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Aaron Morton
Apache Cassandra Committer, Data Stax MVP for Apache Cassandra
Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 New Zealand License
Cassandra Summit 2013
June 11 & 12
San Francisco
Use SFSummit25 for 25% off
Cassandra Summit 2013
DataStax Ac*ademy
Free certification during the
The Cluster
The Node
The Data Model
- Started at Facebook
- Open sourced in 2008
- Top Level Apache project
since 2010.
Used by...
Netflix,Twitter, Reddit,
- Google Big Table (2006)
- Amazon Dynamo (2007)
Why Cassandra?
- Scale
- Operations
- Data Model
The Cluster
The Node
The Data Model
Store ‘foo’ key with Replication Factor 3.
Node 1 - 'foo'
Node 2 - 'foo'Node 4
Node 3 - 'foo'
Consistent Hashing.
- Evenly map keys to nodes
- Minimise key movements
when nodes join or leave
transforms Keys to Tokens
using MD5.
(Default pre version 1.2.)
transforms Keys to Tokens
using Murmur3.
(Default in version 1.2.)
Keys andTokens?
token 0 99
key 'fop' 'foo'
10 90
Token Ring.
token: 90
token: 10
99 0
Token Ranges pre v1.2.
Node 1
token: 0
Node 2
token: 25
Node 4
token: 75
Node 3
token: 50
Token Ranges withVirtual Nodes in v1.2.
Node 1
Node 2
Node 3
Node 4
LocateToken Range.
Node 1
Node 2
Node 3
Node 4
token: 90
Replication Strategy selects
Replication Factor number of
nodes for a row.
SimpleStrategy with RF 3.
Node 1
Node 2
Node 3
Node 4
token: 90
NetworkTopologyStrategy uses
a Replication Factor per Data
Multi DC Replication with RF 3 and RF 2.
Node 1
Node 2
Node 3
Node 4
token: 90
Node 1
Node 2
Node 3
Node 4
West DC East DC
The Snitch knows which Data
Centre and Rack the Node is
Places all nodes in the same
DC and Rack.
(Default, there are others.)
DC is set to AWS Region and
a Rack to Availability Zone.
The Client and the Coordinator.
Node 1
Node 2
Node 3
Node 4
token: 90
Multi DC Client and the Coordinator.
Node 1
Node 2
Node 3
Node 4
token: 90
Node 10
Node 20
Node 30
Node 40
Nodes share information with
a small number of neighbours.
Who share information with a
small number of neigh..
Consistency Level (CL).
- Specified for each request
- Number of nodes to wait
Consistency Level (CL)
- Any*
- One,Two Three
QUOURM at Replication Factor...
2 or 3 4 or 5 6 or 7
2 3 4
Write ‘foo’ at QUOURM with Hinted Handoff.
Node 1
Node 2
Node 3
Node 4
'foo' for #3
token: 90
Read ‘foo’ at QUOURM.
Node 1
Node 2
Node 3
Node 4
token: 90
Column Timestamps
used to resolve
Resolving differences.
Column Node 1 Node 2 Node 3
(timestamp 10)
(timestamp 10)
(timestamp 10)
(timestamp 10)
(timestamp 5)
(timestamp 10)
(timestamp 10)
(timestamp 15)
Consistent read for ‘foo’ at QUOURM.
Node 1
Node 2
Node 3
Node 4
Node 1
Node 2
Node 3
Node 4
cromulent cromulent
Strong Consistency
W + R > N
(#Write Nodes + #Read Nodes> Replication Factor)
Achieving Strong Consistency.
- QUOURM Read + QUORUM Write
- ALL Read + ONE Write
- ONE Read + ALL Write
Achieving Consistency
- Consistency Level
- Hinted Handoff
- Read Repair
- Anti Entropy
The Cluster
The Node
The Data Model
Optimised for
Write path
Append to Write
Ahead Log.
(fsync every 10s by default, other options available)
Write path...
Merge Columns
into Memtable.
(Lock free, always in memory.)
Asynchronously flush
Memtable to new files.
(May be 10’s or 100’s of MB in size.)
Data is stored in
immutable SSTables.
(Sorted String table.)
SSTable files.
(And others)
SSTable 1
dishwasher (ts 10):
purple (ts 10):
SSTable 2
frink (ts 20):
monkey (ts 10):
SSTable 3 SSTable 4
dishwasher (ts 15):
SSTable 5
Read purple, monkey, dishwasher.
SSTable 1-Data.db
dishwasher (ts 10):
purple (ts 10):
SSTable 2-Data.db
frink (ts 20):
monkey (ts 10):
SSTable 3-Data.db SSTable 4-Data.db
dishwasher (ts 15):
SSTable 5-Data.db
Bloom Filter
Index Sample
SSTable 1-Index.db
Bloom Filter
Index Sample
SSTable 2-Index.db
Bloom Filter
Index Sample
SSTable 3-Index.db
Bloom Filter
Index Sample
SSTable 4-Index.db
Bloom Filter
Index Sample
SSTable 5-Index.db
Key Cache caches row key
position in *-Data.db file.
(Removes up to1disk seek per SSTable.)
Read with Key Cache.
SSTable 1-Data.db
dishwasher (ts 10):
purple (ts 10):
SSTable 2-Data.db
frink (ts 20):
monkey (ts 10):
SSTable 3-Data.db SSTable 4-Data.db
dishwasher (ts 15):
SSTable 5-Data.db
Key Cache
Index Sample
SSTable 1-Index.db
Key Cache
Index Sample
SSTable 2-Index.db
Key Cache
Index Sample
SSTable 3-Index.db
Key Cache
Index Sample
SSTable 4-Index.db
Key Cache
Index Sample
SSTable 5-Index.db
Bloom Filter Bloom Filter Bloom Filter Bloom Filter Bloom Filter
Row Cache caches entire row.
(Removes all disk IO.)
Read with Row Cache.
Row Cache
SSTable 1-Data.db
dishwasher (ts 10):
purple (ts 10):
SSTable 2-Data.db
frink (ts 20):
monkey (ts 10):
SSTable 3-Data.db SSTable 4-Data.db
dishwasher (ts 15):
SSTable 5-Data.db
Key Cache
Index Sample
SSTable 1-Index.db
Key Cache
Index Sample
SSTable 2-Index.db
Key Cache
Index Sample
SSTable 3-Index.db
Key Cache
Index Sample
SSTable 4-Index.db
Key Cache
Index Sample
SSTable 5-Index.db
Bloom Filter Bloom Filter Bloom Filter Bloom Filter Bloom Filter
Compaction merges truth from
multiple SSTables into one
SSTable with the same truth.
(Manual and continuous background process.)
Column SSTable 1 SSTable 2 SSTable 4 New
(timestamp 10)
(timestamp 15)
(timestamp 15)
(timestamp 10)
(timestamp 10)
(timestamp 10)
(timestamp 15)
(timestamp 15)
The Cluster
The Node
The Data Model
Cassandra is good at
reading data from a row in the
order it is stored.
Typically an efficient data model will
denormalize data and use the
storage engine order.
To create a good data model
understand the queries your
application requires.
API Choice
Original and still fully
supported API.
API Choice
New and fully supported API.
A Table Orientated, Schema
Driven, Data Model and
Query language similar to
A Table Orientated, Schema
Driven, Data Model and
Query language similar to
Twitter clone
using CQL 3 via the cqlsh
- Post Tweet to Followers
- Get Tweet by ID
- List Tweets by User
- List Tweets in User Timeline
- List Followers
A Namespace container.
Our Keyspace
WITH replication =
A sparse collection of well
known, ordered columns.
user_name text,
password text,
real_name text,
PRIMARY KEY (user_name)
Some users
cqlsh:cass_community> INSERT INTO User
... (user_name, password, real_name)
... ('fred', 'sekr8t', 'Mr Foo');
cqlsh:cass_community> select * from User;
user_name | password | real_name
fred | sekr8t | Mr Foo
Some users
cqlsh:cass_community> INSERT INTO User
... (user_name, password)
... ('bob', 'pwd');
cqlsh:cass_community> select * from User where user_name =
user_name | password | real_name
bob | pwd | null
Data Model (so far)
Table /
user_name Primary Key
tweet_id bigint,
body text,
user_name text,
timestamp timestamp,
PRIMARY KEY (tweet_id)
cqlsh:cass_community> INSERT INTO Tweet
... (tweet_id, body, user_name, timestamp)
... (1, 'The Tweet','fred',1352150816917);
cqlsh:cass_community> select * from Tweet where tweet_id = 1;
tweet_id | body | timestamp | user_name
1 | The Tweet | 2012-11-06 10:26:56+1300 | fred
Data Model (so far)
Table /
User Tweet
user_name Primary Key Field
tweet_id Primary Key
tweet_id bigint,
user_name text,
body text,
timestamp timestamp,
PRIMARY KEY (user_name, tweet_id)
cqlsh:cass_community> INSERT INTO UserTweets
... (tweet_id, body, user_name, timestamp)
... (1, 'The Tweet','fred',1352150816917);
cqlsh:cass_community> select * from UserTweets where
user_name | tweet_id | body | timestamp
fred | 1 | The Tweet | 2012-11-06 10:26:56+1300
cqlsh:cass_community> select * from UserTweets where
user_name='fred' and tweet_id=1;
user_name | tweet_id | body | timestamp
fred | 1 | The Tweet | 2012-11-06 10:26:56+1300
cqlsh:cass_community> INSERT INTO UserTweets
... (tweet_id, body, user_name, timestamp)
... (2, 'Second Tweet', 'fred', 1352150816918);
cqlsh:cass_community> select * from UserTweets where user_name = 'fred';
user_name | tweet_id | body | timestamp
fred | 1 | The Tweet | 2012-11-06 10:26:56+1300
fred | 2 | Second Tweet | 2012-11-06 10:26:56+1300
cqlsh:cass_community> select * from UserTweets where user_name = 'fred' order by
tweet_id desc;
user_name | tweet_id | body | timestamp
fred | 2 | Second Tweet | 2012-11-06 10:26:56+1300
fred | 1 | The Tweet | 2012-11-06 10:26:56+1300
user_name text,
tweet_id bigint,
tweet_user text,
body text,
timestamp timestamp,
PRIMARY KEY (user_name, tweet_id)
cqlsh:cass_community> INSERT INTO UserTimeline
... (user_name, tweet_id, tweet_user, body, timestamp)
... ('fred', 1, 'fred', 'The Tweet',1352150816917);
cqlsh:cass_community> INSERT INTO UserTimeline
... (user_name, tweet_id, tweet_user, body, timestamp)
... ('fred', 100, 'bob', 'My Tweet',1352150846917);
cqlsh:cass_community> select * from UserTimeline where user_name = 'fred';
user_name | tweet_id | body | timestamp | tweet_user
fred | 100 | My Tweet | 2012-11-06 10:27:26+1300 | bob
fred | 1 | The Tweet | 2012-11-06 10:26:56+1300 | fred
Data Model (so far)
Table /
User Tweet
user_name Primary Key Field Primary Key Primary Key
tweet_id Primary Key
Primary Key
Primary Key
user_name text,
tweets counter,
followers counter,
following counter,
PRIMARY KEY (user_name)
cqlsh:cass_community> UPDATE
... UserMetrics
... SET
... tweets = tweets + 1
... user_name = 'fred';
cqlsh:cass_community> select * from UserMetrics where
user_name = 'fred';
user_name | followers | following | tweets
fred | null | null | 1
Data Model (so far)
Table /
User Tweet
User Metrics
Primary Key
Primary Key
user_name text,
follower text,
timestamp timestamp,
PRIMARY KEY (user_name, follower)
user_name text,
following text,
timestamp timestamp,
PRIMARY KEY (user_name, following)
cqlsh:cass_community> INSERT INTO
... Following
... (user_name, following, timestamp)
... ('bob', 'fred', 1352247749161);
cqlsh:cass_community> INSERT INTO
... Followers
... (user_name, follower, timestamp)
... ('fred', 'bob', 1352247749161);
cqlsh:cass_community> select * from Following;
user_name | following | timestamp
bob | fred | 2012-11-07 13:22:29+1300
cqlsh:cass_community> select * from Followers;
user_name | follower | timestamp
fred | bob | 2012-11-07 13:22:29+1300
Data Model
Table /
User Tweet
Primary Key
Primary Key
Cassandra Summit 2013
June 11 & 12
San Francisco
Use SFSummit25 for 25% off
Aaron Morton
Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 New Zealand License

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