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Introduction to financial management

An overview of international economy in India

International financial environment

Multinational Corporations

Theories of International business,

International Business Methods,

International Monitory system

International risk exposure


   Financial Management represents the bridge between the firms
                       real assets and financial assets

 (Capital budgeting)              Financial                 Loans
                                 Management                 Equity
     Real assets
Objectives of F M

Primary      - Profit maximization

             - Maximize the wealth of the owners (share holders)

Others      -      Ensure financial stability

                             Functions of F M

Planning     - Ascertain and determine the source of financing the needs

Organization -     Procurement and allocation of funds.

Control          - Monitoring of funds through financial discipline.

 Mobilization     Deployment       Control end          Risk-return
 of funds         of funds         Use of funds         Trade-off

 From where ?     Fixed assets     Ascertaining facts   Investment
                                   & figures through    (Risk-return)
 At what cost ?   Current assets   Reports
 In what time ?   Investments      Cash flow            (debt-equity)

                  Repayment of

Treasury                Foreign                Financial              Maintaining
operations              exchange               structuring            share price

Short term funds        Currency fluctuation   Debt- equity           Dividend policy
                        Hedging                Arbitrage              Bonus policy
Speculative gains by
anticipating interest   Forward Contract .     Pricing of new issue   Healthy level of
rate movements                                                        share price.

  Anticipation       Acquire the     Utilization       Increase              Maximize
Of funds needed      funds needed   Of the funds      profitability          Firms value

For financing the   Long term       Most profitable   Reducing the costs     Proper planning
assets / projects                   manner.
                    Short Term                        Efficient allocation   Effective monitoring



                    At least cost

                       OVERVIEW TO I F M

  India is not a land of billion problems , but a land of billion opportunities

                                                            Mukesh Ambani

 I F M has assumed significance after liberalization

 More & more FDI’s, FII’s & F F I’s are in Indian market

 F F I’s hold over 20% of market capitalization

 Many Indian corporates are listed in foreign stock exchanges.

 Indian exports are growing at a rate of 12%/ annum with 50% of
  manufacturing items being exported.

                    OVERVIEW TO I F M

 Total forex trade has crossed 450 billion US $ & forex assets are over
   US $ 300 billions

 India is a creditor country among IMF members. Many Indian
  companies have acquired big ones abroad (Indian MNC)

 FDI & NRI continue to grow even in the recession years though there
  may be a negative situation at times.

 Many international companies look to India for their market.

 The GDP continue to grow over 7 %


                      OVERVIEW TO I F M

 With such a scenario and the future though tense is bright too , it is
  essential for the Finance managers to have fairly good knowledge on
  international financial management.

 The company’s operations today are global & the finance man has to
   be well aware of the various intricacies on export/ import/ forex front.

 The mutual interactions between foreign sector of various countries
   lead us to International financial system .

 The institutions operating in the international financial system are
  closely connected with the foreign sectors of various economies.


    Equity        Investment        Granting                      Technical
                                                   J V in third
 Participation     In bonds      Loans/ credits                   Consultancy
   In Indian     & debentures       on Govn,t                     Transfer of
  companies                     to Govn,t basis,                  Technology
                                     Party to
                                   Party basis

     In view of global importance to the operations in international trade &
     funds flow, the importance of international financial management has
                              assumed vital role.,


Managers should have a good knowledge of both domestic &
international markets in globalized world.

Operations of domestic & international markets are different & hence
the factors influencing them should be studied separately.

Survival of the fittest is the watch word. A right exposure in
international & domestic finance for managers are preferred.

The activities of MNC with international forces today needs managers
with good command over international operations.

No manager can be blind on the international economic & financial
operations today.


                                   International environment

    Economic            Political          Social          Demographic             Natural           Technological
        &                  &                 &               factors             environment         & other
    Financial          Government         Cultural                                                   factors
     factors            policies          factors

Recession               Stability        Public interest    Size, age, gender   Climatic condition    Quality
Depression              Legal system     Taste              of the              Transport             Standards
Boom                    Efficiency       Consumption        Population          Power                 Efficiency
Inflation               executive/       Beliefs            Language, caste     Standards             Skills
GDP                     Legislative                         Religion            of living
Exchange rate           /judiciary
Currency fluctuation    Corruption
Commodity price         Fiscal policy
                        Other policies

                                 M N C’S
A MNC is an enterprise which has its managerial H Q located in one country
& operations in number of countries.

They expand either by setting up branches abroad , JV, subsidiaries etc.

Expansion takes place through vertical / horizontal / conglomerate route.

 MNC trade & production has been increasing over the last decades

 They control 1/3 rd of world production is controlled by MNC’s.

 The total sales of MNC will be 25% of world sales

 Bulk pvt investments are from MNC’s

 Induction of latest technology & exploitation of natural resources are
   by MNC’s.
                Globalization led to the growth of MNC”s

                      M N C- OBJECTIVES
 Economies of scale, expansion of operations globally

 Diversification of product range to reduce risk

 Cost minimization & profit maximization

 International collaboration

 Secure inputs & intermediaries from different countries at low cost ,
  assemble them in their own country & sell them back globally


                          M N C- FEATURES
They have different state of mind. They think global, plan global, act global.

The plant size, operations, activities, place are global.

The MNC’s F M differs from D FM in many ways.

 Seeking capital at low cost markets on international basis

 Investment proposals are decided on global basis.

 Integrate their world wide operations

 Flexible in planning , adaptability to the environment, quickness in
  decisions , innovative , vision, selecting best talent , profitable ,
  efficient MIS, well developed R & D etc


                                M N C’S - DC’S

Larger investments in R & D                  Less investments in R & D

Control on cheaper capital                   Not much excess reserves

Rating is higher                             Struggle to get good rating

Capital intensive                            Not Capital intensive

International diversification                Domestic diversification

Ambitious & expansionist                     Less ambitious

Sound F M                                    Not efficient F M


Classical theory               Modern theory                   Some recent theories
                               (General Equilibrium theory )
Barter V/s money trade                                         Karvis theory
                               Heckscher Ohlin theorem
Absolute advantage theory                                      Technology & trade theory

Comparative advantage theory

Reciprocal demand theory

                        CLASSICAL THEORIES
  Barter trade V/S Money trade
  Trade between commodities without any exchange of money.. This was
  prevalent between any two countries. After advent of IMF , multilateral
  trade is encouraged . Still some countries practice barter trade on a
  limited basis

  Classical trade theory- Absolute Advantage ( A A)
  Value of product in a country is determined by its labour contents. As
  labour cannot move internationally , this was used as absolute
  advantage by some countries as per Adam Smith.
    Production of one man in one week
    product                   In USA                    In India
    wheat                     8 kgs (A A)               2 kgs
    Cloth                     2 yards                   6 yards ( A A)

Exchange rate between wheat & cloth in India is 1;3 whereas it is 4;1 in USA
If wheat of USA is exchanged for cloth of India, the ratio will be between 1: 3 & 4:119

                    CLASSICAL THEORIES
Comparative advantage theory

Developed by David Ricardo

The country would export that commodity in which it had a greater
Comparative advantage & import a commodity in which it had a greater
Comparative disadvantage.

 If no trade takes place , India will have only 2 kgs of wheat & 6 yds of
 With trade taking place, it can produce 12 yds of cloth, export 6 yds &
  retain balance for its use.
 It can also get 3 kgs of wheat even at domestic exchange ratio in US.

(Assumption- Only labour is taken into consideration, no trade &
tariffs, unrestricted flow of trade, cost of transport & insurance ignored )

Reciprocal Demand theory

Propounded by J S Mill

 Law of comparative costs determines the supply of goods in foreign
  trade as per David Recardo.

 Law of reciprocal demand sets the price at which the trade will take
  place. i.e , it is the law of supply & demand that will determine the
  price. ( It is the US demand for Indian cloth & Indian demand for US

 The offer & bids in the international trades are represented by offer
  curves. These curves can be regarded as demand curves
  representing various amounts of cloth which USA would demand in
  exchange for a unit of wheat & units of wheat which India would
  demand for exchange of one unit of cloth.
Modern theory of international trade

Classical theory explains trade based on the cost difference which in turn
Is dependent on the labour or other factor efficiencies.

The modern theory also called general equilibrium theory is based on demand
& supply principles.

It shows that there is hardly any difference between internal & international

Modern theory of international trade

Modern economists were of the view that there is no need for a separate theory
in view of the following

1. Factor mobility among countries is restricted as in case of regions within a
   country .

2. Difference in currencies among nations do not stand in any way of trade as
   there is arrangement for exchange of currencies in forex market.

3. Transport cost is there both for international & domestic trade.

4. Comparative cost difference is there both for domestic & international trade.

5. The other differences such as habits, customs, trade restrictions are not


Heckscher- Ohlin theorem

According to this theory , a country with capital abundance will export capital
goods & those countries with labour abundance will export labour intensive

Ex- USA can export capital intensive goods in exchange for labour intensive
goods by India.

(PK/ PL) A < ( PK/ PL)

P= price factor , K= capital, L = labour, A & B are two countries.

For trade to take place between two countries , there should be difference in
factor efficiencies and for each commodity .

What is said for factor of production can also be true for goods as they are the
inputs in productive activities


Karvis theory                                   Technology & Trade theory

Also called availability theory                 Technology difference may lead to
                                                trade advantages.
Those countries which have exportable
surplus will export to other countries.         Introduction of new technology may
                                                lead to trade in that goods & from that
Consumers preference for the goods of a          country.
particular country also holds good.
                                                The country which introduces new
                                                technology first will increase its exports

           Emerging models of international theories as per economists are
           Ricaro goods, Herkscher – Ohlin goods & Technology goods



Globalization / deregulation / liberalization has made business more
competitive & challenging.

Indian companies have become MNC’s & foreign MNC’s have entered India .

Business methods adopted by various companies have also undergone changes.

Globalization had brought remarkable effect on following areas.

1. corporate strategy & corporate Governance.

2. Corporate goals & objectives

3. Corporate financial strengths & weakness

4. Input market, output market both in direction & content.

International Business environment.

Financial markets opened up & are dynamic & volatile in globalized set up

IT & telecommunication media has made world a global village.

Competition is severe & those who are weak/ late will not survive.

Natural forces will act, interest rates moves freely & exchange rates are dynamic.

Those who are agile & alert can survive.

Those management who have skilled power/ financial strong / optimize share
holders value by adopting to changes can be global MNC’s.

Corporate management have to adapt to new situation .

They have to change strategies & undergo a deep transformation
to meet the challenges

Global factors

Capital flow will be from less efficient / less profitable ventures / markets
to more efficient & profitable markets.

Capital can now be sourced from cheaper markets internationally.

Human skills & technology will also see mobility.

Free exports & imports can reduce the costs due to comparative advantages

Both short term & long term finances can be available both from Domestic
& international markets.

Availability of capital when required can reduces locking of funds at
high cost borrowings.

JV, M & A, Disinvestments , putting weight in profitable directions
will be the order of the day.

Global factors- (Contd)
Multicurrency loans, flexi rate loans, ECB,s , guarantees , bridge loans will be
available in global markets.

Changes in legal frame work has brought in International court of justice.

Borrower & Lender have to abide by a legal system which is acceptable to

International chamber of commerce & International court of justice are the
agencies on legal issues.

The documents & agreements between parties may specify the law of their
choice which should govern their contract.

Government will take up with international court of justice

Individuals & corporate bodies can approach the International chamber of
Commerce for adjudication.

Production sharing will be the most important form of economic
integration                                         Peter Drucker
Global sourcing
One of the main characteristics of MNC is global sourcing for inputs & financial

Japan/ USA increasingly depend on outside source depending on lowest global
cost alternatives.

Toyota of Japan outsource 60 to 70% of their requirements & General Motors
of US to the extent of 30-40% .

Reasons for global sourcing are

1.   Price/ cost/ quality
2.   Advanced technology
3.   Prompt , co-operative delivery & consistent attitude.
4.   Agreement with subsidiaries/ counter trade requirement.
5.   Reduction of use of capital/ labour.

The issues in global sourcing are

1. Reduction in flexibility of own planning
2. There might be some hidden cost
3. Possibilities of changes in currency exchange rate.                             31

 organization under globalization is a dynamic phenomenon.

 It involves integration of organization theory, organization functions,
  organization design, organization performance etc.

 Organization, components, activities are influenced by environment
  which is influenced through human behaviour.

 This involves human adaptation & behavioral adaptation of the

 Each organization has evolved on the basis of culture, tradition &

   Organization design for globalization involves various factors


                                Steps for globalization

1. Size & type          2. Structure ,         3. Human                   4. Human
   of business             strategies &           behaviour                  Resources
                           systems                & culture                  Development

       Training              Adaptation             Professionalism            Mind set

Foreign      Government         Foreign         Global Business        Law        Attitude
technology   Policies &         finance         Practices of
             procedures                         Foreign Banks
             of host/ home                      & markets

         WORLD BANK

International Monitory –Pre war period

Gold standard was followed by various countries prior to first world war -1914.

The exchange rate between two countries was determined on the basis of the
rates at which two countries could convert their currencies for one ounce of gold.

Ex- If one ounce of gold was $ 400 in Us & sterling Pounds 200 in G B,
then the $ - pound convertible rate was $ 2 / pound.

Countries continued on Gold standards due to its inherent advantages.
( Price stability of gold)

This was abandoned with the advent of W W 1 and modified version of Gold standard
Called gold exchange standards came into force.

In this system, some countries committed converting their currencies into the currencies
of other countries on gold standards rather than gold.

II W W effectively stopped all international economic activities.
International Monitory system-
                                         Bretton Woods system

Second world war has led to international monitory disorder , Exchange restrictions,
undesirable trade practices.

Need for international monitory co-operation & understanding was greatly felt after
the war.

Britton Woods conference resulted in establishment of IMF & ( IBRD ) world bank.

44 member countries met at Britton woods , New Hampshire , USA & signed
an agreement for establishing a new monetary system .

Later more countries joined & almost all countries (184) are now members .

Objectives of International Monitory Fund (

1. To promote international co-operation through consultation & mutual

2. To promote exchange stability & maintain orderly exchange arrangements.

3.   Avoid competitive exchange depreciation

4 To help members of temporary balance of payment difficulties & to tide
   over them without resort to exchange restrictions.

5. To promote growth of multilateralism in trade payments & expand world trade

6. To help achieve balance of payments equilibrium , shorten the duration of
   disequilibrium & promote orderly international relations.

Importance of IMF
In all matter of exchange rate changes, , imposition of restrictions on current
account , use of discriminatory practices, members are obliged to consult IMF

If the members fail to consult IMF, they would be ineligible to have recourse
to financial resources.

The consultations include the following

1. Supply of economic & financial data to the fund by the member countries

2. The staff of the fund can call various types of data from a member country
   on ad hoc basis.

3. The staff team visits member countries once an year for a first hand study
   on economic & financial conditions in the member country.

4. Formal & informal consultations are held with member countries when they
   approach for standby arrangement or credit withdrawal.

Sources of funds for IMF- The Quotas
 Every member country in the IMF has been allotted a quota ,

 The formula was worked out based on the following

1. 2 % of the national income

2. 5 % of the gold & $ balances

3. 10% of the average annual exports

4. 10% of the maximum variation of annual exports

5. The sum of the above , increased by the % ratios of average annual exports
   to national income of the member.

    Each member’s quota was fixed as their initial contribution to the fund.

   The total quotas as on 1944 of 44 countries was $ 8800 million & by 1994 the
   number of countries were 178 & quota was SDR- 144,620 million
Special drawing rights ( S D R )

Historically Gold was taken by the US $ & U K sterling pound in inter war &
post war period.

This was replaced by Special drawing rights ( S D R ) after seventies.

SDR is now the standard unit account whose value will be fixed in terms of
basket of currencies.

SDR is a source of augmenting international liquidity.

This is an asset specially intended to replace Gold and is called paper gold.

The value of SDR is fixed on daily basis as weighted average of a basket of
16 currencies of countries with more than 1 % of world trade .

Since 1981, the value of SDR is based on the weighted average of 5 major
currencies namely US $, DM, UK pound sterling, French Frank & Yen,

Since 2005 , it is UK pound sterling, US $, Euro & Japanese Yen.                40
Other sources of fund for IMF

 IMF holds substantial quantum of gold reserves which was received as
  Quota from its members . Only 25% of the gold was converted into SDR’s.

 In 1975 , IMF sold 1/6 th of gold reserves in auction which realised US $
  5.7 billions

 Under general agreement to borrow, IMF could borrow from its participating
  members ( G-10 countries), which will be repaid with interest in 5 years period.

 IMF can also acquire any currency in exchange for its gold reserves.

 The repayment made by member countries is also a source for further lending.


                             I M F- BOARD

 There are 22 directors on Board.

 6 of them are appointed by those governments who hold largest quotas.

 The rest are appointed by other countries

 The M D / Chairman is appointed for 5 years period.

 The board meets once an year to take major policy decisions.

   Its members are mostly finance ministers / central bank governors of
    member countries

 All member countries are represented on this board.



 Provides temporary assistance for balance of payment purposes.

 A member can draw up to 25% of its quota (Gold tranche) in gold

 Further 100% of its quota can be borrowed in 4 stages with strict

 If that country has 10% credit position as its quota as borrowings by
  other countries ( super gold tranche) , it can draw up to 35 % of its

 IMF lends under various schemes


                              I M F- SCHEMES

Standby               Compensating                Buffer stock                 Extended
Arrangement           Finance Facility            Financing                    Facility 1974
1952                  1963                        Facility 1969

country can Borrow Financial assistance    Financial assistance      Borrow on medium
 at first Indication To countries facing   For purchase of           Term basis to
Without getting the Temporary shortfall    Approved primary          Overcome
Loan approval                              Products to avoid         Balance of payment
to save time                               Price shocks              Problem due to
                                                                     Structural imbalance


                         (CURRENT SYSTEM)
 Britton woods system was abandoned & most of the countries
  shifted to floating exchange system from 1976.

 Under this system, countries were given flexibility to choose the
  exchange system they wanted to follow in managing their exchange

 The countries can float / peg their currencies with basket of
  currencies / SDR. Pegging with gold was abandoned.

 Members no longer required to deposit their quota in gold.

 IMF reduced the role of gold and SDR became reserve asset.

 IMF became more powerful & was given the responsibility of
  supervising the monitory system.

                        (CURRENT SYSTEM)

 As of 1995, of 155 members in the fund, the following were the
  exchange rate mechanism followed by various countries

         Currencies pegged to               No of
         US$                                               27
         French frank                                      14
         SDR                                                    6
         Currency basket                                   34
         Independent float                                 27
         Joint Float                                            5
         Other currencies                                  42


 A member country neither should manipulate the exchange rates in
  such a way to prevent a correction in BOP position.

 Countries should use the exchange rate to gain competitive
  advantage in international market.

 Member country shall intervene in the exchange market If necessary
  to counter disorderly conditions

 While intervening in exchange markets, , a member country should
  keep the interest of other countries in mind.

 Members are free to choose their exchange rate arrangements
  except to maintain value in terms of SDR

 They should co-operate with fund in orderly exchange
  arrangements.                                                        47


 Just as one needs domestic cash requirements for transactions,
  countries need reserves to meet payments in international

 The adequacy of reserves is also important ( reserves to imports,
  rate of growth of world trade to rate of growth of reserves &
  magnitude of balance of payments deficit)

 Under floating rate system, a larger need for reserves is a must to
  meet the BoP.

 Increasing BOP by non oil producing countries require more reserves
  to meet the deficit.

 Many poor countries have their exchange rates pegged to a
  currency or basket of currency for which central bank intervention is
  needed in the market                                                    48

                         INDIA'S - RESERVES

    Indians currency exchange rate is linked to basket of currencies.

    India’s reserves position is comfortable and is now almost equal to
     one year’s imports .

    The reserve’s position comprises of Gold, Foreign exchange assets,
     & SDR’s. The reserve levels over the last 50 years (Rs in crs) are as

           March 71    March 81    Jan 94      Dec 99        June 02           June09

Gold             182        226       12,665      12,790         16,272          46,914
Forex            438       4,822      61,440    1,39,134       2,67,333        12,16,345
SDR              112        497         233             18                47            2
Total            732       5,545      74,338    1,51,942       2,83,652        12,63,261



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5. Methods of Payment in International Trade/Export and Import Finance5. Methods of Payment in International Trade/Export and Import Finance
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International finance system unit-1

  • 2. 24/02/2012 CONTENTS Introduction to financial management An overview of international economy in India International financial environment Multinational Corporations Theories of International business, International Business Methods, International Monitory system International risk exposure 2
  • 3. FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Financial Management represents the bridge between the firms real assets and financial assets (Financing) (Capital budgeting) Financial Loans Management Equity Real assets shares
  • 4. Objectives of F M Primary - Profit maximization - Maximize the wealth of the owners (share holders) Others - Ensure financial stability Functions of F M Planning - Ascertain and determine the source of financing the needs Organization - Procurement and allocation of funds. Control - Monitoring of funds through financial discipline.
  • 5. PRIMARY ROLE OF F M Mobilization Deployment Control end Risk-return of funds of funds Use of funds Trade-off From where ? Fixed assets Ascertaining facts Investment & figures through (Risk-return) At what cost ? Current assets Reports Financing In what time ? Investments Cash flow (debt-equity) Repayment of debts
  • 6. OTHER ROLES- Treasury Foreign Financial Maintaining operations exchange structuring share price Short term funds Currency fluctuation Debt- equity Dividend policy Management Hedging Arbitrage Bonus policy Speculative gains by anticipating interest Forward Contract . Pricing of new issue Healthy level of rate movements share price.
  • 7. FINANCIAL FUNCTIONS Anticipation Acquire the Utilization Increase Maximize Of funds needed funds needed Of the funds profitability Firms value For financing the Long term Most profitable Reducing the costs Proper planning assets / projects manner. Short Term Efficient allocation Effective monitoring Domestic International At least cost
  • 8. 24/02/2012 OVERVIEW TO I F M India is not a land of billion problems , but a land of billion opportunities Mukesh Ambani  I F M has assumed significance after liberalization  More & more FDI’s, FII’s & F F I’s are in Indian market  F F I’s hold over 20% of market capitalization  Many Indian corporates are listed in foreign stock exchanges.  Indian exports are growing at a rate of 12%/ annum with 50% of manufacturing items being exported. 8
  • 9. 24/02/2012 OVERVIEW TO I F M  Total forex trade has crossed 450 billion US $ & forex assets are over US $ 300 billions  India is a creditor country among IMF members. Many Indian companies have acquired big ones abroad (Indian MNC)  FDI & NRI continue to grow even in the recession years though there may be a negative situation at times.  Many international companies look to India for their market.  The GDP continue to grow over 7 % 9
  • 10. 24/02/2012 OVERVIEW TO I F M  With such a scenario and the future though tense is bright too , it is essential for the Finance managers to have fairly good knowledge on international financial management.  The company’s operations today are global & the finance man has to be well aware of the various intricacies on export/ import/ forex front.  The mutual interactions between foreign sector of various countries lead us to International financial system .  The institutions operating in the international financial system are closely connected with the foreign sectors of various economies. 10
  • 11. INTERDEPENDENCE Equity Investment Granting Technical J V in third Participation In bonds Loans/ credits Consultancy countries In Indian & debentures on Govn,t Transfer of companies to Govn,t basis, Technology Party to Party basis In view of global importance to the operations in international trade & funds flow, the importance of international financial management has assumed vital role.,
  • 12. 24/02/2012 IFM TO TODAY MANAGERS Managers should have a good knowledge of both domestic & international markets in globalized world. Operations of domestic & international markets are different & hence the factors influencing them should be studied separately. Survival of the fittest is the watch word. A right exposure in international & domestic finance for managers are preferred. The activities of MNC with international forces today needs managers with good command over international operations. No manager can be blind on the international economic & financial operations today. 12
  • 13. 24/02/2012 INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENT International environment Economic Political Social Demographic Natural Technological & & & factors environment & other Financial Government Cultural factors factors policies factors Recession Stability Public interest Size, age, gender Climatic condition Quality Depression Legal system Taste of the Transport Standards Boom Efficiency Consumption Population Power Efficiency Inflation executive/ Beliefs Language, caste Standards Skills GDP Legislative Religion of living Exchange rate /judiciary Currency fluctuation Corruption Commodity price Fiscal policy Other policies standards 13
  • 14. 24/02/2012 M N C’S A MNC is an enterprise which has its managerial H Q located in one country & operations in number of countries. They expand either by setting up branches abroad , JV, subsidiaries etc. Expansion takes place through vertical / horizontal / conglomerate route.  MNC trade & production has been increasing over the last decades  They control 1/3 rd of world production is controlled by MNC’s.  The total sales of MNC will be 25% of world sales  Bulk pvt investments are from MNC’s  Induction of latest technology & exploitation of natural resources are by MNC’s. Globalization led to the growth of MNC”s 14
  • 15. 24/02/2012 M N C- OBJECTIVES  Economies of scale, expansion of operations globally  Diversification of product range to reduce risk  Cost minimization & profit maximization  International collaboration  Secure inputs & intermediaries from different countries at low cost , assemble them in their own country & sell them back globally 15
  • 16. 24/02/2012 M N C- FEATURES They have different state of mind. They think global, plan global, act global. The plant size, operations, activities, place are global. The MNC’s F M differs from D FM in many ways.  Seeking capital at low cost markets on international basis  Investment proposals are decided on global basis.  Integrate their world wide operations  Flexible in planning , adaptability to the environment, quickness in decisions , innovative , vision, selecting best talent , profitable , efficient MIS, well developed R & D etc 16
  • 17. 24/02/2012 M N C’S - DC’S Larger investments in R & D Less investments in R & D Control on cheaper capital Not much excess reserves Rating is higher Struggle to get good rating Capital intensive Not Capital intensive International diversification Domestic diversification Ambitious & expansionist Less ambitious Sound F M Not efficient F M 17
  • 18. INTERNATIONAL TRADE THEORIES Classical theory Modern theory Some recent theories (General Equilibrium theory ) Barter V/s money trade Karvis theory Heckscher Ohlin theorem Absolute advantage theory Technology & trade theory Comparative advantage theory Reciprocal demand theory
  • 19. 24/02/2012 CLASSICAL THEORIES Barter trade V/S Money trade Trade between commodities without any exchange of money.. This was prevalent between any two countries. After advent of IMF , multilateral trade is encouraged . Still some countries practice barter trade on a limited basis Classical trade theory- Absolute Advantage ( A A) Value of product in a country is determined by its labour contents. As labour cannot move internationally , this was used as absolute advantage by some countries as per Adam Smith. Production of one man in one week product In USA In India wheat 8 kgs (A A) 2 kgs Cloth 2 yards 6 yards ( A A) Exchange rate between wheat & cloth in India is 1;3 whereas it is 4;1 in USA If wheat of USA is exchanged for cloth of India, the ratio will be between 1: 3 & 4:119
  • 20. 24/02/2012 CLASSICAL THEORIES Comparative advantage theory Developed by David Ricardo The country would export that commodity in which it had a greater Comparative advantage & import a commodity in which it had a greater Comparative disadvantage. Example-  If no trade takes place , India will have only 2 kgs of wheat & 6 yds of cloth.  With trade taking place, it can produce 12 yds of cloth, export 6 yds & retain balance for its use.  It can also get 3 kgs of wheat even at domestic exchange ratio in US. (Assumption- Only labour is taken into consideration, no trade & tariffs, unrestricted flow of trade, cost of transport & insurance ignored ) 20
  • 21. 24/02/2012 CLASSICAL THEORIES Reciprocal Demand theory Propounded by J S Mill  Law of comparative costs determines the supply of goods in foreign trade as per David Recardo.  Law of reciprocal demand sets the price at which the trade will take place. i.e , it is the law of supply & demand that will determine the price. ( It is the US demand for Indian cloth & Indian demand for US wheat)  The offer & bids in the international trades are represented by offer curves. These curves can be regarded as demand curves representing various amounts of cloth which USA would demand in exchange for a unit of wheat & units of wheat which India would demand for exchange of one unit of cloth. 21
  • 22. Modern theory of international trade Classical theory explains trade based on the cost difference which in turn Is dependent on the labour or other factor efficiencies. The modern theory also called general equilibrium theory is based on demand & supply principles. It shows that there is hardly any difference between internal & international theories. 22
  • 23. Modern theory of international trade Modern economists were of the view that there is no need for a separate theory in view of the following 1. Factor mobility among countries is restricted as in case of regions within a country . 2. Difference in currencies among nations do not stand in any way of trade as there is arrangement for exchange of currencies in forex market. 3. Transport cost is there both for international & domestic trade. 4. Comparative cost difference is there both for domestic & international trade. 5. The other differences such as habits, customs, trade restrictions are not insurmountable. 23
  • 24. 24/02/2012 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS THEORIES Heckscher- Ohlin theorem According to this theory , a country with capital abundance will export capital goods & those countries with labour abundance will export labour intensive goods. Ex- USA can export capital intensive goods in exchange for labour intensive goods by India. (PK/ PL) A < ( PK/ PL) P= price factor , K= capital, L = labour, A & B are two countries. For trade to take place between two countries , there should be difference in factor efficiencies and for each commodity . What is said for factor of production can also be true for goods as they are the inputs in productive activities 24
  • 25. RECENT THEORIES Karvis theory Technology & Trade theory Also called availability theory Technology difference may lead to trade advantages. Those countries which have exportable surplus will export to other countries. Introduction of new technology may lead to trade in that goods & from that Consumers preference for the goods of a country. particular country also holds good. The country which introduces new technology first will increase its exports Emerging models of international theories as per economists are Ricaro goods, Herkscher – Ohlin goods & Technology goods
  • 27. Globalization Globalization / deregulation / liberalization has made business more competitive & challenging. Indian companies have become MNC’s & foreign MNC’s have entered India . Business methods adopted by various companies have also undergone changes. Globalization had brought remarkable effect on following areas. 1. corporate strategy & corporate Governance. 2. Corporate goals & objectives 3. Corporate financial strengths & weakness 4. Input market, output market both in direction & content. 27
  • 28. International Business environment. Financial markets opened up & are dynamic & volatile in globalized set up IT & telecommunication media has made world a global village. Competition is severe & those who are weak/ late will not survive. Natural forces will act, interest rates moves freely & exchange rates are dynamic. Those who are agile & alert can survive. Those management who have skilled power/ financial strong / optimize share holders value by adopting to changes can be global MNC’s. Corporate management have to adapt to new situation . They have to change strategies & undergo a deep transformation to meet the challenges 28
  • 29. Global factors Capital flow will be from less efficient / less profitable ventures / markets to more efficient & profitable markets. Capital can now be sourced from cheaper markets internationally. Human skills & technology will also see mobility. Free exports & imports can reduce the costs due to comparative advantages Both short term & long term finances can be available both from Domestic & international markets. Availability of capital when required can reduces locking of funds at high cost borrowings. JV, M & A, Disinvestments , putting weight in profitable directions will be the order of the day. 29
  • 30. Global factors- (Contd) Multicurrency loans, flexi rate loans, ECB,s , guarantees , bridge loans will be available in global markets. Changes in legal frame work has brought in International court of justice. Borrower & Lender have to abide by a legal system which is acceptable to both. International chamber of commerce & International court of justice are the agencies on legal issues. The documents & agreements between parties may specify the law of their choice which should govern their contract. Government will take up with international court of justice Individuals & corporate bodies can approach the International chamber of Commerce for adjudication. Production sharing will be the most important form of economic integration Peter Drucker 30
  • 31. Global sourcing One of the main characteristics of MNC is global sourcing for inputs & financial resources. Japan/ USA increasingly depend on outside source depending on lowest global cost alternatives. Toyota of Japan outsource 60 to 70% of their requirements & General Motors of US to the extent of 30-40% . Reasons for global sourcing are 1. Price/ cost/ quality 2. Advanced technology 3. Prompt , co-operative delivery & consistent attitude. 4. Agreement with subsidiaries/ counter trade requirement. 5. Reduction of use of capital/ labour. The issues in global sourcing are 1. Reduction in flexibility of own planning 2. There might be some hidden cost 3. Possibilities of changes in currency exchange rate. 31
  • 32. 24/02/2012 GLOBAL ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE  organization under globalization is a dynamic phenomenon.  It involves integration of organization theory, organization functions, organization design, organization performance etc.  Organization, components, activities are influenced by environment which is influenced through human behaviour.  This involves human adaptation & behavioral adaptation of the organization.  Each organization has evolved on the basis of culture, tradition & precedents. Organization design for globalization involves various factors 32
  • 33. 24/02/2012 ORGANIZATIONAL – DESIGN FOR GLOBALIZATION Steps for globalization 1. Size & type 2. Structure , 3. Human 4. Human of business strategies & behaviour Resources systems & culture Development Training Adaptation Professionalism Mind set Foreign Government Foreign Global Business Law Attitude technology Policies & finance Practices of procedures Foreign Banks of host/ home & markets 33 countries
  • 35. International Monitory –Pre war period Gold standard was followed by various countries prior to first world war -1914. The exchange rate between two countries was determined on the basis of the rates at which two countries could convert their currencies for one ounce of gold. Ex- If one ounce of gold was $ 400 in Us & sterling Pounds 200 in G B, then the $ - pound convertible rate was $ 2 / pound. Countries continued on Gold standards due to its inherent advantages. ( Price stability of gold) This was abandoned with the advent of W W 1 and modified version of Gold standard Called gold exchange standards came into force. In this system, some countries committed converting their currencies into the currencies of other countries on gold standards rather than gold. II W W effectively stopped all international economic activities. 35
  • 36. International Monitory system- Bretton Woods system Second world war has led to international monitory disorder , Exchange restrictions, undesirable trade practices. Need for international monitory co-operation & understanding was greatly felt after the war. Britton Woods conference resulted in establishment of IMF & ( IBRD ) world bank. 44 member countries met at Britton woods , New Hampshire , USA & signed an agreement for establishing a new monetary system . Later more countries joined & almost all countries (184) are now members . 36
  • 37. Objectives of International Monitory Fund ( IMF) 1. To promote international co-operation through consultation & mutual collaboration 2. To promote exchange stability & maintain orderly exchange arrangements. 3. Avoid competitive exchange depreciation 4 To help members of temporary balance of payment difficulties & to tide over them without resort to exchange restrictions. 5. To promote growth of multilateralism in trade payments & expand world trade 6. To help achieve balance of payments equilibrium , shorten the duration of disequilibrium & promote orderly international relations. 37
  • 38. Importance of IMF In all matter of exchange rate changes, , imposition of restrictions on current account , use of discriminatory practices, members are obliged to consult IMF If the members fail to consult IMF, they would be ineligible to have recourse to financial resources. The consultations include the following 1. Supply of economic & financial data to the fund by the member countries 2. The staff of the fund can call various types of data from a member country on ad hoc basis. 3. The staff team visits member countries once an year for a first hand study on economic & financial conditions in the member country. 4. Formal & informal consultations are held with member countries when they approach for standby arrangement or credit withdrawal. 38
  • 39. Sources of funds for IMF- The Quotas  Every member country in the IMF has been allotted a quota ,  The formula was worked out based on the following 1. 2 % of the national income 2. 5 % of the gold & $ balances 3. 10% of the average annual exports 4. 10% of the maximum variation of annual exports 5. The sum of the above , increased by the % ratios of average annual exports to national income of the member. Each member’s quota was fixed as their initial contribution to the fund. The total quotas as on 1944 of 44 countries was $ 8800 million & by 1994 the number of countries were 178 & quota was SDR- 144,620 million 39
  • 40. Special drawing rights ( S D R ) Historically Gold was taken by the US $ & U K sterling pound in inter war & post war period. This was replaced by Special drawing rights ( S D R ) after seventies. SDR is now the standard unit account whose value will be fixed in terms of basket of currencies. SDR is a source of augmenting international liquidity. This is an asset specially intended to replace Gold and is called paper gold. The value of SDR is fixed on daily basis as weighted average of a basket of 16 currencies of countries with more than 1 % of world trade . Since 1981, the value of SDR is based on the weighted average of 5 major currencies namely US $, DM, UK pound sterling, French Frank & Yen, Since 2005 , it is UK pound sterling, US $, Euro & Japanese Yen. 40
  • 41. Other sources of fund for IMF  IMF holds substantial quantum of gold reserves which was received as Quota from its members . Only 25% of the gold was converted into SDR’s.  In 1975 , IMF sold 1/6 th of gold reserves in auction which realised US $ 5.7 billions  Under general agreement to borrow, IMF could borrow from its participating members ( G-10 countries), which will be repaid with interest in 5 years period.  IMF can also acquire any currency in exchange for its gold reserves.  The repayment made by member countries is also a source for further lending. 41
  • 42. 24/02/2012 I M F- BOARD  There are 22 directors on Board.  6 of them are appointed by those governments who hold largest quotas.  The rest are appointed by other countries  The M D / Chairman is appointed for 5 years period.  The board meets once an year to take major policy decisions.  Its members are mostly finance ministers / central bank governors of member countries  All member countries are represented on this board. 42
  • 43. 24/02/2012 I M F- LENDING OPERATIONS  Provides temporary assistance for balance of payment purposes.  A member can draw up to 25% of its quota (Gold tranche) in gold automatically.  Further 100% of its quota can be borrowed in 4 stages with strict restrictions.  If that country has 10% credit position as its quota as borrowings by other countries ( super gold tranche) , it can draw up to 35 % of its quota.  IMF lends under various schemes 43
  • 44. 24/02/2012 I M F- SCHEMES Standby Compensating Buffer stock Extended Arrangement Finance Facility Financing Facility 1974 1952 1963 Facility 1969 country can Borrow Financial assistance Financial assistance Borrow on medium at first Indication To countries facing For purchase of Term basis to Without getting the Temporary shortfall Approved primary Overcome Loan approval Products to avoid Balance of payment to save time Price shocks Problem due to Structural imbalance 44
  • 45. 24/02/2012 POST BRITTON WOODS SYSTEM (CURRENT SYSTEM)  Britton woods system was abandoned & most of the countries shifted to floating exchange system from 1976.  Under this system, countries were given flexibility to choose the exchange system they wanted to follow in managing their exchange rates.  The countries can float / peg their currencies with basket of currencies / SDR. Pegging with gold was abandoned.  Members no longer required to deposit their quota in gold.  IMF reduced the role of gold and SDR became reserve asset.  IMF became more powerful & was given the responsibility of supervising the monitory system. 45
  • 46. 24/02/2012 POST BRITTON WOODS SYSTEM (CURRENT SYSTEM)  As of 1995, of 155 members in the fund, the following were the exchange rate mechanism followed by various countries Currencies pegged to No of countries US$ 27 French frank 14 SDR 6 Currency basket 34 Independent float 27 Joint Float 5 Other currencies 42 46
  • 47. 24/02/2012 POST BRITTON WOODS SYSTEM (CONT’D) PRINCIPLES OF EXCHANGE RATE MANAGEMENT  A member country neither should manipulate the exchange rates in such a way to prevent a correction in BOP position.  Countries should use the exchange rate to gain competitive advantage in international market.  Member country shall intervene in the exchange market If necessary to counter disorderly conditions  While intervening in exchange markets, , a member country should keep the interest of other countries in mind.  Members are free to choose their exchange rate arrangements except to maintain value in terms of SDR  They should co-operate with fund in orderly exchange arrangements. 47
  • 48. 24/02/2012 IMPORTANCE OF RESERVES  Just as one needs domestic cash requirements for transactions, countries need reserves to meet payments in international transactions.  The adequacy of reserves is also important ( reserves to imports, rate of growth of world trade to rate of growth of reserves & magnitude of balance of payments deficit)  Under floating rate system, a larger need for reserves is a must to meet the BoP.  Increasing BOP by non oil producing countries require more reserves to meet the deficit.  Many poor countries have their exchange rates pegged to a currency or basket of currency for which central bank intervention is needed in the market 48
  • 49. 24/02/2012 INDIA'S - RESERVES  Indians currency exchange rate is linked to basket of currencies.  India’s reserves position is comfortable and is now almost equal to one year’s imports .  The reserve’s position comprises of Gold, Foreign exchange assets, & SDR’s. The reserve levels over the last 50 years (Rs in crs) are as follows. March 71 March 81 Jan 94 Dec 99 June 02 June09 Gold 182 226 12,665 12,790 16,272 46,914 Forex 438 4,822 61,440 1,39,134 2,67,333 12,16,345 assets SDR 112 497 233 18 47 2 Total 732 5,545 74,338 1,51,942 2,83,652 12,63,261 49