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Cheap, Fast, and Good
You can have it all with Ruby on Rails
              Brian McCallister

                 (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
What is Ruby?
• Dynamic and Interpreted
• Strong support for OO programming
 • Everything is an object ( == 3 )
• Strong support for functional-style
 • Blocks, closures, first-class functions
• Child of Perl and Smalltalk

                (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
What is Rails?
• Model-2 Web Framework
• Object/Relational Mapping Library
• SOAP Producer/Consumer Framework
• Email Templating/Mailing Library
• Code Generator
• Very Rapidly Evolving!
               (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
Principles Involved
• Less Code
• Convention over Configuration
• Proximity
• Least Surprise
• Make components play nicely together!

              (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
Action Pack
  That Web Stuff

  (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
Request Cycle

   (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
Some Code
require 'date'

class AggregateController < ApplicationController

 model :entry

 def for_date
   date = DateTime.parse @params[:date]
   logger.debug quot;for_date: #{date}quot;
   @entries = Entry.on_date date

 # Additional actions removed for slide’s benefit`


                   (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
require 'date'

class AggregateController < ApplicationController

 model :entry
 def for_date
   date = DateTime.parse @params[:date]
   logger.debug quot;for_date: #{date}quot;
   @entries = Entry.on_date date

 # Additional actions removed for slide’s benefit`


                   (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
require 'date'

class AggregateController < ApplicationController

 model :entry
 def for_date
   date = DateTime.parse @params[:date]
   logger.debug quot;for_date: #{date}quot;
   @entries = Entry.on_date date
 def list_entries
   @entries = Entry.find_all

 # Additional actions removed for slide’s benefit`


                   (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
How We Got Here
ActionController::Routing::Routes.draw do |map|

  # map.connect ':controller/service.wsdl',
  #             :action => 'wsdl'

  map.connect 'wombat/is/friendly',

             :controller => :feeds,
              :action => :list

  map.connect '',
              :controller => :feeds,
              :action => :list

  # Default Route
  map.connect ':controller/:action/:id'

                   (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
ActionController::Routing::Routes.draw do |map|
  # map.connect ':controller/service.wsdl',
  #             :action => 'wsdl'

  map.connect 'wombat/is/friendly',

             :controller => :feeds,
              :action => :list

  map.connect '',
              :controller => :feeds,
              :action => :list

  # Default Route
  map.connect ':controller/:action/:id'

                   (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
ActionController::Routing::Routes.draw do |map|

  # map.connect ':controller/service.wsdl',
  #             :action => 'wsdl'

  map.connect 'wombat/is/friendly',

             :controller => :feeds,
              :action => :list

  map.connect '',
              :controller => :feeds,
              :action => :list

  # Default Route
  map.connect ':controller/:action/:id'

                   (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
ActionController::Routing::Routes.draw do |map|

  # map.connect ':controller/service.wsdl',
  #             :action => 'wsdl'

  map.connect 'wombat/is/friendly',

             :controller => :feeds,
              :action => :list

  map.connect '',
              :controller => :feeds,
              :action => :list

  # Default Route
  map.connect ':controller/:action/:id'

                    (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
Show Us Something!
<h1>Recent Stories...</h1>
<table class=quot;entryTablequot; >
<% for entry in @entries %>
    <td class=quot;entryTitlequot;>
      <%= entry.feed.title + quot;: quot; + entry.title %>
    <td class=quot;entryBodyquot;>
      <%= entry.body %>
<% end %>

                   (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
<h1>Recent Stories...</h1>
<table class=quot;entryTablequot; >
<% for entry in @entries %>
    <td class=quot;entryTitlequot;>
      <%= entry.feed.title + quot;: quot; + entry.title %>
    <td class=quot;entryBodyquot;>
      <%= entry.body %>
<% end %>

                   (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
<h1>Recent Stories...</h1>
<table class=quot;entryTablequot; >
<% for entry in @entries %>
    <td class=quot;entryTitlequot;>
      <%= entry.feed.title + quot;: quot; + entry.title %>
    <td class=quot;entryBodyquot;>
      <%= entry.body %>
<% end %>

                   (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
Helpers & Partials
<h1>Recent Stories...</h1>

   render_partial quot;entry_listquot;,

             :stories => @entries

<table class=quot;entryTablequot; >
<% for entry in stories %>
    <td class=quot;entryTitlequot;>
      <%= entry.feed.title + quot;: quot; + entry.title %>
    <td class=quot;entryBodyquot;>
      <%= entry.body %>
<% end %>
                   (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
<h1>Recent Stories...</h1>

   render_partial quot;entry_listquot;,

             :stories => @entries

<table class=quot;entryTablequot; >
<% for entry in stories %>
    <td class=quot;entryTitlequot;>
      <%= entry.feed.title + quot;: quot; + entry.title %>
    <td class=quot;entryBodyquot;>
      <%= entry.body %>
<% end %>
                   (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
Parameterized Partials
<h1>Recent Stories...</h1>

   render_partial quot;entry_listquot;,

             :stories => @entries

<table class=quot;entryTablequot; >
<% for entry in stories %>
    <td class=quot;entryTitlequot;>
      <%= entry.feed.title + quot;: quot; + entry.title %>
    <td class=quot;entryBodyquot;>
      <%= entry.body %>
<% end %>
                   (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
Picking Views
• Default Views
• The View for that one over there...
• Named Views
• Something completely different?

               (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
Default Views
require 'date'

class AggregateController < ApplicationController

 model :entry
 def for_date
   date = DateTime.parse @params[:date]
   logger.debug quot;for_date: #{date}quot;
   @entries = Entry.on_date date

 # Additional actions removed for slide’s benefit`


                   (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
require 'date'

class AggregateController < ApplicationController

 model :entry

 def today
   @entries = Entry.on_date
   render_action :list_entries
 def list_entries
   @entries = Entry.find_all

 # Additional actions removed for slide’s benefit`


                   (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
Named Views
require 'date'

class AggregateController < ApplicationController

 model :entry

 def another_one
   @entries = Entry.find_all
   render :a_template

 # Additional actions removed for slide’s benefit`


                   (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
Raw Rendering
require 'date'

class AggregateController < ApplicationController

 model :entry

 def direct_write
   render_text quot;Hello World!quot;
                                                 No template!
 # Additional actions removed for slide’s benefit`


                   (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
Additional Options
• send_data
• send_file
• render_to_string
• render_nothing
• render_text with a block
• redirect_to
• redirect_to_url
• redirect_to_path
• builders
• and more!
               (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
• Programmatic output generation
• Global, Controller Specific, Importable
• Like tag libraries
 • kind of
• Lots of built-ins

               (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
module AggregateHelper

 def say_hello(name)
   quot;<h1>Hello, #{name}quot;


<h1>Recent Stories...</h1>
<%= say_hello quot;Brianquot; %>
<% for entry in @entries %>

                   (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
Rules, well Suggestions
• #{Controller}Helper applied from
  matching Controller
• ApplicationHelper available everywhere
• Declare reliance on a specific Helper
  from any Controller
 • Rarely need to do this, though

               (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
Action Pack Magic 3
• Controllers
• Helpers
• Views
• Things not discussed:
 • Components
 • Caching
 • Filters
                (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
Active Record
You get the data from the database
      and shake it all about...

          (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
Active Record Basics
• Not Required!
• One Row == One Instance
• Dynamic Properties by Default
• Query by SQL or Criteria
 • Including joins
• PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, DB2 ... more

              (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
The Schema

  (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
The Classes
class Feed < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :entries

 validates_presence_of :title, :url



class Entry < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :feed

 validates_presence_of :title, :body, :entry_uid
 validates_uniqueness_of :entry_uid


                   (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
class Feed < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :entries

 validates_presence_of :title, :url



class Entry < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :feed

 validates_presence_of :title, :body, :entry_uid
 validates_uniqueness_of :entry_uid


                   (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
def Entry.recent(count)
  Entry.find :all,
             :order =>'created_on DESC',
             :limit => count,
             :include => [:feed]

def Entry.after(date)
  Entry.find :all,

          :conditions => ['created_on >= ?', date],
             :order => 'created_on DESC',
             :include => [:feed]

def Entry.before(date)
  Entry.find_by_sql [quot;select e.* from entries e where
                      created_on < ?quot;, date]

                    (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
def Entry.recent(count)
  Entry.find :all,
             :order =>'created_on DESC',
             :limit => count,
             :include => [:feed]

def Entry.after(date)
  Entry.find :all,

          :conditions => ['created_on >= ?', date],
             :order => 'created_on DESC',
             :include => [:feed]

def Entry.before(date)
  Entry.find_by_sql [quot;select e.* from entries e where
                      created_on < ?quot;, date]

                    (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
def Entry.recent(count)
  Entry.find :all,
             :order =>'created_on DESC',
             :limit => count,
             :include => [:feed]

def Entry.after(date)
  Entry.find :all,

          :conditions => ['created_on >= ?', date],
             :order => 'created_on DESC',
             :include => [:feed]

def Entry.before(date)
  Entry.find_by_sql [quot;select e.* from entries e where
                      created_on < ?quot;, date]

                    (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
Code Generator
    This stuff rocks!

     (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
Creating Rails Project
brianm@kite:~/Sites$ rails apachecon
      create app
      create app/apis
      create app/controllers
      create app/helpers
      create app/models

      create log/test.log

brianm@kite:~/Sites$ ls -F apachecon/

CHANGELOG   Rakefile        components/ db/          lib/
public/     test/           README      app/         config/
doc/        log/            script/     vendor/


                       (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
This Created...
• Project Hierarchy
• Config file (for database connection)
• Rakefile (Makefile)
• System Test Harness
• Unit Test Harness
• Apache HTTPD Configs (.htaccess)
• Additional Code Generation Scripts...
               (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
Configure Database
brianm@kite:~/Sites/apachecon$ cat config/
  adapter: postgresql
  database: ruby_blogs_dev
  host: localhost
  username: blogs
  password: **********


  adapter: postgresql
  database: ruby_blogs
  host: localhost
  username: blogs
  password: **********

                    (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
brianm@kite:~/Sites/apachecon$ ./script/generate scaffold Talk
  dependency model
      exists    app/models/
      exists    test/unit/
      exists    test/fixtures/
      create    app/models/talk.rb
      create    test/unit/talk_test.rb
      create    test/fixtures/talks.yml
      exists app/controllers/
      exists app/helpers/
      create app/views/talks
      exists test/functional/
      create app/controllers/talks_controller.rb
      create test/functional/talks_controller_test.rb
      create app/helpers/talks_helper.rb
      create app/views/layouts/talks.rhtml
      create public/stylesheets/scaffold.css
      create app/views/talks/list.rhtml
      create app/views/talks/show.rhtml
      create app/views/talks/new.rhtml
      create app/views/talks/edit.rhtml
      create app/views/talks/_form.rhtml

                        (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
A Table
apachecon=> create table talks (

 id serial primary key,

 name varchar(255) not null,

 presenter varchar(255) not null,
   description text not null);

NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create implicit sequence

 quot;sessions_id_seqquot; for serial column quot;sessions.idquot;
NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index

 quot;sessions_pkeyquot; for table quot;sessionsquot;

                        (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
Start the Server...
brianm@kite:~/Sites/apachecon$ ./script/server
=> Rails application started on
[2005-05-25 18:00:12] INFO WEBrick 1.3.1
[2005-05-25 18:00:12] INFO ruby 1.8.2 (2004-12-25)
[2005-05-25 18:00:12] INFO WEBrick::HTTPServer#start:
pid=26996 port=3000

                     (c) 2005, Brian McCallister

(c) 2005, Brian McCallister
class TalksController < ApplicationController
  def index
    render_action 'list'

 def list
   @talk_pages, @talks = paginate :talk, :per_page => 10

 def show
   @talk = Talk.find(@params[:id])



                      (c) 2005, Brian McCallister

(c) 2005, Brian McCallister
The Edit View
<h1>Editing talk</h1>
<%= start_form_tag :action => 'update', :id => @talk %>
  <%= render_partial quot;formquot; %>
  <%= submit_tag quot;Editquot; %>
<%= end_form_tag %>

<%= link_to 'Show', :action => 'show', :id => @talk %> |
<%= link_to 'Back', :action => 'list' %>

<%= error_messages_for 'talk' %>

<p><label for=quot;talk_descriptionquot;>Description</label><br/>
<%= text_area 'talk', 'description' %></p>

<p><label for=quot;talk_presenterquot;>Presenter</label><br/>
<%= text_field 'talk', 'presenter' %></p>

<p><label for=quot;talk_namequot;>Name</label><br/>
<%= text_field 'talk', 'name' %></p>
                         (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
List Again

 (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
Unit and System Tests
brianm@kite:~/Sites/apachecon$ rake
(in /Users/brianm/Sites/apachecon)
ruby -Ilib:test quot;/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake-0.5.4/lib/
rake/rake_test_loader.rbquot; quot;test/unit/talk_test.rbquot;
Loaded suite /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake-0.5.4/lib/rake/
Finished in 0.11654 seconds.

1 tests, 1 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors
ruby -Ilib:test quot;/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake-0.5.4/lib/
rake/rake_test_loader.rbquot; quot;test/functional/
Loaded suite /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake-0.5.4/lib/rake/
Finished in 0.456943 seconds.

8 tests, 26 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors
                          (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
# General Apache options
AddHandler fastcgi-script .fcgi
AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
Options +FollowSymLinks +ExecCGI
# If you don't want Rails to look in certain directories,
# use the following rewrite rules so that Apache won't ... <snip />
# Example:
#   RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/notrails.*
#   RewriteRule .* - [L]
# Redirect all requests not available on the filesystem to Rails
# By default the cgi dispatcher is used which is very slow
# For better performance replace the dispatcher with the fastcgi one
# Example:
#   RewriteRule ^(.*)$ dispatch.fcgi [QSA,L]
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^$ index.html [QSA]
RewriteRule ^([^.]+)$ $1.html [QSA]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ dispatch.cgi [QSA,L]

                           (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
Extensible Generator
• Some 3rd Party Generators:
 • Login Generator
 • Salted Hash Login Generator
 • Tabbed Navbar Generator
 • Search Generator
 • Configuration Generator
 • Postback Generator
              (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
Deployment Time
   Stuff to be aware of...

       (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
• Development
• Test
• Production

            (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
Web Servers
• Webrick
• Apache Web Server
 • CGI
 • mod_ruby
 • fastcgi
• lighttpd
 • fastcgi
             (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
Session Storage
• Serialize to /tmp
• DRb Server
• Database
• memcached
• Custom
• No Sessions

                (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
Scaling Up
• Multi-processing model (like prefork)
• DB Connection per FCGI Process
• Remote FCGI instances
• Static and Dynamic Caching
• Easy to interface with C
 •   (Almost as easy to interface with OCaml)

                  (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
The Diagram

   (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
Web Resources
• Ruby
• Why’s Poignant Guide to Ruby
• Ruby on Rails
• Ruby Documentation
              (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
That’s all folks!
      Brian McCallister

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Apachecon Rails

  • 1. Cheap, Fast, and Good You can have it all with Ruby on Rails Brian McCallister (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
  • 2. What is Ruby? • Dynamic and Interpreted • Strong support for OO programming • Everything is an object ( == 3 ) • Strong support for functional-style programming • Blocks, closures, first-class functions • Child of Perl and Smalltalk (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
  • 3. What is Rails? • Model-2 Web Framework • Object/Relational Mapping Library • SOAP Producer/Consumer Framework • Email Templating/Mailing Library • Code Generator • Very Rapidly Evolving! (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
  • 4. Principles Involved • Less Code • Convention over Configuration • Proximity • Least Surprise • Make components play nicely together! (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
  • 5. Action Pack That Web Stuff (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
  • 6. Request Cycle (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
  • 7. Some Code require 'date' class AggregateController < ApplicationController model :entry def for_date date = DateTime.parse @params[:date] logger.debug quot;for_date: #{date}quot; @entries = Entry.on_date date end # Additional actions removed for slide’s benefit` end (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
  • 8. Action require 'date' class AggregateController < ApplicationController model :entry Action def for_date date = DateTime.parse @params[:date] logger.debug quot;for_date: #{date}quot; @entries = Entry.on_date date end # Additional actions removed for slide’s benefit` end (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
  • 9. Controller Controller require 'date' class AggregateController < ApplicationController model :entry Action def for_date date = DateTime.parse @params[:date] logger.debug quot;for_date: #{date}quot; @entries = Entry.on_date date end Action def list_entries @entries = Entry.find_all end # Additional actions removed for slide’s benefit` end (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
  • 10. How We Got Here ActionController::Routing::Routes.draw do |map| # map.connect ':controller/service.wsdl', # :action => 'wsdl' map.connect 'wombat/is/friendly', :controller => :feeds, :action => :list map.connect '', :controller => :feeds, :action => :list # Default Route map.connect ':controller/:action/:id' end (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
  • 11. routes.rb ActionController::Routing::Routes.draw do |map| http://localhost/wombat/is/friendly # map.connect ':controller/service.wsdl', # :action => 'wsdl' map.connect 'wombat/is/friendly', :controller => :feeds, :action => :list map.connect '', :controller => :feeds, :action => :list # Default Route map.connect ':controller/:action/:id' end (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
  • 12. routes.rb ActionController::Routing::Routes.draw do |map| # map.connect ':controller/service.wsdl', # :action => 'wsdl' map.connect 'wombat/is/friendly', http://localhost/ :controller => :feeds, :action => :list map.connect '', :controller => :feeds, :action => :list # Default Route map.connect ':controller/:action/:id' end (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
  • 13. routes.rb ActionController::Routing::Routes.draw do |map| # map.connect ':controller/service.wsdl', # :action => 'wsdl' map.connect 'wombat/is/friendly', :controller => :feeds, :action => :list map.connect '', :controller => :feeds, http://localhost/feeds/list :action => :list # Default Route map.connect ':controller/:action/:id' end (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
  • 14. Show Us Something! <h1>Recent Stories...</h1> <table class=quot;entryTablequot; > <% for entry in @entries %> <tr> <td class=quot;entryTitlequot;> <%= entry.feed.title + quot;: quot; + entry.title %> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class=quot;entryBodyquot;> <%= entry.body %> </td> </tr> <% end %> </table> (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
  • 15. Directives <h1>Recent Stories...</h1> <table class=quot;entryTablequot; > <% for entry in @entries %> <tr> <td class=quot;entryTitlequot;> <%= entry.feed.title + quot;: quot; + entry.title %> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class=quot;entryBodyquot;> <%= entry.body %> </td> </tr> <% end %> </table> (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
  • 16. Expressions <h1>Recent Stories...</h1> <table class=quot;entryTablequot; > <% for entry in @entries %> <tr> <td class=quot;entryTitlequot;> <%= entry.feed.title + quot;: quot; + entry.title %> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class=quot;entryBodyquot;> <%= entry.body %> </td> </tr> <% end %> </table> (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
  • 17. Helpers & Partials <h1>Recent Stories...</h1> my_view.rhtml <%= render_partial quot;entry_listquot;, :stories => @entries %> <table class=quot;entryTablequot; > _entry_list.rhtml <% for entry in stories %> <tr> <td class=quot;entryTitlequot;> <%= entry.feed.title + quot;: quot; + entry.title %> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class=quot;entryBodyquot;> <%= entry.body %> </td> </tr> <% end %> </table> (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
  • 18. Helpers <h1>Recent Stories...</h1> my_view.rhtml <%= render_partial quot;entry_listquot;, :stories => @entries %> <table class=quot;entryTablequot; > _entry_list.rhtml <% for entry in stories %> <tr> <td class=quot;entryTitlequot;> <%= entry.feed.title + quot;: quot; + entry.title %> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class=quot;entryBodyquot;> <%= entry.body %> </td> </tr> <% end %> </table> (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
  • 19. Parameterized Partials <h1>Recent Stories...</h1> my_view.rhtml <%= render_partial quot;entry_listquot;, :stories => @entries %> <table class=quot;entryTablequot; > _entry_list.rhtml <% for entry in stories %> <tr> <td class=quot;entryTitlequot;> <%= entry.feed.title + quot;: quot; + entry.title %> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class=quot;entryBodyquot;> <%= entry.body %> </td> </tr> <% end %> </table> (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
  • 20. Picking Views • Default Views • The View for that one over there... • Named Views • Something completely different? (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
  • 21. Default Views require 'date' class AggregateController < ApplicationController model :entry aggregate/for_date.rhtml def for_date date = DateTime.parse @params[:date] logger.debug quot;for_date: #{date}quot; @entries = Entry.on_date date end # Additional actions removed for slide’s benefit` end (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
  • 22. render_* require 'date' class AggregateController < ApplicationController model :entry def today @entries = Entry.on_date render_action :list_entries end aggregate/list_entries.rhtml def list_entries @entries = Entry.find_all end # Additional actions removed for slide’s benefit` end (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
  • 23. Named Views require 'date' class AggregateController < ApplicationController model :entry def another_one @entries = Entry.find_all render :a_template a_template.rhtml end # Additional actions removed for slide’s benefit` end (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
  • 24. Raw Rendering require 'date' class AggregateController < ApplicationController model :entry def direct_write render_text quot;Hello World!quot; end No template! # Additional actions removed for slide’s benefit` end (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
  • 25. Additional Options • send_data • send_file • render_to_string • render_nothing • render_text with a block • redirect_to • redirect_to_url • redirect_to_path • builders • and more! (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
  • 26. Helpers • Programmatic output generation • Global, Controller Specific, Importable • Like tag libraries • kind of • Lots of built-ins (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
  • 27. #{Controller}Helper module AggregateHelper def say_hello(name) Helper quot;<h1>Hello, #{name}quot; end end <h1>Recent Stories...</h1> Usage <%= say_hello quot;Brianquot; %> <table> <% for entry in @entries %> ... (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
  • 28. Rules, well Suggestions • #{Controller}Helper applied from matching Controller • ApplicationHelper available everywhere • Declare reliance on a specific Helper from any Controller • Rarely need to do this, though (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
  • 29. Action Pack Magic 3 • Controllers • Helpers • Views • Things not discussed: • Components • Caching • Filters (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
  • 30. Active Record You get the data from the database and shake it all about... (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
  • 31. Active Record Basics • Not Required! • One Row == One Instance • Dynamic Properties by Default • Query by SQL or Criteria • Including joins • PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, DB2 ... more (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
  • 32. The Schema (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
  • 33. The Classes class Feed < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :entries validates_presence_of :title, :url end ... class Entry < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :feed validates_presence_of :title, :body, :entry_uid validates_uniqueness_of :entry_uid end (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
  • 34. Relations class Feed < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :entries validates_presence_of :title, :url end ... class Entry < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :feed validates_presence_of :title, :body, :entry_uid validates_uniqueness_of :entry_uid end (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
  • 35. Queries def Entry.recent(count) Entry.find :all, :order =>'created_on DESC', :limit => count, :include => [:feed] end def Entry.after(date) Entry.find :all, :conditions => ['created_on >= ?', date], :order => 'created_on DESC', :include => [:feed] end def Entry.before(date) Entry.find_by_sql [quot;select e.* from entries e where created_on < ?quot;, date] end (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
  • 36. Criteria def Entry.recent(count) Entry.find :all, :order =>'created_on DESC', :limit => count, :include => [:feed] end def Entry.after(date) Entry.find :all, :conditions => ['created_on >= ?', date], :order => 'created_on DESC', :include => [:feed] end def Entry.before(date) Entry.find_by_sql [quot;select e.* from entries e where created_on < ?quot;, date] end (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
  • 37. SQL def Entry.recent(count) Entry.find :all, :order =>'created_on DESC', :limit => count, :include => [:feed] end def Entry.after(date) Entry.find :all, :conditions => ['created_on >= ?', date], :order => 'created_on DESC', :include => [:feed] end def Entry.before(date) Entry.find_by_sql [quot;select e.* from entries e where created_on < ?quot;, date] end (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
  • 38. Code Generator This stuff rocks! (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
  • 39. Creating Rails Project brianm@kite:~/Sites$ rails apachecon create app create app/apis create app/controllers create app/helpers create app/models ... create log/test.log brianm@kite:~/Sites$ ls -F apachecon/ CHANGELOG Rakefile components/ db/ lib/ public/ test/ README app/ config/ doc/ log/ script/ vendor/ brianm@kite:~/Sites$ (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
  • 40. This Created... • Project Hierarchy • Config file (for database connection) • Rakefile (Makefile) • System Test Harness • Unit Test Harness • Apache HTTPD Configs (.htaccess) • Additional Code Generation Scripts... (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
  • 41. Configure Database brianm@kite:~/Sites/apachecon$ cat config/ database.yml development: adapter: postgresql database: ruby_blogs_dev host: localhost username: blogs password: ********** ... production: adapter: postgresql database: ruby_blogs host: localhost username: blogs password: ********** brianm@kite:~/Sites/apachecon$ (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
  • 42. Some CRUD brianm@kite:~/Sites/apachecon$ ./script/generate scaffold Talk dependency model exists app/models/ exists test/unit/ exists test/fixtures/ create app/models/talk.rb create test/unit/talk_test.rb create test/fixtures/talks.yml exists app/controllers/ exists app/helpers/ create app/views/talks exists test/functional/ create app/controllers/talks_controller.rb create test/functional/talks_controller_test.rb create app/helpers/talks_helper.rb create app/views/layouts/talks.rhtml create public/stylesheets/scaffold.css create app/views/talks/list.rhtml create app/views/talks/show.rhtml create app/views/talks/new.rhtml create app/views/talks/edit.rhtml create app/views/talks/_form.rhtml brianm@kite:~/Sites/apachecon$ (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
  • 43. A Table apachecon=> create table talks ( id serial primary key, name varchar(255) not null, presenter varchar(255) not null, description text not null); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create implicit sequence quot;sessions_id_seqquot; for serial column quot;sessions.idquot; NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index quot;sessions_pkeyquot; for table quot;sessionsquot; CREATE TABLE apachecon=> (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
  • 44. Start the Server... brianm@kite:~/Sites/apachecon$ ./script/server => Rails application started on [2005-05-25 18:00:12] INFO WEBrick 1.3.1 [2005-05-25 18:00:12] INFO ruby 1.8.2 (2004-12-25) [2005-05-25 18:00:12] INFO WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=26996 port=3000 (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
  • 45. List (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
  • 46. TalksController class TalksController < ApplicationController def index list render_action 'list' end def list @talk_pages, @talks = paginate :talk, :per_page => 10 end def show @talk = Talk.find(@params[:id]) end ... end (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
  • 48. The Edit View <h1>Editing talk</h1> <%= start_form_tag :action => 'update', :id => @talk %> <%= render_partial quot;formquot; %> <%= submit_tag quot;Editquot; %> talks/edit.rhtml <%= end_form_tag %> <%= link_to 'Show', :action => 'show', :id => @talk %> | <%= link_to 'Back', :action => 'list' %> <%= error_messages_for 'talk' %> <!--[form:talk]--> <p><label for=quot;talk_descriptionquot;>Description</label><br/> <%= text_area 'talk', 'description' %></p> <p><label for=quot;talk_presenterquot;>Presenter</label><br/> <%= text_field 'talk', 'presenter' %></p> talks/_form.rhtml <p><label for=quot;talk_namequot;>Name</label><br/> <%= text_field 'talk', 'name' %></p> <!--[eoform:talk]--> (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
  • 49. List Again (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
  • 50. Unit and System Tests brianm@kite:~/Sites/apachecon$ rake (in /Users/brianm/Sites/apachecon) ruby -Ilib:test quot;/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake-0.5.4/lib/ rake/rake_test_loader.rbquot; quot;test/unit/talk_test.rbquot; Loaded suite /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake-0.5.4/lib/rake/ rake_test_loader Started . Finished in 0.11654 seconds. 1 tests, 1 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors ruby -Ilib:test quot;/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake-0.5.4/lib/ rake/rake_test_loader.rbquot; quot;test/functional/ talks_controller_test.rbquot; Loaded suite /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake-0.5.4/lib/rake/ rake_test_loader Started ........ Finished in 0.456943 seconds. 8 tests, 26 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors brianm@kite:~/Sites/apachecon$ (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
  • 51. .htaccess # General Apache options AddHandler fastcgi-script .fcgi AddHandler cgi-script .cgi Options +FollowSymLinks +ExecCGI # If you don't want Rails to look in certain directories, # use the following rewrite rules so that Apache won't ... <snip /> # # Example: # RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/notrails.* # RewriteRule .* - [L] # Redirect all requests not available on the filesystem to Rails # By default the cgi dispatcher is used which is very slow # # For better performance replace the dispatcher with the fastcgi one # # Example: # RewriteRule ^(.*)$ dispatch.fcgi [QSA,L] RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^$ index.html [QSA] RewriteRule ^([^.]+)$ $1.html [QSA] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteRule ^(.*)$ dispatch.cgi [QSA,L] ... (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
  • 52. Extensible Generator • Some 3rd Party Generators: • Login Generator • Salted Hash Login Generator • Tabbed Navbar Generator • Search Generator • Configuration Generator • Postback Generator (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
  • 53. Deployment Time Stuff to be aware of... (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
  • 54. Environment • Development • Test • Production (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
  • 55. Web Servers • Webrick • Apache Web Server • CGI • mod_ruby • fastcgi • lighttpd • fastcgi (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
  • 56. Session Storage • Serialize to /tmp • DRb Server • Database • memcached • Custom • No Sessions (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
  • 57. Scaling Up • Multi-processing model (like prefork) • DB Connection per FCGI Process • Remote FCGI instances • Static and Dynamic Caching • Easy to interface with C • (Almost as easy to interface with OCaml) (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
  • 58. The Diagram (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
  • 59. Web Resources • Ruby • • Why’s Poignant Guide to Ruby • • Ruby on Rails • • Ruby Documentation • (c) 2005, Brian McCallister
  • 60. That’s all folks! Brian McCallister