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Beyond JVM
A tour of upcoming technologies
• Charles Oliver Nutter	

• Red Hat (yes, I have one; no, I don’t wear it)	

• JRuby and JVM languages	

• JVM hacking and spelunking	

• @headius
• Get you excited about the future of JVM	

• Show you there are very few unsolvables	

• Convince you to get involved
What is “JVM”?
• The JVM is software that runs JVM bytecode	

• Java, Scala, Groovy, JRuby, Clojure, …	

• OpenJDK contains Sun’s JVM “HotSpot”	

• Oracle’s JDK is based on OpenJDK	

• Many other JVMs exist for many platforms	

• Some just replace HotSpot


Azul Zulu	













Jato VM	

Jelatine JVM	


Jikes RVM
(Jikes Research










Mika VM	









Squawk virtual



Why JVM?
Why Not JVM?
Startup Time
Java-Heavy JDK
• + Less native code to maintain	

• + Easier portability	

• + Easier to swap out native side	

• – Takes longer to warm up
Save JITed Code?
• Code will change across runs	

• Often has specific memory addresses	

• May optimize object layout differently	

• Which JIT output?	

• Client, Server, Tiered (1-4)
JRuby Startup
C Ruby


JRuby (best)

-e 1

gem --help

rake -T





• Start a new JVM after each command	

• Pre-boot JVM plus optional code	

• Analyze command line for differences	

• Age out unused instances	

$ export JAVACMD=`which drip`	
$ time jruby -e 1	
real	 0m1.655s	
user	 0m4.486s	
sys	0m0.231s	
system ~/projects/jruby $ time jruby -e 1	
real	 0m0.577s	
user	 0m0.052s	
sys	0m0.065s
$ export DRIP_INIT_CLASS=org.jruby.main.DripMain	
$ export DRIP_INIT=""	
$ time jruby -e 1	
real	 0m0.580s	
user	 0m0.052s	
sys	0m0.063s	
system ~/projects/jruby $ time jruby -e 1	
real	 0m0.155s	
user	 0m0.049s	
sys	0m0.058s
$ cat dripmain.rb	
# Preload some code Rails always needs	
require File.expand_path('../config/application', __FILE__)
JRuby Startup
C Ruby
JRuby (drip init)

JRuby (best)
JRuby (dripmain)

JRuby (drip)

-e 1

gem --help

rake -T





Native Interop
Native Interop
User Code


JNI call


JNI impl
Target Library
public class GetPidJNI {!
public static native long getpid();!
public static void main( String[] args ) {!
static {!
System.getProperty("user.dir") +!
/* DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - it is machine generated */!
#include <jni.h>!
/* Header for class com_headius_jnr_presentation_GetPidJNI */!
#ifndef _Included_com_headius_jnr_presentation_GetPidJNI!
#define _Included_com_headius_jnr_presentation_GetPidJNI!
#ifdef __cplusplus!
extern "C" {!
* Class:
* Method:
* Signature: ()J!
JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_com_headius_jnr_1presentation_GetPidJNI_getpid!
(JNIEnv *, jclass);!
#ifdef __cplusplus!
#include "com_headius_jnr_presentation_GetPidJNI.h"!
jlong JNICALL Java_com_headius_jnr_1presentation_GetPidJNI_getpid!
(JNIEnv *env, jclass c) {!
return getpid();!
$ gcc -I $JAVA_HOME/include -I
$JAVA_HOME/include/darwin -L
$JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ -dynamiclib -ljava
-o getpidjni.dylib

$ java -Djava.library.path=`pwd` -cp
Nobody enjoys calling
native libraries...
...but if you have to call
native libraries, you
might as well enjoy it.
Java Native Runtime
• Java API	

• for calling Native code	

• supported by a rich Runtime library	

• You may be familiar with JNA 	

• Foreign Function Interface (FFI)	


• Maven artifacts for everything
A Java API for binding
native libraries and
native memory
• NIO, NIO.2	

• Native IO, symlinks, FS-walking, 	

• Unmanaged memory	

• Selectable stdio, process IO	

• Low-level or other sockets (UNIX, ICMP, ...)	

• New APIs (graphics, crypto, OS, ...)
User Code


JNI call


JNI impl
Target Library
User Code


JNI call


JNI impl
Target Library
User Code
JNR stub


JNI call


JNI impl
Target Library
import jnr.ffi.LibraryLoader;!
import jnr.ffi.annotations.IgnoreError;!
public class GetPidJNRExample {!
public interface GetPid {!
long getpid();!
public static void main( String[] args ) {!
GetPid getpid = LibraryLoader!
Layered Runtime
etc etc




JNR Platforms
• Darwin (OS X): universal (+ppc?)	

• Linux: i386, x86_64, arm, ppc, ppc64, s390x	

• Windows: i386, x86_64	

• FreeBSD, OpenBSD: i386, x86_64	

• SunOS: i386, x86_64, sparc, sparcv9	

• AIX: ppc	

• OpenVMS, AS/400: builds out there somewhere	

• If your platform isn't here, contribute a build
• User-oriented API	

• Roughly equivalent to what JNA gives you	

• Functions, structs, callbacks, memory	

import jnr.ffi.LibraryLoader;!
import jnr.ffi.annotations.IgnoreError;!
public class GetPidJNRExample {!
public interface GetPid {!
long getpid();!
public static void main( String[] args ) {!
GetPid getpid = LibraryLoader!
• Pre-bound set of POSIX functions	

• Mostly driven by what JRuby, Jython use	

• Goal: 100% of POSIX bound to Java

int chmod(String string, int i);!
int chown(String string, int i, int i1);!
int execv(String string, String[] strings);!
int execve(String string, String[] strings, String[] strings1);!
int fork();!
int seteuid(int i);!
int getgid();!
String getlogin();!
int getpgid();!
int getpgid(int i);!
int getpgrp();!
int getpid();!
int getppid();!
Passwd getpwent();!
Passwd getpwuid(int i);!
Passwd getpwnam(String string);!
Group getgrgid(int i);!
Group getgrnam(String string);!
int getuid();!
boolean isatty(FileDescriptor fd);!
int kill(int i, int i1);!
int symlink(String string, String string1);!
int link(String string, String string1);!
String readlink(String string) throws IOException;!
String getenv(String string);!
int setenv(String string, String string1, int i);!
int unsetenv(String string);!
int getpriority(int i, int i1);!
int setpriority(int i, int i1, int i2);!
int setuid(int i);!
FileStat stat(String string);!
int stat(String string, FileStat fs);!
int umask(int i);!
Times times();!
int utimes(String string, long[] longs, long[] longs1);!
int waitpid(int i, int[] ints, int i1);!
int wait(int[] ints);!
int errno();!
void errno(int i);!
int posix_spawnp(String string, List<? extends SpawnFileAction> list,
extends CharSequence> list1, List<? extends CharSequence> list2);
POSIX posix = POSIXFactory.getPOSIX(!
new MyPOSIXHandler(this),!
public interface POSIXHandler {!
public void error(Errno errno, String string);!
public void unimplementedError(String string);!
public void warn(WARNING_ID wrngd, String string, Object[] os);!
public boolean isVerbose();!
public File getCurrentWorkingDirectory();!
public String[] getEnv();!
public InputStream getInputStream();!
public PrintStream getOutputStream();!
public int getPID();!
public PrintStream getErrorStream();!
• Extended Native X-platform IO	

• NIO-compatible JNR-backed IO library	

• Read, write, select (kqueue, epoll, etc)	

• Low-level fcntl control	

public class NativeSocketChannel!
extends AbstractSelectableChannel!
implements ByteChannel, NativeSelectableChannel {!
public NativeSocketChannel(int fd);!
public NativeSocketChannel(int fd, int ops);!
public final int validOps();!
public final int getFD();!
public int read(ByteBuffer dst) throws IOException;!
public int write(ByteBuffer src) throws IOException!
public void shutdownInput() throws IOException;!
public void shutdownOutput() throws IOException;!
• UNIX sockets for NIO	

• Built atop jnr-enxio	

• Fully selectable, etc	

How Does It Perform?
JNA getpid

JNR getpid

getpid calls, 100M times
import jnr.ffi.LibraryLoader;!
import jnr.ffi.annotations.IgnoreError;!
public class GetPidJNRExample {!
public interface GetPid {!
long getpid();!
public static void main( String[] args ) {!
GetPid getpid = LibraryLoader!
JNR getpid

JNR getpid @IgnoreError
getpid calls, 100M times





But There's More to Do
JNR getpid


JNR @IgnoreError
getpid calls, 100M times


JVM Help is Coming
• Standard FFI API in JDK	

• JIT intelligence	

• Drop JNI overhead where possible	

• Bind native call directly at call site	

• Security policies, segv protection, etc	

• Time for an FFI JSR
Language Performance
• JVM authors mentioned non-Java languages	

• Language authors have targeted JVM	

• Hundreds of JVM languages now	

• But JVM was a mismatch for many of them	

• Usually required tricks that defeated JVM

• Or required features JDK could not provide
What is

Field Access	




Flow Control

Boolean and Numeric

Array Access	


Local Vars

Goals of JSR 292
• A user-definable bytecode	

• Full freedom to define VM behavior	

• Fast method pointers + adapters	

• Optimizable like normal Java code	

• Avoid future modifications
A User-definable
You decide how the JVM implements it

Method Pointers
and Adapters
Faster than reflection, with user-defined	

argument, flow, and exception handling
invokedynamic opcode
user-def’d bytecode

method pointers

Method Invocation
VM Operations	

Method Lookup	

Type Checking	


Method Cache



Call Site



void foo()

void foo()
static void bar()
// Static!
// Virtual!
// Interface!
myList.add("happy happy")!!
// Special!
new ArrayList()!
// Static!
invokestatic java/lang/System.currentTimeMillis:()J!
invokestatic java/lang/Math.log:(D)D!
// Virtual!
invokevirtual java/lang/String.toUpperCase:()Ljava/lang/String;!
invokevirtual java/io/PrintStream.println:()V!
// Interface!
invokeinterface java/util/List.add:(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z!
invokeinterface java/lang/Runnable.add:()V!
// Special!
invokespecial java/util/ArrayList.<init>:()V!
invokespecial java/lang/Object.equals:(java/lang/Object)Z
1. Confirm object is of correct type	

2. Confirm arguments are of correct type	

3. Look up method on Java class	

4. Cache method	

5. Invoke method

1. Confirm arguments are of correct type	

2. Look up method on Java class	

3. Cache method	

4. Invoke method

1. Confirm object’s type implements interface	

2. Confirm arguments are of correct type	

3. Look up method on Java class	

4. Cache method	

5. Invoke method

1. Confirm object is of correct type	

2. Confirm arguments are of correct type	

3. Confirm target method is visible	

4. Look up method on Java class	

5. Cache method	

6. Invoke method

1. Call your bootstrap code	

2. Bootstrap wires up a target function	

3. Target function invoked directly until you change it
invokedynamic bytecode
target method





method handles
How Do You Benefit?
Indy Languages
• New language impls	

• JavaScript: Dyn.js and Nashorn	

• Redline Smalltalk	

• Improved language performance	

• JRuby, Groovy, Jython	

• Java features too!
JRuby/Java 6

JRuby/Java 7

Times Faster than Ruby 1.9.3














red/black tree, pure Ruby versus native

ruby-2.0.0 + Ruby


ruby-2.0.0 + C ext


jruby + Ruby




Runtime per iteration


Indy + JNR
Ruby getpid

Java getpid

100M getpid calls




Caveat Emptor
• Indy was really slow in first Java 7 release	

• Got fast in 7u2...and turned out broken	

• Rewritten for 7u40	

• Slow to warm up	

• Still some issues (memory use, etc)	

• Java 8 due in March…
All That C++


Out of our control	

Written in C++



What If…
• The JVM’s JIT optimizer were written in Java	

• You could customize how the JIT works for
your language or library	

• JITed code could directly make native calls
• A 100% Java-based JIT framework	

• Grew out of the 100% Java “Maxine” JVM	

• Backends to assembly or HotSpot IR	

• Directly control code generation	

• Build a language without using JVM bytecode	

Plain Java APIs




Under your control



• Not everyone is a compiler writer	

• Graal’s IR is low-level and nontrivial	

• Need to understand JVM internals	

• Need some understanding of CPU
The Dream
• Design your language	

• ???	

Typical JVM Language
• Design your language	

• Maybe write an interpreter	

• Compile to JVM bytecode	

• Pray that the JVM optimizes it right	

What We Want
• Design your language	

• Write an interpreter	

• Language framework built on Graal	

• Designed to fulfill the dream	

• Implement interpreter	

• Truffle feeds that to backend	

• No compiler expertise needed	



All we need



The Final Word
• JVM is a powerful platform	

• Java and other languages are evolving	

• The JVM is adapting to our needs	

• New tools breaking JVM’s boundaries
Thank you!
• Charles Oliver Nutter	

• @headius,	


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