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Prepared For: Acquia
                                            October 4, 2012

                             Title: Harmonious Development:
Standardizing The Deployment Process via Vagrant and Puppet

         Achieve – Quality on Time

Achieve Internet Overview

   7+ years developing media and entertainment web

 Over 60,000 development hours developing Drupal web &
    mobile-optimized solutions

   Deep expertise in UX
    (theming), Globalization, Integration, and Performance

 Company commitment to
    quality, transparency, continuity, reliability and client
Key Clients: Media & Entertainment

Key Clients: Other

Pop Quiz

 * Transform upper camel case to lower camel case.
 * @param string $word
 * Upper camel case word.
 * @return string
 * $word with first letter in lower case.
 * @see
function my_module_camel_case($word) {
  return lcfirst($word);

echo my_module_camel_case('HelloWorld');

+        =
Agenda (Cont.)

   What’s all the fuss?

   What is Virtualization?

   Vagrant – Creating (and destroying) environments on the fly

   Provisioning (via Puppet)

   Examples

   Future Directions

   Q&A
What We Are Not Covering

 Performance Tuning
  These are examples only

 Version Control
  All provisioning can be placed into VCS

   Puppet vs. Chef
What’s all the fuss?

“Write once, run anywhere” -- Sun Microsystems

“Write Once, Debug Everywhere” -- Anonymous / Reality

“In many distributed computing environments, failures are
reported in a way that violates even the simplest notions of
consistency.” -- IEEE Software, Bradford Glade. K. Birman
The Good Old Days
How It Compares

Old Approach

                      Old Approach… Today
The Drupal Ecosystem
Site Building Roles
How It All Fits

     Virtual Box                         Vagrant
(Virtual Environment)           (Virtual Machine Builder)

                                               (Vagrant Box

 VirtualBox v4.1.18

 Vagrant v1.0.3 (

 Puppet v2.7.19

 Veewee v0.3.0.beta1 (

 Ubuntu v8.04 Hardy Heron
Virtual Box

     Virtual Box
(Virtual Environment)
                                 (Virtual Machine Builder)

                                                 (Vagrant Box
What is Virtualization?
 Technical Definition….
 A logical representation of a computer in software. By decoupling the
 physical hardware from the operating system, virtualization provides
 more operational flexibility and increases the utilization rate of the
 underlying physical hardware.1

 In a Nutshell….
 Putting a small computer [guest/virtual machine] (operating system,
 memory, video display, peripherals, etc.) into the confines of another
 bigger physical system [host].

 Open Source virtualization software for
 Windows, Mac, and Linux

 Can host multiple operating systems at
 once (within memory and CPU

 Free!

     Virtual Box
(Virtual Environment)
                              (Virtual Machine Builder)

                                              (Vagrant Box

 Manages your virtual machines
 Works with VirtualBox
 Extremely customizable
 Over 50+ pre-built base boxes
 Free!
Why Vagrant?

 Creates consistent, reproducible environments
 Rapid setup – Start development in a few quick steps
 Reduce duplicated effort
 Increased reliability
 Allows you to tinker around, more on this later…
 Cost savings!
Agenda - Revisited

 What’s all the fuss?
 What is Virtualization?
 Vagrant – Creating (and destroying)
 environments on the fly.
 Provisioning (via Puppet)
 Examples
 Future Directions
Using Vagrant
Part 1: Create a Ubuntu 8.04 LTS Virtual Machine (VM)

One Time Steps:
List available boxes:
$ vagrant box list

Add a new Vagrant base box to inventory if not available:
Usage: vagrant box add <alias> <location>
$ vagrant box add hardy /path/to/

Create a directory for your Vagrant VMs
$ mkdir <vm_dir>/myproject

Create a Vagrant file (do this in <vm_dir>/myproject)
Usage: vagrant init <alias>
$ vagrant init hardy
Using Vagrant

Let’s Rock!!

Start up a virtual machine:
$ vagrant up

Delete a virtual machine:
$ vagrant remove

Connect to virtual machine:
$ vagrant ssh

Success! Instant VM. Do the happy dance!
Using Vagrant
Other Useful Commands

Go to lunch:
$ vagrant suspend # Save state of virtual machine
$ vagrant resume # Start virtual machine up again

$ vagrant halt       # Shutdown the VM
$ vagrant up –no-provision # Restart VM, skip provisioning*
* = Online documentation says no reprovisioning will occur…

Reload configuration (automatically does a provisioning)
$ vagrant reload

Reprovision a system:
$ vagrant reprovision

Repackage running system:
$ vagrant package
Example 1

$ mkdir <vm_dir>/myproject
$ vagrant init hardy

Customize our VM Instance (Excerpts of Vagrantfile) :hostonly, "”

# Host: <vm_dir>/<project_name> == Guest: /vagrant
config.vm.share_folder "v-root", "/vagrant", ".", :owner => 'www-data', :group => 'www-

# Configure the VM with puppet.
config.vm.provision :puppet, :module_path => "modules", :options => ["--
environment", "local"] do |puppet|
 puppet.manifests_path = "manifests”
 puppet.manifest_file = ”myproject.pp”

$ vagrant up
Example 1

Scenario: Admin for a Day

Wonder what this does… (WARNING)*

$ sudo chmod 444 /etc/sudoers

* Warning, doing this on a Production system may have an adverse effect on
your career. This will remove any ability to sudo.

Solution (Assuming all configuration is provisioned):
$ vagrant destroy
$ vagrant up

 Instant development environments!

 No physical hardware required.

 Creates a safe environment for configuration optimization.

     Virtual Box
(Virtual Environment)
                             (Virtual Machine Builder)

                                             (Vagrant Box

   Provisioning = preparing a device/server for usage, aka configuration

   Allows enforceable system configuration

   Similar to Microsoft’s System Center Configuration Manager/SMS or Apple’s Profile

   Uses a Resource Abstraction Layer (RAL) to interact with the host.
    Core Resource Types include: notify, file, package, service, exec, cron, user, group

   RAL can be used to read and modify resources

   Configurations can be store in manifests. See resources for prebuilt modules.
Puppet: Miscellaneous Info

Facter: Inspects operating system “facts” that can be used in modules.
$ facter
 id => vagrant
interfaces => eth0,eth1,lo
ipaddress =>
ipaddress_eth0 =>
ipaddress_eth1 =>
ipaddress_lo =>
is_virtual => true
kernel => Linux
kernelmajversion => 2.6
kernelrelease => 2.6.24-26-server
kernelversion => 2.6.24
lsbdistcodename => hardy
lsbdistdescription => Ubuntu 8.04.4 LTS
lsbdistid => Ubuntu
lsbdistrelease => 8.04
lsbmajdistrelease => 8
memoryfree => 1.85 GB
memorysize => 1.98 GB
memorytotal => 1.98 GB
netmask =>
netmask_lo =>
network_eth0 =>
network_eth1 =>
network_lo =>
operatingsystem => Ubuntu
operatingsystemrelease => 8.04
Puppet: Miscellaneous Info (Cont.)

Describes a resource, use -s to summarize
$ puppet describe <resource>

Inspect individual resource in “Puppet-speak”
$ puppet resource service apache2
service { 'apache2':
  ensure => 'stopped',
  enable => 'true',

Test a manifest on the local system
$ puppet apply --modulepath=<module_path> <manifest>.pp
Agenda - Revisited

 What’s all the fuss?
 What is Virtualization?
 Vagrant – Creating (and destroying)
 environments on the fly.
 Provisioning (via Puppet)
 Examples
 Future Directions
Puppet: Important Notes

Common Pattern:
Package, File, Service

Resources are processed asynchronously! Use dependency
relationships (require/before) if any ordering is necessary.

@see for prebuilt Puppet
Puppet Main Manifest
class myproject {
                                     Site specific          ensure => 'absent';
 $site = ’myproject'                                       $site:
                                                            ensure => 'present';             Site/DB
 # Vagrant specific setup, set up hostname, hosts file    }
 class { 'vagrant':                                       apache::mod {
   site => $site,                                           'rewrite': ensure => 'present'
 }                                                        }

 # Cool stuff                                             mysql::schema { $site:
 class { 'vim': }                                           user => $site,
                                                            password => $site,
 # LAMP stack                                             }
 class { 'linux': }
 class { 'apache': }                 Base LAMP            class { 'drupal::prepare':
 class { 'mysql': }                                          site => $site,
 class { 'php':                                              admin_pw => 'admin',
   error_reporting => 'E_ALL & ~(E_WARNING|E_NOTICE)',     }
 }                                                       }
 class { 'phpmyadmin': }
                                                         class { 'myproject': }
 # Drupal
 class { 'drupal':
   server_type => 'dev',

 # Solr
 class { 'tomcat': }
 class { 'solr': }                   Search
 # Site specific stuff
 apache::site {
    vhost => 'default',
Example 2: Puppet Module
/modules/apache/init.pp (Header)
# Class: apache                                                              # vhost => 'default',
#                                                                            # ensure => 'absent';
# This module installs apache and sets up the virtual.
                                                                             # '<site_name_1>':
                                                                             # ensure => 'present';             Advanced usage
# Mike Lee <>                                 # '<site_name_2>':
# 2012-09-07
                                                                             # docroot => '/custom/path',
                                                                             # ensure => 'present';
                                                                                                                Enable host/mod
# Tested platforms:                                                          #}
# - Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron                                                  #
#                                                                            # Enable/disable modules.
# Parameters:                                                                # apache::mod {
# N/A                                                                        # 'rewrite': ensure => 'present’
#                                                                            #}
# Actions:
# Installs and configures apache. Will automatically create the site file.
# Requires:
# N/A
# Sample Usage:
# Make sure apache is present.
# class { 'apache': }
#                                            Base usage
# Enable/disable sites.
# <site_name> = Simple site name. The vagrant domain will be added
# i.e. <site_name> = "example" creates a site named "example.vagrant".
# <docroot> = Docroot. Defaults to /vagrant/<site_name>/docroot.
# If this is overridden, this must be the ABSOLUTE path to the docroot.
# apache::site {
# 'default':
Puppet Sample Module
/modules/apache/init.pp (Code)
class apache {                                                             case $ensure {
 $apache2_sites = '/etc/apache2/sites'                                        present: {
 $apache2_mods = '/etc/apache2/mods'                                           file { "/etc/apache2/sites-available/$site_name":
                                                                                 ensure => file,
 # OS Specific settings
 case $::operatingsystem {                  OS Specific                          require => Package[$apache::package_name],
                                                                                 content => template("apache/${apache::conf_template}"),
   ubuntu: {                                                                   }
     $package_name = 'apache2'
     $conf_template = 'site.conf.debian.erb'                                    exec { "/usr/sbin/a2ensite $site_name":
   }                                                                              unless => "/bin/readlink -e ${apache2_sites}-enabled/$site_name",
   default: {                                                                     notify => Exec['force-reload-apache'],
     notify { "${module_name}_unsupported":                                       require => Package[$apache::package_name],
       message => "The ${module_name} module is not supported on                }
${::operatingsystem}.",                                                         }
     }                                                                          absent: {
     error("OS support for ${::operatingsystem} needs to be configured")          exec { "/usr/sbin/a2dissite $site_name":
   }                                                                                #onlyif => "/bin/readlink -e ${apache2_sites}-enabled/$site_name", #
 }                                                                         readlink not returning 0

 # Define new type: site
                                    Define type: site                               notify => Exec['force-reload-apache'],
                                                                                    require => Package[$apache::package_name],
 define site ($ensure = 'present', $vhost = undef, $docroot = undef) {            }
  if $vhost {                                                                   }
    $site_name = $vhost                                                         default: {
  }                                                                               err("Unknown ensure value: '$ensure'")
  else {                                                                        }
    $site_name = "${title}.vagrant"                                           }
  }                                                                         }

  if $docroot {
    $path = $docroot
  else {
    $path = "/vagrant/${title}/docroot"
Puppet Sample Module
/modules/apache/init.pp (Code)
 # Define new type: mod
 define mod ($ensure = 'present') {                                                   service { $package_name:
   case $ensure {
     present: {
                                                                                        ensure => running,
                                                                                        hasstatus => true,
       exec { "/usr/sbin/a2enmod $title":                                               hasrestart => true,
         unless => "/bin/readlink -e ${apache2_mods}-enabled/${title}.load",            require => Package[$package_name],
         notify => Exec['force-reload-apache'],                                       }
         require => Package[$apache::package_name],                               }
     absent: {
                               Define type: mod
       exec { "/usr/sbin/a2dismod $title":
         #onlyif => "/bin/readlink -e ${apache2_mods}-enabled/${title}.load", #
readlink not returning 0
         notify => Exec['force-reload-apache'],
         require => Package[$apache::package_name],
     default: {
       err("Unknown ensure value: '$ensure'")

 # Force reload all the time, doesn't take that much more in resources.
 exec { 'force-reload-apache':
   command => '/etc/init.d/apache2 force-reload',
   refreshonly => true,

 package { $package_name:
   ensure => installed,
Puppet Sample Module
ERB Templates: Create files on the fly.

# Puppet generated file. DO NOT EDIT!
# Managed by Class['apache']

<VirtualHost *:80>

 DocumentRoot <%= path %>
 ServerName <%= site_name %>

 <Directory <%= path %>>
  Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
  AllowOverride All
  Order allow,deny
  allow from all

 Construct fully functioning development environments on
 the fly!

 Bring new team members up to speed in a few simple

 Everyone is working with the same virtual machine.
Agenda - Revisited

 What’s all the fuss?
 What is Virtualization?
 Vagrant – Creating (and destroying)
 environments on the fly.
 Provisioning (via Puppet)
 Examples
 Future Directions

     Virtual Box
(Virtual Environment)
                             (Virtual Machine Builder)

                                             (Vagrant Box
Next Steps: Veewee

Want your own custom Vagrant Box or one doesn’t exist?

Veewee has predefined definitions for creating a variety of Vagrant base boxes.

Installation Requirements (Mac OS X)
- Install RVM (Ruby Version Manager)
   $ curl -L | bash -s stable

-   Install Xcode, Command Line Tools for Xcode (required by Homebrew)

-   Install Homebrew
    $ ruby <(curl -fsSkL

-   Install apple-gcc42 GCC Required!
      $ brew update
     $ brew tap homebrew/dupes
     $ brew install autoconf automake apple-gcc42
     $ rvm pkg install openssl
Next Steps: Veewee

Veewee Installation (Mac OS X)

$ rvm install 1.9.2
$ git clone
$ cd veewee

(official – Never worked for me…)
$ gem install bundler
$ bundle install

$ gem build veewee.gemspec
$ gem install veewee-*.gem (run as sudo)
$ unalias veewee
Next Steps: Veewee
Veewee Base Box Creation (Mac OS X)

In veewee directory:
- Copy new iso into [currentDir]/iso   (optional, saves veewee from finding)

Create VM definition off of template:
Usage: veewee vbox define <box_name> <template>
$ veewee vbox define hardy ubuntu-8.04.4-server-i386

Customize VM Definition:
- Edit <veewee_dir>/definitions/<box_name>/definition.rb

Build virtual box (This should start VirtualBox)
Usage: veewee build <box_name>
$ veewee vbox build hardy # go get a coffee

Usage: veewee vbox validate <box_name>
$ veewee vbox validate hardy

Build Vagrant base box:
Usage: vagrant basebox export <box_name>
$ vagrant basebox export hardy
Next Steps: Puppet Enterprise

 Allow for remote management of puppet nodes.

  “One server to rule them all.”

 Clone your configurations to EC2.

 Audit your configurations.

 Be mindful of Puppets asyncronous execution order:
  Make sure dependecies are properly set.
 Starbucks syndrome:
  Switching networks can sometimes cause your VM’s networking to
   get confused. Halt and restart to correct.

 Provision everything… or as much as you can:
  This will make resetting your environment go much more smoothly.

 VirtualBox v4.1.18

 Vagrant v1.0.3 (

 Puppet v2.7.19

 Veewee v0.3.0.beta1 (

 Ubuntu v8.04 Hardy Heron
Further Resources

 Prebulit Vagrant Base Boxes (

 Puppet Forge (

 Learn Puppet (
   …makes the "works on my machine" excuse a relic of the past. -- Vagrant

   Created a disposable test bed to play with configuration changes

   Created reusable modules to easily build customized setups

   Provided canned environment for those who simply want to jump into a project. Allows
    team members to focus on core competencies.

   Allows you to quickly and efficiently archive projects and come back to them later

                        CONSISTENCY - REDUCED ERRORS
                                EASY & INEXPENSIVE
                       INSTANT DEVELOPMENT              - SAVE $$$
Achieve Internet Pillars of Expertise

                  Technical Foundation Built On the
                  Following Core Areas of Expertise
                  and Knowledge:

                  1. User Experience (UX) / Theming

                  2. Globalization/Localization

                  3. Performance & Deployment

                  4. Integration
Thank You
        Michael Lee
       Senior Architect
      Direct: 858-453-5760

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Harmonious Development: Standardizing The Deployment Process via Vagrant and Puppet

  • 1. Prepared For: Acquia October 4, 2012 Title: Harmonious Development: Standardizing The Deployment Process via Vagrant and Puppet Achieve – Quality on Time 1
  • 2. Achieve Internet Overview  7+ years developing media and entertainment web properties  Over 60,000 development hours developing Drupal web & mobile-optimized solutions  Deep expertise in UX (theming), Globalization, Integration, and Performance  Company commitment to quality, transparency, continuity, reliability and client experience
  • 3. Key Clients: Media & Entertainment Media
  • 5. Pop Quiz <?php /** * Transform upper camel case to lower camel case. * * @param string $word * Upper camel case word. * * @return string * $word with first letter in lower case. * * @see */ function my_module_camel_case($word) { return lcfirst($word); } echo my_module_camel_case('HelloWorld');
  • 7. Agenda (Cont.)  What’s all the fuss?  What is Virtualization?  Vagrant – Creating (and destroying) environments on the fly  Provisioning (via Puppet)  Examples  Future Directions  Q&A
  • 8. What We Are Not Covering  Performance Tuning  These are examples only  Version Control  All provisioning can be placed into VCS  Puppet vs. Chef
  • 9. What’s all the fuss? “Write once, run anywhere” -- Sun Microsystems “Write Once, Debug Everywhere” -- Anonymous / Reality “In many distributed computing environments, failures are reported in a way that violates even the simplest notions of consistency.” -- IEEE Software, Bradford Glade. K. Birman
  • 10. The Good Old Days
  • 12. How It Compares Old Approach Old Approach… Today
  • 15. How It All Fits Virtual Box Vagrant (Virtual Environment) (Virtual Machine Builder) VeeWee (Vagrant Box Builder) Puppet (Provisioner)
  • 16. Versions  VirtualBox v4.1.18 (  Vagrant v1.0.3 (  Puppet v2.7.19  Veewee v0.3.0.beta1 (  Ubuntu v8.04 Hardy Heron
  • 17. Virtual Box Virtual Box Vagrant (Virtual Environment) (Virtual Machine Builder) VeeWee (Vagrant Box Builder) Puppet (Provisioner)
  • 18. What is Virtualization?  Technical Definition….  A logical representation of a computer in software. By decoupling the physical hardware from the operating system, virtualization provides more operational flexibility and increases the utilization rate of the underlying physical hardware.1  In a Nutshell….  Putting a small computer [guest/virtual machine] (operating system, memory, video display, peripherals, etc.) into the confines of another bigger physical system [host].
  • 19. VirtualBox  Open Source virtualization software for Windows, Mac, and Linux  Can host multiple operating systems at once (within memory and CPU resources)  Free!
  • 20. Vagrant Virtual Box Vagrant (Virtual Environment) (Virtual Machine Builder) VeeWee (Vagrant Box Builder) Puppet (Provisioner)
  • 21. Vagrant  Manages your virtual machines  Works with VirtualBox  Extremely customizable  Over 50+ pre-built base boxes  Free!
  • 22. Why Vagrant?  Creates consistent, reproducible environments  Rapid setup – Start development in a few quick steps  Reduce duplicated effort  Increased reliability  Allows you to tinker around, more on this later…  Cost savings!
  • 23. Agenda - Revisited  What’s all the fuss?  What is Virtualization?  Vagrant – Creating (and destroying) environments on the fly.  Provisioning (via Puppet)  Examples  Future Directions Q&A
  • 24. Using Vagrant Objective: Part 1: Create a Ubuntu 8.04 LTS Virtual Machine (VM) One Time Steps: List available boxes: $ vagrant box list Add a new Vagrant base box to inventory if not available: (@see Usage: vagrant box add <alias> <location> $ vagrant box add hardy /path/to/ Create a directory for your Vagrant VMs $ mkdir <vm_dir>/myproject Create a Vagrant file (do this in <vm_dir>/myproject) Usage: vagrant init <alias> $ vagrant init hardy
  • 25. Using Vagrant Let’s Rock!! Start up a virtual machine: $ vagrant up Delete a virtual machine: $ vagrant remove Connect to virtual machine: $ vagrant ssh Success! Instant VM. Do the happy dance!
  • 26. Using Vagrant Other Useful Commands Go to lunch: $ vagrant suspend # Save state of virtual machine $ vagrant resume # Start virtual machine up again Reboot: $ vagrant halt # Shutdown the VM $ vagrant up –no-provision # Restart VM, skip provisioning* * = Online documentation says no reprovisioning will occur… Reload configuration (automatically does a provisioning) $ vagrant reload Reprovision a system: $ vagrant reprovision Repackage running system: $ vagrant package
  • 27. Example 1 $ mkdir <vm_dir>/myproject $ vagrant init hardy Customize our VM Instance (Excerpts of Vagrantfile) :hostonly, "” # Host: <vm_dir>/<project_name> == Guest: /vagrant config.vm.share_folder "v-root", "/vagrant", ".", :owner => 'www-data', :group => 'www- data’ # Configure the VM with puppet. config.vm.provision :puppet, :module_path => "modules", :options => ["-- environment", "local"] do |puppet| puppet.manifests_path = "manifests” puppet.manifest_file = ”myproject.pp” End $ vagrant up
  • 28. Example 1 Scenario: Admin for a Day Wonder what this does… (WARNING)* $ sudo chmod 444 /etc/sudoers * Warning, doing this on a Production system may have an adverse effect on your career. This will remove any ability to sudo. Solution (Assuming all configuration is provisioned): $ vagrant destroy $ vagrant up
  • 29. Vagrant++  Instant development environments!  No physical hardware required.  Creates a safe environment for configuration optimization.
  • 30. Puppet Virtual Box Vagrant (Virtual Environment) (Virtual Machine Builder) VeeWee (Vagrant Box Builder) Puppet (Provisioner)
  • 31. Puppet  Provisioning = preparing a device/server for usage, aka configuration  Allows enforceable system configuration  Similar to Microsoft’s System Center Configuration Manager/SMS or Apple’s Profile Manager  Uses a Resource Abstraction Layer (RAL) to interact with the host. Core Resource Types include: notify, file, package, service, exec, cron, user, group  RAL can be used to read and modify resources  Configurations can be store in manifests. See resources for prebuilt modules.
  • 32. Puppet: Miscellaneous Info Facter: Inspects operating system “facts” that can be used in modules. $ facter … id => vagrant interfaces => eth0,eth1,lo ipaddress => ipaddress_eth0 => ipaddress_eth1 => ipaddress_lo => is_virtual => true kernel => Linux kernelmajversion => 2.6 kernelrelease => 2.6.24-26-server kernelversion => 2.6.24 lsbdistcodename => hardy lsbdistdescription => Ubuntu 8.04.4 LTS lsbdistid => Ubuntu lsbdistrelease => 8.04 lsbmajdistrelease => 8 memoryfree => 1.85 GB memorysize => 1.98 GB memorytotal => 1.98 GB netmask => netmask_lo => network_eth0 => network_eth1 => network_lo => operatingsystem => Ubuntu operatingsystemrelease => 8.04 …
  • 33. Puppet: Miscellaneous Info (Cont.) Describes a resource, use -s to summarize $ puppet describe <resource> Inspect individual resource in “Puppet-speak” $ puppet resource service apache2 service { 'apache2': ensure => 'stopped', enable => 'true', } Test a manifest on the local system $ puppet apply --modulepath=<module_path> <manifest>.pp
  • 34. Agenda - Revisited  What’s all the fuss?  What is Virtualization?  Vagrant – Creating (and destroying) environments on the fly.  Provisioning (via Puppet)  Examples  Future Directions Q&A
  • 35. Puppet: Important Notes Common Pattern: Package, File, Service Resources are processed asynchronously! Use dependency relationships (require/before) if any ordering is necessary. @see for prebuilt Puppet modules.
  • 36. Puppet Main Manifest myproject.pp class myproject { Site specific ensure => 'absent'; $site = ’myproject' $site: ensure => 'present'; Site/DB # Vagrant specific setup, set up hostname, hosts file } class { 'vagrant': apache::mod { site => $site, 'rewrite': ensure => 'present' } } # Cool stuff mysql::schema { $site: class { 'vim': } user => $site, password => $site, # LAMP stack } class { 'linux': } class { 'apache': } Base LAMP class { 'drupal::prepare': class { 'mysql': } site => $site, class { 'php': admin_pw => 'admin', error_reporting => 'E_ALL & ~(E_WARNING|E_NOTICE)', } } } class { 'phpmyadmin': } class { 'myproject': } # Drupal class { 'drupal': server_type => 'dev', } # Solr class { 'tomcat': } class { 'solr': } Search # Site specific stuff apache::site { 'default': vhost => 'default',
  • 37. Example 2: Puppet Module /modules/apache/init.pp (Header) # Class: apache # vhost => 'default', # # ensure => 'absent'; # This module installs apache and sets up the virtual. # # '<site_name_1>': # ensure => 'present'; Advanced usage # Mike Lee <> # '<site_name_2>': # 2012-09-07 # # docroot => '/custom/path', # ensure => 'present'; Enable host/mod # Tested platforms: #} # - Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron # # # Enable/disable modules. # Parameters: # apache::mod { # N/A # 'rewrite': ensure => 'present’ # #} # Actions: # Installs and configures apache. Will automatically create the site file. # # Requires: # N/A # # Sample Usage: # # Make sure apache is present. # class { 'apache': } # Base usage # Enable/disable sites. # <site_name> = Simple site name. The vagrant domain will be added automatically. # i.e. <site_name> = "example" creates a site named "example.vagrant". # <docroot> = Docroot. Defaults to /vagrant/<site_name>/docroot. # If this is overridden, this must be the ABSOLUTE path to the docroot. # # apache::site { # 'default':
  • 38. Puppet Sample Module /modules/apache/init.pp (Code) class apache { case $ensure { $apache2_sites = '/etc/apache2/sites' present: { $apache2_mods = '/etc/apache2/mods' file { "/etc/apache2/sites-available/$site_name": ensure => file, # OS Specific settings case $::operatingsystem { OS Specific require => Package[$apache::package_name], content => template("apache/${apache::conf_template}"), ubuntu: { } $package_name = 'apache2' $conf_template = 'site.conf.debian.erb' exec { "/usr/sbin/a2ensite $site_name": } unless => "/bin/readlink -e ${apache2_sites}-enabled/$site_name", default: { notify => Exec['force-reload-apache'], notify { "${module_name}_unsupported": require => Package[$apache::package_name], message => "The ${module_name} module is not supported on } ${::operatingsystem}.", } } absent: { error("OS support for ${::operatingsystem} needs to be configured") exec { "/usr/sbin/a2dissite $site_name": } #onlyif => "/bin/readlink -e ${apache2_sites}-enabled/$site_name", # } readlink not returning 0 # Define new type: site Define type: site notify => Exec['force-reload-apache'], require => Package[$apache::package_name], define site ($ensure = 'present', $vhost = undef, $docroot = undef) { } if $vhost { } $site_name = $vhost default: { } err("Unknown ensure value: '$ensure'") else { } $site_name = "${title}.vagrant" } } } if $docroot { $path = $docroot } else { $path = "/vagrant/${title}/docroot" }
  • 39. Puppet Sample Module /modules/apache/init.pp (Code) # Define new type: mod define mod ($ensure = 'present') { service { $package_name: case $ensure { present: { ensure => running, hasstatus => true, Package/Service exec { "/usr/sbin/a2enmod $title": hasrestart => true, unless => "/bin/readlink -e ${apache2_mods}-enabled/${title}.load", require => Package[$package_name], notify => Exec['force-reload-apache'], } require => Package[$apache::package_name], } } } absent: { Define type: mod exec { "/usr/sbin/a2dismod $title": #onlyif => "/bin/readlink -e ${apache2_mods}-enabled/${title}.load", # readlink not returning 0 notify => Exec['force-reload-apache'], require => Package[$apache::package_name], } } default: { err("Unknown ensure value: '$ensure'") } } } # Force reload all the time, doesn't take that much more in resources. exec { 'force-reload-apache': command => '/etc/init.d/apache2 force-reload', refreshonly => true, } package { $package_name: ensure => installed, }
  • 40. Puppet Sample Module ERB Templates: Create files on the fly. /modules/apache/templates/site.conf.debian.erb # Puppet generated file. DO NOT EDIT! # Managed by Class['apache'] <VirtualHost *:80> ServerAdmin DocumentRoot <%= path %> ServerName <%= site_name %> <Directory <%= path %>> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews AllowOverride All Order allow,deny allow from all </Directory> </VirtualHost>
  • 41. Puppet++  Construct fully functioning development environments on the fly!  Bring new team members up to speed in a few simple commands.  CONSISTENCY! CONSISTENCY! CONSISTENCY! Everyone is working with the same virtual machine.
  • 42. Agenda - Revisited  What’s all the fuss?  What is Virtualization?  Vagrant – Creating (and destroying) environments on the fly.  Provisioning (via Puppet)  Examples  Future Directions Q&A
  • 43. Veewee Virtual Box Vagrant (Virtual Environment) (Virtual Machine Builder) VeeWee (Vagrant Box Builder) Puppet (Provisioner)
  • 44. Next Steps: Veewee Want your own custom Vagrant Box or one doesn’t exist? Veewee has predefined definitions for creating a variety of Vagrant base boxes. Installation Requirements (Mac OS X) - Install RVM (Ruby Version Manager) $ curl -L | bash -s stable - Install Xcode, Command Line Tools for Xcode (required by Homebrew) - Install Homebrew $ ruby <(curl -fsSkL - Install apple-gcc42 GCC Required! $ brew update $ brew tap homebrew/dupes $ brew install autoconf automake apple-gcc42 $ rvm pkg install openssl
  • 45. Next Steps: Veewee Veewee Installation (Mac OS X) $ rvm install 1.9.2 $ git clone $ cd veewee (official – Never worked for me…) $ gem install bundler $ bundle install (unoffical) $ gem build veewee.gemspec $ gem install veewee-*.gem (run as sudo) $ unalias veewee
  • 46. Next Steps: Veewee Veewee Base Box Creation (Mac OS X) In veewee directory: - Copy new iso into [currentDir]/iso (optional, saves veewee from finding) Create VM definition off of template: Usage: veewee vbox define <box_name> <template> $ veewee vbox define hardy ubuntu-8.04.4-server-i386 Customize VM Definition: - Edit <veewee_dir>/definitions/<box_name>/definition.rb Build virtual box (This should start VirtualBox) Usage: veewee build <box_name> $ veewee vbox build hardy # go get a coffee Usage: veewee vbox validate <box_name> $ veewee vbox validate hardy Build Vagrant base box: Usage: vagrant basebox export <box_name> $ vagrant basebox export hardy
  • 47. Next Steps: Puppet Enterprise  Allow for remote management of puppet nodes.  “One server to rule them all.”  Clone your configurations to EC2.  Audit your configurations.
  • 48. Gotchas  Be mindful of Puppets asyncronous execution order:  Make sure dependecies are properly set.  Starbucks syndrome:  Switching networks can sometimes cause your VM’s networking to get confused. Halt and restart to correct.  Provision everything… or as much as you can:  This will make resetting your environment go much more smoothly.
  • 49. Versions  VirtualBox v4.1.18 (  Vagrant v1.0.3 (  Puppet v2.7.19  Veewee v0.3.0.beta1 (  Ubuntu v8.04 Hardy Heron
  • 50. Further Resources  Prebulit Vagrant Base Boxes (  Puppet Forge (  Learn Puppet (
  • 51. Conclusion  …makes the "works on my machine" excuse a relic of the past. -- Vagrant  Created a disposable test bed to play with configuration changes  Created reusable modules to easily build customized setups  Provided canned environment for those who simply want to jump into a project. Allows team members to focus on core competencies.  Allows you to quickly and efficiently archive projects and come back to them later  CONSISTENCY - REDUCED ERRORS  EASY & INEXPENSIVE  INSTANT DEVELOPMENT - SAVE $$$
  • 52. Achieve Internet Pillars of Expertise Technical Foundation Built On the Following Core Areas of Expertise and Knowledge: 1. User Experience (UX) / Theming 2. Globalization/Localization 3. Performance & Deployment 4. Integration
  • 53. QA
  • 54. Thank You Michael Lee Senior Architect mlee11111 @ach_mikelee /pub/michael-lee/4/297/a6b Direct: 858-453-5760