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Sparse Time-Frequency Representation in 2 Dimensions
Eric Zhang
Mentor: Prof. Tom Hou
May 8, 2013
1 Abstract
The analysis of data is essential to advancing science. Every day, new observations and
measurements are made that need careful manipulation to reveal patterns and relationships.
Data are also becoming integral to the rest of society, as technology becomes increasingly
involved in the planning, running, and study of business and ordinary life. Most current data
analysis methods make assumptions on the data such as linearity, stationarity, or periodicity.
Real life data often does not satisfy these assumptions. For this reason, more adaptive and
robust methods are needed. Sparse Time-Frequency Representation (STFR) is a method of
extracting frequency and trend information from signal data. It uses the observation that
signals are often complicated in time but can be represented compactly in the frequency
domain. Instead of having a set basis, as in Fourier Analysis, SFTR uses a large and
highly redundant dictionary. It then searches for the sparsest representation of the signal in
this dictionary. Currently, the 1 dimensional version of this method has been successfully
implemented. Generalizing to 2 dimensions, however, presents some difficulties. Whereas
1D only requires fitting in one direction, 2D must update in two directions. We are currently
exploring methods to overcome this problem.
2 Background
STFR, or Sparse Time-Frequency Representation [5], is a recently conceived mathematical
framework for analyzing non-stationary and non-linear signals.By sampling a signal at dis-
crete points in time/space and finding a basis for which the signal can be represented as
sparsely as possible, STFR can represent a signal f as a sum of Intrinsic Mode Functions
(IMFs). Specifically, we define a dictionary as the following [3]:
D = {a(t) cos θ(t) : θ (t) ≥ 0, a(t) ∈ V (θ)},
where V (θ) is a linear space consisting of functions smoother than cos θ(t):
V (θ) = span(cos(λiθ), sin(λiθ), i = 1, ..., n, λi ∈ (0, 1/2])
Every element of the dictionary D is an IMF. We then decompose the signal over this
dictionary by looking for the sparsest decomposition. The sparsest decomposition can be
obtained by solving a non-linear non-convex optimization problem:
P: Minimize M
Subject to:
f(t) = M
k=1 ak(t) cos θk(t),
ak(t) cos θk(t) ∈ D, k = 1, · · · , M
However, since this problem is NP-hard, it was conceived that an alternative formulation
might provide an approximate solution. This formulation uses the idea of Matching Pursuit.
First, we look for the IMF that best fits the signal in the least-squares norm:
P2: Minimize f(t) − a(t) cos θ(t)
Subject to a(t) cos θ(t) ∈ D
Once found, it gives us the first IMF that composes f. We can then apply the same
method to the residual, r1 = f − a(t) cos θ, to extract subsequent IMFs. The process stops
once the residual rk is found to satisfy some specified stopping criterion
Finally, in order to solve the least-squares problem, which is non-convex, we implemented a
Newton-type iterative algorithm that uses an initial guess for θ to find the envelope function
a(t) and then update θ.
3 Methods
The problems discussed in the background section have been implemented in Matlab. This
section will discuss the specifics of the numerical algorithms.
3.1 The 1D Algorithm
1. Sample the signal f over equally spaced discrete times ti, i = 1, ..., N on [0, 1]
2. Construct the dictionary D as matrix M
3. Assume θ0 is given, n = 1
4. Solve the problem
P3: Minimize f − bn(t) cos θn − cn(t) sin θn
Subject to: bn(t), cn(t) ∈ V (θn)
5. The envelope is given by an(t) = bn(t)2 + cn(t)2 and the change in theta is dθn =
6. Update θ: θn+1 = θn − dθn or θn+1 = θn − dθn
7. If dθn > , where is some given tolerance, increment n by 1 and repeat the previous
two steps
8. Otherwise, the extracted IMF is an(t) cos θn(t)
3.2 Constructing the Dictionary V (θ)
As per (2.2), V (θ) = span(cos(λiθ), sin(λiθ), i = 1, ..., n), λi ∈ [1/15, 1/2]
The space V (θ) can be encoded into a matrix by taking each basis element ei of the space,
and stacking its values at the discrete times into a vector. For example, the matrix repre-
senting the set cos(λ1θ), cos(λ2θ), ... cos(λmθ) is
A =
cos(λ1θ(t1)) cos(λ2θ(t1)) · · · cos(λmθ(t1))
... ...
cos(λ1θ(tn)) cos(λ2θ(tn)) · · · cos(λmθ(tn))
3.3 Solving the L1-Least Squares Problem
Step 4 of the algorithm in 3.1 is not guaranteed to converge if we just optimize over a 2-
norm. This is because the dictionary is highly redundant. To fix this, a 1-norm is added to
the problem to make it numerically stable and also sparse. We use the Interior Point Code
developed in Matlab by Boyd, Koh, and Kim in Matlab [1] for solving the problem
Minimize x 1 + δ Ax − y L2
where the user specifies the matrix A and the tradeoff factor δ. In practice, we require
that δ > 0 so that the problem is convex. The optimal choice of δ to use in our algorithm is
currently unknown to us. In practice, we used a value of 0.1. Also, we used tolerance levels
of 10−5
or 10−6
for the numerical convergence of the regularized problem.
3.4 2D Attempts
3.4.1 First Attempt - Extension of 1D Code
Given the successful application of the algorithm for 1-dimensional signals (see Diane Guig-
nard’s report [2]), it was believed that a simple extension might be applied to 2-dimensional
signals as follows:
Given the discretized grid of nodes
G =
(x1, y1) (x2, y1) · · · (xn, y1)
(x1, ym) (x2, ym) · · · (xn, ym)
we can construct the vector of points
(x1, y1) (x2, y1) · · · (xn, y1) (x1, y2) (x2, y2) · · · (xn, ym)
by stacking columns of G on top of each other into a vector form. We can then apply the 1D
algorithm, treating each node in the vector as if it represented a discrete time. The results
are mixed - if the initial guess for θ is good (the direction of propagation is the same as that
of the real θ), the extraction is accurate. Otherwise, the algorithm gives inaccurate results.
3.4.2 Intermediate Attempts
These following algorithms were attempts to solve the issue of the directionality of updating
that was encountered in the initial attack of the 2D problem.
Algorithm 1
In this algorithm, V (θ) is composed of linear combinations of sinusoids such as cos(λiθ), cos(λiψ),
where ψ is the approximate harmonic conjugate of θ, as computed with Kirill Pankratov’s
streamfunction program [4]. It was believed at the time that expanding the dictionary this
way would solve the problem of sensitivity to the initial guess for θ. By computing the (ap-
proximate) harmonic conjugate, we found a function whose gradient would be orthogonal or
at least linearly independent of θ at every point. In theory, this would allow the algorithm
to better update the gradient of θ by
1. Start with 2-dimensional signal f(x, y), initial guess θ(x, y), n = 0
2. While dθ < tol AND iter < max
Using θn, construct harmonic conjugate ψn
Using θn and ψn, construct dictionary D
Extract the envelope function:
an 1 + f − an cos θn L2
Find functions bn, cn:
+ f − (bn cos θn + cn sin θn) L2
Update the gradient of θ:
θn+1 = θn − bn cn−cn bn
Integrate to recover θ:
θn+1 (x, y) =
θx(s, y)ds +
θy(0, s)ds
Compute the change in θ:
dθ = θn+1 − θn
Update bookkeeping variables:
iter = iter + 1
n = n + 1
3. The extracted IMF is an cos θn
Algorithm 2
In this algorithm, the update of θ is done by enforcing the condition that the change
in θ comes from the dictionary, i.e., that it is relatively smooth. This approach was mo-
tivated by numerical tests that showed Algorithm 1 sometimes produced very rough and
jagged changes in θ
1. Start with 2-dimensional signal f(x, y), initial guess θ(x, y), n = 0
2. While dθ < tol AND iter < max
Using θn, construct harmonic conjugate ψn
Using θn and ψn, construct dictionary D
Extract the envelope function:
an 1 + f − an cos θn L2
Find functions bn, cn:
+ f − (bn cos θn + cn sin θn) L2
Find a smooth function in D that matches arctan(−c/b) as closely as possible:
dθ − arctan(−c/b) L2
Update θ:
θn+1 = θn + dθ
Update bookkeeping variables:
iter = iter + 1
n = n + 1
3. The extracted IMF is an cos θn
Algorithm 3
For this algorithm, it was conceived that fixing the directionality of updating might
involve using two argument functions in the sinusoidal term of the IMF, i.e., cos(θn +ψn). In
this case, we decided to update both θn and ψn during each iteration. The updating involves
projecting the gradient of dθ onto the curvilinear coordinate system with directions θn and
1. Start with 2-dimensional signal f(x, y), initial guess θ(x, y), n = 0
2. While d1 + d2 < tol AND iter < max
Using θn, construct harmonic conjugate ψn
Using θn and ψn, construct dictionary D
Obtain functions bn, cn by solving
+ f − (bn cos(θn + ψn) + cn sin(θn + ψn)) L2
Λ = (arctan(−cn
)) = cn bn−bn cn
Project Λ onto θn and ψn:
d1 = (Λ• θn) θn
d2 = (Λ• ψn) ψn
Update the gradients of θ and ψ:
θn+1 = θn + d1
ψn+1 = ψn + d2
Integrate to recover θ, ψ:
θn (x, y) =
θx(s, y)ds +
θy(0, s)ds
ψn (x, y) =
ψx(s, y)ds +
ψy(0, s)ds
Update bookkeeping variables:
iter = iter + 1
n = n + 1
3. The extracted IMF is an cos(θn + ψn)
In step 2 of the algorithm, Λ is used to update the gradient of (θn + ψn):
(θn+1 + ψn+1) = (θn + ψn) + Λ
This uses the same idea of updating as described in previous sections. However, this
formula does not allow us to update the gradients of θ and ψ separately. To overcome this,
we assume that the coordinate system defined by the two vectors θn and ψn are linearly
independent. In this case, we can project Λ onto θn and ψn to determine Λ’s representa-
tion in this curvilinear basis. We then use these projections to update θ and ψ separately.
To derive the formula for d1 (and similarly d2), we first recall the vector identity
a • b= a b cos Θ
where Θ is the angle between the two vectors. Using this, the projection of a onto b is
a cos Θ = a • b
However, this represents only the magnitude of the projection. To obtain the vector
projection, we multiply the result by the unit vector
b = b
to obtain the final result
a • b
= ( a • b ) b
b 2
For d1, let Λ =a and θn =b. For d2, replace θ with ψ.
3.4.3 Most Recent Attempt - Bi-Directional Slicing
Given the failure of global methods, i.e., methods that attempt to extract the signal at all
gridpoints at the same time, it was conceived that the 1D algorithm might be applied in a
different way: extracting an IMF from the signal piece by piece.
More specifically, we take 1-dimensional cross-sections of the signal f(x, y) and apply the
1D algorithm to each “slice”. For example, the algorithm using cross-sections of the signal
parallel to the x-axis is as follows:
1. Start with 2-dimensional signal f(x, y) on discrete grid (xi, yj), initial guess θ0(y)
2. For i = 1 to nx:
Apply the 1D algorithm to the “slice” f(xi, y) with initial guess g(y) = θ(xi−1, y),
θ(x0, y) = θ0(y) (x is held constant in both cases)
The algorithm will extract the argument and envelope functions θ(y) and a(y).
Label them as θ(xi, y) and a(xi, y)
3. The extracted IMF is a(x, y) cos θ(x, y)
Essentially, this method (“x-slicing”) treats the 2D problem as a sequence of 1D problems.
After all the 1D problems are solved, the 1D argument and envelope functions obtained for
each slice are spliced together. This gives us the 2D argument and envelope functions.
Note that the initial guess here is iterative; the argument function found for one slice of
the signal becomes the starting point for the subsequent 1D problem. This is not necessarily
required; one could also use the same initial guess for all slices or even a 2D dimensional
initial guess.
Finally, note that since the 1D algorithm gives errors on the boundaries, “x-slicing” may
produce errors when x = x1 or xnx (first and last cross-sections). However, these same errors
are not produced when “y-slicing,” that is, when we apply the 1D algorithm to cross-sections
of the signal where y is constant. On the other hand, y-slicing may give, due to the same
problem with boundary errors, inaccurate results when y = y1 or yny . Consequently, it is
advantageous to apply “slicing” in both the x and y directions and then use the results of one
direction to compensate for errors with the direction. In my numerical experiments, I chose
to average the two directions with equal weights. Although more sophisticated combinations
are possible, I found that simple averaging was sufficient to reduce errors on the boundary.
4 Results of Algorithms
4.1 1D Algorithm
Example: f(t) = 6t + cos(8πt) + 0.5 cos(40πt)
Plot of signal:
Extraction of first IMF (linear trend):
Extraction of second IMF (cos(8πt)):
Extraction of final IMF (0.5 cos(40πt)):
4.2 2D Algorithms
4.2.1 1D Code Extension
Sample implementations of this algorithm can be found in Guignard’s report.
4.2.2 Intermediate Attempts
Since these attempts were not very successful, I will only provide a few examples to illustrate
their results.
First Attempt
Example 1: f(x, y) = cos(8π(x + y)), θ0(x, y) = 8πx
Plot of Signal:
Plot of Extracted IMF:
Residual (Signal - extracted IMF):
Example 2: f(x, y) = cos(8π(x + y)), θ0(x, y) = 6π(x + y)
Plot of Signal:
Plot of Extracted IMF:
Residual (Signal - extracted IMF):
Example 3: f(x, y) = cos(8π(x + y)), θ0(x, y) = 7π(x + y)
Plot of Signal:
Plot of Extracted IMF:
Residual (Signal - extracted IMF):
Second Attempt
Example: f(x, y) = cos(8π(x + y)), θ0(x, y) = 7π(x + y)
Plot of Signal:
Extracted IMF:
Residual (Signal - extracted IMF):
Third Attempt
Example: f(x, y) = cos(8π(x + y)), θ0(x, y) = 7π(x + y)
Plot of Signal:
Extracted IMF:
Residual (Signal - extracted IMF):
4.2.3 Bi-Directional Slicing
Example 1: f(x, y) = cos(8π(x + y)), θ0(x, y) = 8πx
Plot of Signal vs. Extracted Directional IMFs:
Plot of Envelop vs. Extracted Directional Envelopes:
Plot of Theta vs. Extracted Directional Thetas:
Example 2: f(x, y) = x2
cos(8πx) + rand(x), θ0(x, y) = 8πx
Plot of Signal vs. Extracted Directional IMFs:
Plot of Envelop vs. Extracted Directional Envelopes:
Plot of Theta vs. Extracted Directional Thetas:
Example 3: f(x, y) = x2
cos(8πx) + rand(x), θ0(x, y) = 9πx
Plot of Signal vs. Extracted Directional IMFs:
Plot of Envelop vs. Extracted Directional Envelopes:
Plot of Theta vs. Extracted Directional Thetas:
5 Conclusion and Further Exploration
As of now, we have a robust working algorithm to extract physically meaningful frequency
information from 1-dimensional signals. Further work is needed to obtain the same result for
signals in 2-dimensions, as the bi-directional slicing method does not work efficiently when
the signal is comprised of 2 or more IMFs. In addition, the role of the tradeoff factor δ needs
to be explored.
6 References
1. Boyd, Steven, Kwangmoo Koh, and Seung-Jean Kim. ”Simple Matlab Solver for l1-
regularized Least Squares Problems.” Apr. 2008.
2. Guignard, Diane. ”Adaptive Data Analysis Methods for Nonlinear and Nonstation-
ary Data.” EPFL, 2002.
3. Hou, Thomas Y. and Zuoqiang Shi. ”Data-Driven Time-Frequency Analysis.” Caltech,
4. Pankratov, Kirill. MIT, 1994.
5. Tavallali, Peyman. ”Sparse Time Frequency Representation (STFR) and Its Applica-
tions.” Caltech, 2012.

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2D Sparse Time-Frequency Analysis

  • 1. Sparse Time-Frequency Representation in 2 Dimensions Eric Zhang Mentor: Prof. Tom Hou May 8, 2013 1 Abstract The analysis of data is essential to advancing science. Every day, new observations and measurements are made that need careful manipulation to reveal patterns and relationships. Data are also becoming integral to the rest of society, as technology becomes increasingly involved in the planning, running, and study of business and ordinary life. Most current data analysis methods make assumptions on the data such as linearity, stationarity, or periodicity. Real life data often does not satisfy these assumptions. For this reason, more adaptive and robust methods are needed. Sparse Time-Frequency Representation (STFR) is a method of extracting frequency and trend information from signal data. It uses the observation that signals are often complicated in time but can be represented compactly in the frequency domain. Instead of having a set basis, as in Fourier Analysis, SFTR uses a large and highly redundant dictionary. It then searches for the sparsest representation of the signal in this dictionary. Currently, the 1 dimensional version of this method has been successfully implemented. Generalizing to 2 dimensions, however, presents some difficulties. Whereas 1D only requires fitting in one direction, 2D must update in two directions. We are currently exploring methods to overcome this problem. 2 Background STFR, or Sparse Time-Frequency Representation [5], is a recently conceived mathematical framework for analyzing non-stationary and non-linear signals.By sampling a signal at dis- crete points in time/space and finding a basis for which the signal can be represented as sparsely as possible, STFR can represent a signal f as a sum of Intrinsic Mode Functions (IMFs). Specifically, we define a dictionary as the following [3]: D = {a(t) cos θ(t) : θ (t) ≥ 0, a(t) ∈ V (θ)}, 1
  • 2. where V (θ) is a linear space consisting of functions smoother than cos θ(t): V (θ) = span(cos(λiθ), sin(λiθ), i = 1, ..., n, λi ∈ (0, 1/2]) Every element of the dictionary D is an IMF. We then decompose the signal over this dictionary by looking for the sparsest decomposition. The sparsest decomposition can be obtained by solving a non-linear non-convex optimization problem: P: Minimize M Subject to: f(t) = M k=1 ak(t) cos θk(t), ak(t) cos θk(t) ∈ D, k = 1, · · · , M However, since this problem is NP-hard, it was conceived that an alternative formulation might provide an approximate solution. This formulation uses the idea of Matching Pursuit. First, we look for the IMF that best fits the signal in the least-squares norm: P2: Minimize f(t) − a(t) cos θ(t) Subject to a(t) cos θ(t) ∈ D Once found, it gives us the first IMF that composes f. We can then apply the same method to the residual, r1 = f − a(t) cos θ, to extract subsequent IMFs. The process stops once the residual rk is found to satisfy some specified stopping criterion Finally, in order to solve the least-squares problem, which is non-convex, we implemented a Newton-type iterative algorithm that uses an initial guess for θ to find the envelope function a(t) and then update θ. 3 Methods The problems discussed in the background section have been implemented in Matlab. This section will discuss the specifics of the numerical algorithms. 3.1 The 1D Algorithm 1. Sample the signal f over equally spaced discrete times ti, i = 1, ..., N on [0, 1] 2. Construct the dictionary D as matrix M 3. Assume θ0 is given, n = 1 4. Solve the problem 2
  • 3. P3: Minimize f − bn(t) cos θn − cn(t) sin θn Subject to: bn(t), cn(t) ∈ V (θn) 5. The envelope is given by an(t) = bn(t)2 + cn(t)2 and the change in theta is dθn = arctan(−cn(t) bn(t) ) 6. Update θ: θn+1 = θn − dθn or θn+1 = θn − dθn 7. If dθn > , where is some given tolerance, increment n by 1 and repeat the previous two steps 8. Otherwise, the extracted IMF is an(t) cos θn(t) 3.2 Constructing the Dictionary V (θ) As per (2.2), V (θ) = span(cos(λiθ), sin(λiθ), i = 1, ..., n), λi ∈ [1/15, 1/2] The space V (θ) can be encoded into a matrix by taking each basis element ei of the space, and stacking its values at the discrete times into a vector. For example, the matrix repre- senting the set cos(λ1θ), cos(λ2θ), ... cos(λmθ) is A = cos(λ1θ(t1)) cos(λ2θ(t1)) · · · cos(λmθ(t1)) ... ... ... ... cos(λ1θ(tn)) cos(λ2θ(tn)) · · · cos(λmθ(tn)) 3.3 Solving the L1-Least Squares Problem Step 4 of the algorithm in 3.1 is not guaranteed to converge if we just optimize over a 2- norm. This is because the dictionary is highly redundant. To fix this, a 1-norm is added to the problem to make it numerically stable and also sparse. We use the Interior Point Code developed in Matlab by Boyd, Koh, and Kim in Matlab [1] for solving the problem Minimize x 1 + δ Ax − y L2 where the user specifies the matrix A and the tradeoff factor δ. In practice, we require that δ > 0 so that the problem is convex. The optimal choice of δ to use in our algorithm is currently unknown to us. In practice, we used a value of 0.1. Also, we used tolerance levels of 10−5 or 10−6 for the numerical convergence of the regularized problem. 3.4 2D Attempts 3.4.1 First Attempt - Extension of 1D Code Given the successful application of the algorithm for 1-dimensional signals (see Diane Guig- nard’s report [2]), it was believed that a simple extension might be applied to 2-dimensional 3
  • 4. signals as follows: Given the discretized grid of nodes G = (x1, y1) (x2, y1) · · · (xn, y1) ... ... ... ... (x1, ym) (x2, ym) · · · (xn, ym) we can construct the vector of points (x1, y1) (x2, y1) · · · (xn, y1) (x1, y2) (x2, y2) · · · (xn, ym) T by stacking columns of G on top of each other into a vector form. We can then apply the 1D algorithm, treating each node in the vector as if it represented a discrete time. The results are mixed - if the initial guess for θ is good (the direction of propagation is the same as that of the real θ), the extraction is accurate. Otherwise, the algorithm gives inaccurate results. 3.4.2 Intermediate Attempts These following algorithms were attempts to solve the issue of the directionality of updating that was encountered in the initial attack of the 2D problem. Algorithm 1 In this algorithm, V (θ) is composed of linear combinations of sinusoids such as cos(λiθ), cos(λiψ), where ψ is the approximate harmonic conjugate of θ, as computed with Kirill Pankratov’s streamfunction program [4]. It was believed at the time that expanding the dictionary this way would solve the problem of sensitivity to the initial guess for θ. By computing the (ap- proximate) harmonic conjugate, we found a function whose gradient would be orthogonal or at least linearly independent of θ at every point. In theory, this would allow the algorithm to better update the gradient of θ by 1. Start with 2-dimensional signal f(x, y), initial guess θ(x, y), n = 0 2. While dθ < tol AND iter < max Using θn, construct harmonic conjugate ψn Using θn and ψn, construct dictionary D Extract the envelope function: minimize an∈D an 1 + f − an cos θn L2 4
  • 5. Find functions bn, cn: minimize bn,cn∈D bn cn + f − (bn cos θn + cn sin θn) L2 Update the gradient of θ: θn+1 = θn − bn cn−cn bn b2 n+c2 n Integrate to recover θ: θn+1 (x, y) = x 0 θx(s, y)ds + y 0 θy(0, s)ds Compute the change in θ: dθ = θn+1 − θn Update bookkeeping variables: iter = iter + 1 n = n + 1 3. The extracted IMF is an cos θn Algorithm 2 In this algorithm, the update of θ is done by enforcing the condition that the change in θ comes from the dictionary, i.e., that it is relatively smooth. This approach was mo- tivated by numerical tests that showed Algorithm 1 sometimes produced very rough and jagged changes in θ 1. Start with 2-dimensional signal f(x, y), initial guess θ(x, y), n = 0 2. While dθ < tol AND iter < max Using θn, construct harmonic conjugate ψn Using θn and ψn, construct dictionary D Extract the envelope function: minimize an∈D an 1 + f − an cos θn L2 Find functions bn, cn: 5
  • 6. minimize bn,cn∈D bn cn + f − (bn cos θn + cn sin θn) L2 Find a smooth function in D that matches arctan(−c/b) as closely as possible: minimize dθ∈D dθ − arctan(−c/b) L2 Update θ: θn+1 = θn + dθ Update bookkeeping variables: iter = iter + 1 n = n + 1 3. The extracted IMF is an cos θn Algorithm 3 For this algorithm, it was conceived that fixing the directionality of updating might involve using two argument functions in the sinusoidal term of the IMF, i.e., cos(θn +ψn). In this case, we decided to update both θn and ψn during each iteration. The updating involves projecting the gradient of dθ onto the curvilinear coordinate system with directions θn and ψn. 1. Start with 2-dimensional signal f(x, y), initial guess θ(x, y), n = 0 2. While d1 + d2 < tol AND iter < max Using θn, construct harmonic conjugate ψn Using θn and ψn, construct dictionary D Obtain functions bn, cn by solving minimize bn,cn∈D bn cn + f − (bn cos(θn + ψn) + cn sin(θn + ψn)) L2 Compute Λ = (arctan(−cn bn )) = cn bn−bn cn b2 n+c2 n Project Λ onto θn and ψn: 6
  • 7. d1 = (Λ• θn) θn θn 2 d2 = (Λ• ψn) ψn ψn 2 Update the gradients of θ and ψ: θn+1 = θn + d1 ψn+1 = ψn + d2 Integrate to recover θ, ψ: θn (x, y) = x 0 θx(s, y)ds + y 0 θy(0, s)ds ψn (x, y) = x 0 ψx(s, y)ds + y 0 ψy(0, s)ds Update bookkeeping variables: iter = iter + 1 n = n + 1 3. The extracted IMF is an cos(θn + ψn) In step 2 of the algorithm, Λ is used to update the gradient of (θn + ψn): (θn+1 + ψn+1) = (θn + ψn) + Λ This uses the same idea of updating as described in previous sections. However, this formula does not allow us to update the gradients of θ and ψ separately. To overcome this, we assume that the coordinate system defined by the two vectors θn and ψn are linearly independent. In this case, we can project Λ onto θn and ψn to determine Λ’s representa- tion in this curvilinear basis. We then use these projections to update θ and ψ separately. To derive the formula for d1 (and similarly d2), we first recall the vector identity a • b= a b cos Θ where Θ is the angle between the two vectors. Using this, the projection of a onto b is a cos Θ = a • b a 7
  • 8. However, this represents only the magnitude of the projection. To obtain the vector projection, we multiply the result by the unit vector b = b b to obtain the final result a • b a b b = ( a • b ) b b 2 For d1, let Λ =a and θn =b. For d2, replace θ with ψ. 3.4.3 Most Recent Attempt - Bi-Directional Slicing Given the failure of global methods, i.e., methods that attempt to extract the signal at all gridpoints at the same time, it was conceived that the 1D algorithm might be applied in a different way: extracting an IMF from the signal piece by piece. More specifically, we take 1-dimensional cross-sections of the signal f(x, y) and apply the 1D algorithm to each “slice”. For example, the algorithm using cross-sections of the signal parallel to the x-axis is as follows: 1. Start with 2-dimensional signal f(x, y) on discrete grid (xi, yj), initial guess θ0(y) 2. For i = 1 to nx: Apply the 1D algorithm to the “slice” f(xi, y) with initial guess g(y) = θ(xi−1, y), θ(x0, y) = θ0(y) (x is held constant in both cases) The algorithm will extract the argument and envelope functions θ(y) and a(y). Label them as θ(xi, y) and a(xi, y) 3. The extracted IMF is a(x, y) cos θ(x, y) Essentially, this method (“x-slicing”) treats the 2D problem as a sequence of 1D problems. After all the 1D problems are solved, the 1D argument and envelope functions obtained for each slice are spliced together. This gives us the 2D argument and envelope functions. Note that the initial guess here is iterative; the argument function found for one slice of the signal becomes the starting point for the subsequent 1D problem. This is not necessarily required; one could also use the same initial guess for all slices or even a 2D dimensional initial guess. 8
  • 9. Finally, note that since the 1D algorithm gives errors on the boundaries, “x-slicing” may produce errors when x = x1 or xnx (first and last cross-sections). However, these same errors are not produced when “y-slicing,” that is, when we apply the 1D algorithm to cross-sections of the signal where y is constant. On the other hand, y-slicing may give, due to the same problem with boundary errors, inaccurate results when y = y1 or yny . Consequently, it is advantageous to apply “slicing” in both the x and y directions and then use the results of one direction to compensate for errors with the direction. In my numerical experiments, I chose to average the two directions with equal weights. Although more sophisticated combinations are possible, I found that simple averaging was sufficient to reduce errors on the boundary. 4 Results of Algorithms 4.1 1D Algorithm Example: f(t) = 6t + cos(8πt) + 0.5 cos(40πt) Plot of signal: Extraction of first IMF (linear trend): 9
  • 10. Extraction of second IMF (cos(8πt)): Extraction of final IMF (0.5 cos(40πt)): 10
  • 11. 4.2 2D Algorithms 4.2.1 1D Code Extension Sample implementations of this algorithm can be found in Guignard’s report. 4.2.2 Intermediate Attempts Since these attempts were not very successful, I will only provide a few examples to illustrate their results. First Attempt Example 1: f(x, y) = cos(8π(x + y)), θ0(x, y) = 8πx Plot of Signal: 11
  • 12. Plot of Extracted IMF: Residual (Signal - extracted IMF): 12
  • 13. Example 2: f(x, y) = cos(8π(x + y)), θ0(x, y) = 6π(x + y) Plot of Signal: Plot of Extracted IMF: 13
  • 14. Residual (Signal - extracted IMF): Example 3: f(x, y) = cos(8π(x + y)), θ0(x, y) = 7π(x + y) Plot of Signal: 14
  • 15. Plot of Extracted IMF: Residual (Signal - extracted IMF): 15
  • 16. Second Attempt Example: f(x, y) = cos(8π(x + y)), θ0(x, y) = 7π(x + y) Plot of Signal: Extracted IMF: 16
  • 17. Residual (Signal - extracted IMF): Third Attempt Example: f(x, y) = cos(8π(x + y)), θ0(x, y) = 7π(x + y) Plot of Signal: 17
  • 18. Extracted IMF: Residual (Signal - extracted IMF): 18
  • 19. 4.2.3 Bi-Directional Slicing Example 1: f(x, y) = cos(8π(x + y)), θ0(x, y) = 8πx Plot of Signal vs. Extracted Directional IMFs: 19
  • 20. Plot of Envelop vs. Extracted Directional Envelopes: Plot of Theta vs. Extracted Directional Thetas: 20
  • 21. Example 2: f(x, y) = x2 cos(8πx) + rand(x), θ0(x, y) = 8πx Plot of Signal vs. Extracted Directional IMFs: Plot of Envelop vs. Extracted Directional Envelopes: 21
  • 22. Plot of Theta vs. Extracted Directional Thetas: Example 3: f(x, y) = x2 cos(8πx) + rand(x), θ0(x, y) = 9πx Plot of Signal vs. Extracted Directional IMFs: 22
  • 23. Plot of Envelop vs. Extracted Directional Envelopes: Plot of Theta vs. Extracted Directional Thetas: 23
  • 24. 5 Conclusion and Further Exploration As of now, we have a robust working algorithm to extract physically meaningful frequency information from 1-dimensional signals. Further work is needed to obtain the same result for signals in 2-dimensions, as the bi-directional slicing method does not work efficiently when the signal is comprised of 2 or more IMFs. In addition, the role of the tradeoff factor δ needs to be explored. 6 References 1. Boyd, Steven, Kwangmoo Koh, and Seung-Jean Kim. ”Simple Matlab Solver for l1- regularized Least Squares Problems.” Apr. 2008. 2. Guignard, Diane. ”Adaptive Data Analysis Methods for Nonlinear and Nonstation- ary Data.” EPFL, 2002. 3. Hou, Thomas Y. and Zuoqiang Shi. ”Data-Driven Time-Frequency Analysis.” Caltech, 2012. 4. Pankratov, Kirill. MIT, 1994. 24
  • 25. 5. Tavallali, Peyman. ”Sparse Time Frequency Representation (STFR) and Its Applica- tions.” Caltech, 2012. 25