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a compelling way to Plone sites
Nate Aune
Plone Conference 2009
Slides to add
•   if-content

    •   used to match certain templates
•   proxy to live site

    • example - show theme=
•   how to handle theming of elements inside the
    HTML that Plone generates in the static theme

•   does the XML file need to be well-formed?
    what about the HTML? does it need to be valid
•   can Plone's authoring interface be themed to
    look like the Deliverance-themed site?
Plone theming has a
high barrier to entry
Theming in Plone
         an exercise in patience
•   Install dependencies (Python, XCode, GCC)
•   Create a theme egg using paster
•   Put your stylesheets and images in /browser
•   But override Plone assets in /skins
•   To turn off viewlets, must edit configure.zcml
•   To make new viewlets must code Python
•   Must learn ZPT to edit page templates
Knowledge needed
•   Buildout
•   Paster
•   Zope page templates (ZPT)
•   Python
•   ZCML
•   resource registry (for CSS and JS)
•   /skins vs. /browser
Does your head   hurt yet?
What is Deliverance?

•   Middleware tool that serves as a proxy
•   Maps content HTML into design HTML
•   Keeps presentation separate from content

Who is it for?

Who is it for?

•   Designers

Who is it for?

•   Designers
•   Integrators

Who is it for?

•   Designers
•   Integrators
•   Developers

Who is it for?

•   Designers
•   Integrators
•   Developers
•   Customers

How does it work?

How does it work?
move elements from your content

How does it work?
move elements from your content

How does it work?
move elements from your content

into placeholders in your theme

How does it work?
move elements from your content

into placeholders in your theme

How does it work?
move elements from your content

into placeholders in your theme

... without touching the theme or content
How does it work?
move elements from your content

into placeholders in your theme

... without touching the theme or content
magical   jazkarta

Knowledge needed

•   HTML
•   CSS
•   Firebug
•   simple editing of XML file

Four simple rules

•   drop
•   replace
•   prepend
•   append

Deliverance benefits

•   web designer doesn't need to learn CMS templating
•   separation of concerns
•   theme multiple apps with one design
    (trac, wiki, blog, etc.)

Who is using Deliverance?

Who is using Deliverance?


Who is using Deliverance?


Who is using Deliverance?

•   Harvard School of Engineering (subsites)

Who is using Deliverance?

•   Harvard School of Engineering (subsites)
• (get the buildout!)

Who is using Deliverance?

•   Harvard School of Engineering (subsites)
• (get the buildout!)
• (multi-app theming)

Who is using Deliverance?

•   Harvard School of Engineering (subsites)
• (get the buildout!)
• (multi-app theming)
•   and many others...

Case study
A real world example of using Deliverance
"Replace our custom backend with Plone CMS."

"Replace our custom backend with Plone CMS."

                             "Sure, we can do that."

"Replace our custom backend with Plone CMS."

                              "Sure, we can do that."

            "Keep the frontend design the same."

"Replace our custom backend with Plone CMS."

                              "Sure, we can do that."

            "Keep the frontend design the same."

                                     "No problem."

"Replace our custom backend with Plone CMS."

                              "Sure, we can do that."

            "Keep the frontend design the same."

                                     "No problem."

            "We're going to change the design soon, and
            we want to be able to change the HTML/CSS

"Replace our custom backend with Plone CMS."

                              "Sure, we can do that."

            "Keep the frontend design the same."

                                     "No problem."

            "We're going to change the design soon, and
            we want to be able to change the HTML/CSS

              "Umm. Ok, you will be able to do that."
change their
 mind about
their identity
 all the time.
Don't make it painful than
 it already is for them.
"Oh, and we need this done
HaiVision   in two weeks."

"Oh, and we need this done
HaiVision   in two weeks."

                      "WTF!?"     Jazkarta

              to the rescue!
Why Deliverance?
•   They have three different sections of the
    site, each needing to be themed differently.
•   They want to change the design, but their
    staff only knows HTML/CSS.
•   They might want to theme another web
    app to have the same look-n-feel as their
•   Oh, and they want this done ASAP.

Why not a Plone theme?
•   Significant man hours to make a pixel perfect Plone
•   Difficult to apply a different theme for different
    sections of the site
•   The customer should not have to learn Plone
    theming technology to make design changes.
•   One less piece of software that we have to maintain
•   Difficult to upgrade to newer versions of Plone
    when there are many theme customizations
Seven Steps to Heaven

Seven Steps to Heaven

1. Check out and run the Deliverance demo buildout

Seven Steps to Heaven

1. Check out and run the Deliverance demo buildout
2. Prepare your HTML/CSS files (might need to do
   some cleanup)

Seven Steps to Heaven

1. Check out and run the Deliverance demo buildout
2. Prepare your HTML/CSS files (might need to do
   some cleanup)
3. Stick the files in a /static folder in buildout dir

4. Identify the CSS selectors of the elements in the
   Plone site that we wish to map to the static

4. Identify the CSS selectors of the elements in the
   Plone site that we wish to map to the static
5. Identify the CSS selectors in the static theme that
   should serve as placeholders for the dynamic
   content coming from Plone.

4. Identify the CSS selectors of the elements in the
   Plone site that we wish to map to the static
5. Identify the CSS selectors in the static theme that
   should serve as placeholders for the dynamic
   content coming from Plone.
6. Create a rules file that maps Plone content
   elements to placeholder elements in the theme

4. Identify the CSS selectors of the elements in the
   Plone site that we wish to map to the static
5. Identify the CSS selectors in the static theme that
   should serve as placeholders for the dynamic
   content coming from Plone.
6. Create a rules file that maps Plone content
   elements to placeholder elements in the theme
7. Set up an Apache vhost to proxy to Deliverance

Start your engines!   jazkarta
1. Check out and run
          the demo buildout
svn co dd

Run the bootstrap command and run the buildout

cd dd
bin/buildout -v

 This will install Deliverance and it's dependencies (lxml)
              and install a Plone site at /Plone
2. Prepare your HTML/CSS

•   An HTML/CSS template that you downloaded
    from somewhere
•   Design assets that were given to you by a
    customer, design agency or your designer
•   A design from an existing website

3. Stick them in a /static
   dir in your buildout

3. Stick them in a /static
   dir in your buildout

4. Identify elements in
Plone to map to design

•   Firebug is your friend (
•   Click on elements to get their class or id
•   Can also get XPath expression by right-
    clicking on element

5. Identify the corresponding
     element in the theme
  •   You may need to add a class or ID to better
      identify the element.
  •   You can use an absolute path to the element in
      the DOM, but if the element gets moved, the
      mapping rule will not work anymore.
  •   So it's best to always use a class or ID to avoid

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <dev-user username="guest" password="guest" />

  <proxy path="/static" class="static" editable="1">
    <dest href="{here}/static/" />

  <proxy path="/" class="plone">
    <dest href="http://localhost:8080/VirtualHostBase/http/
localhost:5000/Plone/VirtualHostRoot/" />

  <rule class="static" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

                Open the rules-training.xml file
                  in the buildout directory.
    <dev-user username="guest" password="guest" />

  <proxy path="/static" class="static" editable="1">
    <dest href="{here}/static/" />

  <proxy path="/" class="plone">
    <dest href="http://localhost:8080/VirtualHostBase/http/
localhost:5000/Plone/VirtualHostRoot/" />

  <rule class="static" />
The "plone" rule class
<rule class="plone">

   <!-- Theme -->
   <theme href="/static/index.html" />

   <!-- Put your rules below this line -->


Replace rule
            for page heading

<replace content='children:_______________________'

           theme='children:_________________' />

Replace rule
            for page heading

<replace content='children:h1.documentFirstHeading'

           theme='children:_________________' />

Replace rule
            for page heading

<replace content='children:h1.documentFirstHeading'

           theme='children:span.sectionTitle' />

6. Insert our rule into the
      rules-training.xml file
<rule class="plone">

   <!-- Theme -->
   <theme href="/static/index.html" />

   <!-- Put your rules below this line -->

   <replace content='children:h1.documentFirstHeading'

               theme='children:span.sectionTitle' />


Let's start up Zope and
          the Deliverance proxy
$ cd dd

$ bin/instance start
. . daemon process started, pid=3556

$ bin/deliverance-proxy rules-training.xml

To see logging, visit
    after login go to
serving on

Go to
... to see the Plone site themed with Deliverance
Replace navigation tree
Replace navigation tree

<drop content='.portletNavigationTree dt.portletHeader' />
Replace navigation tree

<drop content='.portletNavigationTree dt.portletHeader' />

<drop content='li.navTreeItem img' />
Replace navigation tree

<drop content='.portletNavigationTree dt.portletHeader' />

<drop content='li.navTreeItem img' />
Replace navigation tree

<drop content='.portletNavigationTree dt.portletHeader' />

<drop content='li.navTreeItem img' />

<replace content="dl.portletNavigationTree"
Replace navigation tree

<drop content='.portletNavigationTree dt.portletHeader' />

<drop content='li.navTreeItem img' />

<replace content="dl.portletNavigationTree"

           theme="children:#left-navigation" />
Replace navigation tree

<drop content='.portletNavigationTree dt.portletHeader' />

<drop content='li.navTreeItem img' />

<replace content="dl.portletNavigationTree"

           theme="children:#left-navigation" />

        Must place drop rules before replace rule.
How do you theme the
 sections differently?

Apply page class by path

<match path="/" class="default" />

<match path="/applications" class="applications" />

<match path="exact:/" class="frontpage" />



Repurpose static portlet

Repurpose static portlet

Repurpose static portlet

Each page class can have
a separate theme & rules

Each page class can have
 a separate theme & rules
<rule class="applications" suppress-standard="1">

    <theme href="/static/applications.html" />

    <replace content='children:p.documentDescription'

            theme='children:span.SectionSubtitle' />

    <replace content='children:#portal-column-two'

            theme='children:#right-column' />



Repurpose the news portlet

Repurpose the news portlet

Repurpose the news portlet

Frontpage has it's own
       theme and rules
<rule class="frontpage">

    <theme href="/static/frontpage.html"/>

    <drop content=".portletNews dt.portletHeader" />

    <drop content='.portletNews dd.portletFooter' />

    <drop content='.portletNews dd.portletItem img' />

    <replace content='dl.portletNews'

              theme='children:#newsbox' />


Serve up different web apps

Serve up different web apps
<proxy path="/trac" class="trac">
  <dest href="http://localhost:10002" />

<proxy path="/blog" class="blog">
  <dest href="http://localhost:10003" />

<proxy path="/" class="plone">
    <transform rewrite-links="1" keep-host="1" />
    <dest href="http://localhost:8081/VirtualHostBase/http/
{HOST}/sites/haivision-manage/VirtualHostRoot/" />
</proxy>                                            jazkarta
How do I deploy Deliverance
     into production?
   •   Run as a proxy on port 5000. Apache or
       Nginx proxies to port 5000.
       •   two separate python processes
   •   Run as WSGI middleware.
       •   only one python process running

Where does Deliverance
   sit in the stack?




Where does Deliverance
   sit in the stack?




7. Make the Apache vhost
<VirtualHost *:80>


    ProxyPreserveHost On

    RewriteEngine On

    RewriteRule ^/(.*)$1 [L,P]


    The ProxyPreserveHost is very important.
What about
•   Deliverance respects caching headers
•   Pages load fast because they don't have to
    load all of Plone's assets
•   Deliverance runs in small memory footprint
    and takes hardly any server resources

How is Deliverance
 better than xdv?

How is Deliverance
         better than xdv?

•   Has a dedicated maintainer

How is Deliverance
         better than xdv?

•   Has a dedicated maintainer
•   Use CSS selectors instead of only XPath

How is Deliverance
         better than xdv?

•   Has a dedicated maintainer
•   Use CSS selectors instead of only XPath
•   Can combine multiple themes without Apache magic

More Deliverance advantages

•   Serves static resources directly from the file system.
    No need to make a skin or serve from Apache.
•   Deliverance has a very useful debugging console
•   Deliverance lets you edit files through-the-web

Debugging console
Edit rules TTW
dvsites - wsgi middleware
          Map domains to different rules files


domains =

   *.mysite            %(here)s/rules/mysite.xml     %(here)s/rules/anothersite.xml

•   CSSZenGarden for Plone themes

    •   ...

•   jQuery-powered frontend to rules creation
•   Make rules by point-n-click
•   Still in proof-of-concept stage

Banjo demo
Thanks to...

Paul Everitt

                               Fred van Dijk
                               Reinout van Rees
Jordan Baker     Eric Steele
Thanks to...

Paul Everitt

                               Fred van Dijk
                               Reinout van Rees
Jordan Baker     Eric Steele
Thanks to...

Paul Everitt     Ian Bicking

                               Fred van Dijk
                               Reinout van Rees
Jordan Baker     Eric Steele
Thanks to...

Paul Everitt     Ian Bicking

                               Fred van Dijk
                               Reinout van Rees
Jordan Baker     Eric Steele
Thanks to...

Paul Everitt     Ian Bicking   Aaron VanDerlip

                                Fred van Dijk
                                Reinout van Rees
Jordan Baker     Eric Steele
Project pages

Deliverance documentation and tutorial

Sample Deliverance buildouts
Banjo sprint this wkend?

       •   jQuery help needed
       •   Python programmers wanted
       •   User interface gurus

            Put your name on the interest list at:
Photo credits

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Deliverance - a compelling way to theme Plone sites

  • 1. Deliverance a compelling way to Plone sites Nate Aune Plone Conference 2009
  • 2. Slides to add • if-content • used to match certain templates • proxy to live site • example - show theme= • how to handle theming of elements inside the HTML that Plone generates in the static theme • does the XML file need to be well-formed? what about the HTML? does it need to be valid XHTML. • can Plone's authoring interface be themed to look like the Deliverance-themed site? jazkarta
  • 3. Obstacles Plone theming has a high barrier to entry
  • 4. Theming in Plone an exercise in patience • Install dependencies (Python, XCode, GCC) • Create a theme egg using paster • Put your stylesheets and images in /browser • But override Plone assets in /skins • To turn off viewlets, must edit configure.zcml • To make new viewlets must code Python • Must learn ZPT to edit page templates jazkarta
  • 5. Knowledge needed • Buildout • Paster • Zope page templates (ZPT) • Python • ZCML • resource registry (for CSS and JS) • /skins vs. /browser jazkarta
  • 6. Does your head hurt yet? jazkarta
  • 7. What is Deliverance? • Middleware tool that serves as a proxy • Maps content HTML into design HTML • Keeps presentation separate from content jazkarta
  • 8. Who is it for? jazkarta
  • 9. Who is it for? • Designers jazkarta
  • 10. Who is it for? • Designers • Integrators jazkarta
  • 11. Who is it for? • Designers • Integrators • Developers jazkarta
  • 12. Who is it for? • Designers • Integrators • Developers • Customers jazkarta
  • 13. How does it work? jazkarta
  • 14. How does it work? move elements from your content jazkarta
  • 15. How does it work? move elements from your content jazkarta
  • 16. How does it work? move elements from your content into placeholders in your theme jazkarta
  • 17. How does it work? move elements from your content into placeholders in your theme jazkarta
  • 18. How does it work? move elements from your content into placeholders in your theme ... without touching the theme or content jazkarta
  • 19. How does it work? move elements from your content into placeholders in your theme ... without touching the theme or content jazkarta
  • 22. Deliverance jazkarta
  • 23. Knowledge needed • HTML • CSS • Firebug • simple editing of XML file jazkarta
  • 24. Four simple rules • drop • replace • prepend • append jazkarta
  • 25. Deliverance benefits • web designer doesn't need to learn CMS templating • separation of concerns • theme multiple apps with one design (trac, wiki, blog, etc.) jazkarta
  • 26. Who is using Deliverance? jazkarta
  • 27. Who is using Deliverance? • jazkarta
  • 28. Who is using Deliverance? • • jazkarta
  • 29. Who is using Deliverance? • • • Harvard School of Engineering (subsites) jazkarta
  • 30. Who is using Deliverance? • • • Harvard School of Engineering (subsites) • (get the buildout!) jazkarta
  • 31. Who is using Deliverance? • • • Harvard School of Engineering (subsites) • (get the buildout!) • (multi-app theming) jazkarta
  • 32. Who is using Deliverance? • • • Harvard School of Engineering (subsites) • (get the buildout!) • (multi-app theming) • and many others... jazkarta
  • 33. Case study A real world example of using Deliverance
  • 38. "Replace our custom backend with Plone CMS." HaiVision jazkarta
  • 39. "Replace our custom backend with Plone CMS." HaiVision "Sure, we can do that." Jazkarta jazkarta
  • 40. "Replace our custom backend with Plone CMS." HaiVision "Sure, we can do that." Jazkarta "Keep the frontend design the same." HaiVision jazkarta
  • 41. "Replace our custom backend with Plone CMS." HaiVision "Sure, we can do that." Jazkarta "Keep the frontend design the same." HaiVision "No problem." Jazkarta jazkarta
  • 42. "Replace our custom backend with Plone CMS." HaiVision "Sure, we can do that." Jazkarta "Keep the frontend design the same." HaiVision "No problem." Jazkarta "We're going to change the design soon, and we want to be able to change the HTML/CSS HaiVision ourselves." jazkarta
  • 43. "Replace our custom backend with Plone CMS." HaiVision "Sure, we can do that." Jazkarta "Keep the frontend design the same." HaiVision "No problem." Jazkarta "We're going to change the design soon, and we want to be able to change the HTML/CSS HaiVision ourselves." "Umm. Ok, you will be able to do that." Jazkarta jazkarta
  • 44. Customers change their mind about their identity all the time. Don't make it painful than it already is for them.
  • 45. "Oh, and we need this done HaiVision in two weeks." Jazkarta
  • 46. "Oh, and we need this done HaiVision in two weeks." "WTF!?" Jazkarta
  • 47. DELIVERANCE Deliverance to the rescue!
  • 48. Why Deliverance? • They have three different sections of the site, each needing to be themed differently. • They want to change the design, but their staff only knows HTML/CSS. • They might want to theme another web app to have the same look-n-feel as their website. • Oh, and they want this done ASAP. jazkarta
  • 49. Why not a Plone theme? • Significant man hours to make a pixel perfect Plone theme • Difficult to apply a different theme for different sections of the site • The customer should not have to learn Plone theming technology to make design changes. • One less piece of software that we have to maintain • Difficult to upgrade to newer versions of Plone when there are many theme customizations jazkarta
  • 50. Seven Steps to Heaven jazkarta
  • 51. Seven Steps to Heaven 1. Check out and run the Deliverance demo buildout jazkarta
  • 52. Seven Steps to Heaven 1. Check out and run the Deliverance demo buildout 2. Prepare your HTML/CSS files (might need to do some cleanup) jazkarta
  • 53. Seven Steps to Heaven 1. Check out and run the Deliverance demo buildout 2. Prepare your HTML/CSS files (might need to do some cleanup) 3. Stick the files in a /static folder in buildout dir jazkarta
  • 55. 4. Identify the CSS selectors of the elements in the Plone site that we wish to map to the static theme. jazkarta
  • 56. 4. Identify the CSS selectors of the elements in the Plone site that we wish to map to the static theme. 5. Identify the CSS selectors in the static theme that should serve as placeholders for the dynamic content coming from Plone. jazkarta
  • 57. 4. Identify the CSS selectors of the elements in the Plone site that we wish to map to the static theme. 5. Identify the CSS selectors in the static theme that should serve as placeholders for the dynamic content coming from Plone. 6. Create a rules file that maps Plone content elements to placeholder elements in the theme jazkarta
  • 58. 4. Identify the CSS selectors of the elements in the Plone site that we wish to map to the static theme. 5. Identify the CSS selectors in the static theme that should serve as placeholders for the dynamic content coming from Plone. 6. Create a rules file that maps Plone content elements to placeholder elements in the theme 7. Set up an Apache vhost to proxy to Deliverance jazkarta
  • 60. 1. Check out and run the demo buildout svn co dd Run the bootstrap command and run the buildout cd dd python bin/buildout -v This will install Deliverance and it's dependencies (lxml) and install a Plone site at /Plone jazkarta
  • 61. 2. Prepare your HTML/CSS • An HTML/CSS template that you downloaded from somewhere • Design assets that were given to you by a customer, design agency or your designer • A design from an existing website jazkarta
  • 63. 3. Stick them in a /static dir in your buildout jazkarta
  • 64. 3. Stick them in a /static dir in your buildout jazkarta
  • 65. 4. Identify elements in Plone to map to design • Firebug is your friend ( • Click on elements to get their class or id • Can also get XPath expression by right- clicking on element jazkarta
  • 68. 5. Identify the corresponding element in the theme • You may need to add a class or ID to better identify the element. • You can use an absolute path to the element in the DOM, but if the element gets moved, the mapping rule will not work anymore. • So it's best to always use a class or ID to avoid breakage. jazkarta
  • 71. rules-training.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <ruleset> <server-settings> <server></server> <execute-pyref>true</execute-pyref> <dev-allow></dev-allow> <dev-user username="guest" password="guest" /> </server-settings> <proxy path="/static" class="static" editable="1"> <dest href="{here}/static/" /> </proxy> <proxy path="/" class="plone"> <dest href="http://localhost:8080/VirtualHostBase/http/ localhost:5000/Plone/VirtualHostRoot/" /> </proxy> <rule class="static" /> jazkarta
  • 72. rules-training.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <ruleset> Open the rules-training.xml file <server-settings> in the buildout directory. <server></server> <execute-pyref>true</execute-pyref> <dev-allow></dev-allow> <dev-user username="guest" password="guest" /> </server-settings> <proxy path="/static" class="static" editable="1"> <dest href="{here}/static/" /> </proxy> <proxy path="/" class="plone"> <dest href="http://localhost:8080/VirtualHostBase/http/ localhost:5000/Plone/VirtualHostRoot/" /> </proxy> <rule class="static" /> jazkarta
  • 73. The "plone" rule class <rule class="plone"> <!-- Theme --> <theme href="/static/index.html" /> <!-- Put your rules below this line --> </rule> </ruleset> jazkarta
  • 74. Replace rule for page heading <replace content='children:_______________________' theme='children:_________________' /> jazkarta
  • 75. Replace rule for page heading <replace content='children:h1.documentFirstHeading' theme='children:_________________' /> jazkarta
  • 76. Replace rule for page heading <replace content='children:h1.documentFirstHeading' theme='children:span.sectionTitle' /> jazkarta
  • 77. 6. Insert our rule into the rules-training.xml file <rule class="plone"> <!-- Theme --> <theme href="/static/index.html" /> <!-- Put your rules below this line --> <replace content='children:h1.documentFirstHeading' theme='children:span.sectionTitle' /> </rule> </ruleset> jazkarta
  • 78. Let's start up Zope and the Deliverance proxy $ cd dd $ bin/instance start . . daemon process started, pid=3556 $ bin/deliverance-proxy rules-training.xml To see logging, visit after login go to serving on jazkarta
  • 79. Go to http://localhost:5000 ... to see the Plone site themed with Deliverance
  • 80.
  • 81.
  • 85. Replace navigation tree <drop content='.portletNavigationTree dt.portletHeader' />
  • 86. Replace navigation tree <drop content='.portletNavigationTree dt.portletHeader' /> <drop content='li.navTreeItem img' />
  • 87. Replace navigation tree <drop content='.portletNavigationTree dt.portletHeader' /> <drop content='li.navTreeItem img' />
  • 88. Replace navigation tree <drop content='.portletNavigationTree dt.portletHeader' /> <drop content='li.navTreeItem img' /> <replace content="dl.portletNavigationTree"
  • 89. Replace navigation tree <drop content='.portletNavigationTree dt.portletHeader' /> <drop content='li.navTreeItem img' /> <replace content="dl.portletNavigationTree" theme="children:#left-navigation" />
  • 90. Replace navigation tree <drop content='.portletNavigationTree dt.portletHeader' /> <drop content='li.navTreeItem img' /> <replace content="dl.portletNavigationTree" theme="children:#left-navigation" /> Must place drop rules before replace rule.
  • 91. How do you theme the sections differently?
  • 93. Apply page class by path <match path="/" class="default" /> <match path="/applications" class="applications" /> <match path="exact:/" class="frontpage" /> jazkarta
  • 99. Each page class can have a separate theme & rules jazkarta
  • 100. Each page class can have a separate theme & rules <rule class="applications" suppress-standard="1"> <theme href="/static/applications.html" /> <replace content='children:p.documentDescription' theme='children:span.SectionSubtitle' /> <replace content='children:#portal-column-two' theme='children:#right-column' /> </rule> jazkarta
  • 103. Repurpose the news portlet jazkarta
  • 104. Repurpose the news portlet jazkarta
  • 105. Repurpose the news portlet jazkarta
  • 106. Frontpage has it's own theme and rules <rule class="frontpage"> <theme href="/static/frontpage.html"/> <drop content=".portletNews dt.portletHeader" /> <drop content='.portletNews dd.portletFooter' /> <drop content='.portletNews dd.portletItem img' /> <replace content='dl.portletNews' theme='children:#newsbox' /> </rule> jazkarta
  • 107. Serve up different web apps jazkarta
  • 108. Serve up different web apps <proxy path="/trac" class="trac"> <dest href="http://localhost:10002" /> </proxy> <proxy path="/blog" class="blog"> <dest href="http://localhost:10003" /> </proxy> <proxy path="/" class="plone"> <transform rewrite-links="1" keep-host="1" /> <dest href="http://localhost:8081/VirtualHostBase/http/ {HOST}/sites/haivision-manage/VirtualHostRoot/" /> </proxy> jazkarta
  • 109. How do I deploy Deliverance into production? • Run as a proxy on port 5000. Apache or Nginx proxies to port 5000. • two separate python processes • Run as WSGI middleware. • only one python process running jazkarta
  • 110. Where does Deliverance sit in the stack? Apache Deliverance !"#$ %&'($ jazkarta
  • 111. Where does Deliverance sit in the stack? Apache Deliverance !"#$ %&'($ jazkarta
  • 112. 7. Make the Apache vhost <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName ProxyPreserveHost On RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^/(.*)$1 [L,P] </VirtualHost> The ProxyPreserveHost is very important. jazkarta
  • 113. What about performance? • Deliverance respects caching headers • Pages load fast because they don't have to load all of Plone's assets • Deliverance runs in small memory footprint and takes hardly any server resources jazkarta
  • 114. How is Deliverance better than xdv? jazkarta
  • 115. How is Deliverance better than xdv? • Has a dedicated maintainer jazkarta
  • 116. How is Deliverance better than xdv? • Has a dedicated maintainer • Use CSS selectors instead of only XPath jazkarta
  • 117. How is Deliverance better than xdv? • Has a dedicated maintainer • Use CSS selectors instead of only XPath • Can combine multiple themes without Apache magic jazkarta
  • 118. More Deliverance advantages • Serves static resources directly from the file system. No need to make a skin or serve from Apache. • Deliverance has a very useful debugging console • Deliverance lets you edit files through-the-web jazkarta
  • 121. dvsites - wsgi middleware Map domains to different rules files [sites] domains = *.mysite %(here)s/rules/mysite.xml %(here)s/rules/anothersite.xml
  • 122. Future • CSSZenGarden for Plone themes • • • ...
  • 123. Banjo • jQuery-powered frontend to rules creation • Make rules by point-n-click • Still in proof-of-concept stage jazkarta
  • 125.
  • 126.
  • 127.
  • 128.
  • 129.
  • 130.
  • 131. Thanks to... Paul Everitt Fred van Dijk Reinout van Rees Jordan Baker Eric Steele
  • 132. Thanks to... Paul Everitt Fred van Dijk Reinout van Rees Jordan Baker Eric Steele
  • 133. Thanks to... Paul Everitt Ian Bicking Fred van Dijk Reinout van Rees Jordan Baker Eric Steele
  • 134. Thanks to... Paul Everitt Ian Bicking Fred van Dijk Reinout van Rees Jordan Baker Eric Steele
  • 135. Thanks to... Paul Everitt Ian Bicking Aaron VanDerlip Fred van Dijk Reinout van Rees Jordan Baker Eric Steele
  • 136. Project pages Deliverance documentation and tutorial Sample Deliverance buildouts jazkarta
  • 137. Banjo sprint this wkend? • jQuery help needed • Python programmers wanted • User interface gurus Put your name on the interest list at: jazkarta
  • 138. Photo credits • • • • • • • jazkarta

Hinweis der Redaktion

  1. One of the first things people want to do with their web site is change the look-n-feel. Unfortunately, with Plone this is a time consuming and frustrating experience for most people.
  2. If you&apos;ve ever tried to theme a Plone site, you know that there are a lot of concepts to wrap your head around before you start seeing results. The learning curve is simply to steep for most people.
  3. Poll the audience to see who represents each role.
  4. Poll the audience to see who represents each role.
  5. Poll the audience to see who represents each role.
  6. Poll the audience to see who represents each role.
  7. If you know this one from XKCD, it says &quot;You&apos;re flying! How?&quot; and the guy up in the sky says, &quot;Python!&quot;
  8. is actually using xdv, but same underlying technology was one of the first sites to adopt it in production (currently down), SEAS was our first customer project.
  9. is actually using xdv, but same underlying technology was one of the first sites to adopt it in production (currently down), SEAS was our first customer project.
  10. is actually using xdv, but same underlying technology was one of the first sites to adopt it in production (currently down), SEAS was our first customer project.
  11. is actually using xdv, but same underlying technology was one of the first sites to adopt it in production (currently down), SEAS was our first customer project.
  12. is actually using xdv, but same underlying technology was one of the first sites to adopt it in production (currently down), SEAS was our first customer project.
  13. is actually using xdv, but same underlying technology was one of the first sites to adopt it in production (currently down), SEAS was our first customer project.
  14. HaiVision approached us and said that they wanted to use Plone as the CMS for their website, that was currently powered by an inflexible custom Cold Fusion app.
  15. Significant # of man hours required to make a pixel perfect theme that fits within Plone&apos;s templating structure.
  16. After 2) we did some clean-up of the HTML, mostly changing the GIF images that were used as navigation to text. 3) Obviously need to run buildout to build Deliverance and its dependencies.
  17. After 2) we did some clean-up of the HTML, mostly changing the GIF images that were used as navigation to text. 3) Obviously need to run buildout to build Deliverance and its dependencies.
  18. After 2) we did some clean-up of the HTML, mostly changing the GIF images that were used as navigation to text. 3) Obviously need to run buildout to build Deliverance and its dependencies.
  19. For those of you who like to follow along, now you can fire up your terminal and do some Deliverance theming.
  20. Rename to index.html and images. Change all references to &quot;products_files&quot; in index.html to &quot;images&quot;
  21. The only thing dynamic on this page is the news box. Every thing else is static that the customer manages in the HTML.
  22. By Nathan Van Gheem