tax slovakia czech republic taxation on income local taxes vat tax calendar transfer pricing hungary labour law employment corporate tax poland employment law labour code labour law and employment tax guide 2019 income tax company formation company establishment romania ukraine doing business in cee european court of justice transfer pricing in slovakia fiscal code in romania ebook value added tax tax calendar 2018 judgments of the european court of justice ecj slovak republic minimum wage transfer pricing 2019 transfer pricing 2018 tax calendar for 2017 transfer pricing in hungary tax guideline 2019 labour law 2019 2018 tax calendar tax guideline 2018 tax calendar czech republic employment ukraine vat control statement in slovakia company formation 2019 financial statements labour code slovakia labour code poland register of ultimate beneficial owners tax calendar poland tax calendar slovakia transfer pricing in czech republic employee engagement legal minimum salary limited liability company employment slovakia tax package real estate market hr payroll law legal person criminal liability tax calendar 2019 vat deduction refund of vat doing business in poland tax guideline hungary doing business in romania 2018 transfer pricing beneficial owners tax guideline slovakia real estate tax calendar hungary tax calendar romania it europe eu incorporation employment romania temporary work ukraine employee posting indirect taxes fiscal code offshore companies income cee llc withholding tax 2016 tax guideline accounting act dph human resources vat slovakia school confirmation capital goods whitelist royalties copyright hungary audit hungary 2019 audit obligation audit labour law hungary labour code 2019 labour law slovakia company formation in slovakia guideline 2019 tax guideline romania labour law poland company formation in hungary exchange rate differences vat hungary vat exchange rate tax guideline czech republic therefore we encourage you to read our “2019 tax g our tax experts have prepared a comprehensive over as in previous years company formation in romania transfer pricing romania labour law romania travel reimbursement labour code czech republic minimum wage 2019 slovak collection of laws consumer contract leasing leases ifrs 16 leases ifrs 16 insurance tax insurance input vat judgements transfer of personal data abroad eu legislation personal data gdpr proposed changes in law real estate transactions poland quarterly dividends accounting law in slovakia dividend eu member state vat refund application eu member taxation of digital business taxation of digita electronic cash registers in romania electronic cash registers member care leave care leave doing business in the czech republic meal vouchers tax guideline poland doing business in slovakia employment in hungary labour code in romania employment in romania tax guideline in romania taxes in romania taxes in hungary doing business in hungary legislative changes in slovakia as of 2018 2018 tax calendar | hungary 2018 tax calendar | romania tax calendar | romania employers posting workers 2018 transfer pricing overview for romania 2018 transfer pricing overview for the czech repub 2018 tax guideline for the czech republic 2018 tax guideline employment in the czech republic transfer pricing overview transfer pricing czech republic tax guideline tax law 2018 slovakia tax 2018 tax law minumum wage 2018 romania minimum wage 2018 minimum wage romania electronic evidence of sales electronic evidence live invoice hungary 2018 live invoice tax calendar 2018 czech republic minumum wage 2018 slovakia minimum salary slovakia motor vehicle tax 2018 tax return slovakia tax return 2018 employment foreign citizens non ue employment foreign citizens eu transfer pricing 2018 hungary country by country reporting 2018 country by country reporting in romania country by country reporting fiscal code 2018 romania fiscal code 2018 tax code 2018 romania tax code 2018 tax calendar czech republic2018 accace tax calendar 2018 real estate 2017 hungary real estate czech republic eu general data protection regulation in slovakia eu general data protection regulation general data protection regulation tax package for 2017 threshold register of public sector partners working in cee vat taxation in 2017 in poland vat taxation 2017 vat in poland offshore companies in hungary company cars company cars in hungary vat in the czech republic transfer pricing in romania transfer pricing in poland limited liability company in cee company formation in poland company formation in the czech republic taxation in ukraine tax calendar ukraine tax calenadr for 2017 tax calenadr 2017 taxation in slovakia accounting accountancy in hungary taxation in romania tax calendar accace benefits cafeteria rules of cafeteria employee fringe benefits business ecommerce retail eshop secondment temporary work worker posting tp apa infographic minimum pay employment europe work in europe payroll and hr employment hungary employee regulations hr in europe employment poland employment czech payroll in europe employment republic employee ukraine employment urkaine employee secondment vat control statement new form of vat new tax code vat compliance law on retail reverse - charge sensitive goods domestic investments by foreign citizens foreign enterprises hotel establishment hotel hotel establishment and operation tax proposal tax dodger companies offshore mobile applications property rental low tax-bracket enterprises small companies favorable tax casual work student work corporations commercial cce excise duties social contributions bankruptcy restructuring law new act on restructuring labor code employee expense work commute employees tax calendar for 2016 osobity rezim dph danova povinnost property investment ukraine 2015 tax code kríza spoločnosti obchodný zákonník register diskvalifikovaných osôb dane erp daňové priznanie registrácia k dph e-shop dovolenka náhrada za mzdu regulamin akcje marketingowe sprzedaż premiowa nagrody promocje koszty uzyskania przychodu dni wolne od pracy urlop okolicznościowy prawa pracownika urlop rodzicielski urlop ojcowski urlop macierzyński urlop wychowawczy obniżenie wymiaru czasu pracy działalność mieszana paliwo odliczenie vat samochód osobowy zakup paliwa uchwała prokura łączna nieprawidłowa prokurent iii czp 34/14 prokura łączna niewłaściwa stawka vat produkt farmaceutyczny cysteina c-678/13 tsue wyroby medyczne komisja europejska cystyna kontrola pip zmiany obcokrajowcy kontrakt menadżerski prawo pracy związki zawodowe zatrudnienie cudzoziemców umowy czasowe ubezpieczenie społeczne prawo do zrzeszania się zasiłek macierzyński zmiany w prawie pracy nowe przepisy w prawie pracy prawo budowlane transformatory nowelizacja podatek od nieruchomości kotły urządzenie instalacje wodociągowe budowla piece urządzenie budowlane instalacja salariu brut salariul de baza brut in romania salariu net inregistrarea firmelor in romania registrul comertului monitorul oficial beneficii pentru angajati tichete de masa electronice tichete de masa režim přenesení daňové povinnosti vládní nařízení codul muncii ukrainian legislation national bank of ukraine currency transactions employment services taxpayer 2015 virtual cash registers cash register social insurance
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