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2nd Scientific Conference UNCCD

 Desertification and Blown Sand Disaster
                  in China

              刘连友( Liu Lian-You )

 Institute of Drought and Blown Sand Disaster, Academy of Disaster
 Reduction and Emergency Management , BNU, China

            09-12 April 2013, Bonn, Germany
                           Beijing Normal
提纲( Main Points ) :

1. 干旱半干旱区( The Arid and Semiarid Areas )

2. 荒漠化过 程( Desertification Processes )

3. 风 沙危害( Blown-sand Disasters )

4. 防沙治沙( Control Techniques & Practices )

                 Beijing Normal
1. 中国的干旱、半干旱区 /The Arid &
          Semiarid Areas

         ( Wind erosion area )

                          ( Water erosion area )
  Area: 4.5 million Km2
  Percentage: 47% of
 China’s total land area
  Population : 100.7 million

                                Beijing Normal
2. 中国干旱半干旱区的荒漠化过程
Desertification Processes in China

 荒漠化过 程的发 生
 (Genesis of Desertification Processes)
    ●   土地干旱与盐碱 化( Land Desiccation )
    ●   盐碱 化 ( Salinization )
    ●   植被退化( Vegetation Degeneration )
    ●   风蚀 ( Wind Erosion )
    ●   风 沙流、粉尘 流 (Aeolian Sand & Dust Flux )
    ●   沙漠化( Sandification )
    ●   沙尘 暴( Sand and Dust Storms )
                     Beijing Normal
●地表干旱化( Land
Dessication )
Seven   Hedin
1903 说 : “ 当
罗 布荒原的游
移湖彻 底消失
尾闾 淹没在高
大沙丘的时 代
最 终 来 临时 ,
风 对 罗 布荒原
的侵 蚀 就 变 得
,便会产 生一
个深洼 地,和

                罗 布泊 -1972 年干涸( Lop Lake )
                         Beijing Normal
Gashun Lake
(嘎顺淖尔 -1962 年干涸)        Sorgo Lake (索果
                        淖尔 -1992 年干涸)


黑 河水系变迁( The Heihe River System )
            Beijing Normal
古 日 乃 干 盐 湖 ( Playa , Guernai , Inner Mongolia ,
2000 )

索果淖尔 湖底龟 裂地( Sorgo Nor , 2002 )
                  Beijing Normal
●   植被退化 (Vegetation Degeneration)


     大面积 干枯的梭梭 /Dead Bushes due to desiccation
                     Beijing Normal
塔里木河下游枯死的胡杨树( The dead trees, lower
Tarim River ) Beijing Normal
鬼树 林 /The Ghost Forest, lower Heihe River
                     Beijing Normal
梭梭                                          胡杨

柽柳                                          霸王

各种 成因的植被退化 /Plant degeneration due to
dessication, salinizaton and wind erosion
                        Beijing Normal
胡杨 林的未来 ?/A Doom Future for the Poplar Trees?
                    Beijing Normal
陕 西靖边 ---Jingbian, Shaanxi Province

小老头树 /Short old trees-due to deficient moisture
                         Beijing Normal
Western Inner Mongolia
放牧导 致的植被退化 /Vegetation degeneration due to
                  Beijing Normal
内蒙古锡 林郭勒 ---Xilinhot, Inner Mongolia

交通引起的草原退化 /Grassland degeneraton due to traffic
                        Beijing Normal
●   风蚀( Wind Erosion )

            100m      雅丹 / 风蚀 土脊 / 风蚀长 丘 / 白龙
    柴达 木盆地雅丹 --- Image of Wind-eroded Yardangs
                     Beijing Normal
 风蚀形态 /Features of Wind Erosion

                   25 m

                                    Yiliping, Qinhai

  Streamlined Mega-Yardangs in Tsadam Basin
                   Beijing Normal
White Dragon Mound

White Dragon Mound

A Prototype Yardang      The Migrating Lake---Lop Nor
 Asian Dry Core and Center of Wind Erosion
                  Beijing Normal
库 姆塔格沙漠             状
               羽毛            甘肃 疏勒河下游风蚀 影
 Image of Linear Yardangs in Lower Shuler River
                    Beijing Normal
甘肃 三垄 沙 ---Sanlongsha, Gansu
线 形雅丹 ---Linear Yardangs in Lower Shuler River
                   Beijing Normal
龟 裂地片蚀                        天鹅 湖风蚀墩

黑 河主河道                        沙尘 暴
The Heihe River System, Today’s “Dust Bowl” in China
                       Beijing Normal
   Deflation of Clastic Sediments-Source of Sandy Deserts

    Deflated Lacustrine Layer          Deflated Fluvial Layer

    Spherical weathering & Deflation    Sandy Shale Rock Mushroom

                                Beijing Normal
   Estimated Rates of Wind Erosion

  铯 Cs-137 Tracing (by Li-Jie Pu & Ping Yan)
---Xinjiang, Kurle ( 草地 ): 3540 t km-2 a-1/~2.2mm a-1
---Qinghai, Gonghe Basin( 草地 ): 1260 t km-2 a-1
                                /~0.8 mm a-1
 质 地分析 Soil Texture Analysis (by Zhi-Bao Dong)
---Inner Mongolia ( 农 田 ): 1500 t km-2 a-1/~0.9 mm a-1

 风蚀输 送观测 Aeolian transport measurement
---Ordso Plateau ( 沙区 ): 1690 t km-2 a-1 /~1.1 mm a-1

                        Beijing Normal
 考古测 量 ---Archaeology
---Western Inner Mongolia (内陆 冲积 平原) : ~ 1 mm a -1

                              Pagoda age: 700 yrs

                                69 cm

     The First Pagoda

        Wind Erosion of Fluvial Sediments
                        Beijing Normal
 碳 14 年代学 --Root C-14 Dating
---Western Inner Mongolia (干涸内陆 湖泊) : 1.5 mm a-1

     850 yrs B.P.

               126 cm

                                  天鹅 湖 ---Swan Lake

     Wind Erosion of Terminal Lake Sediments
                        Beijing Normal
 实地观测 ---In situ Investigation
---Ordos, Inner Mongolia ( 林地沙土) : 10 mm

    Age of Trees: 20 Yrs


Ordos Plateau

  Wind Erosion of Sandy Soil under Planted Forest
                           Beijing Normal
--- Xilinhot, Inner Mongolia : 20 mm a-1(草原土路)

Sand saltation and           Track surface break-
dust emission by wind        down by wind erosion

Grooves and flutes on        Deep trough with isolated
bare hard track surface      inter-track ridges
Severe Wind Erosion of Grassland Soil due to Traffic
                          Beijing Normal
--- Ordos, Inner Mongolia (沙地) : 50 mm a-1

   Age of Trees: 40 Yrs

强 烈风蚀 地表 ---Severe Erosion of Sandy Soil by
                   Beijing Normal
Intensity of Soil Erosion by Wind in China

                 Beijing Normal
●   沙漠化 ---Sandification

   沙漠和沙地 /Sand Deserts and Sandy Lands

 面积 /Area: 710, 000 km2
 比例 /Percentage: 7.4% of China’s total land area

   沙化趋势 /Tendency of Contemporary Sandification

 发 生发 展速率 /2000 前
  Rate of Expansion (Before 2000):
  Increased by 3000-30, 000 km2 a-1
 发 生发 展速率 /2000 后
  Rate of Expansion (Aftere 2000):
  Decreased by 5000-8000 km2 a-1

                      Beijing Normal

中国沙漠 / 沙地分布图 --- Sand Deserts/Lands in China
                 Beijing Normal
流动 沙丘 ---Taklimakan Sand Desert-337, 600 km2
                    Beijing Normal
古尔 班通古特沙漠 ---Gurban Tunggut Sand Desert
                 Beijing Normal
罗 布泊
  2400m asl

                 80km      800m asl

                        库 姆塔格沙漠

                 m k

库 木塔格沙漠 ---Kumtaq Sand Desert
                Beijing Normal
流动 沙丘 ---Sand dune in Kumtak Sand Desert
                 Beijing Normal
柴达 木盆地流动 沙丘 --- Sand Dunes in Qaidam Basin
                   Beijing Normal




高大沙山 ---Sand Mounts in Badaim Jaran Desert
                 Beijing Normal
腾 格里沙漠 -Tengger Sand Desert
     Beijing Normal
Ulan Buh

       乌兰 布和沙漠 Ulan Buh Sand Desert
97' image

           Beijing Normal
库布齐沙漠 --Kubqi Sand Desert along the Yellow River
                    Beijing Normal
Active Sandy Land
1990’s                                   Fixed Sandy Land


Dynamics of Sandification
  in Mu Us Sandy Land
                        Beijing Normal
Mu Us Sandy Land

    毛乌 素沙地 ---Mu Us Sandy Land
            Beijing Normal
浑善达克沙地 ---Hunsandag Sandy Land
         Beijing Normal
Dynamics of
Sandification in
 Horqin Sandy


                                    Tongliao City

                   Beijing Normal
科尔 沁沙地 ---Horqin Sandy Land
                Beijing Normal
呼伦贝尔 沙地 ---Hulun Beir Sandy Land
      Beijing Normal
西藏雅江河谷沙丘                   Bird View, Zedang Coundy

     Sand Dunes in Brahmaputra Valley
                Beijing Normal
西藏雅江河谷沙丘                   Barchan Dunes in Valley

           Sand Dunes in Tibet
               Beijing Normal
敦煌鸣 沙山

   The Singing Sand Mount near Dunhuang
                 Beijing Normal

The Crescent Spring near Dunhuang
               Beijing Normal
●   Gobi- Pebblization--- 戈壁砾质化

黑 戈壁上的风 影沙丘 ---Shadow Dunes on the Black Gobi
                Beijing Normal
砾 浪 ---Gravel Waves to the west of Yumen Pass
                  Beijing Normal
3. 风沙危害 ---Blown-sand hazards
    沙害类型 ---
    Main Categories of Blown-sand Disasters

   ● Abrasion   by Blown Sand (风 沙流打磨)
   ●   Sand Burying by Sand Deposition ( 沙埋)
   ● Texture   Coarsening and Infertility of Farmland
   (农 田粗化和贫 瘠化)
   ● Air   Pollution by Dust Emission, Transportation and
       Sedimentation (大气污 染)
   ●   Human Casualties by Strong Dust Storms

                           Beijing Normal

   作物沙割 ---Crop Cutted by Blown Sand
                 Beijing Normal
沙化耕地 ---Sandified Cropland
          Beijing Normal
农田风蚀沙害 ---Farmland Buried by Shifting Sand
                  Beijing Normal
40 km2


绿洲沙害 ---Oasis Buried by Shifting Sand
                          Beijing Normal

Ancient Tongwan City Ruined in the Mu Us Sandy Land
                    Beijing Normal
The Black City (800 a B.P.)

湮没在流沙中的黑城 ---The Black City Ruined in the
 Shifting Dunes
                Beijing Normal
长城风沙危害 ---The Great Wall abraded by blown
                 Beijing Normal
Yulin, Shaanxi Province

    公路沙害 --Road Blocked by Dune Encroachment
                          Beijing Normal
沙埋铁 路 ---Shifting sand covers railway
                Beijing Normal
Shaanxi                    Shaanxi

 Houses Wrecked
 by Shifting Sand,

沙埋房屋 --- 陕西、内
蒙                        Inner Mongolia

                     Beijing Normal
玉门关、莫高窟 -Famous historical heritages
              Beijing Normal
通讯线 路沙害

Communication Line Endangered by Shift Dunes
                   Beijing Normal
荒漠龙 卷

  A Desert Devil in Badam Jaran Desert, in 2000
                   Beijing Normal
16:50, 20 June, 2000

北京就地起尘 ---Local Dust Emission in Beijing
                       Beijing Normal
Inner Mongolia
                                   Cold Front

Loess Plateau

                尘 云 ---Dust Pall

 沙尘暴 ---A Dust Storm on April 16, 1998, China
                          Beijing Normal
Annually Mean

中国沙尘 暴分布 ---Distribution of Dust-storm Days in China

                     Beijing Normal


                       15                                  14

) sya d yc ne uqer F


                            1950s     1960s     1970s    1980s    1990s

                        强 沙尘 暴分布 ---Strong Dust-storm Days in Northern China

                                            Beijing Normal
More than 100 Person died in the storm1993 年 /5.5 沙尘暴 -- 甘肃金昌

A dust storm encroached Jinchang, on May 5, 1993
                        Beijing Normal
S    K

    China 东

江                                  Japan


              Beijing Normal
Dust   云区   陆地   海面                  Dust   陆地   裸地   薄云   厚云

   NOAA/AVHRR 2002-04-06-13                  FY-1C 2002-04-06-08

                      Enhanced Image of Dust Storms

                               Beijing Normal
xe dn not ul o Pri A












    I i l

                               J      F      M      A       M      J       J     A       S       O           N           D
                       Air Pollution Index Affected by Dust Storms in Beijing, 2002

                                                            Beijing Normal
4. 防沙治沙 ---Control Techniques and Practices

       ● Mechanical   dune fixation (机械固沙)
       ●   Chemical dune fixation ( 化学固沙 )
       ●   Plantation sand fixation (植物固沙)

                        Beijing Normal
尼龙 方格
 Plastic Checkerboards in Tengger Sand Desert
                   Beijing Normal

Straw Checkerboards along the Bao-Lan Railway
                   Beijing Normal
Checkerboards in Kubqi Sand Desert
            Beijing Normal
Chemical dune fixation on highway slope
                Beijing Normal

Plantation in Taklimakan Sand Desert
              Beijing Normal

Shrub dune fixation system
        Beijing Normal

Artifical forest along Jing-Tong railway in
             Horqin Sandy Land
                   Beijing Normal

Evergreen trees in Mu Us Sandy Land
             Beijing Normal
农 田林网
Agricultural shelterbelts system
           Beijing Normal
保护 性耕作

Stubble mulch---Conservation tillage techniques
                  Beijing Normal
Wind tunnel built by BNU
                        Beijing Normal
Beijing Normal                                                            4
                 Sand and Dust Storm Days in northern China (1954-2007)

Thank You
for Your attention!

   Beijing Normal University
            Beijing Normal

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LianYou LIU "Desertification and blown sand disaster in China"

  • 1. 2nd Scientific Conference UNCCD 中国的荒漠化与风沙灾害 Desertification and Blown Sand Disaster in China 刘连友( Liu Lian-You ) Institute of Drought and Blown Sand Disaster, Academy of Disaster Reduction and Emergency Management , BNU, China 09-12 April 2013, Bonn, Germany Beijing Normal
  • 2. 提纲( Main Points ) : 1. 干旱半干旱区( The Arid and Semiarid Areas ) 2. 荒漠化过 程( Desertification Processes ) 3. 风 沙危害( Blown-sand Disasters ) 4. 防沙治沙( Control Techniques & Practices ) Beijing Normal
  • 3. 1. 中国的干旱、半干旱区 /The Arid & Semiarid Areas 风蚀和风沙灾害发生区 ( Wind erosion area ) 水蚀和洪水灾害发生区 ( Water erosion area )  Area: 4.5 million Km2  Percentage: 47% of China’s total land area  Population : 100.7 million Beijing Normal
  • 4. 2. 中国干旱半干旱区的荒漠化过程 Desertification Processes in China 荒漠化过 程的发 生 (Genesis of Desertification Processes) ● 土地干旱与盐碱 化( Land Desiccation ) ● 盐碱 化 ( Salinization ) ● 植被退化( Vegetation Degeneration ) ● 风蚀 ( Wind Erosion ) ● 风 沙流、粉尘 流 (Aeolian Sand & Dust Flux ) ● 沙漠化( Sandification ) ● 沙尘 暴( Sand and Dust Storms ) Beijing Normal
  • 5. ●地表干旱化( Land Dessication ) Seven Hedin 1903 说 : “ 当 罗 布荒原的游 移湖彻 底消失 、塔里木河的 尾闾 淹没在高 大沙丘的时 代 最 终 来 临时 , 风 对 罗 布荒原 的侵 蚀 就 变 得 没有任何限制 了。到了那时 ,便会产 生一 个深洼 地,和 一个永无尽头 的干旱中心” 罗 布泊 -1972 年干涸( Lop Lake ) Beijing Normal
  • 6. Gashun Lake (嘎顺淖尔 -1962 年干涸) Sorgo Lake (索果 淖尔 -1992 年干涸) 黑河流域 黑 河水系变迁( The Heihe River System ) Beijing Normal
  • 7. 古 日 乃 干 盐 湖 ( Playa , Guernai , Inner Mongolia , 2000 ) 索果淖尔 湖底龟 裂地( Sorgo Nor , 2002 ) Beijing Normal
  • 8. 植被退化 (Vegetation Degeneration) 梭梭 大面积 干枯的梭梭 /Dead Bushes due to desiccation Beijing Normal
  • 9. 塔里木河下游枯死的胡杨树( The dead trees, lower Tarim River ) Beijing Normal
  • 10. 鬼树 林 /The Ghost Forest, lower Heihe River Beijing Normal
  • 11. 梭梭 胡杨 柽柳 霸王 各种 成因的植被退化 /Plant degeneration due to dessication, salinizaton and wind erosion Beijing Normal
  • 12. 胡杨 林的未来 ?/A Doom Future for the Poplar Trees? Beijing Normal
  • 13. 陕 西靖边 ---Jingbian, Shaanxi Province 小老头树 /Short old trees-due to deficient moisture Beijing Normal
  • 14. Western Inner Mongolia 放牧导 致的植被退化 /Vegetation degeneration due to Beijing Normal
  • 15. 内蒙古锡 林郭勒 ---Xilinhot, Inner Mongolia 交通引起的草原退化 /Grassland degeneraton due to traffic Beijing Normal
  • 16. 风蚀( Wind Erosion ) 100m 雅丹 / 风蚀 土脊 / 风蚀长 丘 / 白龙 堆 柴达 木盆地雅丹 --- Image of Wind-eroded Yardangs Beijing Normal
  • 17.  风蚀形态 /Features of Wind Erosion 25 m Yiliping, Qinhai Streamlined Mega-Yardangs in Tsadam Basin Beijing Normal
  • 18. White Dragon Mound White Dragon Mound 60km A Prototype Yardang The Migrating Lake---Lop Nor Asian Dry Core and Center of Wind Erosion Beijing Normal
  • 19. 丘 库 姆塔格沙漠 状 沙 羽毛 甘肃 疏勒河下游风蚀 影 像 Image of Linear Yardangs in Lower Shuler River Beijing Normal
  • 20. 甘肃 三垄 沙 ---Sanlongsha, Gansu 线 形雅丹 ---Linear Yardangs in Lower Shuler River Beijing Normal
  • 21. 龟 裂地片蚀 天鹅 湖风蚀墩 黑 河主河道 沙尘 暴 The Heihe River System, Today’s “Dust Bowl” in China Beijing Normal
  • 22. Deflation of Clastic Sediments-Source of Sandy Deserts Deflated Lacustrine Layer Deflated Fluvial Layer Spherical weathering & Deflation Sandy Shale Rock Mushroom Beijing Normal
  • 23. Estimated Rates of Wind Erosion  铯 Cs-137 Tracing (by Li-Jie Pu & Ping Yan) ---Xinjiang, Kurle ( 草地 ): 3540 t km-2 a-1/~2.2mm a-1 ---Qinghai, Gonghe Basin( 草地 ): 1260 t km-2 a-1 /~0.8 mm a-1  质 地分析 Soil Texture Analysis (by Zhi-Bao Dong) ---Inner Mongolia ( 农 田 ): 1500 t km-2 a-1/~0.9 mm a-1  风蚀输 送观测 Aeolian transport measurement ---Ordso Plateau ( 沙区 ): 1690 t km-2 a-1 /~1.1 mm a-1 Beijing Normal
  • 24.  考古测 量 ---Archaeology ---Western Inner Mongolia (内陆 冲积 平原) : ~ 1 mm a -1 Pagoda age: 700 yrs 69 cm The First Pagoda Wind Erosion of Fluvial Sediments Beijing Normal
  • 25.  碳 14 年代学 --Root C-14 Dating ---Western Inner Mongolia (干涸内陆 湖泊) : 1.5 mm a-1 850 yrs B.P. 126 cm 天鹅 湖 ---Swan Lake Wind Erosion of Terminal Lake Sediments Beijing Normal
  • 26.  实地观测 ---In situ Investigation ---Ordos, Inner Mongolia ( 林地沙土) : 10 mm a-1 Age of Trees: 20 Yrs 20cm Ordos Plateau Wind Erosion of Sandy Soil under Planted Forest Beijing Normal
  • 27. --- Xilinhot, Inner Mongolia : 20 mm a-1(草原土路) Sand saltation and Track surface break- dust emission by wind down by wind erosion Grooves and flutes on Deep trough with isolated bare hard track surface inter-track ridges Severe Wind Erosion of Grassland Soil due to Traffic Beijing Normal
  • 28. --- Ordos, Inner Mongolia (沙地) : 50 mm a-1 2m Age of Trees: 40 Yrs 强 烈风蚀 地表 ---Severe Erosion of Sandy Soil by Wind Beijing Normal
  • 29. Intensity of Soil Erosion by Wind in China Beijing Normal
  • 30. 沙漠化 ---Sandification  沙漠和沙地 /Sand Deserts and Sandy Lands  面积 /Area: 710, 000 km2  比例 /Percentage: 7.4% of China’s total land area  沙化趋势 /Tendency of Contemporary Sandification  发 生发 展速率 /2000 前 Rate of Expansion (Before 2000): Increased by 3000-30, 000 km2 a-1  发 生发 展速率 /2000 后 Rate of Expansion (Aftere 2000): Decreased by 5000-8000 km2 a-1 Beijing Normal
  • 31. Lahsa 中国沙漠 / 沙地分布图 --- Sand Deserts/Lands in China Beijing Normal
  • 32. 流动 沙丘 ---Taklimakan Sand Desert-337, 600 km2 Beijing Normal
  • 33. 古尔 班通古特沙漠 ---Gurban Tunggut Sand Desert Beijing Normal
  • 34. 罗 布泊 2400m asl 80km 800m asl 山金 阿尔 库 姆塔格沙漠 250 m k 库 木塔格沙漠 ---Kumtaq Sand Desert Beijing Normal
  • 35. 流动 沙丘 ---Sand dune in Kumtak Sand Desert Beijing Normal
  • 36. 柴达 木盆地流动 沙丘 --- Sand Dunes in Qaidam Basin Beijing Normal
  • 37. 黑河流域 >300m 巴丹吉林沙漠 乌兰布和沙漠 腾格里沙漠 民勤绿洲 高大沙山 ---Sand Mounts in Badaim Jaran Desert Beijing Normal
  • 38. 腾 格里沙漠 -Tengger Sand Desert Beijing Normal
  • 39. Ulan Buh Desert 乌兰 布和沙漠 Ulan Buh Sand Desert 97' image Beijing Normal
  • 40. 库布齐沙漠 --Kubqi Sand Desert along the Yellow River Beijing Normal
  • 41. Active Sandy Land 1990’s Fixed Sandy Land Farmland Lakes Yulin Dynamics of Sandification in Mu Us Sandy Land 1960’S Beijing Normal
  • 42. Mu Us Sandy Land Loess Plateau 毛乌 素沙地 ---Mu Us Sandy Land Beijing Normal
  • 44. Dynamics of Sandification in Horqin Sandy Land 1997 Tongliao City 科尔沁沙地 1990 Beijing Normal
  • 45. 科尔 沁沙地 ---Horqin Sandy Land Beijing Normal
  • 46. 呼伦贝尔 沙地 ---Hulun Beir Sandy Land Beijing Normal
  • 47. 西藏雅江河谷沙丘 Bird View, Zedang Coundy Sand Dunes in Brahmaputra Valley Beijing Normal
  • 48. 西藏雅江河谷沙丘 Barchan Dunes in Valley Sand Dunes in Tibet Beijing Normal
  • 49. 敦煌鸣 沙山 The Singing Sand Mount near Dunhuang Beijing Normal
  • 50. 敦煌月牙泉 The Crescent Spring near Dunhuang Beijing Normal
  • 51. Gobi- Pebblization--- 戈壁砾质化 黑 戈壁上的风 影沙丘 ---Shadow Dunes on the Black Gobi Surface Beijing Normal
  • 52. 砾 浪 ---Gravel Waves to the west of Yumen Pass Beijing Normal
  • 53. 3. 风沙危害 ---Blown-sand hazards 沙害类型 --- Main Categories of Blown-sand Disasters ● Abrasion by Blown Sand (风 沙流打磨) ● Sand Burying by Sand Deposition ( 沙埋) ● Texture Coarsening and Infertility of Farmland (农 田粗化和贫 瘠化) ● Air Pollution by Dust Emission, Transportation and Sedimentation (大气污 染) ● Human Casualties by Strong Dust Storms Beijing Normal
  • 54. Wheat 作物沙割 ---Crop Cutted by Blown Sand Beijing Normal
  • 56. 农田风蚀沙害 ---Farmland Buried by Shifting Sand Beijing Normal
  • 57. 40 km2 Linze 临泽县 County 绿洲沙害 ---Oasis Buried by Shifting Sand Beijing Normal
  • 58. 统万城 Ancient Tongwan City Ruined in the Mu Us Sandy Land Beijing Normal
  • 59. The Black City (800 a B.P.) 湮没在流沙中的黑城 ---The Black City Ruined in the Shifting Dunes Beijing Normal
  • 60. 长城风沙危害 ---The Great Wall abraded by blown sand Beijing Normal
  • 61. Yulin, Shaanxi Province 公路沙害 --Road Blocked by Dune Encroachment Beijing Normal
  • 62. 沙埋铁 路 ---Shifting sand covers railway Beijing Normal
  • 63. Shaanxi Shaanxi Houses Wrecked by Shifting Sand, 沙埋房屋 --- 陕西、内 蒙 Inner Mongolia Beijing Normal
  • 64. 玉门关、莫高窟 -Famous historical heritages Beijing Normal
  • 65. 通讯线 路沙害 Communication Line Endangered by Shift Dunes Beijing Normal
  • 66. 荒漠龙 卷 A Desert Devil in Badam Jaran Desert, in 2000 Beijing Normal
  • 67. 16:50, 20 June, 2000 北京就地起尘 ---Local Dust Emission in Beijing Beijing Normal
  • 68. Inner Mongolia Cold Front 太 行 山 Loess Plateau 尘 云 ---Dust Pall 沙尘暴 ---A Dust Storm on April 16, 1998, China Beijing Normal
  • 69. Annually Mean (1951-2000) 中国沙尘 暴分布 ---Distribution of Dust-storm Days in China Beijing Normal
  • 70. 25 23 20 15 14 13 10 8 ) sya d yc ne uqer F 5 5 0 1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s ( Decade 强 沙尘 暴分布 ---Strong Dust-storm Days in Northern China Beijing Normal
  • 71. More than 100 Person died in the storm1993 年 /5.5 沙尘暴 -- 甘肃金昌 A dust storm encroached Jinchang, on May 5, 1993 Beijing Normal
  • 72. S K China 东 山 江 Japan 苏 Beijing Normal
  • 73. Dust 云区 陆地 海面 Dust 陆地 裸地 薄云 厚云 NOAA/AVHRR 2002-04-06-13 FY-1C 2002-04-06-08 Enhanced Image of Dust Storms Beijing Normal
  • 74. 500 500 450 400 400 350 300 300 250 200 200 150 100 100 xe dn not ul o Pri A 50 00 1月1日 2月1日 3月1日 4月1日 5月1日 6月1日 7月1日 8月1日 9月1日 10月1日 11月1日 12月1日 I i l J F M A M J J A S O N D Month Air Pollution Index Affected by Dust Storms in Beijing, 2002 Beijing Normal
  • 75. 4. 防沙治沙 ---Control Techniques and Practices ● Mechanical dune fixation (机械固沙) ● Chemical dune fixation ( 化学固沙 ) ● Plantation sand fixation (植物固沙) Beijing Normal
  • 76. 尼龙 方格 Plastic Checkerboards in Tengger Sand Desert Beijing Normal
  • 77. 草方格 Straw Checkerboards along the Bao-Lan Railway Beijing Normal
  • 78. 沙柳方格 Checkerboards in Kubqi Sand Desert Beijing Normal
  • 79. 化学固沙剂 Chemical dune fixation on highway slope Beijing Normal
  • 80. 植物固沙 Plantation in Taklimakan Sand Desert Beijing Normal
  • 81. 植物固沙 Shrub dune fixation system Beijing Normal
  • 82. 沙地造林 Artifical forest along Jing-Tong railway in Horqin Sandy Land Beijing Normal
  • 83. 沙地造林 Evergreen trees in Mu Us Sandy Land Beijing Normal
  • 85. 保护 性耕作 Stubble mulch---Conservation tillage techniques Beijing Normal
  • 86. Wind tunnel built by BNU Beijing Normal
  • 87. 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 4 5 9 1 6 5 9 1 8 5 9 1 0 6 9 1 2 6 9 1 4 6 9 1 6 9 1 8 6 9 1 0 7 9 1 2 7 9 1 4 7 9 1 6 7 9 1 8 7 9 1 0 8 9 1 2 8 9 1 4 8 9 1 6 8 9 1 8 9 1 0 9 1 2 9 1 Beijing Normal 4 9 1 6 9 1 8 9 1 0 2 0 2 Sand and Dust Storm Days in northern China (1954-2007) 4 0 2 6 0 2
  • 88. Thank You for Your attention! Beijing Normal University Beijing Normal