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Introducing Expression Studio, WPF, and
     Silverlight for the Flash Designer
                   By Don Burnett
Microsoft Application Platform Benefits
           Compelling               Consistent & Flexible                      Connected
       UX on all app categories         tools / programming / media        to web, servers, services

                                  Web                            Desktop

 XHTML / ASP.NET                                                                        .NET Languages
 JavaScript / AJAX                                                                        XAML / WPF
       CSS                                                                              Windows Media

                                           3rd Party Services
Expression Studio
The importance of the designer/developer experience
        The new way for designers and developers to work together
    designer                                            developer

                       designers & developers:
                      Speak different languages
                      Speak the same language

designers design                              developers add business logic
Working on a Silverlight or WPF Project?

Moving from Flash to Expression Studio, and using Expression Blend can be a
  great experience, if you know the terminology differences and the
  approaches taken by each program. Flash and Expression Blend are very
  different products with different analogies to their purposes.

Adobe Flash’s Paradigm
Flash was designed to create movies and animation, so that is its metaphor.
   Flash components (aka controls) came later in Flash‟s development
   lifecycle. Because of this there is always a main timeline Window in every
   project in Flash, even those that use Action Script versus a timeline to
   program their behaviors. Everything that happens in the application is
   reflected in that main timeline Window, and broken down further into
   scenes. A scene is made up of multiple tracks that are much like layers.
Flash User Interface
Expression Blend User Interface
Expression Blend Differences

Expression Studio Paradigm
Although Expression Blend and the other Expression applications do allow you
    to create animations, it‟s main goal is producing and “application” with
    custom controls. You will find that however the results of both Flash and
    Expression Blend aren‟t all that different.

Expression Blend takes a different approach; there is can be no master
  timeline at all, as you aren't creating a quot;moviequot;. Each element including
  layout managers can have their own timelines, you can add a time line to
  any event or trigger or any onscreen item.. Because the approach isn't
  building a quot;moviequot; by default instead it's aimed at creating a WPF or
  Silverlight GUI, it's sometimes easier to deal with and make things happen
  and you don't always have to be always mindful of the master timeline.
  Expression Blend takes advantage of WPF and Silverlight's Routed Events
Symbols Movie Clips, and Graphics in Flash

In Flash the following terms are defined:

Movie Clips: Movie clips are movies within a movie. They allow you to have
  animations that run independently of the movie's main timeline. The can
  contain actions, symbols, sounds and can be placed inside of other
  symbols. You can also use them to create UI elements like animated

Symbols: A reusable element (such as a movie, or graphic) that resides in the
  current movie's project library.

Instance: a re-used copy of a symbol. When you create an instance you are
   creating a copy of an existing symbol that exists in the document library.
Symbols Movie Clips, and Graphics in Flash

Buttons: Symbols that are similar to movie clips that have a special timeline
   structure linked to mouse states. You can use a button to take you to a new
   position on the main timeline or load any other elements. Button instances
   usually have action script tied to them.

Graphic Symbols: These are used mainly for static images that can be reused
   in a project. You cannot imbed sounds or actions in a graphic symbol.

Document Library: Where a movie's symbols are stored for reuse. Using a
  symbol that has already been created from the library creates an instance.
Animations and Controls in Blend

When working in Blend you are actually working with Windows on-screen
  controls, or copies of them which are a lot like Symbols. You have full
  access Windows system resources including all system and reserved colors
  and brushes. You also have more states and triggers available than you do
  in Flash (this is true of WPF, but so far not always true in Silverlight.
  Silverlight is a highly optimized version of WPF designed to run only inside
  the web client, so states and triggers there more closely match the web
  browser's capabilities, much like it does in Flash).

Controls: These are design elements that are the visible components of an
  application. Controls (such as buttons or lists of selectable items) make it
  possible for users to interact with your application. If you understand the
  controls that are available to you in Expression Blend and how to customize
  them, you can make your application look and behave exactly the way you
  want. Controls can reside in the asset library in BLEND.
A Button inside a user control in Expression Blend
Animations and Controls in Blend

Resources: You can create a brush resource from a picture, photograph, or
other image file, and then apply that brush resource to another object.

 Resource Dictionary: Resources in a resource dictionary can be applied
anywhere within your application because resource dictionaries are linked
to your project in the App.xaml file or in the Silverlight themes folder
(Themes/generic.xaml). You can package a set of resources into a resource
dictionary file and reuse the entire file in another application very much the
way you use symbols with the Document Library in Flash.

 Pre-Defined Controls: Blend has several types of pre-defined controls
including: Shapes, Layout Panels, Documents/Text and Decorators, and
User Controls.
Animations and Controls in Blend
Simple controls: Simple controls consist of the controls themselves and the
   properties that can be set on them. Simple controls do not take content. In
   other words, they cannot have child elements within them.

Content controls: Content controls can take another element (or can show a
  string as text for simple scenarios). Content controls have a Content
  property. This means that they can contain singular content such as a
  string. Also, content controls can contain another element, such as a layout

Items controls: Items controls include a collection of child elements. You can
   either manually add items to the Items collection property, or you can bind a
   data collection ( an Observable Collection) to the ItemsSource property.
   Items controls expose items collections and have no Content property and
   no Header property.
ContentControl and ItemsControl

                          ContentControls can take another element (or can show a
                          string as text for simple scenarios). Content controls have a
                          Content property. This means that they can contain singular
                          content such as a string. Also, content controls can contain
                          another element, such as a layout panel.

                         ItemsControl include a collection of child elements.

                         You can either manually add items to the Items collection
                         property, or you can bind a data collection ( an Observable
                         Collection) to the ItemsSource property. Items controls expose
                         items collections and have no Content property and no Header
Animations and Controls in Blend

Headered controls:

Headered controls include a header child element that labels the control.
  Headered controls can either include content (headered content control) or
  a collection of items (headered items control). Below is a TabControl
  example of a “headered control”
Templates and Styles In Blend
  Styles allow you to modify the default values of properties that are set on
  the control to which the style is applied. For example, you can specify
  default colors for the background, border, and foreground of a control such
  as a button. These style properties can be overridden by the values
  that are set on the control itself when it is drawn on the design surface
  (or art board).

Example: if you set the background color to red in the style of a button, the
   button will appear red when it is drawn on the design surface, but you can
   change the color. You can set only pre-existing properties in the style.
   For example, you cannot set a default value for a property that belongs
   to a new part that you added to the template.

   You can also use styles to specify the default behavior of a control. For
   example, in a style for a button, you can specify a trigger so that when users
   move their mouse pointer over the button, the background will change color.
   These property changes are instant.
Templates and Styles In Blend

TEMPLATES: Allow you to modify the structure of the control to which the
  template is applied. You can modify a control template to rearrange, add, or
  delete the elements (or parts) in the control.

For example: you can add a background image or design to a control such as
   a button.

You can also modify the values of properties (such as foreground color) that
   are set on the control to which the template is applied. These template
   values cannot be overridden by the values that are set on the control itself
   when it is drawn on the art board. However, you can use template-binding
   to set the properties of a template according to the values of properties of
   the control when it is drawn on the design surface.
Blend Controls, Templates, Styles & Resources,
                   Layouts, Animation
                                                    Animation, Triggers, Timelines
Templated                   <StackPanel.Triggers>
                              <EventTrigger RoutedEvent=“Button.Clickquot;>
  Button                        <EventTrigger.Actions>

                                           <ColorAnimation To=quot;Yellowquot; Duration=quot;0:0:0.5“
UI Services                                  Storyboard.TargetProperty=quot;Colorquot; />

• Templates                                <DoubleAnimation To=quot;45quot; Duration=quot;0:0:2quot;
                                             Storyboard.TargetProperty=quot;Anglequot; />
•   Layout
•   Controls Library        </StackPanel.Triggers>

•   Styles and Resources    … remainder of contents of StackPanel, including x:Name'd
                              TheBrush and LowerEllipseTransform …
•   Annotation
Templates and Styles In Blend
When you modify a template, you have access to more parts of a control than
   when you modify a style. For example, you can change the way the pop-up
   list appears in a combo box, or you change the look of the button that
   triggers the pop-up list in the combo box by modifying the items template.
   Some templates consist of the following parts:
Content Presenter: a placeholder in the control template to display the
   content of the control to which the template is applied. This might be the
   value of a content property (in a button for example), or a text property (in a
   text box).
Header: Some controls have multiple properties that hold content. In this case,
   an additional content presenter is used in the template as a placeholder for
   the type of content that is used as a header. An example of a headered
   control is a tab item control where the header is the label on the tab and the
   content is displayed underneath the header.
Items Host: Used as a placeholder for the child elements of a control. The
   items host part of a template is identified by Is_Items_Host = True in the
   Properties panel.
Templates and Styles In Blend

ItemContainerTemplate: An item container is a child template in a control
   template for items controls such as a menu or a list. It provides a template
   that is used to create each item when items are added to the list.

You can also specify a behavior of any new and existing parts in a template by
   using triggers.

Example: You could specify a trigger, so, when users move their mouse
   pointer over a button, the color of one of the parts changes. These property
   changes can be instantaneous or animated to for color effects..
Templates and Styles In Blend
Visual States

  Currently if you are working in web based software, you know that there is
  usually a limited number of states for things.

   For instance take a button in Flash, you have four different defined states..

   However if you are working in a WPF application in XAML you have the
   possibility of many more and user defined states as well.

   Blend's Interaction panel (doing a WPF windows application) on a system
   Button looks something like this..
Notice that there are a number of states defined;
this one just shows you one of the defined ones
that are standard for a button (not just up, over,
down, hit). There are also a number of events
that can be “triggered” based on state changes
and dependency property changes. Some
people call “dependency properties” attached
properties because you can add your own as
needed depending on the application. There are
some differences between these in Silverlight
and WPF, mostly because Silverlight has a more
limited functionality having to exist inside a web
browser client.

With the next release of Expression Blend 2.0
service pack 1 the Visual State Manager is
being introduced, it allows you to manage states
and define them in a more organized matter.
The image below is a simple Silverlight project
that uses a default styled button. The VSM
allows you to define states and transition times
as well. Right now for the preview this only
works with Silverlight RIA's but will be added
soon to WPF making managing states and
defining them much easier.
Blend‟s Visual State Manager makes it
possible to manage the look and feel of on-
screen objects such
As buttons by giving you a control panel to
more easily deal with on-screen visuals.

Right now the Visual State manager works
with Silverlight 2.0 and is being added to
work with WPF applications in the future as
Actions in Adobe Flash
In Adobe Flash we have an quot;Actions Panelquot; that ties actions to things that
    happen during a frame.. Please note that this doesn‟t exist in every version
    of Flash but it represents what you‟ll see in Adobe‟s CS3 version..
Events in Blend
In Blend we have an quot;EVENTSquot; panel that's accessible through the properties panel.. This shows you
     the events available for each component and will allow you to define an event like a click and
     open visual studio for you to code for yourself. At the moment you can only enter quot;XAMLquot; code
     directly in Blend, as it's designed to work directly with Visual Studio. Note: it's easy to go from
     here because Visual Studio fills in the shell from the entire event code in for you.
Events in Blend
Creating an event in Blend will automatically open you into Visual Studio where you can create code to
    for the event you are creating. Expression Studio and Visual Studio are highly integrated and can
    on-the-fly pass data and share project files between each other.
XAML: eXtensible Application Markup Language

    Markup for Windows and Silverlight
          – Build applications in simple declarative statements
          – Can be used for any CLR object hierarchy (not just WPF)

    Code and content are separate
          – Streamline collaboration between designers and developers

    Easy for tools to consume and generate

<Button Width=quot;100quot;>OK        Button b1 = new Button();       Dim b1 As New Button
  <Button.Background>         b1.Content = quot;OKquot;;              b1.Content = quot;OKquot;
    LightBlue                 b1.Background = new             b1.Background = New _
  </Button.Background>           SolidColorBrush                  SolidColorBrush _
</Button>                          (Colors.LightBlue);              (Colors.LightBlue)
                              b1.Width = 100;                 b1.Width = 100
Data Binding with WPF and Silverlight

Binding Target                       Binding Source   <StackPanel>
                                                         <Label>Select A Customer</Label>
Dependency Object                         Object         <ListBox
                       OneWay                               Background=quot;HoneyDewquot;
                       TwoWay            Property           ItemsSource=
                    OneWayToSource                       quot;{Binding {StaticResource mySource}}quot;

 UI can be bound to CLR objects or XML
 Dependency properties can also be bound to ADO.NET
    and objects associated with Web Services and Web properties
 Sort, filter, and group views can be generated on top of the data
 Data templates can be applied to data
Key Platform Concepts for WPF and Silverlight

                 Element          Lookless
                Composition       Controls

        Data Binding
Integrated Vector-based
Graphics and Composition
Modern graphics capabilities
   –   2D graphics in WPF and Silverlight, and 3D in WPF
   –   Image effects and codec support
   –   Hardware accelerated sub-pixel ClearType
   –   Video and audio
Revolutionizing the graphics and media pipeline
   – Across the display, audio, printing, and remoting subsystems
   – Direct3D-based hardware acceleration throughout the rendering pipeline
     in WPF
future hardware technologies
   – Resolution independence
   – Double floating point precision
   – Deeper color pipeline
Audio and Video Support

                                    <Border Width=quot;400quot;
                                      <MediaElement Source=quot;aero.wmvquot; />

Formats: WMV, MPEG, Some AVIs
Can be synchronized with animations Windows Media Foundation used to
   instantiate playback machinery into a DirectShow graph
Supported Document Formats
Open Document Formats

 XML Paper

                  XPS           Office “12”        Custom
                Document        Open XML           Formats
                 Format          Formats

                           Package Services

                 Parts and Relationships Abstraction

                 Open Packaging Conventions Specification
Expression Studio
Flow Documents and Silverlight TextBlocks
Block Elements          Inline Elements
    –   Paragraph             –    Runs
    –   List                  –    Bold
    –   Table                 –    Underline
    –   Floater         Controls
    –   Figure                –    Media
    –   Column                –    Hyperlinks
                              –    2D Graphics
WPF Architecture Model
                           Document Services             User Interface Services
                               XPS Documents                                          Controls
                                                                                                           Data Binding
                             Packaging Services                                       Layout
         XPS Viewer

                           Core Presentation                                                      Base Services

                              Imaging             2D                               Audio                     XAML
                               Effects            3D                               Video                 Accessibility

                                                       Animation                                         Input & Events

                                                  Visual Primitives                                  Property System

                                                                                               Input /
                        DWM                                                Property
        Engine               Media Integration Layer

     Windows Media
      Foundation                   Direct3D                                                .NET Framework

                      Windows Vista Display Driver (LDDM)
Silverlight Architecture Model
Browser Host

                                                        .NET for Silverlight            Server   Silverlight 1.0
          Data             WPF for Silverlight
                              Extensible                                             ASP.NET     Silverlight 2.0
   LINQ   LINQ-to-XML                                    Web Services
                               Controls                                               AJAX
       Dynamic                                          REST                           Libs
                                      BCL                           POX
      Languages                                          RSS
                                                                   JSON            <asp:xaml>
     Ruby   Python        Generics Collections          SOAP

                                 Common Language Runtime


           UI Core                    Inputs          Media         Controls           DRM
   2D Vectors       Images          Keyboard     WMV / VC1           Layout           Media
   Animation      Transforms         Mouse        WMA                Editing
      Text                            Ink          MP3

  Presentation Core

     Integrated                   DOM                                          JavaScript
     Networking                Integration             Installer                Engine
Whether you are designing rich standards-based
                      websites, ultimate experiences on the desktop, or
                      managing digital assets and content, Expression
                      professional design tools give you the flexibility and
                      freedom to bring your vision to reality.

                                                                   The professional
The professional   The professional       The professional
     Web             Interactive             Graphic
  design tool        design tool            design tool
Microsoft Silverlight
                 is a

              for delivering
         the next generation of

         media experiences
rich interactive applications (RIAs)

           for the   Web
Silverlight Overview

                  Compelling Cross-Platform User Experiences
                  Immersive media experiences & RIA
                  Seamless, fast installation for end users
                  Consistent experiences on Mac / Windows

                  Flexible programming model with collaborative tools
                  Integration with Web technologies
                  Based on the .NET Framework
                  Role specific tools for designers / developers

                  Efficient, lower cost delivery, and more capable media
                  HD to Mobile w/ SMPTE VC-1 and
                  Broad media ecosystem
                  Tools for live and on-demand publishing
Silverlight Audiences

                Content Providers
                Engage visitors with highest quality interactive web sites,
                video and game experiences with lower costs

  Design& Goals
 Make efficientDevelopers experience…
          getting /the easy you
             Designers about results
Make people feel greatwhat you need
 Make getting & their
      visual direct
  want in Windows more…
                Consistent suite of tools for designers and developers using
                existing skills and domain knowledge and building on existing
                application investments

                Viewers / End Users
                Sites “light up” equally on Windows and Mac, with a one-
                time install (~2MB)
Microsoft Development Technologies / Competitive Offerings

                         JSP / PHP          Server              Vista
                         ColdFusion                                                Mac OS

                                      Web                                Desktop
                  Libraries                                                            Linux

                  LAMP                                                                      “Apollo”

             Cross Browser
               & Platform

                                                     Media                                              Others
                                                     & RIA

                                       Flash &               Quicktime
                                        Flex                 & Others

Silverlight Installation Experience
Silverlight Web Media Ecosystem

        Create                   Distribute                  Experience

  Expression Blend for         Up to 2x streaming          Interactivity, video, and
    creating media               scalability over           animation in browser
      experiences             Windows Server 2003             and/or full screen

                           New IIS7 Media Pack with
   Expression Media
                           bit-rate throttling for lower        Seamless, Fast
 Encoder for publishing
                              cost for downloaded          Installation for End Users
    with Silverlight

 + Existing ecosystem of       New Secure content
WMV technology partners       delivery over SSL and        Consistent experience on
   / solution providers       Cache/Proxy support            Mac and Windows
Silverlight Web Media Summary

 Experience - “Light up the Web”
 Industry support for Silverlight
     Agencies, Media Technology, Media companies

 Creation - Media Technology Investments
 HD to Mobile w/ SMPTE VC-1/H.264
 Expression Media Encoder
 hardware accelerated encoding

  Distribution - Windows Server 2008
 IIS7 Media Pack for WMS
 WM Services 6.5
How can we „define‟ user
Design is Inevitable

     “Questions about whether design is
     necessary or affordable are quite beside
     the point: design is inevitable.

     The alternative to good design is bad
     design, not no design at all.”

                                Douglas Martin
Questions? More information needed?
                      Contact me at:
   Don Burnett

              Thanks for Attending..
New Introductionfor Flash Designers

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New Introductionfor Flash Designers

  • 1. Introducing Expression Studio, WPF, and Silverlight for the Flash Designer By Don Burnett
  • 2. Microsoft Application Platform Benefits Compelling Consistent & Flexible Connected UX on all app categories tools / programming / media to web, servers, services Web Desktop XHTML / ASP.NET .NET Languages JavaScript / AJAX XAML / WPF CSS Windows Media 3rd Party Services
  • 4. The importance of the designer/developer experience The new way for designers and developers to work together designer developer designers & developers: Speak different languages Speak the same language designers design developers add business logic
  • 5. Working on a Silverlight or WPF Project? Moving from Flash to Expression Studio, and using Expression Blend can be a great experience, if you know the terminology differences and the approaches taken by each program. Flash and Expression Blend are very different products with different analogies to their purposes. Adobe Flash’s Paradigm Flash was designed to create movies and animation, so that is its metaphor. Flash components (aka controls) came later in Flash‟s development lifecycle. Because of this there is always a main timeline Window in every project in Flash, even those that use Action Script versus a timeline to program their behaviors. Everything that happens in the application is reflected in that main timeline Window, and broken down further into scenes. A scene is made up of multiple tracks that are much like layers.
  • 8. Expression Blend Differences Expression Studio Paradigm Although Expression Blend and the other Expression applications do allow you to create animations, it‟s main goal is producing and “application” with custom controls. You will find that however the results of both Flash and Expression Blend aren‟t all that different. Expression Blend takes a different approach; there is can be no master timeline at all, as you aren't creating a quot;moviequot;. Each element including layout managers can have their own timelines, you can add a time line to any event or trigger or any onscreen item.. Because the approach isn't building a quot;moviequot; by default instead it's aimed at creating a WPF or Silverlight GUI, it's sometimes easier to deal with and make things happen and you don't always have to be always mindful of the master timeline. Expression Blend takes advantage of WPF and Silverlight's Routed Events model.
  • 9. Symbols Movie Clips, and Graphics in Flash In Flash the following terms are defined: Movie Clips: Movie clips are movies within a movie. They allow you to have animations that run independently of the movie's main timeline. The can contain actions, symbols, sounds and can be placed inside of other symbols. You can also use them to create UI elements like animated buttons. Symbols: A reusable element (such as a movie, or graphic) that resides in the current movie's project library. Instance: a re-used copy of a symbol. When you create an instance you are creating a copy of an existing symbol that exists in the document library.
  • 10. Symbols Movie Clips, and Graphics in Flash Buttons: Symbols that are similar to movie clips that have a special timeline structure linked to mouse states. You can use a button to take you to a new position on the main timeline or load any other elements. Button instances usually have action script tied to them. Graphic Symbols: These are used mainly for static images that can be reused in a project. You cannot imbed sounds or actions in a graphic symbol. Document Library: Where a movie's symbols are stored for reuse. Using a symbol that has already been created from the library creates an instance.
  • 11. Animations and Controls in Blend When working in Blend you are actually working with Windows on-screen controls, or copies of them which are a lot like Symbols. You have full access Windows system resources including all system and reserved colors and brushes. You also have more states and triggers available than you do in Flash (this is true of WPF, but so far not always true in Silverlight. Silverlight is a highly optimized version of WPF designed to run only inside the web client, so states and triggers there more closely match the web browser's capabilities, much like it does in Flash). Controls: These are design elements that are the visible components of an application. Controls (such as buttons or lists of selectable items) make it possible for users to interact with your application. If you understand the controls that are available to you in Expression Blend and how to customize them, you can make your application look and behave exactly the way you want. Controls can reside in the asset library in BLEND.
  • 12. A Button inside a user control in Expression Blend
  • 13. Animations and Controls in Blend Resources: You can create a brush resource from a picture, photograph, or other image file, and then apply that brush resource to another object. Resource Dictionary: Resources in a resource dictionary can be applied anywhere within your application because resource dictionaries are linked to your project in the App.xaml file or in the Silverlight themes folder (Themes/generic.xaml). You can package a set of resources into a resource dictionary file and reuse the entire file in another application very much the way you use symbols with the Document Library in Flash. Pre-Defined Controls: Blend has several types of pre-defined controls including: Shapes, Layout Panels, Documents/Text and Decorators, and User Controls.
  • 14. Animations and Controls in Blend Simple controls: Simple controls consist of the controls themselves and the properties that can be set on them. Simple controls do not take content. In other words, they cannot have child elements within them. Content controls: Content controls can take another element (or can show a string as text for simple scenarios). Content controls have a Content property. This means that they can contain singular content such as a string. Also, content controls can contain another element, such as a layout panel. Items controls: Items controls include a collection of child elements. You can either manually add items to the Items collection property, or you can bind a data collection ( an Observable Collection) to the ItemsSource property. Items controls expose items collections and have no Content property and no Header property.
  • 15. ContentControl and ItemsControl ContentControls can take another element (or can show a string as text for simple scenarios). Content controls have a Content property. This means that they can contain singular content such as a string. Also, content controls can contain another element, such as a layout panel. ItemsControl include a collection of child elements. You can either manually add items to the Items collection property, or you can bind a data collection ( an Observable Collection) to the ItemsSource property. Items controls expose items collections and have no Content property and no Header property.
  • 16. Animations and Controls in Blend Headered controls: Headered controls include a header child element that labels the control. Headered controls can either include content (headered content control) or a collection of items (headered items control). Below is a TabControl example of a “headered control”
  • 17. Templates and Styles In Blend STYLES Styles allow you to modify the default values of properties that are set on the control to which the style is applied. For example, you can specify default colors for the background, border, and foreground of a control such as a button. These style properties can be overridden by the values that are set on the control itself when it is drawn on the design surface (or art board). Example: if you set the background color to red in the style of a button, the button will appear red when it is drawn on the design surface, but you can change the color. You can set only pre-existing properties in the style. For example, you cannot set a default value for a property that belongs to a new part that you added to the template. You can also use styles to specify the default behavior of a control. For example, in a style for a button, you can specify a trigger so that when users move their mouse pointer over the button, the background will change color. These property changes are instant.
  • 18. Templates and Styles In Blend TEMPLATES: Allow you to modify the structure of the control to which the template is applied. You can modify a control template to rearrange, add, or delete the elements (or parts) in the control. For example: you can add a background image or design to a control such as a button. You can also modify the values of properties (such as foreground color) that are set on the control to which the template is applied. These template values cannot be overridden by the values that are set on the control itself when it is drawn on the art board. However, you can use template-binding to set the properties of a template according to the values of properties of the control when it is drawn on the design surface.
  • 19. Blend Controls, Templates, Styles & Resources, Layouts, Animation Animation, Triggers, Timelines <StackPanel> Templated <StackPanel.Triggers> <EventTrigger RoutedEvent=“Button.Clickquot;> Button <EventTrigger.Actions> <BeginStoryboard> <BeginStoryboard.Storyboard> <Storyboard> <ColorAnimation To=quot;Yellowquot; Duration=quot;0:0:0.5“ Storyboard.TargetName=quot;TheBrushquot; UI Services Storyboard.TargetProperty=quot;Colorquot; /> • Templates <DoubleAnimation To=quot;45quot; Duration=quot;0:0:2quot; Storyboard.TargetName=quot;LowerEllipseTransformquot; Storyboard.TargetProperty=quot;Anglequot; /> • Layout ... • Controls Library </StackPanel.Triggers> • Styles and Resources … remainder of contents of StackPanel, including x:Name'd TheBrush and LowerEllipseTransform … • Annotation </StackPanel>
  • 20. Templates and Styles In Blend When you modify a template, you have access to more parts of a control than when you modify a style. For example, you can change the way the pop-up list appears in a combo box, or you change the look of the button that triggers the pop-up list in the combo box by modifying the items template. Some templates consist of the following parts: Content Presenter: a placeholder in the control template to display the content of the control to which the template is applied. This might be the value of a content property (in a button for example), or a text property (in a text box). Header: Some controls have multiple properties that hold content. In this case, an additional content presenter is used in the template as a placeholder for the type of content that is used as a header. An example of a headered control is a tab item control where the header is the label on the tab and the content is displayed underneath the header. Items Host: Used as a placeholder for the child elements of a control. The items host part of a template is identified by Is_Items_Host = True in the Properties panel.
  • 21. Templates and Styles In Blend ItemContainerTemplate: An item container is a child template in a control template for items controls such as a menu or a list. It provides a template that is used to create each item when items are added to the list. You can also specify a behavior of any new and existing parts in a template by using triggers. Example: You could specify a trigger, so, when users move their mouse pointer over a button, the color of one of the parts changes. These property changes can be instantaneous or animated to for color effects..
  • 22. Templates and Styles In Blend Visual States Currently if you are working in web based software, you know that there is usually a limited number of states for things. For instance take a button in Flash, you have four different defined states.. However if you are working in a WPF application in XAML you have the possibility of many more and user defined states as well. Blend's Interaction panel (doing a WPF windows application) on a system Button looks something like this..
  • 23. Notice that there are a number of states defined; this one just shows you one of the defined ones that are standard for a button (not just up, over, down, hit). There are also a number of events that can be “triggered” based on state changes and dependency property changes. Some people call “dependency properties” attached properties because you can add your own as needed depending on the application. There are some differences between these in Silverlight and WPF, mostly because Silverlight has a more limited functionality having to exist inside a web browser client. With the next release of Expression Blend 2.0 service pack 1 the Visual State Manager is being introduced, it allows you to manage states and define them in a more organized matter. The image below is a simple Silverlight project that uses a default styled button. The VSM allows you to define states and transition times as well. Right now for the preview this only works with Silverlight RIA's but will be added soon to WPF making managing states and defining them much easier.
  • 24. Blend‟s Visual State Manager makes it possible to manage the look and feel of on- screen objects such As buttons by giving you a control panel to more easily deal with on-screen visuals. Right now the Visual State manager works with Silverlight 2.0 and is being added to work with WPF applications in the future as well.
  • 25. Actions in Adobe Flash ACTIONS In Adobe Flash we have an quot;Actions Panelquot; that ties actions to things that happen during a frame.. Please note that this doesn‟t exist in every version of Flash but it represents what you‟ll see in Adobe‟s CS3 version..
  • 26. Events in Blend EVENTS In Blend we have an quot;EVENTSquot; panel that's accessible through the properties panel.. This shows you the events available for each component and will allow you to define an event like a click and open visual studio for you to code for yourself. At the moment you can only enter quot;XAMLquot; code directly in Blend, as it's designed to work directly with Visual Studio. Note: it's easy to go from here because Visual Studio fills in the shell from the entire event code in for you.
  • 27. Events in Blend EVENTS Creating an event in Blend will automatically open you into Visual Studio where you can create code to for the event you are creating. Expression Studio and Visual Studio are highly integrated and can on-the-fly pass data and share project files between each other.
  • 28. XAML: eXtensible Application Markup Language Markup for Windows and Silverlight – Build applications in simple declarative statements – Can be used for any CLR object hierarchy (not just WPF) Code and content are separate – Streamline collaboration between designers and developers Easy for tools to consume and generate <Button Width=quot;100quot;>OK Button b1 = new Button(); Dim b1 As New Button <Button.Background> b1.Content = quot;OKquot;; b1.Content = quot;OKquot; LightBlue b1.Background = new b1.Background = New _ </Button.Background> SolidColorBrush SolidColorBrush _ </Button> (Colors.LightBlue); (Colors.LightBlue) b1.Width = 100; b1.Width = 100
  • 29. Data Binding with WPF and Silverlight Binding Target Binding Source <StackPanel> <Label>Select A Customer</Label> Dependency Object Object <ListBox Name=quot;myListBoxquot; OneWay Background=quot;HoneyDewquot; Dependency TwoWay Property ItemsSource= Property OneWayToSource quot;{Binding {StaticResource mySource}}quot; </ListBox> </StackPanel> UI can be bound to CLR objects or XML Dependency properties can also be bound to ADO.NET and objects associated with Web Services and Web properties Sort, filter, and group views can be generated on top of the data Data templates can be applied to data
  • 30. Key Platform Concepts for WPF and Silverlight Element Lookless XAML Composition Controls Composited Data Binding Visuals
  • 31. Integrated Vector-based Graphics and Composition Modern graphics capabilities – 2D graphics in WPF and Silverlight, and 3D in WPF – Image effects and codec support – Hardware accelerated sub-pixel ClearType – Video and audio Revolutionizing the graphics and media pipeline – Across the display, audio, printing, and remoting subsystems – Direct3D-based hardware acceleration throughout the rendering pipeline in WPF future hardware technologies – Resolution independence – Double floating point precision – Deeper color pipeline
  • 32. Audio and Video Support <Border Width=quot;400quot; BorderBrush=quot;Greenquot; BorderThickness=quot;9quot;> <StackPanel> <MediaElement Source=quot;aero.wmvquot; /> <Button>Hello</Button> </StackPanel> </Border> Formats: WMV, MPEG, Some AVIs Can be synchronized with animations Windows Media Foundation used to instantiate playback machinery into a DirectShow graph
  • 34. Open Document Formats Specification XML Paper XPS Office “12” Custom Document Open XML Formats Format Formats Package Services Parts and Relationships Abstraction ZIP Open Packaging Conventions Specification
  • 36. Flow Documents and Silverlight TextBlocks Block Elements Inline Elements – Paragraph – Runs – List – Bold – Table – Underline – Floater Controls – Figure – Media – Column – Hyperlinks – 2D Graphics
  • 37. WPF Architecture Model Document Services User Interface Services Application XPS Documents Controls Services Data Binding Deployment Packaging Services Layout Services XPS Viewer Core Presentation Base Services Imaging 2D Audio XAML Text Effects 3D Video Accessibility Animation Input & Events Visual Primitives Property System Input / DWM Property Eventing Engine System Composition Engine Media Integration Layer Windows Media Foundation Direct3D .NET Framework Windows Vista Display Driver (LDDM)
  • 38. Silverlight Architecture Model Browser Host .NET for Silverlight Server Silverlight 1.0 Data WPF for Silverlight Extensible ASP.NET Silverlight 2.0 LINQ LINQ-to-XML Web Services Controls AJAX Dynamic REST Libs Legend BCL POX Languages RSS JSON <asp:xaml> Ruby Python Generics Collections SOAP <asp:media> Common Language Runtime XAML UI Core Inputs Media Controls DRM 2D Vectors Images Keyboard WMV / VC1 Layout Media Animation Transforms Mouse WMA Editing Text Ink MP3 Presentation Core Integrated DOM JavaScript Networking Integration Installer Engine Stack
  • 39. Whether you are designing rich standards-based websites, ultimate experiences on the desktop, or managing digital assets and content, Expression professional design tools give you the flexibility and freedom to bring your vision to reality. The professional The professional The professional The professional Asset Web Interactive Graphic Management design tool design tool design tool tool
  • 40. Microsoft Silverlight is a cross-browser, cross-platform plug-in for delivering the next generation of .NET-based media experiences & rich interactive applications (RIAs) for the Web
  • 41. Silverlight Overview Compelling Cross-Platform User Experiences Immersive media experiences & RIA Seamless, fast installation for end users Consistent experiences on Mac / Windows Flexible programming model with collaborative tools Integration with Web technologies Based on the .NET Framework Role specific tools for designers / developers Efficient, lower cost delivery, and more capable media HD to Mobile w/ SMPTE VC-1 and Broad media ecosystem Tools for live and on-demand publishing
  • 42. Silverlight Audiences Content Providers Engage visitors with highest quality interactive web sites, video and game experiences with lower costs Design& Goals Make efficientDevelopers experience… getting /the easy you Designers about results Make people feel greatwhat you need Make getting & their visual direct want in Windows more… Consistent suite of tools for designers and developers using existing skills and domain knowledge and building on existing application investments Viewers / End Users Sites “light up” equally on Windows and Mac, with a one- time install (~2MB)
  • 43. Microsoft Development Technologies / Competitive Offerings JSP / PHP Server Vista ColdFusion Mac OS Web Desktop AJAX Libraries Linux LAMP “Apollo” Cross Browser & Platform Microsoft Media Others & RIA Flash & Quicktime Flex & Others 43
  • 45. Silverlight Web Media Ecosystem Create Distribute Experience Expression Blend for Up to 2x streaming Interactivity, video, and creating media scalability over animation in browser experiences Windows Server 2003 and/or full screen New IIS7 Media Pack with Expression Media bit-rate throttling for lower Seamless, Fast Encoder for publishing cost for downloaded Installation for End Users with Silverlight media + Existing ecosystem of New Secure content WMV technology partners delivery over SSL and Consistent experience on / solution providers Cache/Proxy support Mac and Windows
  • 46. Silverlight Web Media Summary Experience - “Light up the Web” Industry support for Silverlight Agencies, Media Technology, Media companies Creation - Media Technology Investments HD to Mobile w/ SMPTE VC-1/H.264 Expression Media Encoder hardware accelerated encoding Distribution - Windows Server 2008 IIS7 Media Pack for WMS WM Services 6.5
  • 47. How can we „define‟ user experience?
  • 48. Design is Inevitable “Questions about whether design is necessary or affordable are quite beside the point: design is inevitable. The alternative to good design is bad design, not no design at all.” Douglas Martin designer
  • 49. Questions? More information needed? Contact me at: Don Burnett Thanks for Attending..

Editor's Notes

  1. The other part of design that many of us never see but that impact how many companies do successful things (companies like Apple, GE, Sony, BMW, McKinsey, etc.) is to focus on strategic aspects of our enterprise that inform WHAT we should do to. If you sometimes struggle and wonder how everyone else is having the successes that you’re not it might be because they are using design to impact their organization in fundamental ways.
  2. Number of toolbars and Task Panes in Word, by releaseAs you can see, the number of features using all UI mechanisms goes up virtually every version. Keep in mind that every toolbar includes between 10 and 50 commands, often presented only as 16x16 unlabeled icons.
  3. Most of us are probably familiar with design in the role of a typical software phase. The ‘how’ phases. In a lot of cases we may ONLY involve designers in production or perhaps high level or detailed design phases. Designers only involved in production can impact how things look but little else.
  4. User interfaces that are applied after an application is created are a bit like putting icing on a cake. I can make a great cake and lousy decorating job will obscure the value that an application brings. Contrarily, a bad cake can’t be fixed by a nice decorating job.
  5. Number of toolbars and Task Panes in Word, by releaseAs you can see, the number of features using all UI mechanisms goes up virtually every version. Keep in mind that every toolbar includes between 10 and 50 commands, often presented only as 16x16 unlabeled icons.
  6. Number of toolbars and Task Panes in Word, by releaseAs you can see, the number of features using all UI mechanisms goes up virtually every version. Keep in mind that every toolbar includes between 10 and 50 commands, often presented only as 16x16 unlabeled icons.
  7. WindowsLet’s talk about what motivated us when we approached Vista but first let’s take a show of hands.How many people use Windows right now? How many people use Macs? How many people use something else? Or all of the above?Some of what we will show here will look familiar but there’s something important that I want you to consider, what makes some of what we’ve done with Vista that is truly unique and special is that we’ve created a system that is independent from locked down hardware. This quite frankly makes our design job exponentially harder than working on a closed or tightly integrated set of software and hardware. As we are well aware there are advantages and disadvantages to both approaches. But let’s also understand the magnitude of the challenge and how far designers have been able to bring Windows, it’s a big success that will bring BETTER user experiences to hundreds of millions of computer users.
  8. So as we can see from the last slide designers have a lot of roles that they play. You might be asking yourself how can anyone person be good at all that stuff? And the answer is that they can’t. But design is a different discipline than software or Web site development.ResearcherGraphic Designer (Also known as a Visual or Communication Designer)Product DesignerInteraction Designer (Sometimes the shorthand for this is IxD)Information Designer (Also known as an Information Architect)Design PlannerNow just like a technologist can wear many hats so can a designer, and many do. But some specialize in area too. More often than not though most are what we called T-shaped. They have deep knowledge in one area and general knowledge in other areas.Many folks are familiar with what a graphic, visual or communications designer would do for software. They focus on the styling of an application and can use their knowledge of color, composition, contrast and typography to enable the surface or presentation layer of an application be more usable and (typically) more esthetically pleasing. But if this is all a designer does for a project than all your really doing is pushing icing around on a cake. What’s inside stays the same and if there’s a problem with how it tastes no amount of icing will fix it.Interaction and information design get at what’s inside an application and how it should work and these disciplines are usually exclusively focused on the creation of software or computer-based interfaces. Interaction designers have specialized knowledge and training about how to make interactions effective for users. Information designers specialize in the structure and nomenclature of information. Sometimes folks do both but in many cases people specialize in just one.Sitting out in front of these folks is a design researcher and often someone called a design planner. These folks focus on the ‘what’ to make versus the ‘how’ and they ensure that we’re all solving the RIGHT problem. They do this by using methods specific to design planning that focus on intent, contextual inquiry, data analysis, synthesis and conceptualization to arrive at a set of needs and criteria that informs and provides traceability to a design specification.
  9. So if we summarize, there are a lot of different roles that designers play. Some designers might play all these roles but really be an expert in only one or two. Much like architects, designers need to be able to see the big picture. If you don’t have designers on your team it’s likely that some folks have to play roles like this already. As you’ll see as we continue to talk about design and user experience the importance of doing these things well, and the ease of doing it, are what is changing how we design software and Web sites.
  10. So, what is User Experience.
  11. Douglas Martin is actually a book designer but his thoughts ring true for us as well. You make design choices everyday.