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Perchè potresti avere bisogno di un database NoSQL  anche se non sei Google o Facebook Luca Garulli
The  graph db  for  the Enterprise & Web
Why do I could need something different than a Relational DBMS ?
(1) RDBMSs have more than 30 years Information Technology is not properly  the same of  '70 ...
(2) In the  Web age applications could have Thousands  or  Millions of users Are you ready for this?
(3)  Time-to-Market measured not anymore in years/man but days/weeks  for a demo and months for the final
(4) Applications are more “ social”  with much more  relationships -  tabular data and  +  interconnected  Graphs
(5) Who believe yet to the bullshit that performance problems can be resolved just by  scaling  with the hardware?
(6) We use new stuff everyday HTTP ,  REST ,  Javascript  & JSON How can I use them in better way without conversions & mapping?
(7) Modern applications are mostly  I/O Bound not CPU bound. Often the DB Is the bottleneck of all NoSQL =  “Not Only SQL” =  make the  best choice  for your use case
Can I trust new DBMSs? Non exhaustive list of NoSQL products: AllegroGraph, Amazon SimpleDB, Amazon Dynamo, Dynomite, BerkleyDB, Google BigTable, Cassandra, CouchDB, DB4O, Hbase, Hipertable, Hive, Jackrabbit, InfiniteGraph, InfoGrid, Memcached, MemcacheDB, Mnesia, M/DB/DT.M, MongoDB, Neo4J,  OrientDB , Pig, Project Voldemort, RavenDB, Redis, Riak, Scalaris, Sesame, Sones, Terrastore, Tokyo Cabinet/Tyrant, Yahoo! Pnuts/Sherpa The “NoSQL container” groups so very-very-very different products, no standard, difficult to choice, difficult to learn them Can I have a Fast, scalable, flexible storage with  transactions , SQL  and  security easy to use and maintain? The fastest  NoSQL   document - graph  dbms
+12 years of research
+1,5 year of design and development
= best features of newest NoSQL  solutions + best features of  Relational DBMS + new ideas  and  concepts
Ø  config download, unzip, run! cut & paste the db
No dependencies with 3 rd  parties software no conflicts  with other software About  1 Mb  of run-time libraries
Java ® runs  everywhere  is available JRE1.5+ robust  engine
150,000 records per second
Schema- less schema is not mandatory,  relaxed model , collect heterogeneous documents all together
Schema- full schema with  constraints  on fields and  validation rules Customer.age > 17 Customer.address not null Customer.surname is mandatory matches  '[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+[A-Z]{2,4}'
Schema- mixed schema with mandatory and optional fields + constraints the best of schema-less and schema-full modes
ACID Transactions db.begin(); try{ // your code ... db.commit(); } catch( Exception e ) { db.rollback(); }
Complex types native support for  collections :  ['cool','fast'] maps  (key/value):   { 'age', 33 } and  embedded  documents no more additional tables to handle them
Relationships are  direct links no Relational JOINS to connect multiple tables Load  trees  and  graphs  in  few ms !
Example of a Graph
SQL select * from employee where name like '%Jay%' and status=0 A  NoSQL  product that supports  SQL ? Naa... is it a joke? For the most of the queries everyday a programmer needs SQL  is simpler, more  readable  and compact   then Scripting (Map/Reduce) SELECT SUM(price) as prices, SUM(cost) as costs, prices-costs, margin/price FROM Balance VS function (key, values) { var price = 0.0, cost = 0.0, margin = 0.0, marginPercent = 0.0; for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { price += values[i].price; cost += values[i].cost; } margin = price - cost; marginPercent = margin / price; return { price:  price, cost:  cost, margin:  margin, marginPercent: marginPercent }; }
For  Relational  skilled Developers (everyone of us?) using OrientDB is  easy
Asynchronous Query invoke  callback  when a record matches the condition doesn't collect the result set perfect for  immediate  results useful to compute  aggregates
Language bindings Java  as native JRuby ,   Scala   and   Javascript   ready C ,   C++ ,   Ruby ,   Node.js  in progress
Your language is not supported (yet)? Write an  adapter  using the C, Java or HTTP binding
HTTP RESTful firewall  friendly use it from the web  browser use it from the  ESB  (SOA)
Native JSON { '@rid' = '26:10', '@class' = 'Developer', 'name' : 'Luca', 'surname' : 'Garulli', 'company' : '19:76' }
Import/Export uses  JSON  format online  operations (don't stop the database)
MVRB+Tr e e  index the best of  B+Tree  and  RB-Tree fast on browsing,  low insertion cost It's a  new algorithm  (soon public) OO Inheritance Definition of  Classes  of documents Classes can  extend  others classes Queries are  polymorphics Contact name : string surname : string Customer orders : List<Order> Provider products : List<Product>
Hooks similar to  triggers catch events against  records ,  database  and  transactions implement  custom  cascade deletion  algorithm enforce  constraints
Fetch plans Choose what to fetch on query and document loading Documents not fetched will be  lazy-loaded  on request Invoice 3:100  | | customer +--------->  Customer |  5:233 | city  country +---------> City --------->  Country |  11:2  12:3 | orders +--------->* [ OrderItem   OrderItem   OrderItem ] [  8:12  8:19  8:23  ]
Security users  and  roles ,  encrypted  passwords fine grain  privileges
4 storage modes embedded client/server distributed in-memory
Embedded mode really fast runs in the  same JVM  of the application, less resources, no tcp/ip used
Client/server mode client and server are separated JVMs thousands of clients  concurrently remote tcp/ip binary transport
Distributed mode distribute database clusters on multiple servers  (in alpha status)
In-memory mode Database lives only in memory No disk is used Destroyed at shutdown Java API Document Database Graph Database Object Database
Document Database the base of all DB implementations documents have dynamic structure something like a smart  Map<String,Object> or a record with dynamic fields
SQL Query List<ODocument> result = db.query( new OSQLSynchQuery( &quot;select * from person where = 'Rome'&quot; ) ); for( ODocument d : result ) { System.out.println( &quot;Person: &quot; + d.field( &quot;name&quot; ) + d.field( &quot;surname&quot; ) ); }
Native Query List<ODocument> result = new ONativeSynchQuery<ODocument, OQueryContextNativeSchema<ODocument>>( db, &quot;Profile&quot;, new OQueryContextNativeSchema<ODocument>()) { @Override public boolean filter(OQueryContextNativeSchema<ODocument> iRecord) { return iRecord.field(&quot;city&quot;).field(&quot;name&quot;).eq(&quot;Rome&quot;).and().field(&quot;name&quot;).like(&quot;G%&quot;).go(); }; }.setLimit(20).execute();
Update a document List<ODocument> result = db.query( new OSQLSynchQuery( &quot;select * from person where = 'Rome'&quot;)); for( ODocument d : result ) { d.field( &quot;local&quot;, true );; } // IT'S THE SAME OF: db.command( new OSQLCommand( &quot;update person set local = true where = 'Rome'&quot;)) .execute(); Copyright © 2010 Luca Garulli -
Delete a document List<ODocument> result = db.query( new OSQLSynchQuery( &quot;select * from person where = 'Rome'&quot; ) ); for( ODocument d : result ) { d.delete(); // IT'S THE SAME OF: int deleted = db.command( new OSQLCommand( &quot;delete person where = 'Rome'&quot;)).execute(); Copyright © 2010 Luca Garulli -
from/to JSON  // EXPORT JSON System.out.println( document.toJSON() ); // IMPORT JSON document.fromJSON( “{  '@class' = 'Developer', 'name' : 'Luca', 'surname' : 'Garulli' }” );;
Use hooks (triggers) public class HookTest extends ORecordHookAbstract { public saveProfile(){ ODatabaseObjectTx database = new ODatabaseObjectTx(&quot;remote:localhost/demo&quot;);;writer&quot;, &quot;writer&quot;); database.registerHook(this); ... } @Override public void onRecordAfterCreate(ORecord<?> iRecord){ System.out.println(&quot;Record created successfully&quot;); } }
Object Database wrapper on top of Document Database binds  POJO  from/to the database no OR-Mapping complexity no enhancement, no Java Proxies
POJO mapping Uses the  reflection  to bind POJO fields at start-up caches reflection meta-data 1-to-1 binding configurable options by @annotations
Polymorphics SQL Query List<Person> result = database.query( new OSQLSynchQuery(&quot;select from person where = 'Rome'&quot;)); for( Person p : result ) { if( p instanceof Customer ) System.out.println(&quot;Customer: &quot; + p.getName() + “ “ + p.getSurname() ); } Queries are  polymorphics and subclasses of Person can be part of result set
Graph Database wrapper on top of Document Database Few simple concepts:  Vertex ,  Edge , Property  and  Index
TinkerPop Blueprints Standard de-facto to interact with GraphDBs implements  transactional  and indexable   property  graph model with  bidirectional  edges
TinkerPop Blueprints Available implementations: OrientDB Neo4J, Sail (RDF storage) Under development: InfiniteGraph, DEX, Redis
GraphDB  & Blueprints API OrientGraph graph = new OrientGraph(&quot;local:/tmp/db/graph”); Vertex actor = graph.addVertex(null); actor.setProperty(&quot;name&quot;, &quot;Leonardo&quot;); actor.setProperty(&quot;surname&quot;, &quot;Di Caprio&quot;); Vertex movie = graph.addVertex(null); movie.setProperty(&quot;name&quot;, &quot;Inception&quot;); Edge edge = graph.addEdge(null, actor, movie, &quot;StarredIn&quot;); graph.shutdown();
TinkerPop  scripting  language easy  to learn and understand Used for operations against graphs Graph example graph-example-1.xml
Load graph  Run the console, open the database and load a graph in xml format marko:~/software/gremlin$  ./   ,,/ (o o) -----oOOo-(_)-oOOo----- gremlin>  $_g := orientdb:open('/tmp/graph/test') ==>orientgraph[/tmp/graph/test] gremlin>  g:load('data/graph-example-1.xml') ==>true gremlin>  $_g ==>orientgraph[/tmp/graph/test]
Search Displays outgoing edges of vertices with name equals to 'marko', then the name of inbound vertices gremlin>  g:key-v('name','marko')/outE ==>e[6:0][5:2-knows->5:1] ==>e[6:1][5:2-knows->5:4] ==>e[6:4][5:2-created->5:0] gremlin>  g:key-v('name','marko')/outE/inV/@name ==>vadas ==>josh ==>lop gremlin>  g:close() ==>true
API resume object, key/value and graph elements all work on top of  Document you can always access to the  underlying  document changes to the document are reflected to the object, key/value and graph elements and viceversa
Enhanced SQL SQL is not enough for collections, maps, trees and graphs need to  enhance  SQL syntax Easy syntax derived from  JDO/JPA  standards
SQL & relationships select from Account where  address  = 'Italy' select from Account where addresses  contains  (  = 'Italy')
SQL & trees/graphs select from Profile where friends  traverse(0,7)  ( sex = 'female' ) (Soon new specific operators for trees and graphs)
SQL & strings select from Profile where name .toUpperCase()  = 'LUCA' select from City where .substring(1,3).toUpperCase()  = 'TAL' select from Agenda where phones  contains  ( number .indexOf( '+39' )  > -1 ) select from Agenda where email  matches   'A-Z0-9._%+-?+@A-Z0-9.-?+A-Z?{2,4}'
SQL & conversions select from Shapes where area .toFloat()  > 3.14 select from Agenda where birthDate .toDateTime()  > '1976-10-26 07:00:00' select from Workflow where completed .toBoolean()  = true
SQL & schema-less select from Profile where  any()  like '%Jay%' select from Stock where  all()  is not null
SQL & collections select from Tree where children  contains  ( married = true ) select from Tree where children  containsAll  ( married = true ) select from User where roles  containsKey  'shutdown' select from Profile where tags  in  'cool' select from Graph where edges .size()  > 0
SQL & documents select from Vehicle where  @class  = 'Car' select from Friend where  @version  > 100 select from File where  @size  > 1000000
High-Availability Cluster of distributed server nodes Synchronous, Asynchronous and Read-Only Replication Load-balancing between client ↔ servers and Servers ↔ Servers
Demo again! OrientDB Studio
Always  Free Open Source  Apache 2 license free for any purposes, even commercials
Prof €$$ ional $ € rvic €$ by a network of companies through Orient Technologies support, training, consulting, mentoring OrientDB for Java developers 8 hours OrientDB Master Development 14 hours OrientDB for SOA 6 hours OrientDB and the power of graphs 6 hours OrientDB for DBA 6 hours OrientPlanet for Web Developers 6 hours
Certification Program to be part of the network do courses share revenues for support work as consultant Contact commercial (beta) The first Graph Database on the Cloud always available few seconds to setup it use it from app & mobile (beta) By Alfonso Focareta  & Dino Ciuffetti (beta) Only 350 FREE accounts available for the  Get your account for FREE inserting “ CM2011 ” as promotional code! “ CM2011”
Luca Garulli Author of  OrientDB  and Roma <Meta> Framework Open Source projects, Member of JSR#12 (jdo 1.0) and JSR#243 (jdo 2.0) CTO at  Asset Data  and  Orient Technologies Technical Manager at Romulus  consortium lgarulli @Rome, Italy

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Why You May Need a NoSQL Database Even if You Aren't Google or Facebook

  • 1. Perchè potresti avere bisogno di un database NoSQL anche se non sei Google o Facebook Luca Garulli
  • 2. The graph db for the Enterprise & Web
  • 3. Why do I could need something different than a Relational DBMS ?
  • 4. (1) RDBMSs have more than 30 years Information Technology is not properly the same of '70 ...
  • 5. (2) In the Web age applications could have Thousands or Millions of users Are you ready for this?
  • 6. (3) Time-to-Market measured not anymore in years/man but days/weeks for a demo and months for the final
  • 7. (4) Applications are more “ social” with much more relationships - tabular data and + interconnected Graphs
  • 8. (5) Who believe yet to the bullshit that performance problems can be resolved just by scaling with the hardware?
  • 9. (6) We use new stuff everyday HTTP , REST , Javascript & JSON How can I use them in better way without conversions & mapping?
  • 10. (7) Modern applications are mostly I/O Bound not CPU bound. Often the DB Is the bottleneck of all
  • 11. NoSQL = “Not Only SQL” = make the best choice for your use case
  • 12. Can I trust new DBMSs?
  • 14. Non exhaustive list of NoSQL products: AllegroGraph, Amazon SimpleDB, Amazon Dynamo, Dynomite, BerkleyDB, Google BigTable, Cassandra, CouchDB, DB4O, Hbase, Hipertable, Hive, Jackrabbit, InfiniteGraph, InfoGrid, Memcached, MemcacheDB, Mnesia, M/DB/DT.M, MongoDB, Neo4J, OrientDB , Pig, Project Voldemort, RavenDB, Redis, Riak, Scalaris, Sesame, Sones, Terrastore, Tokyo Cabinet/Tyrant, Yahoo! Pnuts/Sherpa
  • 15. The “NoSQL container” groups so very-very-very different products, no standard, difficult to choice, difficult to learn them
  • 16. Can I have a Fast, scalable, flexible storage with transactions , SQL and security easy to use and maintain?
  • 17. The fastest NoSQL document - graph dbms
  • 18. +12 years of research
  • 19. +1,5 year of design and development
  • 20. = best features of newest NoSQL solutions + best features of Relational DBMS + new ideas and concepts
  • 21. Ø config download, unzip, run! cut & paste the db
  • 22. No dependencies with 3 rd parties software no conflicts with other software About 1 Mb of run-time libraries
  • 23. Java ® runs everywhere is available JRE1.5+ robust engine
  • 24. 150,000 records per second
  • 25. Schema- less schema is not mandatory, relaxed model , collect heterogeneous documents all together
  • 26. Schema- full schema with constraints on fields and validation rules Customer.age > 17 Customer.address not null Customer.surname is mandatory matches '[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+[A-Z]{2,4}'
  • 27. Schema- mixed schema with mandatory and optional fields + constraints the best of schema-less and schema-full modes
  • 28. ACID Transactions db.begin(); try{ // your code ... db.commit(); } catch( Exception e ) { db.rollback(); }
  • 29. Complex types native support for collections : ['cool','fast'] maps (key/value): { 'age', 33 } and embedded documents no more additional tables to handle them
  • 30. Relationships are direct links no Relational JOINS to connect multiple tables Load trees and graphs in few ms !
  • 31. Example of a Graph
  • 32. SQL select * from employee where name like '%Jay%' and status=0
  • 33. A NoSQL product that supports SQL ? Naa... is it a joke?
  • 34. For the most of the queries everyday a programmer needs SQL is simpler, more readable and compact then Scripting (Map/Reduce)
  • 35. SELECT SUM(price) as prices, SUM(cost) as costs, prices-costs, margin/price FROM Balance VS function (key, values) { var price = 0.0, cost = 0.0, margin = 0.0, marginPercent = 0.0; for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { price += values[i].price; cost += values[i].cost; } margin = price - cost; marginPercent = margin / price; return { price: price, cost: cost, margin: margin, marginPercent: marginPercent }; }
  • 36. For Relational skilled Developers (everyone of us?) using OrientDB is easy
  • 37. Asynchronous Query invoke callback when a record matches the condition doesn't collect the result set perfect for immediate results useful to compute aggregates
  • 38. Language bindings Java as native JRuby , Scala and Javascript ready C , C++ , Ruby , Node.js in progress
  • 39. Your language is not supported (yet)? Write an adapter using the C, Java or HTTP binding
  • 40. HTTP RESTful firewall friendly use it from the web browser use it from the ESB (SOA)
  • 41. Native JSON { '@rid' = '26:10', '@class' = 'Developer', 'name' : 'Luca', 'surname' : 'Garulli', 'company' : '19:76' }
  • 42. Import/Export uses JSON format online operations (don't stop the database)
  • 43. MVRB+Tr e e index the best of B+Tree and RB-Tree fast on browsing, low insertion cost It's a new algorithm (soon public)
  • 44. OO Inheritance Definition of Classes of documents Classes can extend others classes Queries are polymorphics Contact name : string surname : string Customer orders : List<Order> Provider products : List<Product>
  • 45. Hooks similar to triggers catch events against records , database and transactions implement custom cascade deletion algorithm enforce constraints
  • 46. Fetch plans Choose what to fetch on query and document loading Documents not fetched will be lazy-loaded on request Invoice 3:100 | | customer +---------> Customer | 5:233 | city country +---------> City ---------> Country | 11:2 12:3 | orders +--------->* [ OrderItem OrderItem OrderItem ] [ 8:12 8:19 8:23 ]
  • 47. Security users and roles , encrypted passwords fine grain privileges
  • 48. 4 storage modes embedded client/server distributed in-memory
  • 49. Embedded mode really fast runs in the same JVM of the application, less resources, no tcp/ip used
  • 50. Client/server mode client and server are separated JVMs thousands of clients concurrently remote tcp/ip binary transport
  • 51. Distributed mode distribute database clusters on multiple servers (in alpha status)
  • 52. In-memory mode Database lives only in memory No disk is used Destroyed at shutdown
  • 53. Java API Document Database Graph Database Object Database
  • 54. Document Database the base of all DB implementations documents have dynamic structure something like a smart Map<String,Object> or a record with dynamic fields
  • 56. SQL Query List<ODocument> result = db.query( new OSQLSynchQuery( &quot;select * from person where = 'Rome'&quot; ) ); for( ODocument d : result ) { System.out.println( &quot;Person: &quot; + d.field( &quot;name&quot; ) + d.field( &quot;surname&quot; ) ); }
  • 57. Native Query List<ODocument> result = new ONativeSynchQuery<ODocument, OQueryContextNativeSchema<ODocument>>( db, &quot;Profile&quot;, new OQueryContextNativeSchema<ODocument>()) { @Override public boolean filter(OQueryContextNativeSchema<ODocument> iRecord) { return iRecord.field(&quot;city&quot;).field(&quot;name&quot;).eq(&quot;Rome&quot;).and().field(&quot;name&quot;).like(&quot;G%&quot;).go(); }; }.setLimit(20).execute();
  • 58. Update a document List<ODocument> result = db.query( new OSQLSynchQuery( &quot;select * from person where = 'Rome'&quot;)); for( ODocument d : result ) { d.field( &quot;local&quot;, true );; } // IT'S THE SAME OF: db.command( new OSQLCommand( &quot;update person set local = true where = 'Rome'&quot;)) .execute(); Copyright © 2010 Luca Garulli -
  • 59. Delete a document List<ODocument> result = db.query( new OSQLSynchQuery( &quot;select * from person where = 'Rome'&quot; ) ); for( ODocument d : result ) { d.delete(); // IT'S THE SAME OF: int deleted = db.command( new OSQLCommand( &quot;delete person where = 'Rome'&quot;)).execute(); Copyright © 2010 Luca Garulli -
  • 60. from/to JSON // EXPORT JSON System.out.println( document.toJSON() ); // IMPORT JSON document.fromJSON( “{ '@class' = 'Developer', 'name' : 'Luca', 'surname' : 'Garulli' }” );;
  • 61. Use hooks (triggers) public class HookTest extends ORecordHookAbstract { public saveProfile(){ ODatabaseObjectTx database = new ODatabaseObjectTx(&quot;remote:localhost/demo&quot;);;writer&quot;, &quot;writer&quot;); database.registerHook(this); ... } @Override public void onRecordAfterCreate(ORecord<?> iRecord){ System.out.println(&quot;Record created successfully&quot;); } }
  • 62. Object Database wrapper on top of Document Database binds POJO from/to the database no OR-Mapping complexity no enhancement, no Java Proxies
  • 63. POJO mapping Uses the reflection to bind POJO fields at start-up caches reflection meta-data 1-to-1 binding configurable options by @annotations
  • 65. Polymorphics SQL Query List<Person> result = database.query( new OSQLSynchQuery(&quot;select from person where = 'Rome'&quot;)); for( Person p : result ) { if( p instanceof Customer ) System.out.println(&quot;Customer: &quot; + p.getName() + “ “ + p.getSurname() ); } Queries are polymorphics and subclasses of Person can be part of result set
  • 66. Graph Database wrapper on top of Document Database Few simple concepts: Vertex , Edge , Property and Index
  • 67. TinkerPop Blueprints Standard de-facto to interact with GraphDBs implements transactional and indexable property graph model with bidirectional edges
  • 68. TinkerPop Blueprints Available implementations: OrientDB Neo4J, Sail (RDF storage) Under development: InfiniteGraph, DEX, Redis
  • 69. GraphDB & Blueprints API OrientGraph graph = new OrientGraph(&quot;local:/tmp/db/graph”); Vertex actor = graph.addVertex(null); actor.setProperty(&quot;name&quot;, &quot;Leonardo&quot;); actor.setProperty(&quot;surname&quot;, &quot;Di Caprio&quot;); Vertex movie = graph.addVertex(null); movie.setProperty(&quot;name&quot;, &quot;Inception&quot;); Edge edge = graph.addEdge(null, actor, movie, &quot;StarredIn&quot;); graph.shutdown();
  • 70. TinkerPop scripting language easy to learn and understand Used for operations against graphs
  • 72. Load graph Run the console, open the database and load a graph in xml format marko:~/software/gremlin$ ./ ,,/ (o o) -----oOOo-(_)-oOOo----- gremlin> $_g := orientdb:open('/tmp/graph/test') ==>orientgraph[/tmp/graph/test] gremlin> g:load('data/graph-example-1.xml') ==>true gremlin> $_g ==>orientgraph[/tmp/graph/test]
  • 73. Search Displays outgoing edges of vertices with name equals to 'marko', then the name of inbound vertices gremlin> g:key-v('name','marko')/outE ==>e[6:0][5:2-knows->5:1] ==>e[6:1][5:2-knows->5:4] ==>e[6:4][5:2-created->5:0] gremlin> g:key-v('name','marko')/outE/inV/@name ==>vadas ==>josh ==>lop gremlin> g:close() ==>true
  • 74. API resume object, key/value and graph elements all work on top of Document you can always access to the underlying document changes to the document are reflected to the object, key/value and graph elements and viceversa
  • 75. Enhanced SQL SQL is not enough for collections, maps, trees and graphs need to enhance SQL syntax Easy syntax derived from JDO/JPA standards
  • 76. SQL & relationships select from Account where address = 'Italy' select from Account where addresses contains ( = 'Italy')
  • 77. SQL & trees/graphs select from Profile where friends traverse(0,7) ( sex = 'female' ) (Soon new specific operators for trees and graphs)
  • 78. SQL & strings select from Profile where name .toUpperCase() = 'LUCA' select from City where .substring(1,3).toUpperCase() = 'TAL' select from Agenda where phones contains ( number .indexOf( '+39' ) > -1 ) select from Agenda where email matches 'A-Z0-9._%+-?+@A-Z0-9.-?+A-Z?{2,4}'
  • 79. SQL & conversions select from Shapes where area .toFloat() > 3.14 select from Agenda where birthDate .toDateTime() > '1976-10-26 07:00:00' select from Workflow where completed .toBoolean() = true
  • 80. SQL & schema-less select from Profile where any() like '%Jay%' select from Stock where all() is not null
  • 81. SQL & collections select from Tree where children contains ( married = true ) select from Tree where children containsAll ( married = true ) select from User where roles containsKey 'shutdown' select from Profile where tags in 'cool' select from Graph where edges .size() > 0
  • 82. SQL & documents select from Vehicle where @class = 'Car' select from Friend where @version > 100 select from File where @size > 1000000
  • 83. High-Availability Cluster of distributed server nodes Synchronous, Asynchronous and Read-Only Replication Load-balancing between client ↔ servers and Servers ↔ Servers
  • 84. Demo again! OrientDB Studio
  • 85. Always Free Open Source Apache 2 license free for any purposes, even commercials
  • 86. Prof €$$ ional $ € rvic €$ by a network of companies through Orient Technologies support, training, consulting, mentoring
  • 87. OrientDB for Java developers 8 hours OrientDB Master Development 14 hours OrientDB for SOA 6 hours OrientDB and the power of graphs 6 hours OrientDB for DBA 6 hours OrientPlanet for Web Developers 6 hours
  • 88. Certification Program to be part of the network do courses share revenues for support work as consultant Contact commercial
  • 89. (beta) The first Graph Database on the Cloud always available few seconds to setup it use it from app & mobile
  • 90. (beta) By Alfonso Focareta & Dino Ciuffetti
  • 91. (beta) Only 350 FREE accounts available for the Get your account for FREE inserting “ CM2011 ” as promotional code! “ CM2011”
  • 92. Luca Garulli Author of OrientDB and Roma <Meta> Framework Open Source projects, Member of JSR#12 (jdo 1.0) and JSR#243 (jdo 2.0) CTO at Asset Data and Orient Technologies Technical Manager at Romulus consortium lgarulli @Rome, Italy