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Social Discovery
in an Information Abundant World
                   Ben Shneiderman

Founding Director (1983-2000), Human-Computer Interaction Lab
             Professor, Dept. of Computer Science
       Member, Institute for Advanced Computer Studies

                 Miles Conrad Award Lecture
                    NFAIS, Feb. 28, 2011
Interdisciplinary research community
 - Computer Science & Info Studies
 - Psych, Socio, Poli Sci & MITH
Design Issues

•   Input devices & strategies
     • Keyboards, pointing devices, voice
     • Direct manipulation
     • Menus, forms, commands
•   Output devices & formats
     • Screens, windows, color, sound
     • Text, tables, graphics
     • Instructions, messages, help
•   Collaboration & Social Media  
                                            Fifth E dition: 2010
•   Help, tutorials, training
•   Search        • Vis u alization
Spotfire: Retinol’s role in embryos & vision
h ttp :/ re gis tration.s p otfire .com / val/ e fau lt_ e d u .as p
        /                                e    d
Fact-Finding Search           S
  Discovery Process: Task Analysis                                                S

S pecific fact finding (known-item s earch)
  O n wh at d ay was Barack O b am a b orn?   < G oogle s u cce e d s >
  Discovery Process: Task Analysis                                                          S

S pecific fact finding (known-item s earch)
  O n wh at d ay was Barack O b am a b orn?             < G oogle s u cce e d s >

E xtended fact finding (vague query)
  Wh at citie s d id Joh n M cC ain live in s ince h e b e cam e a S e nator?

E xploration of availability (vague res ult reques t)
  Wh at ge ne alogical inform ation on Barack O b am a is at th e N ational Arch ive s ?
  Discovery Process: Task Analysis                                                          S

S pecific fact finding (known-item s earch)
  O n wh at d ay was Barack O b am a b orn?             < G oogle s u cce e d s >

E xtended fact finding (vague query)
  Wh at citie s d id Joh n M cC ain live in s ince h e b e cam e a S e nator?

E xploration of availability (vague res ult reques t)
  Wh at ge ne alogical inform ation on Barack O b am a is at th e N ational Arch ive s ?

Open-ended brows ing and problem analys is (hidden as s umptions )
 H ow h as Joh n M cC ain’s p os ition on th e e nvironm e nt ch ange d s ince 2001 ?

Mis match with metadata (requires exhaus tive s earch)
 H ow h as Barack O b am a’s ch oice of cloth ing ch ange d d u ring h is cam p aign?
  Discovery Process: Task Analysis                                         S

S pecific fact finding (known-item s earch

E xtended fact finding (vague query

E xploration of availability (vague res ult reques t

Open-ended brows ing and problem analys is (hidden as s umptions

Mis match with metadata (requires exhaus tive s earch
    Discovery Process: Task Analysis                                         S

1 -m inu te fact finding (known-item s earch
  S pecific

  E xtended fact finding (vague query

We e ks
&E xploration of availability (vague res ult reques t
M onth s
  Open-ended brows ing and problem analys is (hidden as s umptions

  Mis match with metadata (requires exhaus tive s earch
Discovery Process: Design                          Challenges S             20
E nrich qu e ry form u lation

E xp and re s u lt m anage m e nt

E nab le long-te rm e ffort

E nh ance collab oration

D e al with s p e cial cas e s :
 - Le gal, p ate nt & m e d ical s e arch e s re qu ire th orou gh ne s s
 - P roving non-e xis te nce is d ifficu lt
 - O u tlie r ite m s can b e critical
 - Brid ging ite m s can b e critical
NFAIS 2011: Social Discovery

•   Facebook minutes exceed Google minutes
NFAIS 2011: Social Discovery

•   Facebook minutes exceed Google minutes
•   Social referral exceeds solitary search
Social Referral Exceeds Solitary Search

  S earch and Res cue: How to B ecome Findable and S hareable in S ocial Media
        h ttp :/ s e arch e ngine watch .com /
                /                             3639969

h ttp :/ u kwe b focu s .word p re s s .com / 0/ 09/ ocial-d is cove ry-is -b e ating-trad itional-s e arch /
        /                                    201 06/ if-s
NFAIS 2011: Social Discovery

•   Facebook minutes exceed Google minutes
•   Social referral exceeds solitary search
•   Ambitious challenges generate powerful collaborations
NFAIS 2011: Social Discovery

•   Facebook minutes exceed Google minutes
•   Social referral exceeds solitary search
•   Ambitious challenges generate powerful collaborations
•   Shift to App discovery & mobile search
NFAIS 2011: Social Discovery

•   Facebook minutes exceed Google minutes
•   Social referral exceeds solitary search
•   Ambitious challenges generate powerful collaborations
•   Shift to App discovery & mobile search
•   Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social
    Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social
    Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social
    Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social
    Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social
    Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social
    Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social
    Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social
    Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social
Discovery Process: Visual Analytics

                                 S ens e-Making Loop

                                 •Information S eeking

                                 •Information Foraging

                                 •E xploration  Ins ight

                                 •Pres ent Res ults

        Th om as & C ook, Ilum inating the P ath (2004)
Social Discovery: New Media Lifestyle

                                         Pros umption C ycle

                                         •Producers & C ons umers

                                         •Us er Generated C ontent

                                         •C rowds ourcing

                                         •C ollective Intelligence

h ttp :/ www.s ocialtim e s .com /
        /                         2008/ ne w-m e d ia-life cycle -s ocial-d is cove ry/
New Media Lifecycle

                                                                                    The New Media Lifecycle and S ocial Dis

 O ve r th e p as t fe w years I have become inc reas ingly active in all p h as e s of wh at I now d e fine th e “ne w m e d ia life cycle ”. All of th e s e “tools ” th at ne w te ch nology com p anie s are
cre ating are for th e m os t p art trying to m ake at le as t o ne p h as e of th is cycle m o re e fficie nt. I d e fine th e ne w m e d ia life cycle as the stage s through which ne w m e d ia typ icaly fl          l ows.
N ot ve ry com p le x!
To e xp e ct ne w m e d ia to flow in any co ntinu o u s d ire ction is lu d icrou s b u t I h ave fo u nd th e re to b e th re e s tage s th at ne w m e d ia flo ws th rou gh . I th ink d e te rm ining a s tarting p oint of
ne w m e d ia is th e s am e as d e te rm ining wh at cam e firs t, th e ch icke n o r th e e gg. As s u ch , yo u co u ld e nte r th e ne w m e d ia life cycle at any p oint d u ring one of th e following th re e
p h as e s :
•C onte nt C re ation – Au d io, vid e o, te xt and im age s are all typ e s o f co nte nt th at is p rod u ce d in ne w m e d ia. In contras t to d ays of old , m e d ia can now b e p rod u ce d b y anyb od y, not j s t      u
th e large m e d ia com p anie s .
•C onte nt D iscove ry – D is co ve ry is p rob ab ly th e m os t im p o rtant p h as e o f th e life cycle fo r te ch nolo gy com p anie s as th e y are th e one s d e ve lop ing th e tools for d is cove ry.
•C onte nt C onsum ption – C o nte nt can b e cons u m e r in p ractically an infinite nu m b e r of ways . Th e cons u m e r is th e one th at ch oo s e s th e m e d iu m th e y p re fe r. It can b e m ob ile p h one s ,
com p u te rs , te le vis ions , s te re o s o r a nu m b e r o f oth e r m e d iu m s .
O ne oth e r im p ortant th ing to note is th at th e re is no re q u ire m e nt to b e p art of th e co nte nt cre ation p h as e as a cons u m e r. S o on e no u gh conte nt cre ation will b e an activity th at
p ractically e ve ry cons u m e r e ngage s in wh e th e r th e y like it or not. Th e ir activitie s will au tom atically d ictate th e cre ation o f co nte nt. F o r now th ou gh , it is s till p os s ib le to s im p ly watch
wh at is going on.
S oc ial Dis c overy
I th ink s ocial d is cove ry is o ne o f th e m os t fas cinating p arts o f th e ne w m e d ia life cycle b e cau s e we are s o e arly in d e te rm ining th e m o s t e fficie nt way of s ocial d is cove ry. S e arch h as
now b e e n d om inate d b y G o ogle and wh ile ne w com p anie s atte m p t to attack wh at is incre as ingly b e com ing a m o no p oly, m os t com p anie s h ave re alize d th at th e s p ace of s ocial
d is cove ry h as ye t to d e clare a winne r.
Wh at is s ocial d is cove ry e xactly? We ll s ocial d is co ve ry is th e usage of social tool to find re l vant conte nt. A s ocial too l is a syste m which e nab l s the sharing of conte nt with othe r
                                                                                                       s             e                                                                   e
use rs. Th at conte nt can b e as s im p le as th e activitie s u s e rs are e ngage d in s u ch as “N ick j s t p laye d M o u s e H u nt on F ace b o ok” to th e m od ification of m y s ocial p rofile to th e s h aring
of a vid e o, im age or s ong th at I th ou gh t was good .
S om e h ave s u gge s te d th at th e cu rre nt b attle on th e s ocial we b is ove r th e m o s t e fficie nt ne ws fe e d . I th ink it s h ou ld b e fram e d ins te ad as th e b attle ove r m aking th e m os t e fficie nt
s ocial d is cove ry tool. F e e d s are s im p ly o ne way of d is p laying conte nt. It m ay ve ry we ll b e th at fe e d s are th e m o s t e ffe ctive way of d is p laying th at conte nt b u t I th ink th is is s till u p for
d e b ate .
O ve r th e p as t fe w we e ks as m y d igital s o cial activity h as b e com e s tre tch e d acro s s F rie nd F e e d , Twitte r, P lu rk, F ace b oo k and o th e r p lace s , I h ave b e gu n to as k m ys e lf wh e re th e re al
valu e is in any of th e s e th ings . Th e re ality is th at a valu ab le com m u nity th at I fe e l conne cte d to is m o s t im p ortant. As we s trive to b u ild ne w te ch nologie s th at h e lp u s conne ct m ore
e fficie ntly I th ink in th e e nd all th at m atte rs is th e com m u nity.
E m ail continu e s to b e an e xtre m e ly b as ic form of co m m u nication b u t wh at m ake s it s o p o we rfu l is th at I can acce s s anyb od y via e m ail. E ve n th ou gh it h e lp s , it d oe s n’t re ally m atte r if
you r te ch nology is th e m os t e fficie nt. Wh at m atte rs m o re is th at you r te ch nology h as a com m u nity b acking it. As th e e arly ad op te rs ch as e afte r th e late s t s h iny s ocial ob j ct trying to
d is s e ct th e p ros and cons o f e ach fe atu re , I’d wait to s e e wh e re th e re al co m m u nitie s form .
In m y own op inion, wh ile s ocial d is cove ry h as ye t to b e m o ne tize d e ffe ctive ly, s ocial d is cove ry cu rre ntly p ro vid e s th e gre ate s t op p ortu nity for b re akth rou gh growth .

     h ttp :/ www.s ocialtim e s .com /
             /                         2008/ ne w-m e d ia-life cycle -s ocial-d is cove ry/
Social Bookmarking: & connotea
Collaboration: Tagging & voting
Treemap: Digg Overview

Chomp: App Discovery
YAHOO! Answers
Wikia Answers

S e arch qu e s tion top ics
R e ad qu e s tions
R e ad ans we rs
   from nam e d s ou rce s
R ate & contrib u te
VIVOweb: Enabling Networking of Scientists
Biodiversity: Encyclopedia of Life

NASA Clickworkers: Crowdsource Science
Citizen Science Alliance
Collaboratories: Discovery Communities

Bos e t al.,

      O ls on, G ary M ., Zim m e rm an, Ann, & Bos , N ath an. (2008)
        S cie ntific C olab oration on the Inte rne t. MIT P re ss.
Health, Healthcare & Wellness
Social Marketplace: Mechanical Turk
Social Challenge: Netflix Prize
Social Search/Discovery: Active & Passive
Social Challenge: Innocentive
TopCoder: Asking for Programming Help

•   Linux, Mozilla, Apache,...
•   CrisisCamp, Sahana, Hackathons, ....
Social Discovery

Discovery    Create Capacity        Seek Solution

Individual   Tag, Comment,          Ask questions,
             Rate, Review,          Offer challenge,
             Summarize              Request collaboration,
                                    Seek experts

Community    Establish thesauri,    Give answers,
             Prepare catalogs,      Respond to challenge,
             Aggregate knowledge,   Discuss alternatives,
             Organize resources     Offer advice
From Reader to Leader:
         M otivating Te ch nology-M e d iate d S ocial P articip ation

All                      Reader                   Contributor             Collaborator
                                                                                          `       Leader

        P re e ce & S h ne id e rm an, AIS Trans. H um an-C om p ute r Inte raction1 (1 ), 2009
Motivating Readers

                   Usability                                     Sociability
Interesting & relevant content presented in       Encouragement by friends, family,
  attractive, well-organized layouts               respected authorities, advertising

Frequently updated content with                   Repeated visibility in online, print,
 highlighting to encourage return visits           television, other media

Support for newcomers: tutorials, animated        Understandable norms & policies
 demos, FAQs, help, mentors, contacts

Clear navigation paths                           Sense of belonging: recognition of
 sense of mastery and control                      familiar people & activities

Universal usability: novice/expert, small/large   Charismatic leaders with visionary
 display, slow/fast network, multilingual,         goals
 support for users with disabilities

Interface design features to support reading,     Safety & privacy
  browsing, searching, sharing
Motivating C ontributors

                Usability                                  Sociability
Low threshold interfaces to encourage         Support for legitimate peripheral
 small contributions (no login)                participation

High ceiling interfaces that allow large      Chance to build reputation over time
 frequent contributions                        while performing satisfying tasks

Visibility for users’ contributions & impact - Recognition for the highest quality
 aggregated over time                           & quantity of contributions

Visibility of ratings & comments              Recognition of a person’s specific

Tools to undo vandalism, limit malicious      Policies & norms for contributions
 users, control pornography & libel
Motivating C ollaborators

                Usability                                Sociability
  Ways to locate relevant & competent       Atmosphere of empathy & trust that
   individuals to form collaborations        promotes belonging to the community &
                                             willingness to work within groups to
                                             produce something larger

  Tools to collaborate: communicate         Altruism: a desire to support the
   within groups, schedule projects,         community, desire to give back,
   assign tasks, share work products,        willingness to reciprocate
   request assistance

  Visible recognition collaborators, e.g.   Ways to develop a reputation for
   authorship, citations, links,             themselves & their collaborators;
   acknowledgements                          develop & maintain status within group

  Ways to resolve differences               Respect for status within the community
   (e.g. voting), mediate disputes &
   deal with unhelpful collaborators
Motivating Leaders

               Usability                              Sociability
Leaders are given higher visibility &     Leadership is valued and given an
 their efforts are highlighted, sometimes  honored position & expected to meet
 with historical narratives, special       expectations
 tributes, or rewards

Leaders are given special powers, e.g. Respect is offered for helping others &
 to promote agendas, expend resources, dealing with problems

 or limit malicious users
Mentorship efforts are visibly celebrated, Mentors are cultivated & encouraged
 e.g. with comments from mentees
    Network Overview for Discovery & Exploration in Excel
Network Overview for Discovery & Exploration in Excel
NodeXL: Import Dialogs
Tweets at #WIN09 Conference: 2 groups
Tweets at #NFAIS11 Conference: Sunday
 S ize b y Be twe e nne s s C e ntrality
Tweets at #NFAIS11 Conference: Sunday
Tweets at #NFAIS11 Conference: Monday
 S ize b y Be twe e nne s s C e ntrality
Tweets at #NFAIS11 Conference: Monday
 S ize b y Be twe e nne s s C e ntrality
Tweets at #NFAIS11 Conference: Monday
 S ize b y Be twe e nne s s C e ntrality, C olor b y C lu s te r
WWW2010 Twitter Community
Tweets for #HCI: 2 groups
Kodak Twitter Community

    www.cod e p le / e xl/
Oil Spill Twitter Community

     www.cod e p le / e xl/
CHI2010 Twitter Community

    www.cod e p le / e xl/
NodeXL: HIPAA, F-R layout, Size by Followers

NodeXL: HIPAA, H-K layout, extract smalls,
  size by Tweets

NodeXL: HIPAA, H-K, Size by Betweenness Centrality

NodeXL: HIPAA, H-K, Size by Betweenness Centrality

NodeXL: HIPAA, H-K, Size by Betweenness Centrality

NodeXL: HIPAA, H-K, Size by Betweenness Centrality

Flickr clusters for “mouse”

                         C omputer   Mickey

                                A nimal
Flickr networks
Analyzing Social Media Networks with NodeXL
I. Getting S tarted with A nalyzing S ocial Media Networks
    1 . Introd u ction to S ocial M e d ia and S ocial N e tworks
    2. S ocial m e d ia: N e w Te ch nologie s of C ollab oration
    3. S ocial N e twork Analys is

II. NodeXL Tutorial: Learning by Doing
    4. Layou t, Vis u al D e s ign & Lab e ling
    5. C alcu lating & Vis u alizing N e twork M e trics
    6. P re p aring D ata & F ilte ring
    7. C lu s te ring &G rou p ing

III S ocial Media Network A nalys is C as e S tudies
     8. E m ail
     9. Th re ad e d N e tworks
   1 0. Twitte r
   1 1 . F ace b ook
   1 2. WWW
   1 3. F lickr
   1 4. You Tu b e
   1 5. Wiki N e tworks
Social Media Research Foundation

R e s e arch e rs wh o want to
  - cre ate op e n tools
  - ge ne rate & h os t op e n d ata
  - s u p p ort op e n s ch olars h ip

M ap , m e as u re & u nd e rs tand
   s ocial m e d ia

S u p p ort tool p roj cts to
  colle ction, analyze & vis u alize
  s ocial m e d ia d ata.

UN Millennium Development Goals

To b e ach ie ve d b y 201 5
    • E rad icate e xtre m e p ove rty and h u nge r
    • Ach ie ve u nive rs al p rim ary e d u cation
    • P rom ote ge nd e r e qu ality and e m p owe r wom e n
    • R e d u ce ch ild m ortality
    • Im p rove m ate rnal h e alth
    • C om b at H IV/ S , m alaria and oth e r d is e as e s
    • E ns u re e nvironm e ntal s u s tainab ility
    • D e ve lop a glob al p artne rs h ip for d e ve lop m e nt
28th Annual Symposium
    May 25-26, 2011
Social Search/Discovery: Active&Passive

•   Create content: scanned & born digital
     • Individual & group efforts
•   Improve info quality
       • consistency, clarity, completeness
       • currency, sourced, linked

•   Organize data: taxonomies, tagging, rating
•   Common queries, results ranking, query refinement
•   Interpreting & organizing results
S ocial m e d ia h as fu nd am e ntally ch ange d th e way th at p e op le d is cove r p rod u cts ,
s e rvice s and conte nt. It's no longe r s im p ly ab ou t th e old m e th od of p rod u ct, p rice and
p lace m e nt, it's ab ou t re le vance , valu e and virality. As th e e ffe ctive ne s s of trad itional
online m arke ting continu e s to d e cline , h ow can you b e s u re th at you r m e s s age is not
only ab s orb e d , b u t e m b race d , p as s e d along and vie we d as valu ab le ? Th e re h ave
alre ad y b e e n p le nty of s tu d ie s cond u cte d th at s h ow u s th at
word of m ou th is th e m os t tru s te d s ou rce of inform ation for inte rne t u s e rs . It's p rob ab ly
fair to s ay th at word of m ou th is th e m os t tru s te d m e th od of d is cove ry and influ e nce in
ge ne ral. I'm m u ch m ore like ly to go s e e a m ovie if a good frie nd te lls m e I'll like it
ve rs u s s e e ing an ad .
 h ttp :/ h e avyb agm e d / log/
         /                         b    2008/ 1 / m axim izing-s ocial-d is cove ry-op p ortu nitie s -o n-th e -s ocial-we b
                                             1 28/

    “N oovo is a social d iscove ry p l atform that he l s
    use rs contrib ute , find and share highl re l vant
                                               y e
    conte nt in the sim p l st p ossib l way,”
                            e          e
Social Discovery
Discovery               Create Capacity                                Seek Solution
Individual              Tag, Comment,                                  Ask questions,
                        Rate, Review,                                  Offer challenge,
                        Summarize                                      Request collaboration,
                                                                       Seek experts

Community               Establish thesauri,                            Give answers,
                        Prepare catalogs,                              Discuss alternatives,
                        Aggregate knowledge,                           Respond to challenge,
                        Organize resources                             Offer advice

S ocial Dis covery in an Information A bundant World
 Be n S h ne id e rm an Twitter @benbendc
 U nive rs ity of M aryland , F ou nd ing D ire ctor (1 983-2000), H u m an-C om p u te r Inte raction Lab
 P rofe s s or, D e p artm e nt of C om p u te r S cie nce , M e m b e r, Ins titu te fo r Ad vance d C om p u te r S tu d ie s
 M ile s C onrad Award Le ctu re          N F AIS , F e b ru ary 28, 201 1
Asking for Help

•   Requests to your community
•   Posts to discussion groups
•   Questions to free answer services
•   Questions to paid answer services
     • Mechanical Turk
     • Quora
•   Innocentive
Forming Collaborations

•   Find fellow searchers with shared interests
•   Hire staff to follow your leadership
•   Recruit domain experts to work with you
•   Hire team to provide diverse skills
Social Search/Discovery: Active & Passive

•   Early systems: GroupSearch, CoSearch, Ariadne
•   Tagging: Digg, Connotea
•   Rating, Ranking, Reviewing
•   Social Search: Wikia Search
•   Facebook & Twitter requests
U.S. Library of Congress

• Scholars, Journalists, Citizens
• Teachers, Students
Visible Human Explorer (NLM)

• Doctors
• Surgeons
• Researchers
• Students
NASA Environmental Data

• Scientists
• Farmers
• Land planners
• Students
Bureau of the Census

                • Economists, Policy
                 makers, Journalists

                • Teachers, Students
NSF Digital Government Initiative

             • Find what you need
             • Understand what you Find
Information Visualization

•   Visual bandwidth is enormous
    • Human perceptual skills are remarkable
      • Trend, cluster, gap, outlier...
      • Color, size, shape, proximity...

•   Three challenges
    • Meaningful visual displays of massive data
    • Interaction: widgets & window coordination
    • Process models for discovery:
ManyEyes: A web sharing platform

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NFAIS-Social Discovery in an Information Abundant World

  • 1. Social Discovery in an Information Abundant World Ben Shneiderman @benbendc Founding Director (1983-2000), Human-Computer Interaction Lab Professor, Dept. of Computer Science Member, Institute for Advanced Computer Studies Miles Conrad Award Lecture NFAIS, Feb. 28, 2011
  • 2. Interdisciplinary research community - Computer Science & Info Studies - Psych, Socio, Poli Sci & MITH (
  • 3. Design Issues • Input devices & strategies • Keyboards, pointing devices, voice • Direct manipulation • Menus, forms, commands • Output devices & formats • Screens, windows, color, sound • Text, tables, graphics • Instructions, messages, help • Collaboration & Social Media Fifth E dition: 2010 • Help, tutorials, training • Search • Vis u alization
  • 4. Spotfire: Retinol’s role in embryos & vision
  • 5. h ttp :/ re gis tration.s p otfire .com / val/ e fau lt_ e d u .as p / e d
  • 6. NF AI Fact-Finding Search S 20 08
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  • 8. NF AI Discovery Process: Task Analysis S 20 08 S pecific fact finding (known-item s earch) O n wh at d ay was Barack O b am a b orn? < G oogle s u cce e d s > E xtended fact finding (vague query) Wh at citie s d id Joh n M cC ain live in s ince h e b e cam e a S e nator? E xploration of availability (vague res ult reques t) Wh at ge ne alogical inform ation on Barack O b am a is at th e N ational Arch ive s ?
  • 9. NF AI Discovery Process: Task Analysis S 20 08 S pecific fact finding (known-item s earch) O n wh at d ay was Barack O b am a b orn? < G oogle s u cce e d s > E xtended fact finding (vague query) Wh at citie s d id Joh n M cC ain live in s ince h e b e cam e a S e nator? E xploration of availability (vague res ult reques t) Wh at ge ne alogical inform ation on Barack O b am a is at th e N ational Arch ive s ? Open-ended brows ing and problem analys is (hidden as s umptions ) H ow h as Joh n M cC ain’s p os ition on th e e nvironm e nt ch ange d s ince 2001 ? Mis match with metadata (requires exhaus tive s earch) H ow h as Barack O b am a’s ch oice of cloth ing ch ange d d u ring h is cam p aign?
  • 10. NF AI Discovery Process: Task Analysis S 20 08 S pecific fact finding (known-item s earch E xtended fact finding (vague query E xploration of availability (vague res ult reques t Open-ended brows ing and problem analys is (hidden as s umptions Mis match with metadata (requires exhaus tive s earch
  • 11. NF AI Discovery Process: Task Analysis S 20 08 1 -m inu te fact finding (known-item s earch S pecific E xtended fact finding (vague query We e ks &E xploration of availability (vague res ult reques t M onth s Open-ended brows ing and problem analys is (hidden as s umptions Mis match with metadata (requires exhaus tive s earch
  • 12. NF AI Discovery Process: Design Challenges S 20 08 E nrich qu e ry form u lation E xp and re s u lt m anage m e nt E nab le long-te rm e ffort E nh ance collab oration D e al with s p e cial cas e s : - Le gal, p ate nt & m e d ical s e arch e s re qu ire th orou gh ne s s - P roving non-e xis te nce is d ifficu lt - O u tlie r ite m s can b e critical - Brid ging ite m s can b e critical
  • 13. NFAIS 2011: Social Discovery • Facebook minutes exceed Google minutes
  • 14. NFAIS 2011: Social Discovery • Facebook minutes exceed Google minutes • Social referral exceeds solitary search
  • 15. Social Referral Exceeds Solitary Search S earch and Res cue: How to B ecome Findable and S hareable in S ocial Media h ttp :/ s e arch e ngine watch .com / / 3639969 h ttp :/ u kwe b focu s .word p re s s .com / 0/ 09/ ocial-d is cove ry-is -b e ating-trad itional-s e arch / / 201 06/ if-s
  • 16. NFAIS 2011: Social Discovery • Facebook minutes exceed Google minutes • Social referral exceeds solitary search • Ambitious challenges generate powerful collaborations
  • 17. NFAIS 2011: Social Discovery • Facebook minutes exceed Google minutes • Social referral exceeds solitary search • Ambitious challenges generate powerful collaborations • Shift to App discovery & mobile search
  • 18. NFAIS 2011: Social Discovery • Facebook minutes exceed Google minutes • Social referral exceeds solitary search • Ambitious challenges generate powerful collaborations • Shift to App discovery & mobile search • Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social
  • 19. Discovery Process: Visual Analytics S ens e-Making Loop •Information S eeking •Information Foraging •E xploration  Ins ight •Pres ent Res ults Th om as & C ook, Ilum inating the P ath (2004) l
  • 20. Social Discovery: New Media Lifestyle Pros umption C ycle •Producers & C ons umers •Us er Generated C ontent •C rowds ourcing •C ollective Intelligence h ttp :/ www.s ocialtim e s .com / / 2008/ ne w-m e d ia-life cycle -s ocial-d is cove ry/ 07/
  • 21. New Media Lifecycle The New Media Lifecycle and S ocial Dis O ve r th e p as t fe w years I have become inc reas ingly active in all p h as e s of wh at I now d e fine th e “ne w m e d ia life cycle ”. All of th e s e “tools ” th at ne w te ch nology com p anie s are cre ating are for th e m os t p art trying to m ake at le as t o ne p h as e of th is cycle m o re e fficie nt. I d e fine th e ne w m e d ia life cycle as the stage s through which ne w m e d ia typ icaly fl l ows. N ot ve ry com p le x! To e xp e ct ne w m e d ia to flow in any co ntinu o u s d ire ction is lu d icrou s b u t I h ave fo u nd th e re to b e th re e s tage s th at ne w m e d ia flo ws th rou gh . I th ink d e te rm ining a s tarting p oint of ne w m e d ia is th e s am e as d e te rm ining wh at cam e firs t, th e ch icke n o r th e e gg. As s u ch , yo u co u ld e nte r th e ne w m e d ia life cycle at any p oint d u ring one of th e following th re e p h as e s : •C onte nt C re ation – Au d io, vid e o, te xt and im age s are all typ e s o f co nte nt th at is p rod u ce d in ne w m e d ia. In contras t to d ays of old , m e d ia can now b e p rod u ce d b y anyb od y, not j s t u th e large m e d ia com p anie s . •C onte nt D iscove ry – D is co ve ry is p rob ab ly th e m os t im p o rtant p h as e o f th e life cycle fo r te ch nolo gy com p anie s as th e y are th e one s d e ve lop ing th e tools for d is cove ry. •C onte nt C onsum ption – C o nte nt can b e cons u m e r in p ractically an infinite nu m b e r of ways . Th e cons u m e r is th e one th at ch oo s e s th e m e d iu m th e y p re fe r. It can b e m ob ile p h one s , com p u te rs , te le vis ions , s te re o s o r a nu m b e r o f oth e r m e d iu m s . O ne oth e r im p ortant th ing to note is th at th e re is no re q u ire m e nt to b e p art of th e co nte nt cre ation p h as e as a cons u m e r. S o on e no u gh conte nt cre ation will b e an activity th at p ractically e ve ry cons u m e r e ngage s in wh e th e r th e y like it or not. Th e ir activitie s will au tom atically d ictate th e cre ation o f co nte nt. F o r now th ou gh , it is s till p os s ib le to s im p ly watch wh at is going on. S oc ial Dis c overy I th ink s ocial d is cove ry is o ne o f th e m os t fas cinating p arts o f th e ne w m e d ia life cycle b e cau s e we are s o e arly in d e te rm ining th e m o s t e fficie nt way of s ocial d is cove ry. S e arch h as now b e e n d om inate d b y G o ogle and wh ile ne w com p anie s atte m p t to attack wh at is incre as ingly b e com ing a m o no p oly, m os t com p anie s h ave re alize d th at th e s p ace of s ocial d is cove ry h as ye t to d e clare a winne r. Wh at is s ocial d is cove ry e xactly? We ll s ocial d is co ve ry is th e usage of social tool to find re l vant conte nt. A s ocial too l is a syste m which e nab l s the sharing of conte nt with othe r s e e use rs. Th at conte nt can b e as s im p le as th e activitie s u s e rs are e ngage d in s u ch as “N ick j s t p laye d M o u s e H u nt on F ace b o ok” to th e m od ification of m y s ocial p rofile to th e s h aring u of a vid e o, im age or s ong th at I th ou gh t was good . S om e h ave s u gge s te d th at th e cu rre nt b attle on th e s ocial we b is ove r th e m o s t e fficie nt ne ws fe e d . I th ink it s h ou ld b e fram e d ins te ad as th e b attle ove r m aking th e m os t e fficie nt s ocial d is cove ry tool. F e e d s are s im p ly o ne way of d is p laying conte nt. It m ay ve ry we ll b e th at fe e d s are th e m o s t e ffe ctive way of d is p laying th at conte nt b u t I th ink th is is s till u p for d e b ate . O ve r th e p as t fe w we e ks as m y d igital s o cial activity h as b e com e s tre tch e d acro s s F rie nd F e e d , Twitte r, P lu rk, F ace b oo k and o th e r p lace s , I h ave b e gu n to as k m ys e lf wh e re th e re al valu e is in any of th e s e th ings . Th e re ality is th at a valu ab le com m u nity th at I fe e l conne cte d to is m o s t im p ortant. As we s trive to b u ild ne w te ch nologie s th at h e lp u s conne ct m ore e fficie ntly I th ink in th e e nd all th at m atte rs is th e com m u nity. E m ail continu e s to b e an e xtre m e ly b as ic form of co m m u nication b u t wh at m ake s it s o p o we rfu l is th at I can acce s s anyb od y via e m ail. E ve n th ou gh it h e lp s , it d oe s n’t re ally m atte r if you r te ch nology is th e m os t e fficie nt. Wh at m atte rs m o re is th at you r te ch nology h as a com m u nity b acking it. As th e e arly ad op te rs ch as e afte r th e late s t s h iny s ocial ob j ct trying to e d is s e ct th e p ros and cons o f e ach fe atu re , I’d wait to s e e wh e re th e re al co m m u nitie s form . In m y own op inion, wh ile s ocial d is cove ry h as ye t to b e m o ne tize d e ffe ctive ly, s ocial d is cove ry cu rre ntly p ro vid e s th e gre ate s t op p ortu nity for b re akth rou gh growth . h ttp :/ www.s ocialtim e s .com / / 2008/ ne w-m e d ia-life cycle -s ocial-d is cove ry/ 07/
  • 24. Treemap: Digg Overview
  • 29. Quora S e arch qu e s tion top ics R e ad qu e s tions R e ad ans we rs from nam e d s ou rce s R ate & contrib u te
  • 34. Collaboratories: Discovery Communities Bos e t al., O ls on, G ary M ., Zim m e rm an, Ann, & Bos , N ath an. (2008) S cie ntific C olab oration on the Inte rne t. MIT P re ss. l
  • 40. TopCoder: Asking for Programming Help • Linux, Mozilla, Apache,... • CrisisCamp, Sahana, Hackathons, ....
  • 41. Social Discovery Social Discovery Create Capacity Seek Solution Individual Tag, Comment, Ask questions, Rate, Review, Offer challenge, Summarize Request collaboration, Seek experts Community Establish thesauri, Give answers, Prepare catalogs, Respond to challenge, Aggregate knowledge, Discuss alternatives, Organize resources Offer advice
  • 42. From Reader to Leader: M otivating Te ch nology-M e d iate d S ocial P articip ation All Reader Contributor Collaborator ` Leader Users P re e ce & S h ne id e rm an, AIS Trans. H um an-C om p ute r Inte raction1 (1 ), 2009
  • 43. Motivating Readers Usability Sociability Interesting & relevant content presented in Encouragement by friends, family, attractive, well-organized layouts respected authorities, advertising Frequently updated content with Repeated visibility in online, print, highlighting to encourage return visits television, other media Support for newcomers: tutorials, animated Understandable norms & policies demos, FAQs, help, mentors, contacts Clear navigation paths  Sense of belonging: recognition of sense of mastery and control familiar people & activities Universal usability: novice/expert, small/large Charismatic leaders with visionary display, slow/fast network, multilingual, goals support for users with disabilities Interface design features to support reading, Safety & privacy browsing, searching, sharing
  • 44. Motivating C ontributors Usability Sociability Low threshold interfaces to encourage Support for legitimate peripheral small contributions (no login) participation High ceiling interfaces that allow large Chance to build reputation over time frequent contributions while performing satisfying tasks Visibility for users’ contributions & impact - Recognition for the highest quality aggregated over time & quantity of contributions Visibility of ratings & comments Recognition of a person’s specific expertise Tools to undo vandalism, limit malicious Policies & norms for contributions users, control pornography & libel
  • 45. Motivating C ollaborators Usability Sociability Ways to locate relevant & competent Atmosphere of empathy & trust that individuals to form collaborations promotes belonging to the community & willingness to work within groups to produce something larger Tools to collaborate: communicate Altruism: a desire to support the within groups, schedule projects, community, desire to give back, assign tasks, share work products, willingness to reciprocate request assistance Visible recognition collaborators, e.g. Ways to develop a reputation for authorship, citations, links, themselves & their collaborators; acknowledgements develop & maintain status within group Ways to resolve differences Respect for status within the community (e.g. voting), mediate disputes & deal with unhelpful collaborators
  • 46. Motivating Leaders Usability Sociability Leaders are given higher visibility & Leadership is valued and given an their efforts are highlighted, sometimes honored position & expected to meet with historical narratives, special expectations tributes, or rewards Leaders are given special powers, e.g. Respect is offered for helping others & to promote agendas, expend resources, dealing with problems or limit malicious users Mentorship efforts are visibly celebrated, Mentors are cultivated & encouraged e.g. with comments from mentees
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  • 49. NodeXL: Import Dialogs
  • 50. Tweets at #WIN09 Conference: 2 groups
  • 51. Tweets at #NFAIS11 Conference: Sunday S ize b y Be twe e nne s s C e ntrality
  • 52. Tweets at #NFAIS11 Conference: Sunday
  • 53. Tweets at #NFAIS11 Conference: Monday S ize b y Be twe e nne s s C e ntrality
  • 54. Tweets at #NFAIS11 Conference: Monday S ize b y Be twe e nne s s C e ntrality
  • 55. Tweets at #NFAIS11 Conference: Monday S ize b y Be twe e nne s s C e ntrality, C olor b y C lu s te r
  • 57. Tweets for #HCI: 2 groups
  • 58. Kodak Twitter Community www.cod e p le / e xl/ nod
  • 59. Oil Spill Twitter Community www.cod e p le / e xl/ nod
  • 60. CHI2010 Twitter Community www.cod e p le / e xl/ nod
  • 61. NodeXL: HIPAA, F-R layout, Size by Followers
  • 62. NodeXL: HIPAA, H-K layout, extract smalls, size by Tweets
  • 63. NodeXL: HIPAA, H-K, Size by Betweenness Centrality
  • 64. NodeXL: HIPAA, H-K, Size by Betweenness Centrality
  • 65. NodeXL: HIPAA, H-K, Size by Betweenness Centrality
  • 66. NodeXL: HIPAA, H-K, Size by Betweenness Centrality
  • 67. Flickr clusters for “mouse” C omputer Mickey A nimal
  • 69. Analyzing Social Media Networks with NodeXL I. Getting S tarted with A nalyzing S ocial Media Networks 1 . Introd u ction to S ocial M e d ia and S ocial N e tworks 2. S ocial m e d ia: N e w Te ch nologie s of C ollab oration 3. S ocial N e twork Analys is II. NodeXL Tutorial: Learning by Doing 4. Layou t, Vis u al D e s ign & Lab e ling 5. C alcu lating & Vis u alizing N e twork M e trics 6. P re p aring D ata & F ilte ring 7. C lu s te ring &G rou p ing III S ocial Media Network A nalys is C as e S tudies 8. E m ail 9. Th re ad e d N e tworks 1 0. Twitte r 1 1 . F ace b ook 1 2. WWW 1 3. F lickr 1 4. You Tu b e 1 5. Wiki N e tworks
  • 70. Social Media Research Foundation R e s e arch e rs wh o want to - cre ate op e n tools - ge ne rate & h os t op e n d ata - s u p p ort op e n s ch olars h ip M ap , m e as u re & u nd e rs tand s ocial m e d ia S u p p ort tool p roj cts to e colle ction, analyze & vis u alize s ocial m e d ia d ata.
  • 71. UN Millennium Development Goals To b e ach ie ve d b y 201 5 • E rad icate e xtre m e p ove rty and h u nge r • Ach ie ve u nive rs al p rim ary e d u cation • P rom ote ge nd e r e qu ality and e m p owe r wom e n • R e d u ce ch ild m ortality • Im p rove m ate rnal h e alth • C om b at H IV/ S , m alaria and oth e r d is e as e s AID • E ns u re e nvironm e ntal s u s tainab ility • D e ve lop a glob al p artne rs h ip for d e ve lop m e nt
  • 72. 28th Annual Symposium May 25-26, 2011
  • 73. Social Search/Discovery: Active&Passive • Create content: scanned & born digital • Individual & group efforts • Improve info quality • consistency, clarity, completeness • currency, sourced, linked • Organize data: taxonomies, tagging, rating • Common queries, results ranking, query refinement • Interpreting & organizing results
  • 74. S ocial m e d ia h as fu nd am e ntally ch ange d th e way th at p e op le d is cove r p rod u cts , s e rvice s and conte nt. It's no longe r s im p ly ab ou t th e old m e th od of p rod u ct, p rice and p lace m e nt, it's ab ou t re le vance , valu e and virality. As th e e ffe ctive ne s s of trad itional online m arke ting continu e s to d e cline , h ow can you b e s u re th at you r m e s s age is not only ab s orb e d , b u t e m b race d , p as s e d along and vie we d as valu ab le ? Th e re h ave alre ad y b e e n p le nty of s tu d ie s cond u cte d th at s h ow u s th at word of m ou th is th e m os t tru s te d s ou rce of inform ation for inte rne t u s e rs . It's p rob ab ly fair to s ay th at word of m ou th is th e m os t tru s te d m e th od of d is cove ry and influ e nce in ge ne ral. I'm m u ch m ore like ly to go s e e a m ovie if a good frie nd te lls m e I'll like it ve rs u s s e e ing an ad . h ttp :/ h e avyb agm e d / log/ / b 2008/ 1 / m axim izing-s ocial-d is cove ry-op p ortu nitie s -o n-th e -s ocial-we b 1 28/ “N oovo is a social d iscove ry p l atform that he l s p use rs contrib ute , find and share highl re l vant y e conte nt in the sim p l st p ossib l way,” e e
  • 75. Social Discovery Social Discovery Create Capacity Seek Solution Individual Tag, Comment, Ask questions, Rate, Review, Offer challenge, Summarize Request collaboration, Seek experts Community Establish thesauri, Give answers, Prepare catalogs, Discuss alternatives, Aggregate knowledge, Respond to challenge, Organize resources Offer advice S ocial Dis covery in an Information A bundant World Be n S h ne id e rm an Twitter @benbendc U nive rs ity of M aryland , F ou nd ing D ire ctor (1 983-2000), H u m an-C om p u te r Inte raction Lab P rofe s s or, D e p artm e nt of C om p u te r S cie nce , M e m b e r, Ins titu te fo r Ad vance d C om p u te r S tu d ie s M ile s C onrad Award Le ctu re N F AIS , F e b ru ary 28, 201 1
  • 76. Asking for Help • Requests to your community • Posts to discussion groups • Questions to free answer services • Questions to paid answer services • Mechanical Turk • Quora • Innocentive
  • 77. Forming Collaborations • Find fellow searchers with shared interests • Hire staff to follow your leadership • Recruit domain experts to work with you • Hire team to provide diverse skills
  • 78. Social Search/Discovery: Active & Passive • Early systems: GroupSearch, CoSearch, Ariadne • Tagging: Digg, Connotea • Rating, Ranking, Reviewing • Social Search: Wikia Search • Facebook & Twitter requests
  • 79. U.S. Library of Congress • Scholars, Journalists, Citizens • Teachers, Students
  • 80. Visible Human Explorer (NLM) • Doctors • Surgeons • Researchers • Students
  • 81. NASA Environmental Data • Scientists • Farmers • Land planners • Students
  • 82. Bureau of the Census • Economists, Policy makers, Journalists • Teachers, Students
  • 83. NSF Digital Government Initiative • Find what you need • Understand what you Find Census, NCHS, BLS, EIA, NASS, SSA
  • 85. Information Visualization • Visual bandwidth is enormous • Human perceptual skills are remarkable • Trend, cluster, gap, outlier... • Color, size, shape, proximity... • Three challenges • Meaningful visual displays of massive data • Interaction: widgets & window coordination • Process models for discovery:
  • 86. ManyEyes: A web sharing platform

Hinweis der Redaktion

  1. &amp;quot;The IN Cell Analyzer automated microscope was used to identify proteins influencing the division of human cells. After the images were analyzed, quantitative results were transferred to Spotfire DecisionSite. This screen revealed the previously unknown involvement of the retinol binding protein RBP1 in cell cycle control.(Stubbs S, &amp; Thomas N. 2006 Methods in Enzymology; 414:1-21.) Retinol a form of Vitamin A plays a crucial role in vision and during embryonic development&amp;quot;  
  2. Chapter 3, Figure 1 (page 6). A NodeXL social media network diagram of relationships among Twitter users mentioning the hashtag “#WIN09” used by attendees of a conference on Network Science at NYU in September 2009. Each user’s node is sized proportional to the number of tweets they have ever made to that date.
  3. Chapter 3, Figure 1 (page 6). A NodeXL social media network diagram of relationships among Twitter users mentioning the hashtag “#WIN09” used by attendees of a conference on Network Science at NYU in September 2009. Each user’s node is sized proportional to the number of tweets they have ever made to that date.
  4. Chapter 3, Figure 1 (page 6). A NodeXL social media network diagram of relationships among Twitter users mentioning the hashtag “#WIN09” used by attendees of a conference on Network Science at NYU in September 2009. Each user’s node is sized proportional to the number of tweets they have ever made to that date.
  5. Chapter 3, Figure 1 (page 6). A NodeXL social media network diagram of relationships among Twitter users mentioning the hashtag “#WIN09” used by attendees of a conference on Network Science at NYU in September 2009. Each user’s node is sized proportional to the number of tweets they have ever made to that date.
  6. Chapter 3, Figure 1 (page 6). A NodeXL social media network diagram of relationships among Twitter users mentioning the hashtag “#WIN09” used by attendees of a conference on Network Science at NYU in September 2009. Each user’s node is sized proportional to the number of tweets they have ever made to that date.
  7. Chapter 3, Figure 1 (page 6). A NodeXL social media network diagram of relationships among Twitter users mentioning the hashtag “#WIN09” used by attendees of a conference on Network Science at NYU in September 2009. Each user’s node is sized proportional to the number of tweets they have ever made to that date.
  8. Chapter 3, Figure 1 (page 6). A NodeXL social media network diagram of relationships among Twitter users mentioning the hashtag “#WIN09” used by attendees of a conference on Network Science at NYU in September 2009. Each user’s node is sized proportional to the number of tweets they have ever made to that date.
  9. Figure 13.20. NodeXL cluster visualization showing three Flickr tag clusters, each representing a different context for “mouse”. Figure 13.21. NodeXL display of Isolated clusters for three different contexts for the “mouse” tag in Flickr: mouse animal, computer mouse, and Mickey Mouse Disney character.
  10. Chapter 3, Figure 1 (page 6). A NodeXL social media network diagram of relationships among Twitter users mentioning the hashtag “#WIN09” used by attendees of a conference on Network Science at NYU in September 2009. Each user’s node is sized proportional to the number of tweets they have ever made to that date.