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Apache Camel
Stephane Kay
Ville de Lausanne
 IS

 Routing
 Mediation
 Camel Container
 Unit testing
 Hands-on
 Real Use Case


/ Active MQ
OSGI / ServiceMix
Table of contents
IS Integration heuristics



Common issues

Camel’s bleat



Concepts responding to integration needs
Getting started

What’s under the humps?



Camel architecture

Camel in Action



Persistence, transactions, concurrency, failover

A Real Use-Case



Description, issues & achievement
I. IS Integration Heuristics
I. IS Integration heuristics

Just do it !

Just coding simple things might be just not so simple …
public class FileCopier {

public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
File inboxDirectory = new File("data/inbox");
File outboxDirectory = new File("data/outbox");
File[] files = inboxDirectory.listFiles();
for (File source : files) {
if (source.isFile()) {
File dest = new File(
+ File.separator
+ source.getName());
copyFile(source, dest);
private static void copyFile(File source, File dest)
throws IOException {

OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(dest);
byte[] buffer = new byte[(int) source.length()];
FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(source);;
try {
} finally {

I. IS Integration heuristics

A Framework?

The bad :

◦ Learning effort consumes time.
◦ Adds anarchical dependencies.
◦ Risk of coming with a new need / not


The good :

◦ Gain value after a training period
◦ Leverage your code to a higher abstraction
◦ Potentially a future standard ?
 Indicator : community commits & posts curve.


The plus-value
◦ Not obvious
I. IS Integration heuristics

Separation of concerns

IS Integration involves
1. Endpoints
 A common endpoint interface abstraction

2. Data Processing
 Using Message / exchange abstraction and
conversion tool

3. Routing
 A common vocabulary / pattern as DSL
I. IS Integration | endpoint

Message Endpoint pattern


Routes should refer to a common abstract
Message Endpoint rather than directly using their
technical interface
A good Endpoint abstraction is a URI description
II. Camel’s bleat | data

Uniformed Exchange

Message’s container during routing
I. IS Integration | data

Data Transformation

Data Format Transformation
◦ Message body is transformed from one
format to another.
 CSV -> XML


Data Type Transformation
◦ Java Type of message body is
transformed/casted into another.
 java.lang.String -> java.jms.TextMessage
 -> java.lang.String
I. IS Integration | routing

Use case : Filtering Route
◦ How can a component avoid receiving
uninteresting messages ?

◦ …coming from a different system
I. IS Integration | routing


A Catalog of Design patterns for common IS
integration issues

I. IS Integration | routing

EIPs Samples…





How can a component avoid receiving uninteresting messages?

How can we process a message if it contains multiple elements, each of which may have to be
processed in a different way?

◦ How can you decouple individual processing steps so that messages can be
passed to different filters depending on a set of conditions?


◦ How do we combine the results of individual, but related messages so that
they can be processed as a whole?
I. IS Integration heuristics

Putting all needs together

Route definition attributes :
◦ Endpoints

 Producer / Consumer(s)

◦ Processor(s)

 Uniformed exchange processing interface

◦ Predicate(s)

A route language should provide those
key abstractions
Endpoint A = endpoint(“activemq:queue:quote”);
Endpoint B = endpoint(“mq:quote”);
Predicate isWidget = xpath(“/quote/product =
I. IS Integration heuristics

I. Review

IS Integration paradigms
◦ Endpoint abstraction -> URIs?
◦ Data Tx -> Functions // Java beans ?
◦ Routing -> EIPs
II. Camel’s bleat
Apache Camel is a Powerful Open
Source Integration Framework based
on known Enterprise Integration
 Mission Statement :
Making integration easier and more
accessible to developers
II. Camel’s bleat | endpoint

Endpoint URI

A camel endpoint URI consists of
three parts :
Context path

II. Camel’s bleat | routing

Java DSL : Builder pattern

The Builder Pattern (GOF) is central to the Camel Java DSL

public class FileCopierWithCamel {
public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
// create CamelContext
CamelContext context = new DefaultCamelContext();
// add our route to the CamelContext
context.addRoutes(new RouteBuilder() {
public void configure() {

// start the route and let it do its work
// stop the CamelContext
II. Camel’s bleat | data

Data Format transformations

Marshal / unmarshal

ss(new UnZippedMessageProcessor());
II. Camel’s bleat | data

Message Translator EIP

Aka Adapter (GOF)


Using a Processor
from("direct:start").process(new Processor() {
public void process(Exchange exchange) {
exchange.getIn().setBody(in.getBody(String.class) + " World!"); }


Using Bean binding
from("direct:start") .bean(MyBean.class, "hello(String,String)") .to("mock:result");


Using transform() DSL
II. Camel’s bleat | first ride

Getting started : IDE
 Maven integration (m2eclipse)

◦ Check your eclipse.ini : locate your JDK
-vm C:/dev/java/jdk1.6.0_18/bin


Optional : Fuse Camel plugin for
II. Camel’s bleat | first ride

Getting started : Maven

Basic Maven configuration
II. Camel’s bleat | first ride

First Ride
Copy contents from one folder to
another, control final name / dir
 JUnit


Startup context
Route definition : File component
Processor / Exchange
Simple Language (File Component)

Delegate JUnit test to Main class
II. Camel’s bleat | first ride

Second Ride

Add some features to JUnit Class


Add failure if file already exist
Predicate : Simple Language
Error handling

Router EIP (Choice)
II. Camel’s bleat | spring

Spring XML : content-based router
<from uri="activemq:NewOrders"/>
<xpath>/order/product = 'widget'</xpath>
<to uri="activemq:Orders.Widgets"/>
<to uri="activemq:Orders.Gadgets"/>

II. Camel’s bleat

II. Review
Endpoint / Component URIs
 Java DSL
 How to start / process exchanges
 Log, error handling / routing
III. What’s under the humps?

High-level architecture
◦ Container & Services

Toolkit provided out-of-the box
 Distribution
III. What’s under the humps?

High-level view

Container responsibilities :
◦ Create and activate the necessary Endpoint instances using the available
Component implementations
III. What’s under the humps?

Camel Context Services





Contains the loaded data formats.



Contains the loaded type converters. Camel has a mechanism that allows you to manually
or automatically convert from one type to another.

Data formats


Contains the routes that have been added.

Type converters


Contains the endpoints that have been created.



Loads components on the fly either by autodiscovery on the classpath or when a new
bundle is activated in an OSGi container.

Contains a registry that allows you to look up beans. By default, this will be a JNDI registry.
If you’re using Camel from Spring, this will be the Spring ApplicationContext. It can also be
an OSGi registry if you use Camel in an OSGi container.


Contains the loaded languages. Camel defines 3 different DSLs (Java, XML/Spring, and
Scala) and allows you to use many different languages to create expressions.
III. What’s under the humps?

Out of the box : EIPs

50+ Routing Patterns based on EIPs

III. What’s under the humps?

Out of the box : Components
70+ Endpoint impl. aka « Components »
 All available via URI/scheme paradigm
III. What’s under the humps?

Out of the box : Data Format

18 Data Formats - uniformed usage :

III. What’s under the humps?

Out of the box : Languages

Predicates & Expressions

Camel distribution

Components sources
 Examples
 Maven Central (current v2.7)

◦ Snapshot Repo
<name>Apache Development Snapshot Repository</name>
<releases> <enabled>false</enabled> </releases>
<snapshots> <enabled>true</enabled> </snapshots>
III. Review
Camel is an integration framework
 Based on Enterprise Integration Patterns
 Routing and mediation
 Easy to use DSL to define routes
 No heavy specification
 No container dependency
 Payload agnostic
 Connectivity to a great wealth of
IV. Camel in Action
Test support
 Transactions
 Exceptions
 Concurrency
 Persistence
 Aggregation
 Runtime
IV. Camel in Action| test

Camel Test Support

Provides context/registry support


MockEndpoint assertions
template.sendBodyAndHeader(expectedBody, "foo",
IV. Camel in Action| test

Using test support
CamelTestSupport Junit
 @EndpointInject
 @Produce
 Filter Pattern
IV. Camel in Action | tx


Component level
◦ Polling strategy
public interface PollingConsumerPollStrategy {
boolean begin(Consumer consumer, Endpoint endpoint);
void commit(Consumer consumer, Endpoint endpoint, int polledMessages);
boolean rollback(Consumer consumer, Endpoint endpoint, int retryCounter, Exception cause) throws



Routing level
◦ Transactional Client EIP

◦ Transacted DSL
IV. Camel in Action | tx


Define transaction behaviour
<property name="transactionManager" ref="txManager"/>
<property name="propagationBehaviorName"

<property name="transactionManager" ref="txManager"/> <property
name="propagationBehaviorName" value="PROPAGATION_REQUIRES_NEW"/>


Use transacted DSL
.setBody(constant("Tiger in Action"))
.setBody(constant("Elephant in Action"))
IV. Camel in Action | errors


onException clause
new RouteBuilder() {
public void configure() {
from("direct:start") .process("processor1")
.process("processor2") // <--- throws a ConnectException

◦ Note : By default, a producer will not redeliver


.handled(true).transform(body(constant("INVALID ORDER")));
IV. Camel in Action | errors

Dead Letter EIP
The Error Handler propagates error back to the client.
 Dead Letter Channel will always moved failed
exchanges to this queue.


useOriginalMessage is used for routing the original
input message instead of the current message that
potentially is modified during routing.
IV. Camel in Action | toolkit


Dealing with data flows means mastering
◦ Seda Component :

◦ Thread DSL
 How do we avoid the messages that does not
expect a reply to block ?
from("jms:queue:order") // do some sanity check validation
.to("bean:validateOrder") .to("mock:validate").threads(20)
// do some CPU heavy processing of the message (we simulate and delay)
IV. Camel in Action | toolkit

Sync to Async

toAsync Processor
from("direct:start").to("mock:a").toAsync("direct:bar", 5).to("mock:result");
from("direct:bar").to("mock:b").transform(constant("Bye World"));


How does this work?
void process(Exchange exchange, AsyncCallback callback) throws Exception;

◦ With AsyncCallback interface :
void onTaskCompleted(Exchange exchange);


Http Async Producer
public class JettyHttpProducer extends DefaultProducer implements AsyncProcessor

◦ Then invoke the callback when reply is ready on the Exchange.

◦ Routing with Spring DSL
<route> <!-- we route from a direct endpoint -->
<from uri="direct:start"/> <!-- log the request -->
<to uri="log:+++ request +++"/> <!-- then doing a non blocking async request/reply to the http server with a pool of 10 threads
<to uri="jetty://" async="true" poolSize="10"/>
<!-- the reply from the server is logged -->
<to uri="log:+++ reply +++"/> <!-- and to our mock so we can assert we got all responses -->
<to ref="result"/>
IV. Camel in Action | toolkit


SQL, JDBC and JPA components provided out-of the box
File idempotent consumer with pluggable repository
<bean id="fileStore"
<!-- the filename for the store -->
<property name="fileStore" value="target/fileidempotent/.filestore.dat"/>
<!-- the max filesize in bytes for the file. Camel will trunk and flush the
cache if the file gets bigger -->
<property name="maxFileStoreSize" value="512000"/>
<!-- the number of elements in our store -->
<property name="cacheSize" value="250"/> </bean>
<camelContext xmlns="">
<to uri="mock:result"/>


Stateful EIP : Aggregator
IV. Camel in Action | toolkit

Aggregator EIP

Combine a number of messages together into a
single message.


Completion predicates
.aggregate(header("id"), new BodyInAggregatingStrategy()).completionTimeout(3000)

from("direct:start“).aggregate(header("id"), new
BodyInAggregatingStrategy()).completionSize(3) .to("mock:aggregated");
from("direct:start“).aggregate(header("id"), new BodyInAggregatingStrategy())
from("direct:start“).aggregate(header("id"), new BodyInAggregatingStrategy()).
completionSize(header("mySize")) .to("mock:aggregated");
IV. Camel in Action | toolkit

Aggregator Strategy & Fail Over

public class NumberAggregationStrategy implements AggregationStrategy {
public Exchange aggregate(Exchange oldExchange, Exchange newExchange) {
if (oldExchange == null) { return newExchange; }
Integer num1 = oldExchange.getIn().getBody(Integer.class);
Integer num2 = newExchange.getIn().getBody(Integer.class);
Integer num3 = (num1 != null ? num1 : 0) + (num2 != null ? num2 : 0);
oldExchange.getIn().setBody(num3); return oldExchange;

IV. Camel in Action | runtime

Running Camel

Known Deployment Options

Standalone Java Application
Java Web Start
Spring Application
Web Application
Google App Engine
J2EE Application
IV. Riding Camel | runtime

Running inside App Server
Servlet component
 CXF Component
 Camel Web console
actually « Web Component »
IV. Review
Camel is not a server
 Camel is lightweight and embeddable
 Camel supports Enterprise Integration
paradigms from the JEE/Spring world.
 Camel is not an ESB though it
implements EIPs.
 Camel doesn’t need but supports any
messaging infrastructure (JMS / MQ)
 Camel supports messaging at JBI
abstraction level
V. A real Use-Case

Multiple source FTP import to a centralized repository
◦ Collect files (0-5 x 2-20 Megs) from N different FTP endpoints, every
hours on a 24/7 basis
◦ End-user configuration
◦ Logs : technical + business
◦ Monitor failures




Big binary files : maybe JMS would not fit
Implementation should fit some common
corporate approach to entreprise intergation.
Currently only SAN @ client. Do not need App
Server yet.
Client is technical-oriented : would like hands-on.
Keep intact current logs / traces, but must be
possible to connect on JDBC.
Would be interested in indexing meta –infos
within Alfresco (JSR-170).
Central schedule/alerting infrastructure must be
Nagios could be an option at mid-term.
Real issues

Multiple source endpoints pattern :
◦ not found (!!!).

FTP component is an active poller; no
easy way to stop polling after having
consuming all files.
 No easy way to put into configuration
the context path of Endpoint URIs
Other applications…
Camel as an ETL : Excel sources
 PeopleSoft to ActiveDirectory
 Bidirectional Federal <-> City
Entreprises DB official data
 Reconcilliation of mutations streams

◦ Help yourself through debug mode on sources


Maven-based development
◦ « Real » modularity


Real Standards
◦ EIPs
◦ Maven, Spring, Java6.
◦ JBI (Glassfish)


Gateway to the future
◦ OSGI (Fuse ESB)


Camel. What else?
More information needed?

Camel website:



Camel article:



FuseSource website:


Camel in Action book:



Camel in Action Source code:


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Apache Camel - Stéphane Kay - April 2011

  • 2. Scope  IS Integration  EIP  Routing  Mediation  Camel Container  Unit testing  Hands-on  Real Use Case JMS / Active MQ JBI / NMR OSGI / ServiceMix Scala
  • 3. Table of contents IS Integration heuristics I. ◦ ◦ Common issues Paradigms Camel’s bleat II. ◦ ◦ Concepts responding to integration needs Getting started What’s under the humps? III. ◦ ◦ Camel architecture Distribution Camel in Action IV. ◦ ◦ Persistence, transactions, concurrency, failover Aggregation A Real Use-Case V. ◦ Description, issues & achievement
  • 4. I. IS Integration Heuristics
  • 5. I. IS Integration heuristics Just do it !  Just coding simple things might be just not so simple … public class FileCopier { public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { File inboxDirectory = new File("data/inbox"); File outboxDirectory = new File("data/outbox"); outboxDirectory.mkdir(); File[] files = inboxDirectory.listFiles(); for (File source : files) { if (source.isFile()) { File dest = new File( outboxDirectory.getPath() + File.separator + source.getName()); copyFile(source, dest); } } } private static void copyFile(File source, File dest) throws IOException { OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(dest); byte[] buffer = new byte[(int) source.length()]; FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(source);; try { out.write(buffer); } finally { out.close(); in.close(); } } }
  • 6. I. IS Integration heuristics A Framework?  The bad : ◦ Learning effort consumes time. ◦ Adds anarchical dependencies. ◦ Risk of coming with a new need / not implemented  The good : ◦ Gain value after a training period ◦ Leverage your code to a higher abstraction ◦ Potentially a future standard ?  Indicator : community commits & posts curve.  The plus-value ◦ Not obvious
  • 7. I. IS Integration heuristics Separation of concerns  IS Integration involves 1. Endpoints  A common endpoint interface abstraction 2. Data Processing  Using Message / exchange abstraction and conversion tool 3. Routing  A common vocabulary / pattern as DSL foundation.
  • 8. I. IS Integration | endpoint Message Endpoint pattern   Routes should refer to a common abstract Message Endpoint rather than directly using their technical interface A good Endpoint abstraction is a URI description
  • 9. II. Camel’s bleat | data Uniformed Exchange  Message’s container during routing
  • 10. I. IS Integration | data Data Transformation  Data Format Transformation ◦ Message body is transformed from one format to another.  CSV -> XML  Data Type Transformation ◦ Java Type of message body is transformed/casted into another.  java.lang.String -> java.jms.TextMessage  -> java.lang.String
  • 11. I. IS Integration | routing Use case : Filtering Route ◦ How can a component avoid receiving uninteresting messages ? ◦ …coming from a different system
  • 12. I. IS Integration | routing EIP?  A Catalog of Design patterns for common IS integration issues 
  • 13. I. IS Integration | routing EIPs Samples…  Filter ◦  Splitter ◦  How can a component avoid receiving uninteresting messages? How can we process a message if it contains multiple elements, each of which may have to be processed in a different way? Router ◦ How can you decouple individual processing steps so that messages can be passed to different filters depending on a set of conditions?  Aggregator ◦ How do we combine the results of individual, but related messages so that they can be processed as a whole?
  • 14. I. IS Integration heuristics Putting all needs together  Route definition attributes : ◦ Endpoints  Producer / Consumer(s) ◦ Processor(s)  Uniformed exchange processing interface ◦ Predicate(s)  A route language should provide those key abstractions Endpoint A = endpoint(“activemq:queue:quote”); Endpoint B = endpoint(“mq:quote”); Predicate isWidget = xpath(“/quote/product = „widget‟”); from(A).filter(isWidget).to(B);
  • 15. I. IS Integration heuristics I. Review  IS Integration paradigms ◦ Endpoint abstraction -> URIs? ◦ Data Tx -> Functions // Java beans ? ◦ Routing -> EIPs
  • 16. II. Camel’s bleat Apache Camel is a Powerful Open Source Integration Framework based on known Enterprise Integration Patterns *  Mission Statement : Making integration easier and more accessible to developers
  • 17. II. Camel’s bleat | endpoint Endpoint URI  A camel endpoint URI consists of three parts : Scheme Context path Options
  • 18. II. Camel’s bleat | routing Java DSL : Builder pattern  The Builder Pattern (GOF) is central to the Camel Java DSL public class FileCopierWithCamel { public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { // create CamelContext CamelContext context = new DefaultCamelContext(); // add our route to the CamelContext context.addRoutes(new RouteBuilder() { public void configure() { from("file:data/inbox?noop=true").to("file:data/outbox"); } }); // start the route and let it do its work context.start(); Thread.sleep(10000); // stop the CamelContext context.stop(); } }
  • 19. II. Camel’s bleat | data Data Format transformations  Marshal / unmarshal from("activemq:QueueWithJavaObjects”) .marshal().jaxb() .to("mq:QueueWithXmlMessages"); from("activemq:queue:MY_QUEUE").unmarshal().zip().proce ss(new UnZippedMessageProcessor());
  • 20. II. Camel’s bleat | data Message Translator EIP  Aka Adapter (GOF)  Using a Processor from("direct:start").process(new Processor() { public void process(Exchange exchange) { exchange.getIn().setBody(in.getBody(String.class) + " World!"); } }).to("mock:result");  Using Bean binding from("direct:start") .bean(MyBean.class, "hello(String,String)") .to("mock:result");  Using transform() DSL from("direct:start").transform(body().regexReplaceAll(“n”,”<br/>”)) .to("mock:result");
  • 21. II. Camel’s bleat | first ride Getting started : IDE Eclipse  Maven integration (m2eclipse)  ◦ ◦ Check your eclipse.ini : locate your JDK -vm C:/dev/java/jdk1.6.0_18/bin  Optional : Fuse Camel plugin for Eclipse ◦ pdate/
  • 22. II. Camel’s bleat | first ride Getting started : Maven  Basic Maven configuration
  • 23. II. Camel’s bleat | first ride First Ride Copy contents from one folder to another, control final name / dir  JUnit  ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦  Startup context Route definition : File component Processor / Exchange Simple Language (File Component) Delegate JUnit test to Main class
  • 24. II. Camel’s bleat | first ride Second Ride  Add some features to JUnit Class ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦  Log Add failure if file already exist Predicate : Simple Language Error handling Router EIP (Choice)
  • 25. II. Camel’s bleat | spring Spring XML : content-based router <camelContext> <route> <from uri="activemq:NewOrders"/> <choice> <when> <xpath>/order/product = 'widget'</xpath> <to uri="activemq:Orders.Widgets"/> </when> <otherwise> <to uri="activemq:Orders.Gadgets"/> </otherwise> </choice> </route> </camelContext>
  • 26. II. Camel’s bleat II. Review Endpoint / Component URIs  Java DSL  How to start / process exchanges  Log, error handling / routing 
  • 27. III. What’s under the humps?  High-level architecture ◦ Container & Services Toolkit provided out-of-the box  Distribution 
  • 28. III. What’s under the humps? High-level view  Container responsibilities : ◦ Create and activate the necessary Endpoint instances using the available Component implementations
  • 29. III. What’s under the humps? Camel Context Services  Components ◦  Endpoints ◦  Contains the loaded data formats. Registry ◦  Contains the loaded type converters. Camel has a mechanism that allows you to manually or automatically convert from one type to another. Data formats ◦  Contains the routes that have been added. Type converters ◦  Contains the endpoints that have been created. Routes ◦  Loads components on the fly either by autodiscovery on the classpath or when a new bundle is activated in an OSGi container. Contains a registry that allows you to look up beans. By default, this will be a JNDI registry. If you’re using Camel from Spring, this will be the Spring ApplicationContext. It can also be an OSGi registry if you use Camel in an OSGi container. Languages ◦ Contains the loaded languages. Camel defines 3 different DSLs (Java, XML/Spring, and Scala) and allows you to use many different languages to create expressions.
  • 30. III. What’s under the humps? Out of the box : EIPs  50+ Routing Patterns based on EIPs 
  • 31. III. What’s under the humps? Out of the box : Components 70+ Endpoint impl. aka « Components »  All available via URI/scheme paradigm  
  • 32. III. What’s under the humps? Out of the box : Data Format  18 Data Formats - uniformed usage : from(“file://input").marshal().zip().to("activemq:queue:MY_QUEUE"); 
  • 33. III. What’s under the humps? Out of the box : Languages  Predicates & Expressions 
  • 34. Camel distribution Components sources  Examples  Maven Central (current v2.7)  ◦ Snapshot Repo <repository> <id>apache.snapshots</id> <name>Apache Development Snapshot Repository</name> <url></url> <releases> <enabled>false</enabled> </releases> <snapshots> <enabled>true</enabled> </snapshots> </repository>
  • 35. III. Review Camel is an integration framework  Based on Enterprise Integration Patterns  Routing and mediation  Easy to use DSL to define routes  No heavy specification  No container dependency  Payload agnostic  Connectivity to a great wealth of transports 
  • 36. IV. Camel in Action Test support  Transactions  Exceptions  Concurrency  Persistence  Aggregation  Runtime 
  • 37. IV. Camel in Action| test Camel Test Support  Provides context/registry support  MockEndpoint assertions resultEndpoint.expectedBodiesReceived(expectedBody); template.sendBodyAndHeader(expectedBody, "foo", "bar"); resultEndpoint.assertIsSatisfied();
  • 38. IV. Camel in Action| test Using test support CamelTestSupport Junit  @EndpointInject  @Produce  Filter Pattern 
  • 39. IV. Camel in Action | tx Transactions  Component level ◦ Polling strategy public interface PollingConsumerPollStrategy { boolean begin(Consumer consumer, Endpoint endpoint); void commit(Consumer consumer, Endpoint endpoint, int polledMessages); boolean rollback(Consumer consumer, Endpoint endpoint, int retryCounter, Exception cause) throws Exception; }  Routing level ◦ Transactional Client EIP  ◦ Transacted DSL from("jetty:http://localhost/myservice/order").transacted() .to("bean:validateOrder").to("jms:queue:order");
  • 40. IV. Camel in Action | tx Propagation  Define transaction behaviour <bean id="PROPAGATION_REQUIRED" class="org.apache.camel.spring.spi.SpringTransactionPoli cy"> <property name="transactionManager" ref="txManager"/> <property name="propagationBehaviorName" value="PROPAGATION_REQUIRED"/> </bean> <bean id="PROPAGATION_REQUIRES_NEW" class="org.apache.camel.spring.spi.SpringTransactionPolicy"> <property name="transactionManager" ref="txManager"/> <property name="propagationBehaviorName" value="PROPAGATION_REQUIRES_NEW"/> </bean>  Use transacted DSL from("direct:mixed") .transacted("PROPAGATION_REQUIRED“) .setBody(constant("Tiger in Action")) .beanRef("bookService") .setBody(constant("Elephant in Action")) .beanRef("bookService“).to("direct:mixed2");
  • 41. IV. Camel in Action | errors Exceptions  onException clause new RouteBuilder() { public void configure() { onException(IOException.class).maximumRedeliveries(3); from("direct:start") .process("processor1") .process("processor2") // <--- throws a ConnectException .to("mock:theEnd"); } ◦ Note : By default, a producer will not redeliver  Handle onException(ValidationException.class) .handled(true).transform(body(constant("INVALID ORDER"))); from("jetty:http://localhost/myservice/order").transacted() .to("bean:validateOrder").to("jms:queue:order");
  • 42. IV. Camel in Action | errors Dead Letter EIP The Error Handler propagates error back to the client.  Dead Letter Channel will always moved failed exchanges to this queue.   useOriginalMessage is used for routing the original input message instead of the current message that potentially is modified during routing. from("jms:queue:order:input").to("bean:validateOrder") .to("bean:transformOrder").to("bean:handleOrder"); errorHandler(deadLetterChannel("jms:queue:dead") .useOriginalMessage().mamimumRedeliveries(5) .redeliverDelay(5000);
  • 43. IV. Camel in Action | toolkit Concurency  Dealing with data flows means mastering concurency ◦ Seda Component : from("seda:bar?concurrentConsumers=5").to("file://output"); ◦ Thread DSL  How do we avoid the messages that does not expect a reply to block ? from("jms:queue:order") // do some sanity check validation .to("bean:validateOrder") .to("mock:validate").threads(20) // do some CPU heavy processing of the message (we simulate and delay) .unmarshal(mySecureDataFormat).delay(1000) .to("bean:handleOrder").to("mock:order");
  • 44. IV. Camel in Action | toolkit Sync to Async  toAsync Processor from("direct:start").to("mock:a").toAsync("direct:bar", 5).to("mock:result"); from("direct:bar").to("mock:b").transform(constant("Bye World"));  How does this work? void process(Exchange exchange, AsyncCallback callback) throws Exception; ◦ With AsyncCallback interface : void onTaskCompleted(Exchange exchange);  Http Async Producer public class JettyHttpProducer extends DefaultProducer implements AsyncProcessor ◦ Then invoke the callback when reply is ready on the Exchange. ◦ Routing with Spring DSL <route> <!-- we route from a direct endpoint --> <from uri="direct:start"/> <!-- log the request --> <to uri="log:+++ request +++"/> <!-- then doing a non blocking async request/reply to the http server with a pool of 10 threads --> <to uri="jetty://" async="true" poolSize="10"/> <!-- the reply from the server is logged --> <to uri="log:+++ reply +++"/> <!-- and to our mock so we can assert we got all responses --> <to ref="result"/> </route>
  • 45. IV. Camel in Action | toolkit Persistence   SQL, JDBC and JPA components provided out-of the box File idempotent consumer with pluggable repository from("file://inbox?idempotent=true").to("..."); <bean id="fileStore" class="org.apache.camel.processor.idempotent.FileIdempotentRepository"> <!-- the filename for the store --> <property name="fileStore" value="target/fileidempotent/.filestore.dat"/> <!-- the max filesize in bytes for the file. Camel will trunk and flush the cache if the file gets bigger --> <property name="maxFileStoreSize" value="512000"/> <!-- the number of elements in our store --> <property name="cacheSize" value="250"/> </bean> <camelContext xmlns=""> <route> <from uri="file://target/fileidempotent/?idempotent=true&amp;idempotentRepository= #fileStore&amp;move=done/${file:name}"/> <to uri="mock:result"/> </route>  Stateful EIP : Aggregator
  • 46. IV. Camel in Action | toolkit Aggregator EIP  Combine a number of messages together into a single message. ◦  Completion predicates from("direct:start“). .aggregate(header("id"), new BodyInAggregatingStrategy()).completionTimeout(3000) .to("mock:aggregated"); from("direct:start“).aggregate(header("id"), new BodyInAggregatingStrategy()).completionSize(3) .to("mock:aggregated"); from("direct:start“).aggregate(header("id"), new BodyInAggregatingStrategy()) .eagerCheckCompletion().completionPredicate(body().isEqualTo("END")) .to("mock:aggregated"); from("direct:start“).aggregate(header("id"), new BodyInAggregatingStrategy()). completionSize(header("mySize")) .to("mock:aggregated");
  • 47. IV. Camel in Action | toolkit Aggregator Strategy & Fail Over  Strategy public class NumberAggregationStrategy implements AggregationStrategy { public Exchange aggregate(Exchange oldExchange, Exchange newExchange) { if (oldExchange == null) { return newExchange; } Integer num1 = oldExchange.getIn().getBody(Integer.class); Integer num2 = newExchange.getIn().getBody(Integer.class); Integer num3 = (num1 != null ? num1 : 0) + (num2 != null ? num2 : 0); oldExchange.getIn().setBody(num3); return oldExchange; } } 
  • 48. IV. Camel in Action | runtime Running Camel  Known Deployment Options ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Standalone Java Application Java Web Start Spring Application Web Application Google App Engine J2EE Application JBI OSGi
  • 49. IV. Riding Camel | runtime Running inside App Server Servlet component camel-example-servlet-tomcat  CXF Component camel-example-cxf-tomcat  Camel Web console actually « Web Component » 
  • 50. IV. Review Camel is not a server  Camel is lightweight and embeddable  Camel supports Enterprise Integration paradigms from the JEE/Spring world.  Camel is not an ESB though it implements EIPs.  Camel doesn’t need but supports any messaging infrastructure (JMS / MQ)  Camel supports messaging at JBI abstraction level 
  • 51. V. A real Use-Case  Multiple source FTP import to a centralized repository ◦ Collect files (0-5 x 2-20 Megs) from N different FTP endpoints, every hours on a 24/7 basis ◦ End-user configuration ◦ Logs : technical + business ◦ Monitor failures FTP SAN OPCON
  • 52. Constraints         Big binary files : maybe JMS would not fit Implementation should fit some common corporate approach to entreprise intergation. Currently only SAN @ client. Do not need App Server yet. Client is technical-oriented : would like hands-on. Keep intact current logs / traces, but must be possible to connect on JDBC. Would be interested in indexing meta –infos within Alfresco (JSR-170). Central schedule/alerting infrastructure must be connected. Nagios could be an option at mid-term.
  • 53. Real issues  Multiple source endpoints pattern : ◦ not found (!!!). FTP component is an active poller; no easy way to stop polling after having consuming all files.  No easy way to put into configuration the context path of Endpoint URIs 
  • 54. Other applications… Camel as an ETL : Excel sources  PeopleSoft to ActiveDirectory  Bidirectional Federal <-> City Entreprises DB official data  Reconcilliation of mutations streams 
  • 55. Conclusions  Open-Source ◦ Help yourself through debug mode on sources  Maven-based development ◦ « Real » modularity  Real Standards ◦ EIPs ◦ Maven, Spring, Java6. ◦ JBI (Glassfish)  Gateway to the future ◦ OSGI (Fuse ESB)  Camel. What else?
  • 56. More information needed?  Camel website: ◦  Camel article: ◦  FuseSource website: ◦  Camel in Action book: ◦  Camel in Action Source code: ◦