic Description WebOrganic Mr. Erwin Huang Scaling High Quality Education: the Digital Revolution Education is key to fostering innovation and economic growth. Embracing the power of the internet can help scale the impact of our educational institutions. Hong Kong, as one of the best connected cities in the world, is well placed to be a leader in education in the digital age. Not only will students have more choice and flexibility, teachers also have more power to customize their instruction with technology of their choosing. : : : : - 23 - HKUGA College Organization Name Presenter Subject Topic Description Organization Name Presenter Subject Topic Description Organization Name Presenter Subject Topic Description HKUGA College Edward Gabelli Civilization and Geography Users of the tropical rainforest - a gobal perspective Students are starting to become familiar with key terms such as deforestation, urbanization and accumulation as part of their module on the rise and fall of early and/or ancient civilizations. The students will watch a series of short videos on selected different users of the Rainforest and examine the reasons behind and the effects of, these users, the lesson will use technology, including basic GIS, to increase students’ knowledge and appreciation of the world as well as reinforce a message of global awareness and responsibility. HKUGA College Mr. Lee Yuen Tat ICT Animation Production This would be an elemantary course for Adobe Flash. I am going to demonstrate the use of program to create animation. They will learn to manipulate the stage, layers, timeline and animation paths. At the ends, students would be able to produce Flash SWF files. They will learn the differences between file formats and their properties. HKUGA College Raymond Lee Mathematics Angles in a semi-circle = 90 1. Use geometry software and let students explore 2. Video clip on home to prove 3. Tiered exercise 4. Short quiz with immedicate feedback 。 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :