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High	Quality	
Acous3c	Habitat	
Iden%fying	areas	of	
rela%ve	natural	quiet	
Jim	Cummings,	Execu3ve	Director
Soundscape	monitoring	and	modeling	
Con%nental-scale	modeling	
Anthropogenic	noise	—	increase	above	natural	ambient	
	MenniA,	K	Fristrup,	K	Sherrill,	L	Nelson.	(2013)	Mapping	sound	pressure	levels	on	a	con3nental	scale	using	a	geospa3al	sound	model.		Internoise	2013.
Soundscape	monitoring	and	modeling	
Ocean-basin	scale	noise	monitoring	
Rice,	et	al.	Varia3on	of	ocean	acous3c	environments	along	the	western	North	Atlan3c	coast:	A	case	
study	in	context	of	the	right	whale	migra3on	route.	Ecological	Informa3cs	21	(2014)	89-99			
North	Atlan%c:	Maine	to	Georgia
Soundscape	monitoring	and	modeling	
Listening	in	remote	waters	
Bowhead	whale	acous%c	world	
One	year,	six	research	teams	
2300km	transect,	20	sites	
Van	Opzeeland,	I.,	Samaran,	F.,	Stafford,	K.	M.,	Findlay,	K.,	Gedamke,	J.,	
Harris,	D.,	&	Miller,	B.	S.	(2014).	Towards	collec3ve	circum-antarc3c	passive	
acous3c	monitoring:	the	southern	ocean	hydrophone	network	(SOHN).	
Polarforschung,	83(2),	47-61		
Clark,	Berchok,	Blackwell,	Hannay,	Jones,	Ponirakis,	Stafford.		A	year	in	the	
acous3c	world	of	bowhead	whales	in	the	Bering,	Chukchi	and	Beaufort	Seas.	
Progress	in	Oceanography	136	(2015)	223-240		
Southern	Ocean	Hydrophone	Network	
Emerging	noise	sources	
Changing	Arc%c	soundscape	
Icebreaking	as	dominant	new	noise	source	
in	expanding	“marginal	ice	zone”	
F	Geyer,	H	Sagen,	G	Hope,	M	Babiker,	P	Worcester.		Iden3fica3on	and	quan3fica3on	of	soundscape	
components	in	the	Marginal	Ice	Zone.		J.	Acous.	Soc.	Am.	139	(4),	April	2016,	1873-1885	
“Ship	cavita3on	caused	by	heavy	
icebreaking	is	the	dominant	source,	
increasing	the	NL	by	more	than	
10dB	below	1000Hz	and	28dB	at	
15Hz.	The	cavita3on	noise	during	
the	2013	experiment	dominates	at	
distances	as	large	as	100km	from	
the	icebreaker.	This	implies	that	
this	type	of	noise	may	change	
the	Arc%c	soundscape	
2016	paper,	Fram	Strait,	between	Greenland	and	Svalbard
Emerging	noise	sources	
Subsea	oil	and	gas	processing	
Considered	key	to	deep-water	and	arc%c	development	
“some	real	screamers”	(exceeds	ambient	to	20-25km	at	500Hz+	)	
Currently	just	star%ng	to	be	deployed;	no	regulatory	oversight	
20-year	lifespan,	opera%ng	con%nuously
Emerging	noise	sources	
Many	more,	on	land	and	sea	
Seafloor	mining	
New	shipping	ports	
Backcountry	access	
Vehicles	of	all	kinds	
Cau3on,	vigilance	needed	in	areas	that	are	
rela%vely	pris%ne	OR	approaching	acous%c	satura%on
How	can	ecoacous%cs	help?	
Promising	research	direc%ons	
We’ve	started	with	basic	soundscape	characteriza%on	
Poten3al	value	for	ecosystem-health	assessment	
Next:	asking	the	“so	what”	ques%ons	
Species-specific	listening	area	analyses	/	func%onal	consequences	
Consider	key	listening	frequencies,	call	source	levels,	real-world	
communica3on/listening	ranges,	innate	adapta3ons	to	noise	
Especially	useful	for	land	managers,	policy	planners:		
Combine	noise	maps	with	popula%on	data	and	cri%cal	habitats	
Iden3fy	rela3vely	healthy	acous3c	habitats		
Aim	to	help	minimize	new	anthropogenic	impacts
Promising	research	direc%ons	
Oil	and	gas	development	
BLM	20-yr	reasonable	
foreseeable	development	
Orange:	low	end	
5%	of	region	
(based	on	past	Resource	
Management	Plans)	
Red:	poten%al	
10%	of	region	
(historic	densi3es	were	3x	earlier	
RMP	es3mates;	leases	in	place	on	
81%	of	federal	lands	with	
development	poten3al)	
Map	is	overlaid	on	
Sage	Grouse	Core	Areas	
Copeland	HE,	Doherty	KE,	Naugle	DE,	Pocewicz	A,	Kiesecker	JM	(2009)	Mapping	Oil	and	Gas	Development	Poten3al	in	the	US	Intermountain	West	
and	Es3ma3ng	Impacts	to	Species.	PLoS	ONE	4(10):	e7400.	doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0007400
Promising	research	direc%ons	
ACCOBAMS	“noise	hotspots”	mapping	
A	Maglio,	G	Pavan,	M	Castellote,	S	Frey.	Overview	of	the	Noise	Hotspots	in	the	ACCOBAMS	Area,	Part	I	
-	Mediterranean	Sea.	ACCOBAMS	Technical	report,	January	2016.		DOI:	10.13140/RG.2.1.2574.8560/1		
Number	of	noise	sources	
Sources	include	seismic,	shipping,	
harbor	traffic,	offshore	energy	sites,	
Naval	exercises	
(data	incomplete	in	some	areas)	
Note	cetacean	habitat	areas	(hatched)	with	1	or	2	noise	sources	
Conserva3on	poten3al,	especially	if	source	is	transient
Promising	research	direc%ons	
Species-specific	communica%on	space	analyses	
Williams,	Clark,Ponirakas,	Ashe.	Acous3c	quality	of	cri3cal	habitats	for	three	
threatened	whale	popula3ons.	Animal	Conserva3on		(2013)	
Erbe,	MacGillivray,	Williams.	Mapping	cumula3ve	noise	from	shipping	to	inform	marine	
spa3al	planning.	J.	Acoust.	Soc.	Am.	132	(5),	November	2012			
“Acous%c	quality”	of	habitats	 5	frequency	bands	
Varying	call	types	&	
source	levels	
Fin	whales:	least	impact	
Orcas:	most	impact	
Humpbacks:	mixed
Promising	research	direc%ons	
Iden%fying	areas	with	predominantly	natural	soundscapes	
Rob	Williams,	Chris3ne	Erbe,	Erin	Ashe,	Christopher	Clark.	Quiet(er)	marine	protected	areas.	
Marine	Pollu3on	Bulle3n	(2015),	hAp://	j.marpolbul.2015.09.012	
“Opportunity	sites”	
“If	two	places	are	equally	
important	to	whales,	with	one	
being	noisy	and	the	other	being	
quiet,	it	would	be	helpful	to	
iden3fy	those	areas....	The	noisy	
area	may	require	mi3ga3on,	
whereas	the	quiet	area	may	
make	a	more	a`rac%ve	or	
convenient	candidate	for	
cri%cal	habitat	protec%on,	
either	because	it	represents	
higher	quality	habitat	to	the	
animals	or	because	it	imposes	
lower	economic	costs	to	society	
to	mi3gate	anthropogenic	
shipping	noise	
Promising	research	direc%ons	
Iden%fying	areas	with	predominantly	natural	soundscapes	
Williams,	Clark,Ponirakas,	Ashe.	Acous3c	quality	of	cri3cal	habitats	for	three	threatened	whale	popula3ons.	Animal	Conserva3on		(2013)	
“The	quietest	sites	in	our	study	(primarily	mainland	inlets)	have	substan%al	
periods	of	quiet	that	are	quieter	than	any	recorded	off	the	US	east	coast	
(Hatch	et	al.,	2012).	As	researchers	consider	experimental	approaches	to	
beAer	quan3fy	ecosystem-level	effects	of	noise	(Boyd	et	al.,	2011),	unusually	
quiet	places	like	BC’s	mainland	inlets	may	present	opportuni%es	for	
conduc%ng	ocean	noise	or	quie%ng	experiments,	or	to	consider	novel	
conserva%on	mechanisms	to	preserve	acous%c	wilderness	sites.		
The	quietest	noise	measurements	in	our	study	match	those	reported	by	Urick	
(1983).	This	means	that	there	are	places	and	%mes	today	where	once-normal	
windows	of	quiet	s%ll	exist.	For	marine	mammals	and	fishes,	these	are	the	
levels	in	which	natural	and	sexual	selec%on	occurred,	and	these	are	the	
condi3ons	under	which	the	‘acous3c	arms	race’	between	predator	and	prey	
evolved	(Tyack	&	Clark,	2000).	Today,	throughout	the	Northern	Hemisphere,	
those	once-normal	levels	are	becoming	the	excep%on	rather	than	the	rule.”
Toward	acous%c	refuges	
Lots	of	talk,	li`le	ac%on,	in	MPA	and	Marine	Sanctuary	realm		
2009	policy	joining	NPS	in	managing	noise	
“The	Na3onal	Marine	Sanctuary	will	use	the	tools	and	
authori3es	at	its	disposal	to	prevent	and/or	mi%gate	
human-induced	acous%c	impacts	on	sanctuary	
resources.....	As	feasible	and	as	necessary,	consider	
regula%on	to	mi%gate	or	eliminate	ac%vi%es	that	
generate	human-induced	acous3c	impacts	to	
sanctuary	resources.”		
Policy	Guidance,	Office	of	Na3onal	Marine	Sanctuaries.		Human-induced	acous3c	impacts	on	marine	life.		March	2009.		Daniel	J.	Bastra,	Director.	
Leila	T	Hatch,	Kurt	M	Fristrup.		No	barrier	at	the	boundaries:	implemen3ng	regional	frameworks	for	noise	management	in	protected	natural	areas.		
Mar	Ecol	Prog	Ser	Vol.	395:	223-244,	2009.		
“In	the	marine	realm,	emerging	noise	management	prac3ces	(and)	
the	broad	mandate	of	the	NMSA	provides	a	unique	opportunity	
to	create	noise	management	prac%ces	and	regula%ons	that	
represent	today’s	best	available	science.”		
							Leila	Hatch,	NOAA,	Stellwagen	Bank	Na=onal	Marine	Sanctuary	
							Kurt	Fristrup,	Na=onal	Park	Service,	Natural	Sounds	Program	Center
Toward	acous%c	refuges	
Lots	of	talk,	li`le	ac%on,	in	MPA	and	Marine	Sanctuary	realm		
North	American	Intergovernmental	Commi`ee	on	Protec%on	
for	Wilderness	and	Protected	Area	Conserva%on	
CONSERVING	MARINE	WILDERNESS	,	Marine	Wilderness	Working	Group	Consensus	Version,	2011,	2013.	
Jim	Cummings.	Sound/Noise	and	Marine	Life:	Why	assessing,	monitoring,	and	perhaps	regula3ng	sound	
in	MPAs	could	be	helpful.		Marine	Wilderness	10+10	Workshop,	February	2015.		
2011	Consensus	Statement	on	Marine	Wilderness	
“Establishing	marine	wilderness	protected	areas	should	be	
considered	a	NAWPA	objec%ve	achievable	over	the	long	term.	...	
These	can	serve	as	clear	examples	of	marine	areas	with	ecologically	
intact	ecosystems	that	have	management	goals	which	preserve	the	
wild	character	and	nature	of	these	special	places.”		
•  Protec3ng	spawning	habitat,	reproduc3on	areas,	foraging	grounds,	
migratory	stopover	habitat	
•  Limi%ng	human	ac%vi%es	in	some	areas	including	transporta%on,	
energy	extrac%on	and	explora%on,	and	military	opera%ons
Global	effort	underway	to	expand	MPAs	
We	need	to	add	sound	considera%ons	to	the	discussion	
UN,	Rome,	2016	
10x20	Project	
10%		of	oceans	by	2020	
Global	Ocean	Refuge	
System	(GLORES)	
30%	each	biogeographic	
region	by	2030	
Some	“fully	protected”	
Marine	Wilderness	10+10	
2015,	Project	Wild,		
NAWPA	gov’t	agencies	
Build	local	cons3tuency	for	
experiments	in	wilderness	
within	20	MPAs
Terrestrial	wildlands:	good	news?	
85%	of	protected	lands	have	rela%vely	modest	noise	impacts	
US	protected	lands	of	all	kinds	(federal,	state,	local,	private)	
3dB+	human	impact:	15%	of	protected	area	(yellow,	red)	
But:	56%	of	units!		(3ny	speckles,	preserves	in	red)	
R	Buxton,	MF	McKenna,	E	Brown,	D	Mennit,	K	Fristrup,	K	Crooks,	L	Angeloni,	G	WiAemyer.		Noise	pollu3on	in	US	protected	areas.	AAAS	Poster.
Terrestrial	wildlands:	bad	news!	
Remnants	of	natural	quiet	shrinking	rapidly	
12%	of	con%guous	US		
1.4dB	human	impact	or	less	
“a	near-ubiquitous	transforma3on	of	
the	acous3cal	environment”1		
“The	quan3ty	of	land	with	a	
rela3vely	low	level	of	impact	is	
striking.	.	.	the	loca3ons	of	the	areas	
that	are	let	suggest	that	ecological	
systems	are	heavily	fragmented.”2		
1	Clinton	D.	Francis.		Vocal	traits	and	diet	explain	avian	sensi3vi3es	to	
anthropogenic	noise.		Global	Change	Biology,	2015.		Doi:	10.1111/gcb.12862	
2	D	MenniA,	K	Fristrup,	K	Sherrill,	L	Nelson.	(2013)	Mapping	sound	pressure	
levels	on	a	con3nental	scale	using	a	geospa3al	sound	model.		Internoise	2013.	
3	The	Last	Remaining	Quiet	Places	in	the	Con3nental	United	States.		Map	by	
Noise	Pollu3on	Clearinghouse,	Stone	Environmental,	using	ESRI	data.
Making	a	difference	
Federal	land	management	—	difficult	to	get	trac%on	
Drat	Environmental	Impact	Statement	Special	Flight	Rules	Area	in	the	Vicinity	of	Grand	Canyon	Na3onal	Park	
McCain,	Reid	succeed	in	quest	to	stop	Grand	Canyon	overflight	rules,	AEInews,	7/2/12	hAp://	
NPS	doing	great	science	
Pushing	forward	into	
tougher	ques=ons	
Difficult	to	implement	policy	
changes	to	reduce	noise	
GCNP	air	tours,	20-yr	process	
NPS	proposed	flight-free	%mes	
around	sunrise	and	sunset	
(fantas;c	idea!)	
Rare	Senate	bipar%sanship:	
Reid/McCain	scu`led	the	plan	
24%:	audible	>	2/3	of	day	(RED)	
49%:	audible	>	1/4	of	day	
37%:	audible	<5%	of	day	(DK	BLUE)
2015:		FAA	rebuffed	NPS	input	
on	new	Bay	Area	airports	flight	pa`erns	
New	corridor	over	a	rela=vely	quiet	part	of	Point	Reyes;	
con=nued	heavy	impact	on	Yosemite	
Making	a	difference	
Federal	land	management	—	difficult	to	get	trac%on	
FAA	spurns	opportunity	for	quiet	area	protec3on	in	traffic	paAern	updates.	AEInews,	6/30/15.	hAp://	
Denver	FAA	revision	just	beginning!	hAp://	
“We	have	a	long	history	of	
[the	FAA]	not	agreeing	with	us.	
We	feel	we’re	obligated	to	get	this		
noise	off	of	the	wilderness	areas;	
we’re	just	trying	to	do	our	job,	
and	they’re	just	ignoring	us.”	
Judy	Rocchio,	NPS	Pacific	West	Region	
	“A	lot	of	high-al%tude	jets	…	get	funneled	over	Yosemite.	It’s	just	constant.”	
Vicki	Ward,	NPS	overflights	program	manager
Making	a	difference	
Local	and	regional	conserva%on	—	more	poten%al	for	success?		
MenniA,	K	Fristrup,	K	Sherrill,	L	Nelson.	(2013)	Mapping	sound	pressure	levels	on	a	con3nental	scale	using	a	geospa3al	sound	model.		Internoise	2013.	
Iden%fy	areas	with	
conserva%on	value	for	
acous%c	habitat		
and	quiet	recrea%on	
(find	pockets	near	ci=es!)
Making	a	difference	
Local	and	regional	conserva%on	—	more	poten%al	for	success?		
The	Last	Remaining	Quiet	Places	in	the	Con3nental	United	States.		Map	by	Noise	
Pollu3on	Clearinghouse,	Stone	Environmental,	using	ESRI	data.		
MenniA,	K	Fristrup,	K	Sherrill,	L	Nelson.	(2013)	Mapping	sound	pressure	levels	on	a	
con3nental	scale	using	a	geospa3al	sound	model.		Internoise	2013.	
F	Turina,	E	Lynch,	K	Fristrup.	Recommended	Indicators	and	Thresholds	of	Acous3c	
Resource	Quality.		NPS	State	of	the	Park	Reports.	Interim	Guidance,		2013.	
All	levels	of	rela%ve	natural	quiet	
have	conserva%on	value	
“Good	enough”	for	local	recrea%on	
No	extreme	noise		(airports,	highways)	
Chronic	local	traffic	noise	is	faint	
High	value	recrea%on/conserva%on	
Opportuni3es	for	extended		
noise-free	periods	
Na3onal	Park	Service	model	(above)	
Predominantly	free	of	noise	
Noise	Pollu3on	Clearinghouse	model	(below)
Making	a	difference	
Local	and	regional	conserva%on	—	more	poten%al	for	success?		
Eric	Brunsdon,	Donald	Killorn.	The	Coastal	Soundscape	Study	of	the	Outer	Bay	of	Fundy.		Eastern	CharloAe	Waterways,	2016.	
Bay	of	Fundy:	Soundscape	study	by	regional	conserva%on	group	
Iden3fied	possible	“acous3c	refuge”	
Lower	noise	/	higher	biodiversity	
closer	to	shipping	than	some	others—but	tucked	behind	shorelines
Terrestrial,	marine	collabora%on	
Unifying	marine	and	terrestrial	management	objec%ves	
Interna%onal	Quiet	Ocean	Experiment	
Ini%al	scien%fic	commi`ee	mee%ng,	March	2016	
7-year	research	project	
One	year	of	intensive	acous%cs	studies	worldwide	
VERY	interested	in	collabora%on	
with	terrestrial	ecoacous%cs
Final	thoughts	
Protec%ng	rela%ve	natural	quiet	
Kurt	Fristrup,	NPS:	
We’re	losing	the	ability	to	
“appreciate	expansive	listening	opportuni%es”	
“This	giy	that	we	are	born	with	–	to	reach	out	and	hear	things	
hundreds	of	meters	away,	all	these	incredible	sounds	–	is	in	
danger	of	being	lost	through	a	genera%onal	amnesia.”	
Les	Blomberg,	NPC:	
So	far,	protec%on	of	quiet	“isn’t	a	policy	decision.	
It	is	an	accident	of	geography	and	economics.”	
Public	Outreach	Workshop:	Noise	in	Communi3es	and	Natural	Areas,	Denver,	August	27,	2013.	NAE,	NPS,	
Resources/informa3on	on	all	manner	of	sound-related	
environmental	issues	and	science	
science	summaries						special	reports								news	updates	
Jim	Cummings,	Execu3ve	Director	
Thanks	to	Stuart	and	cohorts	for	making	
this	event	happen!
Soundscape	monitoring	and	modeling	
Recent	explosion	of	interest	in	sound	
See	hAp://	
P	Tyack,	G	Frisk,	I	Boyd,	E	Urban,	S	Seeyave,	Editors.		Interna3onal	Quiet	Ocean	Experiment	Science	Plan.		2015.		Interna3onal	
Council	for	Science,	Scien3fic	CommiAee	on	Oceanic	Research;	Partnership	for	Observa3on	of	the	Global	Oceans.	
Below are supplemental slides, deleted from the presentation for brevity
Soundscape	monitoring	and	modeling	
Sources	of	sound	
TC	Mullet,	SH	Gage,	JM	Morton,	F	HueAmann.		Temporal	and	spa3al	varia3on	of	a	winter	soundscape	in	
south-central	Alaska.		Landscape	Ecol,	2015.		DOI	10.1007/210980-015-0323-0	
Biophony,	geophony,	technophony	
Kanai	Na3onal	Wildlife	Refuge
Soundscape	monitoring	and	modeling	
Sound	budgets	—	seasonal	
Parks,	Miklos-Olds,	Denes.		Assessing	marine	acous3c	diversity	across	ocean	basins.	Ecological	Informa3cs	21	(2014)	81–88	
SEE	ALSO:	Sirovic,	Wiggins,	Oleson.	Ocean	noise	in	the	tropical	and	subtropical	Pacific	Ocean.	J.	Acoust.	Soc.	Am.	134	(4),	October	2013
Soundscape	monitoring	and	modeling	
Listening	in	busy	waters	
Some	surprises	
Seismic	survey	sounds	in	remote	polar	Atlan%c	
Increases	to	ambient:	
5-10dB,	up	to	20dB	
Some3mes	greater	
than	other	major	
noise	sources	
(winter	storms	&	
whales,	both	10dB)	
Klink	et	al,	Seasonal	presence	of	cetaceans	and	ambient	noise	levels	in	polar	waters	of	the	North	Atlan3c.	J.	Acoust.	Soc.	Am.	132	(3),	September	2012
Some	surprises	
Shipping	noise	not	rising	in	all	areas	
North	Pacific		
1960s-1990s	3dB/decade	
trends	have	changed	
JL	Miklos-Olds,	SM	Nichols.		Is	low	frequency	ocean	sound	increasing	globally?	J.	Acoust.	Soc.	Am.	139	(1),	January	2016,	501-511	
Andrew,	R.	K.,	Howe,	B.	M.,	and	Mercer,	J.	A.	(2011).	“Long-3me	trends	in	ship	traffic	noise	for	four	sites	off	the	North	American	West	Coast,”	J.	Acoust.	Soc.	Am.	129,	642–651.		
Miksis-Olds,	J.	L.,	Bradley,	D.	L.,	and	Niu,	X.	M.	(2013).	“Decadal	trends	in	Indian	Ocean	ambient	sound,”	J.	Acoust.	Soc.	Am.	134,	3464–3475.		
Miksis-Olds,	J.	L.,	Bradley,	D.	L.,	and	Niu,	X.	M.	(2014).	“Erratum:	Decadal	trends	in	Indian	Ocean	ambient	sound	[J.	Acoust.	Soc.	Am.	134(5),	3464–3475	(2013)],”	J.	Acoust.	Soc.	Am.	135,	1642.		
Indian	Ocean	
S3ll	increasing	
South	Atlan%c	
Equatorial	Pacific		
Signs	of	recent	leveling,	
but	likely	higher	than	80s
Making	a	difference	
Chicago-region	“resource	protec%on	areas”	
Liam	Heneghan	et	al.	Lessons	Learned	from	Chicago	Wilderness—
Implemen3ng	and	Sustaining	Conserva3on	Management	in	an	Urban	
Se}ng.	Diversity	2012,	4(1),	74-93;	doi:10.3390/d4010074	
Not	designed	as	sound-related	
Seeking	linkages	(light	green)	
between	exis3ng	public	
open	spaces	(dark	green)	
Could	readily	be	combined	with	
regional	detail	from	the	NPS	
con3nental-scale	noise	map	
featured	earlier	to	focus	on	areas	
of	rela3vely	lower	human	noise.	
(but	good	luck;	this	ain’t	no	Tucson!)
Increasing	acous%c	concerns	
Animal	effects	more	widespread	than	earlier	believed	
Eels:	hAp://;	Crabs:	hAp://		Fish	and	road	noise:	hAp://	
	Shellfish	larvae:	hAp://	
Eels:	more	vulnerable	to	predators	
Shellfish:	less	successful	larval	development	
Crabs:	reduced	foraging,	slower	responses	to	predators	
Fish:	reduced	nest	digging	and	vigilance	
Fish	near	bridge	pilings?	
Birds	around	oil	and	gas	installa;ons?	
24	Right	whales:		84%	
Fin	whales:	33%
Emerging	noise	sources	
Increased	Arc%c	shipping	
Canadian	Northwest	Passage	
2016:	first	large	cruise	ship	
Cargo	mostly	on	ends,	so	far	
300-350	voyages/year	
Russian	Northern	Sea	Route	
30-70	full	transits/year	
Arc3c	Council		
very	focused	on	this	
8	Arc3c	countries	
6	regional	indigenous	councils
Emerging	noise	sources	
Increased	Arc%c	shipping	
2016	Pew	report:	
The	Integrated	Arc%c	
Corridors	Framework	
Canadian	Coast	Guard	
proposed	voluntary	
plan	allows	transits	of	
45%	of	biologically	and	
socially	significant	areas	
Pew	framework	limits	
this	to	25%	
Pressing	need	for	designated	shipping	corridors
Emerging	noise	sources	
Antarc%c	tourism	
48	companies,	55	vessels						
40,000	people/year	
So	far,	safety	limita3ons	are	concentra3ng	the	impact:	
77%	of	visitors	on	under	500	acres	
“The	governance	system	doesn’t	
really	have	an	idea	how	[tourism]	
trends	should	look	in	10,	20,	30	
years.	Antarc%ca	is	a	special	place,	it	
is	set	aside,	and	we	don’t	want	it	to	
look	like	anywhere	else.”		
Claire	Chris=an,	Antarc=c	and	
Southern	Ocean	Coali=on
Improving	popula%on	distribu%on	data	
The	other	half	of	the	equa%on	
Combines	100’s	of	
data	sets	
(Monthly	for	some)	
Marine	mammals	
Rays,	turtles	
Even	some	
Habitat-based	Cetacean	Density	Models	For	The	U.S.	Atlan3c	And	Gulf	Of	Mexico	(2015	Version).	Developed	By	Marine	Geospa3al	Ecology	Laboratory,	Duke	University
Improving	popula%on	distribu%on	data	
The	other	half	of	the	equa%on	
K	Dudzinski,	SM	van	Parijs,	Eds.		Biologically	Important	Areas	for	Cetaceans	Within	US	Waters.		Aqua3c	Mammals	2015,	41(1),	1,	DOI	10.1578/AM.41.1.2015.1		
NOAA’s	Cetacean	Density	
&	Distribu%on	Mapping	
(CetMap)	Working	Group	
Special	issue	of	Aqua=c	
Mammals,	2015:	
Biologically	Important	Areas	
for	Cetaceans	Within	
US	Waters	
7	regional	reviews	of	best	
current	data	
Overlay	sound	data	
and/or	models
Terrestrial,	marine	collabora%on	
Unifying	marine	and	terrestrial	cri%cal-area	designa%ons	
Beginning	to	integrate	
Important	Marine	Mammal	Areas		
with	their	terrestrial		
Key	Biodiversity	Areas	
“the	complete	alignment	of	the	
two	processes	is	desirable.”	
Joint	Statement	by	the	The	IUCN	WCPA-SSC	Joint	Task	Force	on	Biodiversity	and	Protected	Areas	and	
the	IUCN	WCPA-SSC	Joint	Task	Force	on	Marine	Mammal	Protected	Areas.	4	November	2015

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