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Apollo Medicine 2012 December
                                                                                                                       Original Article
Volume 9, Number 4; pp. 292e296

Serum cytokine TNF-alpha and hemoglobin levels in Plasmodium
falciparum malaria e A correlative study in coastal districts of Odisha
Anshuman Sarangia,*, P.C. Mohapatrab, R.K. Dalaic


       Background and objectives: This study was conducted to assess the correlation between TNF alpha levels and
       Hemoglobin in patients affected by Plasmodium falciparum along with sex and age matched healthy controls.
       Methods: This study included 32 patients of P. falciparum malaria, and 30 age and sex matched healthy controls.
       Blood samples were drawn from malaria patients admitted to medicine ward along with healthy controls and trans-
       ferred to the Biochemistry department for the routine hematological parameters and ELISA for TNF-alpha, IL-12 and
       Results: The levels of TNF-alpha were significantly elevated in falciparum malaria compared to healthy controls.
       Further Hb levels in Pf malaria showed significant decline compared to healthy controls. A strong negative correlation
       was observed between TNF-alpha and Hb levels in Pf malaria.
       Conclusion: The results indicate that in falciparum are characterized by up regulation of TNF-alpha and down
       regulation of Hb levels. Present study shows close association between severe anemia and high TNF-alpha levels.
       Copyright © 2012, Indraprastha Medical Corporation Ltd. All rights reserved.
       Keywords: Pf malaria, Hb, Cytokine, TNF-alpha, Anemia

INTRODUCTION                                                             increased red cell loss through hemolysis and underproduc-
                                                                         tion of red cells. Such a combination will lead to acceler-
Malaria is the most important parasitic infection affecting              ated development of anemia.
an estimated 350e500 million people world-wide and                          Severe malarial anemia and cerebral malaria are the
resulting in between 0.5 and 2 million deaths annually.1                 main complications of Plasmodium falciparum infection.
The pathogenesis of the anemia of malaria is complex,                    They are responsible for most of the estimated one to three
and this has been recognized from the earliest days of                   million malaria-related deaths every year in the world,
malariology. The anemia of malaria can certainly not be                  mainly among children below 5 years of age in sub-Saharan
explained by the hemolysis of parasitized red cells alone:               Africa.2
it is frequently disproportional to the degree of parasitemia,              Severe malarial anemia is reported to be the earliest
is often worst at a time when the parasitemia is waning, and             complication, usually affecting children below 2 years of
may persist or deteriorate during periods of low-grade para-             age Although severe anemia is a major concern in malaria
sitemia. The balance between red cell production and                     pathology due to its high mortality rates, milder forms of
destruction normally determines hemoglobin levels, and                   anemia also are important, since this manifestation is
in malaria, anemia may arise from the combination of                     responsible for considerable morbidity and is one of the

 Department of Biochemistry, bProfessor & H.O.D., Department of Biochemistry, cAssociate Professor, Department of Medicine, S.C.B. Medical
College, Cuttack, Odisha, India.
 Corresponding author. Tel.: þ91 9861232063, email:
Received: 23.3.2012; Accepted: 4.8.2012; Available online 23.8.2012
Copyright Ó 2012, Indraprastha Medical Corporation Ltd. All rights reserved.
Serum cytokine TNF-alpha and hemoglobin levels in Plasmodium falciparum malaria                           Original Article   293

major factors for the high disability-adjusted life years          affected by P. falciparum along with sex and age matched
attributed to malaria.3 The mechanisms of severe malarial          healthy controls.
anemia are the subject of intense study.4,5 Many factors
have been reported to influence its pathogenesis, but the
mechanisms themselves remain controversial.6
                                                                   MATERIALS AND METHODS
    The increased destruction and phagocytosis of infected
and uninfected erythrocytes, the suppression of erythropoi-
esis by relatively impaired erythropoietin production, the         Study area and patients
autoimmune lysis of both parasitized and normal erythro-
                                                                   The study was carried out in S.C.B. Medical, College,
cytes, and reticuloendothelial hyperfunction seem to be
                                                                   Hospital, Cuttack, Odisha, Department of Medicine and
important causative factors, but they do not adequately
                                                                   Department of Biochemistry. This hospital is the largest
explain the severity and extent of anemia. Furthermore,
                                                                   government institution catering to the entire coastal belt
anemia can persist for weeks after effective antimalarial treat-
                                                                   of Odisha. Therefore patients from interior rural areas visit
ment.7 Although the pathological basis for the development
                                                                   the hospital for treatment.
of malarial anemia is not yet well understood, the participa-
                                                                      Subjects were chosen from amongst malaria patients
tion of cytokines8 and of autoantibodies has been considered.
                                                                   admitted to medicine indoor ward of S.C.B. Medical
    Some works have suggested that severe anemia is associ-
                                                                   College Hospital. P. falciparum malaria was defined
ated with predominant T-helper 1 (Th1) responses, character-
                                                                   according to modified World Health Organization criteria.
ized by high levels of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-a) in
                                                                      Graph showing correlation between TNF-alpha and
relation to interleukin-10 (IL-10) levels, and conversely,
                                                                   hemoglobin in pf malaria patients.
protection from this complication was associated with an
inverse relationship, i.e., with a balance toward a high
IL-10/TNF-a ratio. Other cytokines and chemokines, partic-
ularly those involved in macrophage migration and activity,
such as migration inhibitory factor (MIF) and monocyte
chemotactic protein-1 (MCP-1), also can be involved. Since
high TNF-a production by macrophages can be influenced
by phospholipids such as the Plasmodium-derived gly-
cosylphosphatidylinositol,9,10 anti-phospholipid antibodies,
which are common in malaria infections could play a role
in this system. Antibodies directed to erythrocyte membrane
antigens, which also are present in malaria infections,
could act by destroying parasitized and non-parasitized
    Optimal immune response to malaria infection is charac-
terized by early intense pro-inflammatory cytokine-mediated
effectors mechanisms that kill or clear parasite-infected cells
and which are then equally rapidly suppressed by anti-inflam-
matory effectors once parasite replication has been brought
under control. The outcome of infection depends on a dedi-
cated balance between appropriate and inappropriate induc-
tion of these mediators. Early pro-inflammatory cytokine               As a control group for cytokine determination 30 healthy
responses seem to mediate protective, whereas late response        volunteers of same range of age and sex were also included
contributes to pathology. This suggests that a crucial balance     in the study. All volunteers enrolled as control group were
might exist during the inflammatory response to malaria             negative at the thick smear examination for P. falciparum
infection.                                                         without febrile episodes during the last 6 months and
    The first characterized parasite-induced cytokine was           without sign of anemia (Hb > 10 g/dl).
TNF alpha, induced in macrophages by erythrocytes                     Inclusion and classification of each case were based
infected by Plasmodium malarial pigment and certain                on the symptoms, physical signs and laboratory finding
glycolipids such as GPI moiety.                                    of malaria at the onset of the disease. On the basis of
    This study was conducted to assess the correlation             hematological parameters and evidence of neurological
between TNF alpha levels and Hemoglobin in patients                involvement severity of malaria was established. The
294   Apollo Medicine 2012 December; Vol. 9, No. 4                                                             Sarangi et al.

malaria patients admitted to Medicine ward from                correlation between hemoglobin and TNF-alpha
November 2009 to October 2010 were included in the             (r ¼ À0.96) was found indicating an important association
study. If as per the inclusion criteria the patient was        correlating TNF-alpha levels with anemia.
found fit to be included in the study then the consent
form was obtained duly signed and the patients were
included in the study. Blood hemoglobin was measured           DISCUSSION
by cyanmethemoglobin method. Patient informed consent
form and Volunteer’s informed consent form were obtained       In human malaria altered immune reactivity appears late in
from the participants in the study and the ethical clearance   the acute phase of the diseases and can last a long time after
certificate from the Institutional Ethics Committee of          the clearance of parasites from the circulation. An explana-
S.C.B Medical College, Cuttack is attached.                    tion for the poor acquisition of malaria unit in naturally
                                                               exposed population is that the parasite actively modulates
                                                               of specific immune response.11 The inflammatory response
Sample collection
                                                               that is needed to remove parasites lead to considerable
Blood samples were drawn from malaria patients admitted        tissue damage and activation of phagocytes to kill intracel-
to medicine ward and transferred to Department for Hb esti-    lular or extracellular parasites requires the production of
mation and ELISA for TNF alpha. Blood samples were             inflammatory cytokines which can cause systemic effects
collected for immunological assessment in sterile tubes.       such as severe anemia and cerebral malaria.12 The immune
All the samples were centrifuged and serum was refriger-       response to malaria likely is regulated by the balance of
ated at À70  C in the Department of Biochemistry for          pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines that culminate in
determination of TNF-alpha.                                    either immunoprotection or pathogenesis. In our study the
   Blood samples were drawn from healthy volunteers not        TNF alpha was elevated in all patients of malaria as expres-
infected with malaria and transferred to Department of         sion of immune activation in response to the presence of
Biochemistry for Hb estimation and ELISA for TNF-alpha.        parasites are determinants of malaria severity and
                                                               outcome13 and can represent potential target for therapeutic
                                                               interventions if their effect will be highlighted.
Cytokine determination                                             Cytokines TNF-alpha induced in macrophages by eryth-
                                                               rocytes infected by Plasmodium malaria pigment and
Cytokine analysis was performed by Ray Biotech ELISA           certain glycolipids such as GPI moiety. It has been shown
assay kits (Ray Biotech Inc 3607 Parkway Lane, Suite           that GPI moiety induces NOS in macrophages and activates
200, Norcross GA 30092) for TNF-alpha as specified by           endothelial cells by tyrosineekinase-mediated signal trans-
the manufacturer. Each plate included a standard curve of      duction. The amount of TNF-alpha produced by malaria
recombinant human cytokine on logelog graph paper. All         parasites seems to vary between people in the same
specimens were measured in duplicate and the mean of           endemic area exposed to similar parasites and inoculation
the two values was taken.                                      rates .TNF alpha has a role in the regulation of macrophage,
                                                               interleukin 12 induced production and it has been shown
Statistical analysis                                           that TNF alpha is an important co-factor for interleukin
                                                               production of interferon gamma by NK cells. Luty et al14
Serum cytokine concentration was determined in dupli-          showed a close association between the presence of severe
cate and expressed as mean Æ SE of the mean. Compari-          anemia, high TNF alpha concentrations and large numbers
sons between groups were made using Z test with                of circulating haemozoin-containing monocytes, suggesting
statistical significance set at SE value of 1% level of         that haemozoin-induced TNF alpha reduction plays a part
significance.                                                   in either initiation or exacerbation of anemia as a clinical
                                                               outcome of chronic, uncontrolled parasitemia.
                                                                   TNF alpha levels in falciparum malaria in the present
RESULTS                                                        study showed significant elevation (272.48 Æ 335.05 pg/
                                                               ml) compared to healthy controls (42.90 Æ 13.5 pg/ml).
In our study TNF alpha in falciparum malaria was signifi-       TNF alpha levels were higher in falciparum malaria signi-
cantly elevated (631.25 Æ 382.26 pg/ml) compared to            fying that TNF alpha may be an important component in
healthy controls (42.90 Æ 13.5 pg/ml) whereas Hb levels        the pathogenesis of severe falciparum malaria and in partic-
were significantly reduced (8.2 Æ 0.54 g/dl) compared to        ular in the cerebral syndrome and the hypoglycemia which
healthy controls (13.21 Æ 0.85). A strong negative             can complicate this disease.
Serum cytokine TNF-alpha and hemoglobin levels in Plasmodium falciparum malaria                           Original Article   295

    The anemia of malaria is due to a combination of prema-        fall was soon realized to be out of proportion to the number
ture red cell destruction and inadequate red cell production.      of red cells parasitized, so other factors were realized to
The two mechanisms often overlap and each may be the               contribute. Phagocytosis of unparasitized red cells was
result of different pathways. Red cell destruction, for            also recorded decades ago in monkey and human malaria,
example, involves both infected and uninfected cells whose         and for many years was regarded as sufficient explanation
lifespan may be shortened by nonimmune and immune                  for this discrepancy.
mechanisms. Inadequate production may be due to the                    Others had been investigating dyserythropoiesis in the
suppression of erythropoiesis, or dysfunctional erythropoi-        bone marrow of patients with falciparum malaria and
esis (dyserythropoiesis), where the bone marrow erythroid          stressed its contribution to malarial anemia. A group in
cells are increased but mature red cell output is inadequate.      Oxford seeking an explanation for this dyserythropoiesis
    As recently reviewed,15 critical illness associated with an    through an electron microscopy study of bone marrow,
inflammatory response invariably causes multifactorial              observed sequestration of parasitized red cells and argued
anemia. It has often been noted that anemia could                  that this caused the bone marrow dysfunction in falciparum
contribute to poor oxygenation of tissues in malaria and           malaria by restricting blood flow and thus inducing hypoxic
there is general acceptance that it can be severe enough           changes.
to reduce the supply of oxygen to mitochondria to danger-              Twenty-five years ago our group proposed that TNF
ously low levels. Thus it can be a major component of              might cause the bone marrow depression seen in malaria.
malarial pathology.                                                Subsequently an undefined product in macrophage superna-
    Erythrocytes have a limited life, determined by how long       tants, later identified as TNF, was found to inhibit the
they can remain flexible enough to squeeze through fenes-           growth and differentiation of erythroid progenitor cells.
trations in specialized vessels in the red pulp of the spleen.     When rTNF became available (but before it had become
A red cell that cannot pass this test is phagocytosed by adja-     technically possible to assay for this cytokine in human
cent macrophages, and lost. In health this loss is balanced        serum) the dyserythropoiesis and erythrophagocytosis
by erythropoiesis, and hematocrit remains normal. Should           seen in terminal Plasmodium vincke infected mice were
red cells develop a premature poor deformability they are          reproduced when a single injection of rTNF was given early
removed from the circulation correspondingly earlier.              in the course of the infection.
    Like other cells, erythrocytes stay intact by constantly           Phagocytosis of erythroblasts in bone marrow,
extruding Naþ in exchange for Kþ through an energy                 a phenomenon also reported by Wickramasinghe in human
dependant “pump” in their cell membrane that was defined            malaria, was commonly observed. Decreased erythropoiesis
by the ability of certain digitalis gylcosides to block it. This   was subsequently reported in mice receiving continuous
Naþ/Kþ pump fails, and intracellular Naþ accumulates               TNF infusions via implanted osmotic pumps, and increased
in (non-parasitized as well as parasitized) red cells              erythropoiesis in malarial mice after injecting neutralizing
during human or monkey malaria. Since inhibition of the            antibody directed against murine TNF. TNF-induced dyser-
Naþ/Kþ pump in vitro correlates with a reduced red cell            ythropoiesis has since been confirmed in rats, and mice
deformability plus a parallel decrease in red cell filter-          expressing high levels of human TNF become markedly
ability, any influence, such as NO, that inhibits this pump         anemic during malaria infections, even though parasite
could potentially cause poor red cell deformability. Cyto-         numbers, and therefore red cell loss post-schizogony, are
kine-induced iNOS provides a demonstrable16 way for                considerably reduced.
these changes to occur in severe malaria. There is good                During the intraerythrocytic phase of its life cycle, the
evidence that, when measured on admission, a severe                malaria parasite matures within a cell in which hemo-
reduction in red cell deformability is a strong predictor of       globin is the single major cytosolic protein. While in the
malarial mortality, but whether this is cause and effect, or       trophozoite stage, the parasite avidly ingests and degrades
the two phenomena are simply inevitable co-travelers in            host erythrocyte hemoglobin by means of a specialized
a strong pro-inflammatory milieu, is unclear. It seems clear        structure called a cytostome, which spans the double
that poor red cell deformability (which affects parasitized        membrane between erythrocyte and parasite cytoplasm.
and unparasitized red cells equally) and dyserythropoiesis         Hemoglobin-containing vesicles are pinched off from the
can lead to severe anemia in various diseases, particularly        cytostome and travel to the digestive vacuole where the
in chronic infections such as malaria. Because the parasite        hemoglobin is broken down. The process of hemoglobin
inhabits erythrocytes, which must burst if the parasite is         degradation releases heme, which accumulates in crystal-
to propagate, the obvious initial conclusion was that this         line particles within the digestive vacuoles .The formation
source of red cell loss was central to the fall in hematocrit      of these pigmented crystals (called hemozoin) is poorly
seen in this disease. As reviewed nearly 60 years ago this         understood.
296   Apollo Medicine 2012 December; Vol. 9, No. 4                                                                        Sarangi et al.

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Serum cytokine TNF-alpha and hemoglobin levels in Plasmodium falciparum malaria e A correlative study in coastal districts of Odisha

  • 1. Apollo Medicine 2012 December Original Article Volume 9, Number 4; pp. 292e296 Serum cytokine TNF-alpha and hemoglobin levels in Plasmodium falciparum malaria e A correlative study in coastal districts of Odisha Anshuman Sarangia,*, P.C. Mohapatrab, R.K. Dalaic ABSTRACT Background and objectives: This study was conducted to assess the correlation between TNF alpha levels and Hemoglobin in patients affected by Plasmodium falciparum along with sex and age matched healthy controls. Methods: This study included 32 patients of P. falciparum malaria, and 30 age and sex matched healthy controls. Blood samples were drawn from malaria patients admitted to medicine ward along with healthy controls and trans- ferred to the Biochemistry department for the routine hematological parameters and ELISA for TNF-alpha, IL-12 and IL-4. Results: The levels of TNF-alpha were significantly elevated in falciparum malaria compared to healthy controls. Further Hb levels in Pf malaria showed significant decline compared to healthy controls. A strong negative correlation was observed between TNF-alpha and Hb levels in Pf malaria. Conclusion: The results indicate that in falciparum are characterized by up regulation of TNF-alpha and down regulation of Hb levels. Present study shows close association between severe anemia and high TNF-alpha levels. Copyright © 2012, Indraprastha Medical Corporation Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Pf malaria, Hb, Cytokine, TNF-alpha, Anemia INTRODUCTION increased red cell loss through hemolysis and underproduc- tion of red cells. Such a combination will lead to acceler- Malaria is the most important parasitic infection affecting ated development of anemia. an estimated 350e500 million people world-wide and Severe malarial anemia and cerebral malaria are the resulting in between 0.5 and 2 million deaths annually.1 main complications of Plasmodium falciparum infection. The pathogenesis of the anemia of malaria is complex, They are responsible for most of the estimated one to three and this has been recognized from the earliest days of million malaria-related deaths every year in the world, malariology. The anemia of malaria can certainly not be mainly among children below 5 years of age in sub-Saharan explained by the hemolysis of parasitized red cells alone: Africa.2 it is frequently disproportional to the degree of parasitemia, Severe malarial anemia is reported to be the earliest is often worst at a time when the parasitemia is waning, and complication, usually affecting children below 2 years of may persist or deteriorate during periods of low-grade para- age Although severe anemia is a major concern in malaria sitemia. The balance between red cell production and pathology due to its high mortality rates, milder forms of destruction normally determines hemoglobin levels, and anemia also are important, since this manifestation is in malaria, anemia may arise from the combination of responsible for considerable morbidity and is one of the a Department of Biochemistry, bProfessor & H.O.D., Department of Biochemistry, cAssociate Professor, Department of Medicine, S.C.B. Medical College, Cuttack, Odisha, India. * Corresponding author. Tel.: þ91 9861232063, email: Received: 23.3.2012; Accepted: 4.8.2012; Available online 23.8.2012 Copyright Ó 2012, Indraprastha Medical Corporation Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • 2. Serum cytokine TNF-alpha and hemoglobin levels in Plasmodium falciparum malaria Original Article 293 major factors for the high disability-adjusted life years affected by P. falciparum along with sex and age matched attributed to malaria.3 The mechanisms of severe malarial healthy controls. anemia are the subject of intense study.4,5 Many factors have been reported to influence its pathogenesis, but the mechanisms themselves remain controversial.6 MATERIALS AND METHODS The increased destruction and phagocytosis of infected and uninfected erythrocytes, the suppression of erythropoi- esis by relatively impaired erythropoietin production, the Study area and patients autoimmune lysis of both parasitized and normal erythro- The study was carried out in S.C.B. Medical, College, cytes, and reticuloendothelial hyperfunction seem to be Hospital, Cuttack, Odisha, Department of Medicine and important causative factors, but they do not adequately Department of Biochemistry. This hospital is the largest explain the severity and extent of anemia. Furthermore, government institution catering to the entire coastal belt anemia can persist for weeks after effective antimalarial treat- of Odisha. Therefore patients from interior rural areas visit ment.7 Although the pathological basis for the development the hospital for treatment. of malarial anemia is not yet well understood, the participa- Subjects were chosen from amongst malaria patients tion of cytokines8 and of autoantibodies has been considered. admitted to medicine indoor ward of S.C.B. Medical Some works have suggested that severe anemia is associ- College Hospital. P. falciparum malaria was defined ated with predominant T-helper 1 (Th1) responses, character- according to modified World Health Organization criteria. ized by high levels of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-a) in Graph showing correlation between TNF-alpha and relation to interleukin-10 (IL-10) levels, and conversely, hemoglobin in pf malaria patients. protection from this complication was associated with an inverse relationship, i.e., with a balance toward a high IL-10/TNF-a ratio. Other cytokines and chemokines, partic- ularly those involved in macrophage migration and activity, such as migration inhibitory factor (MIF) and monocyte chemotactic protein-1 (MCP-1), also can be involved. Since high TNF-a production by macrophages can be influenced by phospholipids such as the Plasmodium-derived gly- cosylphosphatidylinositol,9,10 anti-phospholipid antibodies, which are common in malaria infections could play a role in this system. Antibodies directed to erythrocyte membrane antigens, which also are present in malaria infections, could act by destroying parasitized and non-parasitized erythrocytes. Optimal immune response to malaria infection is charac- terized by early intense pro-inflammatory cytokine-mediated effectors mechanisms that kill or clear parasite-infected cells and which are then equally rapidly suppressed by anti-inflam- matory effectors once parasite replication has been brought under control. The outcome of infection depends on a dedi- cated balance between appropriate and inappropriate induc- tion of these mediators. Early pro-inflammatory cytokine As a control group for cytokine determination 30 healthy responses seem to mediate protective, whereas late response volunteers of same range of age and sex were also included contributes to pathology. This suggests that a crucial balance in the study. All volunteers enrolled as control group were might exist during the inflammatory response to malaria negative at the thick smear examination for P. falciparum infection. without febrile episodes during the last 6 months and The first characterized parasite-induced cytokine was without sign of anemia (Hb > 10 g/dl). TNF alpha, induced in macrophages by erythrocytes Inclusion and classification of each case were based infected by Plasmodium malarial pigment and certain on the symptoms, physical signs and laboratory finding glycolipids such as GPI moiety. of malaria at the onset of the disease. On the basis of This study was conducted to assess the correlation hematological parameters and evidence of neurological between TNF alpha levels and Hemoglobin in patients involvement severity of malaria was established. The
  • 3. 294 Apollo Medicine 2012 December; Vol. 9, No. 4 Sarangi et al. malaria patients admitted to Medicine ward from correlation between hemoglobin and TNF-alpha November 2009 to October 2010 were included in the (r ¼ À0.96) was found indicating an important association study. If as per the inclusion criteria the patient was correlating TNF-alpha levels with anemia. found fit to be included in the study then the consent form was obtained duly signed and the patients were included in the study. Blood hemoglobin was measured DISCUSSION by cyanmethemoglobin method. Patient informed consent form and Volunteer’s informed consent form were obtained In human malaria altered immune reactivity appears late in from the participants in the study and the ethical clearance the acute phase of the diseases and can last a long time after certificate from the Institutional Ethics Committee of the clearance of parasites from the circulation. An explana- S.C.B Medical College, Cuttack is attached. tion for the poor acquisition of malaria unit in naturally exposed population is that the parasite actively modulates of specific immune response.11 The inflammatory response Sample collection that is needed to remove parasites lead to considerable Blood samples were drawn from malaria patients admitted tissue damage and activation of phagocytes to kill intracel- to medicine ward and transferred to Department for Hb esti- lular or extracellular parasites requires the production of mation and ELISA for TNF alpha. Blood samples were inflammatory cytokines which can cause systemic effects collected for immunological assessment in sterile tubes. such as severe anemia and cerebral malaria.12 The immune All the samples were centrifuged and serum was refriger- response to malaria likely is regulated by the balance of ated at À70 C in the Department of Biochemistry for pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines that culminate in determination of TNF-alpha. either immunoprotection or pathogenesis. In our study the Blood samples were drawn from healthy volunteers not TNF alpha was elevated in all patients of malaria as expres- infected with malaria and transferred to Department of sion of immune activation in response to the presence of Biochemistry for Hb estimation and ELISA for TNF-alpha. parasites are determinants of malaria severity and outcome13 and can represent potential target for therapeutic interventions if their effect will be highlighted. Cytokine determination Cytokines TNF-alpha induced in macrophages by eryth- rocytes infected by Plasmodium malaria pigment and Cytokine analysis was performed by Ray Biotech ELISA certain glycolipids such as GPI moiety. It has been shown assay kits (Ray Biotech Inc 3607 Parkway Lane, Suite that GPI moiety induces NOS in macrophages and activates 200, Norcross GA 30092) for TNF-alpha as specified by endothelial cells by tyrosineekinase-mediated signal trans- the manufacturer. Each plate included a standard curve of duction. The amount of TNF-alpha produced by malaria recombinant human cytokine on logelog graph paper. All parasites seems to vary between people in the same specimens were measured in duplicate and the mean of endemic area exposed to similar parasites and inoculation the two values was taken. rates .TNF alpha has a role in the regulation of macrophage, interleukin 12 induced production and it has been shown Statistical analysis that TNF alpha is an important co-factor for interleukin production of interferon gamma by NK cells. Luty et al14 Serum cytokine concentration was determined in dupli- showed a close association between the presence of severe cate and expressed as mean Æ SE of the mean. Compari- anemia, high TNF alpha concentrations and large numbers sons between groups were made using Z test with of circulating haemozoin-containing monocytes, suggesting statistical significance set at SE value of 1% level of that haemozoin-induced TNF alpha reduction plays a part significance. in either initiation or exacerbation of anemia as a clinical outcome of chronic, uncontrolled parasitemia. TNF alpha levels in falciparum malaria in the present RESULTS study showed significant elevation (272.48 Æ 335.05 pg/ ml) compared to healthy controls (42.90 Æ 13.5 pg/ml). In our study TNF alpha in falciparum malaria was signifi- TNF alpha levels were higher in falciparum malaria signi- cantly elevated (631.25 Æ 382.26 pg/ml) compared to fying that TNF alpha may be an important component in healthy controls (42.90 Æ 13.5 pg/ml) whereas Hb levels the pathogenesis of severe falciparum malaria and in partic- were significantly reduced (8.2 Æ 0.54 g/dl) compared to ular in the cerebral syndrome and the hypoglycemia which healthy controls (13.21 Æ 0.85). A strong negative can complicate this disease.
  • 4. Serum cytokine TNF-alpha and hemoglobin levels in Plasmodium falciparum malaria Original Article 295 The anemia of malaria is due to a combination of prema- fall was soon realized to be out of proportion to the number ture red cell destruction and inadequate red cell production. of red cells parasitized, so other factors were realized to The two mechanisms often overlap and each may be the contribute. Phagocytosis of unparasitized red cells was result of different pathways. Red cell destruction, for also recorded decades ago in monkey and human malaria, example, involves both infected and uninfected cells whose and for many years was regarded as sufficient explanation lifespan may be shortened by nonimmune and immune for this discrepancy. mechanisms. Inadequate production may be due to the Others had been investigating dyserythropoiesis in the suppression of erythropoiesis, or dysfunctional erythropoi- bone marrow of patients with falciparum malaria and esis (dyserythropoiesis), where the bone marrow erythroid stressed its contribution to malarial anemia. A group in cells are increased but mature red cell output is inadequate. Oxford seeking an explanation for this dyserythropoiesis As recently reviewed,15 critical illness associated with an through an electron microscopy study of bone marrow, inflammatory response invariably causes multifactorial observed sequestration of parasitized red cells and argued anemia. It has often been noted that anemia could that this caused the bone marrow dysfunction in falciparum contribute to poor oxygenation of tissues in malaria and malaria by restricting blood flow and thus inducing hypoxic there is general acceptance that it can be severe enough changes. to reduce the supply of oxygen to mitochondria to danger- Twenty-five years ago our group proposed that TNF ously low levels. Thus it can be a major component of might cause the bone marrow depression seen in malaria. malarial pathology. Subsequently an undefined product in macrophage superna- Erythrocytes have a limited life, determined by how long tants, later identified as TNF, was found to inhibit the they can remain flexible enough to squeeze through fenes- growth and differentiation of erythroid progenitor cells. trations in specialized vessels in the red pulp of the spleen. When rTNF became available (but before it had become A red cell that cannot pass this test is phagocytosed by adja- technically possible to assay for this cytokine in human cent macrophages, and lost. In health this loss is balanced serum) the dyserythropoiesis and erythrophagocytosis by erythropoiesis, and hematocrit remains normal. Should seen in terminal Plasmodium vincke infected mice were red cells develop a premature poor deformability they are reproduced when a single injection of rTNF was given early removed from the circulation correspondingly earlier. in the course of the infection. Like other cells, erythrocytes stay intact by constantly Phagocytosis of erythroblasts in bone marrow, extruding Naþ in exchange for Kþ through an energy a phenomenon also reported by Wickramasinghe in human dependant “pump” in their cell membrane that was defined malaria, was commonly observed. Decreased erythropoiesis by the ability of certain digitalis gylcosides to block it. This was subsequently reported in mice receiving continuous Naþ/Kþ pump fails, and intracellular Naþ accumulates TNF infusions via implanted osmotic pumps, and increased in (non-parasitized as well as parasitized) red cells erythropoiesis in malarial mice after injecting neutralizing during human or monkey malaria. Since inhibition of the antibody directed against murine TNF. TNF-induced dyser- Naþ/Kþ pump in vitro correlates with a reduced red cell ythropoiesis has since been confirmed in rats, and mice deformability plus a parallel decrease in red cell filter- expressing high levels of human TNF become markedly ability, any influence, such as NO, that inhibits this pump anemic during malaria infections, even though parasite could potentially cause poor red cell deformability. Cyto- numbers, and therefore red cell loss post-schizogony, are kine-induced iNOS provides a demonstrable16 way for considerably reduced. these changes to occur in severe malaria. There is good During the intraerythrocytic phase of its life cycle, the evidence that, when measured on admission, a severe malaria parasite matures within a cell in which hemo- reduction in red cell deformability is a strong predictor of globin is the single major cytosolic protein. While in the malarial mortality, but whether this is cause and effect, or trophozoite stage, the parasite avidly ingests and degrades the two phenomena are simply inevitable co-travelers in host erythrocyte hemoglobin by means of a specialized a strong pro-inflammatory milieu, is unclear. It seems clear structure called a cytostome, which spans the double that poor red cell deformability (which affects parasitized membrane between erythrocyte and parasite cytoplasm. and unparasitized red cells equally) and dyserythropoiesis Hemoglobin-containing vesicles are pinched off from the can lead to severe anemia in various diseases, particularly cytostome and travel to the digestive vacuole where the in chronic infections such as malaria. Because the parasite hemoglobin is broken down. The process of hemoglobin inhabits erythrocytes, which must burst if the parasite is degradation releases heme, which accumulates in crystal- to propagate, the obvious initial conclusion was that this line particles within the digestive vacuoles .The formation source of red cell loss was central to the fall in hematocrit of these pigmented crystals (called hemozoin) is poorly seen in this disease. As reviewed nearly 60 years ago this understood.
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