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Gray Image Coloring Using Texture
       Similarity Measures

   E. Noura Abd El-Moez Semary
    Thesis Submitted in accordance with the requirements of
          The University of Monofiya for the degree of
             Master of Computers and Information              1
                  ( Information Technology )
Thesis summary on:

            Gray Image Coloring Using Texture
                   Similarity Measures
                  Prof. Mohiy          Prof. Nabil         Dr.Waiel .S.
Supervised by:
                   .M.Hadhoud            .A.Ismail          Al-Kilani

                                       Presented by

                 E. Noura Abd El-Moez Semary
                      For Master degree in Computers and Information
                   IT department, Faculty of Computers and information,
                                    Menofia University
‫:ملخص رسالة بعنوان‬

           ‫تلوين الصور الرمادية بإستخدام معايير تشابه‬
‫د. وائل شوقي‬   ‫أ.د. نبيل عبد الواحد‬      ‫أ.د. محي محمد‬
                                                                  ‫:تحت إشراف‬
    ‫الكيلني‬            ‫إسماعيل‬                ‫هدهود‬

                                            ‫:مقدم من‬

               ‫م . نورا عبد المعز السباعي سمري‬
                       ‫للحصول على درجة الماجستير في الحاسبات والمعلومات‬
               ‫قسم تكنولوجيا المعلومات - كلية الحاسبات و المعلومات - جامعة المنوفية‬
 Introduction                         Introduction

 Automatic coloring in the literature coloring in the
 TRICS ‘Texture Recognition based Image‘Texture
  Coloring System’                     based Image
 Results                              System’

 Conclusion                           Conclusion

                                       Future work

 Future work


Gray image principles
                                 Introduction
                                 Automatic
                                  coloring in the
                                 TRICS ‘Texture
                                  based Image
                Gray values      Results
                                 Conclusion
                                 Future work













Gray image principles

                Image Size    Possible No.   Actually No.   Total size
                  (pixel)       colors       used colors     (byte)

                px 120× 170   16,777,216       15,998        60.0 kb

                170 ×120 px       256            246         21.2 kb


Coloring Problem
There are two definitions to describe the gray value as an equation of
   the three basic components of RGB color model (red, green, blue):
1: Intensity (most common used)
                           Gray = (Red + Green + Blue) /3
2: Luminance (NTSC standard for luminance)
               Gray = (0.299 × Red) + (0.587 × Green) + (0.114 × Blue)

               RGB Color   R, G, B values   Gray value   Gray Color

                            87 ,150 ,100       128

                            147, 87, 149       128

                            149, 147, 87       128
               TO CONVERT FROM GRAY TO RGB                               7

Coloring Problem

           HSL Color wheel      Grayed Color Wheel

          Similar Gray Values   Similar Gray Values

Coloring Types
1 . Hand coloring
      Adobe Photoshop
       and Paintshop Pro
          Layers
          Changing Hue

      BlackMagic, photo
       colorization software,
       version 2.8, 2003


Coloring Types
2 . Semi automatic
      Pseudocoloring is a
       common example for
       semi automatic
       coloring technique


Coloring Types
3 . Automatic coloring                   Introduction
                                         Automatic
   i.     Transformational coloring       coloring in the
   ii.    Matched image coloring         TRICS ‘Texture
   iii.   User selected coloring          based Image
                                         Results
                                         Conclusion
                                         Future work

Automatic coloring in the literature

1. Transformational Coloring
   A transformation function Tk is applied on
                                          Introduction   

                                          Automatic      
    the intensity value of each pixel coloring in the
    resulting in the chromatic value Ick(i,j) for
                                          TRICS ‘Texture 
    channel k                             based Image
                                                            Results
                       Ic k (i, j ) = Tk [ Ig (i, j )]      Conclusion
                                                            Future work

Automatic coloring in the literature

1. Transformational Coloring

   Al-Gindy et al * system.
     × Results have unnatural look

* A. N. Al-Gindy, H. Al Ahmad, R. A. Abd Alhameed, M. S. Abou Naaj and P. S. Excell
 ’Frequency Domain Technique For Colouring Gray Level Images’ 2004 found in                              13
Automatic coloring in the literature

   2. Matched image coloring
      The most similar pixel color is transferred to the corresponding gray
       one by the color transfer technique proposed by E.Reinhard*;

                              l                   α                  β

* Reinhard, E. Ashikhmin, M., Gooch B. And Shirley, P., Color Transfer between Images, IEEE Computer
Graphics and Applications, September/October 2001, 34-40                                        14
Automatic coloring in the literature

  2. Matched image coloring

                “Global matching procedure” of T. Welsh et al*
                        “Local color transfer” of Y. Tai et al**.

      × All these algorithms fail, when different colored
                        regions have similar intensities

* T. Welsh, M. Ashikhmin, K. Mueller. “Transferring color to greyscale images.” In Proceedings of the
     29th Annual Conference on Computer Graphics and interactive Techniques, pp 277–280, 2002

** Y. Tai, J. Jia, C. Tang ‘Local Color Transfer via Probabilistic Segmentation by Expectation-
     maximization‘, 2005 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
     (CVPR'05), Volume 1, pp. 747-754, 2005

Automatic coloring in the literature

2. Matched image coloring

     Welsh et al proposed also another technique to improve
        the coloring results when the matching results are not
         satisfying. It was achieved by asking users to identify
     and associate small rectangles, called “swatches” in both
            the source and destination images to indicate how
                        certain key colors should be transferred

Automatic coloring in the literature

3. User selection coloring
                                                                                  Automatic
                                                                                   coloring in the
                                                                                  TRICS ‘Texture
                                                                                   based Image
   User selection coloring gives high quality colors                              Coloring
×   User dependent color quality                                                   System’
                                                                                  Results
×   Time-consuming                                                                Conclusion
×   Colorization must be fully recomputed for any slight                    change Future work
                                                                                   in the
    initial marked pixels

* A. Levin, D. Lischinski, Y. Weiss. “Colorization using optimization.” ACM Transactions on Graphics,
Volume 23, Issue 3, pp.689–694, 2004                                                            17
TRICS System

    Research Objectives
 To simulate the human vision in coloring

  process                                Automatic
                                         coloring in the
 To be fully automatic coloring system TRICS ‘Texture
 To spend so little execution time as possible
                                         based Image
  as a basic requirement for video coloring.
                                               Results
                                               Conclusion
                                               Future work

TRICS System

            Gray image
             1                                             2                               A
          Features extraction                      Segmentation
          (Joint, wavelets, laws,…)                (Mean Shift, K-Mean, FCM,..)

                                                                                           Segmented image,
                  3                                            4
                                                                    Classification         B
      Features extraction                                   Classification
      (Co-occurrence, Tamura, Wavelets energies)            (K-NN classifier,..)

                                                                        Samples features
                                      Class labels
                                                                   Classes Hues       Database

             5                        6                             7    Coloring
      Convert image to          Set Hue, Saturation, and             Convert to
      HSV channels                    Brightness                       RGB

                                      Colored image
TRICS System

Structure              1. Segmentation Stage

   Feature extraction: (Pixel based )
    1.   pixel position
    2.   pixel intensity
    3.   texture features
            wavelets coefficients
            Laws kernels coefficients.

TRICS System

Structure         1. Segmentation Stage

1. Wavelets coefficients
   × Quarter the image size.

    Up sampling
    Upper level construction

TRICS System

Structure      1. Segmentation Stage

                                  Up sampling

                             Upper level construction
TRICS System

Structure                           1. Segmentation Stage

2. Laws Kernels :

Level     L5 =        [ 1 4         6 4 1]
Edge      E5 =        [ -1 –2       0 2 1]
Spot      S5 =        [ -1 0        2 0 –1]
Wave      W5=         [ -1 2        0 –2 1]
Ripple    R5 =        [ 1 –4        6 –4 1]
           -1   -4   -6   -4   -1
           0    0    0    0    0
L5S5’ =    2    8    12   8    2
           0    0    0    0    0
           -1   -4   -6   -4   -1

TRICS System

Structure                     1. Segmentation Stage

   Segmentation technique:
      Mean Shift *
      K-mean (Fast k-mean) **
             Adaptive Fast k-mean

* D. Comaniciu and P. Meer. ‘Mean shift: A robust approach toward feature space
analysis.’ PAMI, 24(5):603–619, May 2002

** C.Elkan, ‘Using the triangle inequality to accelerate k-Means.’ In Proc. of ICML
2003. pp 147--153                                                                     24
Mean Shift                                   Region of

                                             Center of

                                             Mean Shift
       Objective : Find the densest region
Mean Shift                                   Region of

                                             Center of

                                             Mean Shift
       Objective : Find the densest region
Mean Shift                                   Region of

                                             Center of

                                             Mean Shift
       Objective : Find the densest region
Mean Shift                                   Region of

                                             Center of

                                             Mean Shift
       Objective : Find the densest region
Mean Shift                                   Region of

                                             Center of

                                             Mean Shift
       Objective : Find the densest region
Mean Shift                                   Region of

                                             Center of

                                             Mean Shift
       Objective : Find the densest region
Mean Shift                                   Region of

                                             Center of

       Objective : Find the densest region
TRICS System

Structure          1. Segmentation Stage

1. Mean Shift :
   × So slow
   × Many parameters

                - hs=16,hr=16,m=500   - hs=8,hr=8,hw=4,m=500
    (170×256)   - Time: 0 34 15       - Time: 0 39 54
                - classes : 9         - classes : 7

Fast (Accelerated) K-mean*

        Lemma 1: Let p be a point and
         let c1 and c2 be centers.
            If E(c1,c2) ≥ 2E(p,c1) then
           E(p,c2) ≥ E(p,c1).
        Lemma 2: Let p be a point and
         let c1 and c2 be centers. Then
              E(p,c2) ≥ max{0,E(p,c1) – E(c1,c2)}                                           c2

* C.Elkan, ‘Using the triangle inequality to accelerate k-Means.’ In Proceedings of the 20th ICML,
Washington DC, 2003. pp 147--153                                                                     33
TRICS System

Structure            1. Segmentation Stage

2. Fast K-mean :
      with spatial features
       × structured segmentation
        Increase no. clusters

               k=3        k=9
TRICS System

Structure          1. Segmentation Stage

2. Fast K-mean :
      without spatial features
       × scattered regions of same cluster
        disjoint region separation
                          1        1       1           2
                               2                  3

                               1                 4

                                       3                   5

                              before           after

TRICS System

Structure                 1. Segmentation Stage

2. Fast K-mean :
   × Small regions (noise)
    Small regions elimination

               Original        Before   After

TRICS System

Structure       1. Segmentation Stage

3. Adaptive Fast K-mean :
    Clusters number generation
    Minimum region size estimation

   Fully automatic segmentation technique

TRICS System

 Structure                       1. Segmentation Stage

 a. Clusters number generation :
     • CEC “Combined Estimation Criterion”*:
         •If the VRC index, for k clusters, is smaller                      f       n
         than 98 of the VRC index, for k-1 clusters,         WCSS = ∑∑ ( xij − mij ) 2
         the CEC is not satisfied.
                                                                           i =1 j =1
                                                                       f        n
          •If the VRC index, for k clusters, is larger
          than 102 of the VRC index for k-1 clusters, or     TSS = ∑∑ ( xij − M i ) 2
          if k=1, the CEC is satisfied.                               i =1 j =1

                                                             BCSS = TSS − WCSS
          •If the VRC index, for clusters, is smaller than
          102 but larger than 98 of the VRC index for                 (n − k ) BCSS
          clusters, the CEC is satisfied only if TSS for     VRC =
          k-1 clusters is smaller than 70 of TSS for k                (k − 1)WCSS
* D.Charalampidis, T.Kasparis, ‘Wavelet-Based Rotational Invariant Roughness Features for
Texture Classification and Segmentation’. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing.Vol.11.No.8
August 2002
TRICS System

Structure                1. Segmentation Stage
                               Start k=1

                                                Gray Image

                             Fast k-mean

               k=k+1        Calculate CEC       Segmented Image

                            CEC Satisfied?

                           Clusters number =k                 39
TRICS System

Structure                1. Segmentation Stage

b. Minimum region size estimation :
  •   Split the disjoint regions.

  •   Count all regions size.

  •   Sort regions size and calculate the step between them.

  •   Select the regions size of step more than the largest
      image dimension.

  •   Consider the minimum region size.

TRICS System

  Structure                      1. Segmentation Stage

            Original gray                  wavelets                          Laws

                                                                A-     F-     T-     E-    EM-
              Image            Features   Clusters   Regions
                                                               time   time   time   time   time

                                                               19     12     42     31     59
                               Wavelets      4         8
                                                               sec    sec    min    sec    sec
          size = 170×256
             M=500,                                                           10
            EM = 324                                           11     3      min    31     59
                                Laws         4         7
                                                               sec    sec     36    sec    sec

A-time : adaptive fast k-mean time, F-time: fixed k fast k-mean time, T-time: traditional k-
mean , E-time: elimination time , EM-time : Elimination time with estimating minimum size 41
TRICS System

Structure                                  Database set1
   The training set consists of 32 classes of Brodatz texture

   Each image has a size of 256 × 256. Each image was
    mirrored horizontally and vertically to produce a 512 ×512

   The image is split into 16 images of size 128 ×128.

               256 × 256       512 × 512       16 × 128 × 128

TRICS System

Structure                              Database set2
   The training set consists of 9 classes ‘cloud, sky, sea, sand,
    tree, grass, stone, water, and wood’

   Each class has number of samples from 12 to 25 samples.

   These samples are taken from real natural images as random
    64x64 rectangles.

TRICS System

Structure                              Database

   Database record:
       Sample

       Class (level1,level2)

       58 Features (6 Moment statistics, 4 Co-ocurance measures, 3
        Tamura, and “ 15 wavelets mean, 15 wavelets variance , 15
        wavelets energy” for five levels wavelets decomposition)

       Hue

TRICS System

    Structure                       2. Classification Stage

      Feature extraction (Region based)
           Rectangular region:
           1.   Maximum rectangle
           2.   64 x 64 rectangle
                × Arbitrary shape
                 Padding rectangle*

* Ying Liu, Xiaofang Zhou, Wei-Ying Ma, ‘Extracting Texture Features
from Arbitrary-shaped Regions for Image Retrieval‘. 2004 IEEE
International Conference on Multimedia and Expo., Taipei, Jun. 2004
TRICS System

  Structure                          2. Classification Stage

         Feature extraction (Region based)
              Region based features:
                   GLCM * measures (Energy, Entropy, Inertia, Homogeneity )
                   Tamura * (Coarseness, Contrast , Directionality’)
                   Wavelets coefficients for 5 levels
                       Mean and variance **
                       Energy ***
* P.Howarth, S.Ruger,: Evaluation of texture features for content-based image retrieval. In:
proceedings of the International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval, Springer-Verlag (2004)

** O. Commowick – C. Lenglet – C. Louchet, ‘Wavelet-Based Texture Classification and Retrieval’
2003 found in

*** Eka Aulia, ‘Hierarchical Indexing For Region Based Image Retrieval’, Master thesis of Science in 46
Industrial Engineering, Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College, May 2005
TRICS System

Structure          2. Classification Stage

   GLCM and Tamura
    × Scale variant features, not suitable for natural

TRICS System

Structure        2. Classification Stage

   Wavelets mean and variance :
    × Values were very scattered and the results
      were not accurate for most cases.
   Wavelets energies :
    Classification accuracy of 92% using “leave-
     one-out” (each (sub) image is classified one
     by one so that other (sub) images serve as
     the training data) method

TRICS System

Structure              2. Classification Stage

a.   Classification technique
        KNN classifier with (k=1,k=5,k=10,k=20)
        Distance Metric is L2 “Euclidean distance”
                                                  2
                  E ( I , J ) =  ∑ I (i ) − J (i ) 
                                 i                 

        k=5 gives accuracy up to 94% using “N-fold “ (the
         collection of (sub) images is divided into N disjoint
         sets, of which N-1 serve as training data in turn and
         the Nth set is used for testing)
TRICS System

Structure      2. Classification Stage

TRICS System

Structure                             3. Coloring Stage
   Color model conversion
     HSV/HSB         color model

       Change in Saturation     Change in Brightness        Change in Hue
      Hue = 0, Luminance=0.5   Hue = 0, Saturation = 1   Sat=1, Luminance=1

     HSI/HLS       color model

       Change in Saturation    Change in Luminance          Change in Hue
      Hue = 0, Luminance=0.5   Hue = 0, Saturation = 1   Sat=1, Luminance=1

TRICS System

Structure         3. Coloring Stage
 HSV & HSL Channels

TRICS System

Structure                3. Coloring Stage

   Setting Channels values
     Brightness
      The gray image itself
     Hue
      One hue value for each texture
     Saturation
      HSV: 1- brightness      HSI: 0.5(1-lightness)

TRICS System

Structure      3. Coloring Stage

TRICS System

Structure      3. Coloring Stage
                                  Introduction
                                  Automatic
                                   coloring in the
                                  TRICS ‘Texture
                                   based Image
                                  Results
                                  Conclusion
                                  Future work

Results and Conclusion

 Perfect Results        Outlines
                            Introduction
                            Automatic
                             coloring in the
                            TRICS ‘Texture
                             based Image
                            Results
                            Conclusion
                            Future work

Results and Conclusion

 Perfect Results

Results and Conclusion

 PANN Database:

Results and Conclusion

Misclassified results

2 classification levels:
   •if the KNN results in 5 classes “grass, sea, water, grass, sea”
       •The traditional solution is the class of the grass.
       •The 2 levels classification solution is sea.
   •(Sea and water), (trees and grass), (sky and clouds) and (wood
   and stone) are considered as one class in level one.
Results and Conclusion




Results and Conclusion

 Local color transfer
                             Introduction
                             Automatic
                              coloring in the
 Global Image Matching      TRICS ‘Texture
                              based Image
                             Results
                             Conclusion
                             Future work

Results and Conclusion

                                             Outlines
    We proposed a new computer coloring technique
    that simulates the human vision in this area.
                                               Introduction
                                                    Automatic
                                                     coloring in the
   The proposed coloring system is contributed for
                                                     TRICS ‘Texture
    coloring gray natural scenes.                    Recognition
                                                     based Image
   The execution time of TRICS is minimized using
                                                    Results
    Fast k-mean segmentation technique and the
                                                    Future work
    results are enhanced by splitting the disjoint regions
    and by eliminating small regions.
Results and Conclusion

   Clusters number generation algorithm and the
    minimum region size estimation algorithm
    increase the professionalism of the system but
    also increases the time of the execution. And by
    using both of them TRICS becomes a fully
    unsupervised intelligent recognition based
    coloring system.

   HSV coloring model is very suitable for our
    system and the coloring results have good
    natural look.
Results and Conclusion

   We consider our proposed system structure as
                                                Introduction
    an abstract structure for building any more Automatic
                                                 coloring in the
    intelligent coloring systems for any other types of
    images                                      TRICS ‘Texture
                                                       based Image
   Our proposed system results perform the other
                                                      Results
    coloring systems.                                 Conclusion
                                                      Future work

Future work
         Gray image

                                                               Segmentation     A           Outlines
       Features extraction                        Segmentation
       (Joint, wavelets, laws,…)                  (Mean Shift, K-Mean,                            Introduction
                                                                                                  Automatic
                                                                                     Segmented image,
                                                                                          Clusters coloring in the
                                                               Classification       B             TRICS ‘Texture
   Features extraction                                  Classification
   (Co-occurrence, Tamura, Wavelets energies)           (K-NN classifier,..)                       Recognition
                                                                                                   based Image
                                                                   Samples features                Coloring
                                   Class labels                                                    System’
                                                             Classes Hues         Database
                                                                                                  Results
                                                                                                  Conclusion
                                                                                                  Future work
   Convert image to          Set Hue, Saturation, and          Convert to
   HSV channels                    Brightness                    RGB

                                   Colored image
Future work
    Intelligent System for Classifying the image
              Gray image

                                                                       Segmentation         A
              Features extraction                        Segmentation
              (Joint, wavelets, laws,…)                  (Mean Shift, K-Mean,
                                                                                            Segmented image,

                                                                      Classification        B
          Features extraction                                  Classification
          (Co-occurrence, Tamura, Wavelets energies)           (K-NN classifier,..)

                                                                         Samples features
Adaptive Learning                         Class labels                                                         SOFM
                                                                    Classes Hues       Database

          Convert image to          Set Hue, Saturation, and           Convert to
          HSV channels                    Brightness                     RGB

                                          Colored image
Future work

   Segmentation and classification stages
    are research areas and any improvement
    will increase the accuracy of the system.

   Using different types of features and
    training set enables the system for
    coloring images like manmade images,
    indoors, and people photos .

List Of Publications

   Noura A.Semary, Mohiy M. Hadhoud, W. S. El-Kilani, and Nabil A.
    Ismail, “Texture Recognition Based Gray Image Coloring”, The
    24th National Radio Science Conference (NRSC2007), pp. C22,
    March 13-15, 2007, Faculty of Engineering, Ain-Shams Univ.,

‫و الحمد لله الذي بفضله‬
    ‫تتم الصالحات‬


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Gray Image Coloring Using Texture Similarity Measures

  • 1. Gray Image Coloring Using Texture Similarity Measures by E. Noura Abd El-Moez Semary Thesis Submitted in accordance with the requirements of The University of Monofiya for the degree of Master of Computers and Information 1 ( Information Technology )
  • 2. Thesis summary on: Gray Image Coloring Using Texture Similarity Measures Prof. Mohiy Prof. Nabil Dr.Waiel .S. Supervised by: .M.Hadhoud .A.Ismail Al-Kilani Presented by E. Noura Abd El-Moez Semary For Master degree in Computers and Information IT department, Faculty of Computers and information, Menofia University
  • 3. ‫:ملخص رسالة بعنوان‬ ‫تلوين الصور الرمادية بإستخدام معايير تشابه‬ ‫النسجة‬ ‫د. وائل شوقي‬ ‫أ.د. نبيل عبد الواحد‬ ‫أ.د. محي محمد‬ ‫:تحت إشراف‬ ‫الكيلني‬ ‫إسماعيل‬ ‫هدهود‬ ‫:مقدم من‬ ‫م . نورا عبد المعز السباعي سمري‬ ‫للحصول على درجة الماجستير في الحاسبات والمعلومات‬ ‫قسم تكنولوجيا المعلومات - كلية الحاسبات و المعلومات - جامعة المنوفية‬
  • 4. Outlines Outlines  Introduction Introduction  Automatic   Automatic coloring in the literature coloring in the literature  TRICS ‘Texture Recognition based Image‘Texture TRICS  Recognition Coloring System’ based Image Coloring  Results System’ Results   Conclusion Conclusion  Future work   Future work 4
  • 5. Introduction Gray image principles Outlines  Introduction  Automatic coloring in the literature  TRICS ‘Texture Recognition based Image Coloring System’ Gray values  Results  Conclusion  Future work . . . . . . . . . . . 0 50 100 150 200 250 255 5
  • 6. Introduction Gray image principles Image Size Possible No. Actually No. Total size Image (pixel) colors used colors (byte) px 120× 170 16,777,216 15,998 60.0 kb 170 ×120 px 256 246 21.2 kb 6
  • 7. Introduction Coloring Problem There are two definitions to describe the gray value as an equation of the three basic components of RGB color model (red, green, blue): 1: Intensity (most common used) Gray = (Red + Green + Blue) /3 2: Luminance (NTSC standard for luminance) Gray = (0.299 × Red) + (0.587 × Green) + (0.114 × Blue) RGB Color R, G, B values Gray value Gray Color 87 ,150 ,100 128 147, 87, 149 128 149, 147, 87 128 THERE IS NO MATHEMATICAL FORMULA TO CONVERT FROM GRAY TO RGB 7
  • 8. Introduction Coloring Problem HSL Color wheel Grayed Color Wheel Similar Gray Values Similar Gray Values 8
  • 9. Introduction Coloring Types 1 . Hand coloring  Adobe Photoshop and Paintshop Pro  Layers  Changing Hue  BlackMagic, photo colorization software, version 2.8, 2003 9
  • 10. Introduction Coloring Types 2 . Semi automatic coloring  Pseudocoloring is a common example for semi automatic coloring technique 10
  • 11. Introduction Coloring Types Outlines 3 . Automatic coloring  Introduction  Automatic i. Transformational coloring coloring in the literature ii. Matched image coloring  TRICS ‘Texture Recognition iii. User selected coloring based Image Coloring System’  Results  Conclusion  Future work 11
  • 12. Automatic coloring in the literature 1. Transformational Coloring Outlines  A transformation function Tk is applied on Introduction  Automatic  the intensity value of each pixel coloring in the Ig(i,j) literature resulting in the chromatic value Ick(i,j) for TRICS ‘Texture  Recognition channel k based Image Coloring System’  Results Ic k (i, j ) = Tk [ Ig (i, j )]  Conclusion  Future work 12
  • 13. Automatic coloring in the literature 1. Transformational Coloring  Al-Gindy et al * system. × Results have unnatural look * A. N. Al-Gindy, H. Al Ahmad, R. A. Abd Alhameed, M. S. Abou Naaj and P. S. Excell ’Frequency Domain Technique For Colouring Gray Level Images’ 2004 found in 13
  • 14. Automatic coloring in the literature 2. Matched image coloring  The most similar pixel color is transferred to the corresponding gray one by the color transfer technique proposed by E.Reinhard*; l α β * Reinhard, E. Ashikhmin, M., Gooch B. And Shirley, P., Color Transfer between Images, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, September/October 2001, 34-40 14
  • 15. Automatic coloring in the literature 2. Matched image coloring  “Global matching procedure” of T. Welsh et al*  “Local color transfer” of Y. Tai et al**. × All these algorithms fail, when different colored regions have similar intensities * T. Welsh, M. Ashikhmin, K. Mueller. “Transferring color to greyscale images.” In Proceedings of the 29th Annual Conference on Computer Graphics and interactive Techniques, pp 277–280, 2002 ** Y. Tai, J. Jia, C. Tang ‘Local Color Transfer via Probabilistic Segmentation by Expectation- maximization‘, 2005 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR'05), Volume 1, pp. 747-754, 2005 15
  • 16. Automatic coloring in the literature 2. Matched image coloring  Welsh et al proposed also another technique to improve the coloring results when the matching results are not satisfying. It was achieved by asking users to identify and associate small rectangles, called “swatches” in both the source and destination images to indicate how certain key colors should be transferred 16
  • 17. Automatic coloring in the literature 3. User selection coloring Outlines Introduction  Automatic coloring in the literature  TRICS ‘Texture Recognition based Image  User selection coloring gives high quality colors Coloring × User dependent color quality System’  Results × Time-consuming  Conclusion × Colorization must be fully recomputed for any slight change Future work  in the initial marked pixels * A. Levin, D. Lischinski, Y. Weiss. “Colorization using optimization.” ACM Transactions on Graphics, Volume 23, Issue 3, pp.689–694, 2004 17
  • 18. TRICS System Research Objectives Outlines  To simulate the human vision in coloring Introduction  process Automatic  coloring in the literature  To be fully automatic coloring system TRICS ‘Texture  Recognition  To spend so little execution time as possible based Image Coloring as a basic requirement for video coloring. System’  Results  Conclusion  Future work 18
  • 19. TRICS System Structure Gray image 1 2 A Segmentation Features extraction Segmentation (Joint, wavelets, laws,…) (Mean Shift, K-Mean, FCM,..) Segmented image, Clusters 3 4 Classification B Features extraction Classification (Co-occurrence, Tamura, Wavelets energies) (K-NN classifier,..) Samples features Class labels Classes Hues Database 5 6 7 Coloring C Convert image to Set Hue, Saturation, and Convert to HSV channels Brightness RGB 19 Colored image
  • 20. TRICS System Structure 1. Segmentation Stage  Feature extraction: (Pixel based ) 1. pixel position 2. pixel intensity 3. texture features  wavelets coefficients  Laws kernels coefficients. 20
  • 21. TRICS System Structure 1. Segmentation Stage 1. Wavelets coefficients × Quarter the image size.  Up sampling  Upper level construction 21
  • 22. TRICS System Structure 1. Segmentation Stage Up sampling Upper level construction 22
  • 23. TRICS System Structure 1. Segmentation Stage 2. Laws Kernels : Level L5 = [ 1 4 6 4 1] Edge E5 = [ -1 –2 0 2 1] Spot S5 = [ -1 0 2 0 –1] Wave W5= [ -1 2 0 –2 1] Ripple R5 = [ 1 –4 6 –4 1] -1 -4 -6 -4 -1 0 0 0 0 0 L5S5’ = 2 8 12 8 2 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -4 -6 -4 -1 23
  • 24. TRICS System Structure 1. Segmentation Stage  Segmentation technique:  Mean Shift *  K-mean (Fast k-mean) **  Adaptive Fast k-mean * D. Comaniciu and P. Meer. ‘Mean shift: A robust approach toward feature space analysis.’ PAMI, 24(5):603–619, May 2002 ** C.Elkan, ‘Using the triangle inequality to accelerate k-Means.’ In Proc. of ICML 2003. pp 147--153 24
  • 25. Mean Shift Region of interest Center of mass Mean Shift vector Objective : Find the densest region 25
  • 26. Mean Shift Region of interest Center of mass Mean Shift vector Objective : Find the densest region 26
  • 27. Mean Shift Region of interest Center of mass Mean Shift vector Objective : Find the densest region 27
  • 28. Mean Shift Region of interest Center of mass Mean Shift vector Objective : Find the densest region 28
  • 29. Mean Shift Region of interest Center of mass Mean Shift vector Objective : Find the densest region 29
  • 30. Mean Shift Region of interest Center of mass Mean Shift vector Objective : Find the densest region 30
  • 31. Mean Shift Region of interest Center of mass Objective : Find the densest region 31
  • 32. TRICS System Structure 1. Segmentation Stage 1. Mean Shift : × So slow × Many parameters - hs=16,hr=16,m=500 - hs=8,hr=8,hw=4,m=500 (170×256) - Time: 0 34 15 - Time: 0 39 54 - classes : 9 - classes : 7 32
  • 33. Fast (Accelerated) K-mean*  Lemma 1: Let p be a point and let c1 and c2 be centers. c1  If E(c1,c2) ≥ 2E(p,c1) then E(p,c2) ≥ E(p,c1). p  Lemma 2: Let p be a point and let c1 and c2 be centers. Then  E(p,c2) ≥ max{0,E(p,c1) – E(c1,c2)} c2 * C.Elkan, ‘Using the triangle inequality to accelerate k-Means.’ In Proceedings of the 20th ICML, Washington DC, 2003. pp 147--153 33
  • 34. TRICS System Structure 1. Segmentation Stage 2. Fast K-mean :  with spatial features × structured segmentation  Increase no. clusters k=3 k=9 34
  • 35. TRICS System Structure 1. Segmentation Stage 2. Fast K-mean :  without spatial features × scattered regions of same cluster  disjoint region separation 1 1 1 2 2 3 1 4 3 5 before after 35
  • 36. TRICS System Structure 1. Segmentation Stage 2. Fast K-mean : × Small regions (noise)  Small regions elimination Original Before After 36
  • 37. TRICS System Structure 1. Segmentation Stage 3. Adaptive Fast K-mean :  Clusters number generation  Minimum region size estimation Fully automatic segmentation technique 37
  • 38. TRICS System Structure 1. Segmentation Stage a. Clusters number generation : • CEC “Combined Estimation Criterion”*: •If the VRC index, for k clusters, is smaller f n than 98 of the VRC index, for k-1 clusters, WCSS = ∑∑ ( xij − mij ) 2 the CEC is not satisfied. i =1 j =1 f n •If the VRC index, for k clusters, is larger than 102 of the VRC index for k-1 clusters, or TSS = ∑∑ ( xij − M i ) 2 if k=1, the CEC is satisfied. i =1 j =1 BCSS = TSS − WCSS •If the VRC index, for clusters, is smaller than 102 but larger than 98 of the VRC index for (n − k ) BCSS clusters, the CEC is satisfied only if TSS for VRC = k-1 clusters is smaller than 70 of TSS for k (k − 1)WCSS clusters. * D.Charalampidis, T.Kasparis, ‘Wavelet-Based Rotational Invariant Roughness Features for Texture Classification and Segmentation’. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing.Vol.11.No.8 38 August 2002
  • 39. TRICS System Structure 1. Segmentation Stage Start k=1 Gray Image Fast k-mean k=k+1 Calculate CEC Segmented Image Yes CEC Satisfied? No Stop… Clusters number =k 39
  • 40. TRICS System Structure 1. Segmentation Stage b. Minimum region size estimation : • Split the disjoint regions. • Count all regions size. • Sort regions size and calculate the step between them. • Select the regions size of step more than the largest image dimension. • Consider the minimum region size. 40
  • 41. TRICS System Structure 1. Segmentation Stage Original gray wavelets Laws A- F- T- E- EM- Image Features Clusters Regions time time time time time 19 12 42 31 59 Wavelets 4 8 sec sec min sec sec size = 170×256 M=500, 10 EM = 324 11 3 min 31 59 Laws 4 7 sec sec 36 sec sec sec A-time : adaptive fast k-mean time, F-time: fixed k fast k-mean time, T-time: traditional k- mean , E-time: elimination time , EM-time : Elimination time with estimating minimum size 41 region
  • 42. TRICS System Structure Database set1  The training set consists of 32 classes of Brodatz texture database  Each image has a size of 256 × 256. Each image was mirrored horizontally and vertically to produce a 512 ×512 image.  The image is split into 16 images of size 128 ×128. 256 × 256 512 × 512 16 × 128 × 128 42
  • 43. TRICS System Structure Database set2  The training set consists of 9 classes ‘cloud, sky, sea, sand, tree, grass, stone, water, and wood’  Each class has number of samples from 12 to 25 samples.  These samples are taken from real natural images as random 64x64 rectangles. 43
  • 44. TRICS System Structure Database  Database record:  Sample  Class (level1,level2)  58 Features (6 Moment statistics, 4 Co-ocurance measures, 3 Tamura, and “ 15 wavelets mean, 15 wavelets variance , 15 wavelets energy” for five levels wavelets decomposition)  Hue 44
  • 45. TRICS System Structure 2. Classification Stage  Feature extraction (Region based)  Rectangular region: 1. Maximum rectangle 2. 64 x 64 rectangle × Arbitrary shape  Padding rectangle* * Ying Liu, Xiaofang Zhou, Wei-Ying Ma, ‘Extracting Texture Features from Arbitrary-shaped Regions for Image Retrieval‘. 2004 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo., Taipei, Jun. 2004 45
  • 46. TRICS System Structure 2. Classification Stage  Feature extraction (Region based)  Region based features:  GLCM * measures (Energy, Entropy, Inertia, Homogeneity )  Tamura * (Coarseness, Contrast , Directionality’)  Wavelets coefficients for 5 levels  Mean and variance **  Energy *** * P.Howarth, S.Ruger,: Evaluation of texture features for content-based image retrieval. In: proceedings of the International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval, Springer-Verlag (2004) 326–324 ** O. Commowick – C. Lenglet – C. Louchet, ‘Wavelet-Based Texture Classification and Retrieval’ 2003 found in *** Eka Aulia, ‘Hierarchical Indexing For Region Based Image Retrieval’, Master thesis of Science in 46 Industrial Engineering, Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College, May 2005
  • 47. TRICS System Structure 2. Classification Stage  GLCM and Tamura × Scale variant features, not suitable for natural textures 47
  • 48. TRICS System Structure 2. Classification Stage  Wavelets mean and variance : × Values were very scattered and the results were not accurate for most cases.  Wavelets energies : Classification accuracy of 92% using “leave- one-out” (each (sub) image is classified one by one so that other (sub) images serve as the training data) method 48
  • 49. TRICS System Structure 2. Classification Stage a. Classification technique  KNN classifier with (k=1,k=5,k=10,k=20)  Distance Metric is L2 “Euclidean distance” 1  2 2 E ( I , J ) =  ∑ I (i ) − J (i )   i   k=5 gives accuracy up to 94% using “N-fold “ (the collection of (sub) images is divided into N disjoint sets, of which N-1 serve as training data in turn and the Nth set is used for testing) 49
  • 50. TRICS System Structure 2. Classification Stage 50
  • 51. TRICS System Structure 3. Coloring Stage  Color model conversion  HSV/HSB color model Change in Saturation Change in Brightness Change in Hue Hue = 0, Luminance=0.5 Hue = 0, Saturation = 1 Sat=1, Luminance=1  HSI/HLS color model Change in Saturation Change in Luminance Change in Hue Hue = 0, Luminance=0.5 Hue = 0, Saturation = 1 Sat=1, Luminance=1 51
  • 52. TRICS System Structure 3. Coloring Stage  HSV & HSL Channels 52
  • 53. TRICS System Structure 3. Coloring Stage  Setting Channels values  Brightness The gray image itself  Hue One hue value for each texture  Saturation HSV: 1- brightness HSI: 0.5(1-lightness) 53
  • 54. TRICS System Structure 3. Coloring Stage 54
  • 55. TRICS System Structure 3. Coloring Stage Outlines  Introduction  Automatic coloring in the literature  TRICS ‘Texture Recognition based Image Coloring System’  Results  Conclusion  Future work 55
  • 56. Results and Conclusion Results  Perfect Results Outlines  Introduction  Automatic coloring in the literature  TRICS ‘Texture Recognition based Image Coloring System’  Results  Conclusion  Future work 56
  • 58. Results and Conclusion Results  PANN Database: 58
  • 59. Results and Conclusion Results Misclassified results 2 classification levels: •if the KNN results in 5 classes “grass, sea, water, grass, sea” •The traditional solution is the class of the grass. •The 2 levels classification solution is sea. •(Sea and water), (trees and grass), (sky and clouds) and (wood and stone) are considered as one class in level one. 59
  • 60. Results and Conclusion Comparisons HSV/HSB HIS/HLS 60
  • 61. Results and Conclusion Comparisons  Local color transfer Outlines  Introduction  Automatic coloring in the literature  Global Image Matching  TRICS ‘Texture Recognition based Image Coloring System’  Results  Conclusion  Future work 61
  • 62. Results and Conclusion Conclusion  Outlines We proposed a new computer coloring technique that simulates the human vision in this area.  Introduction  Automatic coloring in the  The proposed coloring system is contributed for  literature TRICS ‘Texture coloring gray natural scenes. Recognition based Image Coloring System’  The execution time of TRICS is minimized using  Results Conclusion Fast k-mean segmentation technique and the  Future work results are enhanced by splitting the disjoint regions and by eliminating small regions. 62
  • 63. Results and Conclusion Conclusion  Clusters number generation algorithm and the minimum region size estimation algorithm increase the professionalism of the system but also increases the time of the execution. And by using both of them TRICS becomes a fully unsupervised intelligent recognition based coloring system.  HSV coloring model is very suitable for our system and the coloring results have good natural look. 63
  • 64. Results and Conclusion Conclusion Outlines  We consider our proposed system structure as  Introduction an abstract structure for building any more Automatic  coloring in the intelligent coloring systems for any other types of literature images  TRICS ‘Texture Recognition based Image Coloring System’  Our proposed system results perform the other  Results coloring systems.  Conclusion  Future work 64
  • 65. Future work Gray image Segmentation A Outlines Features extraction Segmentation (Joint, wavelets, laws,…) (Mean Shift, K-Mean,  Introduction FCM,..)  Automatic Segmented image, Clusters coloring in the literature Classification B  TRICS ‘Texture Features extraction Classification (Co-occurrence, Tamura, Wavelets energies) (K-NN classifier,..) Recognition based Image Samples features Coloring Class labels System’ Classes Hues Database  Results  Conclusion Coloring  Future work C Convert image to Set Hue, Saturation, and Convert to HSV channels Brightness RGB 65 Colored image
  • 66. Future work Intelligent System for Classifying the image Gray image Segmentation A Features extraction Segmentation (Joint, wavelets, laws,…) (Mean Shift, K-Mean, FCM,..) Segmented image, Clusters Classification B Features extraction Classification (Co-occurrence, Tamura, Wavelets energies) (K-NN classifier,..) Samples features Adaptive Learning Class labels SOFM Classes Hues Database Coloring C Convert image to Set Hue, Saturation, and Convert to HSV channels Brightness RGB 66 Colored image
  • 67. Future work  Segmentation and classification stages are research areas and any improvement will increase the accuracy of the system.  Using different types of features and training set enables the system for coloring images like manmade images, indoors, and people photos . 67
  • 68. List Of Publications  Noura A.Semary, Mohiy M. Hadhoud, W. S. El-Kilani, and Nabil A. Ismail, “Texture Recognition Based Gray Image Coloring”, The 24th National Radio Science Conference (NRSC2007), pp. C22, March 13-15, 2007, Faculty of Engineering, Ain-Shams Univ., Egypt. 68
  • 69. ‫…‪Thanks‬‬ ‫و الحمد لله الذي بفضله‬ ‫تتم الصالحات‬ ‫96‬